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sagerenard · 9 hours ago
I went to look for ways to fund the main breeding center for them and couldn't find anything on their website, but WWF ( a reputable charity ) offers donations to the species if anyone is interested : https://gifts.worldwildlife.org/gift-center/gifts/Species-Adoptions/Black-footed-Ferret?sc=AWY1800OQ18317A01909RX
DOGE just froze funding to vital Federal and Indigenous conservation programs devoted to supporting the very delicate and tenuous existence of the black-footed ferret.
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I fell in love with these animals as a kid traveling to our National Parks. Their rarity and ferocity made me sharply aware, even as a child, of just how much of a responsibility we have toward our environment. I can't bear the thought of them being a fucking casualty of Trump and Musk.
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Look at them! They do war dances.
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eats Finn infront of you
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gillipop-plus · 11 months ago
can't sleep so aro traffic/hermit headcannon rant time weeee
if you read this i will cry i need to share this with the world /md
yes i will reblog ship art of duos that i headcannon as platonic/queerplatonic. it's cute, ok?? my aegoromantic brain just likes cute art with characters i like it doesn't mean i ship them
also yes a lot of this is held together by a thread and doesn't make sense but guess what i don't care.
ok so. scott. i need to watch his third/last life before i write this because that's kinda important to my entire thesis here so expect an edit to this
grian. saw a post that listed his as aro and i was just like o.O and it kinda spiraled from there. i feel like he's romance neutral, leaning negative a bit? he's got one friend (mumbo) who he's super close and somewhat codependent with. he doesn't need romance, he has mumbo. they've been through a lot and grian doesn't really know what to do without him. in double life he ended up in a romantic relationship with scar and didn't really feel happy with it. but since mumbo wasn't there he didn't really know what to do. so he decided to have an affair with bigb. honestly the idea of grian without mumbo is terrifying because he clearly doesn't know how to manage a romantic relationship lmao. hermitcraft s9 (i think it was s9?) when mumbo wasn't there for a while grian was just like. welp. can't be without mumbo and decided to summon him back. they're just an amazing duo fhsjhdjshgg
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mortifiedandawesome · 1 year ago
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darkduck80 · 11 months ago
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some of my new Morro desing! Hes so silly \^_^/
(Check for close up)
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hannahmanderr · 2 years ago
DannyMay Day 3 - Blizzard
slowly, she starts to catch up lol
Words: 1,947
Summary: The kids of Amity Park receive a cryptic message telling them to come to the park one July day. Of course they're gonna do it! (FFN)
Brooke bounced on the balls of his feet. “Are you sure you have the time right?”
His twin - his older twin, as she loved to remind him - scowled. “You’ve asked me, like, a million times already! I swear it said 3:00!”
Well, Brooke’s watch said it was 3:08. Judging by the number of other kids milling about the park, they did have the right time, but as it got later and later, he couldn’t help but be paranoid. 
Plus he felt stupid dragging his boots, coat, and sled around the park. He wasn’t the only one, of course - almost every kid in Amity’s Park at the moment was lugging around snow gear of some sort. Most kids just had boots and pants and coats, although a good handful also had sleds and had dumped their gear in them. One boy Brooke recognized from the fourth grade had one of those awesome-looking snow innertubes with him.
So yeah, he wasn’t the only one with his cold weather stuff by any means.
Except it was the middle of July, and it was 85 degrees out with a thunderstorm on the horizon. So he still felt stupid.
“Pleeeeease, Maeve?” he whined. “Just check one more time for me?”
“Ugh!” Maeve said, throwing her hands up in the air. “If you hadn’t gotten grounded for messing up Mom’s garden, you wouldn’t be asking me every five seconds.” Grumbling under her breath, she dug in her pocket and pulled out her phone. She didn’t have to scroll to get to the message. She’d already had it pulled up from the last five times he’d asked to see it.
“Look, see? 3:00, just like I said.” She jabbed the phone at Brooke with a smug grin. He took it, even though he’d already read the message dozens of times himself.
Calling all AP kids! Come to Amity’s Park this Saturday at 3:00 pm for a surprise you won’t want to miss! Only requirement is to bring your snow gear - I’ll handle the rest! ;)
The message had gone out on nearly every social media site a kid would be found on. Rumors had even circulated that a bunch of the middle and high schoolers got it emailed, texted, or DM-ed to them directly. He and Maeve weren’t so lucky, especially only being fifth graders. One of his friends had texted it to him after their older brother had shown it to them, and he’d proceeded to show it to Maeve. 
