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seasononesam · 2 months ago
they’re burning the library of alexandria this year…it’s literally 1984
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wtf..........first of all why are they announcing it a year in advance 😭 giving everyone time to prepare their google drive of episodes!
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riacte · 7 months ago
People who enjoy neighbourly shenanigans on Hermitcraft! May I recommend False and Ren:
They’ve got lore (Demise 2, Minister stuff, Big T), infrastructure (rivers and helping out with each other’s bases), lots of pranks and shenanigans (both pranking each other and other hermits)
They twaddle and hang out at each other’s bases so much. False’s second channel FalseLive is filled with vods of her and Ren just hanging out. Like there’s sooo much stuff of them to binge (and more to come because they will inevitably collab again)
They pretty much end up near each other at some point in every season so they’re a reliable duo if you get invested in them. They were neighbours in HC6, started out neighbours in HC9 then did Blue River Raceway with Etho, and they’re sticking close by each other in HC10
All their storylines are so wholesome and cute :3 The famous MCC9 Blue Bats (which is their favourite shared moment), Ren getting the final kill in Demise 2 for False, Ren saying he cannot think of a more worthy winner for BRR, False’s Minister of Transport sign being the only one that remained after the Ren explosion slash execution, Ren giving False a multipass to her base, and on it goes
Shared motifs: winning things, races, crowns / royalty stuff, rivers / ravines (HC6 ravine neighbours, HC9 river raceway, HC10 Big Business rivers), flowers (Ren seems to love throwing flowers at False? Like that time he prank spammed her base with flowers. And of course gifting False her fav Minecraft flower for her birthday :3)
Ren hasn’t been in a MCC team with False after 2021 but MCC has always been their thing (Ren saying he’ll only play when on a team with False, False saying she misses Ren and going “where’s my teammate 🥺”)
Sometimes in the middle of their episodes, they’ll have a short segment of them pranking the other’s base. There’s no explanation or connection. It is what it is.
So yeah they’re really funny and sweet together :3 I also like how they work on builds and infrastructure together, it’s satisfying watching them come up something on the fly and then they somehow make their madness into reality
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thetypingpup · 9 days ago
I'm getting too old bc what the hell is a micro fic?
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darcyolsson · 3 months ago
the impact of solitaire on my brain needs to be studied bc as someone who is a big fan of seasonal playlists, every time i make a winter playlist half of the songs in there aren't necessarily wintery they're just songs that remind me of that book. it's been 7 years since i first read it and i last reread it at least 4 years ago and yet every time we get the first snow of the year i still think about michael & tori. the chances of it ever leaving my brain are truly zero i fear
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thatsalotoftoons · 7 days ago
the entirety of the looney tunes cartoons being removed from max is actually criminal
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p-urest · 9 days ago
ppl on pinterest r saying lana has nothing to do with coquette and youre a fake fan if you think so… who is going to tell them…
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bubmyg · 2 months ago
hate when people cut the “even when I’m 60 jeon jungkook will still be freaking annoying” clip short USE THE FULL CLIP!!!! YOONGI IMMEDIATELY GOES “and I hope he never changes ☺️”
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dragon-daemon · 3 months ago
On Plato's Symposium, 1/?
Been reading Plato's Symposium, and it really has a "what the hap is fuckening" vibe that I recommend to anyone.
TW: sexism, homophobia (or, at least, a bad take on how homosexuality works). Spoilers for the Symposium.
First, it's a guy telling another guy about what another guy told him about what happened at a dinner party.
Socrates is going to this party to celebrate the success of a play his friend, Agathon, wrote. Socrates didn't go to the play, because he doesn't like crowds, but promised to go to the party (supportive introvert friends yay). He meets another friend on his way to the party and says "go with me, you weren't invited, but we'll make up an excuse on the way".
Arriving at the party, Socrates literally tells his friend to go to the room with the banquet without him, because he decided now is a good time to spend a few hours thinking about stuff. He sends his uninvited friend ahead to the living-room, while he stays alone in another room.
Until now, the whole thing has this sit-com vibe, characters make self- and other-deprecating jokes, etc. So it's a whiplash when they get to the party and you're reminded that ancient greeks had slavery. And Agathon, the host, doesn't explicitly mistreat the slaves, except insofar as, you know, they are unpaid involuntary workers. This isn't even important to the plot, but it's weird to read with modern eyes.
