destinationtrekk · 1 month
This isn't canon anymore (actually it was never canon in the first place) but lead writer of old RE1 game used to shared his own ideas about Wesker's character in an interview (he only worked on first RE game btw). Wesker wasn't kidnapped by evil organization when he was little in writer's vision but just a random ass...Okay maybe not that random, he was something of a genius came from normal family, only child. The writer, iirc he implied Wesker might be a "natural" psychopath with intense misanthropy internally, who's a tragic character because of his inability to feel human emotions
I think this is really interesting compared to the romanticized view of him as an innocent kid. It’s almost more tragic to think that if he is a “natural psychopath” no matter what path he took he likely would have ended up on the same or a very similar path. It’s not like companies like Umbrella existed solely from Spencer’s mind, Wesker likely would have been incredibly successful in school and life and still strayed into that dark path of virology and world domination.
It’s canon that he has his doctorate in virology and was a military man, so imagine how strong and determined he is WITH his canon backstory - now multiply it for a man who has nothing but own experience and desires. In this case he likely would have more people he’s attached to, his parents, maybe friends, or a lover, who would all be forced to watch him go down this road with nothing to do but watch his self-destruction first hand
it definitely feels more tragic to know he would have done it to himself, without Spencer or umbrella to guide him
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An apology poem to my inner child
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To the little girl crying with a fist in her mouth, screaming in the rain, her pillow, the deafening silence, and begging someone to just wake up and notice her. To the little girl they call Rue, who looks through the world with stars in her eyes and flying on dreams made of wax paper, not noticing the spikes below on the ground. To the girl of my childhood, who expected the world to bloom with dandelions but instead got roses with thorns—I am sorry. I am sorry for the solitude you had grown up in, for the darkness and violence you were fed when they said you would feast on sunshine and rainbows. I am sorry you felt terrified and confused while reading the rules of conditional love when they told you it was gonna be different. When the world said it was made of parents who love their babies fully and wholly and completely. I am sorry you felt vulnerable and trapped while your mother screamed at you for liking a girl, calling you a sinner, condemning you to a Hell you didn’t understand, and to an angry God you didn’t recognize as your deity. Dear little girl of my childhood, I am sorry for hating your innocence, your naïveté—in a world filled with people holding knives and contracts. I am sorry for telling you to stop crying already and bury your hopes of a life made of sunshine and rainbows. I am sorry for crushing your expectations of confident self-love in favor of a bitter self-loathing that concealed our heart from more pain. I am sorry for talking you down in the voices of our mother, our father, our teacher, our pastor, and our friends. You smiled at life with an open heart and were backhanded by the trauma, bloodshed, and harsh words. You asked why and I told you the world is laced with hatred, and they lied to us, but you didn’t understand, so I locked you away in a dark closet. You didn’t know what the pain meant, so I made us like it instead of panicking at the feel of it, wearing frowns and glares like steel armor, building our walls tall with spikes, and learning to choose loneliness because people are deadly and humanity is fucked. To the little girl that I am, I am sorry the world hurt you, I am sorry it took your girlhood, and I am sorry I left you crying in the darkness, asking why.
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frostedpuffs · 11 months
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lotus-pear · 15 days
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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5soraa · 1 year
weekends make me sad, i accomplish nothing and talk to nobody. at least at school i look like i have friends
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feral-peacock · 7 months
Can we take a moment for poor buck who went into that room ready for a wholesome conversation about respecting woman and then Chris hit him with my mom abandoned me.
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lokittystuckinatree · 6 months
People exist who actually want the Master to be written out of the show? Even temporarily? They’re like…the only other reoccurring character. The only other active character that can be recasted. Almost as central and iconic to the show as Cybermen or Daleks. Infamous for coming back from the dead. The Doctor’s person.
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Writing Prompt… kind of? Definitely write more if you want but this was a cute little “fic starter” that popped into my mind.
Danny didn’t know the first thing about art. This is an important fact.
“Sam, why am I even here?”
“Suck it up, Casper.”
“The show or the school?” Danny privately thought Casper the Friendly Ghost was the best thing to have come around. It did wonders for improving relations between Amity and inhabitants of the Zone.
Sam smacked him on the arm. “You know which one. You’re just here to be the normie judge. You don’t need to know anything about art.”
“Everyone here is like an art acolyte or something, Sam! I’m an engineering newb in a room full of people with art PhDs!”
Sam rolled her eyes and checked her manicures. “If you call Fenton Works newb level, then the rest of the world would be Neanderthals. Seriously that’s why you’re here. The art’s gotta appeal to the untrained eyes too. I trust your judgement.”
