#WOOOOOOOOOW making me really think
headstrongblake · 1 year
more questions for your kids because im nosy and must know everything about them !!!!!!!! do they wear any jewelry (for o, is there a specific piece she always wears)? do they have a skin care routine? is there something they own that is special to them/they don't show others? / @thewholecrew
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for this verse specifically with the jewelry.
octavia : as soon as viktor is dead, octavia begins wearing their dad's club ring with a gold chain around her neck. bellamy's is then added to the same chain after his arrest when she's a teen. although i think as time goes on, probably by the time she's sixteen, their father's ring is in a jewelry box in her room (that's probably when she starts to struggle with who her dad was to her, vs who he was as a gang leader & how he was towards bellamy), and it's just bellamy's that she wears. until he's back then she'd give it back / y'know a lot of stuff happens with them so i think she'd take it off then. also she has a small butterfly anklet that she wears pretty consistently and eventually wants to get one of those permanent jewelry anklets with a butterfly chain as well. octavia has a pretty consistent pair of moon earrings that she wears as well, but those she often trades for whatever matches her outfit tbh.
nicklas : he always wears his club rings as well as this reaper one. the sons ones are on his right and the reaper is usually on his left. he typically DOES not take these off unless he's showering, washing his hands, or fighting (unless wanted...you know that's also lowkey the point of them). other than that, nick doesn't have any other jewelry. it's not because he has anything against it, it's more because he just hasn't gone out and bought himself anything like a necklace, chain, watch, anything of the sort.
skin care routine ; i was shocked im ngl.
octavia : this girl...man. okay. so like no not really. she has a moisturizer. she has makeup remover because she at least knows not to go to bed with makeup on....lmfao except she totally still does it. literally all the time. she has one of those ice rollers but that's honestly not even for her skin, it's more so to help wake herself up after their parties and to kind of look human again when she's doing a lot of drugs. but besides that...nah, your girl is super basic.
nicklas : THIS MAN. he's got it all. beard oil. beard shampoo. face wash. cleansers. moisturizer. i'm not going to lie he doesn't like the feeling of his skin when it's dry, it's a problem for him, so he's particular about this. he does it all, and would willingly go and get facials as well. & when he becomes a firefighter it's like twenty times more important to him because of all the smoke and what that does to their skin & the masks. yeah...no, he's into skincare.
is there something they own that is special to them/they don't show others?
octavia : she has a stuffed bunny from when she was a kid, it's been patched together so many times by now from aurora and bellamy that it doesn't really look like a bunny anymore but it sits in her closet and she doesn't tell people about him. why does it sit in her closet you might ask?? because canon. i mean, because whenever aurora and viktor would fight, or viktor would bring members of the gang home where things might get out of hand/rowdy, bellamy would go into octavia's room and hide her away in her closet, or his closet. if aurora was in a particularly bad mood or binge, this was also the case, however with aurora, octavia tended to hide under the bed. anyways, all that to say, this bunny was always with her when that happened so now that's where it stays. she also has the makeshift photo albums beneath her bed that she doesn't talk about or really show anyone, except when she shows it to nicklas to make an angry point.
nicklas : nicklas has jacob's car that he totalled at seventeen. it's not something he particularly hides, but he doesn't talk about it either. when he lived at the bar, he probably had it at one of the mechanic shops, or junkyards that the gang doesn't own (but lowkey does because they walk in and the employees/bosses don't say no to them. friendly places for the gang to go that don't ask questions). once he has his home with the garage, it's in the garage under a protective cover. the body has been fixed at this point, but now nicklas is redoing the engine on it and essentially redoing/upgrading the car. he hates that he has it because it's his father's and he hates that he can't let it go. but he also can't let it go because...it's the last place amelia was.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A08] Everything is an Accumulation of Coincidences
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede arrives at Shodoshima. Once he arrives at the inn with the others, they start to do whatever they want. 
Characters— ✈︎ Akuta, Kiroku, Muneuji, Ushio, Nanaki
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Shodoshima is an island in Setouchi made up of many different peninsulas and inlets. It’s known for its rich nature, temperate climate, and lack of rainfall. This makes the island a popular tourist destinationーー
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The area known as the “Soy Shop Village” is famous for its traditional industries, such as soy sauce factories and the moromi brewery.
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The island is also one of the locations where the Setouchi International Art Festival[1] is held every 3 years. … It’s an island that has a strong connection to the arts.
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There are also many interesting historical anecdotes.
It has been said that the two gods Izanagi and Izanami created this island, andーー
There are rumors that hidden Christians[2] have been in hiding here for a long time.
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Location: Ferry
All 4: Wooooooow… Coooool!
Akuta: Hey, isn’t this seriously crazy? It was like this on the airplane earlier too but, this is my first time riding a ferry! It’s big and wide and it moves around and around! It’s so cool!
Kiroku: …… Cool… It feels like… we’ve moved… really far…
Nanaki: No matter where you look, we’re surrounded by the sea.
Ah, look. There’s seagulls flying next to each other. Like a lot of them.
Muneuji: It’s around noon-time. I think they might be looking for food right now.
Kaede: (Everyone’s eyes are sparkling. Completely different from the atmosphere this morning… I’m glad everyone is having fun.)
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[Shuttering noises]
Ushio: Ughh, the sea breeze is making my hair all sticky. This is the worst.
[Shuttering noises]
Ushio: The ferry is just spacious so there’s nothing to do, and seagulls aren’t interesting to see. They’re a common bird…
Kaede: (That’s what you’re saying but, you’re the one taking the most pictures… Definitely not being honest.)
Ah, it’s about time for us to arrive!
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Location: Otomari Chuuzaemon Inn in Shodoshima [1]
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Kaede: … Ummm, so, from today for the whole week, you’ll all be staying in this rentable inn that we reservedーー
Akuta: R-Reserved!? We can do whatever we want without worrying about anyone else!?
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Kaede: Wai… Akuta-kun has a nosebleed! You got too excited! Don’t move, Akuta-kun! I’m sure there are tissues somewhere…
Akuta: Hey hey, let’s explore the inn guys! I wonder if there’s a locked room or not!? Let’s open the door~~~!
Nanaki: Personally, I’d like to have a room on the second floor. No one’s allowed to come in. Then, I’ll be leaving first.
Kaede: Come on guys! Akuta-kun, please quiet down! Nanaki-kun, don’t go to find a room on your own!
Ushio: I’d like the bathroom on the first floor all to myself. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t force me to share with other guys. I mean, this isn’t a school, is it?
Kiroku: ………
Kaede: Ushio-kun, stop saying selfish things! And Kiroku-kun, don’t fall asleep yet!
Muneuji: It’s like raising kids as a single parent. 
Kaede: It REALLY is! It doesn’t feel like it’s going to settle down at all!
Ushio: Students don’t like inflexible teachers, okay? I think I’ll go find a fitting room now. Bye.
Kaede: Ah~! I just said don’t act selfisーー
Muneuji: Ushio.
Ushio: Eh?
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Muneuji: Hup.
Ushio: ……Eh?
Akuta: Muneuji just took Ushio’s hand andーー
Nanaki: Flipped him over…
Kiroku: ………
Kaede: (Amazing. Was that Aikido just now? After one move, the entire room became silent…!)
Muneuji: … Everyone, remember the reason that we came here.
There must have been requirements that led us to be exempt from being expelled from school.
I understand that everyone is excited at the idea of going on a trip, but if we don’t act together, then everyone in the group will suffer. 
Ushio: …Even then…!
Why me!?
Nanamegi tried to leave the room too!
Muneuji: Forgive me. I felt better about flipping you over since we’re childhood friends.
Kaede: (For a reason like that…)
Muneuji: Chief.
Everyone is shocked and speechless right now, so it might be the best time.
Kaede: T-Thank you, Muneuji-kun!
First, let me wipe Akuta-kun’s face…
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Akuta: Mugh…
Kaede: Okay…!
Now then, let’s start with choosing the rooms since everyone’s the most interested in that.
Muneuji: If we’re doing that, why don’t we use this?
Kaede: This is… paper sumo? [3]
Muneuji: This way, we can decide things fair and square. 
… And the winner can get a suitable award.
Akuta: Nice! That sounds interesting!
This way, there’ll be no complaints no matter who wins〜!
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Kaede: And the winner is Akuta-kun〜!
He managed to make his opponent fall off the side! I’m impressed by the technical moves you used!
Akuta: Thanks! I get a room all to myself〜!
Kaede: The runner up was Nanaki-kun, so would it be fine if you room together with Kiroku-kun who got third place?
Nanaki: I don’t really care who it is. If you’re not the winner, you’ll just end up rooming with another person anyways.
I’m comfortable with Kinugawa-kun, so I don’t have any complaints.
Kiroku: ………
Muneuji: Then, since I didn’t participate, I’ll room with Ushio who was in last place.
Ushio: I’m jealous that you all can have fun fooling around and playing paper sumo.
Muneuji: We used to play paper sumo all the time when we were kids.
Ushio: That was when I was a really small kid, okay!?
Kaede: Anyways, the rooms are decided, so you guys should carry your luggage to your rooms for now. We can rest a bit before we meet here again.
(Now that I think about it… Even though I asked a coordinator to show us around the island, they're running late… They were supposed to meet us at the inn.)
(Maybe I should try contacting them again to rearrange a time, or maybe I need to pick them upーー)
Kaede: What a strange scream…!
I mean, what’s wrong!? Ushio-kun!
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Akuta: What's wrong!?
Did the first murder finally happen!?
Nanaki: I heard a weird scream so I came out but…
Kiroku: ………?
Muneuji: Did you see any bugs?
Ushio: Awawawawa…! T-The-There, Look…!
Kaede: What do you mean “there”ーー Eh!?
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Kaede: T-The first murder victimーー!
Previous — ✈︎ Masterlist — ✈︎ Next
Notes — ✈︎
I’m sure some people know this, but like all the places mentioned on trips are real places and events that go on! The Setouchi International Art Festival is a real festival ! You can see a bit about it here. And the inn that they stay at, the Otomari Chuuzaemon, is a real inn too! I looked it up and the images are CRAZYY identical to the art in game. Idk I think it's super cool HAHAH if you’re interested, these listings have similar angles to the pics in the game ! This one has the outside, and this one has the main room
Hidden Christians, or kakure kirishitan, is a term used to describe members of the church in Japan who were forced to conceal their faith due to the repression of Christianity. There are still some people who identify as a kakure kirishitan to this day! If you want to learn more, you can here!
Here's a gif on what paper sumo looks like! 
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blackjackkent · 9 months
Update - as I suppose I should have expected, Naaber has more dialogue if we keep clicking on him. Looks like there might be one for him trying out every potential class. XD Featuring Hector being the most patient man in existence, bless his heart.
Starting with barbarian:
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"Roar. ROAR! ROAAAAAAAR! Are you scared? Did you wet your pants? Did you? Did you?"
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"Not even slightly."
"Appreciate the honesty. *Sigh* Oh well. Back to the Naabing board! ^_^ "
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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuuu! HAPPY BIIIIIIRTHDAY DEAR...."
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"...Hector Carlisle."
"All the bards I've met play an instrument."
"Oh. I don't have one of those. Balls. Back to the Naabing board, then..."
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"Bless us with your gentle - no, holy - spirit - no, soul - no, spirit... your powers - your divine powers... bother."
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[CLERIC] "Are you trying to... pray?"
"You're very good at this! Perhaps you can teach me. I'm trying to pray. Am I doing it right?"
[CLERIC] "It's more like... By your sacrament ever be praised. Oh holy, most wise, eternal god..."
"Wooooooooow! That was awesome! I bet it even works when you do it!"
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"*Sniff sniff*"
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"What are you sniffing?"
"Oh, you didn't get it? I'm pretending to be a dog. Everyone likes dogs! ^_^ "
"...Carry on, then."
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"Behold, mundane meddler! You step in the domain of a master speller. For I am to be a most mighty WIZARD!"
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"What's your favorite spell?"
"Wizard! W-I-Z-A-R-D! Wizard!"
"...No, spell. As in magic spell. The thing wizards cast."
"Wait. There's another step after that? Rats..."
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"Know any fiendish philanthropists? Fickle fae financiers? Eldritch employers? I want to make a pact!"
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"Are you sure you're ready to be a warlock? To sell your soul for eternity?"
"My SOUL? I have to give up my SOUL to become a warlock????"
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"Ommmmmmmmmmmm. Ammmmmmmmmmmm. Ummmmmmmmmmm...."
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[MONK] Join in.
"Oh, HI! I didn't see you there! I was deep in meditation, see. Isn't peace and quiet just the best? I've decided to be a monk! [pause, inhale, VERY LOUDLY] I'M GOING TO BE THE BEST MONK THERE EVER WAS!"
"Go back to being silent, then."
Narrator: Naaber seals his lips, but you feel the pressure of words behind them. The poor thing is straining fit to burst.
"Aaaaaaaaargh! Ican'tdoitihavetoomuchtosay! You were right. I can't be a monk. I just want to TALK! Talking's great, see? You can say words, make friends, tell everyone everything you're thinking and feeling..."
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Narrator: As he empties himself of his latest slew of thoughts, you take the opportunity to slip away.
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"BOO! Bet you didn't even see me coming. I'm a shadow. A mastery of sneakery. A ROGUE!"
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"No, you're not. I see you. You're right there."
"Oh, thank goodness! I was worried I was getting too good at it and nobody would ever see me again! Hello! Hi!"
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"If not a rogue, then a ranger! I'm great at chasing things down!"
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"I hope you're looking forward to those long, lonely months on the trail."
"Godsdammit, why are so many adventurer jobs so lonely?! I thought you were supposed to have parties!"
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"Perhaps the answer was deep within me all along! An ancient spark of arcana! Yes, I was born to be a sorcerer! I can feel it!"
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"Cool, can you do any magic?"
"Let me focus... I can feel the power deep within me... It's coming up! It's coming up! *BURP* Oops. Just indigestion. Haha."
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"My liege! I swear to you an undying oath of absolute devotion. I am but your humble paladin."
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"I don't accept."
"Really? But... I'm ready to do anything!"
(At this point these were the three available options - Hector has finally run out of patience:
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"Please just go away."
"But you're the one who keeps talking to me! I- I don't want to-- all right. An oath's an oath, I suppose."
Final conversation:
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"These roles sure are restrictive, aren't they? Maybe the adventuring life's just not for me. I really like talking to you! There's not a lot of people that want to talk to me, so I brought you a present. Here."
He hands Hector an "Absolute Confidence Amulet," which grants +1 Performance and -1 Intimidation.
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"Now, what are we going to talk about if not about the adventuring life? Wait. Wait! What if I *mix* the classes - Oh, Naaber, you GENIUS!"
And he books it out the door and out of sight.
They all watch him run out, and Karlach lets out a soft giggle. "Hec, how the hells did you keep a straight face through all that?"
"He even tried to help him," Jaheira says with some amusement. "In my earlier travels, when we would meet such a man on the road, we would make tracks for the horizon at highest speed."
Hector chuckles. "You forget I have spent much of my life guiding the youth of the world to a better path - those who came to a life at the monastery, at least. And some of them were far more headstrong and far less sensible than that lad." A pause. "Although, I will admit -- not many."
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
hmm 🤔 thoughts on writing...
Wondering if others who write explicit/smut fic ever feel a little embarrassed or vulnerable after writing and publishing things sometimes, just because (at least for me) there's an inherent layer in exposing things you personally like and are into. You can't help it a lot of the time, to include what you think is hot, work in your own kinks, take insp from your own experiences. Sometimes yeah, it's all fiction and you can toooootally just write a scenario you're not even into - some things are just fun to write and explore with familiar characters. Other times you read stuff back and it's like you've invited the reader into the bedroom with you and you feel a bit. Hmm. Exposed hahaha. My recent fic is kinda making me feel some sort of way but, mild compared to the next one I'm drafting. I sit back and reread some of it and I'm already feeling a little like. Wooooooooow V you're really typing this right now and telling on yourself..... 🤣🫣🫢
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So....heeeey BMT....today I was chilling at home, smoking my weed...so maybe being on the influence had something to do with my observation...I am obsessed with Park Jimin...like..he makes me choose to wake up every morning instead of succumbing to my inner demons...anyways..Jimin joined the team as the last one and had the shortest trainee period if I'm not wrong....he told us himself that he asked for permission to seat in on Taekooks vocal lessons and spent sleepless nights so he could practice by himself (I still don't understand why they alienated him: He is a freaking gem)....I love Bangtan with my everything....and I think its a fact that although they all bring something unique on the table...their secret recipe is Jimin...Jimin makes them more alluring and divine...if that makes sense...I'm rambling...I'm sorry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Back to my point...when I watched this video compilation of perfection...I observed the other guys when he was hitting that note...and they looked kinda scared of his power?(this is why I'm blaming it on the weed...was I sensing something entirely different....like wooooooooow....I can't even imagine the vocals he is going to bless us with on his album because he mentioned he went back to the foundation of vocal training and I think the English songs also challenged his voice and he nailed it perfectly and how JK helps him out which as we all know..he has the perfect pitch and the best voice....anyways...this whole thing is me asking if its the weed making me see..how the guys were intimidated by Jimin...esp in the beginning or was I just tripping...
