#Violet Muller
lesserknownwaifus · 8 months
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Violet Muller from Court of Darkness
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Violet: Handsome AND kind? Sounds like a scam.
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CoD pirates au...
I've been sitting on this one for a long time goddamn 💀 it was supposed to be a fic but oh well...here ya go
Guy is the captain of the pirate ship, he wears a big ass pirate hat
instead of a parrot he has Ertl fly over the ship casually to assert dominance over other pirates
Just a random big ass dragon flying over a pirate ship should tell u enough
Mc is a princess who's kidnapped by the strangest pirate crew ever
Fenn, Lance, Lynt, Dia, and Aquia are with Guy
Violet is there too
Jasper is his right-hand man
Fenn's there bc he's been disowned 💀 and nobody on land wants to work with him so they don't catch Louis's ire
So he's like fuck it imma terrorize everyone
Lynt's there bc it's less work than the royal navy 💀 he sleeps around all day until they gotta attack then he's like chop chop gotta get to work
Dia just has nowhere to go ig
He cooks for them in exchange for a place to stay and doesn't have to fight
instead of shrooms he's obsessed with jellyfish
Lance is there as a runaway from his dad too
Hawke came with him cuz he didn't want to leave him alone in the middle of the sea
He teaches everyone how to fight better and the royal navy's fighting techniques
Hardie is there too as a handyman and tool fixer
Oh and Roc was also a scary big bad pirate and he's always quarreling with Louis and Gilbert who both work with the royal navy
Klaus is also involved in the royal navy so Toa and Roy work there, Toa being the leader of their little group
So do Rio and Grayson, upholding chivalry and whatnot
Thoma and Malik are there as well
Malik is responsible for making their swords and knives
Extra Special Swords for Extra Special Boys™
Zev doesn't work with anybody he just fucks around 💀 sometimes his brother sends him as a messenger so he's neutral
Toa and Guy have crossed swords many times so they're mortal enemies in this one too
Grayson and Rio are great swordsmen and are often eager to fight the pirates
Knight cannot fight as well as everyone but he diligently keeps practicing with Dewi
Kieran sometimes accompanies Toa on missions to try and catch Fenn
Dia's adoptive mom (what was her name again?) sent out a message to Toa's crew to try and drag him back
Lou works for the royal navy as Toa's superior
he knows all the pirates' moves but doesn't do anything until things get serious, then he graces everyone with his presence and saves mc before anyone gets seriously hurt
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ijustluvvoltageguys · 1 month
Girls Sleepover Party
MC, Sherry, and Letty still feel like the picnic was not enough time for them to hangout so they decided that they would extend it to be a sleepover party instead. (15+)
Sherry : *sigh* I really wish our tea party doesn't end. I still wish more time to hang out with just us girls. But it's almost time to head back. If not, we'll miss our curfew.
MC : I agree, Toa is scary when it comes to curfews.
Violet : That curfew doesn't apply for me. But if you're still scared of Toa, I can always bribe him with sweets.
Sherry : True, but what's the fun in that? I mean hanging out on school grounds is not fun. We could only have the lounge but it sucks. I mean we can ask my brother to use the S Rank's lounge but it's still a public space. Do you get what I mean?
MC : Yeah, I do. It's understandable. If being in a public space is your concern, why don't we just have a sleepover?
Violet : That sounds amazing! We could talk about the most recent gossips, our love life, or maybe about that one book I found at the library.
Sherry : You mean THAT book? not going to lie, it's going to be interesting.
MC : What book? I think I'm missing out on something here...
Sherry : Oh, you'll see.
Violet : But where will we be staying for our sleepover? I don't want to sound like I don't want to have a sleepover in my dorm but you know how it is.
MC : It's okay Letty, we get it. I mean, I guess that leaves to my room and Sherry's. I don't mind having a sleepover at my room though. The room the headmaster gave me is pretty cozy.
Violet : I agree, yours is cozy indeed but we need to consider about the space of our room. Will the room accommodate us or not. Your room is cozy but I don't think it will fit all of us. But I know whose room can. Sherry's room is huge!
Sherry : It is huge indeed, but currently it's still trashed with trinkets and clothes.
MC : So I guess, my place it is. Please come in my room with your pajamas. I'll provide as much amenities as I can. Just knock on my door if you're ready!
- MC's room -
*a knock was heard. MC opened the door to see Sherry. She greeted Sherry and gave her some cute slippers and some snacks for their sleepover. But there are still no signs of Letty*
MC : Sherry, have you seen Letty?
