oculusxcaro · 1 year
@arkhmlcst said: scare ( when you have an abundance of dolls you have the ability to unnervingly stare like one too )
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"Oh man, why's it gotta be little dolls and shit??" Khare stands frozen after she steps into the room, feeling the empty gaze of thousands of eyes staring right back at her. Dolls as far as she can see are sitting around on every avaliable surface, some looking almost as if they're hanging from the ceiling. It was eerie enough finding the odd abandoned doll while trekking her way down south, their faces weathered by dirt and grime over the ages but this was a whole new level of NOPE. Creepy. Taking a step backwards, Khare does not blink as she reaches the door, not breaking her gaze until the door has closed shut, hiding the minature army from view.
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ducktoonsfanart · 19 days
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Thanks for following me - Jubilee 5th Anniversary on Tumblr - Donald Duck and his friends and family - Quack Pack, Darkwing Duck, Ze Carioca Comics and The Legend of The Three Caballeros - Quack Pack AU and Duckverse - My Version
Since I haven't drawn anything for almost a month, after a long time I'm back again, but I have to say again that I won't be able to draw so much for the next month due to my obligations. So nothing from requests and Art Trade until I have more free time. Sorry.
But I certainly made a special drawing to thank you for everything you have done for me in this Duck community of ours, that is, the community of fans of Donald Duck, comics, cartoons and video games. And not only on Tumblr, but also on Deviantart, Instagram, Discord, Telegram, Twitter (X) and other networks. And so I have already passed the 5th year and everything has changed since then. Unfortunately, I had a lot of difficulties and I drew very badly at the time, but over time I met many friends who changed my life quite a few times. Now it's time to say thank you, if nothing else than my drawings that I love to draw since I've been on this social network. Yes, this art sideblog was opened three years ago, but it is a continuation of my main blog and you can see it here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do drawings especially for my friends, as well as for the birthday jubilees of Fethry Duck and Jose Carioca who celebrated their birthdays on August 2 and August 24, respectively, because for my own reasons I didn't have time to do it, which doesn't mean I won't in the future. Certainly if nothing else, I drew my favorite characters from the Duckverse (Donald Duck universe) combining Duck comics, Duck Avenger, Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, Quack Pack, Three Caballeros and Ze Carioca comics, in my own way in my own style. Yes, I drew them wearing modern clothes and outfits as I would imagine in my Quack Pack version, that is, in the Quack Pack AU. And since, as usual, not all the characters that I intended to leave have remained, I will leave them for a special drawing that will follow this one.
Certainly, there are Donald Duck, Jose Ze Carioca, Panchito Pistoles, Daisy Duck, Rosinha Maria Vaz, Drake Mallard, Morgana Macawber, Uno Ducklair (One), Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gus Goose, Della Duck, Queen Reginella, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, April, May and June Duck, Gosalyn Mallard, Phooey Duck, Zico and Zeca Carioca, Dugan Duck, Shamrock Gander, Bolivar the Dog (Donald's pet dog) and Dinkie or Trixie the Cat (Daisy's pet cat) and they are all together together. The children are teenagers, except for Shamrock and Dugan who are pre-teens and the rest are adults. Mostly the kids are holding a banner that says thank you to all of you who follow me and like to look at my drawings and like and reblog. For those who cannot see, it is written like this: "Thanks for following you 1000 followers for following my main blog and thanks for following you 100 followers on my art blog as well as thanks for watching 300 followers on Deviantart and 200 followers on Instagram!"
Yes, I also have an Instagram blog which you can view here: https://www.instagram.com/duckhistoria/
And Deviantart here: https://www.deviantart.com/ducklooneyhistoria
Discord: DuckLooneyHistoria
Telegram: https://t.me/ducktoonshistoria7
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/DuckHistoria/
VK: https://vk.com/id835221803
I definitely thank everyone for this and without your support I wouldn't be doing this, although I do it as a hobby anyway since I really like drawing my favorite characters. I'll just say that I made a mistake with the markers and mislabeled Gosalyn's hand holding Dewey's baseball shirt, my mistake and if anyone asks who is between Louie and Dewey, it's Reginella from Topolino comics (Italian comics) queen of a planet that goes different from Earth and Donald accidentally met her at the bottom of the sea and ended up in her world and fell in love with her. However Scrooge doesn't want to finance his travels so he is forced to break up with her which saddened me so I drew Reginella in front of Donald and Donald is holding her and don't worry Daisy isn't mad at him, given the past. I hope to draw her and other Duck characters in the future. I hope you like this drawing and my thank you note.
Once again happy belated birthdays to Fethry Duck and Jose Carioca as well as a happy start to The Three Caballeros Month and thank you all for giving me new hope. And happy 90th birthday to Donald Duck! And don't worry, I won't disappoint you in the future. I hope you like these characters and you like this drawing and feel free to like and reblog this, but please don't copy my ideas and my versions of these characters without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you!
If you like something I've drawn so far and your favorite impressions feel free to comment and reblog with your comments and impressions. Yes, I take harsher criticism, just without insults. All in all thank you for following me and keep following me!
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flakatita · 9 months
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Do not fear! The Cat in the Hat is here!
Request prompt by @stomperpony : “A cat with a funny hat!”
Unpictured here is Webby in the ceiling vent, cocking her weapon and whispering, “Target acquired”
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ducklooney · 8 months
After these holidays, I'll make some ideas of my own and pick up where I left off with my fanfictions and make posts here slowly over time. And I will definitely express that through my drawings. I would only ask that you do not use my ideas without my knowledge and permission, and I will not repeat that a hundred times.
If you are going to use some of my designs from my drawings and some of my ideas, then at least tag me so I know. I hope I was clear and you understood what I said. If not, feel free to ask me.
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eqan · 1 year
It isn't advisable to get a puppy when you have dogs with anxiety or aggression. Your dogs have issues that they will teach to that puppy, whether they mean to or not, and the puppy will learn their bad habits and neurosis and fear responses whether it wants to or not. It's unfortunately quite selfish to do that to a dog that could otherwise have a healthier upbringing. I have a rescued dog and know I can't get a puppy while I have her bc of her anxiety. My friend rescued a dog and made that mistake and that puppy is picking up all the bad habits of the first dog. It's sad to see the quality of life decline for that puppy who is picking up all this fear. Life is long and there is plenty of time to get a puppy when you don't have a home full of anxiety dogs.
i’ve raised 100+ puppies with these three dogs and what you’re saying is just not true. or if it is, it’s not true 100% of the time and not true if you actively train to prevent that. not only that, but my dogs aren’t aggressive. not quite sure where you got that? one is fear reactive. that’s it (and anxiety isn’t contagious? huh???)
i know plenty of people who have one neurotic dog and one not. and plenty of people who have a dog with anxiety who still got a temperamentally sound puppy that has done just fine.
i’ve never heard of or been told not to get a puppy because 2/3rds of my dogs are neurotic, so calling me selfish for doing something i wouldn’t know is wrong is a bit of an asshole move anon.
you don’t know my dogs. they’re perfectly calm in the home except some reactive barking, which we have been actively working on. they’re well enough behaved they can go out in public, to eat dinner at outdoor spaces, etc. with no issues.
i’m gonna enjoy my puppy, thanks!
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mabith · 1 year
Some days you look up the author of a favorite picture book and learn that she also did the translations you read of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin and The Master and Margarita.
Cheers, Mirra Ginsburg.
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pathologicalreid · 4 months
fluff masterlist
main masterlist
note: italicized titles denote requests
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spencer reid x fem!reader
clue: in which penelope hosts a new year's eve party. with a murder mystery theme.
doctor and doctor: in which you add a degree to your repertoire
newly creds: in which the BAU team wants to see your newly issued credentials
nicknames: in which you meet the team for the first time, and receive your first nickname
attention: in which you attempt to get your boyfriends attention
fluorescent: in which spencer rambles about rocks and you get distracted
drop: in which reid seems to be there every time you drop something
occupational hazard: in which you and spencer have a discussion about the dangers of his job.
in sickness and in health: minutes before your wedding is supposed to start, spencer gets cold feet, and you have to find out why.
cryptic: you and spencer get a surprise beyond your wildest dreams
breakfast in bed: your boyfriend surprises you with breakfast in bed to celebrate spring break
in plain sight: your quick thinking (in an attempt to protect him) leads to a very thankful spencer
puzzling: trying to tell spencer you're pregnant, but he's too concerned with your well-being to fill out your custom crossword puzzle
red flags: spencer protects you from a drunkard
(lack of) convenience: the power of suggestion leads you to take a pregnancy test while you're on a case - and it's positive
three's a family: you and spencer are surprised to find out that you're pregnant, while you're already in labor (yes, this is a second cryptic pregnancy fic)
pure and applied chemistry: your boyfriend picks you up as a surprise at your chemistry lab (biochemist!reader)
separation anxiety: spencer's first case back from paternity leave involves children, so a concerned party reaches out to you
orange juice: you and spencer have an announcement to make, but you're not sure how to go about it
a special occasion: moving your daughter into a toddler bed brings about some interesting conversation
kindergarten crush: when one of your students goes missing, the BAU sends the A-team to question you
goads and goats: telling your dad (who's also your boss) you're pregnant ends in him giving spencer a hard time
a league of your own: when your boyfriend seemingly evolves, you resign yourself to the feeling of being left behind
fishbowl: you offer to bring spencer lunch when he forgets his at home, leading you to become an object of curiosity at the BAU.
dewey decimal system: in which spencer does the most spencer activity first thing in the morning - reorganizing your bookshelves
amorphous: your first ultrasound goes exactly how you'd expected it to, but not exactly how you'd wanted it to
spencer reid x gn!reader:
heatmiser: spencer takes care of you when he comes home to find you sick
running on empty: spencer makes a bet to go without coffee and ends up foregoing all caffeine
spencer reid x platonic!fem!BAU!reader
neophyte (2): in which dr. reid gives advice to help you cope with the requirements of your new job
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A Legacies Secret |14|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Stabbing, Attempted Murder, Murder, Death, Blood, Gun shots
Word Count: 3.2k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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You sat emotionless on the hospital bed as the doctor finished stitching up your shoulder. They had done the wound on your side first, the doctor said you got lucky, the knife had just barely missed your ribs. Luckily it only hurt when you breathed or moved. You let out a hiss as the doctor did his last stitch. He smiled at you and told you when to come back to get the stitches out, not that you really heard him, you couldn’t stop replaying what happened in your head, you couldn’t stop seeing Dewey’s face.
You looked down when you felt a squeeze on your hand, then lifted your gaze to see Tara watching you with a worried expression. You wanted to offer her a smile, something to comfort her, to show you were okay, but you couldn’t even manage that. She stood up as best as she could with her crutches and carefully wrapped her arm around you. You just let your head drop to her shoulder, you didn’t even have it in you to break down. The only good thing to come from the attack was that Ghostface didn’t touch Tara, he didn’t get her again, you kept him away long enough, that was the one thing you actually did right. You couldn’t protect Dewey, you couldn’t run to his aid, but you saved Tara, you were just trying to hold onto that, you weren’t a complete failure at least.
Tara leaned back, caressing your face as she stared into your eyes. “What’s going through your head?” she asked softly.
The death of the father you just learned about. That’s all that was going through your mind. The death of the man who gave you chance after chance, the guy who finally smacked sense into you and made you get your shit together.
“Can we just get the fuck out of here?” You asked.
Tara nodded and sat back down in her wheelchair, laying her crutches across her lap. You got behind the wheelchair and began to push her out the door despite her protests that you could rip open your stitches already. When the two of you got to the waiting room you saw Sam talking to Gale and some other woman. When Gale’s eyes landed on you, she pushed past Sam to make her way towards you and Tara.
“Are you okay?” Gale asked as soon as she was close enough. “I’m so sorry, I-”
“Just stop,” you said harshly. You didn’t miss the way Gale flinched, you just didn’t care, just like you didn’t care that her eyes were red, she probably just stopped crying not too long ago. “Don’t pretend to care.”
“I do care,” she said softly.
“Well, I don’t, so if you don’t mind, we’re getting the fuck out of here.”
“What?” The woman who had been standing with Gale and Sam asked. “You can’t just leave. Look, you’ve been through a lot recently,” she flicked a glance at Gale. “I can’t imagine what you must be feeling, but I do know what it’s like to be targeted by this asshole.” That’s when it clicked for you, this wasn’t some random woman, it was Sidney Prescott. “We could really use your help taking him down.”
“Fuck that,” you shook your head. “Sorry, but no. This,” you gestured around the room. “Isn’t about me. So, I’m taking Tara and we’re getting the hell out of here.”
“Okay,” Sidney nodded. “Be careful.”
“Thank you.” You looked at Sam who seemed conflicted. “You’re welcome to join us,” you directed at her. “Your Tara’s sister after all.”
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Sam said instantly. She texted Richie to pull the car up.
You were sure Sam had the same thought as you, now that Tara got attacked twice there was no way she’d stay in town. Sam might not have been your favorite person, but you weren’t about to keep Tara from her sister, especially if Sam was actually willing to stick around this time.
“Alright let’s get the fuck out of this town,” Richie said as he pulled up. You rolled your eyes as he quickly started apologizing to Gale and Sidney.
You glared at Richie when he tried to take over helping Tara, but he quickly let go of the wheelchair and backed up. “I’ll get the bags?” He said it more like a question as he took Tara’s crutches and backpack to sit in the back seat.
Tara gave you a disapproving look, but you caught the small smile on her face. She might not have been happy with you straining yourself already, but she appreciated it. As gently as you could you wrapped one arm around her and helped her slide into the back seat. You spared Gale and Sidney one last glance as they finished talking to Sam.
You were pressed against the door on the right side in the backseat to give Tara as much room as she needed to stretch out her injured leg. As much as you would have loved to be on the other side of her, with her leaning on you, that was her injured side.
“What’s wrong?” You asked when you noticed Tara searching her backpack in a panic.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, glancing back from the passenger seat.
“I can’t find my inhaler,” Tara said. Her breathing was already getting shallow at simply the idea of not having her inhaler.
“Can we stop somewhere?” You couldn’t blame Sam, the last thing you wanted to do was turn around. You wanted to get out of town as quick as possible and stop somewhere outside of town if you could.
“I need a prescription,” Tara shook her head.
“There’s a spare at my place,” you offered. You always kept a spare inhaler at your place, you never wanted anything to happen when Tara was staying the night or if she was at your apartment alone while she waited for you to get off work or come back with dinner.
“That’s on the opposite side of town. Wait,” her eyes snapped up. “Amber, I have another spare at Ambers.” You wanted to roll your eyes but even you had to admit Amber's place was more convenient, it was actually on the way out of town.
“No, no way,” Richie said, shaking his head. As much as you didn’t want to stop you knew how much Tara needed her inhaler.
“It’s on the way.”
Richie started to shake his head until his eyes landed on Sam. “Please?” She pleaded. “She needs it.”
“Fuck it, where does Amber live?”
A few minutes after Tara gave Richie the address, he was pulling up outside Amber’s house. You helped Tara out of the car and handed her her crutches, making sure to stand close by as you made your way to the front door, which was wide open. Amber was having a party, typical, of course she’d have a party when a psycho was on the loose.
Tara entered the house instantly after Richie and Sam, you couldn’t help but hesitate at the door. You knew where Amber lived because you had picked up and dropped Tara off multiple times, but you had never been in her house. With Ghostface looming in the darkness you couldn’t help but be on edge as you slowly stepped into the house.
You lingered in the background watching as Tara talked to Amber. You furrowed your brow when Amber started yelling that the party was over, Amber wasn’t usually the type to end a party early, especially one she was throwing. You then watched as Tara followed Amber, as everyone else in the house slowly filed their way out the front door.
You waited in the entryway with Sam, having no desire to wander around Amber’s house. Richie wandered off towards the kitchen, saying he was going to find something to drink. You just leaned back against the door and waited for Tara to come back while watching Sam pace back and forth.
You pulled out your phone when you felt it start to vibrate, you furrowed your brow for a second when you saw it was Gale calling you. You ignored the initial confusion and tapped to decline the call with an eyeroll. Almost as soon as you hung up on Gale Sam pulled out her phone.
“Who is it?” you asked.
“Unknown,” she said, holding up her phone for you to see.
“If it’s Gale hang up.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at your request but swiped to answer the call. “How do you know where I am?” Sam asked whoever was on the phone making you furrow your brow.
“Who is it?” you whispered.
Sam’s eyes widened at whatever the person on the phone was saying. Then she took off, yelling up the stairs for Tara. “What’s going on?” you grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around.
“We’re in Stu Macher’s house,” Sam said. Your eyes went wide as soon as she said the name. Your eyes started darting around the house, you knew Tara lost her inhaler but there was no way all of you ended up at Stu Macher’s old house was a coincidence.
