neo-homestuck-au · 10 months
This is my collection of au's this blog was originally just for saostuck but [bluh] I got a bit too ambitious and made too many au's lol so.... yeah, I'm going to throw then at you becaus I can and so I will
Acrully their technically only dubiously au's so... yeah, I'll just call them aus for simplicity but they could kinda be called their own original story it it weren't for the fancomicness
Saostuck —the entire saostuck au
Saozee— one of the fics
Grubzzz —one of the fics
Ficstuck —about the fics
Tama & glamor — one of the fics
Ramblings from the notebook — what I wrote down in my notebook
Violet indigo & candy together — one of the fics
More to be added for this au later [bluh:[ ]
Flames in the fire – a not so au au with a really long name and is inspired by the crow strider au, this tag is for the entire "au" (it used to be an au but u changed that :P)
The acronym for this au is fitf
Kraken <troll> – an original charecter, and makes the troll count 13 :3 , expect similar tags for the other trolls and <even the original species I'm adding to this> this tag is an example for the charecter tags <all of them>
This au is quite a bit different, because all of the hemocast is also a bit different (see, this isn't really an au :] it's more ... a twist of the original lore and also with entirely different charecters [but spades slick/ Jack noir is still there along with the other three :P ]
Candyblood fitf – tag with my explanations on what I changed for the candiebloods in the au :]
Limeblood fitf – tag with my explanations on what I changed for the limebloods in the au :]
Hemocast fitf - tag with my changes to the other bloodcasts
I feel like I'm missing some au's but that will be rectified in due time
And that's all for this pinned post!!! :]
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jabbywocky-ty · 5 years
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Fodder class grub enemy
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19 + 20?
19. What do you think our purpose is in the universe?
I honestly don't think we, I, have a purpose, I think most things are just a series of coincidences that we give meaning. If a purpose is needed in life, then I think that should most practically entail the continued quest for our own happiness - preferably in a way that doesn't impede on or hurt others <3
20. Do you believe in god(s)?
No. I do believe there are things we do not yet understand, but I also don't believe in the "else" - any kind of controlling or creating consciousness. As I said, most things are in my opinion just coincidences, even our existence. (That said, I will respect the right for people to believe in god/s, even though I may at times critisise some notions of religion and belief)
Thanks for asking, that got existential! I do love philosophy, it's incredibly interesting, the things we don't know for certain! <3
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Layover in Malaysia! Getting us some grubzzz. 🍲
Layover in Malaysia! Getting us some grubzzz. 🍲
— Julia Antoinette (@juliantoinette_) June 10, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/juliantoinette_ June 10, 2019 at 10:54AM via IFTTT
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