Sherry : That's odd. I haven't seen here and Letty is not the type that is late. Maybe she had something going on? I heard Fenn called her to talk about something for like a Luxure state affair.
MC : I see. I was worried but hearing that makes me a little less worried. While waiting for Letty, should we try to do something? Maybe try to embroider something?
Sherry : Boring! Why don't we talk about guys? You've been close with Rio lately. What is up with that?
MC : Stop it. We're just friends, Sherry. And stop shipping me and setting me up!
*suddenly there was a knock on the door. Turns out it was Letty. She finally arrived after needing to sort out documents for Fenn.*
Violet : Did you guys start the conversation without me? Oh, I am terribly offended.
MC : we didn't mean to left you out.
Violet : Anyways, what were you guys talking about?
Sherry : Guys, obviously.
Violet : Oooo... What about them? Were there any potential suitors?
Sherry : Maybe... I mean I noticed how MC is so close with Rio these days but she denied it. She always denies everything about being in a relationship. It's like she's avoiding them like a plague
MC : I'm not. I just think of Rio as a younger brother and most guys in this academy is just not my type. Imagine being with Guy Avari. I would be dread being alive.
Violet : True, some of the princes here sucks. I mean Guy is still a steal compared to Fenn.
Sherry : But you know which prince doesn't suck? My brother. Why don't you try it out with him, MC? I mean you guys would be a match! And as a bonus, we can be sisters!
MC : It's not like I had something with him, Sherry. He's a nice guy but that's the point. Roy is YOUR BROTHER. So what if one day we're going to have a girl talk? and maybe that girl talk is more sexual? So what am I going to do? It is going to be weird to talk about my sexual relationships to someone's sister!
Violet : You really got a point there.
Sherry : But he's such a nice gentlemen. Isn't he your type too? You guys would make a great couple. Besides, I don't mind hearing you talking about your sexual relationships if you're with my brother.
MC : Even though it's not awkward for you, it's awkward for me.
Sherry : Well that's such a pity. But if one day you're up for it, just tell me. I'll set you guys up on a date.
Violet : talking about dates, I had a date 2 days ago and he sucked. I swear I just wanna scream "You can go suck your own dick!" at the end of the date.
Sherry : Oh my! what did he do?
Violet : So we ended our date when he wanted to go for a test ride on how we'll do on the sheets. Generally, it's not really a bad thing and usually I do agree but the way he's saying in that conversation makes it sound like he just expects me to just have sex with him while he just doesn't care about my pleasure at all. He just cares about his own pleasure and he was such a jerk too!
Sherry : Oh my! So what did you do afterwards?
Violet : of course I smacked some sense to his head and left.
MC : As you should.
Violet : And guess what, I heard he can't even get women in the mood properly. I think he really needs some lesson from Fenn or maybe THAT book.
Sherry : I agree!
MC : What book?
Sherry : So, we found a pretty interesting book about love making and pleasure 101. It was ground breaking. literally.
Violet : it's the kama sutra of books. but make it spicy, hot and passionate. I brought the book, you should really see it so you could see what I mean.
Sherry : I can guarantee that it's worth it to read it.
MC : Sometimes I wonder how you act like this and you know this much stuff, Sherry. As long as I know, you never have a paramour. I mean it's not a surprise if it's Letty but you, Sherry?
Sherry : I mean, we're all adults so I don't see the problem here. And sometimes it's good to have some research so when you do experience it, you're already a master. I mean take a look at my brother. That book literally raised him and elevated him to become a true man.
Violet : sometimes I wonder how did you know that too, Sherry.
Sherry : sometimes a girl needs to keep her secrets
(note : well that's it. I will make another chapter about the girls reading and discussing about the book. maybe I should make it shorter? I mean I'm still new to this so please give me feedbacks. thank you)
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ithseem · 2 months
Who out of the Court of Darkness Cast is a Metalhead/Rock enjoyer?