You stuck closely to Sam as she went around the house searching for Richie until the both of you ended up in the living room. “Holy shit,” you said when you saw Mindy bleeding out on the ground.
Sam instantly ran to Mindy’s side, pressing her hands against the wound. “Do something!” she yelled.
You nodded, your fingers stumbling as you grabbed your phone to call for help. You had just brought the phone to your ear when Tara and Amber came into the room. “What did you do?” Amber yelled, running over to Sam and Mindy, making Sam back away from Mindy.
“We found her like that,” Sam defended.
“Oh my god!” Richie said as he came into the room. You narrowed your eyes; you and Sam had gone through the entire bottom floor of the house and didn’t see him anywhere.
“Where were you?” you asked.
“The basement.”
“Alone?” Sam asked.
“Tara and I were together, but all of you are suspects!” Amber said, cutting off whatever Richie was going to say to defend himself.
“I was with Sam,” you said. “You’re the only one unaccounted for,” you looked at Richie.
“You and Sam together isn’t really a solid alibi,” Amber snapped. “Maybe you’re both the killer.”
Everyone continued arguing back and forth until Liv came into the room, hands raised and covered in blood as tears streamed down her face, smudging her mascara. “Liv,” you said slowly. “Why are you covered in blood?”
“I-I-” Liv sobbed. “I-I found Chad.” You could swear everyone held in their breath as you waited for what Liv was going to say next. “He-he was stabbed.”
“You’re the killer,” Richie said.
“I’m not the killer.”
“You’re the killer,” Amber repeated what Richie said.
“Amber, I’m not the fucking killer!” Liv snapped, tears still falling from her eyes.
“I know,” Amber said emotionlessly.
The next thing you knew Amber pulled out a gun and fired a bullet right between Liv’s eyes. She instantly pointed the gun at Sam, but Tara dropped one of her crutches and grabbed Amber’s hand, making the bullet go into the wall. While Amber was occupied Richie grabbed Sam’s hand and dragged her out of the room.
You ran towards Amber and Tara but as soon as you pulled Amber off Tara, she stabbed you in the gut, giving you a twisted smile. You heard Tara scream your name as you collapsed to the floor. You pushed yourself up and began to scoot back away from Amber, Tara was clinging onto her arm, making her unable to aim the gun still in her hand.
Amber whipped her hand back, knocking Tara into the wall. Amber raised her gun at you but as quickly as you could you crawled to the side of the couch, ducking as a few bullets entered the couch just above your heard. You pressed your hand to your new stab wound as you listened for more shots.
You weren’t sure how long you waited, it felt like seconds, but you were sure it had been longer than that when you realized you didn’t hear gunshots anymore, you didn’t hear anything. You risked peeking your head out to see Amber was gone, as well as Tara. You gripped the back of the couch, trying to use it to help pull yourself to your feet. As soon as you were standing someone appeared in the doorway, aiming a gun right at your head. You raised one blood hand, keeping the other on the wound as you stared down the barrel of a gun held by Sidney Prescott.
“It’s Amber,” you said, your eyes unable to leave the gun still pointed at you.
“I know,” Sidney said. “Stay here.” She gave you one last suspicious look before slowly making her way up the stairs.
You don’t know how long you stood there, leaning against the couch, you closed your eyes, meaning to just focus on your breathing but when you opened them again Amber was standing in front of you. You didn’t have time to process what was happening before Amber held her knife to your throat and shoved you in the direction of the kitchen.
When you stumbled into the kitchen you saw Gale, nursing a wound of her own, and Sidney already there. A couple seconds later Richie came in, shoving Sam to the ground. You grabbed Sam’s arm, quickly helping her to her feet and pulling her back towards the counter.
Richie and Amber looked at each other smiling, before pulling each other into a kiss. Richie kept his gun pointed at Sam while Amber dropped her knife to her side, the second Sidney tried to get around them though Amber broke the kiss and stabbed Sidney in the side.
You should have seen all this coming, you never liked Amber and Richie was suspicious from the moment you met him. You never imagined they would be in it together though, and definitely never could have imagined them dating. You always assumed Amber had a thing for Tara and was jealous of you.
“Why are you doing this?” Sidney asked.
“Because the latest sequel to Stab sucked!” Richie snapped.
You lifted your eyes to look at him, you were hoping you were bleeding out and a consequence was hard of hearing, there was no way these two assholes killed a bunch of people all because they were pissed about a movie.
“Richie and I met online,” Amber said, smiling up at him. “We quickly realized we shared similar ideas.”
“Didn’t take us long to come up with our own movie,” Richie said. “Wasn’t hard to find you in Modesto,” he shrugged, looking at Sam. “But you,” he pointed his knife at you. “You were a surprise.”
“But you can find out anything if you dig deep enough,” Amber said. “It’s a small town, secrets aren’t exactly secret,” she chuckled. “One whisper of someone saying Gale Weathers was in town,” she looked at Gale. “And didn’t take much after that. Going back,” she nodded to herself. “Your old interviews, your old episodes, it was clear something was off.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Sam asked. “Kill everyone? Make me your little hero?”
Richie burst out laughing at Sam’s suggestion. “Oh, you’re serious?” he said, clearing his throat. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re the villain, he gave her a devilish smile.
“Think about it!” Amber screamed; her eyes wide with excitement like you had never seen before. “What better movie is there? The secret daughter of the original mastermind,” she pointed her knife at Sam.
“And the secret daughter of two of the original survivors,” Richie continued, his smile matching Amber’s.
“Lied to her entire life,” Richie said, taunting Sam. “Until she discovered the truth,” he gestured with his hand at Sam, a glimmer in his eye. “And decided to exact her revenge.”
“Thrown away like trash, abandoned, never to be thought of again,” Amber continued, looking you directly in the eye. “Then learns the truth,” she smiled, pointing her knife at you. “And decides to get revenge.”
“It’s a revenge story!” Amber squealed. She actually did a little jump, as if she were giddy about the idea of you and Sam teaming up to kill a bunch of people. “Agh! It’s so good!”
“You’re insane,” Gale said.
“No!” Amber whipped around, raising her knife as if she were going to stab Gale again. “We’re fans! We just want to save the movie that inspired us.”
“You’re crazy,” Gale shook her head.
“And you’re a bad mother.” The next thing you knew a knife was shoved in your side. You lifted your head, opening your mouth only to cough up blood. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Amber whispered, twisting the knife that was still in you. “After we rid ourselves of you and Sam,” she wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Tara will be all mine.”
Despite your current situation you laughed, you couldn’t help it, Amber said the funniest thing in the world after all. “You really are crazy,” you rasped out, coughing up a bit more blood in the process. “Tara will never love you.” You made sure to stare Amber directly in the eye as the words left your mouth, the consequences be damned.
Amber let out what you could only describe as a snarl before pulling the knife out only to shove it back in again, and again, and again. You started gurgling on the blood in your mouth, you weren’t sure when you lost count of how many times Amber stabbed you. When she finally stepped away you just collapsed to the floor.
You were only partially aware of the others trying to come to your aid, only to be met with a knife or a gun to their head. You tried to pull yourself to your feet but as soon as you got up on wobbly legs a sharp pain ripped through your knee, sending your straight back to the floor. Your hand went to your knee, instantly being met with the wet stickiness of blood. You rolled over, holding your knee, your eyes pinched shut, you didn’t even have it in you to scream.
When you opened your eyes, you were instantly met with a gun in your face. Amber let out a scoff and walked away. You weren’t sure what happened after that, you decided maybe just bleeding out on the floor was the best-case scenario. You saw blurry figures going back and forth, you were in and out of consciousness, every time you blinked it took you longer to open your eyes again, you could barely hear the muffled sounds of what you assumed was the others fighting.
Everything was silent, you could barely keep your eyes open, you just wanted to close them and rest. You felt a weight hit your chest, forcing you to open your eyes again. You could just barely make out the blurry image of Tara, it almost looked like she was crying, you weren’t sure why, she was safe, she was alive, there was nothing to be sad about. You saw her lips moving but couldn’t hear the words she was saying. Tara’s face was the last thing you saw before everything finally went black.
Taglist: @r-3-becca
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whumble-beeee · 7 months
Crack Prompt: Welcome to the Whumpee Store!
(aka totally not bbu what do you MEAN)
Whumpees stacked on shelves grocery store-style
Different aisles for different types of whumpee ("No ma'am, this is actually the conditioned aisle, the defiant aisle is on the other side of the store, aisle 9.")
Workers that are TOTALLY not whumpees themselves probably
Or maybe that teenager helping you really is just your average dead-eyed retail worker. Basically the same thing at this point anyway.
"Sir, that's the price for a fresh unaltered whumpee. You can mold them however you want."
"You want me to do YOUR JOB for you?! What kind of establishment is this?!"
On that note, whumpees made to order
You want a medium-sized defiant whumpee that'll start crying and freeze up the second you turn the lights off? Say less.
Tags on the more dainty and dewey-eyed whumpees that say "Torture with Care"
"Mx., you broke the warranty when you threw your whumpee down the stairs. The instructions clearly state they're meant for household chores only, you'll have to pay full price for a new one."
Whumpees in those sealed plastic action figure boxes, forced into a single pose for. however long it takes you to buy them please buy them they're begging you please PLEASE PLEASE THEY CAN'T TAKE--
Whumpees staring hopefully (or fearfully) at every potential customer that walks by.
Customers trying to get the conditioned whumpees to crack so they don't have to pay as much for them.
"I'm not sure this whumpee is trained as well as you say, I'm gonna need a demonstration"
Living weapon whumpees locked behind those stupid glass cabinets that you have to get a store attendant to unlock for you if you want to get at one
^Exotic/rare/expensive ones too
Thank you to all my friends on the Whump World server for all your suggestions and enabling me :) I probably have more too, but this was getting long lmao
@whumperofworlds | @randowhump | @kira-the-whump-enthusiast | @whumpninja
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thesummerestsolstice · 8 months
People seemed interested in Library Orc Blorbo so I decided to write down my headcanons about him:
His name is Garthaglir (it’s Sindarin for “poem keeper”)
He renamed himself after discovering a love for library sciences, shortly after he moved to the valley
Rivendell’s head librarian
Used to be an extremely dangerous warrior, now considers himself retired
Extremely tall and buff, blue skin, salt-and-pepper hair and a well-trimmed beard
Very distinguished, very polite
Has a tiny pair of spectacles he uses to read because he's farsighted
He doesn’t look like an old man but he is one deep in his heart
He was one of the first reformed orcs to end up in Rivendell, so he helps other orcs adjust to living there
Basically invented Middle Earth’s version of the Dewey Decimal system
Look, Rivendell’s library is like, unfathomably huge, there’s 6000+ years of books in there, someone had to organize it
He, Elrond, and Erestor are the only people who have keys to the part of the library where they keep the cursed books
The three of them also have a monthly book club
He holds a weekly story time for the kids
(Yes, he does do funny voices, no, you are not allowed to comment on it)
Has tracked people down at 3 AM before because “M’am? M’am you have an overdue book, here, I brought my library stamp would you mind just checking this out again? You can keep it out for another month that way. Just a moment, ah, yes thank you, I’ll be on my way now. Excellent choice in reading material.”
He has a fancy sunhat he wears outside during the day so the sun doesn’t burn him, it was a gift from small Arwen and he cherishes it
He has a library cat, her name is Mittens and he would die for her
Uses his free time to teach himself different languages; there are hundreds in Rivendell’s books
Enjoys recommending books to visitors, he’s gotten really good at getting a read on what people will like
Personally, when he’s in the mood for fiction, he prefers a good mystery
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slasherbvnnie · 2 years
Until We Found You  Part II
Hi again! Welcome back for part II of Until We Found You, please head the tags: Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader, Eventual NSFW, All characters 18+
Part I Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
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The police were practically useless with your case. After your parents had arrived, they checked the house while they told you to pack a bag. You went back upstairs, still cautious in case the killer was lurking somewhere. You felt your foot slip beneath you, remembering the papers on the floor. You picked them up from the ground, stuffing them into your backpack, following it up with clothes and whatever else you needed to take. You looked out of your window, seeing a red beetle pulling into your driveway and Tatum and Sidney getting out of it. You sighed, finishing packing your bag up, hearing the police begin to make their way to your room. “You can all interview her tomorrow, I want her somewhere safe for the night,” you heard your mom's voice from down the hall, putting your shoes on before peeking your head out and looking up at the officer in front of you. “Dewey,” you called out, seeing the man look back at you. “Hey, are you okay? Did the paramedics check you out already,” he questioned, nodding and offering a tiny smile. “Yup, I wasn’t hurt, just kinda scared I guess,” you murmured, what if the killer got the smart idea to frame it all on you now? Why didn’t they kill you? You weren’t scared for your life, just scared they would ruin it by setting you up.
“Oh, good, yeah. You gave your statement already, right?” He asked, you gave a hum in response. “Crazed masked killer wearing a black outfit, yup. Creepy call too, he asked me about an old horror movie, you know, the one I named Irena after. It was fucking creepy,” You said, recalling the incident from less than an hour ago. “Dewey!” Tatum called, pushing past the other officers with Sidney trailing right behind her. “Oh my god, are you okay? Did they hurt you or anything,” Tatum asked as she pulled you in for a hug. “No, I’m- I’m okay,” you reassured her as Sidney wrapped her arms around you as well.
“Honey,” your dad called, making you pull away from the girls. “The Machers said they would be happy to keep watch on all you kids tonight. I’d feel a little better knowing all your friends will be with you,” he said, you nodded. “Yeah, I’d feel better too, did you guys call Randy and Billy already?” You asked as you turned back to Sidney and Tatum. “Yeah, we called them on the way, we asked Stu if we could stay at his since his is the biggest. We kinda figured you didn’t want to be alone tonight,” Sidney said, making you smile a bit as you nodded. “Thanks,” you said before going to your parents. “What about you guys? Where are you going to stay tonight,” you didn’t want the killer to go after them, next to Irena they were the only thing you cared about. “We’ll be at your aunt's house, we will be safe. You just try relaxing okay? We’ll pick you up in the morning to take you to the station,” your mom said before hugging you. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she sighed out.
“I guess you aren’t the killer after all, or maybe you have an accomplice helping you to throw police off your trail,” Randy said in a teasing way to you, huffing when you kicked at him. “Maybe it was you, Randy. Maybe you saw one too many Halloweens and thought you’d take some inspo,” you said as you put your head back onto Sidney’s lap. “Yeah, Randy’s a perfect killer. He probably did it because you wouldn’t sleep with him,” Stu added, making the group laugh except for Randy. “And who says it wasn’t you, Stu? Maybe you got jealous of her seeing your girlfriend's tits more than you,” Randy retorted, making Stu laugh as he looked at you. “Yeah, what's to say it wasn’t me trying to gut you tonight?” Stu asked in a teasing manner, Tatum hitting his shoulder as Billy sounded in. “Can you two idiots shut up about it? Watch the fucking movie,” he huffed out. “Billy’s right guys, I just want to relax tonight. I don’t want to hear about that stupid fucking mask anymore,” you huffed out. You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart was a little hurt. You had been obsessed with the killings, you didn’t think Weary had killed Maureen, you think it was someone who was still on the loose, the same someone who killed Casey and Steve. The use of knives, the fact that no one saw their face, and how they were killed, it was all too coincidental. You spent over a whole year obsessing over them, only to be betrayed and nearly killed. You were almost killed by the one person who made you feel alive again, someone who brought you excitement, you were hurt by that.
“I’m gonna grab a beer, anyone else want one,” Stu asked as everyone chimed in. “Then someone come and help,” he demanded as he stood, you got off of Sidney’s lap and stood up, “I’ll help. Got anything other than shitty beer down there?” You questioned as he laughed, “I think,” he replied as you two headed down to the garage.
“You know, I’m surprised the horror hottie would follow someone all alone to a dark place,” Stu teased, earning him a shove to his shoulder. “Shut up, Stu. Everyone knows you would probably go searching through my underwear drawer before trying to kill me,” you laughed, “who says I didn’t?” He questioned, making you stumble in your walk for a moment. “Chill out, I was with Tate on the phone while it was going on. I’m just fucking with you,” He chuckled, opening up the fridge and handing you the beers. “Got patron or hard lemonade, take your pick,” he hummed, you pointed at the lemonade. “Hey, Randy’s getting cut off the dumbass keeps talking about his theories,” you heard Billy from the doorway, Stu laughing as he took one of the beers from your hands. “More for me then,” Stu said as he closed the fridge. You turned and saw Billy looking at you, a bit more intensely than his usual crazy eyes. “What? Scared to be near the girl who almost got killed,” you joked as he flashed a smile. “No, surprised you’re still alive though.” “Same here,” Stu said as he looked at Billy, Billy narrowed his eyes at Stu for a moment before he went over to you to help with the beers. “Maybe ghostface has a thing for you or something,” Billy said as you laughed. “Doubt it, I think he got scared that my parents were getting home,” you said, which was partially true, but you couldn’t deny that maybe your obsession helped you survive tonight. “Maybe you have a thing for ghostface then,” Stu chimed in, making your head whip to him. You blushed, shaking your head, “as if,” you huffed out, giving a little laugh to cover up your nervousness.