I hope the link works....I'm too anxiety ridden to not use the anonymous button
Love 🥀
How you doin, anon? You good? I bet, lol.
As to your question, I think you're ultimately just trippin. I don't see what you see.
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I mean, I get the praise for Jimin. I really do. And he did work hard, we know it, they know it. But intimidated? Scared of his power? Not from those clips. Each was doing their part. And not to be that person (I will totally be that person), but as much as hitting a high note and having some incredible vocal range is something that is universally praised, that's not the ultimate achievement for me when I listen to a singer. Bringing their own flavor is more important. Being able to express an emotion. That's the thing that touches people. At least me anyway.
It's good that Jimin is taking vocal lessons and to this day I don't understand why he didn't get the same opportunity as the others, but regardless of that, his voice is that unique thing that elevates each song. That's more than enough. And I can't help but mention Jungkook here. His voice is like the foundation and the structure of a house and Jimin is the architecture and design that makes it all such a perfect blend.
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peacerisendove · 2 months
Reading through Jay Garrick: The Flash
Disjointed and random thoughts will be here:
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WoOoooOOOow, I fucking loooooove how we've so easily cleared out Bart's stuff from his room with the Garrick's and said 'lets shove it trashbags and away at Wally's house without any thought of 1. How that would make Bart feel, 2. How shitty that is to do, 3. ANY CONSIDERIZATION OF IDK STORING AT YOU'RE PLACE, THE LAST PLACE BART LIVED. This is a comic I know YOU HAVE SPACE, 4. THE WHOLE PUTTING YOUR BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER OVER THE KID WHO HAS BEEN LIVING WITH YOU UP TO THIS POINT.
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I know at least from my New Earth knowledge that none of the formula/experiments that led to the creation of super-speed powers were created were never applied to animals. But I can't help but think of the Panda with a connection to the Speed Force in this moment (because this dialogue feels like it's implying an animal never could utilize the Speed Force/have super speed). Like maybe Xong Tsai from the 4th Century was built different.
(Also I know, I know, the narration is just leading to saying whathisface is going to test it on person)
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Wow this man really committed murder in public. In A HOSPITAL and was not caught. You can't tell me no one heard that or no one was near by.
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Girl, this is so stupid. Stop that.
Also what is the point of Judy? She's just adding to Jay's backstory a bit? Being part of whathisface's villainous backstory? All she is in this story is Jay's daughter. Oh I have to save my daughter. Oh, I have to make sure she's alright.
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HA. No. Don't just shoe horn that whatshisface created Star Labs :/
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Please stop giving Judy any credit for anything. She has literally done nothing of substance.
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I genuinely don't like her as a character because she has given me nothing. You're his time displaced daughter he did not need. Having biological kids is not an end all be all for happiness. Joan and Jay were literally raising Bart like their own prior to this. They had the Flash family. And while yes Jay does describe the Flashfam as family, it doesn't come off that way when there's such an emphasis on their new biological daughter sort of replacing them in a way.
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wrestlingcreative · 3 years
My Full Gear Predicitions
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AHHHHHHHHH y'all! I haven't done a full structured write up in ages and I've gained so many followers and friends since then. I'm so psyched for Full Gear that I just have to do this. So here are my result predictions with explanations and potential follow up storylines.
Championship Matches
Hangman Adam Page v Kenny Omega for the AEW World Title
Many people feel that this match is unpredictable and I get why. But I refuse to believe that they would let all of our hopes down AGAIN with a loss for Hangman. I remember making a post about us still getting this match after the eliminator match defeat. Now here we are and DAMNIT HANGMAN FOR CHAMP 2021. I think Kenny is either going to take a well-deserved break or we are going to start to see the Elite fall apart with a feud between Adam Cole and Kenny. The seeds are already there. I'll be in my Cowboy Shit shirt swinging my Cowboy Shit bandana and possibly in tears when the dreamy cowboy wins.
Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Tay Conti v Britt Baker for the AEW Women's World Title
I said this earlier this week, I'm going to love seeing Tay Conti as world champ BUT, AEW is not going to allow anybody but ThunderRosa to take the title off of Britt. Now I don't actually watch the rankings but I'd comfortably bet that with a Tay loss, Thunder Rosa is the number one contender. I see Tay Conti being the first extended feud for whoever wins the TBS title. (The TBS title will either be Jade Cargill or Ruby Soho)
Winner: Britt Baker D.M.D.
FTR v The Lucha Brothers for the AEW World Tag Titles
Honestlyyyyyyy, this is kind of a toss-up. Two of the best tag teams in the world, both teams are over regardless of being heel and face, and the booking has been kind of 50/50. We've certainly seen a lot more of FTR than the Luchas Bros in the past couple of weeks. And I feel as though regardless of who wins, the tag team division is going to be revitalized. It hasn't been at the forefront as much as it usually is. But just to play favorites, I'll go with the Lucha Brother's retaining.
Winners: The Lucha Brothers
Bryan Danielson v Miro Tournament FInals (winner gets a world title shot)
Sheeeeeesh I'm going to be wincing throughout this match. The wrench in this prediction is that Miro was never supposed to be in the tournament. That'll lead some to believe that a Danielson win is guaranteed but I don't think so. I want to say Miro just for the shock factor. But at the same time, Hangman v Bryan sounds spicy. Hmmm, I'll use my one toss-up on this match.
Winner: Undecided
Stipulation Matches
The Super Kliq v Jurassic Express (this includes Christian Cage at this point) in a Falls Count Anywhere Match
Damnit I just used my one toss-up. Well, hmmm. If Kenny loses the title but Adam Cole picks up the victory for the Super Kliq that's a *chef's kiss* lead into the dissension that officially kicks off their feud. I'm sorry Jungle Boy, I love you but this setup is too perfect.
Winners: The Super Kliq
The Inner Circle v The Men of the Year + members of American Top Team + Dan Lambert in a Minneapolis Street Fight
Y'all I don't give a damn. I really don't. I'm honestly just watching to see Santana's fine ass and to see if Dan Lambert will actually work.
Winner: always me whenever Santana is on my screen
Good ol' Feuds
CM Punk v Eddie Kingston
WOOOOOOOOOWE. I see this being Punk's first loss in AEW and it would be brutal poetry. 15 years later and Kingston finally gets his bragging rights. And honestly, from a none kayfabe perspective, this is exactly what Punk came back to do. We talk about Kingston all the time any damn ways but can you imagine what it'll be like after whooping Punk and giving him his first loss since his return??? GIMME THIS!
Winner: Eddie F'n Kingston
MJF v Darby Allin
MJF. I can't even explain why, it just feels like the correct answer. And MJF is *undefeated (yes that needs an asterisk.) The only way I see him losing is if Wardlow turns on him mid-match. But even if MJF wins, his next feud is Wardlow.
Winner: MJF
PAC & Cody Rhodes v Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo
Um... not entirely invested in this feud or its outcome. I feel like it's a pretty even match. I want Malakai and Andrade to win but I doubt that's what's booked to happen. UNLESS the next step is for the entire Nightmare factory to turn on Cody officially. Which would be dope, But we haven't seen a lot of PAC recently so I want him to get a win and some momentum. Damn this is hard.
Winners: Malakai and Andrade because its the cool kid answer
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Manners (Request)
Sherlock x gn!child!reader, John x gn!child!reader
Genre: fluff
Request Description: Thank you for saying you’ll write for Sherlock, I appreciate it :) Could you do one where all the peeps are round for dinner (Sherly, Mycroft, Greg, John ect) and John invites his cousin round (like age 9) and she’s just like REALLY polite and even when Sherlock says something really mean from one of his deductions she just brush’s it off and forgives him for it and even Mycroft likes her (PURELY PLATONIC PEOPLE) and she asks to see the brains in the fringe and Sherlock is ECSTATIC
Warnings: none really
(A/N): the only warning here is really that i dont remember the sherlock characters THAT well. and ive totally forgotten who sherly is, so this fic must live without her hahaha
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“Fuck,” John mumbled, looking at you at the entrance to 221B Baker Street. He had to take care of you today, and while he usually loved taking care of you, his niece, today was not the day he had expected. 
You were the most delightful and polite girl, your mannerisms just made everyone around you smile. But John did not want you to meet the careless, brutally honest, and genius Sherlock. But today, the one damned day where he had to take care of you, there was a dinner with Sherlock, Greg, Molly, Mrs. Hudson, and Mycroft (the latter had with pleasure paid for it all).
“Language,” you said, giving him a warning glare. The action was enough to make him smile. His heart melted.
“Let’s go inside then,” he said reluctantly, deciding that there was nothing he could do about it. 
You entered the home, eyes glittering as you saw all the weird and unconventional items stacked on the shelves and furniture. You held your admiration, and politely brushed your shoes off on the mat, before taking them off. You then placed them in order, even taking the time to lightly push the others’ strewn-about shoes in a straight line.
John watched you with a smile. He had no idea how his aunt had produced such a person as you, but he was thankful for it. 
From the kitchen loud clattering and sizzling sounds came. Sherlock popped his head out, gaze first on John, then lowering to you. John took a deep breath, knowing he had to introduce you now. 
“This is Y/n. They’ve just turned-”
“9 years old..” Sherlock mumbled, looking a you with narrowed eyes. John sighed. You gave the sociopath a toothless smile.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m actually 9 and a half,” you walked up with him and then reached your tiny hand up for him to shake it. Sherlock looked at you, and you had no idea what he was thinking, but you hoped it was about shaking your hand. 
“Lower your hand, Y/n,” Sherlock said and disappeared behind the doorway to the kitchen. You lowered your hand slowly. John was already regretting bringing you over. “A nine year old’s hands? That’s an enormous number of bacteria I could gladly live without.”
“Nine and a half year old!” you called after him, but remained positive. It was his decision to not shake your hand, and it was your duty to respect that. 
You stepped further into the living room - or what was normally the living room, now just a room stuffed with a dining table that was too big for it. 
“I told you all we should’ve done this at a restaurant. Or my house. Or anywhere else, really,” Mycroft, you guessed, said from his place at the table. He had a very cat-like voice, you thought.
“Yes, well, now we’re here,” Mrs. Hudson (whom you’d met several times before, and who was always delighted to give you homemade cookies) argued. Just as she finished, you made your way up on your chair, greeting the guests with a smile. 
Currently seated was you, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson, Greg (the police officer John had told you about), and John who was settling down beside you. Sherlock and Molly were in the kitchen, and by the sound of it, they were making soup. 
“Aw, who’s this?” Greg asked, pointing at you. 
“Y/n. Y/n Watson reporting for duty!” you said proudly. The people around the table aww’ed. 
“They’re a charmer, huh?” Mycroft commented. John nodded at this.
“Soup’s coming in! Soup’s coming in!” Molly warned, carrying a rather heavy looking pot into the living room, holding it with some cloth. She placed it down with a ‘plunk’, and then sighed in relief. “Gosh, I thought I was gonna drop it all.” 
“You were statistically very likely to drop it, you’re very lucky,” Sherlock said as he entered, sitting down on his chair at the end of the table. Molly flushed and sat down as well. 
“Dig in!” she said and everyone did, hoisting some of the boiling-hot pea soup into their bowls. You made sure to compliment Molly on the soup, to which she smiled with a smile that mostly said wait-why-is-there-a-nine-year-old-here.
You kept a proper conversation with everyone at all times, making sure to bring in the quieter ones. Meanwhile, John was staring at you in adoration because you were simply overbearingly cute, but also because in his head it was very unlikely that you came from the same gene pool, yet here you were.
“She’s quite polite, this one. Children these days usually have no discipline, no manners,” Mycroft said at one point, and from what you had gathered throughout the evening, that was the closest thing to a compliment you would get from him. 
“Thank you, Mr. Holmes, but I think that kids my age can be very polite. Maybe you just don’t know the right kids!” you said, sipping your soup. Mycroft smiled and shook his head. Sherlock, who was sitting at the end of the table, soup untouched, seemed unamused. 
“Kids are dumb. Nine year olds are dumb. Gosh, people are dumb too, and you kids are just dumber versions of already dumb people,” he said finally.
Everyone at the table turned their heads towards you, wondering if you would snap and start yelling or crying. Instead, you snickered, putting your spoon down. 
“That’s a very bold statement, Mr. Holmes,” was all you said, and although you wanted to say more, you couldn’t stop snickering. Sherlock watched you, and you saw his face change. You couldn’t quite tell what it meant, but he didn’t retort. 
Slowly, people fell back into conversation, and so did you. The dinner was very pleasant, and you were happy to see that you had made a good impression. 
“So, Sherlock, you started cooking soup these days?” Greg pointed with his spoon to the pot, now only a quarter or so full. The noise of his spoon against the metal let out a hollow ‘clunk’. 
“No, no, I was in there supervising. Making sure Ms. Molly didn’t mess with my refrigerated brain.” 
At this, you gasped. 
“You have a brain?” you asked breathlessly, mouth wide open, and your hands on your cheeks in shock. Sherlock’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes, I do.”
“Can I see the brain, Mr. Holmes? Please, can I see your refrigerated brain, pretty please?” you begged, curiosity and adventurousness getting the better of you. 
John opened his mouth to protest, but Sherlock came first, with a small smile, that he didn’t seem aware was on his face: “Yes, of course!”
You tried to control yourself and not run into the kitchen, but your excitement was still very visceral. You were bouncing about, unable to stand still, and doing a little victory dance every once in a while. 
Sherlock opened the refrigerator theatrically, the light turning on and shining on you, as your eyes landed on the human brain. 
“Wooooooooow,” you squealed, “that’s so cool- I mean, that’s very impressive..” you could hardly contain your excitement, but Sherlock couldn’t either. No one was every excited about his brain (the one in the fridge, of course, the other was often a topic of interest). 
Sherlock then proceeded to give a full anatomical tour of the brain, taking it out and showing it to you up close, letting you hold it, and telling you all the facts. Meanwhile, John was having a mental breakdown, trying not to look. He knew very well that he would get in trouble with his aunt for this. 
“This is the frontal lobe. If you damage it, you become like me,” Sherlock said morbidly, showing the front part of the pink nerve. 
“That doesn’t sound all too bad, Mr. Holmes. You seem pretty cool,” you said passively, still fully entranced by the brain. Sherlock, however, took full note of this, eyes snapping to you immediately. He smiled. 
“Alright, I think it’s about time me and Y/n head home!” John said when he’d finally had enough. You were too polite to protest, so you just quite literally bowed to everyone and then left with John. 
When John came home later that night, after dropping you off back at his aunt’s place, Sherlock was still awake, brain in hand. 
“Uh, doesn’t that go back in the fridge?” John asked. 
“In a moment,” Sherlock responded. Then, “Why don’t they come over more? The kid.”
John looked at him in confusion. “Y/n? Why would I bring them over more?” 
Sherlock sighed, turning his attention from the brain. “I feel like I could give them good anatomical knowledge. Perhaps, teach them a bit about science and such.” 
There was a moment of silence and then John scoffed. 
“You really just want me to bring Y/n over, because they think you’re cool?” 
“That’s not at all what I said, John!” Sherlock protested, moving to put the brain back in the freezer. John sauntered off into his bedroom. 
“Whatever!” he said, and then the conversation was over.
But then, slowly, he started bringing you over more, each time letting Sherlock and you have your own weird conversations on life, people, biology and everything else. You become very rich in knowledge of science and anatomy, and in return Sherlock’s ego went through the roof. 
It was a fair trade, you decided, and you loved every moment of it. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun​ @deephideoutmilkshake​ @rae-is-typing​ @sophs-library​ @herecomesthewriterwitch​ @alicedanganh​ 
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p. 1)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
More Jolex on your timeline because y’all seemed to love what I posted before! Also I’ve posted this whole piece on AO3 as well so it might look familiar.  
this idea came to me in a fever dream and i am not sorry that y'all have to deal with it. 99% of this fic will be in "texting" format, so be prepared for that. 
