cokoweee · 1 month
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Ok ok as much as I love the noise I do not like whatsoever the hoops I gotta go through to get this exported to post. Anyways blah blah sumthin sumthin about this update
Oh yeah. Anatomy is a bitch and I hate it with every fiber of my being.
K bye bye 💃💃💃
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buwheal · 4 months
Man although I can't send this and have Spamton see the image (cuz it would be text instead) I'll send it to you and you can give me your opinion about it.
What do you think...
...snowy Spamton?
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(this was on a car btw, which made it even better)
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clingyduofan · 4 months
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riches and wonders
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yes his boots are on his bed, yes he has a horse stuffed animal, yes he is crying because he is watching Bluey and they aRE A FAMILY 😭😭
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buggycultist · 3 months
I am unbelievably stoked that this arrived while I was at work and no one told me, seeing this on my bed after 8 hours on my feet akfnckcnskxhvngl
And they're amazing, comfortable, pretty and just what I wanted. And the stickers have a nice feel to them, a different texture to most stickers and I like it.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
do u think miguel has 2 deal with stinky bitter venombreath in th mornings... how could u even Try to cover that up. lord. miguel just inexplicably always carries around those specific extremely-flavored hard candies in his pockets like a Grandma in case of Emergencies bcuz the taste of mint is Overwhelming 2 him but now he seems like even MORE of a cryptid to the people around him who don't Know About the whole Spider-Thing,,
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cavewretch · 6 months
im still laughing about ratoier . i'm just imagining pepito finds roier and is the only one who believes this rat is his dad and then they have the classic parent-child misunderstandings solved after the parent is turned into an animal and they gain new perspectives on life or whatever . imagine the comedy of both of them placing signs for several minutes
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eddis-not-eeddis · 7 months
Just as it's FINALLY time to allow myself to sing Christmas songs...I get a wretched case of the flu and am so sick even my breathing is hard on the ears, not to speak of my poor voice!
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sparky-is-spiders · 11 months
Tell me ur jon/jonah thoughts
I'm afraid that, while I have many Jonjonah thoughts, they're mostly incoherent snippets of ideas floating around in The Brain Soup. There's a couple varieties, mostly of my brain going "But what if..." -insert idea here- and then refusing to elaborate further.
Personally I'm very fond of AUs where Jon is also a regency man with an interest in the supernatural and they have a corruption arc together. I think they should go around London investigating statements and rumors of supernatural happenings. I like the idea that they were the only people doing research for the institute while it was still getting off the ground, and a lot of their correspondence and journals and papers would've been preserved (although most would be inaccessible/unknown to institute employees). Not sure how Jon would be surviving through the centuries though. Equally enchanted by the idea of him bodyhopping the way Jonah did, just being immortal as the Archivist, and hiding under the tunnels as a weird fucked up monster (I very much love monster Jon).
I've also seen a few AUs where Jonah finds Jon hanging out under Alexandria or something and bringing him back to London to be his Archivist (and maybe also help end the world a little bit). Everyone else is baffled and horrified but Jonah is smitten.
I am also weak to time-travel and/or universe-hopping shenanigans, either post s4 where Jon has to reckon with the Jonah he knew vs the (past? present?) version of Jonah. I think the most fleshed out (read: could be described in more than two sentences) idea I have for this would rely on a rewrite of s5 (at least the ending). I saw a couple posts about TMA ending with Jon trying to go through with his plan only for Martin to decide to kill him (rather than Jon volunteering to die in the hopes they'll end up somewhere else). Between those posts, a handful of "post-s5 Jon ends up in Jonah's time" AUs I've seen kicking around (mostly @/Paptato's "A Game of Cat and Mouse" and @/sm0kebreaks' "My Dear Jonah"), and my desire to see Jon succeed with his plan and kill the fears, my brain came up with the idea "what if Jon tried to get Jonah to do an apocalypse so he can kill the fears for good?" (Note: I often struggle to grasp what would and wouldn't be in character for characters that aren't mine, and this AU in particular may come across as somewhat (or very) OOC for Jon). It's mostly predicated on the idea that, having been betrayed by his friends and his partner for their own selfish ends, Jon came to the conclusion that the fears had to be stopped, and he was quite possibly the only person who both could and would, and wiping out humanity through a fearpocalypse would be the best way to destroy them for good. Thus he enlists Jonah's help in his armageddon quest (conveniently leaving out the part where Jonah would not actually live forever). From here the details get sort of fuzzy (is Jonah the archivist now? is it the Sims Institute?). Mostly I like to imagine them alone in the panopticon, watching the fears wither and starve, waiting for the end. Of course, I'm really not sure Jon would ever do... any of that? Maybe if his corruption arc went further, but I'm not sure the Jon we're given would willingly pursue the end of the world, especially after already being used to end it once. Also not convinced that he'd be very good at the subtle manipulation that would be required. However, I am still somewhat enamored by the concept of Jonah meeting stranger who clearly isn't quite human (possibly helping him recover from hopping realities?), enamored and intrigued by this mysterious person who promises eternal safety for Jonah if only he would help them. I think Jon might come to genuinely love and see some of himself in Jonah, but not enough to change anything. Honestly obsessed with relationships where there's this deep, intimate understanding between two characters, who are mostly on their own/disconnected from the other people around them, but there's still this yawning distance between them that they can't ever quite cross, and I think this specific AU could play into that really well.
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sepdet · 4 months
have you ever noticed your ability to face internet drama drops 500% when your innards are trying to be outards due to IBS or other GI misbehavior
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
paper towel may be the most infuriating vector for the boot problem. cause oh no for real. you do have to use so much more of this cheap shit.... and the experience of realising that is bound to be unpleasant.
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witchblade · 1 year
my gag reflex is completely random at this point it could be anything when i wake up in the morning with no rhyme or reason
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pepprs · 2 years
mutuals i do not use the word feral lightly but i am going to fly into a feral rage over the smallest thing that is not actually a big deal except it is. i am going to start attacking
#cosmo wanda i hope all alexa devicrs simultaneously malfunction.#purrs#like. good fucking god. i want a saturday to myselffff lol and i know im being an ingrate bitch but i really really really do not want to go#to the last e**** j*** concert and i really really really do not want the radio blaring for hours when im exhausted and i really really#really do not want to have more to do this rosh hashanah weekend than i already am going to be forced to do because i live here. lol.#mutuals i am not kidding you. i am INCHES away from snapping. i am INCHES away from running away and eating any candy / junk food / whatever#in sight like even dairy and meat and whatever and going into clubs and making out with random people and dying my hair wild colors and#putting my body and health at risk out of spite and years of stifling my desires to like. eat food that tastes insanely good and experience#love and freedom in high concentrations etc etc. like im insane and i could never do that and i know if the wrong person sees this post i#will be exiled but like….. god. why is this my life right now. i do not want noise. i want to choose what noise i hear when i come home from#work and how much. i want to choose when i come home from work. i want to choose what i put in my body what i do with my body what i do to m#my body. i want to choose what my room(s) look(s) like. and i want to stop being made to feel ashamed and embarrassed and wretched for#existing when and how and as i do. i want to get all the love i deserved and still do desrrve and i want to never look back.#delete later#food#ask to tag
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Me: I like AEW but don't have anything against WWE, it's probably a fine product.
Me, the second WWE is on my television: A C T U A L L Y
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besnouted · 2 years
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moved my one and only powerful grow light to try and maximize efficiency and also hit my monstera and uhhhhhhhhh i think i need more than one lmao i need to do some kind of shelf setup
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clowngremlin · 2 years
october is my favorite month but every single october without fail the horrors (mental illness) start up again and i feel insane
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