The message had been sent out on Monday. By Wednesday it’d seemed that every kid in Amity Park, kindergarten through 12th grade, had seen it.
Of course, the adults saw it too. A lot of them had worried that whoever sent the message was planning on doing something horrible, with so many kids in one place. The friend who’d texted Brooke said that supposedly, the Fentons had immediately pegged it as a ghost’s evil plot. Brooke didn’t know if he believed that. True, he hadn’t been through a bunch of ghost attacks or anything - they usually stayed near the high school, not the elementary school - but this didn’t seem like some evil plot.
Still though, he knew a lot of kids whose parents had forbidden them from following the message’s invitation. At least three of his friends in his group chat hadn’t been allowed to come. And even then, a lot of parents had refused to let their kids come alone, Brooke’s and Maeve’s being in that group. Their dad was sitting on a bench a short distance away, although many parents didn’t even let their kids leave their side.
It made for a weird sight, though definitely not the weirdest Amity Park had seen. A bunch of anxious adults and a slew of kids towing their winter stuff in the middle of July. No, definitely not to the level of Amity Park weird.
Brooke handed the phone back to Maeve. “Maybe it’s a prank?” he said. The words came out timid. He was a ten year old boy - of course he loved surprises. Especially ones just for the kids! No one ever did anything special for kids. To think it was all just some cruel setup crushed his spirits.
“I don’t think so,” Maeve said. She pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “It’d be a dumb prank. Like who would even want to get a bunch of kids in the middle of the park all for nothing? It’s not even funny.”
“Someone could have done it just to be mean.”
“I don’t think so,” she repeated. “There’s a million other things someone could do to be mean.”
Brooke’s watch ticked over to 3:10. He stole a glance at their dad, who was watching the two of them like a hawk. “You don’t think a ghost did it, do you?” he asked. He hit himself mentally for letting his voice waver. He tried to appear brave in the face of ghosts and their attacks, but he was secretly pretty terrified of them. Except Phantom, of course. Phantom was cool. But he wouldn’t admit his fears out loud to anyone, least of all his sister. He was ten, ten-year-olds weren’t supposed to be scared of things like ghosts.
Maeve furrowed her brow. “Probably not?” The way she said it definitely sounded more like a question than anything. Less confident than she’d sounded before.
“What if it is a ghost?” he pressed. Usually his sister was very sure of herself, like annoyingly so. To hear her being unsure didn’t exactly alleviate his concerns. “How would we even know?”
He got his answer when a shriek erupted from behind him.
Every head in the park turned towards the sound. Parents instinctively lunged to shield their kids. Most of the older teenagers seemed more annoyed than anything. Brooke’s eyes landed on a tiny girl bouncing up and down, pointing at something in the sky. Squinting, he realized something dark was streaking through the air, rising straight up from the horizon.
He caught a glimpse of something much lighter against the dark. “Wait a sec,” he said, realization dawning on him. “Is that…?”
“It’s Phantom!” Maeve squealed. Brooke resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His twin, just like every other girl in Amity Park it seemed, always ended up acting like, well, girls when it came to Phantom. At the same time, he couldn’t exactly blame her. A real life superhero in his hometown? Of course it was something worth getting excited about!
The dark blur shifted course and made a beeline for the park. Sure enough, Danny Phantom’s stark white hair and signature emblem came into focus. Kids began whooping and hollering as they too realized that the ghost boy himself was on his way. Some of the parents relaxed a bit once they realized who it was. Brooke’s heart began to pound. On one hand, it was always thrilling to see his hero up close and in action, but on the other, Phantom really only ever showed up if another ghost was causing trouble. Did that mean the invitation really was a ghost’s scam?
But there was something else, too. Phantom was flying just beneath the low hanging clouds, one arm extended up and to the side. Some sort of blue mist trailed behind his hand and drifted up into the clouds. He cleared the length of the park in a matter of seconds, but then he doubled back and began flying the length again.
“What’s he doing?” Brooke wondered aloud. It was definitely bizarre behavior, even for a ghost superhero.
Maeve had her phone’s camera angled up towards Phantom. “Who cares?” she said with a wide grin. “Keira’s gonna be so jealous! Her mom wouldn’t let her come today!”
