#Vivi the war of holidays
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thevoiceofemptiness · 2 months ago
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I've been painting this since November.... I'M FINALLY DONE. (I wonder if you guys have such a joke as nedrochabr? "Challenge where you can't jerk off in November" )
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alekspopug48 · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas
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midnightmoonbeams · 7 months ago
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ScoutScoot drew Rogue the Bat. Wafflfruut says, "Happy Holidays" UrBF Peter drew a cute winking wolf/doggo. scemoNo1234 simply says, "RAWR" vivi drew Amogus - SUS M.S.T.O.P. is Full of Presents, as they should be given the day they posted this on. Xtra drew a scene reminiscent of The Grinch movie. RID=R drew, well, Rider, sitting at a table, brooding, captioned in very stylistic font, "My entire life is a comedy."
From December 24th, 2022
If you'd like to join me for some turf war or salmon run, you can find me occasionally streaming Splatoon 3 over on my Twitch channel!
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Hi Peahen mom,
Could you write another short holiday drabble with the fractions again. Maybe something different this time? :3
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((Hello anon dear, hope your well. I think I can write something this time for you again. So please give me a moment. Oh and some of the fractions belong to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
It was that time once more as the holidays were around the corner once more. Everyone was already having decorations and fun things seen everywhere. The fractions were having fun in their own way while either hanging out with one another or just doing some early Christmas shopping.
Ink was hanging out with Jinx who was wearing heavy coats and warm scars while laughing. She was even seeing that the six claws were even getting gifts for her even Yuji getting something for Jinx which surprised her.
The others were doing their own thing. Shdwkyz was doing some shopping already but he saw Vivi near a grave spot lowering some flowers to two of them. Seems during this, she visits her parents during the holidays. Shdwkyz decided this year, he went to visit and offer flowers for them too. His favorite ones along with her own. After that, they spend time together getting some hot drinks.
Breezy and Rust was already showing some new games to play for the holiday with the younger members. Taz and Timmy were speaking about some new things. Gerald and Ping were happily thinking of new pies to make with some help.
Navarro was helping Echo with a project of making snow ball cannons to the snow ball wars later on. Of course, they knew they would see who made theirs better. The healers Hex and Ophelia was working on some new projects for after the holidays and new years but it was nice they got time to hang out.
T-bone was hanging out with Maggie while showing her some new tricks he could do. Though he didn't mind even getting her something he would give later on when Christmas came around. Rex already was helping Kali with something with their fractions hanging out. He was happy to be of help even if Kali hid her flushed cheeks knowing he would.
Joshua was helping Ashley with something even if their fractions were trying to get him to just relax for once. Same with her too with this hang out. They heard Oblivion was hanging out with Yuuka right now showing off some game she was helping her with. Though, she was happy to see Yuu was having fun and not being so down. Deep down, she was happy for that. Even being shocked to see that Yuu really was happy to hang out with her more and more.
So it seems many was doing alright so far, even doing some other shopping or helping one another with delivering gifts to others even family members. Now, it leaves to another area.
We go to Jaron and Melinda who was hanging out, however, she heard he was helping his grandmother this year as before. Though, after arriving he saw she was waving bye to some people who got some goodies.
"Hmmm? Jaron! My precious grandson, how are you? Seems you arrived just in time." she smiled seeing him walk in after removing his coat and hat.
"I did say I would be here to help you out Grandma. Always will every holiday." He smiled as he saw her walk over to hug her grandson sweetly. However, she pulls back from him when noticing Melinda who was removing her winter coat and hat. "Hmm? And who is this sweetie? A friend of yours?" she said.
"Hmm? Ah, right. Grandma. This is Melinda Brooks.....She's my friend and wanted to help out." he said as Melinda looks to his grandmother and gently smiled.
"H..Hello ma'am. It's so nice to meet you." she said seeing his grandma look at her but smiled. She even pets Melinda's head as she closed her eyes.
"Awwww so polite. It's lovely to meet you too my dear." she said as Melinda bows her head slightly. "I will say welcome to the bakery since this is your first time. But thank you for helping my grandson this year." she said.
"Of course. I always love to help out.." she said but Jaron was happy to see his grandmother already liking Melinda. With that, she smiled and already got both Jaron and Melinda to help out in the Bakery. She saw that both her and him helped with baking goodies, sweeties, cakes, bread, and other good things for customers that came. His grandmother can see she had the passion of cooking even if she was happily greeting people with a smile her heart means well.
Jaron even was helping while packing up some of the pies he makes with Melinda helping too. In a while, they were having so much that his grandma smiled finding it sweet but it leaves her wondering. Seeing her grandson so happy it made her heart happy.
Later on, Melinda was making some home made hot chocolate for his grandma, Jaron, and herself while Jaron was helping his grandmother with something.
"Yes Grandma?" he asked setting the tray down as he sees her smile.
"I wanted to say thank you again this year for helping me out. You always are so sweet to offer." she said as he laughed.
"Of course. I don't mind doing this every year."
"I know. But this year you have help and it was sweet of her to do that." she said sitting down with Jaron agreeing being happy. Melinda always loved to help everyone. As they waited for the hot chocolate, she looks seeing Melinda making it while smiling. She can see she was a really sweet girl to look at Jaron.
"By the way dear.."
"........I think she's perfect for you too." she said but Jaron blinks to look at her.
"Huh? What do-"
"You didn't think I would know honey? She must be your girlfriend I believe right?" she said but Jaron looks quiet then he laughed.
"I..I uhhhh.."
"It's alright dear. I think she's perfect for you." She said when Jaron looks at his grandma but then down.
"So...you like her?" he asked.
"Yes. She's sweet, kind, she has a heart of gold just like you, and she's won my grandson's heart. I always told you their was someone out there for you....no matter what. Seems like she found you." She said closing her eyes to smile. "I know her own family would be happy to know that.......but I really do like her. She's such a sweetheart." she chuckled that Jaron said nothing.
"Well..she really is. Melinda is....she's really special and I always wanna be sure she knows I care about her." he said.
"I know you do. You always had a good heart and I can tell she has one too." that's when she sees Melinda coming with the hot chocolate as she was careful.
"Here you go. I hope you like it." she said sitting down while handing Jaron's grandmother a mug with whip cream and holiday sprinkles on time.
"Thank you dear." She smiled to see Melinda hand Jaron his own before she sits to get hers. The three takes s sip of the hot soothing drink. So nice. It had the right amount of chocolate, milk, some sweetening and the whip cream was perfect to add. As they drink, his grandmother smiled.
"My dear..Melinda right?" she saw Melinda blink to look as she lowers the mug.
"Yes ma'am?" she asked but his grandmother smiled.
"Now now, you don't have to be so formal dear. I wanted to ask you something." she said seeing Melinda blink. "Yes?"
"I see that my grandson is really close to you. Though, I can tell their something more deeper between you and him being that your his girlfriend correct?"
Melinda blinks but her cheeks flushed while Jaron looks quiet to look at her. Seeing her look at her but nods. "Y...yes; I am. I really care about Jaron and..I wanna be sure I'm there to protect and see him happy. He deserves that...as his friends and mine too." she said.
"Y..yes...I mean, I owe Jaron my life since he did help me in the past when we first met. We were friends and he helped me even when we just met. He's really a sweet guy and I'm happy that our paths crossed. It tells me my life may change one day and it did.....thanks to him." she smiled looking down at her mug. "Thanks to him, I got new friends, a new family, and meeting so many amazing people. I know he really helped me..and I'm so grateful for that."
His grandmother blinks hearing this but smiled finding it precious.
"Melinda.." He said nothing but looks to her as Melinda was happy.
"I do mean that. Jaron really is a wonderful person and..I'm happy to have met him. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here today." she said smiling with eyes closed. His grandmother chuckled finding it cute but sets her hot chocolate down to look at them. "My dear? Can you come here?"
"???" Melinda blinks to look as she got up to walk over sitting near her in another chair. That's when she reaches to take Melinda's hand and hold it in her own. This made her quiet to look at his grandmother seeing a gentle look.
