gamehost007-blog · 7 years
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
HELLO EVERYONE TODAY WE HAVE THE GINYU FORCE VS THE POWER RANGER SAMURI. THE PPS WILL HAVE 6 DAYS OF PREP. 5 pods land infront of the power rangers. The ginyu force jump out of there pods and they pose. The power rangers pull out there wepions and Recoome walks to them. Recoome knees the white ranger and he laughs. The white ranger gets up and he slashes at Recoome. Recoome grabs the sword and he tosses it to the side. The blue ranger tosses water at Recoome hurting him a little. The power rangers all slash at Recoome ending with a explosion. Recoome lays down in smoke and he jumps up. The power rangers look in shock at Recoome poses for the ultra fighting bomber. The green ranger stabs Recoome and Recoome falls down. The ginyu force do rock paper sword to see who goes next. Guldo walks to the power rangers. The power rangers form there cannon at full power and they fire it. Guldo swops the power rangers with the ginyu force. The green ranger gets hit with the blast. The blue ranger runs at Guldo cutting his head off. Jaice and Berter attack the blue ranger braking his neck. The pink and yellow power ranger run at Jaice and Berter as they form the purple comet pulling the pink and yellow ranger in. The ginyu force walk to the red ranger. Recoome jumps up and he knees the white ranger killing him. The ginyu force attack the red ranger punching his head off. THE GINYU FORCE ARE THE WINNERS
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Death list 6
Batman will have one week of training and night owl will have one respawn.
Night owl aims a sniper rifle at batmans head.
Batman tosses down a smoke bomb and Night Owl takes the shot missing.
Batman grabs Night Owl tossing him to the side.
Night owl jumps up shooting at batman.
The bullet bounces off batman and night owl grabs a gascan.
Batman grabs the gascan with his grapeling hook.
Night Owl shoots the gascan covering Batman in gas.
Batman walks to night owl as night owl uses his flashlight to light batman on fire.
Batman puts out the fire tossing night owl off the building.
Night owl opens his parashoot as batman cuts the parashoot.
Night owl falls.
Batman is the w-
Night owl appears behind batman holding a mini gun.
Night owl shoots batman making batman fall off the building with a destroyed cape.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
War 6!
Sweet tooth vs lora croft. Lora croft walks around a destroyed city. The sweet tooth drives at Lora. Lora croft turns to the sweet tooth as she gets shot by a berodge of bullets. Im sorry what did you really think?
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Death list 5
TODAY WE GOT TRACER VS SCOUT. TRACER WILL HAVE PRIMAL RAGE. SCOUT WILL HAVE THE DEAD RINGER. ALL WITH ONE MONTH OF PREP. LET'S GET ONTO THE FIGHT. The scout runs into tracer. "Deja vu?" tracer asks. "Yep" scout says aiming his scatter gun at tracers chest. FIGHT!!! Scout fires the scatter gun at tracer but she blinks away. Tracer fires lazers at scout but scout counters with pistol bullets. Tracer runs at scout as scout turns his hat backwards. Tracer stops as scouts bat almost hits tracer. Scout pulls out a con of soda and tracer runs away into a building . Scout drinks the bonk atomic punch and he runs after tracer. Tracer aims two pistols at scout. Scout holds a watch. Tracer shoots scouts and the scout falls. Tracer is the wi- Scout appears behind tracer and tracer turns around to get hit by scouts sandman to the neck. SCOUT IS THE WINNER
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
War 5!
Robocop vs purple guy. Robocop walks into the fnaf pizzeria. Purple guy watches robocop. Robocop walks backstage to see springtrap. Springtrap grabs robocop as purple guy sneaks behind robocop stabbing robocops face. Robocop drops a gernade. Springtrap lifts up robocop and he slams him down as the two run off. The gernade explodes exploding robocops face.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Death list 4
Ok everyone welcome to the 4th episode of death list I am your gamehost and today we have deadpool vs batman to be honest I'm scared. LET'S GET TO THE FIGHT. Deadpool grabs a diamond as batman drops behind Deadpool. FIGHT! Deadpool pulls out his two pistols and he fires them at batman. Batman dodges the bullets the bullets and he kicks the guns out of deadpools hands. Deadpool kicks batman away and he grabs his guns. Batman tosses a baterang at deadpools head. Deadpool runs at batman and he holds onto batman's cape. The barbell goes off and they both blast into a wall. Deadpool grows his head back as batman jumps into the bat cave with his metal suite Batman and deadpool fall into the water When batman climbs out the batmovile hits batman. Batman crawls our of the water dodging the bat bike. The bat helicopter shoots batman's helmet off. Deadpool tosses batman into the giant coin. Batman jumps up and he holds the giant coin. Deadpool stabs batman's chest and he tosses batman into a wall. Batman opens a safe and deadpool jumps into the safe. Batman closes the safe as deadpool appears behind batman shooting his head. Deadpool wi- "HEY HEY HEY I'm doing something important over hear " Um....ok? Deadpool searches batman and he finds a bat credit card. "And this fight was made for Comidyskits80 on youtube " and your done. The next fighters are Scout vs tracer ramach
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
War 4!
