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triona-tribblescore · 2 months ago
-Hyperfix Hopper
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Ahhh Voltron, my old stomping grounds, part of my origin story, the most chaotic of times <333
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vivitalks · 2 months ago
best types of brennan NPC
autism haver
frat bro who has unlearned hypermasculinity so hard that he's gone 100% the opposite direction about it
anticapitalist proletarian
the most insane person you've ever met
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unhelpfultarot · 22 days ago
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Four of Cups and Seven of Wands
You're getting really f!$#ing tired of having to fight off the perpetual horrors.
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scallisaac · 26 days ago
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There is not a locked room anywhere that with the right tools and enough time you can't break into.
[ID: A series of 21 gifs from the TV show 9-1-1.
The 1st gif shows Hen and Eddie untangling Halloween decorations at the firehouse. Eddie says, "You never know when a door is gonna close, and when it does, then...". Hen replies "It's sealed".
The 2nd gif shows Shannon talking to Eddie, who is offscreen, at a restaurant. She says, "Because if I try to do this again before I'm ready, there won't be a second chance."
The 3rd gif shows Pepa talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. She says, "It's been too long. You need to do something or you're going to be alone forever."
The 4th gif shows an injured woman lying on a backboard in a c-collar talking to Eddie and Hen, who are offscreen. She says, "We're all gonna die alone. Might as well spend time with our loved ones while we're still living." The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie and Hen looking at her.
The 5th gif shows Shannon lying down in an ambulance with a c-collar. She is talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. She says, "I'd love...a little more time."
The 6th gif shows Eddie during a flashback talking to Shannon, who is offscreen. He says "Can we please talk about this later? Can I maybe just get a little damn time?"
The 7th gif shows Eddie with tears in his eyes talking to Kim, who is offscreen. He says, "Never did get to say all the things I wanted to say. or hear all the things I needed to hear, I guess."
The 8th gif shows Ramon sitting down at a table talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. He says, "Why didn't you tell us?" The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie, who says, "Pretty sure you know the answer to that question."
The 9th gif shows Eddie standing in front of his fridge with tears in his eyes, talking to Ana, who is offscreen. He says, "I should have said something sooner." Ana replies, still offscreen, "Yeah. You probably should have."
The 10th gif shows Buck talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. He says, "You said you did this a year ago, why are you just telling me now?"
The 11th gif shows Eddie underground during the well rescue. You cannot see his face. He says, "I need more time", but the text indicates it's unintelligible. The gif cuts to a shot of Bobby looking frustrated, then cuts to a shot of Buck shouting, "Cap, can't we give him more time?"
The 12th gif shows Christopher yelling at Eddie, who is offscreen. Offscreen, Eddie says, "We'll make an even bigger gingerbread house next year, right?" Christopher replies, "You could be dead next year!" The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie looking up at Christopher, who is offscreen, with a shocked look.
The 13th gif shows Eddie on the phone. He says, "Why wait? Well, there's no better time than now."
The 14th gif shows Eddie at the firehouse talking to Chimney, who is offscreen. He says, "Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. If you love her, tell her."
The 15th gif shows Shannon at a restaurant talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. She says, "Eddie, uh, I think–". The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie, where he cuts Shannon off and says, "Please, just...let me say this."
The 16th gif shows Buck talking to Eddie, who is offscreen. He says, "Uh, Eddie–". The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie, where he cuts Buck off and says, "Just let me finish."
The 17th gif shows Buck being pushed towards the ground, with blood splattered on his face. He is staring ahead at Eddie, who is offscreen, with a shocked expression. The gif cuts to a shot of Eddie, who is lying on his side on the street, with his head in a puddle of blood. He is staring ahead at Buck, who is offscreen, as his hand falls forward towards Buck.
The 18th gif shows a close-up of Eddie talking to Christopher, who is offscreen. He says, "You can always come back. If you change your mind five minutes or five months from now...".
The 19th gif shows Eddie sitting in a confessional booth. Offscreen, a priest says to him, "Well, I imagine after 23 years, something in particular must be bothering you enough to make you feel like you need to be here."
The 20th gif shows Eddie talking to Buck, who is offscreen. He says, "Don't walk away from something before you even know what it is."
The 21st gif shows Eddie opening his front door. The gif cuts to wide shot of him smiling and nodding hello to Buck, who is offscreen. Eddie is wearing a button-up shirt with no pants. The gif then cuts to a shot of a visibly upset Buck standing outside, looking at Eddie.
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linterteatime · 9 months ago
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Silly robot doodles
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whatisamildopinion · 11 months ago
whatever the true reason is for Kipperlilly hating Riz specifically, there is something uniquely hilarious to me about the idea of this high strung rogue harboring this pathological, foaming-at-the-mouth-with-hatred, one-sided rivalry with another rogue student for two whole years, and then she shows up to the first day of junior year and gets read for filth by his cleric friend, who goes on the immediately surpass all previous levels of hatred and create a two-sided rivalry that the original rival is just tagging along with because of Friend Duties. absolutely hysterical that Riz hates Kipperlilly out of disdain for the ratgrinders and solidarity with Kristen, meanwhile Kipperlilly's main-character rivalry with Riz was usurped in roughly .5 seconds by Kristen Applebees whipping out "What are you, like, four dogs?"
