pt II australia but i've never been there
I didn't even have to wait for y'all's responses on part I to make this because Australia is WILDING. As per usual, salutations to Arthur's grandmother's boyfriend Brian.
Everything remaining that I know about Australia:
There was an emu war. There were many emu casualties, and no human ones, but the emus won anyway. Sun Tzu is making way for the emus.
That was the only research I did on the emu wars, but as someone who met a few emus once, they were very lovely to me and very soft to pet. They also were very jabby. One of them looked deeply concerned as they looked at me, I believe they thought I was a deformed emu. I am on the winning side of the war.
During Christmas, Santa does not have a sleigh. He has a surfboard, and he does slay.
There are a lot of animals. Many have no placenta, as I recall from biology. Due to the nature of the continental drift and geographical isolation, Australian marsupials evolved separately from placental mammals, and were not wiped out by invading species. Due to convergent evolution, there are also analogous species between the placental mammals and the marsupials.
What just happened I'm sorry deep science trauma was unearthed. The point is, a lot of animals. A kangaroo is probably in your backyard. A koala just stole your girlfriend. An alligator murdered your classmate. It just happens.
The internet is awful. Rumours are that the local snake ate it.
Australia is very very pretty, I know this because of an Australian Tourism Department ad that I saw when I was 12 and had cable TV.
You must not forget your Hat. It's like the three little kittens song, but with the Hat instead of mittens.
The Wibbles are a thing. I thought they were a band. Spotify said no. I no longer know what they are.
Crocodile Dundee is a thing. I saw him in Snoopy/Peanuts.
Steve Irvin met his wife in an animal area and his daughter met her husband in an animal area. I don't know anything more these lovely folks, or what the animal area was, I'm afraid.
There is a cake with white stripes that is the Best for Birthdays.
The accent is beautiful, but I admit for years I couldn't differentiate it from British and American accents as a child because to me it sounded like the lovechild of them both and it made me very confused.
Uh, Australia exists.
Yeah, no, that's all I've got. Love to the Australian maggots.
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
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carry on day | Favorite line from the finale
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jaredwalkersam · 2 years
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Jared, Odette and Shep making music
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
TLDR: New fae romance/adventure story in the works, not up anywhere yet so hold your horses, will post/link on here when it is available.
Well, after finishing Season One of my long-running werewolf romance story and thinking I’d probably take things easy on the writing front, I’ve gone and written 8k+ words in a single day and actually plotted the whole effing thing out (seriously wtf I never do that) of a female human x male fae romance story.
(sorry for being extremely boring on the genders again; I am actually working on a part two for the m/m Victorian orc story too!! @severedreamerbeard don’t look at me or I’ll explode)
The new fae story is tropey af, and has ‘childhood best friends to ‘strangers’ as adults’ (it makes more sense in context), a little angst and a little mystery, a healthy father-son relationship, a 25yr old fem protagonist and love interest instead of an 18yr old x 1000yr old fae, a ‘roadtrip’ of sorts, a coup to foil, some danger, an absolute, arrogant loveable(???) ass of an Unseelie Prince who shows up at one point, and lots of adventure and some inhuman-ish shapeshifting too. And wings. Of both feathered and draconic varieties. Just for funsies.
Who’s excited?
If you are, I’m going to post it as a WIP, chapter by chapter in its entirety on Ko-fi first, and then I’ll give it all a full edit and see where I’m at. If you’ve recently supported me on Ko-fi, you should be able to access it (I part with a percentage of each of my Ko-fi earnings to allow that to happen), and if you want to read it (when it goes up - it’s not up there yet so don’t donate now [unless you wanted to anyway]!!) then all you have to do is donate one ko-fi/’cup of tea’ and you should be able to access it.
Oof. that was a bit of a garbled ramble, I’m sorry. Lemme know if you have questions.
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huuuugestmoney · 2 months
a gentle tap on his shoulder will lead to one miss lynette, standing before sampo with her hands behind her back. when she brings them out, one of them is holding a deck of cards that she deftly bridges into the palm of her other hand. the same cards are offered toward sampo with a flourish, fanned in the grip of her fingers with the card fronts facing him.
"pick one."  and when he does, they all disappear in a poof!
"was this it?" the card she seemingly pulls out of sampo's ear is most certainly not his card. lynette stares down at the offending prop rather blankly.  "...no? uh... maybe i messed up..."
but as she's scratching her head, her gaze suddenly flickers a few inches up—as if there's something on sampo's head. brows raised, she says with a little more inflection than her average deadpan:  "hm...? what's that?"
if the great sampo koski should grab it, what would it be? a card, of course... of credits! huuuugemoney!!!