Danny gave in. “Thanks, Sam. That means a lot.” He followed after Sam but after a moment, he whined, “But couldn’t you have taken Tucker? Dude’s got four untrained eyes!”
“He’s busy with his internship. And you were already in Gotham.”
They reach the exhibition, Sam and Danny being welcomed in. Sam’s parents, while not the richest of the rich, were known art connoisseurs and respected people in the communities that dotted around the world. On top of being the descendants of the man that invented the deli toothpick cellophane twirling device, that is. Sam was standing in their place today- begrudgingly- because they’d promised to pay for an entire month of Gotham architecture tours and a trip to Japan. After all, Sam had much of their knowledge too. If anyone could say anything about the Masons, it was that they were passionate in their chosen field. L
“The contestants are in the room next door. The judge panel is beginning.” The person at the door informed them. He gave them a slip of paper and a pen to mark their choices in each field. Danny breathed a sigh of relief and began wandering around.
After he wandered between the oil paintings- “oo, this one. Reason why… the vibes are nostalgic. I like it.”- and the various depictions of a specific ship, Danny was pulled to a stop by his core reaching out. He looked up and what he saw took his breath away.
It was just a photo.
But it felt like he was there, on that rooftop, crouched among the shadows and watching the early rays of muffled light hit the tops of his city. His core thrummed. It felt like protection. It felt like he was being fulfilled, like Danny was once more becoming Phantom and that he was watching over this city he’s beginning to understand.
Danny, almost fevered, scribbled down the name [A Robin’s Nest- by Tim Drake] as his number one choice to win the contest over all. And, at least, to win the first in the photography division.
“Oh, Ancients, are you okay?”
Danny had wandered around in the interim as the votes were tallied. He hadn’t been paying attention when he smacked into a little kid that could have been his little brother.
“Uhm. I’m good.”
Danny helped the kid up. “I’m Danny. I’m sorry I smacked into you. Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
“Yeah. I’m Timothy Drake. I’m good.”
Danny’s smile widened in shock. “Like the photographer? Oh, wow! I really loved that photo! It was amazing! It felt like I was up there with the vigilantes!”
As he spoke, Danny glanced around for the kid’s designated adults. Hm. That’s odd. Everyone and their parental figure was accounted for.
“Oh.” Timothy flushed. “Thanks! I hoped the judges liked it too.”
Danny smiled, a small secretive thing. “Oh, I’m sure they will. Will you tell me more about your photography?”
“Oh, if you want!”
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skyshroom · 9 months
Whoever said this season wasn’t a season for crying underestimated the reaction I would have to the mental image of a disheveled Fabian drinking a glass of milk alone in his giant rich people kitchen in the middle of the night
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mercysong-tardis · 2 months
Obi-Wan and Satine were made to dance to Hozier
Approximately 300 frames, many many tears, and 60 hours of my life later; I finally have the finished product. This Obitine animatic has been a dream project of mine and I’m so glad it’s finally done and I can share it with you all.
Of course Ahsoka has the receipts for the council
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s3rrrpentine · 3 months
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i love you, don't act so surprised
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atlaslovesedm · 1 month
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needycatboy · 1 year
laying on your stomach while a pretty boy holds onto the base of a dildo he's shoving into you with slow confidence and also his other hand is on ur shoulder blades pinning you to the sheets
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sad-leon · 3 months
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Finding Home part 9!!!
Leo is back at the lair and this time he's gonna stay put,,, for now :3
KoFi || Patreon
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 2 months
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So Spider-Man AU won!
Red Hearts is the daughter of the head scientist Bridget Hearts at wonderlabs, a lab specializing in genetic mutation. Her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps in the scientific world, but Red has no interest in science. She wants to pursue art but isn’t allowed to, so she sneaks out at night to use spray paints across the city. Bridget isnt an abusive mother, rather just strict and emotionally distant. Red is enrolled at a science specialized high school even though she has no interest in it. There she met her best friend. Chloe Charming. Chloe is the daughter of the NYPD captain charming and Ella charming who was friends with Bridget in high school. Red has been secretly harboring feelings for Chloe for months now and refuses to tell her, convinced they aren’t returned. As of this point Chloe feels nothing but good friendship for Red.
One night while staying late with her mom at her lab, an escaped spider bites Red on her upper left arm. Red smacks it away and doesn’t think anything of it until she gets home and immediately passes out on her bed face first. She wakes up in the morning and notices she can see without her glasses. Then she walks toward her mirror and notices something is different about her appearance. Her arms are much more muscular than before and she has definition in her abdomen. “oh that’s new” she says. She spends much of her morning trying to control her sudden strength and stickiness, weirdly enough. Red makes it to school in one piece, barely, causing Chloe to worry.