Jo is regular Alex is italics
Saturday 11:04 PM
heeeeey is thiss doctor evil?
I gotta say ur phone sex namee needs sum weerk
u soud like a comic book village 
Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? 
i’m just a girl at thee bar!!!! 
Joe’s Bar?
i’m at enerlad city bar
You didn’t answer my question. 
u asked a quesitoon?
whata was it?
i’m goos at takifjg tests 
How’d you get my number?
it qas in the bathrooom!!!
it said “for a good tiem txt dr evil spawne” 
so I did
I am ready to havee fun
You’re drunk, obviously, and I’m going to have to kill Cristina for putting my number up. 
ooooooh is thatt ur girleifnd?
Wow you’re really gone. And hell no, she’s my roommate. One of them. 
ooooh how many do u hav
roomees not girlfriends 
Three. Two girls and a dude. 
well it’s tome for fireball shoots
steph is yeeling at me 4 txting too much
goodbey doctor eviel apawn!!
Oh lord. Tell Steph you need water. Or an IV. 
I’ve got her. she’s throwing up on her shoes. thanks doctor. - steph
  Sunday 10:11 AM
You know you’re pretty funny, Bar Girl. 
jesus christ what fucking time is it?! 
10 AM
I’m assuming you have a massive hangover. 
hold on I can’t hear you over the sound of me vomiting
TMI as the kids say these days. 
what’re you a grandpa or something?? 
No I just don’t know how to use text lingo. Except WTF. I know that one very well. 
quick question
who the fuck are you?
Dr. Evil Spawn. You found my name graffitied in the bathroom of Emerald City Bar. 
holy shit
I thought I dreamed that... WHAT THE FUCK
Nope. I’m real. 
holy shit i’m so sorry
my texts were so annoying
Who hurt you? I mean you were shitfaced, I’m assuming someone broke your heart into tiny pieces. 
the opposite actually, I was at a bachelorette party
not mine, i’m so single it hurts
Ahhh that makes sense. So you got shitfaced in solidarity? 
exactly you get it
you seem like you’d be the DD at a bachelorette party
Well seeing as I’m a dude I don’t do Bachelorette parties. 
Well I did go to one, but that’s a different story.  
hmmm you seem like a very interesting man doctor evil spawn 
going to bachelorette parties, living with women who aren’t your girlfriend 
George? No absolutely not. And before you ask, my other girl roommate is gay. 
so you’re single?
i’m only asking so when you murder me the police have as much information as possible
Haha very funny. I would be a terrible murderer. 
you didn’t answer my question
Fine. Yes I’m single. 
i’ll note that in the “serial killer file” i’m building 
gotta go, I have to do work :/
Have fun, don’t die. 
  Sunday 8:38 PM
Arizona is trying to set me up on a blind date. 
who’s arizona?
My gay roommate. She wants me to meet this “bubbly blonde” she knows from her pilates class. 
ahhhh. why don’t you go?
Bubbly blonde is not my type. Sounds like she’ll spend the whole date talking about how much she loves dogs or her knitting hobby. 
Plus she does pilates, that tells me more than enough. 
you’re making some good points. I don’t pity you. 
You better not. How was work?
the longest day of my life
it was just paperwork, I don’t actually work on the weekends
What do you do?
hmmmm that’s exactly what a serial killer would say
i’m an elementary school teacher
Oh so you sing and dance and paint pictures all day?
what school did you go to?
were working on multiplication tables and basic photosynthesis tomorrow
Wow that sounds like a lot.
it’s may, ive got three weeks of school left so I have to cram all the crap we didn’t cover into these last few weeks 
Ahhh that sounds more accurate.
and what do you do? 
besides text strangers that you don’t know
I’m a pediatrician. 
oh so you make kids cry and wipe snotty noses all day? two can play at that game
Well we both have to deal with snotty noses sooo...
I GET IT!! Doctor Evil Spawn!! 
why evil spawn though? 
I wasn’t this nice when I started med school. My personality is an acquired taste. 
ha! that’s a funny joke. 
so if you’re a fancy schmancy doctor why do you live with three other people?
I’m only a resident, not making the big bucks yet. Everyone else is a doctor too. 
are they all pediatricians?
No. Arizona is too but Cristina is a cardiologist and George is a trauma specialist. 
interesting!! I too live with my coworkers. it’s not fun. 
the table is always covered in craft supplies. 
Well I can never read the grocery list on the fridge. Stupid doctors script...
oh that’s a classic. you’re pretty funny Dr. Evil Spawn
Thanks Bar Girl. 
I gotta go. monday tomorrow and you know how fourth graders can be. night!! 
Night . 
  Monday 9:47 AM
there’s not enough coffee in the world for monday mornings. 
  Monday 10:52 AM 
Sorry I was yelling at the interns. We have a decent coffee cart here. Keeps me alive. Are you texting in class?
no it was recess
now they’re at spanish class
i’m not totally irresponsible 
Oh good to know the future of America is in good hands. Teacher Princess is “not totally irresponsible”
teacher princess?
Well, Cinderella lost her shoe, you puked on yours. Same thing. 
that was so uncalled for...
I thought it was funny. Gotta go set a broken arm. 
broken arm vs. adverbs... can we switch? have fun lol
  Monday 3:26 PM
I don’t even think I know what an adverb is. 
how did you become a doctor??
Don’t need to know adverbs to fix a couple broken bones and snuffy noses. 
oh darn I should’ve gone to school for seven more years then
Haha. How were the adverbs?
better than expected, grading papers while I wait for my roomies to be done
we carpool, saving the environment and shit
Okay Eco Warrior.
you text like a 60 year old man
you’re not a 60 year old man are you?
No I’m a 28 year old man though
28 a doctor and you’re single? your personality must be worse than you described 
I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to settle down. And I have no desire to. 
yet you have time to text a complete stranger? 
hmmmm interesting...
Ouch, that one hurt Princess. 
steph is making me socialize with the other teachers
if I don’t respond, they killed me or dragged me to an essential oil party
  Monday 5:18 PM
Did you get roped into a pyramid scheme?
nooo but therew as wine
I should sotp drunk texting you so often 
It makes your presence that much more entertaining. And bearable. 
woah woah dude
i’m a gem 
I can tell. Elementary school teacher with a heart of gold. 
awwww your too sweet tome
It’s a Monday. Who the hell gets drunk on a Monday?
we deserve it
You’re a teacher and you’re single and still going to Bachelorette parties. You’re what, 23? 
i’m 25 and i’m doing greta thanks you very nuch 
cnat believe that i’m supplying my perosnal info to a serial killer
What makes you so sure that I’m a mass murderer? 
ur weird nickname and ur intimate knowledge of the himan body
Mmm yes well a good amount of women do find themselves screaming around me often. Or under me. On top of me...
omg are you sending me dirty jokes
you’re crazy 
What can I say. 
Gotta go, I’m on call tonight. Get to bed safe, Bar Princess. 
mmmkay thanks Doc
  Wednesday 11:29 AM
What do you think is worse: School lunch or hospital food?
hospital food, no doubt
thursday is mac and cheese day here... I could bathe in that stuff
We have Spaghetti Wednesday but that’s the only good thing here. 
mmm how depressing
the teachers do a pot luck once a month and that’s always good
the art teacher next door to me makes the BEST blueberry muffins. 
Lucky. All I get here is vending machine cookies. Anything interesting happening in the elementary world? 
a first grader got lice last week so naturally we all have it now
I had to chop off six inches of my hair
Holy crap. Lice can be vicious, be thankful you didn’t have to shave your head. 
it feels like I did, my hair hasn’t been above my shoulders since the backstreet boys were still touring
Wow. I’m glad to know you’re well cultured. 
of course I am
gotta go, kids are back from music class
Don’t be too hard on them, they deserve a break every once in awhile. 
  Thursday 3:06 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jenna you forgot your lunch pail. Have a good day!”
“Hi Mrs. Peters. I didn’t grade Henry’s test yet, I’ll have it tomorrow. Thanks bye!”
“Steph I gotta grab my things, I’ll be there in a seco- oh shit. Hello?”
“Bar Princess?”
“Doctor Evil Spawn? I must’ve butt dialed you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I... I don’t mind the interruption. Are you leaving work?”
“Just about, we’re wrapping up the solar system and I have to bring home the diorama.”
“I was never good at the models, I prefer working with the real thing.”
“Oh ho, a man that works with his hands. I can appreciate that.”
“You know now we’re officially talking and we still don’t know each other’s names.”
“Well around here I’m Miss Wilson, but you can call me Jo.”
“Jo. Hmm I like chicks with dudes names. I’m Dr. Karev but you can call me Alex.”
“Well nice to kinda meet you Alex. I’ll talk to you soon, I gotta get out of here.”
“Talk to you later.”  
  Thursday 4:34 PM
I wouldn’t mind if you were my teacher.
how did I know you’d send me something along those lines
I’m predictable. I’m still calling you Bar Princess. 
as you wish doctor evil spawn
I get to assist on a surgery today. Tonsillectomy. 
like removing tonsils? that’s awesome
for you, not for the kid
Oh she’ll be fine, she gets ice cream and jello for a week.  
okay yeah I might be jealous of her now
id love to be off work for a week and have you waiting on me hand and foot
the ice cream is a nice bonus
You think that’s my job?
well you said you aren’t making the big bucks yet so.... yeah 
Keep dreaming. I’ll talk to you later, gotta scrub in. 
have fun!!!!
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laurent-ofvere · 5 years
can we just remember to remember that "sub damen" doesn't mean that Damen has to become some quivering weak OOC version of himself in order to elevate Laurent's dominance? Submitting to someone can be as simple as allowing the other person to take control of a sexual situation, call the shots, or make demands that the sub is happy to fulfill. (tell me what part of that isn't damen?) and I think Damen would know that control was something Laurent NEEDED to take back, in a healthy and positive way
wooooooooow you really fucking said it man
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kawaiikichi · 6 years
Chocolates for My Beloved (Saiouma)
Hello! As I’m sure you all know, today is Valentine’s Day. So, I have come with a Saiouma Valentine’s Day one-shot for you all! Tbh, this was actually my very first Saiouma piece (like, ever) and I had it uploaded on Fanfiction Amino, but it didn’t get a whole lot of attention TT_TT
So, I figured I’d put it up here because one, I have been meaning to come back to this and edit it for the longest while, and two, I will get to actually post it on Valentine’s Day rather than a month after XD
Title: Chocolates for My Beloved
Summary: In order to express his feelings to a certain detective on Valentine’s Day, Kokichi decides to make some chocolate for him. But, upon seeing Shuichi with Kaede, Kokichi begins to have second thoughts about it...
One-Shot Notes: Non-Despair AU where they are all attending Hope’s Peak (they all have their talents still)
One-shot is under the cut!
Kirumi made her way to the dining hall. Himiko had developed a sore throat and requested that Kirumi make her some tea. Of course, Kirumi was not one to turn a request down, so she decided to do it.
The school was deadly quiet except for her strolling the dim, moonlit halls.
At least, she thought she was the only one awake and wandering about the school at this time of night.
As she was about to take a left, she noticed a stream of light coming from the Home Ec classroom.
“Hm? I thought nobody else was up at this time...” she murmured under her breath as she made her way over to the door.
She stopped, making sure her silhouette wasn’t showing before poking her head in curiously. She was not prepared for the sight before her, eyebrows quirking up in mild surprise.
It was total chaos in the Home Ec classroom, supplies and equipment strewn everywhere by one of the stations. In the middle of it all was Kokichi, who had his bangs pinned back by glittery pink bobby pins that he probably stole from Miu and a light purple apron tied around him. Dark smudges covered his cheeks, the tip of his nose, his forehead, and his apron as he ran about the room in a rush. She could hear him let out a string of curses before he came back into view with a pan in his hand, smoke drifting up from it.
“Why is making chocolate so hard?!” he whined.
He pouted, putting the pan into the sink along with several other ruined pans.
Kirumi could only stare, surprised by what she was seeing.
“Ouma-kun...making chocolate?” she silently withdrew from the Home Ec classroom. “That is quite peculiar...” she murmured under her breath.
She decided to keep that information tucked away in her mind in case she needed it as she headed off to go make the tea for Himiko.
“Ouma-kun was trying to make chocolate last night?” Rantaro questioned, blinking his green eyes in surprise as he looked up at Kirumi, who stood by his desk the next day.
“Yes. I saw him in the Home Ec classroom when I was heading to the dining hall to make some tea for Yumeno-san.” she explained.
“Hm...he never really puts in the effort when it comes to that class...” Kirumi took a seat across from Rantaro. “I wonder why he’s doing that...” he trailed off.
“I have been thinking about it and I might have come up with something.” she looked over at the date, which was written on the chalkboard. “Do you know what day it will be in two days?” she asked.
“The 14th, right?” Rantaro answered.
“Indeed. In two days time, it will be Valentine’s Day.” Kirumi explained.
Rantaro’s eyes widened a fraction, finally making the connection.
“Are you saying that Ouma-kun is making Valentine chocolate for someone he likes?” he asked.
“That would most likely be the case.” Kirumi replied.
“I see...” Rantaro trailed off.
He looked around the classroom before his gaze finally settled on Kokichi, watching as he crowded around Shuichi’s desk. He then leaned in towards Shuichi’s face, causing the detective to nearly fall out of his chair, a blush painting his cheeks a bright red.
“I think I have a pretty good idea as to who he might be making that chocolate for.” he said.
“...And then, Saihara-chan saw right through me! I honestly was shocked when he called me out on it—“ Rantaro cut Kokichi off, glancing down at the supreme leader.
“Isn’t that a lie, though? You being shocked, that is.” he asked.
“Of course it is, my sweet Amami-chan! I knew he was going to call me out on it sooner or later. He even said that the game should just be called Two Lies and a Truth because of how much I lie. Isn’t he just so cute?” Kokichi gushed, his purple eyes sparkling with childish delight.
“Indeed, he is. He must be so cute that you’ve brought it upon yourself to make Valentine chocolate for him.” Rantaro pointed out.
“Hm? Me? Making Valentine chocolate for Saihara-chan?” Kokichi questioned.
Rantaro didn’t realize that Kokichi had stopped following him until he looked to his side. He turned, seeing a blank expression wash over Kokichi’s face for a split second before one of his signature smirks took its place.
“Wooooooooow, Amami-chan! You sure like to jump to some crazy wild conclusions!” Kokichi raced over to Rantaro and clung onto his arm. “Whatever made you think that I would be making Valentine chocolate for my beloved Saihara-chan?” he asked, sparkling purple staring into inquisitive green.
“Toujou-san saw you in the Home Ec classroom last night. She said you messed up the recipe a few times.” Rantaro commented as they resumed walking down the hall with Kokichi hanging off of his arm.
“Is that so? Toujou-chan must have bad eyes then because I was nowhere near the Home Ec classroom last night! I was in my bed, sleeping like a baby!” Kokichi declared.
“You never have a good night’s rest to begin with, so don’t think you can fool me with a lie like that.” Rantaro deadpanned.
“Nishishi~Of course, of course. I don’t think I could ever fool you, anyway.” Kokichi stated.
“So, you admit that you were making Valentine chocolate in the Home Ec classroom last night?” Rantaro asked.
“Nope!” Kokichi made sure to pop the ‘p’ as he continued to cling onto Rantaro. “Like I said, I was in my room. Come on, Amami-chan, you know how much I despise that class! Or could it be...you forgot?” Kokichi’s voice began to waver as crocodile tears began to well up in his eyes.
“I would never. And also, your crocodile tears won’t work on me, so don’t bother.” Rantaro said.
“Ugh, you’re soooooooo boring! Even that disgusting pig is more amusing than you!” Kokichi pushed himself away from Rantaro, bringing his arms behind his head in a laid back expression. “So not fun...” he mumbled.
“Well, sorry for not being fun.” Rantaro said.
He then released a sigh, shoving his hands into his uniform pants pockets.
“You know, I’ve helped make Valentine chocolate before. I can help you, if you’d like.” he offered.
Kokichi didn’t respond at first. Rantaro almost thought the boy had stopped mid-walk again when he heard footsteps come up beside him.
“Would you really, Amami-chan?!” he asked excitedly.
