#WEF 23
daminouspurity · 2 years
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Are you learning yet?
Isn't it time you stop drinking the kool-aid?
Isn't it time you wake up?
Never agree to the WEF Digital ID it was never about a "better way of life" and always about control
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wisteriagoesvroom · 10 months
unnecessarily specific college!au f1 driver headcanons, part 3. professors edition!
(if you want to start from the beginning: part 1, the undergrads, here and part 2, more undergrad headcanons.)
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- major: archaeology (never graduated)
- left school in the final year to be a skydiving instructor and then went on a site dig in Central America in the early 2000s
- there’s a plaque with his name on campus because he’s climbed like 4 of the world’s highest mountains, gone in a submarine into the Mariana Trench, and discovered at least one new species along the way
- other claim to fame is being in the national newspaper’s crossword at the age of 23
- notorious for breaking the rules when on expeditions and skirting the line of safety but gets away with it because he’s a big name in the field and brings investment to his (sort of) alma mater
- appears once on campus to give an inspirational talk. doesn’t rehearse, switches it to a q&a format at the last minute, people enjoy it anyway (because it’s not rehearsed). George tries to strike up a conversation with him afterwards and Alonso just pawns him off to his PA
- wears a different coloured bandana to every dig/hike/expedition. hates closed toe shoes.
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- teaches: molecular structures in microbiology
- precise prof and a tough grader, but nice
- came over a competing college several years ago. people from that college say he was a demon and a notorious asshole when he taught there, but he doesn’t seem that way now.
- lando starts a betting pool about when Vettel will have a proper meltdown (it happens not when lando suspends the prof’s hole punch in a cube of jelly. it actually happens when charles and him cannot see eye-to-eye about the future of ocean conservation)
- wears ties with animals and insects on them. his favourite one is a gift from charles when charles graduates, it has bumblebees and his initials SV on it.
- alex digs up an article one day and everyone gawks at it because prof seb won some cross-continent European woodworking competition when he was 15
- nobody knows if he’s dating anyone, only to find out on the last week of second year that he’d eloped
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- teaches: philosophy of ethical economics
- has done several ted talks and is often invited to international forums with world leaders (like the WEF, Bloomberg Sustainable Investment Forum etc)
- there’s a student GC trying to predict what his hairstyles will be like every month, usually with 50% accuracy
- one of the first profs to pioneer public access to the private university via open university modules; definitely has a tie up going on with EdX or similar
- people think max will be the one to piss him off in seminars but it’s actually george who has deeply different opinions to prof hamilton on the issues of land tax
- famous for his induction / opening year classes which involve all students standing on their chairs in a circle and chanting an invocation until they can state the colours of their auras. it’s bizarre and somehow it works
- his TAs are the coolest people ever
- somehow fits a 36 hour day into 24 hours
- his spotify wrapped includes the hamilton soundtrack, britney, 90s rap, and Tibetan gong soundscapes on his 10 most listened of the year
- his favourite word is mobius. only him and nico know that this used to be their safeword.
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- taught: political economy
- former prof who went into industry and is now a venture capitalist
- used to be super close friends (“close” “friends”) with Hamilton. they went to the same prep school, rushed at the same finals club, were famous via the university debate team for their immaculate takedowns of other teams including a legendary debate final in their late 2000s student years
- had a massive falling out when rosberg decided to pursue a career instead of staying in academia
- feels a deep connection to andrew garfield’s portrayal of eduardo saverin
- similar to carla, dad’s name is also on a lecture hall, but nico had much more of an inferiority complex about it
- prof wolff once told him “i don’t see your future here ever surpassing prof hamilton’s”. Nico rage-quit once he had an offer from a VC firm and now Nico spends every other media interview subtly making digs about this
- somehow still lives in the same apartment complex as lewis though he drives a much better car now (a benz GTC roadster)
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darkmaga-retard · 7 days
UN “World for the Future” Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless “Enslavement Package”, Digital Control over 8 Billion People
By Peter Koenig Global Research
September 16, 2024
In less than two weeks, the United Nations will present during a special session – 22 and 23 September — of their 2024 UN annual meeting in New York, the World of The Future. It is a fully digitized world. For the UN AG meeting, a “package” of global digitization was prepared by the governments of Germany and Namibia. Of course, with the “help” of Big Tech and Big Finance.
