deleerious · 2 months
cannot escape from auburn striation breeding projects
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reminiscingtonight · 11 months
Alex Morgan needs to stop taking these penalty kicks.
Alex is my homegirl but yeah she definitely needs to stop taking them
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daily-pramanix · 3 months
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Follow to see the same picture of Enya Silverash every day.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
i keep seeing news about a potential gravity falls reboot. as someone who very much despises reboots and who thinks gravity falls ended very well (it's something gf has been REPEATEDLY praised for,) do you think there's actually a chance they'd legitimately reboot it?
I watched a bit of hana's interview with alex hirsch out of (somewhat morbid) curiosity and from what I could glean there, it seems less likely gravity falls is going to get a legitimate "reboot" any time soon and more that there's potential for spinoffs when alex's contract with netflix expires. my honest prediction is that the book of bill is a prelude to more if it sells well, as it's very possible they're testing the waters to see if gravity falls nostalgia-hype is alive and well.
as much as I dislike reboots- and I have some strong feelings about the book of bill as a concept- I actually wouldn't be mad about some of the concepts alex has in his back pocket, such as a miniseries set on the stan o' war, or potentially more comics. I criticize elements of writing and what's being done with the story now because, obviously, I love gravity falls dearly, and I do think it could be adapted or continued faithfully... in the right hands, under the right circumstances. reboots exceeding the production of new, director-driven stories is symptomatic of a larger problem in the entertainment industry, but I don't think they're the disease themselves. people love strong stories, y'know? I would be a massive hypocrite if I acted like there was something wrong with wanting more, I've been actively making art for this show since I was 12.
so, do I think they're going to fully reboot the show, take us back to the mystery shack for "summer 2013" or potentially something further ahead in the future? ...mm, probably not. the series ended at two seasons for a reason, and in the age of, yes, pointless cash-grab reboots in a time where the entertainment industry is hopelessly dependent on selling established IPs, I respect that decision a lot. but I feel like it's inevitable there will be more gravity falls in some form or another in the future, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed if not for alex's words himself and the release of a new book this july.
whether or not it's any good... I guess we'll have to wait and see?
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storybookhawke · 5 months
maybe it's radical thinking but i hope we can't visit Ferelden in DA4
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anxiette · 8 months
you know i honestly think we deserve to renter the fiction podcast renaissance. simpler times
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Favourite Gothic Horror Women in Videogames: Laura Victoriano | Bela Dimitrescu | The Shade
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actaeoncross · 5 months
Hey everyone! The writing group I'm part of is looking for new members!! While there are a few published authors, the majority of the group is people who just enjoy writing so don't let the name scare you off.
We have virtual meetings every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. central USA time. The meetings are typically audio only (we haven't had anyone want to do a video). Any teen writers that attend the meeting get the first hour dedicated to their work. We do issue disclaimers/warnings before any sensitive content (though it's usually minimal).
The group is friendly to all genres, including fanfiction!
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unknownfrom34 · 3 months
Wake Up Call
This one is for @zoanluen's Dance With Dead AU. This is about an immortalized soul named Bobby who enters a recently dead body to live again after a short time of sleeping and a long ass time of wondering around the abandoned dungeon after a nasty outbreak in the medieval ages.
Also, this is a good excuse to make a story of my own version of Rehydrated Ganon in Dead Cells form. >:D
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Enjoy the music
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Just when he was beginning to lose hope of finding a replacement one. Just when he was getting ready to give up and just, JUST when he was beginning to accept that he will be nothing but a writhing mass of magenta-colored blob for the rest of his undying existence; He just happened stumble onto an find.
A body.
A recently deceased murdered body in pieces to be precise. This one was muscular and bigger than his own predicament form which was merely a soda-can-sized blob made from nothing but ichor left over from the Malaise.
He can't recall much of his old life or even how he was able to recall what this plague called Malaise is. For all he knows that this Malaise is very, very bad in his time in... God-knows-how-long he was like this as he moved inches away from touching this corpse.
From a cell he was able to slip out from, spears, swords and a century-old yellowing bones and skeletons still wearing armor so he can assume that it must been quite a REALLY long time since the plague had started. With one eye, he looked at the chopped up body left and right. Arms are sloppily cut nearly to the shoulder as the left arm was chopped inches from the elbow.
