#WHY am i a MORON
meyerlansky · 4 months
what i've done here is i've OBT'd* myself, which is what i'm calling it when i read a fic despite there being tags saying "there are things you don't like in here!" and then feel bad and icky after anyway
and i KNOW BETTER than to do it, is the worst part. it's exclusively my own idiot fault, i'm not about to go around saying "don't write this because i don't like it 😤" because i'm not an asshole. i just wish i was also not a idiot.
*after a specific patho fic that i read despite being tagged ACNTW and a few other things, and it sent me into a depressive spiral for like two fucking weeks
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
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Thanks @rmd-writes and @sherryvalli for the tags! Words are hard this week but I managed to at least write the intro to a little spicy something…
“Never have I ever… had a threesome.” The look Alex cuts at Henry as he says this leaves Liam with no doubt that Alex is being as much of a little shit as always; he’s proven right a moment later when Henry huffs, rolling his eyes even as he takes a long swig of his drink. “If you want to get me liquored up, darling, you can just say so rather than bringing up all my uni exploits.” If you’d asked Liam two years ago, he’s honestly not sure what he’d find more surprising: that he’d be sitting on the floor of an obscenely large brownstone in Brooklyn while Prince Henry of England confesses easily to having a threesome while at Oxford, or that he and Alex would have found their way back to the kind of friendship that kept him tethered in high school. He turns to Spencer, trying to anchor himself in the one part of his life that still feels a little bit attached to reality, only to find Spencer with his drink halfway to his mouth, staring down into it like it contains a particularly wordy math problem. “Spence, babe.” Liam grins, delighted. “Have you had a threesome I don’t know about?”
As always feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to so tagging @affectionatelyrs @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @lilythesilly @maxbegone @myheartalivewrites @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript @smc-27 @stereopticons @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year
"YoU cAnT liKe ThAt ChArAcTeR tHeY [bad action which is integral to the story and why the story is so good in the first place]"
My brother in Christ,
They are not real.
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togamest · 2 months
hey uh just as a reminder if you’re polyamorous/non-monogamous and you don’t allow your very monogamous partner the chance to leave the relationship if they find it doesn’t work for them and they’re not okay with the relationship dynamic then you’re a shit human being
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
“This ship is toxic and creepy!”
Yeah, why do you think I like it?
Lol, people are out here acting like I’m forcing others to accept my ships as “normal” or “cute” or something. Like, yeah, I can write fluff with them and still understand the toxic dynamics at play. I usually play around with those dynamics instead of writing fluff.
Like, I have self awareness, people. I’m not fucking stupid.
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leviraaaaaa · 2 months
Can't stop listening to this one song. It goes something like this-
কারার ঐ লৌহকপাট ভেঙে ফেল কর রে লোপাট রক্ত-জমাট শিকল পূজার পাষাণ-বেদী
ওরে ও তরুণ ঈশান বাজা তোর প্রলয় বিষাণ ধ্বংস নিশান উড়ুক প্রাচীর প্রাচীর ভেদি Rough Translation:
Those iron bars of prison Break them down, strike them out Bloodied chains, the stone-alter to worship Oh you! The youths! Blow out your horns of doom Let the flag of carnage soar, through wall to wall
To you. To the people of my country. To every single person who's out there now, fighting against an unjust system. You bleed and you ache, yet you do not kneel. You run through the streets and scream for justice. You pick up your sticks and stones and stand against guns and bullets. You do not cower, you do not fear. It's extraordinary. It's extraordinary what you do. It's extraordinary the courage you possess, the bravery, the spirit. I am proud. I am proud that I speak the tongue you do. I am proud that I have shared the same soil as yours. I am proud. I see it on the news. Everyday. More dead. More injured. More arrested. I see it again the next day. And the day after that. And I am shocked, I am speechless, I am filled with utter pride and respect because I know you will not stop. You will not stop until every drop of blood is paid for, every last corpse answered for. How arrantly foolish our Government is. How witless do you have to be to not learn your lesson? They think violence is the solution for everything. They think if they can just drop a couple bodies, spill a little blood, send a few behind the bars, it'll all calm down. That we're just a couple of defenseless kids. And that does work. Fear is great. Fear will pump through your blood and incapacitate you. You can use fear to break an entire nation. But only for so long. Fear is great. But rage is greater. 1952, 1969, 1971.
History testifies.
Justice will prevail.
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raan-miir-tah · 1 month
Accidental frottage in a love hotel: chapter 36
Confession: chapter 107
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boxingcleverrr · 2 years
Honestly, working boomer customer service for 8 hours should be considered psychological terrorism.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Wait a friggin second
Do people still find me intimidating??? Y’all 😂
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i spent like an entire 10 minuets looking at this, reading it, sounding it out, and once i figured out what he was saying, I felt beyond stupid.
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rj-masky · 1 year
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I'm bored and cant sleep so have a bunch of my old portal drawings- bare with me their really old but I'm still kinda impressed with some of them
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taihua · 2 years
I read a post that I think was on this website about how Feng Xin is so stubbornly stuck in his loyal follower mindset that he struggles with making decisions, and now I’m thinking about fengqing but with Mu Qing being the one who has to relentlessly pursue oblivious Feng Xin because this idiot just won’t make the first move. It’s never occurred to him that he can make the first move
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can i be honest
i think if AM had a body he would not look like harlan ellison or some kind of fucked up robot creature. he would look like dan hentschel. he would BE dan hentschel.