"I'm really happy to meet such a sweet young lady. You really have made my grandson happy and I thank you for being by his side just like his friends. I always worry about my Jaron to what his life is now but....I'm glad to know he has someone close by him to get through this life. I will say this; thank you so much for being there for him. I'm happy to know his found a sweet girl for his girlfriend." she said even holding Melinda's cheek that she blinks not expecting this from her.
"......T...thank you.."
"Of course dear." she said even giving Melinda a hug as she blinks to his grandmother smiling. "M..Ma'am?"
"Thank you for being there for my grandson. Please be sure you keep him happy for me. I know your family would be proud of you...." she said as Melinda looks quiet but she only smiled to hug her back. Jaron smiled seeing this tender moment as it was pretty sweet.
Later, both Jaron and Melinda were getting ready to leave but holding some bags with sweets to take back. "Now you both get back safe you hear me?" she said seeing the two nod. She even gives Jaron a hug while kissing his cheek.
"Thank you again Jaron for helping me again this year.."
"Of course." he laughed smiling. She lets him go but goes to hug Melinda too.
"And thank you for helping as well..You take good care of my baby alright?" she said seeing Melinda smile and nod.
"Of course.." she said.
"Good. Oh and you have my blessing if you were going to get married in the future. I want cute grandbabies you know." she laughed as Jaron and Melinda blushed red. She giggled while Jaron looks to the side.
"I know, I know.." she chuckled. In a while, she sees them walking off while waving good bye to her. His grandmother smiled waving bye to them but she was happy for them.
"Take good care of him, my dear...." she said sweetly while seeing this. However, in another location, two people was watching Melinda and Jaron from a image mirror. A woman was smiling with tears seeing this while another held her close with their other kids.
"Seems Melinda is doing alright. As we knew she would..and you were worried." The woman said seeing her husband chuckle.
"Can you blame me? She's my daughter but...I wanna be sure she's safe. Seems like she is. Even if she is a demon now......." he said while the two smile. The female was Melinda's mother named Sandra kitten brooks while being held by her husband Ken brooks. Their other children, Nikki, Brooke, and Matthew were happy for her while seeing their big sister safe and alive still.
"Well, I still love my baby girl..I'm so happy that she's living her life safe. I know she has grown stronger but..I'm also happy for that kind boy keeping her safe." Sandra smiled but Ken agreed.
"You know? I hope we can thank him one day for being there and saving her life. But I think this is fine too." he said but the two looks seeing Melinda smiling while Jaron even was holding hands. Even seeing Jaron's grandmother heading back inside to close up the shop for the night.
"I hope their happy together Ken......" Sandra said but he smiled to hold his wife kissing her head.
"I hope so too...." he said before they close the image mirror.
Seems Jaron's grandmother and Melinda's parents approve of this but it was another good year for this holiday. For now, it seems this was going to be nice holiday for everyone.
Even for the Jackal and Lung dragon.
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neo-homestuck-au · 1 year ago
This au is called saostuck [because that is the somersystem where the story is based]
More under the cut because I don't want to make this hard to read in one go
The story.... is multiple, I'm making multiple fics and art for this au because no one can stop me hehehe
Anyways the au takes place in the saothley (soler) system with 5 known planets and 4 moons discovered, with two of those moons being a similar sise the calthe, the planet where the first fic I might post takes place in
So, the sun, saothley, then vivi then monno, then calthe and halthe both in the [human] habitable zone then the planet void dark with the two moons bruno and Brutus that are habitable but only for those who are cooler blooded like blue bloods (and up)
It's been 40 millenia since the creators [the kids] put calthe [earth c, but different] into the soler system, and multiple things haplend during this time, and I shall write about it, but I'm not sure I'll Wright everything, but now I think I gonchoved(?) myself into writing a war fic in this au [😭]
Also the calender is fucked up
You know how trolls have sweeps? And their like.... 2 years (exactly) well, the sao system calls their years sao orbits (original, I know) and their years have 20 months, and those 20 months on average have 8 weeks, and the weeks are 8 days long (apart from the final day of the year)
And since I didn't realise there could've been war up until i started writing this post they Mey be multiple eras
The first era... isn't technically an era, its called BC [before creation] the next era is AC [after creation, but there could've been more eras during that time so... yeah, whoops, but the last one I wrote down was CR [creators return] but....
the kids aren't really that important to the story, though I did give karkat alight technopathic abilities, I might write a fic about that?
What else should I say.... uh.... um, they have a shit ton of holidays [27] or maybe that's not alot, those are just the general wide spread holiday's though, there are many smaller holiday's too that may be area specific
Uh—right! Romance.... even weirder now... haha, now there are 7 symbols for romance and they have their own colour!!! Uh... more on that later though
Yeah, I guess that's it for the post??? Uh yeah
Saostuck —the entire au
Ficstuck —about the fics
Grubzzz —one of the fics
Saozee— one of the fics
Tama & glamor — one of the fics
Violet indigo & candy together — one of the fics
Ramblings from the notebook — what I wrote down in my notebook
More to be added later
You can send asks too, it might help me flesh out the au, I tend to accidently do that when writing.... , but anyways, have fun looking at my au
I'm obsessed with homestuck 😭 😭 😭
Now I'm making an au!!!!!.... kinda
Well, the main characters of Homestuck are unimportant to my au
And there are 14 trolls Instead of 12
But I'll get on about that in a completely different post—possibly on a different blog, at a later date 📅
I hate this
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cebwrites · 2 years ago
Hello! What if in an alternate path, Kaku joined the Straw Hats (Franky still joins)? To me, he seems the most likely to swap to pirate, and he seemed to actually enjoy his job at the docks. How would he handle the crew? What role would he have? Thank you!!!
a/n: dunno if anon would still see this answer at this point, though i finally came around to this idea - maybe it’s the holiday season 🎄
What if Kaku joined the Strawhats
slight zosan/usonami word count: 1.5k
He definitely does seem to be the type to switch sides, I feel like in his mind, given more freedom, Kaku would like to align himself with whatever seems the most interesting even if not entirely conducive to coming out on top - in canon the latter part is more important but something tells me he made his way into CP0 partly on a whim, to see watch what would become of the new era from a higher perch
Say for the sake of argument he gets cast aside entirely by the WG after the events of Enies Lobby (afaik the CP9 agents had a short romp in a cover story about raising funds to get back on their feet so maybe this was during then), he’s desolate and paranoid at every turn because in the back of his mind, even the kindest of civilians could be someone sent to keep an eye on him post-failure
So Kaku turns to the people he has no doubt would never hide anything from him, the only kid forthcoming enough who had the gall to march into a government island and declare war on the whole world - Luffy was the last person who’d be sneaky about his feelings and that’s exactly what Kaku needed right now, good old fashioned honesty
And it’s honesty he gets, when Luffy tells him that he doesn’t like this Usopp imposter (after needing a reminder as to who he was and complaints from Sogeking himself) for hurting Robin and that he should leave - as straightforward an answer as Kaku could get
Due to extenuating circumstances, though, be it the Grand Line’s unpredictable weather, enemies getting in the way, or plain old, “ah well, we can’t just drop him in the sea, that’s a bit too cruel” though certain members would beg to differ, and bonds would slowly be formed over the course of spending time together
Imagine there it takes longer for them to get to Thriller Bark or Sabaody where other plot things happen or something shdfbshtgndf
Considering his fickle (to outsider eyes) nature however, among other more important reasons, it’s difficult for the Strawhats to take as well to him as Luffy’s go with the flow attitude - although it has to be said that a former enemy who did hurt their own in the past eventually becoming nakama isn’t entirely out of the blue, given Vivi and Robin herself
Kaku is aware of this, he’s been aware of people’s mistrust in him since he was a child, always with too-wide eyes for the adults around him and a smile that never quite reached it, so he’s used to being held at arm’s length
It’s the unsurprisingly the youngest of the crew that warm up to Kaku first - Chopper tending to his wounds after Kaku helped the SHs in battle, he quickly becomes endeared with the little reindeer’s antics and complex about compliments, Usopp being very skittish at first but eventually spinning Kaku the long, tall tales he does to everyone else, and Luffy’s unwavering kindness that leaves little else to be said.