This digital enslavement package will be adopted under almost complete exclusion of the public, of people like you and me.
Most parliaments and governments worldwide have apparently already agreed to it, so that the presentation and the so-called discussion during the UN Annual Conference is a sheer fig leaf, a mere farce.
This is the new “rules-based” way of forcing an entire population into a compact of a digital straightjacket, escaping from which is almost impossible.
People nowhere have been consulted or even informed. Governments worldwide were forced by the unnamed powers-that-be to accept a complete digitization of our future – what the WEF calls the 4th Industrial Revolution.
People, it is here!
No waiting for the end of the UN Agenda 2030. The goals have conveniently been advanced. You – and me – will be confronted with cash elimination, already started in many European countries and to some extent in the US; and even in some “developing countries” like India, without people’s consent.
All will be controlled, our money-spending, health data, food and eating habits, travels, TV viewer preferences, radio favorites, friends with whom we regularly meet and communicate, as well as others from the opposition camp; shopping / spending habits – and so on – all will be controlled digitally by the IT-digital corporate control system.
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mim526 · 1 year
What Happens at the Coronation
What to expect based on history and current reports
0:33 Five stages of Coronation Ceremony
4:53 Reason for fewer guests
5:53 Discussion of key figures not invited to King Charles III's coronation, and who is coming instead
7:46 Discussion of attire
11:26 Order of procession
12:34 All other 9 European hereditary monarchies have replaced coronations with secular swearing in ceremonies
13:00 Recognition & Oath
13:58 Annointing
15:25 Investing of regalia
17:04 Crowning
18:12 Enthronement and homage (reportedly Archbishop of Canterbury and Prince William)
19:34 Coronation of Queen Consort
21:30 Closing procession
22:32 Back to Buckingham Palace
23:03 Coronation weekend festivities
The video notes that...
scaffolding from previous coronation is not safe, and therefore KCIII's coronation will have many less people than previous.
more British people are invited, while some of the British peers are not ("merit-based" attendance).
Fine. What I do not understand is why British aristocracy -- who are British citizens -- are not invited but foreign crowned heads of state are when foreigners have never been invited to British coronations before.
Bad move, IMO. The monarch is part of the hereditary aristocracy. British people may decide if some aristocrats have insufficient merit, Britain can do without all aristocrats.
Disclaimer: I am not British, merely one who appreciates what the British monarchy represents to Britain and the bulwark it is meant to be against WEF-style changes in the world. Most of my ancestors came from UK countries so I've always been interested in the UK, past, present and future.
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abovetopsecretxxl · 8 months
🤡🤡🤡'F you Klaus Schwab, and F your New World Order': Comedian's WEF satire ...🤣🤣🤣Inspired by "The Honest Lorch Family"🤡🤡🤡
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aressida · 11 months
AUSTRALIA POLITICS - THE REFERENDUM: The Aftermath, The Treaty and the Meltdown. 19/10/23. (11PM)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to Totalitarianism in its entirety.
Our freedom is about to be undermined unless we continue to apply pressure and watch our Australian government's house of cards collapse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A reminder: There is NO answer in any kind of terrorism, genocide, war, or retaliation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it's unusual that some of our politicians are taking positions at the World Economic Forum, especially after the resignation. Take Dan Andrews, for example. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A question: Is Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk attempting to secure a position in WEF?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk stated that, "all Australians agreed that there was a need to improve the wellbeing of First Nations people". "We are a generous nation. And we extend our hearts and our hand to all," she continued. She clearly does not accept NO for an answer.
Their strategy? Uses the power of manipulation based on The Voice's most emphatic rejection mechanism.