“So what Toujou-san said was true...” Rantaro murmured with the roll of his eyes.
“Don’t be like that!” Kokichi clung to his arm again. “So?! Will you help me?! Will you, will you, will you?!” he asked.
“Of course I will.” Rantaro replied.
“Yay! This is why I love you the most, Amami-chan!” Kokichi declared, a wide smile spread across his face.
“I thought Saihara-kun was the one you love the most...” Rantaro mumbled.
“Hm? What was that?” Kokichi asked, a threatening look crossing his face as he said that.
“It’s nothing. Just know that we should do it tomorrow night.” Rantaro said.
“Huuuuuuuuh?! Why then?! We should do it tonight so that we can get it out of the way!” Kokichi whined.
“You wouldn’t want to give Saihara-kun day old chocolate, would you?” Rantaro asked.
“Geh...! What’s up with you insisting that I’m making Valentine chocolate for Saihara-chan?!” Kokichi asked.
“Um...you told me that you had fallen hard for him two months ago? Like, you were swooning over his pretty looks, his eyes, and you wouldn’t stop talking about how good he looks in—“ Kokichi cut him off.
“Ugh, stop already!” Rantaro swore he saw Kokichi’s cheeks turn pink. “I now regret telling you everything!” he whined.
Rantaro couldn’t help but chuckle as he let Kokichi pull him around the corner.
“Okay, have you chopped up your chocolate?”
“Yup! All chopped up!”
Rantaro looked over at Kokichi, who had finished chopping up his chocolate.
“You know, I was afraid you were going to cut yourself with the knife, but I guess I don’t have to worry about that.” Rantaro stated.
“Amami-chan, you’re so mean! You act like you can’t trust me with anything!” Kokichi whined.
“That’s because half of the time, I can’t.” Rantaro glanced over at the pan sitting on the stove. “Have you checked your cream to see if it’s scalding yet?” he asked.
Kokichi’s eyes widened in horror at the realization.
“Shit!” he exclaimed as he quickly scrambled over to the stove, peering into the pan.
Rantaro watched as Kokichi released a drawn out whine.
“It’s burnt!” he complained.
“Let me take a look.” Rantaro said as he made his way over to Kokichi. He peered down at the pan before sighing.
“I think I know what the problem is. You’re not keeping an eye on it.” Rantaro stated.
He heard Kokichi let out an overly dramatic gasp.
“How dare you, Amami-chan! I am totally keeping an eye on my stuff!” he exclaimed.
“I’m not sure I believe that. You’re such a scatterbrain sometimes, you know.” Rantaro stated.
“Below the belt, Amami-chan.” Kokichi shot back.
“It’s the truth, though.” Rantaro pointed out.
Kokichi whipped his head around so fast that Rantaro swore he had gotten whiplash.
“A-ma-mi-chan~” Rantaro had a wide smile on his face, but the look in his eyes was sinister. “Continue to insult me and I’ll make sure I have my secret organization come and kill you.” he spoke, the sweet tone of his voice contrasting greatly with the deadly threat.
Anyone would’ve been terrified of his threat, but Rantaro hung around the supreme leader long enough to know better than to be scared. He sighed deeply.
“I know you won’t kill me. Besides, I’m the only one who can help you with making the chocolate.” Rantaro said.
“No, you’re not! I can get Mom to help me, you know!” Kokichi pointed out.
“Yes, but I don’t think Toujou-san would be able to tolerate you for this long. Only I can do that.” Rantaro explained.
Kokichi pouted.
“Geez, you’re being like Saihara-chan...always acting like such a goody-two-shoe...” he mumbled.
Rantaro chuckled.
“Well, I have to keep you under control somehow.” Rantaro dug through one of the cabinets and pulled out another pan. “Here, let’s try again. And this time, I’ll help you.” he said.
“Okay!” Kokichi chirped before taking off the stove and skipping over to Rantaro. Rantaro reached for the carton of heavy cream and he poured some into the pan, taking it over to the stove. Kokichi followed him, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Okay, so what we’re going to do is set a timer for the heavy cream so that we can prevent it from burning due to lack of supervision. Can you do that for me?” Rantaro asked.
“Of course! Anything for my darling Amami-chan!” Kokichi declared as he whipped out his phone, the purple glitter phone case gleaming in the light. “How long should I set it for?” he asked.
“Thirty minutes will be good enough.” Rantaro replied.
“Okie dokie!” Kokichi declared as Rantaro turned the stove on to medium heat and Kokichi started the timer.
“Now, you will have to stir it frequently so that a film doesn’t form on the top of the heavy cream.” Kokichi pouted at the thought of having to stand in front of the pan for nearly half an hour. “Here, use this. The silicone of the spatula will prevent the heavy cream from sticking to it.” Rantaro explained, handing Kokichi a purple silicone spatula.
“Okay!” Kokichi replied, taking the spatula from Rantaro and beginning to stir the heavy cream around.
“Make sure you’re not continuously stirring it. Stir for a bit, wait a couple minutes, then stir again.” Rantaro instructed.
“Yes, daddy.” Kokichi drawled out in response. 
This caused Rantaro to choke on his spit.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Rantaro asked.
“What? All I did was call you daddy.” Kokichi responded, blinking up at him innocently as he stopped stirring the heavy cream. 
“Okay, that has a weird ring to it, so please stop calling me that.” Rantaro said.
“Hm? I’m pretty sure I can say whatever I damn please, Amami-chan. If I want to call you daddy, then I shall!” Kokichi chirped.
“I literally can not see you in any other light besides as a best friend, so don’t continue to call me that because I am most certainly not your ‘daddy.’“ Rantaro pointed out, placing his hands on his hips as he eyed Kokichi sternly.
This caused the supreme leader to burst into loud fits of laughter.
“Man, why’d you have to get all serious like that?! I was only messing you, you know! Or maybe I wasn’t. Who knows~” Kokichi said.
Rantaro let out an exasperated sigh as he watched Kokichi resume stirring the heavy cream. He couldn’t help but admire how Kokichi was trying his hardest to make the best batch of chocolate he could for Shuichi. It made him think that Kokichi truly did love Shuichi with all of his heart.
He examined the small band-aids littering his fingers and hands from when he had either cut or burned himself the night before (and from last night, from what Kirumi had told him), the smudge of bittersweet chocolate on the rise of his pale cheekbone, the way he had his hair pulled back into a small ponytail with a purple scrunchie, the glittery pink bobby pins that he pinned his unruly bangs back with, and the way the tip of his tongue rested on his upper lip as his eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. Kokichi looked so pure and so at ease in this situation that Rantaro couldn’t help but pull out his phone and take a picture of him. The shutter went off and he swore he saw Kokichi jump a little before he stopped stirring.
“Amami-chan, did you just take a picture of me?” he asked in mock surprise.
“Yeah. You just looked so peaceful that I couldn’t help it.” Rantaro explained.
“Hm...is that so...” Kokichi tapped a finger against his chin. “Well, we can’t have that!” he exclaimed.
“Eh?” Rantaro questioned.
“You’re not going to get a very good picture of me if I’m not facing the camera!” Kokichi stirred the heavy cream before turning to face Rantaro. “Go on, take another picture of me!” he declared.
Rantaro sighed, shaking his head as a small smile graced his lips.
“Alright. Just make sure you keep stirring the heavy cream.” he said.
“Of course, Amami-chaaaaan~!” Kokichi singsonged as he posed for Rantaro, who took his picture.
Rantaro looked through his photo gallery, silently deciding that he was going to show these photos to Shuichi when he saw him next. Kokichi noticed how Rantaro was staring down at his phone with a smile on his face.
“Oi, Amami-chan! I thought you were assisting me! And don’t think I don’t see you ogling my pictures! I know I’m sexy.” Kokichi spoke teasingly.
Rantaro snorted, a laugh dancing on the tip of his tongue.
“What?! You don’t think I’m sexy?! I mean, look at me in this cute purple apron! And how I tied my hair up! My angelic face! My gorgeous eyes! My luscious and soft lips! My slim body!” Amami was shaking with laughter as Kokichi gesticulated wildly, spatula in hand. “Amami-chan, wouldn’t you want to fuck me?!” he asked.
Rantaro was choking on gasps as he calmed his laughter.
“I...I think you should save that little spiel for Saihara-kun...” he trailed off.
He could see the red begin to seep onto Kokichi’s cheeks (it amused Rantaro how Kokichi let himself be more vulnerable around him). Before he could say something, the sound of Kaito screaming in a high pitched voice reached their ears.
Rantaro quickly looked over at the door, wondering if Kaito had seen them as Kokichi burst into laughter.
“Nishishi~Amami-chan, you are way too funny! That was my timer!” he declared, picking his phone up from off the counter.
“I don’t even wanna know how you ended up getting that...” Rantaro murmured.
Kokichi reached to turn the stove off and he brought it over to the bowl where the chopped chocolate was in. After pouring the scalded heavy cream into the bowl, whisking it together, adding in chopped almonds (“Saihara-chan told me that he reeeeeeeeally likes almonds! And that’s the truth!” Kokichi had chirped excitedly), and pouring the chocolate into the heart shaped silicone trays, they put the trays into the fridge so that the chocolate could set and solidify.
“I can’t believe it’s finally done!” Kokichi exclaimed as he nudged the fridge door shut with his hip.
“Well, all we have to do now is wait. We’ll come back early in the morning to check on them.” Rantaro glanced over at the equipment sitting on the counter. “But for now, let’s get this cleaned up.” he suggested.
“Okie dokie!” Kokichi declared as he skipped over to Rantaro and he began to help him wash the dishes.
Kokichi squeezed some soap onto a sponge and he began to rub the sponge against the surface of the bowl he mixed the chocolate, heavy cream, and almonds in as he spoke.
“So, Amami-chan, do you think you’ll get something for Valentine’s Day?” Kokichi asked.
“Hm...I would like to hope I do.” Rantaro admitted, bringing one of the saucepans under the gushing water.
“Who do you hope to get chocolate from?” Kokichi asked.
“I wouldn’t mind at all if I ended up getting obligatory chocolate, but I secretly hope that the girl I like gives me chocolate.” Rantaro explained.
“Ooooooooh, Amami-chan’s got a crush!” Kokichi rinsed the bowl and he put it in the drainer. “Is is Toujou-chan?” he asked.
“No. I don’t think I could ever see her in the romantic sense.” Rantaro said.
“Then, how about Shirogane-chan?” Kokichi asked.
“No way. Shirogane-san is not even my type.” Rantaro pointed out.
“Then, could it be...” Kokichi let out a dramatic gasp as he ran some water over the spatula. “You have feelings for Akamatsu-chan?!” he exclaimed.
Kokichi watched as a deep red blush exploded across Rantaro’s face.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I guessed correctly! But then again, that’s a lie cuz I knew aaaaaaaaaall along that you were head over heels for her!” Kokichi added soap to the spatula and he rubbed it with the sponge. “You were so obvious, after all. You’d always stare at her whenever you got the chance and you took every opportunity to assist her with anything just so that you can talk and spend time with her. I’m shocked that Bakamatsu-chan is so oblivious about your feelings for her. Your feelings for her are as plain as day!” Kokichi pointed out.
“You’re one to talk. You start grinning like a goddamn fool and act all giddy when it comes to Saihara-kun. If anything, it seems to me that your feelings for the person that you like are more obvious than my own.” Rantaro remarked.
“Oh, you hush, avocado head! I’ll have my secret organization tail you and kill you for trying to act like a smartass.” Kokichi stated.
“I’ll tone it down.” Rantaro said, choosing to go along with Kokichi’s antics as they finished washing all of the dishes, dried them off, put them back in their appropriate spots, and left the Home Ec classroom, flicking off the lights and closing the door behind them.
Kokichi skipped down the hall the next day with a pink bag filled with the chocolate he had made last night in his hand. He had been ecstatic that the chocolate he made (with the help of Rantaro, of course) had turned out just right. He knew for a fact that his beloved Saihara-chan would love the chocolate that he made just for him.
He turned the corner as he spotted a familiar figure in the middle of the hallway. He beamed, knowing that hat from anywhere.
He got ready to call out to the taller boy when he saw that Shuichi wasn’t alone. Kaede stood before him, holding what might’ve been a small bag of chocolates. He stopped in his tracks, watching as Kaede presented him with her chocolate.
“I...I like you a lot! Please accept my chocolate!” she said, her loud declaration ricocheting off the walls.
Kokichi felt his stomach twist in disgust at the sight before him. He swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump that had somehow formed in his throat. He hated this feeling and he desperately wished that it would just disappear.
This was definitely not how he wanted this day to go at all. All he wanted was to present his chocolate to Shuichi, flirt with him a little, confess to him, and hopefully be able to take the next step in their relationship and begin to date. He definitely was not expecting Kaede to confess to Shuichi and give him her homemade chocolate.
Rantaro’s heart was going to be broken once Kokichi told him what he had seen.
But, that wasn’t important now. Right now, Kokichi needed to do what he did best: act natural and pretend that the pain didn’t exist.
He plastered on the widest grin that he could muster up as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Oh my! What is it that we have here?!” he called out in an obnoxiously loud voice.
Kaede let out a surprised squeak while Shuichi turned to look at Kokichi.
“Ouma-kun...!” Shuichi exclaimed in surprise.
“Hello, my beloved Saihara-chan!” he clung to Shuichi’s arm, beaming up at him. “You’re looking as cute as always!” he chirped.
An adorable blush spread across Shuichi’s cheeks as he averted his gaze.
“Uh...” he trailed off.
Kokichi grinned before looking over at Kaede, acting like he had just noticed her.
“Oh, we’re not alone. Hi, Akamatsu-chan!” he greeted.
“Ouma-kun, what in the world are you doing here?” she asked.
“Oh, I was just hoping to confess my feelings to my beloved Saihara-chan, but then you beat me to it!” Kokichi declared.
“Huh?! That’s not what it is! I was just—“ Kokichi cut her off.
“Oh, that was a lie.” he stated.
“Huh?!” Kaede exclaimed.
“Ouma-kun, that is something I don’t think you should be lying about.” Shuichi chided as he looked down at him.
Kokichi could see the way that Shuichi was looking at him. It was that look he got when he was trying to figure out if his statements were a lie or if he was really telling the truth. His eyebrows would furrow, his eyes would narrow, and he would touch his chin like he were contemplating something. Kokichi noticed the way Shuichi pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth with one of his canines digging a little into his bottom lip, which was something he does when he’s getting ready to call Kokichi out on his lies. Kokichi swallowed, his eyes trained on Shuichi’s lips. The action was so goddamn sexy that he just wanted to knock that silly hat off of Shuichi’s head, grab him by his shirt, push him against the wall, and kiss him until his lips were nice and swollen—
Okay, he was seriously starting to get carried away.
“But, in all seriousness, I’m actually looking for my darling Amami-chan.” If Kokichi hadn’t shot a glance at Kaede, he would’ve missed the distinct pink blush spreading across her cheeks at the mention of their green-haired classmate. “Any ideas as to where he might be?” he asked.
“Um...I could’ve sworn that I saw him in the library...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Okay! Thank you very much, my beloved~” Kokichi purred.
“Wha—?! Be-Beloved?!” Shuichi squawked out, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
“Nishishi~” Kokichi pulled away from Shuichi before beaming at Kaede. “Well, you can go back to confessing your undying love to him!” the words were like a sword being plunged straight into his heart. “See you losers around!” he said before skipping off. He then stopped, turning to wink at Shuichi and blow a kiss in his direction. The detective sputtered, the blush spreading to his ears as Kokichi giggled before turning away.
As soon as he did, the mask slipped off and he practically flew down the hall to the library. All he could see in his mind was Shuichi and Kaede and hear her love confession. He could practically hear Shuichi accepting her confession and the two of them beginning to date. Everyone would be happy for them because obviously, Shuichi and Kaede were a good match. There was no way that he would end up getting that much support if he has somehow managed to sweep Shuichi off his feet and get him to date him. Who would love someone like Kokichi Ouma, anyway?
He shooed those thoughts away as he arrived, swinging the door open and startling the librarian and some of the students.
“Amami-chaaaaaaan!” he called out.
“Oi, keep it down!” the librarian barked out.
Kokichi paid the librarian no mind as he began to search the library for a familiar mop of green hair. He then spotted Rantaro, who was flipping through a comic based off a popular television series by the name of Danganronpa.
“Amami-chan!” Kokichi called out.