That, and Luffy’s endless amusement at his Zoan form, that seem to entertain the other kids on board as well. The next is Sanji, silently showing his care through his cooking while still being very verbally hostile, being one of the first to threaten Kaku during the first week that he was stuck on their ship due to unforeseen circumstances that if he dared to hurt another hair on Robin’s, or anyone else’s for that matter, head then being out of house and home - how he came to them - would be the least of Kaku’s worries; the cook still fed him though, and to Kaku, that was more than could be said about others he often found himself around before the Strawhats. Zoro follows soon after, laying down the fact plain and simple that he didn’t like him but if they were to cohabitate per captain’s orders, things would go much smoother if they learned how to get along sooner rather than later, Kaku doesn’t make the jab that it seems that Zoro and Sanji still don’t get along to this day in the moment, but over time he’d learn that the two of them shared something beyond anything Kaku himself has had, or even allowed himself, to experience. Zoro puts Kaku through the wringer day after day with sparring, only resting when Chopper yells at Zoro for overexerting himself since he’s keeping the newbie on his toes while still picking fights with Sanji and getting injured that way, so Kaku has to find other ways of making himself useful on a ship as lively as the Sunny.
It’s here that he finds himself helping out with Usopp’s tinkering, listening to the lad talk about grand would-be fantasies, helping him with parts of his inventions, and teasing him about the shy yet longing glances Usopp sends their lovely navigator when it seems like she’s not looking, not quite noticing Franky’s encroachment into the workshop until their resident Cyborg is firmly seated in his usual spot. Franky’s just a blunt as Zoro is, he’s up front about his feelings on the situation regardless of Usopp’s presence - when Sogeking tries to sneak away from a potentially very tense and awkward interaction Franky tells him to sit his tuchus down and get back to work.
Franky is painfully, well, frank, about the anguish Kaku’s previous allegiances have caused this crew and he states that it’ll be an uphill battle to earn everyone’s trust truly, let alone the Funkfreed in the room that Kaku’s only barely managed to avoid interacting with too much during his stay, but also says that he sees how hard Kaku’s trying, and that deserves recognition more than anything else. Nami doesn’t offer any leeway when Kaku finally gathers the courage to face Robin, determined to protect her friend at any cost when their lanky, tweedy new crewmate (but distinctly not nakama) makes his way up to the table under Nami’s mikan trees that the girls often lounged under - before Nami can rip into him too hard, though, Robin puts up a hand and asks for a moment of privacy between the two of them - Nami’s unhappy about it but acquiesces. 
Within the few short interactions Kaku’s had with Robin previously on this ship, it’s either been with tempered ire, suspicion, and then jabs said with her calm but characteristically unnerving smile, showing clear (warranted) apprehension to his very presence around her nakama, so he bears his soul - Kaku doesn’t spin a sob story or make grand gestures that would attempt to garner sympathy like his pathetic excuse for a former boss, but plainly and simply states his intentions, his anxieties, his remorse, in a very Zoro-esque way, one would even say.
Kaku knows that more than anyone here, Robin had suffered the most at Enies Lobby, he had been conducive to that suffering, and here he was, begging for a place to exist on the same crew that took her in, the very one that he’d been ordered to take out like nothing a few months ago; the small crew that the World Government severely underestimated and paid dearly for. 
He’d say he knows it wouldn’t mean much to her, nor does he have the audacity to ask for her forgiveness, but for what it’s worth Kaku is sorry.
Being under Robin’s scrutinizing gaze burns but Kaku doesn’t waver, he faces her head on even though through even passing second, it feels like this woman wants to explode his head with her mind. Almost like some strange, unspoken game of chicken to test his mettle against her, the direct consequence of his own actions. And Kaku blinks. He tries to excuse himself, to hide away in some dark, cold corner of the ship where he can bottle up all these thoughts again and manage his guilt in silence.
But he’s not allowed to. Of course not.
Robin says, just as he turns to leave, that obviously even if he were to get on his hands and knees to grovel like the worm that he was, eyes unemotive, he would never gain forgiveness, much less hers, that way. Only a fiery grave awaited those who were so spineless. She says that she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to forgive the things he’s done as a person, a former government agent. A dog to cruel masters. Her eyes follow the bob of his Adam’s apple as she takes a long, calculated sip of her tea.
But she wouldn’t be unwilling to start over with whoever Kaku made of himself now, as a potential ally. Not a friend yet, not nearly close to nakama, but it was a start and, smiling, Robin was interested in seeing what he’d become on the journey to get there. 
Contradictory to what anyone had to say, Kaku did not cry that day.
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thisweekingundamwing · 3 years ago
This Week in Gundam Wing (December 12-19, 2021)
A couple extra days since I'm late! Show your fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
PS: Thanks for your patience everyone!
Life of the Immortal Jellyfish (CH.33/35) by @lemontrash features post-canon, friends-to-lovers Duo x Wufei goodness as well as some heavier content (e.g. PTSD, violence). Mind the tags, and see below for a summary: Is it chance that lands Duo and Wufei in the same university dorm room? They're not stupid enough to believe that but too tired to fight it. Duo's dragged himself back from the brink of going too far and remains teetering on the edge while Wufei's doggedly trying to prove himself to the 'good guys' in the aftermath of the Eve Wars. Sleep and normalcy eludes them both. As they become increasingly aware how damaged they are, they start to edge towards friendship, or something more, but all too soon the peace seems jeopardised by a new and manipulative threat.
Relena the Brave by @gemstonecircles for the 2021 Rhythm Generation Zine is a fantasy AU retelling of a Russian folktale. In a far away kingdom, in a far away land, a young girl named Relena lived with her father… In this retelling of Vasilisa the Brave, Relena, the lost Crown Princess of Sanq, must face the Witch of the Woods, the Warlord Regent Treize, learn to face her fears and become a wise leader while discovering how to free the five knights held captive to the endless wars in the land.
Bride Relena sketch by @alphaikaros
Heero embarrasing Relena by @alphaikaros
Christmas Noin by @alphaikaros
Duo Maxwell by @littlemure
Heero and Wufei by @perfect-justice
Treize and Une by @idrawprettyboys for @gatesofdisorder
Duo and Hilde by @idrawprettyboys for @lenaheero
Duo Maxwell by @tennyboo
The Squad by @vivi-mire
Femme Trowa x Quatre by @circusoftrash
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
RG Tallgeese II by @bellasar
Wing Zero crochet progress by @meghancrochets
Group Shot by @weirdunclegamer
Headcanons and Discussion
@a-river-of-stars shares their thoughts on the Sanc Kingdom Arc
@a-river-of-stars shares some thoughts on Quatre and solidarity
Other Fun Stuff
@janaverse continues to post screencaps of their GW Sims, so be sure to check them out!
Sally is a master at escalation, by @the-reanimated-bhg
@incorrectgundamwingquotes still bringing the silliness (Example A)
@twillpoint is selling "Into∞Infinity II," a digital oneshot collection with illustrations. It includes 96 pages (in English) for 800 JPY. Be sure to check out other goodies in their shop, Afternoon Tea!
@utamonogatari continues to share some awesome screenshots from the show. Be sure to check out their tag.
Heero tries the "Why Aren't We Dating" meme, courtesy @incorrectgundamwingquotes
Calendar Events
@gwcocktailfriday is going strong this holiday season. This week's prompt is here, so be sure to post your responses on Friday (December 24) between 3-5PM EST!
If you are participating in the @thisweekingundamevents 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange, don't forget that Check-In #2 is due tomorrow (December 21)!
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ipsens-castle · 4 years ago
At FFIX’s conclusion in Memoria, Zidane sees a memory of Garnet as a child escaping a massacre with her mother. The perpetrator of the massacre is Zidane's creator, Garland, who speaks to Zidane in that moment, and informs him that it wasn't Garnet's repressed memory he saw, but rather, his own.