We've all attained a dangerously high level of liberty; we voted NO, and the result was "NO." NO! said Australia! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know they are trying to take away Australia's constitution.
Our Australian Human Rights Commission, our culture, which is intertwined with Marxism, activism, and antifascism, the Albanese government, and Indigenous people are all seeking to support for the treaty. A treaty based on the heartfelt Uluru statement, 'UNDRIP.' It's important for us, Australians, to dive into the history of UNDRIP.
Jacinta has recently called for a Royal Commission investigating child abuse in indigenous communities, but Labor, the Greens, and the Teals have all voted solidly against it.
A question: Is the Royal Commission involved?
A royal commission into Indigenous child sexual assault has been denied by the government. Most likely, reveal the aboriginal funding gravy train.
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Link -> https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/unfathomable-prices-motion-calling-on-government-to-hold-royal-commission-into-abuse-of-indigenous-children-voted-down/news-story/acb042fa7bbebbe832e8a1c467a66aa6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------That just goes to show that long-serving politicians do not care about native children. They were never sincere about assisting our First Nations people, as you are well aware.
More evidence that the referendum was never about Indigenous peoples - something we free-thinkers suspected all along. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Let's see what more there is.
Why are we as close as China? So who needs enemies? Because The Voice and the Chinese are still eavesdropping on us right now. "Five Eyes."
It violates the constitution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If calls for a second referendum are made, I won't be shocked. This is getting out of control; $400 million dollars have already been spent on the previous nonsense voice vote.
Our Prime Minister has let Australia down; the Voice referendum alone cost the Australian Electoral Commission more than $400 million. That's a $100 million overrun. Additionally, I don't believe he has offered an apology yet.
Enough of our country going bankrupt. We demand that the Voice Referendum be AUDITED. We are not here to serve you.
Sick of Zionist America owning Australia's ruling elite.
We, the Australian people, are on the verge of economic and financial disaster. From the expense of living to the unemployment rate. Put an end to the monopoly. This is why we must pursue the money.
We know they no longer reflect the values and beliefs of ordinary Australians. This is the ultimate kind of treason.
Do you think this will go well? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meme:
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It's time for the rest of Australians to stop submitting and start standing on our own, supporting our neighbors and being united instead of dividing our loyalties.
For all Australians, Australia FIRST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ireton · 1 year
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📌Documentaries (Part 1/6) – Awakening, Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Updated Dec 2022)
Share Our Channel: http://t.me/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit
1. The Real Anthony Fauci (by Robert F. Kennedy) (3-hrs) (2022)🔥
2. FLUVID-19 (Flu > Covid Deaths Psyop doc) (1-hr) (Hibbeler) (2022)🔥
3. Died Suddenly (Experimental Clot Shots Doc) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
4. Biden Inc. (Tucker’s Biden Crime Family Doc) (40-mins) (2022)🔥
5. NASA: Why do they Lie to Us? (20-mins of NASA Lies) (2020)🔥
6. The Rise & Fall of George Floyd & Black Lives Matter (Corruption Exposed) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
7. The Real Stranger Things (MK Ultra > Microchips Conspiracy Doc) (2021)🔥
8. Science For Hire (Corrupted, Politicized Science Doc) (2022)🔥
9. Who is Marina Abromovic? (Satan-worship Hollywood > Rothchild connections) (2022)🔥
10. State of Control (NWO Digital ID progress & risks doc) (2022)🔥
11. The Flat Earth Scientific Proof: The Convex Earth (1.5-hour) (+ Firmament Dome Earth Theory Hub) (2018)🔥
12. The Clinton Body Count Documentary: The Syndicate Serial Killers (2021)🔥
13. The End of Men (2022) (35-min Tucker Doc w/RFK)🔥
14. Safe & Effective: A 2nd Opinion (Experimental Covid Vaxx Injuries Doc) (2022)🔥
15. Fall of the Cabal (full Corruption of Society doc) (2022)🔥
16. JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (US History of Corruption)🔥