Foot was broke off from the leg as the other was chopped off half-way to the hip and near the crotch. Intestines was spilled upon landing a pointed limestone that happens to be sharp enough to tore through the side by the waist and stomach. The head still had the piece of neck when it was decapitated and with an eye missing with smoke raising from its bloody eye socket on the left side of the man's face as it bore a frozen expression of shock and betrayal. The way whoever killed this man had been doing a sloppy work but it was still in presented condition so it can be put back together. He does recall that there were surgeons in this dungeon that can be able to sew the screaming-in-pain guards who had got hurt by their own hands or by prisoners of crimes or war back together or close any flesh wounds. The screams of those men had keep him awake at night and still hear them in his non-existent ears when he was...
For the love of GOD he can't recall that much of his morally life, can he? Come on! Surely, a blob that could be able to sew a body back together can't be that hard right?
He rolled his eye and then literally began to roll towards where the doctors' corridors are. It shouldn't be this difficult to find since he occasionally stroll by it time to time when he ran out of bodies to take control since they stopped throwing them down into this dungeon that is slowly but surely becoming a cave by this point as it was being reclaimed by nature. But no time to reminisce.
He needs to focus now if he wants to get out of this hellhole.
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It was hard to sew the arms back into their respective sockets, what is even more hard as a blob is everything else.
Slotting the bone back into place, pushing the blood-covered entrails back inside, foot refusing to stay in place when he readies to curved needle. Removing clothes including the undergarments wasn't smooth sailing too. Being this small to pull off each article of the clothing he had never seen before or he cared about but it has to be done if he wants to get this done fast. The process of sewing the body parts together and closing up wounds is harder than he originally thought. But he was able to put it back in one piece, even sewing the head back in place.
But then when he removed what looked like the most strangest arrow he had ever seen. It was small, smaller than an regular arrow, it was metal pallet that was lodged in the back of the ethmoid bone that has made a landing on between of the sphenoid bone's lesser and greater wings. Using an tendril made from slime to hold it with inspection.
He wondered for a moment if this "pallet" was the one thing that ended this man's life if the body-chopping wasn't the culprit. And if so, how long did it took him to die before that?
Answers would need to wait for now as he tossed the "pallet" behind him, letting it tinker across the stone brick floor. The moment of truth. He was sitting the corpse's stomach to inspect this 'pallet' when he discarded it before heading back to the head, and then to the collar bone and stopped just inches towards the bloody eye socket. Taking a few deep breaths in before agonizingly and slowly entering the skull, settling in as a "brain" in the process.
At first, it seemed like nothing happen. Minutes past by felt like an eternity for the blob of ichor. The corpse is still fresh enough to be pocessed by himself since he had did all the work on putting a corpse back together again, has he lost the ability to take over corpses? But something does happened in the process: He felt something. The fingers twitched, moving on their own at his command as the eye socket was starting to smoke again before it erupted fire out of it as the other eye in perfect condition dilated and rolled upward before it shines. Shines like a star being born.
Inhuman gargle came soon after, dark pink bubbles foaming at the mouth like the body was infected with the Malaise but no trace of it is found somewhere in its system. Head thrashed this way and that as the corpse convulsing violently on the floor, limbs hitting each landing as the back arched upwards before spine hitting back down.
A strangled scream was released from his mouth out of sheer panicky and pain.
Most bodies he controlled had reacted like this when they are not infected with the very disease, others that did put up less spasms than this one. He had no recollection of his old life but the memory of his execution that seems so unjustified but whatever the Malaise done to him prior to dying must've been something beyond his understanding: An immortal.
Unable to starve to death, unable to die of thirst, unable to commit suicide with each try with the first few bodies upon waking up the first time after death but eventually gave up trying and instead starting trying to escaping the dungeon he was in before its in enclosure at the tune of a cave in, stealing away from any hope he has until today.
Minutes coming after entering the body to claim as his own felt like years for the first time in his unearthly life. He was too focused on its feeling that he didn't noticed the head hair had began to grow and changed in color.
Once an walnut color now hot pink as it grew and grew until the hair itself seemingly ate the ears on the sides of his head as it grew to resemble flames. The body continued to shake and scream until its movements had started to die down to violent jerks until it twitches slightly as the configuration has slowed and stopped in its tracks completely.
He stood in place for a few moments, taking in what had transpired before the first thing that comes to mind had came to him quite quickly. He blinked and the good eye blinked- In fact, both eye lids (minus the fact the body only has one) blinked on command, yet the peripheral vision was lacking in his point of view; There was nothing but black on his left but he can see on his right.