In no other game’s final dungeon have I witnessed a culmination of all its themes quite like this. What this scene references is generational memory, or transgenerational trauma, which is the collective inheritance of trauma in a community that is widespread and indelible such that it continues to wound and erase cultural identity over time. This is always paralleled with the inheritance of prejudice by the oppressor, who builds social, political, and economic constructs towards the extreme of dehumanization and displacement that FFIX, too, discusses: genocide.
Some people on tumblr know this, but the reason why FFIX means so much to me is because this subject is personal to me. In my experience with war and genocide, aside from my own memories, the most damning part of the entire experience has been the stories that were told at every gathering, at every shared coffee, at every holiday, at the briefest of meetings between strangers, at the hair salon - it’s, morbidly, how a community copes, with hope to heal, with hope of deterrence.
But the hurt of hearing so many stories, with all their gaps - opportunities for a young mind to fill with the worst, wonder why you were so much more lucky, wonder if you could save someone from their pain - somehow, for me personally, those stories supersede my own memories from childhood, which were instinctual and rooted in the body’s primitive desire of survival. This happened to my parents, too, who listened to and passed on the war stories of their own parents, and so on. Sometimes, unfortunately, a community’s defense mechanism of inherited trauma can be insularity. And that scares me, because war truly begets war.
As a child, FFIX gave me hope. Mist is the stasis of souls gleaned from the many, many wars that precede the events of the game; it is the substance of which black mages are created to incite more war. But Vivi seizes agency and chooses a different way. Garnet, a victim of war who inherits and carries one of the shards of Alexander’s (nuclear) summoning crystal, seizes agency and chooses a different way. Steiner, an orphan of war who is blinded by nationalism, seizes agency and chooses a different way.
And Zidane, an “Angel of Death,” sees that memory of Garnet as a child, escaping a massacre with her mother, and responds in antithesis to his design:
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vivypotter · 6 years ago
Nickname(s): Vivy, Viv... I don’t really have a nickname.
Zodiac sign: Taurus. Not that I believe in astrology in any way.
Height: Five foot four -_- I am continually called short although I'm actually average height!
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw! Caw caw motherfuckers.
Last thing I googled: 'marie kondo episodes ranked’. I wanted to see if anyone else agreed with me as I have been on a binge and there’s nothing I love more than placing some things higher than other things. 
Favourite musician(s): Er... I’ve been very into Jade Bird recently? Billie Eilish, too. Sam Fender. Olafur Arnalds. Sigrid! Dua Lipa. First Aid Kit. dodie. half.alive. Hayley Kiyoke. girl in red. CHVRCHES. The Civil Wars. (Mostly gay icons ngl).
Song(s) stuck in my head:
‘Needy’ by Ariana Grande
‘It’s A Shame’ by First Aid Kit
‘Monster’ by dodie
'Johnny Johnny’ by Danny Gonzalez
‘I Say No’ by Carrie Hope Fletcher (West End Heathers Album)
Following now: I mostly follow fandom stuff, like other Tomarry authors. Also some Harry Potter meme blogs, art blogs, cute cat photos. A lot of meme pages actually ngl.
Followers: I have many a lovely follower but I don’t entirely know what this question is asking. I suppose I’ll use it as an opportunity to invite you to message me if you want to have a chat ever :) my mesages and asks are always open - although I am really bad at replying so if I don’t, I promise it’s not because I hate you, it’s because I’m the worst.
Do I get asks: I do indeed! If you’ve sent me one and I haven’t answered it, I really apologise. It either got lost or I was rubbish at replying. That said, if you send me one I will desperately try to answer it as soon as possible. (Anyone remember that time someone started a religion in my asks? 0.0)
Amount of sleep I get: I’m so bad at going to sleep at night. Not because I can’t, but because I’m a night owl. So anywhere from 6 to 5 (maybe 4 on occassion) hours on week days, and then like 10 or 11 hours on the weekend. It’s not healthy.
Lucky number: I don’t really have one, but I love the number 9.
What I’m wearing: My nightclothes, which is usually an oversized t-shirt and knickers, but this evening I’m treating myself to a nightie which I got years ago and no longer fits me! Sexy.
Dream job: Director. I love theatre and bossing people around - seems perfect. (Jokes, I know theatre is all about collaboration.)
Dream trip: Eh, I’m not really a fan of holidays? So probs a trip to London to watch some good theatre. But I am going to New York this summer and I am v excited. And Italy! So those are like my top two favourite places. (And Budapest, but that’s my first trip abroad with my friends so idk how much of the place we’ll actually see.)
Favourite food: Pizza! Or tuna paninis from Costa. Very specific, I know.
Instruments: My voice. Lol. I’m in a choir and I take voice lessons and do musical theatre. I did a bit of recorder when I was young, as does every British school child, but I couldn’t be bothered to practise. I really wish I’d learned the piano though.
Languages: I am disgustingly monolingual and I am so awed by people on tumblr who regularly communicate in their third or second language. I took two years of Russian so I can read the Cyrillic alphabet but I am beyond rusty, and I took three years of French, but again, very rusty.
Favourite songs:
‘Mr Brightside’ by The Killers. It’s an absolute killer at any party.
‘idontwannabeyouanymore’ by Billie Eilish. Makes me cry every time.
‘Feel It Still’ by Portugal. The Man. 
‘Christine’ by Christine and the Queens
‘South London Forever’ - Florence and the Machine
‘Hospital’ by Jesca Hoop
‘Walk with the Devil’ by Karliene
‘Be The One’ by Dua Lipa
So many more, literally so many. This isn’t even including my loves from musical theatre.
Random fact: So this is not so much a fact as it is a story. I was in hospital last Friday cause I was having respiratory problems. I was having trouble breathing in bed and my mum called the NHS helpline. Suddenly there were paramedics at our door, telling me I had to rush to A and E because I might have a pulmonary embolism. I had blood tests and waited for the results until 3am, only to be told that I had a indicator of blood clots in the tests and I’d have to come into hospital for chest scans the next day. Which was when I was supposed to go on holiday. So me and my mum missed our train to France because I was sit in a waiting room for a chest xray and scan all day, which turned out to indicate that I didn’t have a blood clot at all and I probably just had a virus. So we booked a plane that evening and I was in the Alps the next evening. Bit of a hectic evening.
Aesthetic: Eh I don’t have much aesthetic. Clothing-wise, I’m a fan of tighter or shorter tops (t-shirt crop tops, etc) and loose, wide legged trousers. My friend described me as always slightly too dressed-up for the situation xD In general, I like grand, sweeping architecture; I love old cathedrals. There are some gorgeous ones in France. Elaborate, beautiful stonework.
I tag (by the way, please don’t repeat this if you’ve already done it, and please don’t feel obligated to do it either just because you’ve been tagged)
@itslemonsoda @cybrid @childotkw @k-s-morgan I can’t be bothered to find more people I know, but if you read this, consider yourself tagged! <3
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vilevenom · 6 years ago
How about “you’re not going to starve yourself on thanksgiving?” W/Mystery skulls?
Ow. I hurt my own heart.
Vivi stomped her foot on the floor outside of Arthur’s bedroom, glaring the door down, as if she could make it disappear with her sheer force of will alone. “Arthur, come out here, right now! We’re leaving in a few minutes, and you are coming with us, damnit,” she snapped at the door, slamming her fist into the wood a few times.
“Just go with Lewis, Vi,” Arthur’s voice came back through the locked door, sounding resigned and tired, “He doesn’t want me there, and I’m fine by myself. Lance was never big into thanksgiving, so I’m not missing anything.”
“Yes you are! Lewis told me about how we used to go to Pepper Paradiso every year, since my family waits until the weekend and your uncle couldn’t cook a turkey to save his life. And I know you haven’t even eaten yet today, Kingsmen! You’re not starving yourself on thanksgiving because of some messed up guilt complex you still have! Get out here!” Vivi smacked the wood once more, ignoring the slight ache in her palm from it.
“It’s not a stupid guilt complex, Vivi! Lewis and I still aren’t exactly on the best of terms, and you know it. And, yeah, used to is the key phrasing there. When you guys started to get serious, I stopped going to those dinners. Your argument is sort of invalid since you still don’t even have all of your memories back, yet,” Arthur called back.