"tada."  wow. her delivery still needs work, it probably always will, but don't worry about it.  "happy birthday. keep those."
and don't worry about how she got them.
sampo turns with a start, wide eyes softening the moment he meets his once-upon-a-time-partner-in-crime.
pick one, she says. delight and curiosity simultaneously alight in turquoise eyes. yeah. sure. he'll bite.
"hmm. this one will do-"
poof! gone, near before he has a chance to proper look at the thing. but he's fast, fast enough to catch a glimpse,
fast enough to know this in fact isn't his card,
and also fast enough to realize this is perhaps all part of the act. in turn, he plays appropriately dumbfounded, mouth a small 'o' as he waits, watches.
he reaches as bid, because of course the great sampo koski won't leave a friend hanging, and what should he find but
eyes crack a sliver wider. turquoise takes on a shiny sheen (he's not crying. he's not!!) and his lip takes on a wriggly sort of shape as sampo tries - and fails - to keep his composure.
"it's... it's beautiful," he manages, finally, as he thumbs through the money included in the card. the look he turns on lynette warns of a big ol' hug incoming - if she ain't keen, now's the time to take a step back. a moment later and it will be too late.
"thank you! truly!!" a sniffle.
maybe the real treasure is the friendships we make along the way...!
"what did sampo do to deserve this... waaah..."
(just kidding. the real treasure is and always will be credits )
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craftycalico · 11 months
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Very late birthday gift for my friend Wibbles @wilbursoothouse ! Little family :)
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
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@salpho has requested me to post these beasts. we call them wibbles
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braveryinblue · 4 months
[Spaghetti and Meatball ] - A classic that’s here to stay: a lovers’ portion of freshly-made spaghetti cooked in the monastery’s famous tomato sauce. The titular, singular meatball sits in the center, waiting for one lucky person to have their lover roll it to them with their nose as an offering.
Once again, the plates of spaghetti are simply too much. She could eat maybe a fourth of what was given...
At the very least she knows who she can give the meatball to. "Hector? Would you like to split a plate of spaghetti?"
You know that feeling of listlessness,
the kind that sits on your shoulders weighing you down but you don't really know why nor how to make it go away.
Hector bloody hates that feeling, and he's been suffering it for the better part of the last half hour now.
So when Marianne shows up, and almost as though right on cue, that cloak of lethargy and enervation dissipates like a... ... Hector can't be bothered to feel out an apt metaphor for it,
but he is nevertheless grateful.
"Please. I'd be honoured to share a plate with you, Marianne."
Grateful, indeed.
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carefreemonk · 1 year
The next time Azama walks into his classroom, there are two books laid neatly upon his desk, crowned with a simple notecard. To Professor Azama, it reads simply. Happy birthday. -Katarina And on the back: Books on the philosophy of faith & the principles of white magic from my home, Archanea.
In her typical fashion, the gift draws little attention -- if his desk is particularly disarrayed, it might even go unnoticed for a time.
Some teachers inevitably played favourites, and Azama - for all his dazzling holiness - numbered among them.
Trouble is, most people did not wish to be Azama's favourite anything, lest he get it in his mind they could be a fun target to pester.
'Fun classes, bit eccentric,' they'd speak of the faith professor, 'but you should watch out for his sense of humour...'
He notices the books on his desk right away, of course. He is not a messy man, for he does not own much - and cares little to waste time tidying over and over when it's simply easier not to Have anything needing tidying in the first place. There is ever prime napping to be had instead!
"Aw, little miss Katarina..."
He finds himself oddly touched by the unexpected gesture, fingers brushing over the spine of the books. These would make good material for class discussion, he suspected. Not to mention, they would likely prove interesting on their own merit as well.
So. He is grateful!
And for that, he lets up on dragging Katarina into the spotlight during class.
(For the space of, like, a week, anyway. Hers is a keen mind with a unique insight, Azama thinks - would be too much a shame to let her hide it away at the back of the class.)
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exclted · 2 years
˚ · .  @higaneion​ asked:
It was inevitable that she'd pass by her teammates, especially those of the same house as she, but it is this particular person that makes Lilina stop in her tracks. Prior to their mission, she had no reason to affiliate herself aside from being a quiet and agreeable peer. Arguably she doesn't even now, but something compels her to speak.
"Lucina," she calls out. It slips out from her in an uncharacteristically casual manner, as if she were simply pointing something out. As quickly as she summoned the name, the reason behind it is lost. She may have met all her teammates before they drifted to sleep, but there was no way they all had the same dream, right?
A beat passes and she's already drawn attention to herself. Her eyes flicker to the ground as she tries to produce some conversation. "...Um... Would you like to..." Brows furrow as she tries to grasp for something. A meal or a sparring session? Her gaze lands on Lucina again. Ah, that's it. She could try, at least. "The woods are not too far from here and I've heard hosts an abundance of... rabbits... among many other forest animals, of course. Would you like to accompany me?"
