kyr-digital · 1 year
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Demystifying the WordPress White Screen of Death (WSoD): Causes and Solutions
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musickickztoo · 4 months
Shellac - To All Trains
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evildilf2 · 1 month
Liz Westerberg 😈
Lizzy - Ben Kweller
I’m So Tired - Fugazi
Zurich Is Stained - Pavement
WSOD - Shellac
Ex Lion Tamer - Wire
Some Might Say - Oasis
Tony’s Theme - Pixies
Everything Reminds Me of Her - Elliott Smith
Return of the Rat - Wipers
Baby Bitch - Ween
Else - Built to Spill
Rattlesnake - The Replacements
Get Away - Braniac
Hehe… 😼 hope u like
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yourwirehairedterrier · 4 months
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demento-mori · 11 hours
Old laptop repair progress:
windows application error keeps crashing laptop- SOLVED with the help of reddit and command prompt wizardary
laptop shuts down when not plugged in because the battery won't charge- IN PROGRESS ive found a replacement battery
laptop screen keeps going white and then restarting windows every few seconds, before eventually completing crashing and giving me a wsod- I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE apparently its something about the drivers, but i dont even know how to begin solving that
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gotankgo · 4 months
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jonna-thure-agnes · 5 months
New Shellac Album will be out on May 17th
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consoledacup · 1 year
This took longer than expected sorry lol. & the post got long af, so I stuck to a general overview of the friendship dynamics that establishes the foundation of the Vortex — rooted in season 1 main plot points (b4 1x13). While others were involved, I don’t think they played as big of an influence, evidenced by the impact + outcome of later season fallouts. I can explain my rationale (tomorrow/next week) with a similar writeup of Layla/Liv/Asher/Spencer plots points contrasted against my writeup in this post. Just comment & let me know. (it would only be the AA specific parts of this post, not the general shit I wrote at the beginning).
General Opinion of media representation of Vortex dynamics:
- I wish industry ppl would talk about how written creative endeavors bound to relationship anarchy (RA) can validate the ‘stable Love Dodecahedra (LD)’ Ending Trope type where ‘everyone stays friends’ (eg, the vortex); but, how “relationship hierarchy [RH] as a coercive structure reflective of our culture’s value system” cannot see that in media nor in real life.
- In other words, it’s only successful to the extent that viewers are convinced the work FEELS & IS
- (a) realistic irl and in the show &/or
- (b) justified in-universe insofar that their willing suspension of disbelief (WSOD) is retained as they watch.
- RH (the ‘societal default settings’ of relationships & love) & RA are NOT common knowledge. Which helps explain why such written creative endeavors have been unsuccessful amongst the subset of viewers unknowledgeable about RH & RA. & tbh that is likely a VERY large subset.
RH (the ‘societal default settings’ of relationships & love) & RA are NOT common knowledge. Which helps explain why such written creative endeavors have been unsuccessful amongst the subset of viewers unknowledgeable about RH & RA. & tbh that is likely a VERY large subset.
- Unpopular opinion, maybe even a fact, is that vortex dynamics are very much realistic and have probably always happened in real life. The subset of viewers who know/acknowledge/understand this don’t need to be convinced of that nor of retaining their WSOD.
My thoughts on the lack of media representation w/Vortex Dynamics that actually break down (behind & on screen) what’s happening:
(A) Keep this info in mind:
- The characters are no different than the aforementioned subset of viewers unknowledgeable about RH & RA. There is a common tendency, esp prevalent during minorhood, to form or explore personal/intimate relationships within a ‘Romantic Sex-Based Relationship Hierarchy’.
- Additionally, the split model of attraction—or the idea of different forms of attractions beyond romantic and sexual—is also not common knowledge.
(B) What does that mean in practice for AA?
- We weren’t told, but it’s highly likely that Asher & Layla explored/questioned their personal/intimate relationship status as friends along RH imposed lines b/c they felt differently toward each other than (a) they felt about the rest of the Bev crew &/or (b) they did during their elementary-ages.
