Africa Lover among other things. Watercolor, piano, botanic and flowers all day. ��🌞 🌻 🌿🍃 Spanish | English |Chinese
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Limpieza de cristales, cómo cargar los cristales y cómo programar los cristales.
Limpieza de cristales
Los cristales se pueden limpiar con agua o agua con sal pero hay que tener en cuenta de que no todos los cristales pueden ser limpiados así, ya que hay algunos cristales como las malaquitas o selenita que no pueden entrar en contacto con el agua.
Cristales que no pueden ser limpiados con agua
Piedra de sal del Himalaya.
Puedes limpiar el resto de cristales con agua o agua con sal, simplemente los pones en un envase con agua o agua con sal para limpiarlos y los dejas durante un rato.
Otra opción de limpiar cristales es con el humo de los inciensos, también los puedes meter en un cuenco con sal y lo dejas reposar, pues meterlos o enterrarlos dentro de una maceta, para estos que no pueden entrar en el contacto con el agua aplicaría.
Cargar cristales
Con la luz del sol o con la luz de la luna puedes cargar los cristales, pero eso varía depende del cristal. Hay cristales que pueden ser cargados con el sol o con la luna. Y se recomienda cargarlo en Luna llena o Luna nueva.
Cuarzo citrino.
Calcita naranja.
Jaspe amarillo.
Ojo de tigre.
Piedra nebular.
Aventurna roja.
Goldstone o piedra de sol.
Cuarzo ahumado.
Cuarzo Rosa.
Piedra de Luna.
Ópalo blanco.
Ágata de encaje azul.
Calcedonia verde.
Turmalina negra.
Obsidiana negra.
Cristales que se pueden cargar con el sol y con la luna
Cristal roca.
Serpentina (verde o amarilla)
Ópalo verde - lepidolita - larimar.
Programar cristales
Es básicamente pasarle tu energía para que cumpla un objetivo, cogen el cristal en su mano izquierda y lo ponen en su pecho mientras piensan claramente en su intención, todo esto dependiendo de las propiedades del cristal.
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"You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way."
– Walter Hagen 🌼🏵️💐
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morning routine ideas 🥞🫖
how you spend your morning dictates your whole day. create a relaxing structure to truly get yourself ready before heading out into the world ♡
wake up early; before 8am.
don’t go on your phone. right when you wake, bask in the silence and background noise.
meditate by focusing on your breathing.
say affirmations to yourself: “i have woken up in my desired reality. today will be a good day. i am okay. i’m healthy, beautiful, and inspiring. something amazing will happen to me today. i am kind and gentle towards myself.”
open up any blinds to let the light in
make your bed. tidy up your space.
say hello and cuddle with your pet(s)
wash your face & brush your teeth
walk your pet(s)
make a simple breakfast and drink water and/or tea and eat it outside or looking out the window.
journal. self reflect, how you feel, what you’d like to accomplish, etc. make it a goal to be more kind to yourself and keep your thoughts in check.
read a few chapters of your current read.
what are some things you need to get done today? make a plan and set out to get it checked off.
exercise, try a new routine.
choose an outfit, do your hair, try some new looks for the season. have fun. try new things, who knows? maybe you’ll end up loving it.
go on a walk in your neighborhood.
get in 10,000 steps
buy yourself flowers.
light a candle
put on your favorite feel good songs. let yourself go and freely sing and dance to it.
begin your studies.
rest if needed!
try a new recipe
spend time in nature
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Study Motivators That Work
The 3 Minute Rule
When you have a task that you don't want to complete, just get started and keep going for 3 minutes. If you still don't want to complete the task after 3 minutes, stop and start another task
This method can be very challenging during the initial stages of trying it
When you procrastinate, you tend to find something else to do first to dodge the main task at hand
This rule forces you to immediately avoid any deviation from completing the task for 3 solid minutes with the option to stop after those 3 minutes
Discipline plays a crucial role in this motivation technique as starting the 3 minutes requires you to overcome procrastination
Something that helps in this process is trying to slightly mentally detach yourself from the situation to have an objective view on it
You need to look at the situation and acknowledge that you have the freedom to stop the task after 3 minutes if you truly cannot complete it and that you absolutely must start the task immediately
Often times, I keep going once I start which results in significantly improved productivity
Flexibile Schedules
Often times, I plan out the perfect study and work session with my tasks and times detailed to the second
However, sometimes, life gets in the way of these plans and I'm forced to reschedule everything
Something like this can be extremely demotivating, especially if your day revolved around your very detailed plan
To help solve such issues, there are 2 options for 2 different scenarios
The first option is to prevent the situation from occurring at all
Extremely rigid and detailed plans are very easy to disrupt
Preventing the situation would be done by outlining more flexible study and work plans that can be done at most times and don't rely on strict timings (I will post another article on creating a flexible and functional study schedule)
The second option is how to move forward if you do find yourself in a situation where your study plans have been disrupted and you're demotivated
In this instance, the first step is to list the topics you need to cover and sort them from most important to least important
Estimate how much time each topic will take and look at how much time you have available
Evaluate if the time you have available is adequate to completely cover all of your listed topics
If not, choose as many topics with the greatest priority that will be able to be completed within your available time
Remember, these steps should be completed within 5 minutes at most to prevent you from losing any more time
There's always a plan for every situation. It just needs to be found.