Time passed by quickly that night, you all spent the night drinking and watching movies, mostly horror movies involving Jamie Lee Curtis since Stu insisted on watching them. Tate was cooped up in Stu’s room with him, Randy had passed out on the couch and Sidney and Billy were probably in the guest room fast asleep. You had snuck out into the backyard, letting your mind wander once again as you stared up at the stars. Your phone began to ring, you stared at it and debated answering before seeing it was Sidney’s number. You sighed and picked it up, wondering if she needed anything. “Hey,” you answered, hearing a familiar voice. “The Machers, huh? Don’t you know not to split up?” The voice questioned, making you sit up. “You let me live, why are you calling?” You asked, looking around before standing and heading back for the door to get inside. “I wanted to talk to my fan, I saw all your papers. Thought you would like a phone call, or are you mad I didn’t slit that pretty little throat,” the person taunted as you messed around with the doorknob, it had locked behind you when you left. “That was before I realized I was on your kill list,” you retorted, heading around the house to the front door to wake Randy up. “No hard feelings, it was before I realized you were a fan. Leave your window open when you’re back at home. I would like to see what my pretty little fan is willing to do for not slitting her throat.” The killer said, chuckling as you blushed a little, about to respond before you heard the beeping that indicated they had hung up. You smiled slightly, happy that they wanted to see you again.
The front door opened, Billy looking at you with panicked eyes and a knife in hand. “Jesus, I thought you were the weirdo, I heard you trying to open the back door,” he said, making you laugh a bit. “Yeah, sorry, the back door was locked,” you said as he moved out of the doorway. “Come on, get inside before you end up like Casey,” he said as you walked in, “not funny, Billy.” You said as you yawned. “Mind if I crash with you and Sid? I don’t want Randy to make any passes,” you asked as Billy laughed, heading to the kitchen to put up the knife. “Be my guest, you and Sid can have the bed, I’ll take the floor.” “What a gentleman,” you teased. “Shut up before I let Randy take a stab at you.” He said, mimicking a stabbing movement as you laughed and pushed him.
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spidergrysn · 5 months
CHALLENGERS: markhyuck x reader
cw: 18++ reader is kinda like tashi, challengers quotes in green, a bit of tennis lingo i had to google LOL. markhyuck are lowkey pathetic losers in a hot way, cussing, flirting, innuendos with tennis racquets, slightly switch! haechan but mostly dom, mark slight switch! (markie is mostly subby at first), switch! reader, tennis is kind of hot idk, degradation/name calling, ass slapping, don’t be silly wrap ur wily!, fat cock haechan, alcohol and cigarette mention, CUNT!!!!!, fingering, making out, blow jobs, use of the word “sir”, boys kissing. (this is my first time writing smut LOL)
“Mark, you really fucking suck,” Haechan teases, his laughter and voice bouncing around the court.
Haechan jogs to the corner of the court grabbing his chunky bottle of gatorade, chugging it down as dewey sweat drops, drop from his sun-kissed complexion. He then jogs back over to join Mark again, Haechan reaches over the net and hands the bottle to Mark. The black-haired boy grabs it as he thirstly chugs the remaining liquid, not caring about the drops of sweat rimming the bottle from Haechan or the slight backwash his friend left.
“Thanks,” Mark utters with a half-hearted grin as he walks back to his spot on the court. He picks up his tennis racket, gripping it as he takes a spare neon tennis ball out of his black gym shorts before serving the ball to Haechan, who is locked in, ready in position.
The ball bounces between the boys rhythmically as the two best friends engage in lively banter about the happenings in their lives: from girls to tennis to the excitement of their favorite artist releasing a new album. They babble back and forth, eagerly awaiting the moment when one of them slips up in their exchange.
"That's game!" Haechan's voice echoes across the court as Mark's racquet swings through empty air, narrowly missing the trajectory of the ball. With precision, Haechan had delivered a swift and well-placed shot, leaving Mark scrambling to catch up. The ball zips past him, its velocity a testament to Haechan's pure skill. Mark's dark brown eyes follow the ball's path, a mix of frustration and admiration evident in his expression, as he realizes he's unable to return the shot in time. With a defeated nod, he acknowledges the end of their match.
Mark rolls his eyes in frustration, his fingers tightening around the grip of his his racquet as he trudges to the corner of the court where his backpack lies in wait. Beads of sweat glisten on his forehead, evidence of the intensity of their match, he bends down to retrieve his bag, his chest rising and falling with each panting breath. With a quick sigh of relief, he unzips the side pouch and fishes out a bottle of water, the cool liquid soothing his heated throat as he takes a refreshing sip, quenching his thirst.
Meanwhile, Haechan approaches with a light jog, his movements fluid and effortless, really showing off his endurance. With practiced ease, he scoops up his red duffel bag, effortlessly tucking his racquet inside before hoisting it onto his shoulder with a nonchalant shrug. Mark watches with a mixture of envy and admiration, always impressed by Haechan's composure even after theirs grueling matches and practices.
"Yo, let's go," Mark suggests to his friend, signaling toward the exit of the court. The chestnut-haired boy beside him simply nods in agreement.
As they stroll side by side, they leave the court behind, lost in the thought of getting to go home; and let loose by playing video games so loud their neighbors complain.
"Ahem, watch where you're going," Haechan hears a sharp voice cut through the air, and he looks up to find a girl standing directly in his and Mark’s path. She's clad in an old grey tennis competition shirt from 2021 and a matching tennis skirt, her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. The sunlight dances off her radiant skin, unadorned by makeup, its clear to testimony to her natural beauty. Her finely plucked eyebrows arch elegantly above her big doe eyes that exude a natural confidence, she holds onto a duffel bag in one hand and a baby blue tennis racquet in the other, the ribbon in her hair mirroring the color.
"Holy shit," Haechan gasps, caught off guard by her presence, while Mark shoots him a quizzical look. The girl, however, remains unfazed, her demeanor poised and self-assured.
"So, are you going to stand there with your mouth open, or are you going to apologize for bumping into me?" she demands matter-of-factly, her gaze fixed on Haechan as though she were towering over him with her confidence alone despite, Haechan being quite a few inches taller than the girl.
"Uh, yeah, my bad," Haechan stammers, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
Mark elbows Haechan, confusion etched on his face as he wonders why his typically quick to fire back friend would allow someone to talk to him like that. The girl's piercing gaze shifts between them before she directs her attention blankly at Mark.
"You kinda suck, not gonna lie," the girl remarks, her tongue clicking in a somewhat condescending manner, a twisted smile playing at the corners of her lips. Mark is taken aback; he was used to Haechan poking at him about his skills, but hearing it from a stranger irritated him.
"And who even are you?" Mark retorts, his tone laced with skepticism.
The girl raises an eyebrow, unfazed by his challenge. "I was watching you guys play. You play really sloppy, you don’t know how to focus, and your serve is pretty shit," she says casually, her words cutting through the air like a well-aimed volley.
“Like you could do any better," Mark fires back defensively, his confidence wavering slightly as he notices Haechan's nervous laughter, a rare occurrence from his usually cocky friend.
"Hmm, well then, play me?" she suggests casually, her smirk showing a hint of amusement. "My teammate is running a bit late. I don’t mind taking you on as a warm-up."
With graceful poise, she lightly jogs to one side of the court, positioning herself with effortless confidence. As she stretches her toned legs, her movements deliberate and fluid, Mark can't help but admire the beauty and strength evident in her slender form.
Haechan shot Mark a disapproving glance before his hand swiftly met the back of Mark's head with a resounding smack.
"You're an absolute idiot," Haechan grumbled, irritation lacing his words. "Do you have any idea who that is?"Mark's head tilted in confusion as he shook it slowly, indicating his lack of knowledge.
Haechan shot Mark a disapproving glance before his hand swiftly met the back of Mark's head with a resounding smack.
Haechan let out an exasperated groan, his frustration sketched all over his face. "For someone who spends so much time on the court, you're clueless about the social scene.
That's MOTHER FUCKING Y/N L/N, one of the most formidable players at the college level. She's undefeated, has crazy-ass brand deals, and let's not forget, she's drop-dead gorgeous. Easily in the top three of my 'women I'd let fuck me with my tennis racquet list, and she's not second or third, I'll tell you that much."
Suddenly, it dawned on Mark. Though he had never seen her up close, the name Y/N L/N had circulated in his head at one point or another, whether through passing mentions or Haechan's enthusiastic discussions about her tennis prowess. She was undeniably beautiful, but her reputation for arrogance and rudeness preceded her, making Mark annoyed at the thought of facing her on the court.
"Are you two gonna jerk each other off all day, or are we here to play tennis?" Y/N's voice interrupted, punctuated by the thud of a tennis ball landing at their feet. Mark snapped into action, catching the ball and grabbing his racket, positioning himself on the opposite side of the court.
"Your serve first, princess," Y/N says with a smirk, her competitive spirit evident as she awaited the match to start.
Haechan's gaze shifted from Mark to Y/N, He stood on the sidelines, practically drooling, mesmerized by the presence of the infamous tennis player.
As Mark began to serve, Haechan couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "His serve kinda sucks," observing with a critical eye as Y/N effortlessly returned the ball, her movements graceful and fluid.
As the games goes-on, Mark began to understand why Haechan had spoken so highly of her. Y/N's skill on the court surpassed anything he had ever witnessed. The way she wielded her racket with precision and power was mesmerizing, almost enchanting. It was as if she weren't just playing tennis; she was conducting a symphony of athleticism and beauty , each stroke executed with a her own powerful flair that bordered on ethereal.
Caught in the spell of her dance-like performance, Mark found himself growing increasingly frustrated with his own skills. He could only watch in awe as Y/N dominated the game with her masterful strokes and unwavering focus. It was a sight to behold.
His train of thought was abruptly interrupted as Y/N served the ball, and Mark, caught off guard by her skill and agility, missed his return. Her laughter, light and melodic, filled the air as she declares the game is over.Y/N sways up to the net, her eyes gazing at Mark intrigued with a mix of scrutiny.
“You really do suck," she stated matter-of-factly again , her tone holding a hint of brutal honesty. "But you've got crazy potential. You don't give up easily, and that's a good trait."
Mark's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" he retorted, a tinge of defensiveness creeping into his voice.Y/N shook her head, a faint smirk playing on her lips.
"No, it's supposed to be a critique," she clarifies, her gaze unwavering.
She then shifted her attention towards Haechan, nodding approvingly. "Your friend over there, the one with the brown hair and tiny man-whore shorts, he's not bad at all. Pretty good, actually. But you," she turned back to Mark, her expression serious, "you'll never catch up to him if you keep playing like that."
Mark felt a surge of annoyance bubbling within him. Who did this stranger think she was, passing judgment on his skills just because she was some kind of "tennis god"? Before he could voice his protest, Y/N cut him off, her words piercing through his thoughts like a sharp blade.
"Let me coach you."
Mark's jaw dropped in disbelief, a mixture of shock and irritation coursing through him."You're taking pity on me? How lucky I must be," he scoffed, rolling his eyes in frustration.
Y/N merely shrugged, unfazed by his sarcasm. "Well, yes. You should be very lucky," she replied, her tone unwavering as she extended a once and a lifetime offer.
Y/N flashed a mischievous grin as she extended her offer, her eyes darting towards Haechan, who hovered nearby like an eager labrador puppy."You can bring your little friend too," she quipped, her tone teasing yet serious . "Just tell him to lay off on the 'Fuck me eyes.' He's very obvious with it."
Before Mark could protest, Y/N continued, her words cutting through his initial resistance just like her well-aimed serve.
"If you actually want to get far in life, you need to be skilled at hitting a ball with a tennis racquet," she stated bluntly, her gaze unfazed as she laid bare the reality of the situation. Mark let out a defeated sigh, his insecurities gnawing at him as he hesitantly nodded in reluctant agreement.
"So, are you gonna give me your number?" he ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Y/N's lips curved into a playful smile. "No! You have to earn that," she replied, her demeanor unyielding yet playful. "Just meet me here tomorrow at 6 am."
"6 am? You're crazy," Mark exclaimed, his disbelief evident in his tone.
"Yes, I fucking am," Y/N replied nonchalantly, already turning to meet up with her teammate who arrived a little bit ago. "Bye."
"Wait, you're not even gonna ask for my name?" Mark called out, his frustration mounting as she walked away without a backward glance.
The girl hummed slightly, a mysterious smile dancing on her lips as she jogged up to her teammate, enveloped in a cloud of laughter and chatter.
Mark let out a heavy sigh as he approached Haechan, who stood with raised eyebrows, his curiosity piqued by the encounter."We've got to be here at 6 am tomorrow," Mark announced, his tone a mixture of resignation and disbelief. "She offered to coach me."
Haechan's eyes widened in surprise, a grin spreading across his face as he processed the news. With a hearty clap on Mark's back, he exclaimed, "Mark Lee, you dirty bastard!” Grabbing Mark by the arm and pulling him away, their laughter echoing across the tennis court as they made their exit.
"You're late!" the girl's voice rang out across the court, her tone sharp with annoyance. "Yeah, well, some of us aren't used to waking up at 6 am," Haechan retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm as he jogged onto the court alongside Mark.
The girl scoffed, her irritation evident as she shook her head. "Which is exactly why you guys will never get better than where you are now," she shot back saying, her gaze piercing as she focused on Haechan. "You aren't that bad at all, but you have a big ego, and you won't get very far with that attitude, I'll tell you that."
Haechan tilted his head, muttering under his breath about her audacity, but the girl paid him no mind as she shifted her attention to Mark.
"And you.. YOU need my help the most," she continued, her tone firm and slightly unkind. "Don't waste my time again."
With a click of her tongue, she flashed a brief smile before announcing about today’s drills.
By the time their intense session came to an end, the boys' bodies felt as if they had been through a meat grinder. Every muscle screamed in protest, their arms threatening to detach from their sockets, and their hair clung damply to their foreheads. Gasping for breath, they dashed to their water bottles, gulping down the refreshing liquid before Y/N could subject them to any more torture.
Leaning against the fence surrounding the court, the boys found temporary solace, their bodies sinking gratefully into the cool metal. Y/N approached them with a slight smile, her demeanor more relaxed now that the intense training session was over.
"Not too bad today," she remarked, glancing at her watch, the time reading 9 am. Her gaze shifted back to the boys. "Keep practicing like this, and you both might actually stand a chance against other players."
With a collective sigh of relief, the boys slumped down against the fence sitting on the ground, finally allowing themselves a moment of peace. Surprisingly, they found themselves not minding Y/N's presence as she joined them, the three of them sitting in comfortable silence.
From that day forward, their routine was set in stone. Four times a week, at the ungodly hour of 6 am, Mark and Haechan met Y/N on the court. She pushed them to their limits, mixing half-assed compliments with snide remarks, but beneath her tough exterior, she was undeniably a good fucking coach.
Before the sun could even rise on the clear day, Mark and Haechan piled into Mark's sleek black car, the engine humming to life as they head to the tennis field. The clock on the dashboard read 5:40 am, showing their intense dedication to the crazy Y/N’s early morning training sessions.
"You know, I think we are kinda warming up on her more more," Mark speaks up quietly, his gaze focused on the road ahead as he maneuvered through the empty streets. Haechan nodded thoughtfully, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "You still don't think it's weird she hasn't asked for our names or our numbers?"
Mark tilted his head in consideration before shaking it. "Nah, I think she's just weird like that. Who knows?"
With a nod of acknowledgment, Haechan launched into a passionate discussion about an upcoming women's tennis match, his enthusiasm showing as he detailed the fierce competition from renowned colleges across the country and even internationally.
"You think she's got this in the bag?" Haechan inquired, his curiosity evident as they neared their destination. "There's some pretty sick competition out there." Mark nodded fastly, his confidence unwavering. "There's no one as good as her, I'm convinced. Not with that fiery personality."
Haechan chuckled in agreement as they pulled into the parking lot, the quiet hum of their conversation dissipating as they exited the car and joined their "coach" on the court, ready to tackle another challenging session Y/N is about to throw at them.
The boys positioned themselves on opposite sides of the court, their anticipation making them shake as they awaited Y/N's next move. With a smile playing on her lips, she spoke up, her voice carrying a playful edge.
"As you know you guys have a competition soon," she remarked, her observation drawing their attention back to their upcoming match, momentarily forgotten amidst the excitement of the women's tournament.
"Do you guys think you're ready?" she inquired, arching an eyebrow expectantly. Mark and Haechan exchanged glances, their minds racing as they mentally assessed their readiness. With a determined nod, they both replied in unison, "Yes."