- So, I’d assume that before Lasher & Ashlivia actually acted on anything to redefine their relationship status as childhood friends, none of them ever even knew to question/consider whether:
- their “relationship categories are determined by an absence vs presence of sex &/or romance” (the RH mentioned above);
- RH “creates [in]equality of all their personal/intimate relationships, behaviorally & emotionally”;
- they “view being [a sexuality: eg, gay/pan/ace/straight thru] a sexual relationship”;
- they force themselves into “compulsory sexual or romantic experiences & relationships”‬ & what that means.
(C) How does this factor into what actually transpired on our screens in AA? (examples & explanations provided).
The varied friend configurations of Layla, Liv, Asher & Jordan were central to each other, introducing post-middle-school friends with their initial Beverly Crew friend group & then integrating them in to form The Vortex (e.g. Spencer, Coop, Patience, Jaymee). After every major and minor issue they faced, they were always able to lean on that foundation, mend what was broken, and keep building and working on these different friendships. I’d say to the point that, if they wanted to, they could reliably describe themselves as the “we don’t have to talk every day. we can go long stints and when we do interact it’s like no time has passed” type of friends. None of the friend configurations for them are vortex, person, or situation dependent. JJ is central to maintaining the Vortex as a whole though.
- Imo they never were successful with Simone bc of how they introduced her and just her whole storyline mainly being centered around Jordan; Not to mention, only 1-2 ppl really started building a genuine friendship with her that was completely separate + capable of lasting outside of Jordan. & I think she realized this as she left that Xmas party in 5x01.
Ashlivia, Laylivia, & Lasher’s friendship foundations proved to be firmly rooted based on their actions post Layla/Liv/Asher Fallout + bumps along the way of their friendship healing journey:
- Liv helping Ash on the bench post-homecoming dance (1x07)
- Laylivia 1x08 convo clearing the air and apologizing for everything that they had both done. Convo ends w/Olivia asking about the state of their friendship bc she doesn’t want to lose her best friend again. Layla responds honestly that she isn’t sure & that it’s gonna take some time.
- 1x09 has Layla trying to save Asher bc he’s been skipping school. She tries to convince him to start going back to class, tells him he’s wrong that nobody wants him at school and that there’s always a way back. He thinks she means as bf/gf and gets mad when she clarifies she meant football, not them bc she’s w/spencer.
- 1x10 Laylivia starting their friendship healing journey + Layla to Gabby “what is important are the real friends in my life—people like Olivia, who stand by me no matter what—the kind of friendship you clearly know nothing about”.
- (1x11) Liv/Ash/Layla friendship dynamics
- Liv saving Asher the morning of the combine after noticing he hadn’t checked in
- Layla covering for Liv at combine check-in while she was helping asher
- Ashlivia post-combine bench convo
- Laylivia convo about saving Asher bc he’s in a bad place like Liv was, but how she had a family who forced her to get the help she needed. So they “just need to be that family for Asher”.
- Ashlivia ‘back on the team’ convo
- Laylivia solution for Asher living in his car is for Asher to stay w/Layla even after the 1x09 confusion & awkwardness
- 1x12
- Layla goes to Spencer’s for a quiet place to study bc Asher is staying at her place
- Layla dealing with Spencer’s jealousy issues about Ash staying with her.
- Asher offers friendly advice to Spencer to return the favor regarding the wrecked car incident: “Don’t make the same mistake I did and lose the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I know this is going to sound crazy coming from me, but you can trust Layla.”
- Lasher convo after seeing JJ/Jor/Spence (asher gave her a ride to school bc she dropped her car off at the dealership):
- A: “You know it’s bad when even JJ is still pissed at me.”
- L: “You were friends before you were teammates, he’ll come around.”
- A: “I betrayed my team almost cost them the homecoming game. I’ve got a lot to make up for”.
- L: “And you will.”
- Layla worried about Liv being late to class. Tracked her down to talk about & give her a gift for her 1yr sobriety. Liv opens up & Layla gives support and advice. Cancels her date with Spence to stay with Liv bc she was having a rough time.