The cheers started to die away as Phantom continued his methodical back-and-forth flying, although some of the braver kids kept trying to shout praises and questions at him. He never stopped, although he acknowledged the crowd with a shy wave at one point.
As he continued to fly, Brooke began to notice the temperature cooling rapidly. Goosebumps emerged as the sweat on his arms evaporated. He shivered and grabbed his coat out of his sled. Seriously, what the heck was happening?
When his watch ticked over to 3:13, Phantom stopped abruptly. He held his hands out in front of him, and a grin suddenly broke out across his face. Drifting down closer to the crowd, he shouted, “Anyone wanna join me for a snowball fight?”
Brooke and Maeve exchanged glances. “He’s kidding, right?” Brooke said, frowning.
Maeve’s face mirrored his. “I don’t know,” she admitted, keeping her phone trained on Phantom even as she started to shiver from the dropping temperature. “I mean he likes to pull pranks and stuff on other ghosts, but it’s kind of weird for him to pull a prank on us.”
Some of the younger kids had started jumping up and down, shouting, “Me! Me!” Brooke had a feeling they didn’t exactly understand the absurdity of what Phantom had said; they just knew it was him saying it, and so they got excited.
Phantom’s grin grew wider. He cupped his hands together, and a perfectly round snowball formed in them. He leaned down even closer to the ground to hand it to a little boy, who took it and gaped at it as if he’d just been handed a huge diamond. Some of the kids around the boy craned their necks to see the snowball, but most began clamoring for their own.
Brooke’s own excitement immediately grew, though he was held back by one thought. “I still don’t get it,” he said to no one in particular.
“Um, Brooke?” Maeve said.
“I mean Phantom’s super awesome and stuff, but how is he gonna make enough snowballs for everyone without it taking forever?”
“Brooke,” Maeve repeated, this time more insistently.
“Can he do it any faster? Or make more at once? Like look how many kids are already there, and there’s still -”
“Brooke!” Maeve shouted, this time elbowing her brother in the side. “Will you look already?”
She was pointing up. Brooke looked, and to his wonder, he saw snow fluttering down.
“No way,” he breathed. “Phantom made it snow?”
Maeve laughed. “No way!” she echoed. “It’s July! I so have to figure out how to post this somewhere, kids are gonna be so jealous!”
Slowly, the other people in the park began to notice the snow falling faster and faster. Kids were pulling on jackets and boots with barely contained excitement, and parents tried to huddle in what little extra clothing they’d brought. The kids closest to Phantom, trying to get snowballs from him, took the longest to notice, and when they finally did, many began scooping together the bits of snow accumulating on the ground to form their own snowballs.
Brooke finally couldn’t control himself any more. Laughing, he ran forward and also began collecting snow. A snowball fight with Phantom? In the middle of July? How much more awesome of a surprise could it be?
“So, I take it things went well?” Tucker asked with a grin as Danny finally managed to break away from the throng of kids who’d decided to team up against him and try and take him down with a giant snowball.
Danny’s face shone brightly as he shook excess snow from his hair. “They were asking me if we could do it again next week,” he said. “I couldn’t say no to them!”
Tucker shook his head, laughing. “You’re gonna have to get Frostbite to teach you how to make a lot more snow, man.”
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swan2swan · 1 year ago
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earthworms-worm · 2 years ago
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Would you buy something from them? I promise it's most definitely not magical and/or in some way connected to your destiny! Truly a completely random assortment of items!
Any items found within the shop are mysteriously the thing you needed the most, even if you hadn't realised you needed it before you entered.
Still working on the info sheet but it'll be here soon :)
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deathskss · 2 years ago
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"no one's ever HAPPY to see ME." if one knew them, they'd hear the tinge of sadness in their voice.
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just-french-me-up · 27 days ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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scaryorganmusic · 21 days ago
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what fucking hell dimension are y’all blogging from
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maudiemoods · 8 months ago
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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insane-bad-idea-person · 1 year ago
humans looking at a deadly predator that would kill us without hesitation if they werent so heckin tiny
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fairysbrew · 1 month ago
not to be a dirty commie or anything but i don't think any one person should have enough money to solve world hunger and then get to decide not to
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boltlightning · 11 days ago
not watching severance and succession means i log on the day after an episode and everyone is like SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP THEYRE SO INSANE FOR THIS and the image cited is a man in a suit standing still in an otherwise blank, fluorescently-lit hallway. i'm happy for you guys or sorry that happened
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