“Good, because whoever wins gets my phone number,” Y/N declared with a teasing smirk, her words sparking a competitive fire within the boys.
Despite her occasional harshness, both boys found themselves growing increasingly fond of her, their admiration morphing into a subtle crush on the elite tennis player. On days when she wasn't with them, their conversations inevitably drifted towards the egotistical but enigmatic girl, filled with friendly banter and playful jabs about who could win her “heart” first.
The boys' faces lit up with excitement as they eagerly awaited Y/N's next move, her mischievous gaze locking onto theirs with a playful glint in her e/c eyes.
"Now get off the court, I have a competition soon and I need to practice," she commanded, her voice carrying a hint of urgency beneath its casual tone.
"You made us come here at 6 fucking am to tell us this?" Haechan half-yelled, his frustration bubbling to the surface as Mark groaned, upset at the lost opportunity for precious sleep.
"Yes, I did. Now leave, you idiots are gonna distract me," Y/N retorted, her tone firm yet tinged with amusement.
The boys exchanged annoyed groans, not even surprised by her antics anymore, as they gathered their belongings getting ready to leave.As they began to walk away, they heard her airy voice call out from behind them, her words carrying a rare soft warmth that opposed her tough exterior.
“I would love it if you guys showed up at my game tomorrow," she called, her smile evident even though they couldn't see her face.Though their heads weren’t facing her, both boys felt a giddy anticipation stir within them as they made their way off the court.
The next day, both boys arrived at the tennis court, their anticipation piling up with each step as they navigated through the bustling crowd. Their day had been a whirlwind of non Y/N tennis practice and classes, and they couldn't help but wonder if they should have skipped the latter as they scanned the packed arena. Coaches from various schools, students, and eager spectators filled every available space, their collective excitement palpable in the air.
After some searching, the boys eventually found two seats in the stands, settling into the middle row adorned in their red college tennis t-shirts. Mark nervously chewed on a churro, his heart racing as his anxiety starts to spike, as he awaited the start of the final game. Now while they boys were confident in Y/N's abilities, their nerves were stirred by the buzz surrounding her opponent, a formidable German player who had garnered quite a reputation.
Mark's hearts was beating fast as he fidgeted in his seat, his mind swirling with thoughts of the impending match. Haechan, ever the calming presence, turned to him, rubbing his back in a comforting gesture.
"Chill out bro, she'll do fine," Haechan reassured him with a laugh, reaching over to take a bite of Mark's churro. Mark offered a weak nod in response, his apprehension still evident despite his friend's attempt to ease his nerves.
"Dude, I know, but still," Mark sighed, his eyes glued to the court below as they waited for the match to begin, their hearts pounding in unison ready for the match to end before it even started. Both boys sat on the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the court below, anxiety coursing through their veins as the announcer's voice resonated through the overpriced black speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming to the 2023 women’s tennis final. Let's welcome to the court two formidable competitors tonight: representing the home team, we have the fiery powerhouse, Y/N L/N!”The crowd erupted in thunderous cheers, and Mark and Haechan joined in enthusiastically, their voices ringing out amidst the excitement.
Their breath caught in their throats as they watched Y/N dash onto the court, a vision of athleticism and grace. She wore an all-white Adidas tennis dress, accented with a red bow that proudly displayed her school colors. Her hair was woven into an intricate braid, and her pristine white shoes hinted at the elegance she always brought onto the court. Clutching a slightly red racquet, which appeared to be brand new, Y/N's face radiated with a contagious smile, her confidence contagious as she waved to the crowd, her eyes locking onto Mark and Haechan with a warmth that sent a surge of excitement through them.
As the announcer introduced her opponent, Ingrid Schmidt from Germany, the cheers were more subdued. Ingrid, with her blonde bouncing ponytail and deep scowl, exuded an aura of intense determination that stood in stark contrast to Y/N's easy confidence.
The two girls approached the net, and Y/N extended her hand in a gesture of sportsmanship. As they shook hands, Y/N leaned in to whisper something in Ingrid's ear, a playful glint in her eye. Ingrid's reaction, a dismissive eye roll and a scoff, only fueled the intrigue, leaving Mark and Haechan to speculate on the nature of their exchange as the game started with competitive tension hanging in the air.
The tennis match unfolded like a symphony, with a flurry of powerful serves and lightning-fast volleys dancing across the court. Y/N and Ingrid engaged in a fierce battle, their movements a graceful fusion of athleticism and finesse. Each exchange was punctuated by blistering groundstrokes that landed with pinpoint accuracy, showcasing the players' unrivaled skill and determination.
Despite Ingrid's insane skill, it was evident to everyone watching that Y/N was simply in a league of her own. Mark watched in awe as Y/N moved across the court with a fluidity that seemed almost otherworldly. With each swing of her racquet, she effortlessly unleashed a torrent of power and precision, her movements reminiscent of a prima ballerina performing Swan Lake, her ponytail bouncing with each graceful step.
"FUCK!" Ingrid yelled in frustration as Y/N unleashed a particularly devastating shot, causing Ingrid to slip up and miss her return.
"Code violation, Schmidt!" the announcer boomed, but Y/N merely smirked, her confidence unshaken as she watched her opponent falter. The boys could only watch in awe as the game resumed, Y/N's serve eliciting gasps of admiration from the crowd. It was a sight to behold, the ball soaring through the air with speedy grace and elegance that seemed almost surreal.
As the mix of cheers and chatter stretched across the court, the tension in the stadium reached a fever pitch. Despite Ingrid's valiant efforts, Y/N maintained an easy lead in points, inching closer and closer to victory with each passing moment. And finally, after a somewhat tough battle that left both players breathless, Y/N delivered the winning point, her triumph met with an eruption of applause and cheers from the crowd.
As Ingrid angrily beat her racket in defeat, Y/N let out a giddy scream of victory, her exhilaration contagious as she basked in the praises of the crowd. Mark and Haechan quickly made their way down to the court, eager to congratulate their friend on her well-deserved win, their hearts swelling with pride and admiration..
The boys begin talking over each other showering her in compliments. “That was the hottest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. Haechan says. “Please do my balls like that next.” Y/N laughs as Mark elbows him- “No but seriously- Mark begins You were incredible today. I mean it wasn't even like tennis, it was an entirely different game.”
“You’re truly amazing.” Y/N smiles at them before embracing both of the boys. They both stand their surprised at the randomsudden affection.
“Thank you guys.” She says earnestly. Before reaching for mark’s phone
“Open this.” She states. Mark nods quickly entering his passcode.
“WAIT HOLD UP you’re giving him your phone number because he was glazing you but not me.” Haechan says almost pouting.
“No you idiot.” Y/N says. I’m having a party tonight a bunch of rich pricks and coaches are gonna be there, I thought I would invite you guys. the boys look at each other surprised before nodding.
“Dress nice please Minhyung and Donghyuck.” she says smiling, showing her teeth.
“WAIT YOU KNOW OUR NAMES???” the boys say at the same time surprised.
“Well yes why wouldn’t i..” the girl says tilting her head at their dumb question. “Well you never asked.” Haechan states and we don’t even go by our government names.” Mark finishes.
“i did a bit of research.” she smiles before someone calls her name. she waves a goodbye at the boys before jogging to a crowed calling her name.
“She’s so fucking weird, I know her pussy is crazy good.” Haechan says jokingly, as Mark watches her fade into a crowd of excited people.
Now despite being a college student, Mark harbored a distinct distaste to parties and overly large crowds. Haechan, his roommate, embodied the opposite end of the spectrum—a typical frat boy wannabe who attends all the biggest parties. Throughout their 3 years at college, Mark was convinced Haechan had attended every party every thrown on campus or off, a feat Mark found perplexing considering the consistency of his friend’s hangovers and yet his remarkable ability to maintain attendance in classes and excel at tennis.
Haechan sauntered into their shared college apartment’s living room, clad in a sky blue button-down polo paired nicely with khaki trousers that accentuated his well-defined thighs. He settled onto the couch beside Mark, his gaze eyeing Mark’s figure as the latter nervously tapped his foot. Mark, sporting a fitted long-sleeved button-down that showcased his growing biceps and snug blue jeans cinched with a belt and adorned with a silver chain, playfully punched his friend.
“Try-hard,” Haechan teased, eliciting a playful jab from Mark in response. “Ready to bounce?” Mark inquired, retrieving the keys from their weathered brown coffee table. With a swift exit from their apartment, they made their way to Mark’s black car, leading the way to the address provided by Y/N.
As the engine hummed softly, the boys lounged in the car, nodding along to the tunes dancing from the radio while engaging in casual banter. It was a familiar ritual, comfortablity filled the air between them. However, Haechan couldn't resist bringing up their upcoming tennis match.
"You're in for a challenge, Mark. Let's face it, you've never been able to beat me," Haechan teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Mark chuckled, a hint of defiance in his response. "Hey, I've been putting in the work. Don't be surprised if I give you a run for your money this time dickhead."
Haechan raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by Mark's sudden confidence. Their banter continued, laced with friendly jabs and laughter, each remark fueling their competitive spirits.
“Desperate for her number, huh?” Haechan retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. “You’re the one talking about letting her mess with your balls, Hyuck.” Mark shoots back.
Their laughter once again fills the car as they continued to playfully joke with each other, the excitement of the evening's events adding an extra layeto their exchange. Finally, they arrived at their destination—a sprawling mansion adorned with luxurious sports cars lining the street.
After a brief struggle to find parking, they made their way inside, greeted by the pulsating beats of dance music and the buzz of animated conversations. The high-class surroundings dazzled them as they navigated through the crowd, their eyes drawn to the grandeur of the estate.
Amidst the sea of glamorous guests, they found themselves, settling into two chairs to get a full layout on the type of party the were at. Snacking on treats and sipping on beers, they exchanged jokes and observations, enjoying the rare opportunity for both of them to be at a party.
Suddenly, their attention was drawn to her, and both Mark and Haechan found themselves momentarily transfixed on the figure in front of them. Y/N emerged onto the dance floor, a vision of ethereal beauty that left them speechless. Her h/c hair, usually styled in a braid or ponytail, cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, adding to the enchantment of her presence. Clad in a stunning green floral dress that hugged her curves perfectly , the fabric shimmered softly under the glow of the lights, leaving an impression of effortless elegance.
Today, Y/N had adorned herself with a touch of makeup, enhancing her already captivating features. Dark and sleek eyeliner accentuated her mesmerizing doe eyes, while her long lashes fluttered with every movement, like butterfly wings. Her lips, painted a delicate shade of pink, appeared plump and inviting, complementing the subtle flush that graced her cheeks. Despite the challenge of dancing in heels, she moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly, just like how she looked when she played tennis. Absolutely fucking stunning.
As the music shifted to "Flashing Lights," her gaze met theirs, and with a subtle beckoning gesture, she invited them to join her on the dance floor. The boys, affected slightly by the buzz of their drinks and the allure of her presence, eagerly rose to their feet and made their way towards her.
“As i recall i know you love to show off”
Y/N greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes alight with mischief. "Well, look who decided to grace my little party with their presence," she remarked, her voice carrying a playful tone as she welcomed them into her world.
"Little?" Mark's voice squeaked incredulously. "I've seen so many famous tennis players, 'little' my ass. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at Mark’s remark. “Excuse me for trying to be a bit humble then,” she replied, her laughter filling the air as her hips swayed to the beat of the music. Taking both boys by the hand, she pulled them into a lively dance, their movements synchronized effortlessly.
"But I never thought you'd take it this far,"
Haechan’s eyes fixed on Y/N, not being able to hold backing on complimenting her. "You look really good, Y/N," he remarked, his admiration evident in his gaze.
“What do i know”? (flashing lights)”
“What do i know? (flashing lights)”
"Thanks," Y/N replied with a smile, her eyes flickering between the two admittedly handsome boys. "You guys clean up nicely as well," she added, a genuine warmth in her voice that sent a flush to both of their cheeks.
As the music boomed around them, they danced in perfect harmony, their laughter mingling with the beat. Y/N's eyes danced between Mark and Haechan, a playful glint in her gaze as she observed their lidded expressions.
"You guys aren't half bad dancers," she teased, her words punctuated by their shared laughter.
"I know it's been awhile, sweetheart. We hardly talk. I was doing my thing."
The boys shared a playful giggle as they took turns spinning Y/N around the dance floor, their laughter mingling with the pulsating rhythm of the music. With each twirl, they savored the fleeting moments, their movements synchronized. As the music reached an end, Y/N leaned in close, whispering something in each of their ears, causing their faces to flush with a shared understanding.
Grabbing their hands with an air of determination, Y/N led them through a pathway that wound its way through the backyard of the estate, the fading music serving as a backdrop to their little secret adventure. As they emerged from the wooded area, the tranquil expanse of the beach stretched out before them, the gentle lapping of the waves providing a soothing melody to their senses.
Taking seats on chairs arranged by the shore, the trio settled into a comfortable silence, the cool sea breeze mingling with the warmth of their shared company. Y/N, her eyes sparkling with mischief, couldn't resist a playful jab at their indulgence in alcohol before their upcoming games.
"Drinking is kind of stupid when you both have games tomorrow," she teased, her gaze flickering between the boys. Tempted to flick their foreheads for this.
Haechan rolled his eyes, retrieving a cigarette and offering one to Mark before lighting it for him. Y/N raised an eyebrow at the gesture, declining the offer with a faux disgusted giggle.
"Hell no, those are nasty," she exclaimed, her voice light hearted.
Haechan shrugged nonchalantly, taking a drag from his cigarette. As Y/N e/c orbs peer into Mark’s. “That’s exactly why y’alls stamina is so shit. You’re killing your precious lungs.”
Mark chuckled at the girl reprimanding their bad habits, he crosses his legs as he blew smoke into the air. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he replied, his tone laced with amusement before moving to another subject.
"So, why exactly did you bring us here?" Mark inquired, his gaze drifting towards the ocean as Y/N turned to face the vast expanse before them. His heart skipped a beat as he admired her beautiful side profile, captivated by her pure natural allure. With a shrug, Y/N remained silent, leaving an air of intrigue hanging between them as they all savored the serenity of the moment.
"I dunno, it was getting loud over there, and I didn't wanna fake socialize with people who aren't better than me," Y/N explained with a smirk, her eyes twinkling mischievously as the boys chuckled at her honesty. It was a classic Y/N move, prioritizing authenticity over superficiality.
"So, you're hanging with us because we're on your level now?" Haechan teased, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed Y/N's reaction.
Y/N burst into laughter, shaking her head in amusement. "Nah, you guys are just decent company at times," she replied lighthearted, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them easily. As the three go quiet again, Haechan felt a surge of boldness wash over him. Whether it was the influence of the alcohol, Y/N’s captivating beauty, or the buzz from the cigarette, he blurted out the idea of Y/N coming over to their apartment later that night.
Y/N's soft giggles filled the air, and Mark groaned inwardly, already bracing himself for the inevitable rejection. To their surprise, however, Y/N nodded in agreement.
"Oh, what the hell, why not?" she replied with a shrug, her playful demeanor sparking a newfound excitement in the boys.
"But you try anything funny, and I will beat you to death with my racquet , and I mean that," she added with an scary grin, her warning laced with a hint of seriousness that sent a shiver down the boys' spines. With nervous laughter, they led her back to their car, their minds buzzing with anticipation for the night ahead.
The car ride was enveloped in a tranquil silence, the soft strains of "Good Days" gently filling the airwaves as Mark navigated the familiar route to their off-campus apartment. As they pulled into the parking spot, Haechan gracefully exited the passenger seat, extending a courteous gesture to Y/N who had opted to sit in the back. "After you, milady," he quipped, offering his hand to assist her as they made their way towards the apartment.
Mark fumbled with the keys for a moment before finally unlocking the door, gesturing inside as he ushered Y/N in. "Welcome to our humble abode," he declared, a hint of pride evident in his voice as Y/N surveyed the surprisingly tidy surroundings.
The apartment exuded a cozy charm, with vinyl records and album posters adorning the walls, interspersed with a smattering of tennis plaques and a vintage karaoke machine nestled in the corner. A case of beer awaited in the living room, a silent invitation to unwind and enjoy the evening.
"Wow, it's really nice in here," Y/N remarked, slipping off her heels and settling onto the inviting gray couch.
The boys followed suit, with Mark offering Y/N a beer, which she graciously accepted. As they cracked open their beverages, the atmosphere relaxed further, the alcohol warming their throats and each others presences filling the room with warmth.
Seated on the couch, they engaged in casual conversation, with Y/N initiating a series of random personal questions that sparked laughter and semi-detailed answers. Before long, the effects of the alcohol began to take hold, their inhibitions loosening as they found themselves sprawled on the floor, Y/N playfully investigating them from her perch on the couch. As the night unfolded, they embraced the weird intimacy of their shared moments, the alcohol-induced haze adding to the boldness of their hangout.