17. Level 1: Level Earth (Globe Earth Hoax documentary) (2021)🔥
18. Level 2: The Next Level (What is Earth?) (Documentary) (2022)🔥
19. Trump 2024: The World After Trump (Epoch Times) (2022)🔥
20. Who is Stealing America? (2022) (2020 Election Fraud Doc) (Epoch Times)🔥
21. A Shot in the Dark (Experimental Covid Vaxx Doc) (Hibbeler) (2020)🔥
22. Cult of the Medics (Corrupt Healthcare Doc Series) (2022)🔥
23. Bill Gates Conspiracy Hub (2022)🔥
24. Doctor’s Orders (Corrupted Covid-Healthcare Doc) (2022)🔥
25. 911 False Flag: Predictive Programming (2-Ep) (Mr.Truthbomb) (2022)🔥
26. Globebusters: Taking it to the Next Level (Firmament Earth Doc) (2022)🔥
27. Vax Nation (Big Pharma Covid Vaxx doc) (2022)🔥
28. These Little Ones: 1-hr Child Trafficking Report, Proof, & Doc (2022) 🔥
29. The Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia (Khazar = Ukraine) (2022)🔥
30. Writing on the Wall (Digital ID Control 47-min doc) (2022)🔥
31. Freemasonry: What’s the Big Secret? (Freemason Doc)🔥
32. A Very Heavy Agenda (US Politics 911 > War in Uktraine Agenda Doc) (2022)🔥
33. The Bilderberg Documentary (Evolved Truth) (The WEF is the mouthpiece for Bilderberg Group)🔥
34. NWO Control (Money>Gov>Media>Pharma>Depop Doc)🔥
35. The Tartarian Meltdown (Lost History of Earth Tartaria doc)🔥
36. A Thousand Pieces (CIA & FBI Corruption doc) (2020)🔥
37. Unacceptable Views (Canadian Trucker Convoy doc) (2022)🔥
38. Anecdotals: A Doc of Stories of the Covid Vaxx Injured (2022)🔥
39. The Secret Life of Symbols: Jordan Maxwell (Gaia TV doc) (2022)🔥
40. World Upside Down (Biblical Creation of Earth doc) (2020)🔥
41. The Big Bang Lie & New Age Deception (Firmament vs Evolution Hoax) (2015)🔥
42. The Connection of all Things in the Universe🔥
43. The Unseen Realm (Biblical Explanation) (Dr. Heiser)🔥
44. 97% Owned (UK’s Fraudulent Banking System doc)🔥
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stlhandyman · 2 years
The WEF: Openly talks about overpopulation and promotes depopulation, while laughing and giggling🤬 The exact same people also want you to take the 💉 for your "safety". Are you awake yet? #CrimesAgainstHumanity / #Nuremberg2 / #GreatReset / Klaus Schwab / #DoNotComply
The WEF: Openly talks about overpopulation and promotes depopulation, while laughing and giggling🤬 The exact same people also want you to take the 💉 for your "safety". Are you awake yet?#CrimesAgainstHumanity / #Nuremberg2 / #GreatReset / Klaus Schwab / #DoNotComply pic.twitter.com/GntdxQerHi
— Rainmaker (@CryptoRa1nmaker) November 23, 2022
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rulinarulina · 6 days
Το πρώτο Women’s Economic Forum στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου στις 22-23 Οκτωβρίου
Η Ελληνο-Ινδική Επιχειρηματική και Πολιτιστική Οργάνωση Γυναικών, WICCI GR διοργανώνει για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα το Women’s Economic Forum (WEF GREECE) με Κεντρικό θέμα “Women Leading Economic Growth and Sustainable Development”. Οι εργασίες του συνεδρίου, θα πραγματοποιηθούν στις 22 και 23 Οκτωβρίου 2024, στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου. Η Ελληνο-Ινδική Επιχειρηματική και Πολιτιστική Οργάνωση Γυναικών,…
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darkmaga-retard · 21 days
Monday September 2, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
The Tedros Files - Most of us know the WHO/UN/WEF are communist organizations and I have warned people that the WHO is the military enforcement arm of the UN and who better to lead this agenda but a communist, terrorist from Ethiopia….Tedros A. Ghebreyesus and his associates (mostly from the US). And with the recent WHA (World Health Assembly) meeting in May the Biden/Harris administration has handed our sovereignty over to the WHO/UN. The Amendments to the IHR were passed in a very questionable manner but the Pandemic Treaty did not pass in May but they are working on getting it passed by the end of this year. REMEMBER these actions violate our US Constitution and no international agreement or treaty is valid in the US if violate our Constitution. But it won’t get stopped at the federal level…..the states have the power of refusal to comply and that is where we need to place our attention in order to stop what is coming down from the WHO/UN/WEF to our federal government and then to the states. The buck stops with the states and the people of the states and that is a fact most Americans forgot long ago thanks to the dumbed down American education (indoctrination) system. The Tedros Files (be sure to click on “continue reading”). There is also a 23 minute video that contains the same information in the article. Download and script are also avaialable.