“Ouma-kun?” Rantaro watched Kokichi in surprise as the supreme leader made his way over to him. “What happened? Did you manage to find Saihara-kun?” he asked.
Kokichi shook his head.
“Nope! I looked eeeeeeeverywhere for my beloved Saihara-chan, but he was nowhere to be found! So, I guess I can give my chocolate to you instead!” Kokichi handed him the bag of chocolates that was meant for Shuichi. “Here, take this as friendship chocolate.” he said.
He tried to keep the façade up, but he could tell that it was breaking by the way Rantaro watched him with concern flickering in his eyes. He closed the comic, putting it back on the shelf.
“Ouma-kun, did something happen?” he asked.
“Hm? Whatever made you think that, Amami-chan?” Kokichi asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“You may think that it’s not obvious, but the look in your eyes says otherwise.” Rantaro stated.
Kokichi could feel his lips pull into a strained, artificial smile as he forced out a laugh.
“Oh, Amami-chan, you’re so funny! I’m not upset at all! I just felt like giving the chocolate I made to you for a change!” he said.
Kokichi brought his hands behind his head, trying to hide how they were trembling.
“Well, it was nice talking to you, my darling Amami-chan! I’m going back to my room and crashing for the rest of the day.” he turned on his heel. “Bye bye!” he chirped before skipping off.
Rantaro stared at the bag of chocolate in his hand, frowning.
Something wasn’t adding up. Kokichi had put in so much time and effort into making these chocolates, so why in the world would he give up on giving them to Shuichi? The only way Kokichi would’ve just given up was if he had seen Shuichi, but he had seen him being offered chocolate by someone else—
His eyes then widened, the pieces clicking together.
“Shit. I need to find Saihara-kun.” he said before storming out of the library in search of the detective.
Shuichi made his way back to the classroom to grab up his bag and head back to the dorm for the day.
He had ended up getting an unexpected request from his best friend Kaede, who had wanted to confess to Rantaro, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. So, he had decided to pretend he was Rantaro and have Kaede practice with him until she felt confident enough to confess to their green-haired classmate.
What he didn’t expect was for Kokichi to interrupt them during their practice session. He had pestered him a little (since when did the supreme leader not pester him?) and tried to casually flirt with him like he usually did. Anyone who had seen Kokichi and didn’t know any better would’ve thought that Kokichi had looked absolutely fine. But, Shuichi knew better. He had been observing and analyzing Ouma long enough to tell when something was off with him.
When he had stared at Kokichi, he could see what might’ve been hurt and betrayal floating about in those deep purple eyes that Shuichi had grown to love. It was only there for a half a moment, but it was enough to tell Shuichi that something was indeed wrong with him. What exactly was wrong with him, Shuichi didn’t know. But, he knew that something was bothering him and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.
He was so ready to call Kokichi out, to tell him to stop acting like everything was okay when it actually wasn’t. But, Kokichi had beat him to it, smothering those raw emotions that had flashed through his eyes with an eye twinkle (he wondered briefly how someone could fake that) and began rambling on about what Shuichi assumed was another lie before dashing off in search of Rantaro.
His stomach twisted at the thought of Kokichi gifting chocolate to Rantaro. He had wished that what Kokichi had said before about gifting the chocolate to him was true. But, it was quite selfish of him to think this way. It wasn’t like the trickster felt the same way that he felt, right?
He stepped into the classroom to be met with Rantaro.
“Ah. Amami-kun.” he greeted.
“Yo.” Rantaro replied.
It was silent as Shuichi made his way over to his desk, picking up his bag. As he began stuffing his books into it, he heard Rantaro speak up.
“By any chance, did you happen to run into Ouma-kun earlier today?” he asked.
“Ouma-kun? Yeah, I did run into him. Why do you ask?” Shuichi answered.
He heard Rantaro let out a small ‘tch’.
“Just as I thought...” he mumbled under his breath.
This caught Shuichi’s attention.
“Hm? What is it, Amami-kun?” he asked.
“Here, take this.” Rantaro said before throwing something in his direction.
“Ah!” Shuichi exclaimed as he caught what Rantaro had tossed him. He looked down at what Rantaro had given him and a sharp gasp escaped his lips.
“Isn’t this your chocolate, though?” Shuichi held up the pink bag of chocolates that he had seen Kokichi holding before. “Ouma-kun said that—“ Rantaro cut him off with the raise of his hand.
“Actually, those chocolates are meant for you.” Rantaro said.
“For me?” Shuichi could hear his heart pounding in his ears. “But, Ouma-kun said that—“ he was cut off again.
“If that’s what he said, then just know that that was a lie. Look at the tag on the bag.” Rantaro instructed.
Shuichi did as Rantaro had said, picking up the sparkly red heart-shaped tag and turned it over to see Kokichi’s swirly handwriting on it.
To: My beloved Saihara-chan~!!!
His cheeks grew warm, heart racing faster as Rantaro spoke. “He’s in his room. You should probably talk to him. You like him, don’t you?” Rantaro asked.
“I...” Shuichi held the bag in his hand. “I do like him...I like him so much...” he trailed off.
“Then, go tell him. I’m sure he’d be ecstatic if you did.” Rantaro suggested.
Shuichi smiled softly at the bag of chocolates before looking at Rantaro.
“Thanks, Amami-kun.” he began to hurry out of the classroom before he remembered something. “Oh, I almost forgot! Akamatsu-san wanted to talk to you behind the school! She said that it was really important.” he said.
“Really?” Rantaro blinked his eyes twice before smiling. “Okay. I’ll definitely go see her.” he said.
“Thanks. I think she’d really like that.” Shuichi said.
Rantaro chuckled a little.
“Now, don’t keep Ouma-kun waiting. Go get him, tiger.” he said jokingly.
Shuichi wanted to roll his eyes at the Spider-Man 2 reference, but decided not to as he raced out of the classroom and down the hall to the dorms, bag of chocolate in hand.
How could he have been so blind? Kokichi had thrown the truth in his face and yet he had deemed it as a lie and something that he shouldn’t be joking about. Kokichi was going to confess and he just had to ruin it.
Way to go, Shuichi Saihara.
As he ran down the hall, he got a text from Rantaro along with a few photo attachments and a video attachment.
Amamiʕʘ‿ʘʔ: Ouma-kun might try to refute you if you ask him whether he made the chocolate or not, so show him these as proof. The video was something I took without him noticing, so he has no idea about it XD
He tapped on the photo attachments one by one and watched as pictures of Kokichi in an apron with his hair tied back, bangs pinned back by glittery bobby pins that he probably ripped off of Miu, chocolate smeared across his cheeks, and a happy smile spread across his lips as he posed for the camera, occasionally moving to stir something in a saucepan showed up on his screen.
He then tapped on the video and listened as Kokichi began to speak.
“Oi, Amami-chan! I thought you were assisting me!” the camera was tilted at an odd angle, the camera capturing Kokichi’s legs and a part of the apron he had on. “And don’t think I don’t see you ogling my pictures! I know I’m sexy.” He heard Rantaro snort as the camera shifted to get a better view of Kokichi (without him seeing it, of course).
“What?! You don’t think I’m sexy?! I mean, look at me in this cute purple apron! And how I tied my hair up! My angelic face! My gorgeous eyes! My luscious and soft lips! My slim body!” he could hear Rantaro laugh as Kokichi gesticulated wildly with a spatula in his hand. “Amami-chan, wouldn’t you want to fuck me?!” Shuichi nearly choked, blushing furiously at what Kokichi was implying as Rantaro spoke.
“I...I think you should save that little spiel for Saihara-kun...”
Shuichi felt the blush crawl up to his ears at Rantaro’s statement. He then saw how Kokichi’s cheeks turned an adorable shade of red, causing his heart to race.
He looks cute like that, he had thought to himself.
He arrived at the dorms a few minutes later and he made his way down the hall to Kokichi’s room, which was at the end of the hall next to Keebo’s. He stood in front of the door, letting out a shaky sigh.
“Well...here goes nothing...” he murmured before reaching out to knock on the door.
“Ouma-kun? We need to talk.” he called out.
Silence answered him. Shuichi tapped his chin thoughtfully. Was Kokichi really in there?
“Hey, Ouma-kun? Are you in there? We need to talk. This is important.” he tried again.
This time, he heard something plastic hit the door. So, Kokichi was indeed in there.
“Look, I can’t talk to you if you don’t open the door for me.” Shuichi said.
He heard footsteps making their way to the door and then a voice.
“What, Saihara-chan? Did you come to show off your chocolate that Akamatsu-chan gave to you? Did you come to rub in my face that you and her are now an item?”
“What?! No, that’s not i—“ he then stopped, noticing something. “Wait a second. Did you see when Akamatsu-san had presented me the chocolate?” he asked.
“Nope! I only just assumed that was the case because the two of you were alone in the hallway when I was looking for my precious Amami-chan~!”
“That’s a lie, isn’t it?” Shuichi asked.
“Haaaah, Saihara-chan is way too boring. Yes, it was a lie. I did hear her go off about how much she liked you and what not.”
“So you came up to us on purpose...” he stared at the door. “Ouma-kun, I just want you to know that that was most definitely not what it was.” Shuichi said.
“Oh? Then tell me, what exactly was it?”
“It was...” Shuichi found himself reaching up to tug on his cap. “Akamatsu-san was wanting to confess to Amami-kun today, but she didn’t know how she was going to go about it. So, she practiced her confession on me.” Shuichi explained.
“Heh...that’s a nice, convincing lie you’ve made for yourself. I don’t know why you think I was so concerned about what you two were doing that you had to come out of your way to say that it was a total misunderstanding, but—“ Shuichi cut him off.
“But, aren’t you lying too, Ouma-kun?” he asked.
Kokichi was silent. Shuichi bit his lip, wondering how to proceed with this. Based on what he had heard from Rantaro, his observations from Kokichi earlier, and the attachments that Rantaro had sent to him, he couldn’t deny it any longer. He had to present Kokichi the facts if he wanted to get him to open up.
“Ouma-kun, maybe we should have this talk inside your room. It’s kind of hard to communicate like thi—“ Kokichi cut him off.
“No way! Why would I want to do that?!”
Shuichi let out an exasperated sigh.
“Okay, how about we do this? I’ll ask you some yes-no questions. Knock once on the door to say yes, twice to say no, and three times to say that you don’t know. Okay?” he asked.
He heard Kokichi knock once.
“Okay. And please be honest with me, okay?” Shuichi asked.
He heard Kokichi knock once before adding another knock. Shuichi held back the urge to chuckle as he spoke.
“Okay...so, did you overhear her confession speech?” he asked.
Kokichi knocked once.
“Okay. Did you happen to misunderstand the situation?” he asked.
It was silent before he heard Kokichi knock once.
“Were you trying to interrupt us on purpose?” he asked.
Kokichi knocked once.
“Was that chocolate you had with you really meant for Amami-kun?” he asked.
Almost immediately, Kokichi knocked on the door twice. Shuichi couldn’t hold back the chuckle that escaped his lips.
“Are you sure you’re telling me the truth?” Shuichi asked.
There was a knock. Before Shuichi could continue, he heard Kokichi add another knock.
“Can I...try and guess who the chocolate was for?” Shuichi asked.
It was silent for a little while. Shuichi could practically see Kokichi hesitating behind the door, wondering how to answer him without totally giving himself away. He could imagine one of Kokichi’s eyebrows quirking up, thumb being caught in between his plush lips as he gnawed at his fingernail, deep in thought. It was a sign that he was really thinking something over; a sign only Shuichi had been able to pick up on.
He then heard a soft knock, one that was more hesitant than his others knocks. It was like he feared what Shuichi was going to say next.
“Okay...” Shuichi stared at the tag attached to the bag before speaking. “The chocolate...it was for me, wasn’t it?” he asked.
The other end was silent. Shuichi sighed before continuing.
“I...I think that’s the case because the tag on the bag says that it’s addressed to me and...” Shuichi reached to open the bag and pulled out a heart-shaped chocolate, biting into it. “It also has almonds in it. I’m the only one in our class that even likes almonds.” Shuichi explained.
He took another bite as he spoke.
“I heard that you made these, Ouma-kun.” he commented.
“I did no such thing.” he heard Kokichi say.
“I know that’s also a lie. Amami-kun sent me some pictures and a video of you making the chocolate.” Shuichi pointed out.
He could imagine Kokichi letting out a string of curses under his breath, cursing Rantaro for giving him away.
“Ouma-kun.” he gripped the bag in his hand, making sure not to crush the chocolate inside. “The chocolate...it tastes really great. And I really appreciate the effort that you put into making this for me. You know...” he trailed off.
Shuichi swallowed. It was now or never.
“This is one of the reasons why I—“ Shuichi watched as the door flew open and Kokichi practically flew into his arms, nearly knocking him off his feet as the shorter boy nuzzled his face into his chest. Shuichi’s cheeks flushed red. “O-Ouma-kun...!” he squeaked out.
“No...” Kokichi’s hands fisted themselves in Shuichi’s shirt. “There is absolutely no way that I’m letting Saihara-chan confess before I can!” he shouted into his chest.
Shuichi watched as Kokichi raised his head, moving his hands up to cup Shuichi’s cheeks and he brought his face down towards his own, their lips coming together in a kiss.
At that moment, Shuichi felt like everything in his world was complete. Kokichi’s touch was gentle and his lips were soft and plush against his own, tasting of Panta and sugar. Shuichi wished that the moment would last forever; he wished that he could continue drinking in the taste of the smaller boy’s lips. However, Kokichi pulled away from the kiss before he could. He stared up at Shuichi with an unusual seriousness in his eyes.
“Saihara-chan, I love you. You’re the only one that I could ever love this way.” he confessed.
Shuichi was mesmerized by the way Kokichi’s eyes sparkled with so much love that it felt like he was drowning in it. He loved the way Kokichi’s thumb rubbed the rise of his cheekbone lovingly, the way Kokichi stared at him like he was the best thing that ever happened to him, and the way his lips quirked in a soft, genuine smile.
“I...I love you too, Ouma-kun.” he replied.
“Kokichi.” Kokichi continued to stroke his cheek with his thumb. “Call me Kokichi, Saihara-chan.” he whispered.
“Then, you can call me Shuichi.” Shuichi said as the distance closed between them again.
The bag of chocolate fell by his feet as he reached up to cup Kokichi’s cheek, his other hand moving to rest on the smaller boy’s hip. Kokichi hummed, his arms moving to drape themselves over Shuichi’s shoulders. The kiss blew Shuichi away, making his mind go absolutely blank.
They pulled away from the kiss after a few minutes. Shuichi stared down at Kokichi, admiring how his cheeks were flushed an adorable pink.
“Kokichi...you’ll be my boyfriend, right?” he asked.
“Of...” he watched Kokichi’s cheeks grow even pinker. “Of course I will be...there’s no way I’d pass up such an opportunity!” Kokichi beamed up at him. “I’m going to be the best boyfriend that you will ever have!” he declared.
Shuichi’s cheeks flushed red.
“I...I’ll try my best...” he murmured as his eyes locked on Kokichi’s hands, which were littered with band-aids.
“Did you hurt yourself when you were making those chocolates?” he asked.
“Hm?” Kokichi’s hands quickly went behind his back. “Of course not! Why would I be so silly as to cut myself?” he asked.
“You have bandages all over your fingers. I could feel them when you put your hands on my face just now.” Shuichi pointed out.
He extended his hands out towards Kokichi.
“You don’t have to lie to me when we’re alone, you know.” Shuichi told him.
Kokichi sighed.
“Fine, fine. Just know that I’m doing this for you!” Kokichi said as he placed his hands in Shuichi’s, putting his band-aids on display. Shuichi stared down at them, running his thumbs along the band-aids covering the tips of his fingers and various spots along his fingers and palms of his hands. A soft smile spread across his lips.
“It makes me so happy that you made homemade chocolate for me.” he said.
“Geez, Shuichi, you’re being way too sappy! You’re acting like those guys in those shoujo romance mangas.” Kokichi teased.
“But, I think you like it when I act like a sappy romantic.” Shuichi stared at Kokichi as he brought Kokichi’s hands up to his lips, kissing them softly. “See? You’re blushing.” he said, watching how Kokichi’s cheeks began to take on an adorable shade of red.
Kokichi let out a small huff before pulling his hands away, turning on his heels.
“Come.” he said.
“Huh? You want me to come in?” Shuichi asked.
“Well, duuuuuuuuuuh. What else did you think I meant?” Kokichi asked, glancing over his shoulder at him.