"How long have you known each other?" Y/N inquired, her curiosity piqued as she leaned back on the couch, her eyes flickering between Mark and Haechan.
"Since we were 12," Mark replied, launching into a detailed account of their shared history, recounting the years spent at a preppy all-boys boarding school.
“It makes sense, you guys seem really close. Not gonna lie, I thought you were boyfriends at first,” Y/N admitted with a half-serious tone, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. “And as much as I tease you guys, I’m not a homewrecker,” she added, her words causing both boys to flush crimson and nearly choke on their beers.
"No, no, it's nothing like that," Mark interjected hastily, wiping his beer-covered mouth with the back of his hand. Despite his initial embarrassment, Haechan couldn't help but giggle as a memory from a few years ago resurfaced.
"Well, actually..." Haechan began, but Mark caught wind of what he was about to say and attempted to interject. However, Y/N's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned forward, her attention solely focused on Haechan as she urged him to continue, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.
"Well, a few years ago, Mark needed help learning how to kiss a girl, right?" Haechan started, prompting an audible groan from Mark, who buried his face in a nearby pillow, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Haechan continued, his laughter slightly slurred from the alcohol. "So, he asked for my help," he admitted, wiggling his eyebrows playfully as Mark retaliated with a punch to his arm.
"Markie over here didn't lose his virginity until he was like 20, and he definitely was late on kissing girls," Haechan teased, earning another embarrassed groan from Mark. "So, around this time, we were about 17 or 18-ish, and little Markie here comes to me, all upset, saying some girl from his class asked him out, but he's nervous because he's never kissed a girl before."
Y/N nodded, intrigued by the unfolding story, her eyes flickering between Haechan and Mark. "So, we sat in my bedroom, watching kissing videos on fucking pornhub, weird, right?" Haechan chuckled, glancing at Mark, who looked away in embarrassment.
"And then I told him to apply that to me," Haechan continued, his tone tinged with amusement. "And we kissed. He actually wasn't too bad, surprisingly, a bit better than some of the girls I've been with," he confessed honestly raising his arms up , chuckling as Mark reprimanded him for telling the story.
"See, I knew there was something between you two," Y/N remarked with a giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she leaned back on the couch, reveling in the shared intimacy of their conversation.
“Ugh, it was one time. I’d rather have a tennis ball hit at my balls full speed than kiss him again.” Mark whines as Haecahn laughs at the boy.
For a minute the room went silent at the and Y/N stared at both of the boys mischievously before sitting up on the couch and patting each spot next to her.
“Come here,” she says, eyeing both of the boys as they both perk up in synchronicity.
“Which one of us?”
Y/N just shrugs as both boys quickly join her on the couch.
The tension in the air is electrifying as Y/N turns to face Haechan. His big brown eyes are beautiful and full of mischief; she’s never been this close to him before, and she can see the little moles on his face, which fit his golden skin so well. She leans in, landing a kiss on his soft, plump lips. She whines into this kiss, slightly tugging at his hair as he squeaks at the sudden pain, which felt so good at the same time. She can taste the cigarette smoke on his breath with the combo of beer and peppermint he and Mark popped in the midst of their earlier conversation. The taste was so addicting that she almost didn’t want to pull away.
Mark is sitting on the other side of her, watching everything go down. His heart is beating out of his chest, and he feels blood rush down his pants. He doesn’t know if he feels jealously or turned on, maybe a combo of both, but holy shit, this has to be the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Haechan whines as his eyes flutter open, his eyelashes tickling Y/N’s cheek as he slowly pulls away , watching as Y/N turns to mark.
“Don’t think I forgot you, Markie.”
The boy blushes at the nickname he’s never heard her say before, and he can feel himself getting more and more antsy as she leans in, crashing his lips into hers.
Not to much surprise, Mark was way more of a messier kisser than Haechan. Maybe it was just desperation, but Mark was practically eating Y/N’s mouth, devouring her entirely. Haechan giggled watching Mark try and be in control, only for Y/N to bite his lips, causing him to yelp a bit as his pink lips open slightly and Y/N takes this opportunity to stick her tongue in his mouth. After awhile, Mark gets a hang of it, and their tongues dance in each other's mouths, swapping spit that tasted of alcoholic peppermint nicotine, and cherry lipgloss which only made them feel more dizzy.
She threads her slender hands through Mark’s pitch-black hair. Tugging it like she did Hyuck’s causing Mark to moan loudly into her mouth. Y/N giggles against his mouth before slowly separating a trail of spit, connecting their mouths together.
“Okay no homo, but that was so fucking hot,” Haechan says, staring at the two lust evident in his lidded eyes as they all giggle at his remark.
“Come a bit closer. Y/N commands softly but sternly. Both boys quickly obey, not questioning her intentions one bit.
Y/N turns again to kiss Haechan, he eagerly engulfs her lips, as Y/N feels a strong hand trailing her body, to her surprise not wanting to be left out Mark’s hand is swirling on her thigh, hiking up her floral green dress before tracing his hand around her whole body finding her neck.
Y/N moans from the stimulation of Haechan’s tongue, hungrily exploring her mouth and then desperate touch of Mark’s finger tips surveying her neck. Mark then latches his mouth on Y/N’s neck, causing an high pitched moan causing her to pull away a bit from Haechan. The slow peppered kisses turn into biting as Mark sucks little mark’s on her neck (lol). Haechan grabs her thighs, before moving close to kiss her deeper. He can feel her mouth vibrate in his as his friend leaves trails all along her long neck.
Haechan being competitive person he was, moves his hand up closer, finding her soaked black panties and trailing his fingers around hee clit slowly from the outside. Y/N arches her back in pleasure unintentionally moving away from Mar’s assault on her neck.
“Holy Shit, you’re so fucking wet.” Haechan stammers in awe. Y/N needly whines as Haechan moves his fingers a little bit more.
"I can’t believe you’re getting off to this; you’re so weird.” He says, laughing, as she rolls her eyes too horny to argue.
Mark, who is just as competitive, was raking his brain trying to figure out how to one up on Haechan. He begins to move his hand down from her neck, to her dress so he can grope her tits. Before he could get a chance, Y/N swiftly pushed the boys back, seizing their hands of in a sudden, decisive move. Their faces morphed into surprise and confusion , gazing at her with pleading, puppy-like expressions.
She coos as them opening her mouth to speak, her throat slightly hoarse from their activities. Turning to Mark, she plants a gentle kiss on his lips, then repeats the gesture with Haechan. With a smirk on her face, she draws both of their lips close to hers, initiating a three-way , all their lips drunkily taking each other's in, in a blissful haze. They weren’t worried about anything in the world other than tasting each other. Moans escape their lips, the sounds were so lewd, but melodic at the same time. Their tongues poke out exploring one another eagerly, mingling saliva as they hungrily devour each other's essence.
Y/N leans back, her eyes half-lidded, savoring the scene unfolding before her. In a sneaky movement, she removes herself from the embrace of the two boys. Watching as, the brown and black-haired boy’s become lost in each other's lips, completely oblivious to the fact that Y/N is no longer in the middle.
Sensations of warmth and arousal intensify within her as she continues to observe the scene before her, slowly biting her lips lustfully. With each passing moment, their kisses grow more fervent, each boy trying to fight for dominance. Haechan emerges victorious, asserting his control over Mark with a deep moan inducing kiss. His fingers tangle in Mark's soft hair, eliciting raspy moans of desire from the other boy. Haechan responds with a throaty groan, deepening their kiss with an insatiable hunger to please.
Y/N gasps softly, as she moves her hand to her black panties, slowly sticking her hand in and playing with her clit area as she softly pants, watching the scene in front of her.
The boys come to an erupt stop, as their ears hear the melodic voice of what seems to be an angel in disguise. They open their eyes and look at each other, both of the boys eyes were blown out, their pupils huge and lips swollen as they back away from each other. They turn their attention to the girl laying back on the couch in-between them, they eyes follow her delicate fingers, watching her play with her soaked cunt caused by them. A groan is drawled out of both of the boys, both of them hard as they feel their pants strain against them.
Mark's gaze scans over Y/N's form, taking in every detail before exchanging a knowing glance with Haechan, silently conveying his intentions. With a mischievous grin, he moves towards Y/N, prompting her to let out an unexpected shriek as he scoops her up into his arms.
As Mark carries her, Haechan follows closely behind, their footsteps echoing through the hallway as they make their way to Haechan's room. Haechan throws open the door, and Mark gently sets Y/N onto the bed. Y/N confidently giggles, scooting back against some soft pillows as Mark gets up to close the bedroom door.She looks up and down at the boys, before clearing her throat.
“I’m in charge. I hope you guys know that,” she says, crossing her arms as Mark joins Haechan and her on the bed.
“And for the love of God, use condoms; I don’t know where your dick’s have been.” She snickers as Haechan points to the dresser next to her, signaling her to open it.
She opens a brown drawer to find a pack of condoms before tossing them on the bed.
“How often does this happen? going after the same girl, I mean?” Y/N says, giggling.
“Not as often as you think” Haechan says, as Mark nods, saying they tend to have different types.
Y/N hums looking at them.
“What makes me so different?”
The way she said it was so sultry, almost like it was a challenge, which, for some reason, turned on the two even more.
“Please let us show you.” Mark says, inching closer, and Y/N nods at the eager boy, patting his head.
“Be my fucking guest.”. she replies shortly.
She slowly pulls off her dress, revealing the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her tits sit perfectly, and she turns to Haechan as she hears a loud groan from him. She giggles, slowly taking off her pants, getting a gasp from Mark.
“Ugh, Y/N, please stop teasing us.” Mark says strained. His eyes were dark and desperate, as the girl ahushed him before flinging her panties at him. Catching them he brings his nose up to the piece fabric taking in the scent and groaning.
“You’re such a freak,” Y/N says, laughing before turning her attention to the two boys equally.
 “Strip,” she says in one word, and in a whirlwind, both of the boys are sitting on the fluffy, king-size bed naked in front of her.
“Fuck.” Y/N mutters, looking at the two.The vigorous practice, plus the diet and gym routine she had given both of the boys, had them looking too fucking good. Both of their bodies were so toned and sculpted, with flat tummies and abs that would make any Greek god jealous. Y/N let out a small moan at this beautiful sight.
“Eager, much?.” Haechan cheekily says, eyeing her.
“Don’t get too cocky; remember, I’m the one calling the shots.” She says she is crawling towards the boy, grabbing his chin and squeezing is cheeks. Haechan nods. gazing at the girl, not even wanting to argue with the beautiful goddess in front of him. She then turns to face Mark, grabbing his chin as well with her free hand.
“Show me how bad you fucking want me,” she whispers loud enough for them to hear.
All of a sudden, hands are everywhere, grabbing at everything. The room is filled with desperation, sweat, and melodic sounds as both boys explore Y/N’s bodies. Their eyes took everything in as their fingers delved into every part of her body before Haechan decided to sink a slender finger in her cunt, receiving a shaky moan.
“Shush, baby, it’s okay; we’ve got you,” Mark says.
“Mmhm, we are going to take such good care of you.” Haechan adds, slowly pumping his finger in and out, feeling it get wetter and wetter.
“Fuckk, you’re so fucking wet.” Mark says watching as his best friend's fingers go in an out-of Y/N’s puffy cunt, he can’t help but slowly rub himself at the sight.
“Shut up, I’m in charge.” Y/N huffs out before being shushed.
“Oh, please, you love this; you’re so fucking wet from watching me and my best friend play with each other and play with you.” Haechan hums, adding an extra finger and slightly speeding up.
“You’re going to be so good for me and Markie, hm?” Haechans says, watching as the girl's eyes roll to the back of her head, slowly muttering a defeated, “Mhmm.”
“Damn, I wasn’t expecting you to give up this easily, he says before turning his attention to Mark. “Quit playing with your dick and join me.” He scoffs as Mark’s hands glide against Y/N’s tits, flicking and toying with her nipples, listening to the sounds of her moans like it’s the most beautiful song he’s ever heard.
He lowers his mouth to her perfect tits, clasping his mouth on the buds before sucking rhythmically. Y/N’s back arches, her cunt clenching around Haechan's fingers.
“Fuck Mark, keep doing that; her little cunt is squeezing my fingers so tight; fuckk, I bet it feels so good.”
Mark moans at his friends words as he sucks harder and plays with the other tit in his hand.
“Yeah, good boy, keep doing that.” Haechan says watching at how both Y/N and Mark react to the praise he gave Mark.
Mark groans at the praise, eyeing Haechan as intensifies his pace, eliciting louder and more desperate cries from Y/N. Her orgasm approaching rapidly, her moans escalating in getting higher and higher. However, just as she fills her organs about to wash over, Haechan abruptly stops, leaving Y/N to bolt up in frustration. "Ah! Why did you stop?" she groans, her expression a mix of defeat and longing, her eyes pleading with Haechan as Mark retreats, creating space between them.
“Because I don’t want you to cum yet,” he simply says.
“You need to cum on one of our cocks.” He adds, causing both Mark and Y/N to lewdly gasp.“Our Markie has been so good, don’t you think?” Haechan says, looking at y/n, her eyes sparking as she nods.
“Why don’t you give me a little treat? You know he’s been practicing so hard just to get your attention, just to get your number.” He trails off, and I think he deserves this“.
Y/N nods slowly, getting off the bed, and finding her way on her knees. She watches as Mark turns to face the edge of the bed, eyes looking down at her, and she swears she can see his heart being out of his chest.
“H-Hey, Y/N” Mark stutters lustfully.
“Hi Markie,” Y/N says just as lustfully before tracing a hand on his thigh, slowly grabbing his hard cock and pumping it.
Mark immediately reacts, bucking his hips as he lets out groans at the sensation.
“Open your hand.” Haechan says to Y/N as he sits next to Mark.
The girl obeys; opening her hands as Haechan spats in them. Mark tilts his head quizzically, then he feels his best friend's warm spit on his cock being pumped by the girl of any persons dreams, and he can’t help but absolutely lose his mind in the moment.
Haechan closes the small distance between him and Mark, his breath hot against his ear as he murmurs words of praise and desire, fueling the intensity of this scene. With a sense of urgency, he pulls Mark into a passionate kiss, their lips meeting in an electrifying embrace. The intensity of their kiss sparks a reaction from Y/N, who widens are mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip of Mark's cock, sending shivers coursing through his body as she begins to softly suck.
Breaking away from the kiss, Mark guides Y/N's flowy hair, urging her to go deeper, whimpering cutely in the proces. She complies, knowing exactly how to please him. Mark's head falls back, his hair disheveled, strands clinging to his forehead like he's just emerged from a heated tennis match. Occasionally, his gaze meets Y/N's big, doe-like eyes as she works her magic, causing a surge of arousal mixed with a pang of overwhelmingness to ripple through him. At this point Mark unable to tear his gaze away, even as the heat of the moment threatens to overwhelm him.
As Mark's hips buck forward, Y/N's hand travels up Haechan's thigh, her fingers finding his thick hard cock, guiding it with deliberate precision. "Holy fuck, this slut knows how to handle cocks," Haechan moans appreciatively, his voice thick with desire as he encourages her to quicken her pace. “Maybe tennis isn’t the only thing you’re good at- He stammers barely finishing his sentence so loss in pleasure. Y/N groans around Mark’s cock, as she can sense him getting closer by the twitching of his legs.
Sensing that he’s about to cum, she takes her hand off of Haechan, focusing all her attention on Mark. His exclamations of "fuck," "shit," and "dude" fill the air, punctuating the intensity of the moment as he edges closer to climax.
She takes him in the back of her throat as she feels his cock twitch in her mouth, releasing a slightly sweet and salty thick liquid, which she swallows half of before getting off her knees and turning to kiss Haechan, Mark’s cum still in her mouth.
Although he just came, Mark can feel himself getting hard all over again watching Y/N and his best friend swap his cum in their mouths before they swallow, it backing away from each other, smirking.
“Good job, Markie." she says pinching the boy's cheeks before she feels two bodies pin her down.
 “Ah, we aren’t done with you just yet.” Haechan says as Y/N gulps a bit.
“Remember I said I wanted you to cum all over our cocks?”Y/N nods as Haechan smiles wickedly, looking at Mark. “So that’s exactly what you’re going to do.”
“Mark, sit and watch how I tame this slut.” Mark nods obediently as he watches Y/N whimper at the degrading nickname. He watches as Haechan quickly slips a condom on and positions himself right in between Y/N’s sticky thighs.
“Beg for it,” Haechan says, looking down at the girl.
“Oh, cmon, Donghyuck, stop it.” She sassily says using his full name.
This causes Haechan to softly grab the girl's neck and getting near her ear.
“Be a fucking good girl and beg; you know you fucking want it.” He demands sternly, signaling that he is not playing any games. Y/N gulps before opening her mouth to beg.