International Organizations Leadership Recruitment Policies: the Failed Experiment of Dr. Tedros A. Ghebreyesus Candidacy for WHO Director General Position - this study was submitted in an attempt to stop Tedros from becoming the Director General of the WHO. Understand these organizations are not about health, peace, helping the poor or the environment. They were set up from day one to do just the opposite. They are about depopulation, control, global communism, redistribution of wealth and greed. They are all sociopaths and that includes many from our own country. STUDY
And in September the UN meets at the UN headquarters in NYC during the Summit of the Future (Sept. 20-23) to pass the Pact of the Future which is giving the UN what they UN has wanted from the day it was created. The “one world government” with the communist UN at the head of the table. If no one speaks out against the Pact of the Future by September 3rd it will probably be a done deal before the summit even starts. Stayed tuned for more on this. And believe me all their flowery words about helping the poor, women and girls and saving the earth from us disgusting humans is not what this is really all about. They must LIE in order to force compliance. If people did some research and understood the real agenda they would never go along so these sociopaths must and do LIE. PACT FOR THE FUTURE (Rev. 3 and final)
Agenda and Expectations for the Summit of the Future
Based on the provided search results, the key agenda items for the Summit of the Future include:
Inter-governmental negotiations on issues decided by Member States, aiming to agree on an action-oriented Pact for the Future.
Global Digital Compact: an annex to the Pact for the Future, focusing on digital cooperation and governance.
Declaration on Future Generations: another annex to the Pact, emphasizing the importance of long-term thinking and sustainability.
Practical strategies for achieving shared aspirations, building upon established frameworks such as the UN Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement, and Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
Expected outcomes of the Summit include:
A new international consensus on multilateral solutions to current and future challenges, demonstrating the effectiveness of international cooperation.
Agreement on the Pact for the Future, outlining concrete actions and commitments from Member States.
Launch of the Global Digital Compact, setting a framework for digital cooperation and governance.
Enhanced focus on future generations, with the Declaration on Future Generations serving as a catalyst for sustainable decision-making.
Practical strategies and solutions for addressing pressing global challenges, such as climate change, inequality, and pandemics.
Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply - well when the rubber meets the road lets see how many of these Governors really stand up and refuse to comply. Even my own TN Governor and our TN AG will bow to the courts and if ordered by the court to comply they will. They fail to know the history of our Constitution and that the power rests with the states and the people of the states not the federal government and that incluces the Supreme Court. If the Governors fails to act then responsibility rests with the people and if the people fail to stand up against tyranny then we are truly lost as a nation. ARTICLE
Klaus Schwab says WEF will unleash “an era of shock events” to bring about a globalist NWO - ARTICLE
Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens - gee perhaps it is time for a good old fashion American tax revolt, just sayin’ - ARTICLE
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andronetalks · 1 month
Prepare For "An Era Of Shock Events"; WEF's Klaus Schwab Warns
Zero Hedge BY TYLER DURDENFRIDAY, AUG 23, 2024 – 05:00 AM Authored by Martin Armstrong via ArmstrongEconomics.com, The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded organization many consider terrorists that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no repercussions. Klaus Schwab and his “forum” have been proclaiming how they will change the lives of the masses for years but…
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Gloria Rosado, Presidenta del Colectiva Internacional 50+1 Canadá presente en el WEF Aguascalientes México.