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bloodheartz · 2 months
I think we should be able to hit sanists with cars and baseball bats
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empress-hancock · 1 year
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Oh this is hysterical
#i am addicted to zoro slander it’s so unfortunate it is the least common slander in the whole fandom#this man is a doofus he’s a moron he sits on his ass while nami shovels the snow off the deck and sleeps while she busts her ass#he’s a dick and he picks on others and then laughs when they tell him to stop bullying him#(source: in punk hazard he did this to brook. brook literally said ‘stop bullying me’)#he insinuated that robin should not have been fought by a foe at full strength because ‘she’s a woman’#actually insinuated isn’t right. he straight up said it#i know people think sanji thinks women are weak and that’s why he doesn’t hit them or saves the girls but#he saves EVERYONE. and does it not because he thinks anyone is weak#(he has on numerous occasions praised nami and robin’s strenth. and he has trusted them both to save HIM when he needed it)#he saves others because he doesn’t want to see his friends hurt. that’s it. he is the kindest of the crew. having turned multiple foes into#allies just by being nice#oh but anyway. the reason he doesn’t hit women is because Zeff threatened to castrate him if he ever did#so… saying that to a child has an impact#and if Sanji is so scared of disappointing zeff that he wouldn’t let SOMEONE ELSE kill his physically and mentally abusive family#then he probably isn’t going to disobey him on the women thing#it’s probably not even abt the castration anymore he just has fucking stockholm syndrome#zeff was abusive too but i think he’s desperate for a father and doesn’t want to let him down#he and Usopp have Issues with admiring terrible dads#anyway
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katyspersonal · 9 months
Before you deride anyone for being an "idiot", you should probably shit can the Meyers-Briggs pseudo-science in your description. You know, that way you don't look like an idiot who buys into that stuff.
Naaah, I still think that accusing a very anti-nationalist creator that created a very anti-nationalist movie FOR nationalism just because his movie used trademark brilliant Japanese nonverbal display instead of spelling stuff out like poorly written modern Western media IS pretty "idiotic". Waaaay more "idiotic" than MBTI stuff. 🌛 (retroactive, because I already did take my insult back several days ago)
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I'll have you know that whereas MBTI is definitely not as binding and fails in what it tries to do (just like every attempt to strictly categorize people failed), it is actually SUPER handy to communicate a LOT of traits and patterns within a short abbreviation instead of a long essay! For example, people that know MBTI lore will read that I am ENTP and instantly expect me to be a lover of debates and "devil's advocate", be bad at talking about my feelings genuinely and sound hurtful without any intention to do so! If person chose to describe themselves with an MBTI label, it doesn't necessarily mean they are the type to take it super seriously, but often it is a way to communicate what to expect from their personality in a really compact form! Or at least what this person believes about themselves, which is also good for "communicating without communicating" :p Most people that have MBTI in their bio/pinned/whatever aren't as serious about it. Those that tried to choose friends/couple and form a collective according to MBTIs are long ago extinct, trust me!
I also found MBTI useful for some writing stuff. To define a type, you have to make 4 choices between 4 pairs of traits: 1) Introvert or Extrovert; self-explanatory 2) Sensory or iNtuitive; so, oriented more in "physical" reality and present or into past, thoughts and concepts 3) Thinking or Feeling; so, stronger at logic and thinking, or at empathy and tact? 4) Perceptive or Judging; so, an open-minded person that is okay with leaving loose ends or a person that needs clear distinction and final conclusion! Yeah they are very bare-bones descriptions and there is more to say about the 8 'letters', I am just cutting to the chase! I never passed MBTI test, I just figured which one of these aspects applied to me and it made ENTP abbreviation! Then I read the description of this type and could recognize a lot about myself. You can for example do that for a character you want to develop, get the abbreviation, then go read full description of this type and I guarantee you, there will be MANY things in the text making you go "damn this makes sooooo much sense for this character 👀" or otherwise inspire a vision of them!
I agree that people that get too caught up into MBTI stuff can be frustrating, and that accuracy of MBTIs is long ago debunked; again, no way to split humans into clear cut types works and we are all too different! Zodiac signs stuff is a similar problem. But, these things are good for communicating aspects of your personality quickly, for finding which sides of yourself to focus on and get "coherent shape" (very useful for my personality disorder ass!) and are good for WRITING! I've even found using MBTI descriptions as a help a good preventive measure from too much self-protection onto characters I am writing! You know same face syndrome issue in drawing? Sometimes the same problem is possible in writing personalities, MBTI is something that helped me to double-check whether I am doing this. Don't harshly discard a thing just because you haven't found an efficient way to utilize it! MBTI failed at what it intended to do but succeeded at being a good compilation of distinct traits and ways to think, act and react!
On the other hand, believing in anti-scientifical things is not necessarily a sign of being a judgemental, narrow-minded, "idiotic" person: a person is only an "idiot" when they make themselves be.
That being said, I don't blame you for being strictly negative? MBTI craze, Zodiacs stuff and similar things have history of really annoying people wasting their time and being weird about what they tell others but that's not my case. In my country MBTIs are in general 90% fandom of memes xd I might consider removing ENTP from my bio in the future if I estimate people are more likely to expect the worst (like you did) than take it for fun after that """science""" has fallen but I just dunno yet. But I'd appreciate if you didn't use harping on me for a mistake I already apologized for to express your disapproval of MBTI stuff 🌛 Not only it is cruel, but also even UNDER assumption that liking MBTI stuff makes me an "idiot" your logic doesn't work - why would doing one stupid thing remove my right to call out another, irrelevant (!!!) stupid thing? This is like saying that only "perfect" people are allowed to offer criticism and disapproval towards frustrating situations and I am not here for this sort of attitude. Someone can be competent in one area and be a complete moron in another area, does it mean they can't talk about what they're competent at anymore?
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