Experimentally, he rose his new hand up to be in his peripheral vision, he then decided to let it move down and up and he watched it obeyed his whims.
Okay, he has now gotten a new body. What next? Well, he had just gotten a body but he wondered what the corpse's hair looks like now so he will get that mirror left behind by one of those guards will be the start, and then he will be getting new clothes from one of the skeletons will be his second priority, ones that are actually still intact to begin with. And then find himself a rope that will carry him out of this terrible place.
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katyspersonal · 11 months
wait, there are "enemy" blogs you want to stay in the fandom? isn't it better if they stay away, if they're annoying enough to be "enemies"?
Well, it is not a real """enemy""", hence why I used three whole pairs of quotation marks and not one x) And it is a singular, not plural.
The problem with BB fandom is that it is like... in a crisis? Not only the truly active part of it is like, same 20 people for years now, but also there is a hegemony of the same characters, same ships, same takes, same headcanons, same designs for unseen characters... People that join in the fandom see what fans are up to, but since most of the activity is the popular girls (gender neutral) of the school who are all tight mutuals group doing the thing of the week they share (usually when it happens you can blame a Discord server), these new people assume that this is what will fly, also that this is what is "canon". They're yet to discover that there are different interpretations, different possibilities, alternative ships..... but they now will not, because they already got swayed by influence. The cycle continues.
The """enemy""", that I only call such because we seriously didn't get along as people and not because they did something bad, is very different though! They are not annoying! They appear to be an individualist, they are touching ideas and characters fandom practically abandoned, they draw what THEY like and not what is a current set fun trend, they do not try to throw a bone to the community-
It is just refreshing to see something unique and interesting! I am the type that actually goes insane if I have to see the same thing over and over. I'd start hating my favorite ships if I never could see alternatives, ffs! My idea of ideal small fandom is various individuals doing cool stuff and simply sharing with each other, rather than there being a "core" that sets the trends and everyone outside of these trends being passively-aggressively ignored for "wrong" takes, "wrong" ships or "characters no one will care about". There should be more users that radiate such strong individuality and creativity instead of resorting to being just another gear in the machine! I would not be as petty as to wish for someone actually interesting to leave the fandom over personal things. My real enemies, on the other hand, are not creative at all. Well, one of them used to be but completely lost the spark.
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badolmen · 1 year
The thing they don’t tell you about getting into a fandom a decade late is that you will feel like an infant compared to everyone else who seem like elder gods, but you are also the most qualified to separate fanon from canon as the brain rot has yet to progress past the ‘I just think they’re neat’ stage.
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tidaltow · 8 months
percy’s feelings about luke just became 1000000x more complicated which I didn’t think was even possible but here we are and we are far from okay 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺(rambling about the finale in the tags [spoiler alert ig])
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loopholesinmydreams · 8 months
Has anyone overlayed the "it's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." text over Wes and Angel because I think I need it
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marwari · 1 year
saw a welsh pony type b at the pony champ and thought ach .. nae .. i love them .. so i went to buy one but when i get to south hoof i realized they sort of have the freaky friesian eyes. what now.
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quiverpaw · 10 months
i need to have like a meaningful discussion about the thoughtless retcons and changes in warriors that would mean so much more or the stupid family incest that once again, or the awful age gaps, that could be easily changed but is done so recklessly that it nearly feels intentional
like sharpclaw and cherryfall, who are explictly former mentor and apprentice, or leopardfoot and pinestar, which have a really interesting dynamic considering pinestar left the clans, but just feels so awfully dulled by the fact that he's the age of her grandparents, and directly has friends of his hinting at a relationship with her while she's a apprentice.
the weirdness of adoptive siblings too- snowbush is both lilyheart's cousin and adoptive brother!!! warriors has a tendency of both disregarding adoptive relationships and ... making them hardly meaningful (goldenflower nursing feather and storm)
the amount of inter-related ones are just awful too. riverclan has one of the worst cases of it because of the relatively small clan (compared to the others). there was no meaning behind making splashtail and curlfeather cousins. or owlnose jayclaw's brother. thunderclan is also terrible- mostly because cats KEEP HAVING LITTERS!! lionblaze and cinderheart,dustpelt and ferncloud, and brightheart and cloudtail contribute a massive portion of these problems
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suncaptor · 2 years
The thing is that the Winchesters might bring new people to fandom but the other thing is they will NOT be Sam stans.
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