Fecha: agosto 23, 2024Autor/a: cabedetodigital0 Comentarios— Editar Con la finalidad de obtener una visión global, conocer experiencias y posibles soluciones a problemáticas que pudieran enfrentar las mujeres migrantes, en su vida profesional o personal, la presidenta de 50+1 Montreal, Gloria Rosado López, asistió al Women Economic Forum el pasado 20 de agosto en Aguascalientes, México; evento…
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gook54-blog · 1 month
When a body like the IPCC/WEF has $2 trillion in potential profits generated for their recommended technological solutions over the next 15 years, the situation involves some troubling elements. The circle of truth includes paid mercenary scientists, eight corporations that control 90% of global media.
IPPC uses manufactured sciencd to prove CO2 anthropogenic is causing global warming,. The data is bogus, and bad science, the scientist paid, the environmental input by nature grossly underrated, The historical rise fiction and the fact that the earth is self regulating ignored and 1500 top scientist sidelined and maligned by lying Poynter Institute whom Senate Committee on intelligence found guilty of gross disinformation.
The CO2 figures are based on manufactured science. According to the principles of science, these figures are bogus:
Here is another researcher stating this point:
The historical increase in CO2 levels is manufactured. More importantly, there are over 1,500 scientists without sponsorship or backing from the IPCC and billions of dollars to produce papers consistent with the agenda:
The anthropogenic cause of CO2 is less than 0.1% of the 0.2% of CO2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the actual figures of CO2 cannot produce global climate change:
The actual human contribution is only 0.02%. The IPCC intentionally underrates natural causes by a 6-to-1 ratio:
Additionally, studies showing that CO2 is not the cause of global climate change have been ignored:
Over 15,000 scientists have signed a petition stating that CO2 is not the problem:
MIT showed that the earth is a self regulating system.. SomethingI PPC ignores iui
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yotchan-blog · 4 months
2024/5/31 17:01:05現在のニュース
タクシー運転手銃撃事件、瀬川好一容疑者を強盗殺人未遂容疑で逮捕…JR大宮駅のホームで身柄確保��[B!]読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:58:25) SUMOの魅力体験 大阪・難波に訪日客向け施設「日楽座」(毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:57:09) 「投獄せよ」「無罪だ」 トランプ氏支持者ら、裁判所前で小競り合い | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:51:54) 令和のリアル:「三流でも私立に」と言われ 挑んだのは中学受験ではなく小学校受験 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:51:54) お粗末「政治とカネ」改正案 「ならぬことはならぬ」 書く書く鹿じか([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:51:47) 小池氏VS蓮舫氏、くすぶる7年前の因縁 「希望の党」が招いた野党分裂([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:51:47) 中3女子が「作り話」で同級生2人から15万円詐取、3~4年前から昨年まで続く…熊本市教委が「重大事態」に([B!]読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:51:33) KMGホールディングスが九州第1代表 7年ぶり4回目の都市対抗へ(毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:50:00) 鹿児島県警前生安部長を逮捕 秘密漏えい疑い、3月に退職:東京新聞 TOKYO Web([B!]東京新聞, 2024/5/31 16:46:10) 小池百合子氏「首長に支援依頼はしていない」 日野市長の「知事側から依頼」発言を否定 都知事選巡り:東京新聞 TOKYO Web([B!]東京新聞, 2024/5/31 16:46:10) 6月から初・再診料引き上げ 医療従事者の賃上げへ 診療報酬改定(朝日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:45:47) 「未来志向」で日韓協力も足元に火だね 持続可能な関係に向け議論を(朝日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:45:47) 島国ハイチが「無法地帯」に ギャング襲撃、36万人が「国内避難民」 ハリケーン襲来も([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:45:40) 米ユダヤ系「黄金時代」の終焉なのか 米国大学の混乱は対岸の火事ではない 宮家邦彦 宮家邦彦のWorld Watch([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:45:40) 与党混乱 公明が態度硬化、自民に決断促す 「同じ穴のムジナ」の批判懸念か([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:45:40) みずほ銀行や三井住友信託銀行、6月の固定型住宅ローン金利引き上げ - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:42:17) 「極右の女王」が変える欧州 緯度経度 三井美奈([B!]