Vivi let out a shrill cry of frustration at the door that blocked her from smacking the blonde around, and instead opted to storm down the hallway and glare at Lewis, who was sat in their armchair looking somewhat put upon. He jumped when she stomped over to his seat and yanked him up by the cuff of his sleeve. “You go talk to him! He won’t listen to me because he thinks you don’t want him to come, and he’s being a stubborn jackass and locked me out,” she seethed, pushing Lewis to the hallway.
Reluctantly, the purple haired ghost let himself be pushed, turning to watch Vivi go back into the living room to scream into a pillow, before heading to Arthur’s bedroom door with a sigh. While it was true enough that he knew about the demon possession in the cave now, and he and Arthur were fine coexisting in the same household, that wasn’t to say the two of them were even close to where they once stood in their friendship. If Lewis was being honest with himself, he really didn’t want Arthur to go to dinner with them, and had hoped Vivi would drop the whole thing more easily. Turning his back to Arthur still made him uneasy, and he knew his true form left the blonde quaking more often than not. It would’ve been a whole lot easier if he had’ve fudged his recollection of their past holidays and not included Arthur in this particular family tradition. But that wouldn’t have been fair to Vivi.
“Arthur?” Lewis called out, lightly rapping his knuckles against the door, not wanting to barge in on the blonde and potentially startle him, “Arthur, come on. You’ve got Vivi screaming into a pillow. You need to come out so we can get going. My sisters will start to get into the potatoes and make a mess if we don’t get there in time.”
A long pause followed Lewis’ words, before Arthur finally responded. “Just go without me. Please. I’ll be fine.”
Lewis rolled his eyes before simply phasing through the door, the dimness in the room making him blink so his eyes could readjust. He hadn’t been in Arthur’s room since the cave incident, so seeing how much had changed threw him a little. Where there was once car schematic print outs and photos pinned to the board above his desk, now there were only blue prints for his mechanical arm and maps of the area around Tempo, scribbled on with various coloured pens. The tools that were once haphazardly strewn across his desk were now neatly lined up or tucked into a tool box, and the chili pepper lights Lewis had helped him hang around his window ages ago were nowhere to be found.  The floor was clean of the heaps of dirty laundry that once covered it, and Galahad’s cage had grown substantially with additions that snaked down to the floor to give the hamster room to exercise, though said hamster was currently in the top corner of his cage, as close as he could get to where Arthur was sat on his floor, huddled into a ball against the side of his bed. There was an open shoe box next to the blonde full of the pictures that Lewis knew used to be up on his pin board, a few scattered on the floor as though Arthur had been looking through them before turning into a ball.
Lewis floated forward to get a better look at the photos, frowning slightly in guilt at the fact that they were all taken during holidays the three of them had spent together. Smiling and happy in every photo, save for one separated from the rest on the floor, with only Arthur and Vivi in it. Arthur looked tired with dark circles under his eyes, though he had a crooked smile on his face for the photo, Vivi squishing him next to her and making a funny face at the camera. She had a tiny candy cane stuck to her cheek, so it must have been last Christmas, while he had been wallowing in the cave. Lewis’ stomach twisted at seeing Arthur in the picture obviously trying to be happy for Vivi, juxtaposed to Arthur now, who had yet to realize that Lewis was even in his room, looking tiny and miserable. The fact that Lewis had even thought about excluding the blonde, after an entire year of working himself to the bone to try and find Lewis, made him want to puke. He and Arthur used to be nearly inseparable, even after he’d started dating Vivi. He’d heard what Arthur had told Vivi earlier, and it hadn’t entirely been a lie. He had missed out on the last thanksgiving before Lewis had died, but it had only been because Arthur had been sick with a bad cold and didn’t want to get the Pepper girls sick as well. Lewis and Vivi hadn’t even stayed at Paradiso long, and had brought Arthur home enough food to nearly recreate the feast set out at the restaurant. He’d never wanted to leave Arthur out, not until now, letting his lingering bitterness get the best of him.
Finally, Lewis took real stock of how Arthur looked. It was somewhat difficult with how the blonde was curled into himself, but Lewis could see how much weight he had lost, with the way his shirt clung to his frame and draped strangely near his stomach. When he’d still been alive, Arthur was certainly lean, of course, but with how he and Vivi had forced food at him near constantly, he’d never looked thin the way he did now. It made his anchor throb against his chest to think that Arthur still wasn’t letting himself heal and get better, even though Lewis was back, and he knew it was in part his fault. He tended to avoid Arthur the same way the blonde avoided him, and with the way Lewis tended to entrench himself in the kitchen, it was really no wonder Arthur apparently wasn’t eating. And Lewis hadn’t exactly made it a mission to rekindle his friendship with Arthur the way he was working on his relationship with Vivi. He’d forgotten just how much Arthur needed them. They were his only family after Lance, and Lewis had been making little to no effort in making sure that Arthur even still considered himself their friend. As a matter of fact, he’d been making an unconscious effort to push Arthur away, with the way he’d been acting.
“Arthur?” Lewis finally announced his presence, making Arthur jump and curl into himself further, ducking his head down to his knees. “Arthur, we’re going to be late. You need to get ready.”
Arthur simply shook his head, wrapping his arm around himself, trying to make himself as small as possible. It made Lewis want to wrap him up in a hug and never let go. Instead, he opted for kneeling next to Arthur and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Come on, Artie. Everyone is waiting.”
Arthur hissed a breath out between his teeth, lifting his head high enough so he could speak without being muffled, but not looking at the specter next to him. “Look, Lewis. You and I both know you don’t want me to go and you’re only doing this because Vivi is upset, so just…I don’t know, tell her I’m sick or something so she’ll let you go. I’ll be fine here on my own.”
Lewis unconsciously tightened his grip on Arthur’s shoulder, making the blonde flinch and jerk away, which caused Lewis to pull his hand back as though he’d been burned. He looked contrite as he tried to figure out what he could say or do to soothe Arthur, fretting even as the blonde finally turned his face to look at Lewis, a forced smile on his face and dried tears on his cheeks. “Paprika is going to insight mashed potato wars if you don’t get going soon.”
Lewis couldn’t help himself when he finally saw just how tired and gaunt Arthur’s face looked, yanking Arthur into a bear hug and nearly crushing the blonde to his chest. Arthur squeaked in surprise, too startled to do much more than lay limply against Lewis. “We’re not leaving without you, Arthur,” Lewis said with conviction, smokey wisps of magenta tears leaking from the corners of his eyes as he felt how thin Arthur was against his chest, “I won’t leave you again. I promise.”
A moment or two passed of silence between the two, before a hacking sob left Arthur and he buried his face in Lewis’ chest, shifting so he was more fully in Lewis’ lap and clutching near desperately to the ghost’s shirt as he cried.
It was a solid ten minutes before either of them moved again, and Lewis was certain his parents were contending with Paprika shouting for revolution over the turkey, but he figured the clean up later was a good trade-off for mending the bridge he’d nearly let crumble to the ground with Arthur. Carefully he helped Arthur stand and get dressed, watching with morbid fascination as Arthur connected his prosthetic to his shoulder before pulling his shirt on over it, and helped with feeding Galahad, distracting the hamster with a treat while Arthur filled up his food bowl.
“Ready to go?” Lewis asked as Arthur rubbed at his bloodshot eyes, the ghost unlocking and pulling open the bedroom door. Arthur gave a small nod, reaching up to pat Lewis on the arm with his good hand as passed him to walk into the hallway, a hint of a genuine smile on Arthur’s face for the first time that Lewis could recall in recent memory.
“Oh my god, finally!” Vivi’s annoyed shout came echoing down the hall as Arthur walked into the living room and Lewis slowly floated after him. “I’m starving! Let’s go!”
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bluescarfvivi · 3 years ago
🥶️ ((Vivi))
holiday ask meme : send  🥶️ for  our  muses  to  warm  up  by  cuddling  close  to  a  fire
A snowball draw! Against two very strong opposing forces, the raging war came to a conclusion all with a simple handshake. Both opponents held a high respect for their resilience, determination, and the bravery upon facing harsh winter winds.
