#Virginia Foxx
porterdavis · 11 months
She seems nice...
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"Shut up!"
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How can we live and prosper when we are ruled by crazy old bats like this. Time for her to fly back into her Neanderthal cave and make way for Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
The crazy bitch who who screamed at reporters to shut the hell up when they tried to quest MAGA Mike upon his election to speaker.
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kp777 · 2 months
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NEW YORK — Speaker Mike Johnson said he will call Joe Biden and demand the president send the National Guard to Columbia University — an escalation after protesters constantly shouted him and other Republicans down during a visit to the campus Wednesday.
Johnson, flanked by GOP lawmakers from New York and elsewhere, repeated his calls for the university’s embattled president to step down. But protesters shouted “who are you people?” “Mike, you suck!” and chanted “free Palestine,” making it almost impossible for the gaggle of reporters and others to hear the speaker. “This is dangerous. This is not the First Amendment, this is not free expression,” Johnson said. He later added: “If this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guard.” Johnson directly faced the Gaza Solidarity Encampment that has thrown the Ivy League campus into turmoil over the past week — demonstrations that have drawn bipartisan anger over incidents of antisemitism. Johnson earlier in the day called Columbia President Minouche Shafik a “weak and inept leader” who can’t guarantee the safety of Jewish students during a radio interview.
While he’s the most senior elected official so far to push for Shafik’s resignation, numerous Republican lawmakers — including New York’s GOP delegation — and at least one Democrat, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), are also pushing for her ouster. “My message to the students inside the encampment is go back to class and stop the nonsense,” Johnson said. “Stop wasting your parents’ money.” Johnson’s comments Wednesday capped off a week of chaos at the school that started when Shafik and other university leadership testified before House lawmakers, followed by her calling in police to arrest around 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had camped out on campus. The protests and arrests spawned similar demonstrations at NYU, Yale, MIT and beyond and have become the latest domestic flashpoint in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.
“Columbia University is in a free fall,” House Education Committee Chair Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) said Wednesday, accusing Shafik of presenting false testimony during the hearing. “I have a message for President Shafik and a message for you all too: The inmates are running the asylum,” she added.
[...] Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) — who has accused Columbia of bowing to “right wing pressure” with its arrests of students — dubbed Johnson’s visit as another tactic in a conservative attack on educational institutions and an effort to silence “anti-war and pro-Palestinian sentiment.”
Yesterday, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was hellbent on making Kent State look like a picnic by demanding President Biden call in the National Guard to quell pro-Palestinian protests on campuses nationwide. Speaker Johnson got deservedly shut down by protesters.
See Also:
HuffPost: Speaker Johnson To Columbia Protestors: 'Go Back To Class And Stop The Nonsense'
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someprettyboat · 11 months
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Thank you, Rep. Virginia Foxx, for reminding me of one of my favorite poems:
"(Thanks) For decent church-goin' women, with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces." ~ William Burroughs
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cultml · 1 year
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pasquines · 5 months
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
The Republican House of Representatives held its last meeting of the calendar year. It was about what you would expect.
The earlier evidence-free GOP Impeachment to Nowhere was overshadowed by a lot of talk about whole milk. Not kidding! 🐄
Kevin McCarthy is leaving the House, but I don't think he has technically submitted his resignation just yet. His departure is appropriately hapless; his favored successor has been ruled ineligible to run for the seat in CA-20.
Assemblyman Vince Fong not allowed to run for Kevin McCarthy's seat, CA Sec. of State rules
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cavenewstimes · 10 months
'Billions Of Dollars Wasted Each Year': Virginia Foxx Bemoans 'Underused' Government Offices
Welcome to our blog, where we journey through the gentle meadows of life, seeking inspiration and sharing stories that nourish the soul. Today, we delve into a thought-provoking YouTube video titled “‘Billions Of Dollars Wasted Each Year’: Virginia Foxx Bemoans ‘Underused’ Government Offices.” As we stroll through the emerald fields of bureaucracy, we are invited to reflect upon the untapped…
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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angelx1992 · 11 months
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trumpchumps · 11 months
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evilmark999 · 7 months
"I'll go to my deathbed knowing that they lied. They looked into the State Senators' eyes - and the people of Georgia and people of America - and lied to them about this - and KNEW they were lying - to try to keep this charade going on, that there was fraud in Georgia..."