“Please, hyuckie, I need your cock so bad, please fuck.” She breathed out slightly embarrassed, causing Haechan to evilly giggle at her submission.
“Fuck, I wish you could be like this all the time. He says as he slowly slips the tip in, causing the two to both moan.
“Oh fuck, this hurts.” Y/N whimpers, her eyes watering, as Mark glides his hand over her hair, playing with it, hushing her and whispering sweet words.
“Oh, cmon, you can’t take it,” Haechan says, slowly lowering himself more as he feels her tight pussy squeeze around him.
“See, you’re squeezing around me, and I can feel you getting wetter, you fucking love it,” he says, bottoming out and pushing his fat cock into her.
She moans, almost crying, as Mark continues to play with her hair, trying to calm her down as Haechan begins to go at a steady pace.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight and wet, you’re swallowing my fucking cock whole.”
Y/N moans in esctacy as the pain fades into pure pleasure.
“S-sooo good, hyuckie.” She purrs, her eyes squeezing closed .
“Aht, open those pretty eyes doll, Haechan says, reaching down to grab her face.
“Look at me when I’m fucking you, slut.” He ordered causing Y/N to gush around him, only makes him speed up.
“Yeah, you like that? You like when I degrade you while my soft little best friend coddles you, hm?” Y/N whimpers, shaking her head and babbling incoherent nonsense as Mark pulls her hair a bit.“Use your words when Haechan is talking to you baby.” Mark says, surprising both Haechan & Y/N.
“Y-yes, sir,” Y/N stammers.
“Well, who are you talking to, Haechan or Me?” Mark says sternly tugging a bit more as she utters both softly.
“Yeah, that’s our good girl,” Mark says, feeling this surge of confidence out of nowhere.
Mark watches as Haechan continues to fuck Y/Ns cunt, igniting a pang of jealousy within him. He wants more than anything to feel her warm cunt coating his cock. He groans at the thought of it, wishing he could trade places with Haechan.
Haechan laughs, looking at Mark’s desperate state, before raising an eyebrow practically reading the boy’s mind .
“You want a turn?”
Mark eagerly nods as, slowly pulls out of Y/N, she moans at the absence.
“Oh, don’t be so sad, doll; Markie just wants a turn.” Hyuck winks before moving so Mark can get in between her thighs. Mark shuffles off the bed before looking at Y/N’s needy state.
There was something so hot about seeing their arrogant, sassy “coach” absolutely fucking desperate. Her eyes were glazed and wet as a few tears stained her beautiful cheeks; the makeup she had on from the party was smeared; her lips plump and swollen; and in the dim bedroom light, he could make out the marks and hickeys from earlier on her neck.
His eyes trailed down to her cunt; it’s still wet and waiting to be touched. He notices that it’s a bit puffy and swollen from Haechan’s assault on it.
Mark groans, biting his lip before hovering over the girl closer.
“Hey!” he says looking down into her beautiful eyes.
“Hi Markie.” She gives me a half-smile, her eyes pleading to be used.
Before she could say anything else, she yelps as she felt herself being flipped over on her stomach. Mark quickly grabbing her hair into a make shift pony, as she arched back from pleasure and pain.
Haechan whistles as he makes a comment not realizing Mark was such an “ass guy” Mark ignored him and rubs y/n’s ass groaning before giving a small slap, she moans enjoying it more than she’d like to admit.
“You like that, hm?” Mark says, using his surge of confidence
“Mayb-.” Her sentence is cut off as she feels Mark slide into her wet cunt. She moans at how deep he feels. Haechan may be thick, but Mark’s cock was so long, and Y/N swears she can feel it hitting every spot as he begins to thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good.” He groans, pushing her face down into the pillow.
“Shhhhh, be quiet, baby,” Mark says, speeding up absolutely loss in bliss.
Haechan, on the other hand, was totally enjoying the show; he decided to let his friend take over because, for some reason, he had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time something like that happened. So he sat on the other end of the bed, pumping his cock, watching his best friend fuck Y/N so desperately.
Haechan pumps his thick cock faster his tip is bright red and his hands slightly slippery, a mix of spit, cum, and the wetness from being Y/N’s warm cunt. Haechan moans, eyes glued at the sight.
Mark can feel himself getting closer and closer as he speeds up.“F-fuck mark, I'm going to cum please, please.” Y/N whimpers into the pillow; they can almost barely make out her garbled speech as Mark speeds up even faster. He reaches his hand to toy with her clit, causing her to cry into the pillow in pleasure.
“Fuck yes, cum all over my cock, baby, show me how good we make you feel,” Mark moans, feeling his orgasm catch up as well.
With one hand Haechan lifts Y/N’s head up from the pillow as he feverishly pumps his thick cock. Reaching his breaking point , he groans her name, glazing her face in his warm cum. This in turn caused Y/N to clench around Mark’s cock even more. Mark began to quickly rub on Y/N’s swollen clit area as she lets out a string of strained moans cumming all over him.
She clenches one more time around his cock due to the overestimation, which in turn causes Mark to throw his head back, cumming with a loud moan.
The trio are all frozen for a bit before Mark slips his now soft cock out of Y/N. He takes the cum filled condom and sits it on the floor as Haechan gets up and grabs a t-shirt.
“Y/N, don’t move,” they both say at the same time. Mark leaves the room for a second, as Haechan gently begins to wipe his cum off her face.
“You know you’re very pretty,” Haechan says, staring at her. Although tired, the girl laughs, stating, I know, and thanking Haechan for cleaning her up. He nods as he watches as Mark comes back in with some clothes and some water bottles.He hands a bottle to Haechan before handing Y/N some of his own spare boxers and one of Haechan’s old t-shirts.
“I got them right out of the dryer; they’re super clean.” Y/N thanks the boy before changing in front of them.
 If they thought she was beautiful before, something about both of the boys seeing her in their clothes made her 100 times more beautiful.
 “So, are you just going to stare, or are we going to cuddle or something?” Y/N says, giggling
“I didn’t take you as a cuddler.” Haechan’s mutters
“Okay, and I didn’t expect to have a three-way with you losers; guess today is just full of surprises.” They all chuckle as they opt to all go into Mark’s room since Haechan’s sheets were soiled from their little activities.
Hand in hand, they walk the short stride to Mark’s room before they all settle under the covers. as Mark puts on some random tennis match.
“So, who’s a better kisser?” Y/N half jokingly teases, looking at Mark as he blushes.
“No comment,” he says, embarrassed, as Haechan laughs at the two.
“Sooo, can we get your number now? I mean, we literally just fucked.” Haechan says sneakily.
Y/N laughs before sinking under the covers.
“Nope, whoever wins the game tomorrow, remember, ahh, or should I say today?” Y/N evilly laughs, looking at the clock in Mark’s room, which reads 3:35 a.m..
“I would get some rest tonight, just saying.”
Both boys eyes widen in shock as their eyes land on the clock, groaning at the time.
 “Remember, boys, this is a game about winning the points that actually matter.” Y/N softly says before closing her eyes to go to bed.
Leaving both boys sitting up to rack through their brains. How the fuck are they going to beat one another?
HIIII my first full fic LOL!! i’m oddly so proud of it 😭😭😭 i loved challengers and immediately had to do a markhyuck version !!! if u haven’t seen this movie pls go see it LOL!!💞💞☺️
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coffeeghoulie · 2 months
Hi :3 please be weird about quintessence whenever you have the time. Dealers choice of ghoul pairing <3
Thank you for the excuse to write this, Golfball :3. This has been rotating in my mind for a while.
Anyways. Behold 1.2k of Aether and Aurora being weird about Dew's size kink. Contains quintosis/quintessence use, some gill play, and size kink.
divider by @wrathofrats <3
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Dew's losing his mind.
When Aurora had whispered into Aether's ear at dinner, he hadn't expected it to lead to this. The way the little ghoulette had blushed, he'd imagined she'd asked to be taken apart by the two of them.
And he'd been excited for it. Aurora's always a fun time. She's just as flexible as her summons-mate, though the voidling always seems to get more attention for it. And, as his brain helpfully reminds him, Aurora's small enough to slip into his bunk comfortably with room to spare.
The multi-ghoulette is small enough that Dew's frame covers her completely. Her legs are hitched up around his narrow hips, toes curling with every movement, the sparkly blue polish on her toenails catching the light. Her eyes glitter as she stares up at him, little breathy noises spilling from her lips.
Aurora has enough water in her elemental mix to get wet. Cool and wet and so fucking tight around him. Her slick pools underneath her ass, smearing against his balls as he presses into her. Dew has his face tucked into the crook of her neck. He can feel the soft puffs of breath from her jewel-tone gills against his burning cheek, and her whispered words against the shell of his right ear.
"Fuck, so big, Dew," she breathes, and Dew's smart. He's been around the block a time or two. He knows what quintessence feels like. Hers is a little newer to him, more like the sparklers Sunny and Swiss like to set off than Aether's more carbonated magick.
Especially when Aether's whispering into his other ear, thrusting slow and steady into his ass, big body draped over both of them. Each thrust shoves him deeper into Aurora's cunt, dizzy and trapped between them. "Such a good boy, darling, can't you feel how big I am inside of you? Lucifer, I'm ruining you, baby," He says, voice low and rumbling through his chest.
Both of their quintessence flows through his mind, twining and swirling around each other, pulling in different directions. He swears to Asmodeus that Aether genuinely feels bigger than normal, spreading him wider, big hands wrapping nearly all the way around his skinny hips, swears that he's so deep Dew can taste him.
He feels their quintessence playing tug of war with his perception, pulling every which way, fighting with marionette strings. He feels too big for his body. His skin is covered with static and uncomfortably tight in the best fucking way.
"Don't I feel so little?" Aurora coos, batting her eyelashes innocently, and Dew groans, wrists buckling as he drops to his elbows over her, still careful not to crush her. Her pert little breasts brush against his chest and he keens, kissing sloppily over her neck and gills. "You're so big, Dewey, shit, feels so good."
When Dew drops, Aether follows. His broad chest presses against his back, the scrape of of coarse hair making him lose even more of his brainpower. "No, you don't feel big, do you, love? So fucking small, my precious little fire ghoul. I can barely get my cock to fit in that tight little ass, can't I?"
Even though Aether had taken his sweet time opening him up with care and devotion, Dew feels the stretch tighten impossibly. Aether's cock presses hard into his walls, the head nudging against a spot that makes him cry. He sobs into the multi-ghoulette's shoulder and trembles between them.
Magick flows through him, his head spinning. He knows that he's thoroughly drunk on it. If he lifted his head to look in the mirror across the room, he knows that his irises would be a deep, deep violet. At least he doesn't have to worry about actually fucking Rory. Aether's got that well and taken care of. Each thrust deep into him knocks his hips against hers, her tight little cunt squeezing the life out of him.
Aurora arches, her toes curling. Aether lets go of his hip to grab her calf, rubbing circles with his thumb into the tense muscle. "Doesn't he feel good, little mote?"
"Mhm," Aurora cries out sweetly, her walls tensing hard around Dew. Her claws dig into his shoulderblades and draw red, raised lines down his back. The bite of pain makes him throb, mouthing weakly and uncoordinated at her collarbone. "He's so big, Aeth," she says. "Too big." There's genuine overwhelm in her voice, and then all Dew can hear is the wet noise of mouths colliding.
He finds the strength to lift his head from the crook of her neck and her sweet strawberry scent and immediately drops back down with a keening groan. They're kissing over his shoulder, sloppy and wet, and Dew just manages to catch a glimpse of pink tongue, purple sworls of quintessence as Aether shifts his magick to her.
Dew blinks blearily as his mind clears somewhat, Aurora losing her focus on him. Aether lets go of his hips, and he'd whine about it, but one big hand reaches under him to play with the little pink gem on the barbell that runs through the hood of her clit, and everything goes white as Aurora cums with a scream.
Her pussy squeezes impossibly tight, rippling around his cock and gushing with slick. Dew grunts and breaks out of his stupor. He ruts into her, trying to work her through it, but it's too much and everything goes white as he cums inside of her. His balls are uncomfortably tight to his body, the quintessence prolonging his orgasm until he's shooting dry inside.
Dew clings to her, pressing sloppy kisses over her gills, feeling the way her breath hitches as he licks at the sensitive openings. She paws weakly at Dew, at Aether, her pretty deep green eyes shot through with violet and rolling back in her head.
Aether's still thick and heavy where he's buried in Dew's ass, but Dew swallows hard and ignores it. "Yeah, pretty girl?" he breathes, slowly coming to his senses. The quintessence is still there in the back of his mind, but with how it's split between the two of them, it's much easier to think, thank Satan. "How's it feel?"
She nods, still spasming around him. Aether's other hand cards through her bubblegum pink hair, thick fingers separating the sweaty strands. She purrs as she glances between the both of them. "Fuck, so full," she giggles, her head slumping back against one of the pillows in their nest as she basks in the afterglow.
Aether chuffs, satisfied, before turning his attention back to Dew. He leans down, noses at the scar in the crook of his neck, and kisses at his earlobe. "You want to watch for a little, my darling?"
Dew huffs indignantly, but his tail wags, wrapping around Aether's thigh with an affectionate squeeze. "Yeah, starshine," he purrs, nuzzling back against Aether's cheek. It doesn't stop him from whining when Aether pulls out, guiding him out of Aurora with the motion. He kisses her cheek before settling on his side next to her. Dew pets her hair as Aether steps aside for a moment.
"Where's he goin'?" Aurora whispers, and Dew can see the sparks of purple in her irises where Aether's magick lingers. She's got to be floating. Dew grins.
"He's cleaning up real quick," he says, blunt claws scratching her scalp in the way he knows she likes. "But when he comes back, ladybug? You think I was too big?"
The way her eyes widen comically makes him laugh, stealing a kiss as he watches in real time as the tables turn on her. "Oh, sweetheart, you're in for it."
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aespicysstuff · 9 months
Why did you have to go?
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
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Description: "You and Tara shared a common feeling through the hardships that the girl faced, but sadly sometimes things don't last forever, that can be said with peace too...Ghostface is back, and this time he took Tara's heart with him."
Words: 11.2K
Saju: Again, I'm Jenjenismysafety ok, just posting so y'all don't be left here in the dust. This year imma gonna be busy, enjoy it and I love y'all.
You and Tara knew each other for a long time; you practically grew up together. You were by her side at all times—well, almost all times. When her father left, you were there. When Sam left too, when her mother started abandoning her, but you weren't with her on the day of the attack, but you were with her as soon as you found out what had happened, when Sam returned, and you were with her at the events with ghostface.
Through all this, you got closer and closer, and what was just the affection of friends became something more, and soon you started dating. But not everything in life is permanent, and you thought your relationship would be until the day she simply threw it in your face that she wanted to break up because she was in love with Chad.
"Enough Y/n! What we had ends here! I love Chad! And I'm sorry, but he's the one I'm going to stay with." You looked into her eyes, seeing no trace of a lie, and felt your heart break even more. "No, Carpenter, you're not sorry...I...I dedicated all the time, love, affection and attention I could to you and I got it back like this? Thank you very much. I'm going to disappear from your life forever, Tara, and it won't be long; you don't have to worry." Before Tara could say anything, you were already gone.
After walking around the streets of New York for a while to think, you decided to stop off at a carvery for a snack. While you were waiting in line, you felt your cell phone vibrate. Picking it up, you saw that an unknown number had sent you a message. You clicked on the notification with trepidation, and when you saw what it was about, you didn't think twice and rushed off to Sam and Tara's apartment.
When you got there, you started to climb the stairs. You felt like your lungs were going to explode at any moment, but you didn't stop. You couldn't. When you got to the door, you realized that it was locked, and so, still in a state of adrenaline, you knocked frantically on the door, and soon Sam came to answer it. She was ready to swear at the person, but as soon as she saw you and your condition, she pulled you inside.
"What happened, Y/n?" She asked as she led you to the sofa and asked Mindy to get you a glass of water. "I...got...a message from.... an unknown number and..." You tried to speak, but before you could continue, Mindy fortunately arrived with the water, and you drank it in seconds, taking a deep breath and turning to Sam. "I received a message from an unknown number, and it had a picture of you (core 4 and Anika), and it said, 'These will be your last laughs' and I came running as fast as I could." You said, leaning back on the sofa, while everyone absorbed the information. In the middle of all the commotion, you hadn't noticed the presence of Tara and Chad.
"And who's to say that this isn't easy, and you're the clown making fun of it, since you have reason to, right? Dewey's dead, Gale's busy, and without a girlfriend, you literally have no choice. Which would give you enough reason to kill all of us." She pointed an accusatory finger at you with a cynical smile. "Tara! What the fuck are you thinking?" You felt everything hurt; how could she accuse you just like that? You felt your eyes fill with tears, and a lump formed in your throat, preventing you from saying what you wanted. Tara saw your reaction and felt a pang in her chest. She felt guilty and sorry, even for a few seconds.