Winds picking up quite quickly the more the two stood in the bleak winter storm.
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"Blanket delivery is here!" A large lump slammed down on Vivi's living room floor, one draped overtop of Alice from their free fall. The small fireplace held a strong flame, slowly glowing and growing. "And why not make it a little more cozy with some snuggles, am I right?" It's always nice sharing the warmth together. The bluenette wormed into another blanket, wrapping it around the other small woman.
"There we go! Nice and comfy now."
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alekspopug48 · 2 months ago
С рождеством!
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meteor752 · 4 years ago
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
I love that no one sends any ships, but this is my fourth time doing this, I just like doing them alright.
This time it will be Bain and my two Elf OC’s, Kamarind and Vivian, who were only paired up with him so that Brand would be created, then I sold my soul to the ship and I just want to share a bit of their dynamic
Rate the Ship - Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Well, Bain will die one day, but Kami and Vivi will last for a good while
How quickly did/will they fall in love? Kamarind and Vivian fell in love with each other very quickly, and they did the same with Bain. It took Bain a good few years to notice that they were even flirting with him, so falling in love, or realizing that he’d fallen in love, took its sweet time
How was their first kiss? - Between Vivian and Kamarind it was passionate, between Vivi and Bain it was very sweet and between Kami and Bain, well it was quite filthy as they’d both just fallen in dirt
Who proposed? They had no wedding, as Elves only wed once, so I’m gonna skip this
Who is the best man/men? -
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? -
Who stressed the most? -
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -
Who is on top? They switch fairly often
Who is the one to instigate things? Kamarind, he’s quite dirty, Vivi and Bain just go along with it
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? These guys can go on for hours if desired to, so yeah
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? Four, one produced by Vivian and Bain, two by Vivian and Kamarind, and one by Kamarind and an ex
How many children will they adopt? Well, they “adopt” the ones that aren’t theirs by blood, so yeah
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Kamarind yeets out of there as fast as he can when the issue rises, so Bain and Vivian
Who is the stricter parent? Bain, surprisingly. Kamarind is very chill, and Vivian doesn’t always understand what her children are getting up to, so Bain as to take initiative while wondering how they raised three kids
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Vivian. Kamarind kinda encourages it, and Bain couldn’t imagine his sweet little angels doing anything wrong, so Vivian has to do it
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Kamarind, he often has to keep track on things like that since his two lovers are both easily distracted and blind
Who is the more loved parent? Well, all four have different opinions, so there’s no more loved, except there is and it’s Kamarind
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Vivian, she’s the only one who has time
Who cried the most at graduation? Bain, but more because he couldn’t see them (Or just Brand, as the other three would be grown) than the fact that they were growing up
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? All three would do it, but in different ways, but the kids would most likely go to Bain
Who does the most cooking? Kamarind, surprisingly
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Vivian, she’s a fancy eater
Who does the grocery shopping? Bain, he enjoys going to the market
How often do they bake desserts? Both Kamarind and Vivian and sweet tooth’s, so it’s quite often
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Meat lover
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Bain, he’s a sappy boy
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Kamarind, in case he’s tired
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Vivian
Who cleans the room? Bain, he was raised with having to do chores with his sisters after his ma passed, and the habit just stuck
Who is really against chores? Both Kamarind and Vivian
Who cleans up after the pets? Bain, it’s his pets
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Kamarind
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? No one stresses, because no one really cares
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Kamarind probs
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Kamarind barely bathes, and Bain does it fairly quickly because he don’t have time, so it’s Vivian by default
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Bain, it’s his dog
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Bain loves holidays, so they do it for both Elven and Human holidays (And some dwarven, as their child Tialah is half dwarf)
What are their goals for the relationship? To just be together and not be judged
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Bain, he loves sleeping
Who plays the most pranks? Bain grew up with constant sibling prank wars, so definitely him
And yeah that’s that! Please send in ships, I love doing these, but if you don’t I will do them anyways, because as I said, I love doing them
0 notes
Hey Peahen mom,
Can you write a Christmas type of short drabble but in involves a special moment? Maybe one between Jaron and Melinda please? I love these two and the others so much. <3
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((Hi there and good morning. Hope your doing alright today. I think I can write something pretty short or close to it depending but sure. And I'm glad you love them as the others too. As I said, me and my friend makes too cute ships. But here ya go. And to say, this special moment is a bit earlier. The others are a bit more older in this and the kids are not born yet in this short drabble.))
((Oh and the devil royals and young adults au along with Jaron and the other fractions belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
This Christmas was pretty lively this year as the fractions were having a giant party together with snow coming down during this night. The DBT was the main planners while having their friends and everyone else all together this year again.
Ink was happily eating some holiday pudding made by Jaron and Melinda while seeing her friends talking and hanging out. Some with their lovers, some with friends, or some laughing and playing some games together. Even her six claws were there happily eating and sitting with Ink too enjoy this holiday. They did bring gifts for everyone which was under the giant tree.
"Oh come on! I know I won that!" Rust shouted but Breezy laughed winning another game or payback win since he did beat her a few times.
"All is fair in love and war Rust!" she winks but he looks to her to laugh.
"Oh your not getting out of this! I want a rematch!" he joked as she grins smiling.
"Your on!"
"You two really are at this like crazy. Your now even tied." Winter said holding some ginger ale while seeing Fin agree while eating some snacks.
"What can I say? She knows how to bring a storm fighting me in video games." he said but Breezy snickered to grab him and ruffle his hair.
"And your no better!" she laughed.
Some others were enjoying the party while Vivi was drinking some hot chocolate with some whip cream beside Shdwkyz who was eating some holiday cookies which were home made. The two were seeing the others having fun, even seeing Gerald and Timmy playing a board game with Ping and Taz who was having some holiday bows in their hair.
"I wonder if we should make snow blowers next year...that would be sick!!" Yuuka heard Navarro from doing some work on this holiday later on but Echo was walking over with some food and looks seeing this. Shaking her head, she goes and set Navarro's plate down.
"And your already making plans on your next project. You do know we have something better later on right?" she joked even when he rubs the back of his head. "I know, I know.."
The leaders were happy even some like Rex sitting by Kali eating some cake, Joshua and Ashley were watching a holiday movie together with some others. Yeah, everyone was having fun and it was a good party. However, this was also going to be a remembering Christmas.
~~~In the Kitchen~~~
"Jaron are you sure your going to be alright? You been a little distracted in here." He blinks to look up hearing someone speak, turning to see Ethan coming in with a plate. The jackal has been in the kitchen but he's been a little quiet.
"Sorry but I'm good. Just trying to do something for later. Or to say, I have a present for Melinda later." he said.
"Ah, I see. I'm sure whatever it is, she'll love it. You always told me she loves the gifts you given her every year during Christmas even when it comes to you getting her something." He saw Jaron sigh but he knew it was true.
"I know...I always love to get her something and even show we gotten more close now. She means the world to me.." he said.
"I know she does. It's always that one special someone that makes you wish to keep them safe, keep them protected, and love them no matter what." He said thinking about his girlfriend Willow who was sitting in the living room wearing a gift Ethan gave her last year but she cherished it for a good while. Smiling a bit, he thinks of that then looks to Jaron.
"I know whatever gift you give her this year she'll love it."
"....Right, thank you Ethan." he said seeing him nod but turns to head back to the others and Willow. Jaron remains quiet but he did have a present but he wanted to make it special. He will be sure it will be this Christmas eve. He did look seeing Melinda happily serving some cupcakes now while wearing a festive shirt and having a bow in her black hair. She always looked so happy even from growing up. She really was someone he cherishes in his life.
"........." Sighing, he looks up but sees the snow from the window in the kitchen. 'I can do this.....I can do this.' he thought but would give her present a bit early.
Melinda was smiling as she saw everyone happily enjoying the food and sweets Jaron and her made, they must have loved it they were already asking for seconds! Giggling, it did her heart good knowing this was another wonderful Christmas.
"Hey Melinda?"