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In those last moments of that cruel dream, Lilina’s face had been among those that she watched fall. Realistically, Lucina knows that she should be fine. Everyone else had been, after all.
But it’s no small relief to see the girl well, even if it catches her by surprise.
“Yes?” Brows raise, but she’s patient as the other picks her words. The woods... rabbits... Memories flicker to her, ones of the dream’s happier few moments. A smile pulls at the corner of her lips. 
“I would be more than happy to,” and there’s a sincerity to her tone that would be impossible to fake. A chance to relive those moments, to write that story anew -- free of the pain with which it had originally come. “In fact, it would be an honor.”
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alliumdykes · 2 years
I've been posting some negitive stuff so to make up with that shit have a rat I have dubbed Wibbles
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!😘💛
I adore you and your blog, it makes me so happy 🥰
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thank you so much!!!!! Sometimes it feels like i am just talking to myself, so i really appreciate this ask! *smooches your face*
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jaredwalkersam · 2 years
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┗━ walker 3.14 ☆ Cordell sees Kevin ━┛
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
hey ghosti! i've gotta say, in all my time on tumblr i don't think i've ever come across a writer with stories as comforting as yours :) thanks for taking the time to brighten up all of our days, gonna go reread everything in your masterlists for the nth time now
*excuse me just weeping and wibbling away in the corner for a few hours, staring at this ask and cradling it in my hands and blubbering all over it*
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Seriously though, you're so kind to take the time to leave me this, and I'm so touched. Thank you so much.
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princessmacedon · 2 years
"Maria. Best of luck to you on your mission."
Merric catches up with her shortly before the call to split up. Maria certainly needs to arrange things with her team, and so does he naturally - especially with him being a Professor now, the Academy expect him to look after them - but it would be remiss of him not to bid her farewell.
"I hope everything goes well for you and your allies. Be sure to keep everyone safe, but also stay safe yourself, alright?" He pauses. A faint smile still dances on his lips, but it's a faded one. "Your brother is waiting for you back at the monastery, after all."
Reaching into one of his pockets, he produces a white feather, and holds it out towards her. "I found it once, while traveling through Macedon. Think of it as a good luck charm.. I hope it can remind you of home, and keep your dreams safe."
A year ago and more, Maria would have been surprised to see Merric come to greet her before such a mission. As seasons have changed and the foreign becomes familiar, so too have they; thus does a robin greet the breeze, and Maria greets Merric with a smile.
What does surprise her is when he goes on to mention her brother. In the eyes of gods and men, Michalis is a villain; she knows this. He is the patricide, the gaoler of one sister and the would-be slayer of another, and a man who looks down on Marth, beloved of many, with unfettered disdain besides. It must be an uneasy thing for Merric to know that a former foe now resides in the same place as him and so many he loves, but still, he smiles as he says it. It is a favor Maria watches, eyes clear and bright, so that she will be sure to remember.
"Mhm..." Ribbons of crimson tickle her shoulder as her head lists to one side, seemingly pulled down by the weight of the fondness in her smile. Before she has the chance to make her own reply, however, the mage continues, procuring something from his pockets.
"Wow! Oh, I..." Her mouth opens, then closes just as suddenly, lips pressed into a thin and wavering line. In her hands, the feather seems so small and frail, and yet the truth is that it has crossed the same seas as she has, and soared the skies more freely than she will ever know. It is so very, very far from where it started-- perhaps far enough that it does not remember the skies nor seas-- but it is here with her now. A piece of Macedon. A piece of home.
"...Thank you, Merric." Loath as she is to tear her gaze from this piece of happiness, precious and fragile, Maria does so anyways. If not in the tone of her voice, then in the watery shine of her eyes-- that way, surely, Merric will understand what it means to her. "This means a lot to me."
With caution and a ginger touch, she holds the gift to her chest, a sense of warmth and surety seeping into her smile.
"I don't have anything to give you in return right now, but I have all my wishes and all my luck!" After all, the wind would always carry these - these and so much more. "So you have to come back safely, too, okay? Your Lady Elice is waiting for you, hee hee..."
A twinkle comes and goes within her eye, swept away on a tide of gentle laughter.
"But it's not just Lady Elice, either. Prince Marth will walk beside you, and Queen Caeda, Kris, Tiki... Luke and Katarina... and me! All of us will be waiting for you to come back, you know? And even more people after that! The ones who love and care about you now, and the ones who are waiting to love you someday - all of us! Hee hee."
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antisocialxconstruct · 9 months
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PHEW.... just over a month of work but it's done 👏 As usual at the end I feel like a couple colors could have been changed but... I'm not doing this one again lmao
Okay! Due to (totally unexpected) popular demand:
CMYK Test Print PATTERN - pay what you want, a tip would be appreciated but no pressure!
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