onlygenxhere · 10 months
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read-write-thrive · 15 days
JATP x DBDA crossover where the Phantoms are free but Willie still isn’t and Caleb is playing dirty now that the boys have bested him (possessing Nick but also cmon he definitely has more magic up his sleeve) so they start trying to figure out Magic on their own, which is really just Julie and Flynn googling things and trying out various types of magic/spells/scam artists in the area, only for someone to come across something to do with the DBDA who are happy to take the case 👀
I have too many WIPs for this but just some ideas floating around my head:
- Crystal at first butts heads with Julie and Flynn (residual mean girl tendencies/differing senses of humor) but end up bonding over being surrounded by (dumb) dead teenage boys
- None of the Phantoms are good at proper spells but their music 100% has magical properties that is utilised in whatever final battle type event happens
- Edwin has come to terms with Charles’s eccentricities but the Phantoms are a whole other type of teenage boy and I think he would be just so catty about it all. Like why are they cute and so stupid this is ridiculous why the Hell did we even take this case can they please take this seriously
- Charles and Reggie vibe. I don’t make the rules
- Flynn can’t see the boys either which naturally leads to hijinks
- Monty attends a concert (he deserves to have fun) and while I considered him being the link between the two groups I think it would be funnier if he decided to go to a concert and runs into them coincidentally
- Based on a precursory AO3 search I’ve seen some fics where Monty gets in trouble with Caleb which makes sense with the whole magic familiar angle but I’m not copying here so I won’t get into that
- I think Willie interacting with DBDA would be wild. Like. Dead pretty boy with a sense of humour and tragic backstory? They’re all swooning fr
- Niko (shhh) gets along with Julie and Flynn IMMEDIATELY like they are talking about shows and DIYing things together and it’s great
- Crystal gets along better/faster with Julie and Flynn with Niko present fs
- There’s at least one dance number with everyone involved
- possessed!Nick is still trying to woo Julie and not only do we get the Phantoms side eyeing him but now we get the DBDA just openly judging him (Crystal roasts the shit out of that fedora and she’s RIGHT)
- Crystal would decimate any of Carrie’s attempts at being bitchy so I think we have to redeem Carrie for that reason alone
- DBDA goes to a JATP concert and the boys are actually awful at vibing there. Like Crystal is relatively normal (idk if it’s her scene but she’s been to concerts before) but Edwin does not know what to do at a modern concert and Charles is used to a much different style of dancing/concerts (I don’t know enough abt aka punk to elaborate unfortunately but ykwim)
- girls night includes style swapping bc the DBDA girlies deserve some butterfly clips and the JATP girlies deserve some eyeliner
- in the nature of JATP I don’t think Caleb gets sent to hell in the end but I do think his ending needs to be ridiculous. Like have him get the Night Nurse treatment and get eaten by that fish so he can be redeemed by Kashi
- not to bring up Monty again but I think he sticks around and keeps up with the JATP crew more than the DBDA (he is not interested in any more of that Hell/monster energy and that’s so valid of him)
- montage of Edwin and Charles teaching the Phantoms ghost abilities (I can’t remember if/how they vary between shows but if so shhh or explain it away yk)
- Unseen Emily reprise and it’s all the boys mourning loved ones. Just for the feels.
- Actually just more backstories for everyone please
- Love ballad/slow song that Willex and/or Payneland dance to 🥰
- Palasaki being openly in love (which inspires whatever the Flynn x Carrie ship is bc I love them)
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invisibleraven · 5 months
"Let's burn it down." for Willex, please and thank you
"Do you ever wonder about where your parents are?"
Alex looked over to Willie who was still gazing up at the clouds, trying to find weird shapes in them. Meaning the question caught hima little off guard since the last one involved if he saw the bunny or not. He rumenanted on it for a moment. "Not really. My parents were... less than supportive once I came out. They made it very clear that if I didn't change I would be on my own."
"Man they suck," Willie spat. "You deserved better."
Alex shrugged at that-for how full of homophobia his parents were they never denied him his meds and his drums like Luke's parents or beat him up like Reggie's folks. And up until he came out they were pretty good parents-cool with nearly everything as long as he kept his grades up and went to church every week.