“Ah! That is...” Shuichi trailed off.
“Nishishi~! Well, don’t just stand there! Come in!” Kokichi called out.
Shuichi got ready to follow him when he realized that the small bag of chocolates had fallen to the ground at some point when they had kissed. He scrambled to pick the bag back up.
“Now, we need to plan out our first date!” Kokichi declared.
“First date?!” Shuichi squeaked out.
“Why, of course! You get a boyfriend and you don’t think about taking him on a date?!” Kokichi let out a dramatic gasp. “Shuichi...could it be...that you don’t actually love me...? Was that confession all a fluke...?!” Kokichi choked out as big, fat tears welled up in his eyes.
“Ah! N-No, that’s not it! I didn’t mean it like that, I—“ Shuichi was cut off by a laugh.
“Nishishi~! Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! I know that my beloved Shuichi truly loves me!” Kokichi said.
“I do. I would go up to the roof right this second and shout out to the whole world that I love you.” Shuichi said.
A melodic laugh rang through the air and Shuichi would do anything to be able to hear that bubbly, genuine laugh from Kokichi again.
“Geez, Shuichi, you really are a romantic sap!” Kokichi exclaimed, reaching out to take Shuichi’s hand and pull him into his room.
Shuichi closed the door behind them as he listened to Kokichi chatter excitedly about various things they could do for their first date. As Kokichi turned to him with a wide smile on his face, Shuichi couldn’t help but think that with Kokichi as his boyfriend now, everything felt complete.
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50funny · 5 years
Mage- Chapter 8:Countdown Till Test Time
Written By 50funny
Part 1- 8 Hours Till Test Time
Liz, Alex and Bip stumbled down the busy capital city streets, exhausted by their long run from the train. The group collapsed on the side of the streets, too fatigued to continue.
“I never thought we’d make it,” Liz panted heavily.
“I can taste my lungs,” wheezed Bip.
“At least we finally made it to capital city,” Alex huffed.
Liz looked up, gaining a burst of energy as she realized she had at long last reached capital city. She stood up bursting with excitement.
“capital city!” Liz exclaimed.
Liz’s eye’s darted around the busy capital city streets, amazed by the enormous brick buildings touching the sky. The air was filled with the sounds of thousands of voices and screeches of car tires along the streets. Liz frantically ran around, jumping from shop window to shop window taking in the new and strange products on sale.\
“Liz calm down,” Alex said as he regained his stamina.
Liz ignored Alex continuing to dart around. She turned her head to see a large group of people on the other side of the busy street staring into a shop window. Turning around, Liz ran across the street causing the cars to break violently and the air to fill with the sounds of honking horns as they narrowly avoided hitting her.  She continued across the street ignorant of her close call. The group around the window began to dissipate as Liz placed her face up against the glass.
“Wooooooooow,” Liz said, looking into the window.
Behind the glass, sitting atop a luxurious velvet pillow, sat an intricately engraved stick. A small piece of cardboard sat in front of it with ‘Echo Model Twenty’ written on it in cursive. Alex and Bip approached Liz from down the street having safely crossed at the pedestrian crossing.
“Liz you can’t just run across the street like that, it’s dangerous,” Alex said.
“What’s that?” Liz asked, ignoring Alex’s lecture.
Alex looked into the window at the object.
“That’s a catalyst,” stated Alex.
“A catalyst? What’s that?”
Bip and Alex turned around and looked at Liz dumbfounded by her ignorance.
“You can’t be serious?” Alex said.
Liz nodded her head up and down.
“The magical pathways in a person lead to five places, the hands, feet and the mouth. Those are the places magic users can use to cast their abilitiess. A catalyst, like that, is an item imbedded with magic that can act as a new place to cast from,” Bip explained continued. “They have a tendency to dilute magic and make it a little bit weaker, so pro mages don’t typically use them. They’re usually used  by new magic users to make practice easier, but some choose to use them for the safety aspect.”
“Safety aspect?” Liz puzzled.
“You’re kidding me?” Alex said. “Magic can be incredibly dangerous. If you don’t know what you're doing when you cast, you could seriously injure yourself, or even die,”
“I never knew,” said Liz quietly, disturbed by this new information.
“Then it’s a miracle you haven’t blown your arm off yet,” declared Alex.
Voices started to cut through among the drone of city noises.
“Come join our guild!” came a call from the distance.
Liz looked off down the street to see a line of people, holding up signs and handing out flyers.
“Join the Wolf Pack Guild,” shouted an athletic man draped in a wolf pelt.
“Come play with the Gamers Guild,” yelled a scrawny man with a pale complexion.
“Join the Guild of the Neutral! Or, don’t,” said a women dressed in beige in a monotone voice.
“Wow, real guilds! This is amazing,” Liz said, looking bright eyed towards the group.
“Yeah, not quite,” Alex observed.
Liz looked over to Alex slightly confused.
“Real guilds don’t need to hand out flyers. These guys probably belong to unofficial guilds that can’t afford registration,”
“But if guilds don’t advertise themselves, how are we gonna find one to join?”
“That’s simple, come on Liz, let’s take a trip to the library.” Alex walked off down the busy street followed shortly behind by Liz and Bip.
Part 2- 7 Hours Till Test Time
The elderly librarian looked over the top of her glasses at the trio standing on the opposite side of the library counter.
“One guild almanac please,” Alex said, flashing his winning smile.
Alex placed the large leather bound book trimmed with gold down on the table in front of Liz. The group sat at an old wooden table in the large brick library, echoing with whispers and the gentle turning of pages.
Liz looked down at the book in front of her.
“What’s this?” Liz whispered in awe.
“It’s a guild almanac. It’s a comprehensive lists every official guild currently in operation.” explained Alex. “They only had last year’s addition so some of the information might be a little out of date.”
Liz looked down at the massive book in wonder.
“Wow, that’s so cool,” Liz said as she grabbed the book. “Let’s get into it already,”
Liz pulled opened the cover revealing a completely blank page. She looked at it confused as she flicked through the pristine pages, each one completely devoid of any information.
“Uhhh Alex. I think you got a defective one,” Liz said confused.
“It’s a magical book Liz, it doesn’t work like that,” Alex said. “You gotta give it parameters and it’ll show you the best Guild that fits your description.”
Liz tapped the table as she thought about what she wanted out of a Guild.
“Hmm, I don’t know? Just like a good Guild, I guess,” Liz said.
“You gotta be more specific than that,” said Alex.
The book let out a high pitched ping.
“Searching for, a good guild,” came a mechanical women’s voice from the book.
The book began to turn its own pages until it stopped half way through on a blank page. Information began to slowly appear on the page surrounded by an elegant boarder. The page was ornately titled ‘The Good Guys Guild’ with neat lines of text underneath as well as an illustration of a coat of arms depicting  a thumbs up.
“The Good Guys Guild. Designation: the charity guild. Rating: C class. Description: The Good Guy’s Guild primarily focuses on preforming small acts of kindness for little to no charge. Members say they are payed in the smiles of those they help,” the book intoned.
“Hmm, doesn’t really seem like the right guild for us,” Liz said clenching her fist in determination. “Alright, let’s find ourselves the perfect guild!”
 Part 3- 1 Hours Till Test Time
Bip laid curled up tightly, purring lightly in between his snores. Alex dug his forehead into the table as he let out a long sigh.
“Come on Liz,” he moaned, “We’ve been at this for hours, just pick a guild already,”
Liz continued intently scanning the page of the book.
“I’m not just gonna pick any old guild Alex. It needs to be the perfect guild,” Liz said. “This ones not gonna do either,” she muttered to herself.
Alex raised his head off the desk, his sunken eyes struggling to focus on Liz.
“Finding the perfect guild won’t matter if we run out of time to register.”
“Then I’ll just wait till next year. My original plan was to train for a few years before I took the guild test so I don’t mind waiting.”
Alex slammed his head against the table forcefully, sending out a loud bang.
“You’re hopeless” Alex grumbled into the timber. “Let’s try this again. What do you want out of a guild? And keep it specific.”
“It’s not like I’m asking that much. A high paying guild that can take me across the world on all sorts of adventure. Is that so hard?”
The book let out a high pitched ping. The pages flipped before stopping near the start. A list of guild names began to appear on the page.
“Showing: 107 results,” the book said.
Alex raised his head from the table and began to scan the page.
“We’ve already look at most of these guilds,” he complained.
Alex’s eyes stopped on one of the guilds.
“This one’s new,” Alex continued tapping on the page.
The book let out another high pitched ping
“The Cleaner’s Guild. Designation: the cleanliness guild. Rating: A class. Description: The Cleaner’s Guild focus on all sorts of tasks and quests. Their magical prowess is second only to their powers of cleaning,” the book said.
“No way! Who likes cleaning?” Liz said.
“How about this one then?” said Alex, pointing at a line in the book.
Liz shook her head, “Nah, I don’t like the name.”
“This is hopeless.”
“I’m sorry I have high standards Alex. This is an important decision. I don’t want just any guild; I want a guild in its own class. A class above the rest,” mused Liz.
The book once again let out a ping and began flipping through its pages.
“Searching for: a class above the rest,” said the book.
The book landed on a page far into itself. The page’s title began to bleed in saying ‘The Guild of the Silver Sun” with a coat of arms of a sun.
The pages of the book flew past  eventually landing on a page far into itself. The inky swirl began to bleed across the paper and form the page’s title saying ‘The Guild of the Silver Sun”. A coat of arms featuring a blazing silver sun on a black background.
“The Guild of the Silver Sun. Designation: the elite guild. Rating: S class. Description: the Guild of the Silver Sun is one of only 5 guilds to receive the S class and the first ever to do so.” the book said. “Only the most powerful mages are able to pass the guild’s rigorous tests. Due to the guilds reputation, they are often sort out by wealthy clients and those with tasks too dangerous for other, lesser guilds to take on.”
“Wow, these guys sound like the real deal,” Alex looked up from the book to Liz. “What do you say Liz, these guys up to your standards?”
Liz scratched her chin in thought as she let out a long hum.
“Oh come on Liz, you can’t be serious these guys are perfect,” Alex complained.
“Stop, your whining, but your right these guys do seem pretty perfect. I guess they’ll do.”
“Wait, are you serious? We can finally leave?” Alex said excitedly grabbing the book off the desk as he stood up. “I’ll go return this then. Let’s get a move on, we haven’t got much time left.”
Alex ran off through the library. Liz let out a long sigh as she looked over to Bip still sleeping calmly.
“So impatient,” Liz said standing up and gently picking Bip up, cradling him as she walked to the door.  “I just hope these guys live up to their reputation.”
 Part 4- 10 minutes Till Test Time
Liz, Alex and Bip stood on the footpath unsure of what exactly they were looking at. In front of the group stood a small, rickety wooden building, in complete contrast to the modern city scape surrounding it.
“Ahhh Alex, you sure this is the place?” asked Liz.
Alex looked down to a page ripped from the guild almanac before looking back up to the house.
“Yeah, this is the address on the page.” Alex said.
“Maybe they closed down?” Liz theorized.
Bip flew up the stairs to the door of the building. Pinned to the door was a small piece of paper with writing on it. Bip scanned the writing on the sheet before turning around to Liz and Alex.
“They’re still in business. Looks like we need to go ‘round to the backdoor,” Bip said before flying off down the disused alleyway beside the building.
Alex and Liz glanced down the alleyway, before following Bip’s lead.They walked down the tight, cobweb filled alleyway, stepping over overflowing rubbish bins and piles of trash. Puddles of slimy rainwater collected in the potholes reflecting the meagre sunlight that glimpsed between the buildings.
“Think I might be changing my mind about this guild,” said Liz.
“No way. You can’t back out now,” Alex replied.
“Seriously, look at this place! It’s a dump,” Liz complained. “I mean what kind of person would wanna join a guild this shabby.”
Liz and Alex walked out of the alleyway onto a bustling footpath. The footpath was crowded with people lining up outside the guild building down the street as far as the eye could see. Alex stopped in his tracks and Liz’s jaw dropped at the sight.
“Holy crap!” said Alex. “That’s a lot of people,”
“This is hopeless. There’s no way we can get through all this in time,” Liz exclaimed.
“Maybe if you were a little more decisive,” Alex mumbled.
3 walked down along the line casually as he approached the guild building.
“Wow, lot of new recruits this year,” 3 said to himself.
3 looked over to the alleyway seeing Alex, Liz and Bip talking.
“ Oh dear, you’re not inside already,” 3 said glancing down to his watch and over to the line. “Hmm this could be a problem. There’s no way you’ll make it through all of this in time,” 3 continued as he began walking towards the group. “I had hoped to keep our first encounter until after you had passed the test, but I suppose it can’t be helped,”
Liz looked over to see the tall immaculately dressed man approaching them with purpose .
“Ahhh, hey guys, is he looking at us?”
Alex and Bip looked over to 3 as he reached the group stopping directly in front of them . There was an uncomfortable silence as 3 smiled pleasantly at the group.
“Uhhhh, hello,” Bip said awkwardly.
“Hello, my name is 3. nice to meet you,” 3 said bowing to the group.
“Hello, please let me introduce myself. My name is 3”, said 3, “pleasure to meet you all,” he finished with a formal bow.
“Ummm, nice to meet you too,” said Liz. “So what do you want?”
“Oh, where are my manners,’ said 3 as he stood up and looked directly at Liz. “I’m here to escort you to the front of the line.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Well, I noticed your little predicament here. I sense great potential in your little group and as it happens I’m actually a part of the guild leadership, so it would be remiss of me to let such talented individual miss the chance to join our guild. So, what do you say?” 3 explained.
“Huh really?” Liz exclaimed. “That sounds too good to be true. What do you think Alex?”
Liz turned around to see Alex. His face was extremely pale and his mouth hung slightly agape. Alex’s fist was clenched tightly, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.
“Ahh, Alex?” Liz said concerned. “You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Alex snapped out of his state shaking his head.
“Huh, what? Yeah, that sounds great,” Alex said.
“Splendid,” 3 exclaimed excitedly. “If you would please follow me, I shall take you inside.”
3 began walking towards the guild building followed shorty behind by Liz, Alex and Bip. Liz looked across to Alex still obviously shaken by something.  She shuffled over and leaned in close to Alex.
“Alex, you ok?” Liz asked concerned by Alex’s sudden shift.
“Huh, yeah I’m fine why you ask?” Alex replied unconvincingly.
“Don’t lie to me Alex. The second that guy showed up you completely shut down. So what’s up, do you know him or something?”
Alex looked down to the ground, reluctant to open up to Liz.
“I don’t know,” Alex whispered looking back up to Liz. “I don’t think I’ve ever met him before, but when I look at him, I just get this bad feeling.”
“Do you think it’s safe to trust him like this then?”
“I don’t know, but it’s not like we have another option if we want to join a guild this year. Just be on your guard around him.”
Liz nodded at Alex. The group walked up the stairs past the crowd to the door of the building. 3 pushed the door open and walked in. He held the door open gesturing for Liz, Alex and Bip to enter. The group walked into the cramped run down looking room with a small counter in the middle of it. a dingy light hung from the middle of the ceiling flickering intermittently. Along the back wall was another set of doors, barricaded shut by a large wooden plank.
“What a dump,” Liz muttered under her breath.
Suddenly a young girl shot up from behind the counter wearing a traditional floral dress. The girl looked around the room for a moment before her eyes landed on the group.
“Oh hello Master 3, pleasure to have you back sir,” the lady said bowing down.
“The pleasure is all mine Mia,” 3 said as he approached the counter. “I have some new recruits here as you can see. I was wondering if you could be a dear and fetch them a registration form.”
Mia looked across to the group before turning her head back to face 3.
“I’m sorry Master 3, we’re already at capacity. I’ve been told not to let anyone else in,” Mia said apologetically.
3 leaned in close to Mia and began to whisper in her ear.  
“Ohh. I see,” Mia said.
3 stood back up straight and smiled towards Mia.
“Now do you understand?” he asked.
“Of course sir,” Mia said turning her head to the group. “Excuse me, but if you could please come over here.”
The group began to approach the counter. Mia ducked down and began rummaging around in the draws. She popped back up from under the bench holding two thick binders and a pair of ball point pens. Mia held the binders out to Liz and Alex with a practiced smile on her face.
“Please fill out all the information on the front of your binder, and refrain from opening them until instructed,” Mia said as Alex and Liz took their binders. “These will act as your registration for the Guild of the Silver Sun, so please insure that all the information is completely accurate.”