She blinks to turn around but looks seeing Jaron there. He was seeing her smile and it made him happy. "Hey Jaron what's wrong?" she asked but he rubs the back of his head.
"Nothing's wrong. I was wondering....I wanted to...talk to you about something." He mutters but Melinda blinks to look at him. Talk to her about something?
"Hmm? Well, sure. Did you want to talk somewhere private or?" she looks seeing him look back at her.
"We can talk in the other room. It's just....this is something really important." he said but this got Melinda really wondering what is happening. Agreeing, she follows him to the other room but a few of the fractions noticed this. Now where were they going?
In the other living room, Jaron was leading the way but Melinda follows him still wondering on what he wanted to talk about. It had to be important if he wished to speak in private. In a while, they got to the other room seeing the window showing the snow outside with some Christmas lights flashing different colors.
Jaron stops but looks to the room but Melinda blinks to look at him worried. It was time.
"Jaron?" he heard her ask sounding worried but he sighed to turn to face her.
"Is something wrong?"
"No no nothing is wrong I Just..I wanted to say something." he said but she blinks to look at him. He steps closer but gently takes her hands to look at her, seeing her silver eyes look at him even if she was confused.
"You know me and you been together for a long time right?" he asked seeing her nod. "Though, I still remember the first day we met even if I wish it was under a better situation." he looks to her remembering. "Though, it was almost like it was meant to happen. From that day, we grew to know one another and I was happy that I could help you because I don't want to think what would have happened if we never did.." he feared at times if he and her never met, she would still be on the run or worse caught and turned into something worse.
"Over time, I wanted to be there to insure you were happy. Even after some bad moments seeing you get hurt and...almost killed. It hurt seeing how badly you were in pain but...you were saved.."
".......I remember. It was because you gave me your blood to save my life....and help me stay alive to the others helping me become who I am today. Having a new family and friends." She remembers from being part of Jinx's team and seeing new friends in New York. Yeah, she still cherished those memories and hopes to make more.
"Yeah, because nothing makes me more happier than seeing you living your life. We grew closer after that true when it came to good moments and bad ones. Depending on one another just like with our fractions." he said thinking about it but Melinda blinks knowing that.
While he was having this moment, a few others were listening in or some wondering what is going on. "What are you two doing?" Vivi asked seeing a few of the guys listening in on the conversation.
"Jaron is speaking with Melinda about something. You think it's something serious?" Fin asked trying to hear in more.
"Maybe. I bet it's a sweet moment!" Breezy said. "Do you think he might-"
"We don't know..I bet it could be.." Rust said.
"Oh no.." Vivi saw they were making another bet even during this! Shdwkyz comes over to wonder.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Their making another bet to see what Jaron is saying to Melinda." Vivi explains that Shdwkyz sweatdrops to look at them. "Seriously? Again? Can't you guys just stop with these bets?" he said but he was hushed by them to keep listening making Shdwkyz's left eye twitch. Vivi shook her head but held his hand to calm him down.
~~~~~In the other room~~~~~
"...I know and I remember that to but....." she blinks to look at him confused. "Jaron, what is this all about? Are you trying to tell me something?" she asked.
"....I am.....it's sorta nervous like for me to even ask..or say this.." he said that Melinda was worried more.
"Jaron? Are you upset with me? Did I do something wrong?"
"Huh? No no! You did nothing wrong. I just......*sighs* I wanna say something to you so please hear me out." he said but he looks to her as the snow keeps falling down outside. He just gazes upon her but reaches to hold her cheek.
"Melinda, I'm so happy that I've met you in my life. We have gotten so much closer now that I am so happy that your here with me. Being able to see you smile and being happy means the world to me. But it's better because you gotten through it. Even after all the things you went through, you were still able to get back up. I cherish every moment we had together in the past to now to hanging out, and being together. You mean the whole world to me. And I'm so happy for it.."
"Though now...I'm...hoping you will still be with me." he said.
"You..You silly jackal. I'll always be with you. Nothing is going to change that." she said pouting but Jaron smiled still holding her cheek.
"I know..but that's not what I mean." he said now making her confused.
"I..I don't understand." she said.
"I know..but I think this might." he said looking to her. "Melinda, we had a lot of crazy adventures together and we still will from here on out..though...I really hope you will just tell me one thing." as he looks to her, he saw his three familiars even the baby jackal show up around them but she saw them wagging their tails and the baby yipping happily.
"Jaron? What is this? What are you-" she laughed started to say but looks to him as he backed up just slightly to the baby jackal hovering over but he drops something in Jaron's hand as he held it from her.
"I know it seems weird but....I'm just trying to think of a proper way to do this."
"To do..what?" she asked. To get her answer, Jaron sighed but gets on one knee in front of her that Melinda's silver eyes look but widen slightly as she held her hands up to her heart. Wait, what was he doing?
"I know I mean this from the bottom of my heart...but I hope to hear the answer I wish from you." He said showing his hand seeing a black box and slowly opens it showing a engagement ring inside. A silver band with a cute diamond as smaller ones show silver gems too.
"Will you give me the honor of being by my side and partner forever? Will you let me share my love for you as you have with me as we both grow up together?" he asked. "Will you...." Taking a deep breath he said,
"Melinda Brooks, will you marry me?"
Melinda was speechless, he was asking her to marry him! Even on Christmas Eve!!!! She didn't know what to say but tears were slowly forming from her eyes as she covers her mouth shaking where she stood. Jaron looks to her seeing the tears but he wonders if it was too soon?
"Melinda?" he asked looking at her but Melinda only lowers her hand but she was still crying to look at him. "I'm sorry if this is too soon. I figured I.." As he said this, she quickly rushes to tackle him and hug him. He held her but she was sobbing softly.
"Melinda?" he was petting her head but she only held him tight not letting go. But he did hear something from her moments after.
He blinks to look at her but he saw her tears still coming down, her lips were in a light smile as she was blushing. "Huh?"
"Y..Yes..Yes, Jaron Jackal I'll marry you. I'll marry you!" she said crying more that his own eyes widen hearing this. She said yes..she said yes! Being happy he smiled to gently see her sit up as he did, carefully taking her hand to get the engagement ring out. He side the ring on her ring finger as he held it. But she looks at it then looks to him that she tackles him again to kiss him deeply on the lips while they shut their eyes.
However in that moment....
"GUYS HE DID IT! HE FINALLY PROPOSED TO HER! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!" Breezy screams excited that everyone heard.
"Wait, he did what!?" Ink said as the six claws were shocked.
"FINALLY!!" Rust and Navarro said knowing he would do it! The girls were happy that they were excited but that's when the door opens to show Jaron walking out with Melinda as the two blinks hearing this.
"Uhhhh guys? What are you-" That's when the boys got to Jaron congratulating him.
"Finally! You finally did it! HA! We win the bet Guam and Fin!" Navarro laughed seeing Rust laughing. The two blinks but Kali sighed shaking her head.
"YEAH, HE DID IT!!" Navarro said but that's when he got smacked on the head with something and Rust too.
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU IDIOTS ABOUT MAKING FUCKING BETS!?" Shdwkyz said as the two ran from him shouting.
"STOP CHASING US DAMN IT!!" Navarro said.
The girls were happy for Melinda who still was crying happily but she was hugged with some being happy for her.
"Yay my friend got hitched!" Jinx cheered as everyone now begins clapping for the two. Melinda smiled to sniffle but she was happy and Jaron was rubbing the back of his head while smiling and yet, he was happy.
The party resumed moments after but the word spread that Jaron and Melinda was engaged. With a few head bonks from Maggie to stop Navarro, Rust, Fin, and Guam from being silly to Breezy getting one when she added to the bet.
Their devils Lyilus and Yen-Lo-Wang heard this that even the other devils were wondering when their heirs were going to plan their own weddings. Even speaking of the next heirs in the future (Explaining the kids coming later) Though, they were happy for them. The two were already planning a huge demon wedding later in the next year but that was for another moment.
Jaron and Melinda was sitting together but drinking some hot chocolate but she had the ring on and he was happy. Giving a kiss to her cheek, Melinda smiled with eyes closed only to turn and kiss him on the lips.