You took a deep breath and swallowed it down with difficulty. You prepared to speak in your defense, but before you could, a notification sounded. One by one, Tara was closer to her cell phone. She picked it up and saw that someone had sent her an air drop and when she opened it she saw something grotesque, her roommate Quinn was dead in the photo sent....
Ding Dong, the sound of the doorbell rang, and everyone fell silent. The atmosphere was tense. The doorbell rang again. Everyone looked at each other as if they were communicating. Mindy put her finger to her lips to silence everyone, and suddenly the door began to swing sharply. "Run!" Mindy said just in time for the door and Quinn's body to fall on Anika, causing her to scream in despair.
Chad ran to the other side of the apartment, and he tried to take Tara, but you pulled her back. Ghostface approached the couple and plunged the knife into Mindy, hitting her arm. "Mindy!" Anika screamed for her girlfriend as a ghostface prepared to stab her. You ran towards him, colliding your body with his, taking you to the ground. You tried to punch him, but he managed to get you off by throwing you all over the ground. Tara ran to help you, and Sam went to the kitchen to try and find something to fight back with. While all this was going on, ghostface managed to grab Anika by the scruff of the neck and prop her up against the wall, driving the knife into her belly and turning the knife, making her scream in pain. But before he could make matters worse, Sam arrived with a stump, hitting a ghostface on the head, making him fall to the floor, and letting go of Anika.
Mindy lifted her girlfriend with a little difficulty, and you ran to one of the bedrooms. Sam locked the door, causing a ghostface to bang on the door. He stopped suddenly, and Sam turned to the four of you, telling you to go to the bathroom. Mindy was the first to enter and was startled to see a dead man in the bathtub.
She was startled to see the ghostface on the other side of the door, closing it before he could enter, Sam called you to help her drag a chest of drawers to the door, but you, Mindy and Anika were left holding the chest of drawers, not knowing how to get out of the situation.
Sam's neighbor appeared at the window as if he knew they were in trouble and asked if they needed any help. Tara and Sam said yes, and he quickly pulled a ladder up from his side. Sam started to shake her head in denial, but the boy asked if she had any other solution, and when she looked around and saw how everyone else was doing, she realized it was do or die.
So she asked him to bring the ladder, with a little difficulty they managed to get the ladder up to the windows, "Go Tara! Danny and I are holding it," she said to her sister, placing a hand on her cheek to comfort her. Tara hesitantly began to crawl up the ladder, arriving at Danny's apartment. Soon Mindy came and held the ladder, urging Sam to go, and she managed to get there even though she was afraid.
Everyone was shouting for her to go, everything was going to be fine and after a while she managed to get through as well, and when it was your turn you unfortunately had the bad luck to catch an angry ghostface.
He had managed to get in and pulled you out of the window and the sudden movement caused the ladder to fall, leaving everyone screaming in despair, begging for mercy, Tara screamed your name when she saw the ghostface pull you and stick the knife in your belly twice, you gave him a push making him fall and climbed on top of him punching him, but stopped when you felt a burning on your left side and again and again.
Ghostface threw you aside now he was the one who had climbed on top of you and was stabbing you mercilessly, it wasn't one or two stab wounds it was ten stab wounds or at least that's what Tara was able to count, the younger Carpenter felt as if the air had been taken out of her, it was with it was her who was being stabbed; every part of her body was screaming in pain, screaming for you.
Ghostface pulled you by the hair to face the group. You were barely breathing. You looked at Tara, knowing what was going to happen, and sent her a small, bloody smile, trying to somehow tell her that she's going to be okay. Ghostface moved the knife closer to your neck and stared at the youngest Carpenter, making her shake her head desperately. "NO! NO! PLEASE!" She screamed between sobs.
And nothing in the world could have prepared her for this scene. Ghostface slit your throat, causing blood to squirt and Tara's heart to break she hadn't felt or realized she was screaming, she had felt her knees make contact with the ground and felt when her sister hugged her crying too for having lost you.
That's when the shock and realization hit. Tara quickly got up, let go of Sam, and ran back to the apartment, leaving everyone screaming her name. Even though she was having trouble breathing because she was crying, she didn't stop; she couldn't; she needed to see you.
On the way, she saw Chad and the police, but she didn't care; the only thing on her mind was you. She needed to get to you, hug you, apologize and tell you how much she loves you and how much you matter to her.
No, you can't be gone; you can't have kept what you said. No, Tara won't accept that of all the promises you've made, you can't keep this one, not this one.
Arriving at the apartment, Tara tried to open the door, but it was locked. She felt the despair grow more and more, and the pain in her chest increased every minute she was away from you. Chad had approached her, "Tara..." She turned and pulled him to the door. "OPEN THAT DOOR, CHAD! Y/N IS THERE! I HAVE TO GET HER OUT!" She screamed again. Tara could feel her throat burning, but it didn't matter.
Chad with all his strength slammed his body against the door making it move, but not open and again he slammed his body against the door managing to open it, making Tara run into the place "TARA!" She didn't want to listen, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N that was the only thing on her mind.
She got to the bathroom and saw your body lying on the floor in a pool of blood, your blood, feeling her chest burn she ran over to you picking you up realizing how cold you were "M-my love..." She brushed your hair out of your face, seeing your eyes closed so serenely, as if you were in a sleep, an eternal sleep.
"I'm here, my love; you can open your eyes now!" She shook you. "Please, Y/n, don't do this to me; don't leave me, please; open your eyes, love!" She begged you as she shook your body, simply letting a cry out. She hugged your body, remembering the times she had done that, feeling your warmth, your heartbeat, and your breath, but now what she was left with was just a cold, motionless, dead body.
Tara's body shook with her crying; she let all her pain out. The realization that you were gone forever destroyed her. How will she live now? Who will look after her? Who will lie with her and talk about random things? How do you live after losing your heart, your oxygen?
Tara wondered all this; she felt lost. How do you say goodbye to someone? She looked at his face one last time, seeing the blood on it, she gave you your last kiss: "I love you, Y/n, my love! I will always love you.".
She turned away from you, watching the doctors take you away, and when she felt her sister's arms holding her, she let herself collapse again, crying like a child. After a while, she felt the exhaustion in her body. Tara felt her eyes close, and before she could give in to exhaustion, she said, "Why did you have to go?"
Ok, this not my best work, but i love this piece! IT GAVE ME WORK TO TRANSLATE THIS SHIT BRUH! I HATE GOOGLE! I recommend Language tool if you want to correct any grammar error hihi, enjoyyy
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Lost (17) - Satellite
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 5.4k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-That's why we won't back down we won't run and hide-
Telling Chad you’d be fine without him, that he should focus on protecting Mindy and Anika in case anyone went after them was a right thing to do, but you still had no idea what to do. How to find Ghostfaces targeting you this time, or how to avoid them, you were stuck at the moment.
But, as the three of you left the hospital you saw her… Gale, like a reporter shark that she was, smelled blood and found you before any other reporter could.
“I heard what happened, are you okay?” she walked up to you, at least she didn’t have her equipment or anyone shoving a camera in your faces, with her.
“Gale, I swear,” Sam had no patience to deal with the woman right now, frankly, neither did you and Tara, but you couldn’t deny that maybe, just maybe you needed as much help as you could get, even if that help was Gale.
Gale immediately raised her hands in surrender. “Truce, okay? I’m- I’m here for whatever you need,” she said that, but, well, you’ve seen Gale going back on her word before. Maybe that was being too harsh, she didn’t go back on her word when Ghostface was on the loose, but she did break an important promise.
“Just like last time,” you said, already trying to spot a cab that would take you back to the apartment. Or anywhere else really. Staying near the hospital could put your friends at risk.
“Okay fine, off the records, okay?” she offered and well, you were stuck and all four of you knew that.
Sam sighed, nodding slightly. “Fine. Thank you,” she agreed.
Gale glanced at Tara.
“Nope! That punch was beautiful, and you will not be getting an apology for it!” you interrupted before Tara could even begin to utter an apology she didn’t mean anyway.
Gale chuckled and shook her head, expecting as much from you and Tara. “Guess I should be thankful you weren’t the one punching me,” she sighed.
“Exactly!” Tara grinned and lifted your arm up. “She packs a punch,” she rolled your sleeve up and patted your forearm.
Mere seconds later you saw a cop car stopping and Kirby and Bailey stepping out, and that’s how the six of you ended up following Gale’s lead and going to a former movie theater turned shrine for Ghostface.
You felt sick. Angry that someone could actually worship these monsters. So many people died. Everyone in this theater, aside from Bailey, was attacked at least once. You kept an eye on others, on Gale as she passed by Dewey's photos or her own books. On Kirby and Bailey as they focused on whatever grabbed their interests. On Sam as she went and touched the glass case holding Billy's mannequin. On Tara as she went over to Sam.
You were stuck observing crime scene photos from when Amber attacked Tara. You saw Tara's wounds, you knew minute details of each and every scar she had. You never saw the photos of her house from that night. It looked even worse than it did when you went to clean the house, it looked fresh, the blood was still not dry. You clenched your fists, wishing you shot Amber, you wished you could go back and finish her off instead of forcing Tara to do it. How many times did you wish for nothing more than for some kind of instinct or a precognition that would allow you to stop Amber before she got to hurt Tara in the first place.
You saw Tara going outside and were about to follow her when your phone rang. This time you checked the ID and saw it was Thomas. His timing really was the worst. With a groan, you answered the phone.
"Hey, Y/N, sorry to call like this, but I heard you didn't go to the gym last night," he opened up with that right away.
"Yeah, sorry, something came up," you didn't sound sorry at all, you'd abandon the gym a hundred times over if needed.
"Look, I know these past two weeks have been tough and I may have asked too much of you-" you really didn't feel like having this conversation.
"I'm busy right now, we'll talk later," you hung up before he could even respond to that. Since your phone was already in your hand you tried to call Susan one more time, but, as it always did these past two days, it just went to voicemail. "Fuck!" you cursed and stuffed your phone in your pocket.
"Troubles?" Bailey asked and you just now realized you were alone with him.
"Are you asking or questioning me?" you still didn't know where the police tracker came from. There was no way you were trusting anyone other than Tara and Sam, and, as much as it annoyed you Gale, as far as not being a Ghostface went.
"Just asking, sorry if I'm overstepping," he raised his hands apologetically and backed away.
You nodded. "You are overstepping," you said and tilted your head in the direction Tara and others went. "After you."
He sighed, but otherwise remained silent and complied with your wishes. The two of you found Sam and Gale in the midst of, from what you could see, burying the hatchet.
"Where's Tara?" you asked right away, honestly hoping you didn't all walk into a trap set by Ghostface.
"Kirby is with her, they went upstairs, wherever that leads," Sam told you and you tried not to panic. Kirby survived a Ghostface attack herself, surely she wouldn’t be a Ghostface, right?
"I think I have a plan how to catch these fuckers," Bailey said and you desperately wanted to agree with the plan. The sooner this was over the better.
You absolutely hated the plan Bailey had. And you were vocal about it. So, here you were, at the park, next to the van Kirby would trace the call from with Tara trying one last time to get her to change her mind. It was reckless, it was unnecessary, and you were sure a bit more of thinking would give you a better plan.
"Tara, please, at least think this through," you pleaded, already certain you were wasting your breath, but you couldn't just give up.
"I thought it through, Y/N, I'm staying with Sam," Tara leaned against the van with her arms crossed over her chest. She refused to look at you, but you saw the furrow of her brows, you saw her biting her lower lip, and you knew she was getting angry.
You’d still take her being angry at you over her being in danger. "It's dangerous, at least let me come with you," if you couldn't get her to stay safe, then you might be able to convince her to let you come with her and Sam. Sure, Bailey explicitly argued that you being there could discourage Ghostface from attacking, and you could see his logic, but you still wanted to stay by Tara’s side.
"It won't work if you're there. You can fight them," Tara huffed, clearly getting even more frustrated as you kept arguing. The two of you had been going back and forth on this ever since Bailey proposed the plan and she decided she wouldn't let Sam do it alone.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, already feeling a headache over this whole plan. And they weren't even out in the open yet. "I don't want you to get hurt."
Tara narrowed her eyes at that. "And it's fine if Sam gets hurt?!" she raised her voice and tightly gripped her left biceps.
"I didn't say that," you took a step back, trying to cool your head at least a bit.
"No, but you think I could get hurt, so you think Sam could get hurt and you're not trying to convince her not to do it," Tara took a few deep breaths.
"You and I both know I'd much rather take Sam's place, but no, Ghostface is after her so anyone else won't do!" you yelled, what little cool you managed to regain fading away way too quickly for your liking.
"Like you left last night? Right? Like how you chose to put yourself in danger even after you saw there was a tracker on your car?! Do you even understand how worried I was?!" somehow this was reminding you of the night you told Tara you were retiring from MMA.
"I fucked up, okay?" you spread your arms for a moment then let them drop at your sides. "I thought they'd try to finish me off first and figured I could use the opportunity."
"Yeah, you thought putting yourself in danger and possibly fighting someone that defeated you before was okay, but this isn't?" Tara asked incredulously.
"So, your solution is to go ahead and do something equally reckless? Is that what you're saying, Tara?" you had no idea how you weren't already shouting. You felt like screaming, but you still didn't shout, if for no other reason than because you didn’t want unwanted attention on the two of you.
"She's my sister, Y/N! I'm her backup, and if it comes down to it, we'll keep each other safe!" Tara yelled and, perhaps to avoid arguing further began walking toward where Sam was getting ready with Kirby and Bailey.
"Yeah, because being with Sam sure kept you safe every time Ghostface was involved!" you just snapped and watched as Tara turned around.
She was glaring at you. "Don't you fucking dare, Y/N," she warned, her voice barely louder than a whisper.
For once you glared back. "Am I wrong?" you challenged. As long as you could move and you were there no one, not Amber, not Richie, not whoever these Ghostfaces were, managed to touch her, let alone hurt her. Sam didn’t have the same track record.
Tara reached you, anger evident in her eyes, and then, as if she just made that decision at that exact moment, swung her palm toward your face. You caught her wrist, entirely unimpressed with how telegraphed the attempted slap was. "Don't ever try that again," you let go of her wrist and climbed into the van, shutting the door behind you, you missed the way Tara looked down at her palm, horrified by what she just tried to do.
You slumped down and absentmindedly touched the scar on the right side of your jaw. Once again you called Susan, once again you were left in silence. You looked at the last text exchange you had with her, the word fun popping up for some reason. Maybe you should take that vacation the moment this all ends, or at least the moment everyone heals up. Maybe spend a week or two in Sacramento, only you and Susan, and then come back to New York with her for Thanksgiving.
Maybe taking that small break from one another's company would be good for Tara, after all this wasn't the first fight in the past few days, and that one was before you even knew Ghostface was back. Sure, you talked it out and kissed it better, but this one just brought it back to your mind.
You only opened your eyes when you heard the doors opening because you wanted to be sure Kirby was the one coming in.
"You look awful," she commented.
"You look like it's none of your business," you replied, not really in the mood to discuss this with her.
"Someone's cranky," she just shrugged, not bothered by your reaction and you chose not to respond.
Too much time passed before Ghostface finally called, bragging about being a step ahead. And he was. He went after Gale. Bailey got in the van and turned the engine on.
"Where are Tara and Sam?!" you jumped to your feet when you saw he was alone. Your blood pressure probably skyrocketed as the worst possible scenarios came to your mind.
"They stole my car!" he exclaimed angrily.
At this rate, you were going to have a heart attack. "Who's driving?!"
"Tara," that girl was going to be the death of you.
"Are you crazy?! Tara can't drive! How are you even a cop you incompetent fuck?! How could someone just steal your damn car?!" a rage-fueled part of your brain cynically told you this was to be expected. That you should have realized Tara was too reckless to consider her own safety even back when she stubbornly convinced you to take her with you when you went after Sam back to Woodsboro after she just barely survived two attacks and had a broken leg. That you should have realized it when she first disappeared and went to a party with complete strangers.
When you finally reached Gale's apartment building you saw Tara and Sam sitting in the hall and you ran up to them.
Tara looked up when she heard you, or rather the running, and she got up, rushing to meet you halfway, only to stop, as if suddenly remembering the last interaction you had. You took a deep breath and just pulled her into a hug. She quietly sobbed into your chest as you held her.
"Is Gale still alive?" you asked softly and relaxed when Tara nodded.
"She was seriously injured, but she should be fine," she told you when you released her, your heart cracking a bit when you saw the pain in her eyes when you pulled away. With a hand on her back, you led her back to where Sam was still sitting.
"Hey," you squeezed Sam's shoulder, hoping to comfort her a bit.