産経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:39:25) 小池知事「私から依頼してない」 都内52首長有志の出馬要請 | 毎日新聞([B!]毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:39:10) 小型飛行機が胴体着陸か、神戸空港の滑走路を閉鎖…けが人の情報なし(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 「一緒に暮らす金を作らないか」暗号資産投資を勧められた女性…県警「SNSの出会いでの金銭要求は詐欺」(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) ボクシングのトリプル世界戦、7月20日に東京・両国国技館で…中谷潤人や田中恒成が初防衛戦(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 「紅流 女講談師として生きて」神田紅さん 創作講談で女流の道開く(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) [記者が選ぶ]5月26日(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) [どっち派? HONライン倶楽部]渡辺淳一/黒岩重吾(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) オリンピック聖火が巡る街・モンサンミシェル<聖火と旅するフランス360>(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『鼓動』葉真中顕著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『化石に眠るDNA』更科功著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『ときを感じる お宿図鑑』吉宮晴紀著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『さびしさについて』植本一子/滝口悠生著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『サメと救世主』カワイ・ストロング・ウォッシュバーン著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『嘘(うそ)つき姫』坂崎かおる著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『南原繁 「戦争」経験の政治学』川口雄一著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『革命の血』柏木伸介著(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 『立憲民政党全史 1927‐1940』井上寿一著者代表/櫻田會編(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) びわ湖花火の有料ゾーン、高さ4mの目隠しフェンスは今年も設置「混雑は緩和できた」…収容人数は過去最大(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 角田光代さん 作家人生、紫式部に重なる(読売新聞, 2024/5/31 16:38:35) 〈Polar Shift〉サウスの論理(5)世界揺るがす非国家組織 2億人支配、旧秩序に牙 - 日本経済新聞([B!]日経新聞, 2024/5/31 16:36:18) エルサレムでプライドパレード LGBTの人たちと人質の自由求める(毎日新聞, 2024/5/31 16:35:27) 神戸空港で小型機胴体着陸 滑走路を閉鎖、けが人なし(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 観光競争力でインドネシア急上昇、日本は3位 WEF調査(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 岸田首相「結党以来の深刻な状況」 政治資金問題巡り(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 鴻海、EVで磨く受託生産モデル 日本車メーカーと連携も(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 食料安保「国の喫緊かつ最重要課題」 農業白書(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) ソフトボール上野由岐子ら代表選出 7月、日米対抗戦(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) ソニー半導体、3年で設備投資6500億円 過去3年比3割減(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 韓国株31日 4日ぶり反発、機関投資家が買い 月間では2%安(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) 個人事業者の消費税申告、23年は9割増 インボイス受け(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) イオン、アレルギー対応のPB12品目 米粉など原料に(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) アルピコHDの24年3月期、純利益12倍の9億円 好天寄与(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42) ベトナム不動産開発「日本企業も参加を」、建設大手会長(日本経済新聞, 2024/5/31 16:34:42)
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gidd-blog1 · 5 months
Tinubu to visit Netherlands, Saudi Arabia this week
President Bola Tinubu will depart Abuja for the Kingdom of the Netherlands on an official visit tomorrow, Tuesday April 23, 2024. Presidential spokesperson, Ajuri Ngelale, disclosed this in a statement on Monday, April 22, 2024. According to him, the president will also attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting scheduled for April 28-29 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The statement reads: “On the…
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