"I don't really think about them much. The guys and Julie are my family now, and they're all I need," Alex hummed. "What about yours?"
"I never knew my parents," Willie admitted. "Grew up in group homes, went from foster to foster, then ran away before I aged out and then well...you know the rest. I figured they wanted better for me or didn't have a choice in giving me up."
"I'm sorry," Alex said quietly.
"Don't be," Willie shook his head with a smile. "I had a kickass childhood full of fun people and seeing the country, it's all good. Might have been nice to have one home though. Guess I wanted to see yours."
"I mean, I don't think my folks are there any more, but I can show you where I grew up," Alex offered, giving Willie a hand with a grin.
"Cool beans."
They poofed to the manicured little subdivision that Alex knew like the back of his hand. The same familiar identical lawns, the same pastel siding, the same rows of trees that were allowed by the HOA. It was like nothing had changed in 25 years-like it was stuck in time.
He and Willie held hands as he showed him the houses that belonged to his neighbours, none of whom had kids his own age. Then the butter yellow house that had been his. The mailbox at the end still bore the name Mercer-but that didn't mean anything, it was a common last name.
"Let's go inside," Willie suggested.
A niggling feeling climbed Alex's spine as they phased through the door. The reason why became immediately apparent as he took in the decor. Sure, some of had been updated, but he knew that crucifix affixed to the wall, the needlepoint pillows, the wedding photo of stern, taciturn faces.
"They're still here," he breathed out.
He let go of Willie's hand, wandering the halls. New paint adorned the walls, the couch was updated, but the knick-knacks that littered the mantlepiece were the same, down to the crystal duck with the chipped beak that he had broken when he was seven.
He looked at what was missing though-the pictures of him. There was no evidence he ever lived here. No baby albums, no photos on the wall. Even his room was a by the numbers guest room.
"They erased me."
"Let's burn it down," Willie said.
"What?" Alex exclaimed, too startled to wipe away the stray tear. "We're not burning it down!"
"Why not?' Willie asked, fully sincere. "They made it so their only child never existed, even after he died just because he was gay. Why not send them a little reminder?"
"Oh yeah, a big 'Alex was here and queer' right on the lawn," Alex joked.
"Now you get it!" Willie giggled,
"I'm good without the arson," Alex admitted. "I left here long before I died. And you were right-I deserved better. So they deserve to live without my memory. Fuck 'em."
"Fuck 'em," Willie agreed, offering him his hand. "You wanna go watch me do ollies in Beiber's pool?"
"Only if you don't try and make me do them with you again," Alex replied, taking his hand.
"No promises," Willie grinned and they poofed away, haunting the Mercer house no more.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Hello again!!!
4. and 12. (and maybe 13.) for Willex please 👀👀👀
Hello my love!!!!!!! Yes of course!!!
Alex could have sworn he only closed his eyes for a second, but suddenly the movie credits were rolling across the big TV in the Molinas' living room. How long had he been asleep?
The room was dark, but he could just make out Luke curled up on the couch with his head in Julie's lap. He was snoring softly. Flynn and Carrie have vanished, probably over in the kitchen raiding the soda stash or something. Reggie and Bobby were now firmly settled in Ray's giant recliner, twisted together and chatting softly. No one seemed to be moving to turn on the next movie, so Alex figured they were all done for the night. Fine by him, he was happy to just go back to sleep here on the loveseat.
He shifted a bit to pull the big, fuzzy blanket further over his shoulders, but then someone groaned in protest. Alex suddenly realized that at some point while he'd been asleep, he'd ended up leaning against a dozing Willie's side.
Not that there was a problem with that. It just caught him off guard is all. It wasn't like he sometimes humored little daydreams of curling up against Willie's back to sleep. Or of randomly pulling him into his lap in the lunchroom. Nope, definitely nothing like that was going on.
Alex rolled his eyes. No one was fooled by that. And they were already dating, he was allowed to want physical contact with his partner. It was just... hard to initiate.
Willie was great at initiating it, at catching Alex's hand as they walked through the halls and pulling him into sweet kisses when they were alone.
