reading th replies to that post i made and im just ??????????????????????? desperately trying to find where multiple people said i said somethin
to no Avail
also i am an IDIOT for thinking the age of “pulling shit out of their asses” was over
i will reply to THOSE later
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inclusionists are fucking hilarious like they purposefully take part in ace discourse but they also go around automatically blocking every “aphobe” they see. 
they’re not interested in discourse or discussion or productive debate, they’re interested in expelling their horrible ideas into the wild where none of us nasty exclusionists can call them out for being homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, racist, etc
meanwhile most exclusionists only block people if they’re very clearly harassing us?? like we have blocked people on this blog but only after having discussions with them and us asking them to leave us alone several times, only for them not to listen
it’s just really sketchy that they all want to participate in ace “discourse” when they have no intention of actually doing so.
99% of the “DON’T REBLOG THIS I DON’T WANT TO GET INVOLVED” posts in the ace discourse tag are made by inclusionists and i think that’s incredibly telling.
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Me @ LGBT+ ppl who bang on about how queer is a “slur”: why though
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ok fellas now that i have a discourse blog, specifically for discourse, im gonna address somethin that i know a loooot of people have difficulty covering
and it is
as a disclaimer, i literally do not dislike people who like roadrat. hell on my main im pretty sure everyone i follow likes it. and ya know what?
youre right. its legal. roadhog is 48. junkrat is 25. 100% legal, legaler than the dudes themselves.
but fighting to say that its morally correct is like the discourse over the omnic crisis.
it just doesnt FUCKING make sense.
junkrat is indeed an adult who can make his own choices.
but the omnic crisis was over 30 years ago in the overwatch timeline, and the australian omnium blew shortly after the govt gifted to the omnics the land in the outback.sorry for all the uh. “thes”. im not eloquent. roadhog lived through the omnic crisis, and the omnium explosion. we dont know if junkrat was even alive when that shit went down.
thus, in case ya didnt notice already, roadhog is FAR more mature than junkrat.
junkrat is physically an adult, but he hasnt had half of the experiences roadhog had.
yeah, junkrat probably had to mature real quick to survive for 25 years, but he is NOT socially mature. like he literally has half a good interaction in game. and in the comic, he was easily taken advantage of by a sleazy ass businessman. he is not immature, hes had a lot of life to get through, but he has no social skills since he grew up in the fucking post apocalyptic outback.
now i am certainly not trying to say that roadhog is bad cause hes old, or junkrats stupid and cant fuck anything til he gets a working brain, or whatever some fuck is deducing from this.
im frankly just offended that people think roadhog would do this kinda shit.
you claim the term “predatory gays” in this whole argument to justify yourself, or, instead, justify yelling at people for not liking it, but its.....not like that. youre basically saying that roadhog would willingly enter a relationship with a (mentally ill, hes literally irradiated to the point that it fucks with his head) dude thats basically the same age younger than a son would be. and honetsly
i am offended.
roadhog is better than that. hes a emo grumpy Kunt but he is better than that. bc that can easily be interpreted in a way that would seem..... Not Good. manipulative maybe. bad.
of course, that isnt to say in that event, roadhog wouldnt approach it in a mature way that would avoid taking advantage of the massive age and maturity gap (cause those are different things) while being a good and healthy influence on junkrat and his mental health.
but the main thing i really wanna say in this is that
you should NOT be telling people that theyre not allowed to feel the way they feel about this.
it aint homophobia, it aint fatphobia, whatever ya wanna call it. its just because of the circumstances.
again, id like to assert that i dont mind this ship much, nor do i dislike poeple for liking it.
just don’t keep doin whatever the FUCK you think youre doin, cause its not cool.
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-ace and/or aro people cannot use the term queer to refer to themselves unless they are transgender and/or experience some sort of same gender attraction, whether sexual or romantic, people should do their research before “reclaiming” slurs that were never used against them
-overcomplicated orientations like demisexuality or gray asexuality are not necessary and misleading, because they are literally just either preferences or everyday life
-the assumption that all “allos” want to have sex at all times with all people regardless of their relationships is actually really fucked up and also misleading, because hypersexuality exists and is not an orientation
-saying you hate gays is literally homophobia regardless of how much you dress it up with “aphobia”
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this is the number one way to prove that you have NO CLUE about lgbt history
this person is literally claiming that the q slur only became a slur once ace discourse became a thing. literally what the fuck
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here for overwatch themed ace discourse and my first post is me making fun of someone for being bad at the game
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lmao ace tumblr remains the most homophobic collection of assholes in fandom
y’all have been calling yuuri aroace and then when you’re called out on reinforcing the desexualzaition of mlm and asian men, you cry “there can be gay aroaces!!” or “he’s demi!” as if him loving and wanting to be with victor is only good and pure if his feelings developed after they formed an emotional bond or some shit. it’s only good if it’s not sexual or romantic.
the SECOND tracer was revealed to be a lesbian, y’all came running with your “she’s an aroace lesbian!” bullshit literally right after we got a comic of her curled up with her girlfriend, kissing her. when called out on this, y’all made sure we knew you can be a lesbian AND aroace. not just a lesbian and aro, not just lesbian and ace, but a lesbian aroace
then you have jughead who has been a comic book character for 70+ years and has been gay coded for many of them, with the exception of a few comic runs by specific content creators, and when people point that out you shit your pants at the opportunity to say, “no! he’s canon ACE!” even though that’s only true for exactly One comic run and then extrapolate him being asexual to him being aroace and thus… not gay. y’all respond to gay ace headcanons with “NO HE’S AROACE” as if you can’t be aroace and gay.
you are the most transparent collection of homophobes in fandom, even as you claim to be progressive.  we now have the spectrum of cishet girls fetishizing gay men to aces shutting down gay headcanons with aroace proclamations. both groups think they’re hot shit and have mastered Queer Representation but both are just rampant homophobes who don’t want to see realistic portrayals of gay people in the media
you’re not slick. you’re not clever. you’re not cute.
you’re assholes
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im crying this is all anyone needs to see to just... to just KNOW
i know i started this for like ace discourse but lookin through this blog i lost my shit
Do u guys think that people need to protect the healers
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Look into my eyes and ask me that again.
–Mod Mercy
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