"I love you Jaron.." she said.
"Love you too Melinda. I'll always love you She loved him and he loved her. This was indeed a gentle special moment on Christmas Eve.
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tallgrassstore · 7 years ago
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Whoops, didn't realize the time, so let's squeeze in weekly update #77 quickly! This was an amazing packed week, but that's to be expected with holiday shopping season! 20 ornaments were made this week ranging from festive Murloc's and faction symbols from World of Warcraft, festive Pikachu and other Pokemon like Charmander, Mimikyu and Bulbasaur, even more festive Porg from the upcoming Star Wars movie and some adorable Poro from League of Legends! Also in clay were a few models like the beloved hunter pet, Loque'Nahak; the well known mage of Final Fantasy, Vivi and - my absolute pride and joy of this week - a Dwarf Hunter character model in full Howling Beast gear! He will be my last character model for the year (and for a little longer after that), but I'll be sure to announce when I'm open to making them, once more! Now, on the amigurumi side, 5 cuddly new friends were made for various orders from a double dose of baby Tauntauns, the ever adorable Niffler from Fantastic Beasts, and finally another pair of amigurumi with the Lucid Nightmare in both the flopped and standing poses! Phew! As for the wait times: as mentioned earlier this week, any NEW clay orders will not be worked on until the week of December 11th- and I will be closing either this coming weekend or even as soon as mid-week this week, so be sure to get your orders in before then! For amigurumi, the queue is still the same at any new orders being worked on after April 25th. I still hold hope that once the Christmas craziness is over and I can go full force on plushie orders again that this will shorten quickly, but until that point I need to keep the queue where it is for accuracy and for my sanity 😅 I think that about covers it all for this week, but we still have at least 2 more big updates before it dims down the normal load, and be sure to keep an eye out for the announcement for when I'll be closing for the year! Until then, you can see more of my work at TheTallGrass.etsy.com!
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yoshi4sushi · 7 years ago
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. As for us, I will be busy with some errands, but my fauna crew will keep attending to you daily news. Without further ado, let’s get the show on the road. First off, the anime and chapter will resume this week so keep those eyes peeled. However, this past weekend, they were premiering a mini special of OP that talked about the history of the warring states of Japan. It was very informative since me and the boys are a bit familiar w/ Japan’s history, and it was fun to learn new things. I hope everyone can watch it on YouTube. Now we got some awesome news on upcoming goods and events so you know the drill. First, guess who came to crash with us? It’s Tongari-san! He’s got some awesome news share with us. So, what’s the buzz at the tower, my friend? Tongari-san says that the tower is about to get spooky and thrilling! This Saturday, loads of awesome goods will be in stock at the store and Tongari Island store. First, the park will continue to have their mini games, and they have 2 new sets of prizes. Prize A are Halloween character square buttons and prize B are acrylic Halloween keychains. What a “chilling” prize! Cost to play mini games are 500 yen. Next, Gashapons machines at the tower will be loaded with PVC Halloween straps of the Straw Hats and mini stencil tattoos. They’re 500 yen to get these prizes on the capsule machines. Next, to get into the holiday, they’ll open the Tongari Workshop where you can get a tattoo of your choosing such as Nami’s tangerine, Law’s heart symbol, Perona’s negative hollow, Ace’s name, and Luffy’s meet symbol. Cost is 300 yen. They will also have shops where you can make your own sticker for your window or make your own charm. Fee is required to make them. It’s an enjoying activity for both kids and grown-ups. Next, if you go inside the park, you’ll get a free bromide card of either Luffy w/ Law or Luffy w/Ace. Take your entrance ticket to the cashier at the Mugiwara store where you’ll receive a stamp and free card. Also, if you purchase more than 1000 yen of goods, you’ll get a second version bromide card of the Straw hats. It doesn’t stop there. Tongari Shop will be selling new goods from the 3rd live attraction show of OP such as character buttons, t-shirts that has the logo or one with a silhouette of Ace with the characters in the background, a photobook of OP attraction show, and box and canned of cookies decorated w/ the characters. This can only be purchased at the Tongari Shop inside the park. Next, figurines! Yes, a sexy one and cute ones. Sexy one will be this figurine of Hancock from Flag Diamond Ship which will be stocked this Wednesday. Next, the first set of 20th anniversary chibi figurines of Luffy, his comfy chair, Nami, Chopper, and Robin will be stocked at this Thursday. Wanna win? Get your coins ready, and beat that meddling crane. Moving on, this Friday, new cute Mugi Mugi plushies will be released such as Vivi, Carrot, Bon-chan, Tashigi, Shirahoshi, Jinbei, Crocodile, Mihawk, and Smoker. They will also sell this big Mugi plushie of Luffy. Something you can cuddle with. Very cute! Also, Oda-sensei was kind enough to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the store. If you purchase, you’ll receive this new drawing of Luffy that is on the shopping bag with a message from the great mangaka himself. NEAT! Who’s into listening to island songs? Well, to commemorate the release of OP Island song collection, they’re having a campaign. First, the second set of island collection music CD covers have been released. The second set will be released on Oct.25th. The second CD collection will be Vivi & Igaram, Mr.3 & Ms.Goldenweek, Chopper, Crocodile, Bellamy, Eneru, Foxy, Franky, Robin, & Brook. The campaign is when you purchase a CD, it will include a ticket number. Type in the number, and you’ll be signed up for a chance to win a mobile battery stand of the OP song collection brand. They will email you as an announcement that you’ve been chosen as the winner. Contest ends on Dec.31st. You can only enter the contest unless you live w/in Japan. Also, if you purchase pre-order all 26 CDs at the Mugiwara Stores, you will be given a free OP Island Song Collection CD box. Tell the cashier you wish to pre-order all CDs. They will give you a stamp sheet. You must collect three stamps when you pick up each set from the dates of the CDs will be released. For example, once you tell the cashier you want to pre-order, they’ll make the reservation. The first CD set will be released on Sept.27th. You go to the store and pick up the first set, pay, and the cashier will give you the sheet and stamp it. You do the same process for October and November CDs. Once they stamp your sheets, the store will give you details on how you’ll receive the prize. If you need help, please send your concern on our den den mushi question box. Don’t hesitate to ask us for help. You can also leave a message under our Twitter account yoshi4sushi. This only applies to those who live w/in Japan. Next, with Halloween approaching, Coca Cola is having another campaign. Purchase 4 pet bottles of brand drinks like Fanta, Qoo OJ, Sprite, or Canada Dry, and you can get your free double side Halloween tote bag of the Straw Hats. Head to any local supermarket such as AEON supermarket. Moving on, here are the new Ichiban Kuji prizes of OP. It is titled, The Chopper Collection. All prizes are Chopper goods. A & B prizes are big plushies of Chopper in his anniversary outfit and in his usual pink hat. The secret prize is a plush of Chopper with his funny face. Other prizes include some Chopper’s letter name glass cups and hand towels. The campaign will commence in December. Last, but not least, last week, they released the visual key image of Kyoto Wano Kingdome event of OP that has two characters connected to the history of Kyoto. They’ll have the Straw Hats bounties posted at the Kyoto City Hall. They’ll also have a stamp rally where you head the locations of the Straw Hats spread throughout the city. Collect their stamp on your sheet, and you’ll receive a prize. It’s possible the crew and I will head to the city to explore this event. PHEW! I think we covered everything. Well, I hope the news will sink in slowly. If you’re curious about something, please let us know. The crew and I are happy to help. That’s all we have for now. Tune in next week for more news and upcoming events. Special thanks to Tongari-san. We’ll see you around, my friend. Kikko! Momon! Excellent work! Let’s catch our zzzzsss.
 Island Song collection: http://avex.jp/onepiece/music/
Coca Cola campaign: https://www.cocacola.co.jp/press-center/news-20170907-14
Chopper Collection: http://dtimes.jp/banpresto-ichibankuji-one-piece-chopper-collection/
Halloween Tower event: https://onepiecetower.tokyo/op_20th/halloween2017?lang=en
Kyoto event: https://sp.shonenjump.com/j/op-20th-anniv/article/page_18.html
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