Over the next few weeks she creates a suit and starts dealing with small crimes in her area, to captain charming’s dismay. She creates a persona known as “the red spider”
Meanwhile with Bridget, she is trying to genetically engineer ways to enhance brain performance, but she tested it on herself too early and turns her mind into a Jekyll and Hyde like state with “Bridget” and “The Queen of Hearts” the queen of hearts quickly becomes the red spider’s #1 enemy.
One night the red spider saves Chloe from being mugged in an alley. Chloe starts saying how she can’t shake the feeling that she knows her. The spider refuses and says she must be confused. Chloe slowly rolls up the bottom of her mask and the spider let’s her. She stops just above her nose. She leans in and kisses her in the pouring rain. A few moments later she pulls away and stammers a goodbye and runs into the night leaving a confused Red behind.
The kiss stayed on Chloe’s mind for days, why did she do that? Who did she even kiss? Whoever it was her father despises. She also feels strangely guilty. Feeling like she betrayed Red, but she doesn’t like Red like that? Right?
Afte one particularly bad fight with the queen of hearts, Red manages to swing to Chloe’s bedroom, seeking bandaging, knowing she has to reveal her identity to Chloe. She slips in through the window, Chloe staring mouth agape from her bed. Red slowly pulls off her mask and looks up at Chloe. The two stared at each other for what felt like forever, until the moment was broken by red wincing and clutching her torn up stomach. Chloe rushes over and helps red pull down her suit to her waist and sets her down against her bed. She heads to the bathroom and comes back with a cloth, water, and bandages. She starts to clean the blood and grime off. Once a good amount was cleaned Red noticed Chloe looking at her newly there abs.
“Is THE Chloe charming checking me out?”
Chloe turns the color of Red’s hair and goes “WHAT? NO! ….those are just…new, is all”
Once red is all bandaged up, they lay in Chloe’s bed, side by side. Chloe sighs and says “so we have some things to talk about” Red turns to her and goes “okay I’m sorry i didn’t tell you but I didn’t want you to get hurt and about the kiss, I’ve liked you for like ever and I would’ve let you kiss me even if you didn’t know it was me, but you do now, so I don’t really know what that means for us but-“ the blue haired girl cuts her off with a kiss, placing her hand on the side of Red’s face.
“If you couldn’t tell, I like you, too”
“Oh, really? Couldn’t tell after you kissed me twice.”
A few weeks later the red spider and the queen of hearts have another particularly heated battle. In the last move, the queen throws her cards and the spider creates a reinforced web to bounce them back at her, hitting her square in the stomach. As she lay on the ground, her mask slipped off. The spider slowly approaches the figure and realizes the figure looks familiar. As she reaches her, the cold shiver of realization goes down her spine. Her mother is the queen of hearts. She just HURT her mother, possibly fatally. She rips her mask off and kneels next to her.
“Mom, hey, you’re gonna be okay”
“Red? Wha..what are you doing here?”
“Mom I’m the Red spider. I just hurt you, I’m so sorry please hold on I’ll get help-“
“Red, there isn’t time. I’m going, we have to face it”
“No no no no no no no mom you’re gonna make it, just let me get help”
Bridget grips onto her daughters hand with the little strength she has left.
“Red. Listen to me. I’m dying. Right here. There are some things I want you to do.”
Red nods signaling for her mother to continue.
“I’m leaving wonderlabs to Maddox, I know it was never your dream. You still have a share in the company but all of the stuff I do is left to him. I’m sorry I tried to force science on you, I just wanted you to be successful.”
Bridget takes a shakey breath.
“Keep in touch with chloe, she’s a good girl with a promising future. Maybe one day she’ll work at wonderlabs. I’d love to have her brain there.”
Red feels the tears welling up in her eyes start to fall.
“I love you, Red. I know I didn’t say it enough but I do. So please get out of here so you aren’t wanted for my murder. Go, I love you.”
And with that Bridget was gone. The queen of hearts, the head of wonderlabs, her mother. Gone.
Red flees the scene. She cleans up and prepares to face the press that night. Her funeral was the next week. She was asked to say a few words. She got to the podium and started sobbing immediately before she could say anything , she stepped down and let Maddox talk instead.
The city doesn’t see the red spider for a while after that.
After 6 months, the spider comes back, but something in her air was off, it was more reserved, less chatty, less there, but the city was glad to have her back either way.
Behind closed doors the spider cries in the arms of her girlfriend almost every night, plagued with nightmares and guilt she can never share.
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merelygifted · 4 months
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Atsuko Sato with Shiba Inu dog Kabosu at the Sakura Furusato riverside park, where a commemorative bronze statue was erected last year
Such Sad! Kabosu, Dog Who Inspired Doge Meme, Dies at 18
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