"Hey, sorry we left you with Kirby and Bailey," she apologized and placed her hand on top of yours for a moment. You just nodded and sat down with Tara. There would be a better, more appropriate time to tackle that reckless decision.
Soon enough you saw Danny running in. "Hey, I came as soon as I could," he ran up to the three of you, looking mostly at Sam.
"Did you?" Tara challenged and he just looked at her, perhaps knowing better than to add fuel to the fire.
"More importantly, what now?" you chose to save him from Tara's anger.
"Maybe he gets to win this time," Sam's words made alarms go off in your head as you turned to look at her.
"What?" you demanded, not quite sure if it was just your exhaustion catching up to you, or if Sam actually just said that.
"He wants to punish me," she explained, on the verge of tears. "Me," she stood up and faced Tara and you. "So maybe I let him. I'll just give myself up."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing and for a split second, you wondered if Sam lost her mind. "Fuck that! Who do you think you are, huh?!" you got up and stormed away from Sam. "Giving herself up? Unbelievable!"
"If this is what it takes to keep you safe, it's worth it," the only reason you weren't yelling that she was out of her mind was because she was crying. Sam was crying and you rarely saw that.
You couldn't convince her, so you'd leave it to Tara and maybe scold her once this was all over, because not only was Sam important to you and your friends you did not want to see Tara dealing with losing Sam once again.
Tara stood up and approached Sam. "No, we're not doing that, Sam. You went back to Woodsboro to protect me. Every single day you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you. You have to let us protect you this time," Tara told her without a single hint of doubt in her words.
"No," Sam said weakly.
"Yes," Tara said firmly and from the corner of your eye you saw her pulling Sam into a hug. "We're a team, remember? I can't lose you, Sam, it feels like I just got you back in my life."
That was definitely going to work. The question remained though. What to do next?
"He's gonna keep coming after us," Sam pointed out while hugging Tara back.
"We could use that, though," Tara said and somehow you just had the feeling she was about to suggest something reckless before she even spoke up.
The plan? That involved Bailey and Kirby? Lure Ghostface into the movie theatre they used as a shrine and execute them. When Tara said she intended to execute Ghostface you looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and just accepted it.
'At this point, the best I can do is be the fucking bodyguard,' a moment later you wondered when was the last time you cursed this much. "Right, off to the murder shrine, where we'll definitely have the upper hand," you couldn't help but grumble.
You drove to the murder shrine, in your car, just you, Tara, Sam, and Danny. No public transport. Nope. none of that. You were not about to be suspicious of every stranger on the train.
When you parked outside the theatre you saw Kirby waiting for you.
"I talked to Bailey, let's get you all inside," she went right down to business, but Sam abruptly turned around and faced Danny.
"Not you," she said.
"What?" he asked.
"Don't trust anyone, remember? We don't know you, not really," she told him.
"I don't know, Sam, we could use extra muscle," you still weren't sure you could defeat that Ghostface in a one-on-one, let alone with at least two more on his side. And why did the three of you even bring him along then?
"Y/N is right and you know me," Danny tried to convince her.
"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry," Sam wasn't listening.
"It's okay. It's okay, I get it. Just be safe, okay?" he kissed her cheek.
Sam nodded. "You too," with that, she turned around and the rest of you followed, leaving Danny behind.
"Good call," Kirby said as the four of you entered the theatre.
Things just kept getting better and better, Kirby was the only one with a gun, the only one with any weapon, really, and you only had one exit, that could be blocked fairly easily.
Perhaps seeing the tense look on your face prompted her to do it, but Tara took your hand and pulled at it, frowning when you didn't comply. "Come with me for a minute?" she requested, looking softly into your eyes.
"Now? You want to separate from Sam now?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Please, Y/N," you could never resist her for long. Thus, you complied, letting her lead you outside of the shrine and into the hall where you figured tickets used to be sold. "You're stressed," she said, not quite getting into your personal space, but still remaining close to you.
"Can you honestly blame me? I'm one bad thing away from just breaking down, Tara. I'm just tired," the first time this happened you had moments to rest, you slept, and you felt safe at Susan's place, for the last twenty-four hours even when you weren't in constant danger you were either arguing with Tara or trying to reach Susan.
Sure, you slept yesterday, but that was over thirty hours ago at this point and you were really feeling the stress that accumulated over the past two weeks.
"It'll be over soon," she said, reaching up to touch your cheek, but stopping mere inches away from it. As if trying to slap you suddenly put an invisible barrier between you that was only temporarily broken by the adrenaline caused by what happened to Gale.
For once, you chose not to lean into her touch. "Let's go back to Sam," you said, and Tara nodded, lowering her hand. She walked in front of you, and you went back to the shrine to see Sam running toward the doors you just walked through with a knife in her hand.
You were immediately looking around, trying to see if she was running from someone, but somehow you couldn't see anyone.
"It's Kirby! She made this whole theatre a kill box, for us!" Sam explained rapidly.
"What?" you asked, but it made sense. The police tracker on your car, only Kirby having a gun, locking you here... Why would she wait though, and who was she working with? You knew there were at least three Ghostfaces this time, and it didn’t seem like Kirby had any definitive allies.
"Bailey is on the way here, but-" Sam continued as you went back to the middle of the shrine.
"Stay back to back," you interrupted her and the three of you stood in a circle, making sure you had each other's back.
"Wait, wasn't it Bailey's idea to use you as bait?" Tara reminded Sam.
"And Kirby refused to let Gale come with us," Sam said, frantically looking around for any trace of Kirby.
"Unless he figured that's what would happen. Just to be sure, how about we don't trust either of them?" you suggested, and she was alone with Tara, but she would have to be stupid to just try and kill Tara before.
Tara nodded and you felt her brushing her fingers over your hand.
You took and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Ghostface appears you stay still, you hear me. Don't make sudden moves," you could pull either of them behind you and counter-attack at any time, you just needed them to stay calm.
You heard footsteps coming from your left, where Sam was and you moved, getting between the masked attacker and her just in time to catch his fist and punch his face. "Fuck running, I'm fighting you head-on," you said as he stumbled back, from the grunt of pain you figured this was probably the one you stabbed last night.
The second one jumped out, but they didn't attack, choosing to circle the three of you instead.
"Sam, Y/N," Tara was close to panicking and you knew why. The third one. He still wasn't there, and you didn’t have that much luck one on one, let alone now that there were three of them here with you.
"I need you to be ready! You ready?" Sam asked she had her back to Tara's while you moved to stand closer to the front of her while not blocking her direct line of sight. Sam even handed Tara a brick, which was good, Tara needed something to even the playing field a bit.
Tara took a deep breath. "I'm ready," she took another deep breath. "Come on motherfuckers!" unnecessary, but as long as she was calm and ready. Or at least ready.
Shooting made both Ghostfaces take cover and you turned to see Kirby, bleeding from the side of her head, and more importantly with a gun in her hands.
Somehow, you relaxed, if she wanted to shoot you, she probably would have done it and used the element of surprise.
"Maybe it's not you after all," you said and turned to Sam. "Come on, what's the point of keeping cover at this point? Your aim really sucks though. Not even one bullet hit them," you said, you'd still keep your guard up around her, but for now you figured you could tentatively trust her.
"My head is bleeding, Y/N," she deadpanned.
"Meh, excuses," you replied, though Kirby having a gun really eased some of your worries.
"Kirby, get away from the girls!" Bailey rushed in, with his gun raised.
"Whatever you think, I'm not the killer!" Kirby quickly denied any involvement in this mess. "I don't know what he's been telling you, but don't listen to him!"
And then the third Ghostface, the one you were the most worried about, came up behind Bailey.
"Behind you!" Kirby yelled only for Bailey to shoot her.
"Great job, you three," Bailey said as the three Ghostfaces stood by his side.
'Right, this is happening. Four of them, just great,' you thought as you fully expected Bailey to point his gun at the three of you.
"You?" Tara asked, and you shared her disbelief, after all Bailey had no reason to go after you.
"Yeah, of course, it's me. Frankly, I expected more from you after what you did to us," he declared, as if this was reasonable, as if they should have expected him to be the Ghostface.
"Us?" Sam repeated, as puzzled by his statement as you and Tara.
"Let me guess, Quinn?" you figured since he was saying 'us' maybe his daughter was involved as well.
Indeed, the Ghostface to Bailey's right took the mask off, and sure enough, it was Quinn. "Hello, almost roomies. Too bad I couldn't resist messing with you when we met, but it was a good way to not be on the suspect list," she said.
You narrowed your eyes, realizing that this might actually be worse, because this now meant anyone could be a Ghostface, that they no longer played by the rules and skipped getting close to you and becoming a part of the friend group.
Then the Ghostface to Bailey's left took off his mask. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery!" Ethan exclaimed. "All I had to do to get close to you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, I can't wait to kill him!" he pointed the knife at the mask he was holding. "This was your grandmother's Sam. Nancy Loomis. Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family..."
"Wait for it," Bailey chimed in.
"My name isn't Ethan Landry, is it dad?" and Bailey just laughed at that, as if there was actually something funny.
"Dad?" Tara's eyes widened.
"And then they tell Sam it runs in her family," you sighed as Ethan and Quinn began pacing around once again. You remained focused on the only remaining masked one.
Bailey explained his plan, saying how they were counting down to Billy's mask. Jason and Greg, bodega, Sam's therapist, your shared apartment, that was four, with four of them there were now eight masks. The idea that one, Amber's mask, was still missing worried you. Was Gale the ninth mask? That didn't make sense, no mask was left behind and it was the last attack, not the first as the countdown should imply.
Convinced that the fourth one was content with watching you began walking around Tara and Sam, keeping light on your feet, and making sure Quinn and Ethan were on your opposite sides the whole time. This way you could react to either of them attacking. They wouldn't be allowed to touch either Tara or Sam, not with you right there.
"I'm gonna need you to put it on," Bailey offered the mask to Sam, but she slapped it out of his hand.
Ethan went in to slash her, but you stepped in, making him halt before he could reach you. "How are the wounds?" you taunted and just as it looked like he was about to back away the fourth one spoke, still using the voice changer.
"Step back, she'll just hit you again," he warned, actually sounding amused, and though it was clear Ethan didn't like that, he did step away.
Their plan was insane, though it was working out well for them so far. They ruined Sam's reputation, courtesy of Quinn's efforts, and as Ethan explained it further Quinn made a mock attempt to stab Tara.
You once again moved in time, regardless of her intentions, and pulled Tara behind you.
"Truly a guard dog," Quinn mocked and that's when it all clicked for all three of you.
They weren't Amber's family, but... "You're Richie's family," Sam realized.
"Yeah," Bailey said slowly, just for a moment showing the pain of losing his family.
"Ding, ding, ding!" not liking the enthusiasm Ethan had when he said it you stopped between him and Sam, he seemed ready to lunge at you, but the warning he got before kept him at bay, at least for now.
"Now! It wasn't until I saw those photographs of what you did to him that I knew! I knew you had to die for what you did to him! You had to be punished!" Bailey yelled, angry at Sam for what she did to his son. You couldn’t say you blamed him, you wanted revenge for what was done to Tara and she survived. Even if Richie was the one who started it all, he was still Bailey’s family, so you understood. But you still weren’t about to let him, or his children hurt Tara and Sam.
"Real great parenting, by the way," Tara commented as she glared at the man.
"Shut your whore mouth!" Quinn screamed at her but didn’t attack knowing she had to go through you first. Ah, so she was the one that called you.
"And you? What's your deal?" you gestured toward the still masked Ghostface, interrupting whatever Bailey was about to say.
"You really should have figured it out by now. I get that you probably didn't want to consider it since I did help you out so much," he removed the mask.
Your jaw dropped slightly as you recognized Thomas. Honestly, you should have seen it coming just from how well the bastard fought. "What the fuck?" you couldn't help but ask. "Are you kidding me right now? Do you have any idea how bad it'll look when I end up putting 'Killed my employer' down as the reason for unemployment?" why was he even after you. Richie's family you could understand on some level, they were the bastard's family, but Thomas? Really?
Thomas actually genuinly laughed at that. "Trust me, that's the least of your worries, Y/N," he said and held up a paper bag for you to see. "You wondered where Amber's mask ended up?" the smirk on his face, the tone of his voice, it all made you feel unexplainable dread. "Take a good look," he opened the bag and turned it over, letting a very familiar pair of MMA gloves fall to the dirty floor.
Despite Tara's attempt to grab your hand you took steps forward, stopping right between Tara and Sam and the gloves at Thomas' feet. "Susan," your throat was dry when you said her name. This couldn’t be happening, she couldn’t be dead, but he took Zack’s gloves.
"Exactly, it's been four days now, just so you know why she hasn't been responding all this time," he was taunting you. He was amused by your failure to figure out what happened to Susan.
"Why?! What did she ever do to any of you?!" you weren't the one asking that, it was Tara.
You just stared at the gloves, barely even registering your surroundings. If anyone wanted to kill you, well, there wasn't a better opportunity than this very moment.
"It's simple really. Susan was the only one who'd always, no matter what, no matter what the other choice is, choose Y/N. Your friends won't, Samantha won't, not even you would Tara. It would hurt you, you'd never forgive yourself, but you'd choose Samantha in the end," he turned to you as Tara remained silent. "Parents? Oh, they really don't care. Zack and Susan? Dead. You can try to deny it all you want, but the only reason you are still alive is because you were strong enough to survive on your own. Twice now you were stuck with me, no one came to help. Your girlfriend put up a better fight to protect a friend than she did to protect you. You are alone, Y/N, and you threw everything you could have been for nothing. Quite frankly, what I'm about to do is a mercy kill."
You heard everything he said and you relaxed. There was nothing. No rage. No despair. No remorse. No sorrow. Nothing. Just an empty state of mindlessness.
"That's it," Thomas grinned, tossing aside his robes. Then his eyes abruptly widened. "Wait, Quinn!"
"Y/N!" you heard Tara and Sam's scream.
You glanced to your left and focused on nothing but the blade that was approaching you.
A/N: Here's a fun question, how much would Tara suffer if she had to choose between Sam and Reader?
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
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assortedvillainvault · 7 months
Hi! I'm so happy to see your requests are open, I loved your Maleficent x shy reader hcs and I would love more for her. Can I request Maleficent x touch starved reader headcanons, where the reader is uncomfortable being touched at first bc she isn't used to it, then realizes she's starved for it and starts to crave it? Thank you <3
Good Evening Anon, please accept this humble offering! Love me some denial and a crumbling will when it comes to touch starved shenanigans, y'know?
PSA I can never remember whether it's Diaval or Diablo for the name of her raven, but Diaval sounds cooler. Regardless this is very much meant to be the animated original 1950's Maleficent, not the live action - no hate to it just not my cup of tea. Though it can probably be read either way so if you prefer live acton then power to you m'lord.
Maleficent x TouchStarved!Reader
Ah yes, her favourite game.
Her fingers are cold, and her nails thick like the claws they’re pretending not to be. The way you jolt at even the slightest contact is a facinating little game to her and Diaval.
You want to think that your snappishmess at being touched is offputting. Like you’re a caged animal, snarling away before you rip off some fingers. The harsh way you flinch from elegant (and unexpected) hands on your face and shoulders and hair gives you tension headaches and sore shoulders.
But from a dragons perspective it’s akin to petting a dewey eyed, fluffy little creature. Squeaky and trembling. A kicked-puppy sort of Cuteness.
It’s no wonder her nickname for you is Morsel.
T’would bloody help if she would stop appearing silently in your personal bubble and scaring the living daylights out of you.
She’s so tall her horns clip the ceiling how is she so QUIET-
Half the fucking indecency is that she’ll run the back of her fingers down your arm or your cheek to ‘soothe’ you. You know. Like she does to her BIRD-
Are you a pet or a partner honestly.
If you actually ask that she’ll smirk. Archly, slowly, you can physically feel her gaze travelling up and down over you and you know what you (and your erratic heart rate) don’t need that question answering thanks you’ll just go ok bye-
Dear you’re part of the dragons hoard, she’ll consume you regardless. The lines between pet, partner and meal really aren’t all that well defined.
The worst part will be when you finally get used to the looming, heavy, weighted blanket feel of her presence in the room. Because when she’s not there, you’ll miss it. And it will hurt. It will feel like someone removed one of the walls without asking, and you’re exposed. You’ll run your own nails over your arms and it won’t feel the same.
Eventually, the lack of those condescending, brief, addicting touches will leave you wracked and achy.
When she returns, the sheen of desperation she can taste in the air has her grinning maliciously, and one elegant finger will beckon you to her idly.
You’ll swipe at Diaval’s smug chattering later, you want her to stroke your hair and damn the conseqeunces. Maybe you’ll forgo all dignity and climb into her lap. Who knows??
She knew. And now that you've stopped being so silly about it, she's going to keep you exactly where you are. Really little one, did you expect to belong anywhere else?
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