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months ago
Does the JL know that YJ has just casually been beefing with darkseid??
imagine there’s a all hands on deck battle against darkseid and everyone is there but darkseid points out the nearest yj member (it’s probably Bart) like ‘you!!! You managed to escape with your lives last time but this meeting will be our last’ and for a split second Clark’s so fucking confused bc we haven’t fought in years wtf are you talking about then he hears ‘oh shit, look it’s Doug’ and everyone turns to see Bart nudging Kon going ‘he’s talking to you…damn he must still be mad about the coal’ and kons shoving him back bc ‘you were the one fucking around with his coal, you fucking walnut’ while Cassie’s being scruffed by wonder woman bc they’re trying to avoid being around when the jl finds out and tims having a very intense silent conversation lecture about why tf there’s at least half a dozen yj mission reports that mention an assailant named ‘Doug’ 
then Constantine shows up with Greta and everyone (including darkseid) starts yelling and if you don’t know her Greta seems like the one with the ownership of the braincell in yj (she is not but I guess she looks like it from a distance if you squint) which goes one of two ways:
retired-civilian!greta is giggling and waving excitedly to each member of yj along with hal before she practically tackles each of them in a tight hug while the titans, jl, & jl: dark lose their collective shit bc Constantine brought a tiny civilian dressed in pastel floral prints from head to toe into an active battle with fucking darkseid, a civilian who doesn’t register as a threat in any capacity until she makes eye contact with darkseid and gives him the most disgusted look imaginable “Doug… you look…well.” and then like three jl members have to stop her from leaping at darkseid while Hal’s like ‘no! No no, bad Greta! We don’t fight supervillains with…what is that?? I really fucking hope that’s not a gun…Is-is that fucking silly string?! Greta no we don’t silly string supervillains! We’ve talked about this!’
never-retired!/recently-out-of-retirement!greta who does the same thing but when she notices darkseid she rocks his shit in eight seconds flat and starts muttering about ‘that fucking Doug, always ruining my goddamn day’ and Hal is the first one to recover from the shock/confusion but only to tell Greta she’s grounded which gets another irritated ‘fucking doug!’ while Wally and Barry are losing it at Mach 6 while Bart tries to explain himself also at Mach 6, Cassie manages to catch Wally’s exasperated ‘where the fuck did you get Doug from?!’ And responds with ‘Apokolips’ in a tone that means they’re questioning his intelligence which leads to more screaming bc ‘so you knew who he was?? Why didn’t you come to us??’ and they all back up Kon when he claims they told Lex bc that means they have at least 3 hours of freedom while Lex is getting yelled at by the jl (and honestly every cape over 24)
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sillylotrpolls · 11 months ago
Bonus internet points will be awarded to anyone who actually tries this exercise before voting.
Assume you need to get the spelling at least somewhat close, and if a character has multiple names, only one counts. Also, if a character doesn't have a canonical name, I'm sorry, but "that guy's wife" doesn't count.
For reference, if you can name the 9 members of the Fellowship, the eponymous Hobbit and his 13 dwarf buddies, 3 prominent women, and the guy who runs the Rivendell B&B, that's 27 characters right there. And you probably also know the name of a dragon.
For further reference, Tolkien Gateway has 637 (!!) pages dedicated to Third Age characters. (Don't click that link until you've voted, of course)
Edit: Your humble pollmaker gave this a try, and got as far as 73 before deciding she was too tired to keep trying to remember dwarf and Silm names. If you also want to share (and don't mind people being incredulous at your having forgot ____), pastebin allows you to paste text and share it for free. :)
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gazpachoandbooks · 10 months ago
Currently imagining Arthur + Gwen + the knights asking someone (maybe druids?) who this famous "Emrys" is and they proceed to do a version of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" while Arthur, Gwen and the knights grow increasingly more distressed with each line and Merlin hyperventilates in the background
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twinstxrs · 1 year ago
sam nightingale fabian seacaster deeply tethered in the sense that whenever zelda & gorgug broke up i think they both were very emotionally supportive and there for their friend while also having clearly & openly thought the whole time that zelda/gorgug could’ve done better. also they’re both rich popular bards with talking vehicles who got left alone in their big house at the beginning of a school year so there’s that.
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sierrabravoecho · 3 months ago
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GRRM is so unserious for making Brienne give a guy named Potter a prominent facial scar
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fonthoura · 3 months ago
Finished ds9 last night, so, my life is officially over and meaningless, there is a hole in my soul that I will try desperately to fill with Siddig reading fanfic on camera. Hope it goes well, will keep you guys posted.
Also: if anyone want to recommend DS9 books, feel free
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unhelpfultarot · 2 months ago
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Seven of Wands and Three of Swords
You're fighting so hard to keep the despair at bay.
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willowser · 9 months ago
lately i've just been thinking so much about bakugou with a kid in sports, like. you're at the softball game and have to hold his hand the entire time to stop him from doing an aggressively whispered "fuck yeah!" and fistpump every time your daughter makes it to another base without getting tagged. and if she does get out, he's the first, and loudest, one to call "horseshit!!!!"
every other game the coach is pulling you aside to have a serious conversation about "sportsmanship", and even though he's the offender, katsuki is long gone, off on the field, carrying your daughter out on his shoulders while LOUDLY commending her for "squashing those nerds".
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months ago
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salty-and-spiraling · 3 months ago
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Ezran is MAD! As he should 👏👏👏 I'm excited for him to go berserk!
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Oh no Callum 😭 the stuffed dragon from the credits 😭😭😭
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Aaravos😍🙌 bbg looking evil and gorgeous
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AHHH we finally get to see Ethari! It looks like his hair has grown. Poor baby, he looks so 😢 Runaan's coming back soon!
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We already saw this one but still great 💜
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Clauderry still going strong! Hope nothing bad happens to them this season 🙂
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First of all- Aaravos 🤣🤣 why does he look like that! Bro hasn't slept in WEEKS
Second, what's up with Viren's staff- or well, technically Claudia's staff now?
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BADASS AS HELL🤩 girl's on fire🔥🔥 #dragonClaudiaforthewin
But the white in your hair is making me worried girl😨
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