Laylivia 1x08 Convo:
- L: “Look we both said some pretty harsh things last night & I’m still mad as hell at you.”
- O: “I’m sorry that I slept with Asher, and I will keep saying it until—“.
- L: “I get it. You were high. But I’m still really hurt, and not just about the Asher thing. I’m upset about us. You let me believe you didn’t want to be my friend anymore, and you let me be with a guy who would cheat on me with my best friend”.
- O: “I know. And it was wrong. I told myself that I was doing it to protect you, but the truth is, I was just protecting myself. Everything that you said last night was true.”
- L:”Well, if I’m being honest, you weren’t wrong either. I knew you liked Spencer, and I was too afraid of not being miss perfect to admit I liked him, too. I’m sorry.”
- O: “You don’t need to apologize, Layla, okay? Not to me, not after what I did. And yes, I had a thing for Spencer, but I’m moving on and Spencer is a really good guy for you.”
- L: “Yeah well, he’s a really good guy who’s trying to uncomplicate my life by saying we should just be friends right now. Probably for the best.
- O: “Is it?”
- L: “Idk.”
- O: “What about us? I really don’t want to lose my best friend again.”
- L: “Honestly, um idk about that either. It’s gonna take some time.”
I really like examining the characters and dynamics this way. Thank you for writing this all up, @lostnonbinary Share whatever else you'd like! :)
It makes perfect sense why the Beverly Crew kinda set the early foundation for the flow of the Vortex. I think, growing up, these five kids found stability in each other, no matter what else was happening. And like you said, at times, it was a "maybe we don't talk all the time, but I'm still here for you." Because Layla and Olivia fought hard for their friendship, even while navigating real hurt and tension. And Olivia fought really hard for Asher while no one else was looking for him. And Jordan fought really hard for Layla when he noticed she had successfully pushed everyone else away. And Asher fought really hard for JJ even when he was at his worst and didn't wan his attention. I wonder what those dynamics looked like as they grew up together, and I'm sure there are many more examples of one member caring for the other.
And then you have Coop's and Spencer's fierce friendship with each other, and they, with Patience, join this Beverly Crew to form this Vortex. I have to say I like that people have slowly become close to each other, and to me, no one dynamic or relationship has seemed forced. I hope we continue to see that slowburn of connection next season and maybe see more fun, unlikely pairings like Asher/Coop.
Whether the Vortex reflects real life or not has never mattered to me personally. It's a show, it's fun, it's messy, and it's also just kinda beautiful to watch these characters take care of each other.
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chellyfishing · 2 years
I’m still kinda confined to bed so I’m gonna talk about some mobies I watched recently!!
dashcam: so the way this was described by reviewers that i follow was like “protagonist is awful, horror is great,” and yeah that about sums it up! but like I said in my post that kinda makes the horror work for me bc im like yes please bad things should happen to bad people. I would say im sure she’s very lovely in real life but like i think the point is that she is not. I would watch it again.
disenchanted: this movie was uhhh kinda bad!! bad writing, especially the song lyrics, I actually could do an autopsy of this bc I turned into That Bitch tm while watching it like 🤓 um actually these are plot holes but idk it didn’t, hmm how to put this, respect its audience I guess? I have large reserves of WSOD but there was no internal consistency to what we were working with. that aside it LOOKED gorgeous, the FITS in this my god, everybody was stunning at all times
falling for christmas aka the lindsay lohan christmas movie: like, I think most people going into this film know what they’re about to get and as long as you stand by those expectations you won’t be disappointed. except why was santa there, why was he real, and why was he so creepy, what was that all about, somebody needed to tell whoever thought that was a good idea that they were wrong about that and probably a lot of other things in life I have to believe!!!!! we stan tad tho. what a weird little twink.