Alex and Liz placed their binders down on the counter and began filling out the information. Mia looked over, watching them write and patiently waiting for them to finish. Alex and Liz finished writing and held their binders out to Mia. Mia took the binders out of their hands and looked down at the information they had written down.
“Thank you very much Mr Alex and Mrs Liz, now if you would please follow me,” Mia said as she walked over to the side of the counter.
Mia lifted up the partition leading behind the counter and began walking towards the other door with small quick steps, followed shortly behind by the rest of the group.  She grabbed the wooden plank blocking the door and with a strained push moved it to the side.
“Please proceed into the main hall,” Mia said.
“Main hall?” Isn’t that the front door?” Liz asked.
“Ha, just wait,” 3 chuckled.
The group began to walk towards the door.
“Ummm I’m sorry sir,” Mia said holding her hand out to block Alex. “Your familiar isn’t allowed into the main hall during the test, to keep it fair for everyone.”
“Huh, Bip? He’s my seeing eye famil…” Alex said before being cut off.
“Alex it’s ok, don’t worry about it,” said Bip.
“You sure?” asked Alex.
“Yeah, it’ll be good to have you out of my hair for a while,” Bip teased.
Mia let out a slight giggle.
“Now that’s settled, please proceed, and the best of luck to the both of you,” Mia said.
Mia placed both her hands on the door, and with a heave pushed open the doors. A blinding light flooded into the dingy room, as Liz and Alex looked on into the
________________________________________________________________To Be Continued 
Thank you for reading chapter 9 of mage. With this chapter bring the official start of the guild test arc, i know, exciting stuff indeed. in the coming weeks there will be some changes to how i post my content so keep an eye out for more info on the in the future. If you like what you’ve seen please consider following my tumblr for a new chapter every Friday. Until next week, have a good day.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on Outlander this season so far
I’ll be real, it’s been the weakest season so far.  I enjoy the show, especially for its weird little absurd moments and the character relationships and the characters in general...  But the plot has been weak this season.  I actually stopped reading the books at book 4 and will only skim the plot summaries to see what’s ahead, so that doesn’t surprise me.  However, the show is in general a marked improvement on the books so I was hoping for better?
The thing is that going to America was a Bad Move.  I would theorize that Diana Gabaldon was too lazy to do critical research on another country, and therefore sent Jamie and Claire to a place where famous action was happening--the Revolutionary War.  There were things happening all over the world, as always, and I think that she (and therefore the show, as it has to adhere to the main plot or risk the wrath of a thousand ladies who read the books in the 90s) would have done better to put Jamie and Claire in another European country.  If Scotland was too doom and gloom, maybe have them experience the Revolution in England--we never really get to see that in fiction.  Have them hob-knob with Thomas Jefferson in France and make a much better point about slavery by having them like... not consider owning slaves, because they can’t.
This is a romance.  First and foremost.  Always.  It is not equipped to handle the issues of slavery and colonialism, but it is now forced to confront them every episode by merit of Jamie and Claire being in the colonies, living on stolen land, in a society that is very much living on the backs of slaves.  There is only so much Jamie and Claire can do, but by not having them do more--especially when Claire KNOWS what these systems will lead to--makes them seem passive and ultimately okay with profiting off of them.  Jamie makes some statements on how the land is being stolen.. but he doesn’t do anything.  Claire mercy kills a slave, and here’s the thing--that act in itself would have been much better, if not great, HAD THEY WRITTEN IN THE PERSON SHE WAS KILLING GIVING HER PERMISSION.  If he’d woken up and said fuck this, I am making a free choice for the first time in a long time and I want out.
Basically, they’re written in a corner.  I don’t even--and never felt like--this made sense for Jamie in particular.  Sure, he’s a man of his time, but knowing what Claire has told him has changed him.  He had his land stolen.  And staying in America for Brianna is a weak reason.  He has his entire family in Scotland, and he was doing okay before Claire came back.  It would honestly make more sense for them to try to go back to Scotland and get rerouted in Europe vs. them staying on stolen land.
The Native Americans have been horribly written.  So stereotypical that I feel bad for the actors.  “We will call you bear killer” lmao okay.  Sure.  They just show up, look a bit savage, then do something mystical like blessing the water.  “Sometimes man  is the true monster” WOOOOOOOOOW.  I’m surprised they didn’t call Jamie “He Walks With Flame Hair” or some bullshit like that.  It makes me really irritated with Jamie and Claire (especially Claire because girl you know better in every way) and I don’t want to be.
Also, the pacing has been kinda glacial, while at the same time a weird amount of time has passed.  They’ve got their fucking cabin up but it still feels like very little has happened?  Brianna going through the stones was the most exciting thing that happened in the book, and they’re taking for fucking ever to get to that in a real way.  But hey, do I really want them to get to that, because Diana’s weird obsession with rape is going to rear its ugly head again, so.... deuces, I guess.
It’s not baaaaad but it’s definitely not the strongest the show’s been by any stretch and I wish they had better source material to work off of because the actors are beyond it.  It could have been worse, I just expect more.
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atc74 · 6 years
Thank you, all of you
For your wonderful comments on Stay
Aww, poor Dean!
Well, Shelly, he is stuck in Hell and that sucks for him. But he’ll get out (SPOILER ALERT) and then they’ll be back together. 
*sniff, sniff, wiping away my tears*. Ang, @atc74 , Why you trying, and succeeding, to make me cry at work?!?!  This is so freaking awesome, and I felt like I was listening to Dean’s voicemail personally!!  Amazing work as always!!  Sorry I’ve been so absent recently, but I’m trying to correct that!!  ILYSM, Ang!!!
Thank you so much Liz! I am always sorry when I make you cry, but it tells me I did it right! Don’t be sorry for taking care of yourself! Love ya!
I'm already emotional today so you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and cry.
I am sorry for making you cry, but not really. Thank you. 
Awwww, Dean. Now I wanna cuddle him!
Michelle, Dean will always welcome your cuddles. He says they’re really good ;) Thank you. 
Why must all of you be so fantastic with the angst? Why must you break my heart?
I don’t mean to break your heart, but thank you!
Heartbreaking but with an awesome ending!
Thank you so much!
MoC Dean gives me so many damn feelings awww
I know this...and you’re welcome, and thank you love!
Sad and yet beautiful
Thanks babe!
I’m not crying there’s someting in my eye
Here’s some tissues. I hope your eye feels better ;)
O. M goooooooooooooodness this is wooooooooooooooow wooooooooow.... he's talking to them?? And it was the voice mail?? Or him practising? Or him just building up the strength?? And then they were only 20 minutes away???? At 3 am??? And they went straight to Dean after having processed everything??? They weren't far at all???? And the song so perfectly embedded??? LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE THIS
This is honestly one of my favorite comments ever! In my mind, I think he made several versions of this voice message for her and this was the one he sent. It felt right and it own’t be easy, but they’ll get through it together, like everything else they’ve been through. 
I love the way you took the lyrics and made them your own. This was a lot of pain, but that sliver of hope was all he needed. Great piece.
Thank you Stu. Every time I heard this song, it just felt so Dean to me and I had to write it. I generally fluff, so even my angst has a touch of sweetness. I just can’t help it. I don’t want to break hearts all the time. <3
Oh my poor Dean.  
Yes, but she’ll make it better, I just know it. 
OH my poor baby 😢 I so glad he called her and poured his heart out. This was so beautiful!!
Thank you!
This hurt my heart in the best way! I can never get enough Mark of Cain fics and this is just a perfect way to get my fix! I love how angsty this was, and how adorable his email voice message was! My heart is happy!!
Jen, I always look forward to what your thoughts are. I know you have a soft spot for MOC!Dean and I am glad you liked it. Your words help me make it through the day! Love you!
Oh my poor heart! I love this ❤️
Thank you!
So to all of you that liked, commented and reblogged...
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 22
The mysterious white horse, or might we say "unicorn," strangely resembled the horse that died off of the bridge. And this horse seemingly came to their rescue, as if it actually knew them. To make sure this was the same stallion, Diana decided to play a test that only the real Butterscotch could pass. She took out a piece of unwrapped candy, literal butterscotch, and thrusted her hand in the majestic horse's direction. Nick and Jimmy were quite mesmerized, seeing a live unicorn in the flesh. Curious, the horse walked towards the candy, with its body illuminating the darkness. The horse sniffed at the candy, then scooped it up with its tongue. It began chewing, only to then realize it hated the taste. The horse spat the butterscotch right out.
Diana ran towards the stallion to hug him.
"You named him Butterscotch, because he hates butterscotch?" Asked Jimmy. "He had to be known for something." Replied Diana. "(And I still hate it to this day!!)” Butterscotch groaned. "Okay, this raises a lot of questions. I can't believe my eyes. I'm seeing it right now, and I still can't believe it. It's, it's a scientific miracle! But how?" "Would you believe... ...magic?" Asked Nick. "*Annoyed* Yes... I believe. I believe alright. As if I wasn't there to witness Jason conjure up some hocus-pocus. The question is where did he get the magic?"
Earlier, what everyone didn't know, as Butterscotch fell into the dark pit, he had a rough landing in a giant cauldron, full of this glittery, pink, liquid substance. The horse was barely alive. But, after a few seconds, he came out a whole new stallion! At the bottom of the pit was none other than the Wise Wizard's original laboratory, and what he just fell in was a potion the wizard himself had forgotten he'd finish. Well, the results turned out great. Since no one could speak horse, the cause of Butterscotch's revival, along with the artificial changes, remains to be unknown to the squad. Jimmy and Nick were both astonished by this enchanted discovery. The boy genius isn't one to believe in magic unless it is there in front of his eyes. King Jason was his exposure.
"What happened?! Did you really die?!" Diana questioned Butterscotch. "Have you met God? If yes, what she like?" Also, asked Rodent Girl. "Where did you get that pointy horn?" "And that glitter?" "And that eyeliner?" "And that tattoo?" "Whinnyyyyy! (Don't look at my butt!)" Whinned Butterscotch. "Wait a minute. He died? Ohhhhh, what else did I miss?!" Quote Mitzi.
Meanwhile, while everyone is gawking over Butterscotch's revival and change, Jimmy was having a little existential crisis.
"This is improbable! First Santa Claus, then magic, now UNICORNS? If these state of affairs authentically subsist, could that mean there's an afterlife to carry our demise? Is God real, and so is Satan? Am I going to heaven, or hell? OH, MURPHY'S LAW, I'M GOING TO HELL, AREN'T I?"
Nick grabbed Jimmy and shook him up and down, telling him to snap out of it.
"Thanks. I needed that." "No prob, Bob."
Mitzi then suggested they leave the dungeon immediately before anyone begins to notice the prisoners are missing. Taking her words in account, everyone took the exit out. When they reached the upper floor, there was no one in sight. The squad started to explore further, careless to consider that someone might be present in the king's domain. As they got to the main dining room, they witnessed something that will forever haunt their dreams. Everyone, who served in the king's community, were all hung from the ceiling, with their lifeless corpses dangling from nooses. Their necks even leaked blood. The squad couldn't help but stare in horror.
"Dead bodies! Swell!" Said Benson. "This is the first time I've seen corpses. ...of adults." Quote Mitzi.
The sight was a little hard on Jimmy, Nick, and Sally's innocence. Jimmy has watched explicit, graphic autopsies, but he never got exposed to a real dead body up close before. Everyone, except Rodent Girl, soon took their eyes off the corpses when they heard whimpering. Somebody, who's alive, was cowering under the table. Diana tossed a chair away and grabbed whoever's hiding under there. It was Richard. The chancellor was paralyzed being held in the arm of a 6'3 buff lady, and glared at by her unhappy friends. He could do nothing but stutter and greet "Welcome back." Rodent Girl still had her eyes glued on the hanging corpses.
"That's the king's chancellor!" Shouted Jimmy. "I was looking forward to punching Jason in his ugly mug! This tiny little man is about the closest I'll have!" Said Diana. "WAIT! Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! Please, show mercy! I'm just a poor, scared gent doing his job! I had no involvement in... *Points to the dead bodies* ...this!" Richard begged. "Involvement? What are you talking about?" Asked Mitzi.
Instead of answering, Richard handed them the global map. Jimmy took it from him. As the boy genius opened it, everyone got their eyes caught in the moving pictures. Jason carried out his entire plan in this map. They could tell this had been the work of Jason, due to the multiple castles, including gallows, popping up in every place, and who else could make the pictures on a map move like that? Jimmy showed the map to Rodent Girl, which helped take her eyes off the hanging bodies.
"Wooooooooow! Pretty!" Rodent Girl cooed. "No, it's not!" Exclaimed Jimmy. "Still! It looks so cool! So this is the TV you guys were talking about!" "Believe me, RG! This is not something you should get excited over!" "Huh? Why?"
Jimmy then clarified on why the whole process is wrong. With King Jason meddling with meteorology; tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, not to mention the multiple kingdom territories marked on the map, these natural disasters could put the whole Earth at risk. He is damaging the planet worse than polluters could succeed. The king has a good chance of destroying the Earth, or at least cause extinction for the human race. (Author's note: I'm not smart and I don't know sh*t about science. Sorry!) The boy genius's explanation brought Rodent Girl into a panic attack.
"You mean, it's the end of the world as we know it? No, no no! We just broke out of prison, awaiting for a death sentence! I didn't escape from living my last day only to face living my last day! There are so many places I haven't been! So many cheeses I haven't tasted! I was looking forward to getting my horse riding license, and oh my god there's the dead bodies again!"
As soon as Rodent Girl looked at the hanging bodies, she was once again glued to them.
"Care to tell us where 'your greatness' might be?" Asked Jimmy.
Richard, while shivering in fear, pointed to the giant hole in the wall. And out that hole they saw hell themselves. The sky was violet with black spiral clouds, also inhabitant with odd, bony looking fanged birds and demonic snakes with wings. On the ground, there were huge monsters, that looked like clashes between bears, gorillas, and leopards, claiming their territories and scaring the peasants. None of that was bad compared to the king himself. He was a 400 feet tall monster, with shiny red skin, golden eyes that were blank, crooked teeth, a dinosaur's tail, and was all naked (with no visible genitals btw). The only thing he was wearing was his crown, and the amulet around his neck. He was wrecking havoc on the peasants' village.
"Oh, this is ghastly! A huge, big, giant HOLE right there in the room, and we didn't even notice it?" Said Benson. "This is worse than I thought." Quote Jimmy. "And what are we gonna do now?" Asked Diana.
Jimmy took a moment to think, while the others hovered over him, except Rodent Girl and Nick. Diana realized she was still holding Richard, then tossed him over her shoulder. Nick was shaking and shivering. He looked over to the hanging bodies, then over to the hellish outside world, with the 400 feet tall Kingzilla wrecking havoc. Let's not forget that the king is also capable of manipulating phenomenal sorcery. Nick watched as the king stomp on a house, then turned a random peasant into a giant turkey leg (which tasted like chicken).
"Well, when the going gets tough, I guess we have no choice but to... ...rebel against the king!" Shouted Jimmy. "We can't do that! Otherwise you'd be hanged!" Replied Diana. "Look around you! Jason pretty much killed all his authorities, so the law is no longer in order here! Besides, there's a lot more you ought to worry about than hanging!" "*Sigh* Whatever you say, Mr. Know It All." "At last! This is what I've been waiting for!" Said Mitzi, holding up a harpoon. "Diana, you think you could fight off that thing?" Jimmy asked. "I've never fought a real monster before, but there's a first time for everything!" Replied Diana. "Mitzi; you, Benson, and Butterscotch try to evacuate the whole town, and get the citizens somewhere safe!" "You mean I'm not gonna fight the king?" Spoke Mitzi. "Rodent Girl-"
Rodent Girl was still staring at the hanged corpses. Benson picked up Rodent Girl and gave her a good shake, to help her snap out of it. Then he brought her over to Jimmy.
"Diana is gonna need some backup, so, how many rats can you summon at will? If you actually can do that." Said Jimmy.
Rodent Girl's eyes grew in excitement.
"'How many rats' you say? Oh brother, just wait till you see what I can really do!" Exclaimed Rodent Girl. "Meanwhile, me, Sally and Nick will-- Where's Nick?"
Nick was suddenly missing from the bunch. Jimmy tried calling for his name, but no response.
"Maybe he went ahead of the plan?" Benson thought. "That's probably our cue. Faithful Five! Assemble!" Diana commanded.