Alex was trying to get better at it, but that little voice screaming at him whenever he placed an arm around Willie's shoulders refused to leave him alone. Thank goodness Willie was so understanding about the whole thing.
As if the thought had roused them, a low chuckle filled Alex's ears.
"How come you always end up under my blanket?" Willie mumbled, grinning sleepily up at Alex.
Alex glanced down, realizing that they were in fact under the same blanket. It was huge and blue and soft. It was also the one Willie always claimed for movie nights. And this was like the third time in a row that Alex had ended up at least partially under it by the time everyone passed out in Julie's living room.
"Sorry?" he offered. "It wasn't intentional. I can go back to mine if you want."
"Nah, you're too warm for that," Willie decided, cuddling into his side. "Moving is not allowed."
"You just moved," Alex pointed out.
"Not the point, sir," Willie retorted, poking him in the thigh under the blanket.
"You just moved again," Alex chuckled, adjusting his own position to get more comfortable. "If you're allowed to move then I should be too."
Willie let out a dramatic sigh. "Must you be so difficult?" they teased,
"Yes," Alex chuckled.
"So high maintenance," Willie joked. "It really is hard having a boyfriend who's so smart and funny and pretty and talented." Alex could feel his cheeks flushing at Willie's words.
"You know, I really do a lot of hard work here," Willie continued. Then he gave Alex a mischievous glance. "I really do deserve a kiss. As payment. For.... services rendered or whatever the term is."
A laugh escaped Alex's lips before he could stop it. "You do a lot though," he responded. "You sure one kiss is gonna cover my tab?"
Willie hummed thoughtfully. His eyes were still half closed and his smile was wide and easy. Alex wanted to brush the loose strands of hair off their cheek. And maybe let his hand linger there. And maybe use his hand on their jaw to guide them a bit closer...
"You falling asleep on me?" Willie asked, cutting off Alex's train of thought.
"Huh, no, I'm good," Alex said quickly. "You're just..." He trailed off uncertainly, but Willie nodded for him to continue. "You're unbelievably cute when you're tired," Alex confessed.
He could just see Willie's cheeks darken in the dim light from the windows and the TV. "Dang, I feel like I owe you a kiss now," Willie chuckled after a quiet moment.
Alex glanced around the room. All of their friends were either asleep or occupied. And none of them would mind. So maybe...
"Split the bill and call it even?" Alex suggested, his voice barely above a whisper. He hesitantly lifted a hand and brushed those strands of hair back behind Willie's ear.
"Works for me," Willie breathed, leaning into Alex's touch and placing a hand on his shoulder.
They met in the middle, their mouths fitting together easily in a gentle, familiar kiss. Willie's lips were soft and warm and a bit dry against Alex's. They separated after a moment. Alex took in a shaky breath of Willie's coconut shampoo and the soda they'd all been drinking earlier.
He wanted to kiss Willie again. So he did.
Willie met him happily, hands sliding up to catch the back of Alex's neck. Alex wrapped his free arm around Willie's waist to pull him closer. They both shifted a little bit as they kissed, settling into a more comfortable position. It was slow and lazy and sleepy and perfect.
After a minute, they parted again. Alex focused on slowing his breathing to match the even rise and fall of Willie's chest.
"We should probably go to sleep," he sighed.
"Yeah..." Willie agreed reluctantly. "Don't go anywhere though. You're comfy."
Alex chuckled and they laid down across the couch, snuggled tightly together. "Good night, Willie," Alex mumbled, his eyelids already heavy.
"Good night, Alex," Willie responded.
Alex was glad they didn't mind sharing their blanket with him.
Hehehehhehe hope you enjoyed it!
(Prompts from this list!)
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wr0temyway0ut · 5 months
regarding ship bingo:
cash & darren (hbh)
amerie & malakai (hbh)
alex & willie (jatp)
Thanks for the ask!!
For Cash and Darren (my beloveds!!)