Cell vs Aku. Cell walks to Akus tower (forgot what its called) Aku walks to Cell. Cell builds a arena and the two walk on the arena. Cell makes two Cell jrs. Aku shoots a lazer at the Cell jrs disintegrating them. Aku charges at Cell turning into a ram. Cell grabs Akus horns lifting him up. Aku cuts off Cells arms. Cell trys to kick Aku but Aku cuts Cells legs off. Aku shoots a lazer at Cell disintegrating him.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Death list 3
BILL CIPHER VS ERROR SANS WITH A SURPRISING 50 50 I PROMISE THIS FIGHT WILL BE WIRED. Bill walks into the Judgement hall. Error Sans looks at Bill cipher. FIGHT! Error sans blast a error blast at Bill. Bill dodges the blast and he runs at error. Error smacks Bill with a bone. Bill goes to punch error and error simply dodges the attack. Error kicks bill away and he opens a portal. Two gaster blast hit bill. Sans and Disbelief papyrus walk out. Bill shoots a blast at error, sans, and Disbelief but they Dodge. Error walks into a portal. Sans and Disbelief toss bill into a pile of bones. Bill blast at the two missing them so there distracted running into the portal. Bill looks at a hotdog stand and he looks under it. H-ans(horrortale sans ) holds bill down "One head dog coming up" Bill kicks hsans away and he runs into another portal. A tall skeleton in a orange hoodie fires a gaster blaster sending Bill into a portal. Bill looks up at a huge sans (Sans from the comic "The thought ") The huge sans shrugs and it fires a 7 eyed gaster blast at Bill sending him into a portal. Bill looks around and he sees a younger sans holding the wiredmagedon orb. Bill fallows the younger sans into a room. "Okay let's cut to the chase if you give me all the intelligence in the world I'll start wiredmagedon " the younger sans says. "Sounds like a deal" bill says. Bill goes into the younger sand mind and error grabs the younger sans. The huge sans goes into the younger sans mind and he grabs bills code tossing it into the void. Bill yells as he's destroyed by the void. The huge sans destroys the wiredmagedon orb code. ERROR SANS WINS. THE NEXT FIGHTERS ARE DEADPOOL VS BATMAN Also go ahead and animate the fights but I want a shout out and credit for writing the fight.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
War 3!!!!! FATHER (knd) vs Garnet
Father walks to the docks and he obsorbs the fire. Garnet walks behind father. Father shoots a fireball at Garnet. Garnet punches the fireball and she charges at Father. Father shoots fire at Garnet making her back up. Father summons clouds to shoot electricity at Garnet. Garnet obsorbs the lightning shooting it back at Father. Father dodges the lightning and the lightning lights a few trees on fire. Garnet shoots a rocket fist at father. Father grabs the fist and he uses his fire to shoot it back at Garnet hitting her gem destroying it.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Death list 2
EPISODE 2 OF DEATH LIST TODAY WE GOT EREN YEGER VS KIRITO PLACE YOUR BETS NOW. Kirito and Eren fly after a titan. Eren slashes at the titans neck killing it. The two crash into each other. FIGHT! Kirito holds a bronze sword and a queens knight sword. Eren holds his two swords. Kirito run at Eren and they slash at each other. Eren uses both of his swords to attack kirito. Kirito blacks with one sword and he uses the other one to disarmed the 3D maneuver gear Eren kicks kirito away and he trys to use the 3D maneuver gear. Kirito stabs Eren and Eren bites his thumb. Kirito pulls the sword out and he walks away as eren gose into his titan form . Eren lifts up Kirito and slams him into the ground. Kirito gets up and he stabs erens leg. Eren kicks kirito away. Kirito flys onto erens head. Eren hits his head as kirito dodges landing on erens shoulder . Eren karate chops his neck as kirito dodges,. Eren holds his neck in pain. Kirito stabs erens neck and Eren turns normal. Kirito stabs erens head. THE NEXT FIGHTERS ARE ERROR SANS with every AU VS BILL with wiredmagedon ADD ANY FIGHTS BELOW 
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Vegeta vs Popeye Vegeta runs to a ocean docks and he blows up a ship. Popeye walks behind Vegeta and he says"hey whats the big idea!" Vegeta laughs and he powers up Popeye eats a can of spinich and he punches Vegeta. Vegeta pukes blood and he turns super sayin blue. Popeye punches Vegeta to the moon. Vegeta shoots a big bang attack at Popeye but he punches it. Popeye punches Vegeta deep into space as Vegeta turns normal and knocked out. Popeye jumps to earth
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
DEATH LIST ! (not the war thing)
SCOUT VS TRACER note: because of scouts huge wepion selection I give him the stock wepions, the force of nature, the soda popper, the sand man, and bonk atomic punch. For Tracer she has her pulse bomb ready. This is at route 66 and there is no prep time and let the fight START. The scout runs on the highway as tracer runs into the scout. FIGHT!!! The scout trys to shoot tracer with the scatter gun but tracer blinks away. Scout pulls out his pistol and fires at tracer as tracer shoots scouts pistol away. Tracer blinks in front of scout and she place a pulse bomb on scout as he's drinking a can of soda. Tracer blinks away and she turns around to see the explosion. The Scout throws the can of bonk atomic punch at tracer as he runs to tracer. Tracer looks confused as the bonk atomic punch form passes. The scout hits tracer with the sand man ball and tracer is stunned. The scout turns his hat backwards as he hits tracer with a baseball swing hitting tracers chest peace. Tracer flys off. The winner is the scout Add your fight ideas down bellow and The next fighters on the death list are Eren yeger vs Kirito (sao/ggo vs aot) 
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
Fight war1!
Hello welcome to the FIGHT WAR!!! First fight is Monkey.D.Luffy (one piece) VS The god of destruction, Lord Beerus (dragon ball super) Luffy walks out of a store with a sushi roll. Beerus smacks the sushi roll out of Luffys hand. Luffy trys to catch the sushi roll but Beerus eats it. Beerus smacks Luffy away but luffy flys back hitting Beerus. Luffy punches Berrus and he goes into gear 4 trying to hit Beerus. Beerus catches Luffys fist turning him into sand.
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
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gamehost007-blog · 7 years
South Carolina
We're here. Have fun.
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