Jimmy tried to stop them, but it was too late. Meanwhile, the operation was already in act. Benson, Mitzi, and Butterscotch gathered as much citizens they could rally, helping them out of their homes, even the snobby higher class ones. Diana tried to keep Jason from doing anymore harm by attempting to fight him. Unfortunately, he was too big, so the best Diana could do was distract him by pulling some punches, and avoiding his attacks. Rodent Girl took care of those ugly fusion creatures by welcoming her new one billion furry friends to a feast. Jimmy felt useless at the moment, since Nick is gone. He had a very important task for both of them, involving the amulet.
Elsewhere, Nick was hiding in a wine barrel, which he emptied out first, locking himself in the alcohol cellar. Of all the risks he had to take, this is the last straw. We're talking about a 400 feet tyrant with magical powers. The same powers that landed him and his friends in jail without struggle, and the same powers that got the entire kingdom's community hanged. Nick is just too scared to face a problem like that, no matter how strong his love for Jimmy might be. He wants to live until 13, despite that the world may possibly end. Besides, Jimmy has done fine without him. He's a genius. He could probably slay that beast himself. Nick wouldn't be any help. To breaking into the king's castle, to finding the rare amulet, all Nick did was stand besides him.
"Taking out that vile beast will be a piece of cake! All you have to do is think hard, and maybe your memory will come back!" Said Sally. "What? Sally, we're not going over this again! Nick is not The Silver Knight! I'm not the Wise Wizard! I don't even believe in magic, until now, just science! You were there in the room when King Jason sniffed out the phony!" Replied Jimmy. "Nobody's nose could work good as a bloodhound's!" "As much as I hate to say this, but he does possess his own magical capacity!" "That could've been merely youth scent! Everyone smells different at a certain age! Like how old people smell like detergent and dead weeds!" "We're from the 21st century, not here! We have our own memories! I once led a whole fast food chain into the sun! One time, I celebrated my birthday eight times in a row! I have swapped heads with a hamster! How do you explain that?!" "Th-those memories could've been implanted, another side effect from your de-aging spell! What you're saying makes no sense!" "UGHHHHHH! I guess there's not much I can prove to you anymore! Why do you want to believe we are them so badly?!" "You're the only ones who can help us! You're our saviors!" "I know you're holding out for a hero, but we're not sure if the REAL Wise Wizard and Silver Knight is coming back! The whole problem is up to us to solve now!" "We need your magic! More than you think! If my words can't restore your memory, neither can my father's diary, I think I know a sure-fire way that will!"
Sally then ran out to the town. Jimmy chased after her.
Elsewhere, Mitzi and Benson ran along with all the people they rounded up, bringing them to the castle. The castle would be the safest place to stay, since Jason only had interest targeting the town.
"Do you think that's everyone?" Asked Mitzi. "Everyone, but the rest of the squad." Replied Benson. “I think I left my arm back at the poultry stand.” Said Albert. "Diana looks like she has her hands full out there. Are you sure we shouldn't help, Benson?" "What are you talking about? That's the great Diana! She can handle anything!" "I see, I see. *Deep sigh* Hey, where's Butterscotch?" "That silly old horse! Never could keep up with the program! He probably caught his eyes on some tenderoni mare, or is stuffing his chubby face at an apple tree! What do you think, Mitzi? Mitzi? Mitzi?"
Mitzi was suddenly gone.
"For heaven sakes! Where has that woman gone?" Benson asked himself. "Oh, she left with her harpoon after she asked where Butterscotch was!" Replied one of the young citizens. "Bloody hell. I'm really that gullible, aren't I?" "YES!" The people replied. "Excuse me! I didn't ask for your answer!"
Mitzi was running over to aid her best friend, Diana. Speaking of Diana, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't tire out this monster. She tried pulling him down to his stomach, and stomping hard on his back. Unfortunately, she treated him to a massage instead. She tried climbing up to his head, and covering his eyes, but blinding him resulted in more disaster. Such as flinging giant daggers, and turning the border walls into a barricade made out of moving arms and hands. Lastly, she tried gripping his tail tightly, spun him around like he were in a twister, and tossed him far out over the barricade. He just teleported back in the spot of their battle.
"(I can't keep this up much longer! My strength has never failed me before!)" Diana panted. "Still up for another round? *Tsk, tsk, tsk* Foolish, woman. You should know better than to take on a man's job!" Said Jason, then flicked the heroine away.
"JASON! THIS IS THE PAY-OFF!" Shouted a high pitched, nasally voice. "Huh?! Another one?! VERMIN?!"
Rodent Girl has made a monster of her own. One made entirely out of rats, reaching up to the same height as Jason's demon form. The teen piloted all her furry friends from the inside, while facing Jason through the eye holes. In anger, Jason puffed smoke out of his nostrils. When will these misfits ever learn? And how did they escape, anyways?! The king, and the giant rat monster, went into a one-on-one wrestling match to the death.
Nick continued to hide in the cellar. It has already been 15 minutes. He thought to himself, I'm not a big help anyways. Jimmy has done more generous deeds to the Faithful Five than he has. Nick could've been hanged trespassing in the king's castle like that. He was almost near death crossing that bridge. Jimmy did most of the work. Nick only stood next to him. Well, he did help collect that quartz, build that time machine with Jimmy, and lend him some confidence. That was probably just Lady Luck. He doesn't have the courage to move out there. That's some serious business. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and found himself in another place. ...with his dad.
"Again? You climb your way up to the top, only to plummet again? Pa-the-tic."
Nick had nothing to say. He just cornered himself against the wall, looking up at Daniel as he talks down to him. He was already afraid of his father. Nick dreamed of facing him in person, but whenever he imagines his dream becoming a reality, his heart just falls to his feet. His dad was bigger. Stronger. And scarier. Through those six years of his life, Nick was too afraid to say anything to Daniel. He always let him say what he wants about him. The tween was a pushover when it came to his father.
"You were doing such a good job, son! You could've had made me proud, son! Oh wait, I forgot. You can't! Cuz you ruined my f*cking life! And now you're bound to ruin everyone else's! This is why you don't try! Once a loser, always a loser! A small, f*ggy, loser! Kids like you deserve to die alone! As a matter of fact, maybe that's the only way you'll make me proud!"
Nick is letting his father's insults get to him. He's hiding right here while his friends are in danger. Him and Jimmy grew so close together. Once distant associates, now the bestest friends. Each day Nick spent with Jimmy on that ranch, he began to love him more and more. He even understood his problem. Nick didn't wanna tell Jimmy about his problem not because he was worried he wouldn't believe him, but because he was worried that he wouldn't care at all. Back in the twenty first century, Nick desperately tried to seek mental help anonymously. And the answers he got were "Get over it! That's in the past," "You're just sensitive. Grow up," and "It's called tough love. It is a healthy method for growing children." Jimmy didn't tell him any of those. Instead, he convinced him that he was valid, and how it isn't his fault.
Other than Jimmy, the Faithful Five were a great bunch to be around with. If only Nick has shown them a little more courtesy, but he's been hanging with the "cool guys" for too long. Nick has experienced true fun without having to compete. He was greatly insecure about his cooking talent, since it's not viewed as a macho hobby, but he was blessed to see the Faithful Five, including Jimmy, enjoy the food he prepares. Every single one of the Five are all weird in their own ways. Wacky, loony, and nuts. But you know what, they don't care how other people think of them. They are proud of who they are, and they show it! Diana likes being strong and buff, despite it "ruining" her womanly image. Benson refuses to fall victim under toxic masculinity. Rodent Girl has self-respect, even if she may look like a freak of nature. Mitzi, although harsh at first, cares about her adopted family very much. Nick wishes he could love himself like that.
All those happy times have been wasted because he's just hiding while leaving the others to die. And they have done so much for him. Jimmy may have implied that he loves him back, something Nick has always wanted. And the Faithful Five have shown him hospitality. Being trapped in the middle ages was the time of his life. He has never felt so happy in years.
"You still sitting there, f*g-boy? Why don't you just run to your room, like you usually do?"
Nick began to stand up. A sword appeared in his hands. With it, he struck the old man in the chest. Daniel fell to his knees, choking and gurgling in pain. Nick finally spoke up to him, even though it were all in his head.
"Your words don't validate your opinion. I'm so tired of you weighing me down. It's not my fault I exist. It's your fault for making me exist. Whether I may be a winner or a loser, you know what, I don't care anymore. I deserve to live life the way I want. I deserve to be happy."
Nick withdrew the sword and let the blood fly. After that, he snapped back into reality. That felt very good. It wasn't real, but it felt very good.
Rodent Girl was still fighting off the King in her giant rat suit. So far, their strengths were evenly matched. Whenever Jason tried to strike at her with punches, the rats would separate and dodge his attacks. She can hurt him, but he can't hurt her. Each time Rodent Girl would knock him to the ground, she'd always mock and taunt him. This was becoming unbearable to Jason. He is getting his clock cleaned by a teenager and her pet rats. Then, he realized... Wait a damn minute! He forgot about his magic powers. Jason pointed both fingers at the rat suit, and turned those little critters into windup toy mice. After that, Rodent Girl has met with defeat.
"Aw, rats!" Said Rodent Girl.
Jason was about to finish her off, till he got shot in the eye by a harpoon. Wailing in pain, he removed the harpoon and tossed it away. Mitzi found that her shot was ineffective, so she hid behind a house.
King Jason got shot again, but this time by a cannon ball. Followed by another, and another, then a full on assault came. That was a deed done by Benson, leading an army of peasants. By each shot, the peasants would reload the cannons and fire away again. Every time a cannon ball hit Jason, he would instantly heal himself. Just as Jason was about to zap them, he got zapped himself, from magic rays fired from a unicorn's horn.
“Neighhhhh! (You don’t scare me! I’m horny!)”
It was Butterscotch, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. He decided to join in on the party as well.
"(And Diana thinks I'm a pacifist.)"
Elsewhere, Jimmy was chasing Sally down the village path, while a dangerous fight is taking place. Architecture would topple, and slow the boy genius down. Sally eventually found what she was looking for: The spot where her old home used to be. Everything was now debris, except for a single chest. Praying "thank you" to the heavens, she rushed towards it to take the item out.
Meanwhile, the king grew tired of fending off both the army and the darn unicorn. To make the task easier, he zapped at the cannons and caused them to explode. When he was about to dispose of the unicorn, something grabbed his attention. He saw Sally, holding up a painted picture frame of the Wise Wizard, Silver Knight, and her dad as a child. Something about this made Jason angry. He smacked away Butterscotch and marched towards the little girl. Jimmy, who got his cloak caught in debris, cried for Sally to run. The little girl looked up at the monster, then froze. Jason lifted up his foot over Sally, ready to stomp.
Nick dashed in and rescued Sally. Nick? After that, he went to help Jimmy by tearing his cloak from the debris. Huh?! Jason was about to grab the two, until Diana had returned, ready to take on the beast once more. Three of the Faithful Five cheered her on.
"Where the heck were you?!" Asked Jimmy. "I was doing a little mauling over, and I thought..." Nick replied.
Nick then grabbed Jimmy's wrist, and handcuffed them both together.
"What, Nick-" "Whatever happens, we're in this together. I promised I would be at your side at all cost. I want you to make sure I keep that promise, and not run away."
Jimmy was quite moved by Nick's sentence. He handcuffed them for a reason, and that's to make sure they stay together. Sally then interrupted the moment by showing them the painted frame. The two boys looked at it for a moment. The Silver Knight was tall, and possibly brawny under that armor. The Wise Wizard, just like as they pictured, had the same features as Jimmy. Fair skin, blue eyes, and brown hair. The little boy in the picture looked just like Sally, only with a different haircut.
"That reminds me. I have a plan!" Said Jimmy. "YOU REMEMBER!" Cheered Sally. "Uh, no. That's not it. *Turns to Nick* Nick, both of us have to touch that amulet!" "Huh?" Replied Nick. "Don't you remember what the wizard's entry said?" "Yes, but how are you sure it's gonna work? What if our relationship is just... ...average?" "Trust me. I have a hunch."
Jimmy whistled for Butterscotch, which then he arrived by response. The boy genius requested he take him and Nick close enough to Jason's chest. As a yes, the unicorn stood on his hind legs and neighed at the top of his lungs. The two boys climbed up to his back. Butterscotch moved at great speed, and leaped higher than he has before. Diana stopped to look at the majestic sight. Whenever Butterscotch galloped or jumped, a rainbow would trail behind him. The ride was a little bumpy, so the boys held onto Butterscotch tight.
"What if this doesn't work?" Asked Nick. "Well... There won't be time for a second try." Replied Jimmy, worried.
Preparing himself for the worst, Nick put his visor down. As planned, they made it close to the king's chest, and jumped off. Luckily, they had chest hair to grip onto.
"Not in my kingdom!!"
The king did not approve, and attempted to scratch at them. He missed the first time, since the boys ducked from his claws. Jason went for another go, but then, a giant noose got caught around his neck. At the end of the rope was Diana, Mitzi, Benson, Rodent Girl, Butterscotch, and Sally, trying to hold the noose down, and put King Jason in a choke. How do you like having a noose around your neck for a change?! While distracted, Jimmy and Nick started to climb their way up. It was a bit of a challenge with their handcuffs on. Nick is heavier than Jimmy, so if he falls, Jimmy goes down with him. They found themselves getting closer to the heart shaped gem on the amulet. But just as they were about to touch it, Jason tore free of the noose.
Rodent Girl insisted on continuing the diversion by biting Jason in the leg. Not wanting to delay any more actions, Jimmy and Nick quickly set their hands on the amulet, at the same time. As they did, a bright shiny glow occurred. That probably meant it was working. If it works, that could mean one thing.
"Jimmy?" "Yeah, Nick?" "There's something I have to tell you-"
After that glow, came a groundbreaking explosion, but none of the people below were harm by it. The king was put in sharp pain as his body began to break apart. The Faithful Five could barely catch what was going on, due to all that brightness.
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Hi! Can I ask what your opinions are on which dandelion is each union?
My initial answer would’ve been “They just keep their unions”, but then again we already know that Ephemer and Skuld were members of the same union, so that’s impossible.
Everything is pointing to Ephemer ending up as the leader and even though they don’t have to necessarily follow the old pattern, I could picture Ephemer taking over Unicornis because of that.
Skuld is compared to Ava several times so it would make sense for me if she took over Vulpes.
The rest of them is harder. If I go by looks alone, I would immediately put Ventus in charge of Leopardus because of his physical resemblance to Gula while putting Blaine in charge of Anguis as he, like Invi with her scarf, hides his face with his hat. This would leave Strelitzia in charge of Ursus, though it seems kind of out of place for her (though I’m sure some people would argue it would fit since Aced attacked the player and behaved a lot like the traitor while Sterlitzia openly seems to wear the Recusant Sigil).
But if I take the names of the Foretellers into account....
Ira means Wrath. Lots of people suspect Ephemer could turn out evil with the lingering Darkness he is feeling. He’d still be Unicornis I guess, but that’s just taking the fan theory.
Acedia is Sloth. To be honest, Blaine does seem the most laid back up until now, so Ursus would be his.
Invidia is Envy. Ventus is envious of Skulds and Ephemer’s friendship. He talks about how nice it would be “knowing who your friends are” and how he wants to make friends even though he has two best friends. It might cross a little with being greedy, but I think it’s ultimately envy and thus Ventus might take over Anguis.
For the last two, I actually had to google differences between them so I could make a distinction.
Gula is Gluttony. It is described as “impulsive overindulgence in something which is otherwise normal or necessary”, a “failure of self-control“.Avaritia is Greed. It is described as “inconsiderateness or lack of compassion to a specific situation“, a “failure of foresight or consideration”.
Phew, it’s really hard to put Skuld and Strelitzia into one or the other. Skuld seems to be very giving, the player mistakes her for a Goddess and she kind of seems to take the Mom role in the bunch. I could picture her “failing” self-control by giving too much, being too selfless (although that is the opposite of what Gluttony is supposed to mean, oh well), and thus she might take over Leopardus.Strelitzia on the other hand is lonely, she might be greedy for friendship, for people to stay in her party and now union so she doesn’t feel alone anymore, so maybe she’ll end up as Vulpes’s leader?
I just remembered. Well, Ephemer told Chirithy about the Darkness that is troubling him instead of keeping it a secret and Skuld is worried Chirithy will only worry. It could be an instance of “failing self-control” - so Gluttony/Leopardus?And Skuld looked quite angry in that moment and immediately chewed him out - Ira/Unicornis??
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