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For Amerie and Malaki (I have complicated feelings ab them, I think they both deserve better than each other but also they’re perfect for each other and I think they’d be great as just besties but I also want them to stop being shitty to each other and get back together already)
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And willex!! (THE best of all time my loves my blorbos my favorites)
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midnitesteph · 5 years
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything Willex. Truth is, I was highly disappointed with how the writing went downhill for them after the hiatus, not to mention the censorship. And don’t get me started on the asinine way they ended. But I did do a fix-it fic if anyone is interested since I feel like we...and Willow and Alex deserved much better. Chapter 1 of 2 is up now. 
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killerstreetdog · 3 years
the fact that EMILY IN FUCKING PARIS got a renewal over jatp has me seething. so Netflix is just gonna reiterate the romanticism of ignorance and racism over a show that won countless awards, has a high score on rotten tomatoes, and was literally on their Representation Matters collective??????? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
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succyobsessions · 2 years
Okay so I HAD to make another one of these because I am chronically consuming media like a good little cog in a capitalist machine and there are so many ships I love and Taylor songs that represent them so well so get ready for…..
MORE of My Fav Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
(general, non-specific version)
1. Catradora—Catra x Adora (She-Ra)
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The Archer— Lover
“Combat, I'm ready for combat
I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
'Cause cruelty wins in the movies
I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you”
“I never grew up, it's getting so old
Help me hold onto you”
“I've been the archer,
I've been the prey
Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay?
(I see right through me, I see right through me)”
“All the king's horses, all the king's men
Couldn't put me together again
'Cause all of my enemies started out friends”
“Who could stay?
You could stay
You could stay
2. Rae x Finn (My Mad Fat Diary)
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Gorgeous— Reputation
“You should take it as a compliment
That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
You should think about the consequence
Of your magnetic field being a little too strong”
“You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)”
“And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)
If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her
But if you're single that's honestly worse
'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
(Honey, it hurts)”
“Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face”
3. Wilmon—Wilhelm x Simon (Young Royals)
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Daylight— Lover
“I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight”
“Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky
And so I became the butt of the joke
I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked
Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke”
“I once believed love would be (burning red)
But it's golden
Like daylight, like daylight
Like daylight, daylight”
4. Willex—Will x Alex (Julie and The Phantoms)
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This Love— 1989
“Clear blue water
High tide came and brought you in
And I could go on and on, on and on, and I will
Skies grew darker
Currents swept you out again
And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone”
“Your kiss, my cheek
I watched you leave
Your smile, my ghost
I fell to my knees
When you're young, you just run
But you come back to what you need”
“This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead, oh, oh, oh
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me, oh, oh, oh”
5. Leatin—Leah x Fatin (The Wilds)
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Peace— Folklore
“Our coming-of-age has come and gone
Suddenly the summer, it's clear
I never had the courage of my convictions
As long as danger is near
And it's just around the corner, darling
'Cause it lives in me
No, I could never give you peace”
“And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences
Sit with you in the trenches
Give you my wild, give you a child
Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other”
“But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west
I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best
But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me”
6. Nick x Charlie (Heartstopper)
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Jump Then Fall— Fearless
“I like the way you sound in the morning
We're on the phone and without a warning
I realize your laugh is the best sound
I have ever heard”
“Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you”
“The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet
I'll catch you, I'll catch you
When people say things that bring you to your knees
I'll catch you
The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry
But I'll hold you through the night until you smile”
7. Shara x Chloe (I Kissed Shara Wheeler)
—I couldn’t find a gif because its a BOOK please don’t make fun of me😭—
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Long Story Short— Evermore
“And I fell from the pedestal
Right down the rabbit hole
Long story short, it was a bad time
Pushed from the precipice
Clung to the nearest lips
Long story short, it was the wrong guy”
I always felt I must look better in the rear view
Missing me
At the golden gates they once held the keys to
When I dropped my sword
I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door
And we live in peace
But if someone comes at us
This time, I'm ready”
“No more keepin' score now
I just keep you warm (keep you warm)
No more tug of war now
I just know there's more (know there's more)”
“Now I'm all about you (and now)
I'm all about you, ah (and now)
I'm all about you (and now)”
Click Here For My Fav Sapphic Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
Click Here For My Fav MLM Ships + Taylor Swift Songs
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supercalime · 4 years
Jatp Instagram is really out there testing my patience.