the last broadcast: this was a movie Ryan hollinger was covering and it’s free on tubi so I was like all right heck yeah I’ll go watch that then come back and it’s a pretty wild ride! It’s a found footage that predates Blair witch by a couple years and I don’t think it’s as good as Blair witch but it’s not what you expect. like I very much appreciate what they were going for here and I think I’m gonna watch it again soon. kinda camp but with found footage production idk if that makes sense.
the McPherson tape/ufo abduction (the 1989 one): another found footage that Ryan covered that is free on pluto! pluto the app not pluto the dwarf planet you don’t have to go that far. the tension in this movie feels real!! this is real stressed family gathering energy. also I just like found footage i am an easy sell.
pearl: this movie is very different to x!! but I liked it a lot it is very very good. not super scary, the tension in that scene near the end is killer tho. more of a character study than a standard slasher like x was. also very stylized in a cool way like it really evokes of all things wizard of oz which is deliberate to my knowledge. just a good movie and mia goth is so incredibly talented. looking forward to maxine!!!
spy x family: not a movie but i did binge it over a couple days and i have no regrets. do people have good fic to hand, im going to go looking, I need for them to KISS ALRSADY GOD
cabinet of curiosities: not a movie either but do yourself a favor and just watch it. i know I like anthologies more than the average person but this is guillermo del toro-curated! and he introduces every episode and director so you get to see him! eight episodes. go do it.
I also did a rewatch of the happy death days with Phil those are such a delight im glad I could share them 🤗 and a rewatch of till death bc it slaps.
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fixtmonk3227 · 5 days
Effective Solutions and Support for Common WordPress Problems
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WordPress Problem Solutions powers a vast number of websites, but even the most robust systems can face challenges. Understanding common problems and knowing how to resolve them can save you time and keep your site running smoothly. Here’s a guide to some frequent WordPress issues and how to address them.
1. The White Screen of Death (WSOD) A blank white screen can be alarming and is usually caused by PHP errors or plugin conflicts.
2. Error Establishing a Database Connection This error indicates a problem with your database credentials or server.
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theeverlastingshade · 19 days
Favorite Releases of May 2024
10. To All Trains- Shellac
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Essentials: “I Don’t Fear Hell”, “WSOD”, “How I Wrote How I Wrote Elastic Man (cock & bull)”
9. Death Jokes- Amen Dunes
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Essentials: “Purple Land”, “Boys”, “Joyrider”
8. Ten Fold- Yaya Bey
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Essentials: "sir princess bad bitch”, “slow dancing in the kitchen”, “chasing the bus”
7. Frog in Boiling Water- DIIV
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Essentials: “Soul-net”, “Brown Paper Bag”, “Reflected”
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Essentials: “SONJE” ft. Hephzibah, “ANTONOMASIA” ft. Roc Marciano, “#RICHAXXHAITIAN” ft. 03 Greedo & Kaytranada
5. Funeral for Justice- Mdou Moctar
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Essentials: “Oh France”, “Imouhar”, “Funeral for Justice”
4. Almighty So 2- Chief Keef
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Essentials: “Too Trim”, “Banded Up” ft. Tierra Whack, “Believe”
3. Breathe… Godspeed- Verraco
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Essentials: “Sí, idealízame”, “0∞”
2. AMAMA- Crumb
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Essentials: “The Bug”, “Dust Bunny”, “Crushxd”
1. Here in the Pitch- Jessica Pratt
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Essentials: “Better Hate”, “The Last Year”, “Get Your Head Out”
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Pulsebeat #370