Anyway, they eat, Socrates arrives almost at the end of dinner. Then they start drinking, have a discussion about how much they're gonna drink and decide on "not much" — which seems to me like they're teenage-hood friends who used to get WASTED but are now adults™ and gotta wake up by 8AM tomorrow and one of them is a doctor etc.
They decide each one is going to give a ted talk speech about Love, and Socrates, the Greatest Philosopher of All Time and Totally Not Plato's Personal Hero is all like "oh no, I don't know if my speech is going to be as good as you guys'es, whatever am I to do".
So we get some speeches on the nature of Love. They start out interesting, praising Love as the oldest and best god, saying that it inspires mortals to be the best that they can be. They are sometimes about politics, the doctor guy talks about Love as manifested in medicine and (what passed as) physics (at the time).
One guy talks about love, like, relationship and sex, and you get an actual, less sanitized, less modern "hihi the greeks were so gay you guys" understanding on how ancient greeks saw homosexuality: the good mainstream relationship is a teenage male who loves an older male because the latter is good and wise and accomplished, and the older male loves the teenage male because he is pretty and inspires him. Two older guys, or two teenage guys, or anything else is seen as improper and immoral. The reader will notice how this is fucked up. Oh, and also, men can have sex with women too I guess. It's really written as "yeah, if you're a dumb jock who's into that kind of stuff, go ahead".
But then, there's this one guy, right? He's called Aristophanes. And the madman decides to just SHITPOST like it's nobody's business. Talks about how humans used to be spherical two-headed four-armed four-legged people who rolled real fast like a cannon ball like sonic the hedgehog go fast real sonic fast guys but then they decided to climb Mount Olympus to throw hands with the gods because why the fuck not but the gods were real angry about it so Zeus split them in half.
But here's the thing: the round people used to have three genders: double-man, double-woman, and man-woman (since each of their heads had a gender of either man or woman).
So now, people can be one of three types: Men and women who came from the man-woman spherical people. These are sluts, you hear me, sluts I say!
Women who came from double-woman spherical people. Lesbians. The text says nothing about them.
Men who came from double-man spherical people. These are gay man and they are cool and wise and awesome.
I swear to the gods, he finishes his speech saying "we better be good and humble, or Zeus will get angry and split us again, then we will have to walk around by jumping on our single foot".
Anyway, it's eventually Socrate's turn. And he says "oh, I guess I misunderstood the assignment, I thought we were supposed to say true things about love, not determine who can come up with the most inane ass-kissing BULLSHIT about love".
He then does the thing where he questions the last speaker, Agathon, about some stuff that he said, and Agathon has to agree that what he said didn't make sense — you know, the Socratic Method™. Then he tells the story of the time he talked with this mysterious hot goth wise woman called Diotima who goes to another school, and she revealed to him the true nature of Love. Plot twist, Love is actually neither human nor god (a daemon), is a thing that interfaces between the gods and the humans, and is halfway between being good and bad.
Anyway, I haven't read the rest, but skimmed through wikipedia to write this and, apparently, a drunk guy crashes the party, is stalker-level in love with Socrates, drama ensues.
This is considered one of the most important texts in classical philosophy and western literature.
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blossoms-phan · 26 days ago
if we’re talking react videos. phil reacts to his childhood horror movie is one of my favourite ap videos ever
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riacte · 5 months ago
It’s actually crazy that someone on HC Reddit asked for SMPs with hermits and more people replied with Evo and Empires first than Mindcrack and Kingdomcraft like know your history 😭 Iskall Cub Scar Ren Wels Stress… the HC4 and 5 newbies… six hermits… know your history…
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falklore · 3 months ago
I’m going to see Nosferatu by myself because apparently everyone is scared of vampires now 😭
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greatbigbeautifullife · 7 months ago
people saying “i didn’t know sabrina could sound country!” did we ever press play on emails i can’t send? now granted the tour was impossible to get tickets for but she said in it “this is the country part of the evening” for several songs …
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aintmyjewelry · 11 months ago
of the WHAT series
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greetings-inferiors · 2 years ago
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soldierandawar · 24 days ago
An AI bot on Quora? Do NOT piss me off.
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tegan-taylors-version · 3 months ago
I just saw someone on Twitter say “the HAIM sisters and that fashion girl”…Ashley I’m so sorry they did you dirty like that
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