When Tucker Carlson said, "this is not a conspiracy theory," and when Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity and the rest of the entertainment sycophants still at FOX echoed and continue to echo those same kinds of statements, then you can take it to YOUR deathbed that it IS all a lie, that they're ALL liars - from top to bottom - that they're ALL very KNOWINGLY liars, and don't deserve to be trusted to tell one iota of the truth. Ever!
Just like Donald Trump. And just like Rudy Giuliani. And just like every other christofascist MAGA supporter. Knowingly liars. Full stop!
Write all of their names down, and never forgive, and never forget. They are ALL very KNOWINGLY deceiving everyone that isn't one of them, and will look YOU or anyone or EVERYONE in the eye without a care at all...
Too many names. I ran out of tags...
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Arthur Delaney at HuffPost:
U.S. House Republicans sent a subpoena Wednesday to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, for information about how his state responded to a massive fraud scheme by a nonprofit operating a pandemic relief program. Federal prosecutors have charged dozens of people affiliated with a Minnesota nonprofit that stole $250 million worth of aid intended to feed children.
“You are well aware of the multi-million-dollar fraud that has occurred under your tenure as Governor,” House Education and Workforce Committee chair Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) said in a Wednesday letter accompanying the subpoena to Walz. The subpoena requests any emails between Walz and the Minnesota agencies administering the aid that Foxx said would show “the extent of your responsibilities and actions addressing the massive fraud that resulted in the abuse of taxpayer dollars intended for hungry children.” Foxx had requested information about the fraud scheme from the Minnesota Department of Education in November 2023 and in June. In August, Walz became Kamala Harris’ running mate ― and a much juicier target for Republican oversight. “This was an appalling abuse of a federal COVID-era program,” a spokeswoman for Walz said in an email on Wednesday. “The state department of education worked diligently to stop the fraud and we’re grateful to the FBI for working with the department of education to arrest and charge the individuals involved.”
House Republicans doing waste of time subpoenas, this time towards Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
See Also:
The Guardian: Republican-led House panel subpoenas Tim Walz over $250m Covid relief fraud
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Two far-right members of the House of Representatives were spotted blowing straight past a security checkpoint outside the House floor on Wednesday evening as they headed in to attend a surprise address to Congress from Ukraine’s president.
Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert were seen on the second floor of the Capitol building walking down a hallway outside of the House floor when they veered right towards the chamber. Before they were able to reach the door, two US Capitol Police officers in suits stopped the pair, addressing Mr. Gaetz by name, and informed them that they needed to go through a security screening before entering, gesturing to a nearby metal detector.
The Florida congressman was heard briefly questioning the officer’s direction, before turning away.
“Mr. Gaetz? Mr. Gaetz?!” the officer said as the pair breezed past them and entered the chamber without further incident.
The incident lasted only a few seconds. Neither Mr. Gaetz nor Ms. Boebert became verbally aggressive or insulting, but made clear that they were ignoring the two Capitol Police agents after getting an unsatisfactory reply.
While the two are members of Congress and therefore have permission to enter areas of Capitol Hill where visitors and members of the press are naturally restricted from accessing, all members of the House and Senate no matter their seniority must adhere to security guidelines put in place by the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms.
Violations of those rules are governed and punished by the House Ethics Committee, which is set to change into Republican hands in the coming days.
In the past, the panel has not hesitated to enforce security rules and punish members who violate them. In May of last year, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx of North Carolina was fined $5,000 for going through a checkpoint too quickly and refusing a proper screening in a similar manner.
Metal detectors and their related security procedures were put in place a week after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.
At the time, the House Ethics Committee was empowered to enforce the new procedure. Two other Republican members, Andrew Clyde of Georgia and Louie Gohmert of Texas, have also been fined for violating the rules.
The fines are deducted directly from their congressional salaries upon the committee’s ruling that the procedure has been violated, making dodging payment impossible.
As far-right conservatives aligned with the Trump wing of the GOP, the two are thought to be some of the most opposed to further aid to Ukraine, a key point of Mr. Zelensky’s speech to Congress tonight.
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mariacallous · 2 years
They haven't finished updating the various webpages for the House committees, so the membership for them, the chairs etc. aren't yet available.
I don't even know that the GOP is finished with selecting who all is on which committee, even.
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