-personal headcanons, lol- Warnings: none, unless you're allergic to opinions, or short lists
Does enjoy it, but not really his go-to genre
No 💀
Looks like a KISS enjoyer
Secretly enjoys it
He find it low-key cathartic to listen to
100000% yes
Would sing death metal to unwind
Looks like a Nightwish enjoyer
Rio's expression: 😊🌈💖🌸
Rio's headphones: 💀💣💥🤘
Look at this man and tell me he wouldn't enjoy rock or metal
Looks like a Linkin Park, Skillet, Three Days Grace, and Opal in Sky enjoyer
Yes, bc the image is funny to think about: the perfect gentleman being into the aggressive stuff
Also would sing death metal to unwind
Looks like a Metallica or Black Sabbath fan
No. It's a lil' too aggressive for him
100% yes
She looks like she'd sing some sort of metal to unwind
Her expression: 😊🌈💖🌸
Her headphones: 💣🤘💀💥
Kinda wanna see him headbanging
Looks like a Starset enjoyer
Enjoys Linkin Park, Evanescence, Red
Yes, mostly bc the image is funny as hell
Probably listens to Thousand Foot Krutch, Evanescence, Opal in Sky
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abugwritesstuff · 5 months
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was she trying to call fenn a simp??? lmaooo
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bitchkay · 1 month
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*drops this and runs*
So girlfriend coded🥰🥰🥰
(A crumb of coochie maam🥺❓❓❓❓❓❓❓)
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fingerless-glovez · 7 months
College au part 2
• Majoring in political science and government
• Genuinely interested in politics, just isn't as intense about it as Roc
• Wants to be friends with people but Roc said "no"
• Not like most people want to be real friends to him anyway, especially not in his course
• Is currently being pressured to accept a political marriage, but would rather marry for love (sap)
• Jasper is the only one who understands
• Majoring in botany
• Attends all of his classes virtually
• Has a mushroom farm in his room
• He sings to them to help them grow. Aquia is sworn to secrecy about it
• Has Lou wrapped around his finger
• Found a snake in the bushes, named it Linos, and it is now his pet. Lou was unsuccessful in convincing him to put Linos back outside
• Is this grounds for expulsion? Yes. Does Lou expel him? Nope. Why? Because Dia is why
• Majoring in human resources services
• Wants to create more positive workplaces, especially for women
• The only mentally stable person in this goddamn school
• Student council president (thanks, chirp!)
• Ya gurl beat out both Guy and Toa, who were competing for the position and tied for runners-up
• Probably helps that she had the power of baked goods (and Grayson's supervision) on her side
• Majoring in botany
• Works at a flower shop
• Poor boy just wants to make friends and study plants but everyone just wants to use him to get in with Guy
• Lack of familial affection go brrr
• Roc doesn't give a shit about his younger sons
• Guy is always busy and has no interest in Aquia's life
• Rahm is too busy trying to make Aquia Roc's successor to notice that he clearly doesn't want to be in politics and loves his brother too much to take his dreams
• Zev is the only one who keeps in regular contact with him, but he's more interested in telling him all about his problems with class, homework, girls, y'know, typical high school stuff. He also asks a lot about how Guy is doing before taking any interest in Aquia
• Fluent in Floriography (language of the flowers)
• Tends to the garden on the school roof at night
• Rio runs into him up there and notices how well cared for the flowers look, and also that Aquia is really sad. They are now gardening buddies
• "Majoring" in hospitality
• Isn't actually here to further a career. Roc sent him with Guy as a spy to make sure no one is plotting to sabotage either Guy or the family as a whole
• Works at the same bar as Lance
• NOT a r**ist, and he does NOT do that shit he did in his consort route
• He just listens in on conversations while making drinks (that have NOT been drugged or spiked in any way) and serving people
• He's that one asshole that corrects people's grammar when they text him
• If you don't text like you're writing a government document he will copy your message and correct it
Violet: is anyone free on saturday. i accidentally bought an extra movie ticket and mc fenn and sherry said there all gonna be busy
Jasper: *Is anyone free on Saturday? I've accidentally bought an extra movie ticket, and MC, Fenn and Sherry said they're all going to be busy.
Jasper: I'll be available on Saturday. What movie are we seeing?
Violet: Die.
• May or may not be fucking Guy and Fenn on the side, who knows
• Majoring in fashion design
• Doesn't care for the designs you would see at a Met Gala and knows how to create things that are good looking and practical but also unique
• Also makes her own accessories
• MC is her usual model
• Met Fenn in high school
• Apparently the guy she'd been dating was two-timing her with Fenn. She was super mad at him at first, but Fenn offered to help dish out some revenge
• He's her wingman and shoulder to cry on when she gets rejected
• Regular at Lance and Jasper's bar
• She dated Jasper for a while until realized he was using a fake identity to spy on her and her friends, and she's hated his guts ever since
• The only reason she still talks to him is because they're in the same friend group as the other valets
• If Jasper corrects her grammar in the group chat one more time, she's stealing his glasses and replacing his normal pens with invisible ink pens. Then we’ll see how good his grammar is
• Majoring in hospitality
• Works part-time at his family's hotel
• He and Lynt have been best friends since childhood because their fathers are also friends and business partners
• He used to "help" Lynt with all his school work (did most of it for him). He can't really do that anymore since they’re in different majors
• Gets Lynt out of bed every morning. And makes dinner every night. And cleans the dorm. And does the dishes...