Justify It
If you truly feel like there's no reason to compete the task, find a reason
If the task is important enough for you to lament over it, it's certainly important enough for you to complete it as soon as possible
Clear your mind of any frustration and just relax
Think of what the purpose of the task is
Do you need to complete an assignment that will be a part of your final grade?
Do you need to complete a report for your job?
Will this benefit you in the future - near or far?
If you need to study, what is your end goal?
When I hesitate with my studying, I always remind myself that what I'm learning now will one day help me improve as a doctor
Once you identify a reason, act on it and complete the task
The reason will help you sense that what you're doing has meaning and purpose, making the task less of an inconvenience and more of a duty
Knowledge is always valuable.
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october 1st. did my reading in avery library! it is my favorite place to go now :)
listening to autumn sweater by yo la tengo
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1 Month 1 Language
1 Month Kanji Challenge
14 Day Langblr Challenge
30 Day Langblr Challenge
34 Hour Langblr Challenge
55 Days of Vocabulary Challenge
90 Day Vocab Challenge
100 Days Challenge For Langblrs
100 Hour 40 Day Language Challenge
A Question A Day Challenge
Build Your Vocab Challenge
Composition Challenge
Fiction Writing Challenge
Langblr Accent Tag
Langblr Culture Challenge
Langblr Music Challenge
Langblr Vocab List Challenge
Langblr Diary Challenge
Langblr News Challenge
Original Langblr Content Challenge
Linguistic Diversity Challenge
Indigenous Language Awareness Challenge
Vocabulary Challenge
SpeakingIn20 Langblr Challenge
A Book In Target Language Challenge
Brick-By-Brick Language Learning Challenge
Review Challenge
Subtitles Challenge
Summer Language Challenge
Translating Challenge
Challenges for certain months:
February Polyglot Challenge
March Polyglot Challenge
April Polyglot Challenge
May Polyglot Challenge
May Polyglot Challenge
August Polyglot Challenge
September Polyglot Challenge
September: 30 Day Langblr Resource Photo Challenge
October Polyglot Challenge
November Polyglot Challenge
December Polyglot Challenge
December Polyglot Challenge
10 Polyglot Things to Do This September
10 Polyglot Things to Do This October
Langblr NaNoWriMo
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An Overview of Note-Taking Styles
Note-taking is one of the most essential skills a student should master. It allows you to record and review information to be used in the future. But what’s the best way to do so? Here’s an overview of note-taking styles that can help you maximize your learning!
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Dark Academia Books for Students of Politics and International Relations:
I mean, heck, I am no expert but my need to see this niche ass post is a lot so here goes.
The Prince: Machiavelli- do I NEED to explain this one. Its a seminal text in politics and political philosophy and when you listen to the ideas described in it they can sound a little crazy but once you read it you realise they are still crazy but grounded in something very real. Also its short as heck and an easy read.
Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace- Hans J Morgenthau. I had to pick this one up for my coursework last semester and I thought it would be a snooze fest but no. I was drawn in and I haven’t finished it since but I do plan to get back to it at my leisure.
The End of History and the Last Man: Francis Fukuyama- YES, I fundamentally disagree with Fukuyama on so many points. YES, it is still one of my favourite books of all time. it is a very riveting discussion of political philosophy, history and international relations. If you are interested in any of those topics, pick it up. You won’t regret it.
How Democracy Ends: David Runciman- captivatingly written, great arguments, and a very unique voice. Super relevant in today’s international political atmosphere and if you are interested in studying the rise of right wing authoritarian governments across the globe, this is a great place to start.
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan- another one that I just feel like i don’t need to explain. Again haven’t read it fully yet, but its quite chill inducing and the basis for most of the contemporary discussion on state, liberalism, authoritarianism, rights and so forth.
These were just my recommendations, and I by no means claim that they cover the entire gamut of the field. In fact, I would consider myself a noob still where texts relating to politics or IR are concerned, so feel free to give your recommendations and opinions as well!
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last year i used to sleep from 5 am to 10 am every day and it was Not Good for me. i’ve gotten a couple of questions about my sleep schedule so i thought i’d share some tips that helped me adopt a healthier sleep schedule. enjoy 🛏💤
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As most people are working and studying from home right now, I wanted to share some concrete, implementable ways you can help yourself feel better. Though I believe productivity and quantity of work done (or lack thereof) doesn’t/shouldn’t translate into your self-worth and how you view yourself, when you get work done, you actually do feel better in your own body.
By the way, it’s the first time I’m formatting a tips/guide post like this, so I apologize that I couldn’t be more concise.
I’ve spoken to a licensed professional counsellor as well as to some professionals who have been working from home for a long time, and some of the advice above is from them. I’m also sharing from my own experience as someone who used to be very productive and an (ex-)overachiever, and still attach a lot of my self-worth to grades and other tangible accomplishments. I hope these slides can help you. In case it’s hard to read, I’ve included it (reworded) in text form if you’d like to read more.
Keep reading
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revisiting some of my old sketches and book notes inspired by leonardo da vinci.
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