For context: Paul Becker posted this beutiful video on his channel of Jadah’s last day on set in which she cries and thanks everyone but instead of seeing her in my explore page, there’s only pictures of Owen and Charlie holding hands for a split second on that video.
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forever-always · 3 years
Well that's a fucking horrible thing to do @netflix ... U fuckers legit had the audacity to make us wait for more than a fucking year to tell us that Julie and the Phantoms is cancelled ????????????????? That was my Comfort show u Fucking @$$h0l€$ ... If u bastards knew y'all weren't gonna renew it .. The fuck did y'all string us along for a year ..???? U sadistic fucks ... I'm cancelling my subscription .. There goes one international viewer ... Adios Mthrfvckrs !!!!!! Y'all can continue to suck it up to the kissing booth ...
The cast and crew deserved better than to have to hear this horrible news when they're at a con .. Fuck You Netflix !!!!!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕
(On a sidenote: I wish the cast all the best for their future ventures coz they've all got an amazing future ahead of them ... Always gonna be here and cheer them on ❤️)
"Keep moving on, never look back ..." 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
What I’ve noticed about the Ortegaverse after watching the other side of Hollywood
Luke looks like a splice between Troy and Ben
I like each successive leading lady better then the last
The mean girls look a little like the previous leading lady
I might like glee-esque shows better then I liked glee itself (absolutely hated it)
The way to get a canon lgbt paring is to pair Booboo Stewart up with a tall innocent earnest blonde who’s trying his best
Cafeteria food is somehow secondary to spontaneous musical numbers
There must be at least one (1) fantasy musical number in the franchise
The rich girl is always evil
Floppy haired brunette boy deserves better
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williexmercer · 4 years
So who wants to sue Netflix with me?
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sk8rwillie · 3 years
alright, y’all remember the post i made about julie being a genderbent peter pan?
here we go gang:
julie is obviously peter pan (people got the story wrong but julie thinks it’s funny and goes with it)
luke is tinkerbell i will die on this hill
reggie, alex and willie are all lost boys
julie and luke have been really close for a really long time and he’s 100% fallen in love with her and craves her attention and yes he knows he’s a tinker fairy but won’t let anyone call him tinkerbell or he’ll pout. julie only calls him that when he’s being dumb about something so a lot
but when julie visits nick and brings him to neverland luke loses his goddamn mind. he will try and sabotage everything for nick: pokes holes in his blankets, steals his shoes, and just generally glares at him at any given point. nick genuinely thinks luke hates him and tells julie who just sighs and confronts luke about it. he denies it because if he admits it he’ll have to tell her why and he’s totally not head over heels for her no way alex
so julie retaliates and pays more attention to nick than luke and he just pouts on julie’s shoulder and flies away to bother reggie instead. one time nick tries to kiss julie and luke sees red and tugs on his hair and kicking at his neck which mostly feels like a breeze for nick. julie stops him and says she’s not interested- boosting luke’s happiness immensely
especially when he secretly finds willie and alex making out and gossips about it to julie. who both bet on how long it takes for them to slip up- about a day because alex is whipped af. only ending up making luke feel bitter because he knows he and julie can’t be happy like that :(
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rebel-moons · 4 years
🌹 <3
Alex is warm like the first kiss of spring sunlight on skin. Willie wants to sink into him like bathwater.
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you know what fuck it, we as queer people deserve a cliché, over-worked up, cheesy romantic scene. as much as i would love the willex kiss to be casual, i think it would be better to be dramatic. just imagine.
give me they’ve managed to get willie away from caleb but they’re not sure they’re entirely out of the clear yet and they’re holding onto each other for dear life. give me they finally, finally kiss each other and it’s everything they’ve ever wanted to do. give me willie starts to glow golden while they kiss, much like the boys did during julie’s hug. give me the camera pans around them in a circle as they kiss and glow and the music swells like in every other dramatic romance movie. give me they pull away in wonderment at what’s happening and rest their foreheads on one another for a moment. give me cheesy romantic willex or give me death by hotdogs
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