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Mondays 3pm EST bombshellradio.com Archival shows : bombshellradiopodcasts.com Pulsebeat a new release based punk, alt. whatever show out of Abingdon, Oxfordshire broadcasting Mondays 3pm EST bombshellradio.com #Punk #Powerpop Pulsebeat #370 A1       Track No: Time Artist Title 1 00:00:10 Guided By Voices - Serene King 2 00:03:47 Custody - Supermarket 3 00;06:34 The Black Keys - You'll Pay 4 00:09:19 St Vincent - Broken Man 5 00:13:29 Richard Hawley - Two For His Heels 6 00:16:30 Shellac - WSOD 7 00:19:11 Hot Water Music - Burn Forever 8 00:22:09 Big Special - Black Dog, White Horse 9 00:25:44 John Cale - Shark, Shark 10 00:30;44 Bodega - ATM 11 00:33:24 The Darts - Liar 12 00;36:08 King Hannah - Davey Says 13 00:38:33 Les Savy Fav - Limo Scene 14 00:42:40 The Mysterines - Stray 15 00:48:14 Bob Vylan - Dream Big 16 00:49:17 Girls In Synthesis - I Was Never There 17 00:53:34 The Lovely Eggs - Nothing/Everything 18 00:57:47 Neutrals - Wish You Were Here   Read the full article
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driveldrive · 3 months
Killer sludgey blues slant to this old school noise rock trio 📢📢📢
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delicasseten · 4 months
ντελικασσέτεν 21.05.24 | Beyond The Sun
Magic Fig - PS1 John Cale - Shark-Shark Menomena - Evil Bee Fake Fruit - Mucho Mistrust Crumbs - Call Now Robber Robber - Backup Plan KOSMETIKA - Pictures Are Gone The Besnard Lakes - (Dizzy) Eagle
Tindersticks - New World Beth Gibbons - Beyond The Sun Shellac - WSOD Asher White - Downstate Prairie La Luz - Poppies DIIV - Raining On Your Pillow Belong - Souvenir Wunderhorse - July Babe Report - Universal CLAMM - Change Enough Fräulein - Pruning
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paulisded · 4 months
The Ledge #620: RIP Steve Albini
The May 7 death of musician/engineer/producer/ranconteur Steve Albini shocked music fans all over the world. What may have surprised fans even more is the discovery of just how much classic records he helped create in his four decade run. Besides famously successful records by superstars such as Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, and others, Albini worked with a wide range of artists, big and small. The discography is literally impossible to navigate, as his credits include over a thousand different sessions.
So tonight's look at Albini's career is indeed not complete. Some of his most well-known projects aren't included. Instead, this show tries to show that wide variety I already mentioned. There are singer/songwriter types that worked with on a number of records (Robbie Fulks, Magnolia Electric Co.), quite a few well-known acts that were looking for a different sound (Guided By Voices, Fleshtones), and some more recent bands that certinly benefitted from his wisdom (Cloud Nothings, Screaming Females). There's also a set devoted to Albini's own musical career, including a couple of tracks from a brand new Shellac album, To All Trains, that was posthumously released today (May 17). 
1. Cheap Trick - Hello There
2. Big Black - The Model
3. Big Black - He's a Whore
4. Rapeman - Just Got Paid
5. Shellac - WSOD
6. Shellac - Chick New Wave
7. Robbie Fulks - Every kind of music but country
8. Magnolia Electric Co. - The Dark Don't Hide It
9. The Wedding Present - Dare
10. PJ Harvey - Man-Size
11. Flour - Coffee
12. Slint - Ron
13. Superchunk - Seed Toss
14. Poster Children - If You See Kay
15. Pixies - Bone Machine
16. Pixies - Gigantic
17. The Breeders - Happiness Is A Warm Gun
18. The Amps - Tipp City
19. Nirvana - All Apologies
20. Jawbreaker - Boxcar
21. Didjits - Who's Ready to Get High
22. Pansy Division - 17-Feb
23. Cheap Trick - Southern Girls
24. Pussy Galore - Undertaker
25. Boss Hog - Trigger, Man
26. The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - '78 Style
27. The Fleshtones - High On Drugs
28. Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet - 3 Piece Suit
29. The Sadies - Glass Of Wine
30. Guided By Voices - It's Like Soul Man
31. Ty Segall - Break A Guitar
32. Fuzz - Nothing People
33. METZ - Drained Lake
34. Flat Worms - Plaster Casts
35. The Stooges - You Can't Have Friends
36. The Cribs - Come On, Be a No-One
37. Screaming Females - Extinction
38. Cloud Nothings - Stay Useless
39. Let's Wrestle - There's A Rockstar In My Room
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