• Okay, Lynt does eventually start picking up the slack when he realizes the ungodly amount of work Tino does
• This boy has not had a full night's sleep since the 3RD GRADE
• Like bro do you need to cram every single night?
• Half the time he passes out at his desk studying. Sometimes he'll fall asleep in a common room or something, and someone has to take him back to his room
• It is because of this that Lynt has taken special interest in researching insomnia
• Has to be dragged out by the valets to take a break from doing literally everything all the time
Tino: "B-But I have to study for my skills test-"
Knight: "You mean your skills test that's 3 months away and you've been cramming for since you started the course? Dude, you need a life and you're coming to the arcade with us."
• Definitely got shoved into his locker in high school
• That's what he gets for trying to mind his own business and not bother anyone in a fucking high school
• Headmaster of the academy
• Has a Ph.D in education
• Is fully aware that he has several politicians' children in his school and that he's being spied on
• Guess what? He's spying on them, too
• He's part of a political party called Iritium and is gathering information on his competition through their children
• Guy, Toa, and Lance's rooms are bugged with microphones. He knows Christoph is living with Lance, but to avoid raising suspicion, he doesn't do anything about it yet
• He's still debating whether or not to bug Aquia's room because Dia is his roommate and he'd rather not invade his privacy
• Prank wars are common at the academy, but he has reigned as prank king since his own school years and he refuses to be dethroned
• Has two doves in his office, Phinney and Nix
• There have been many occasions where someone would pass by his office and see him having a full conversation with them
• He once argued with Phinney while MC sat right across from him. He lost
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magicjesuscup · 4 days
Nail Headcanon
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Fenn views Violet as a big sister. What if he paints his nails so they can (kinda) match? 🥺
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dotster001 · 7 months
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Explaining violet Muller to a friend 😂. When oh when will the bi's get their Violet route 🥺
*Note: I used straight because mc uses she her pronouns in game
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onedayimgonnasnap · 1 year
Court Of Darkness Crack
Question? What movies do mother fuckers like. I’m here to guess
Guy: He likes Alvin and the Chipmunks, I can’t explain why but he hates the squeakual
Toa: He likes those Murder Documentary and eats desert while they show the most graphic description of the body.
Or he would enjoy Coraline
Fenn: Mother fucker likes Twilight
Lynt: He likes Sesame Street.
Roy: Roy would like Trolls
Lou: He would like The Little Prince movie or the Gremlins
Rio: Mother fucker watches every single Kung fu Panda movies religiously
Lance: He likes Alpha and Omega
Dia: The nightmare before Christmas
J*sper: ISNT allowed to watch movies.
Grayson: Home
Tino: He likes Paddington
Knight: Cats
Violet: Tall Girl
Thoma: Likes the Spider man movies
Sherry: Titanic
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MC: Jasper looks like a smooth operator. Violet: I think you meant to say "smooth criminal".
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izumi-skyfall · 9 months
MC with Heterochromia in COD
how would the COD guys+Sherry and Violet react to an MC who has Heterochromia (two different eye colors) just wanna hear or rather see what others think
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saucyspacegirl · 1 year
Court of Darkness Heights
Pt 2 because tumblr was giving me mad trouble (went back to edit Lynt's because it repeated Tino's lil paragraph. The height is still the same)
Ft Lynt Akedia, Tino, Dia Akedia, Lou, Sherry Invidia, Violet
Continuation of the last one, these are the shorter of the bunch :)
Violer Muller
She's giving tall, dommy mommy vibes. 5'8 or 5'9. She tends to appear taller because she wears heels. Long, strong legs for powerful kicks, yuh.
Headmaster Lou
5’8 simply because he seems delicate? Like I want to manhandle him lol. Skinny and pale and very slightly lanky.
Tino Maes
I’d say Tino is 5’7 just for the fact that I know he is hauling Lynt around. Although not impossible, Ik it’s hard as hell to lug someone around if they are taller than you. Limbs everywhere. I could be persuaded for taller just cause he seems like the type to hunch over and shrink into himself. Standing up straight is another story mayhaps for another time
Lynt Akedia
Baby boy. Lynt is 5'6-5'7. He said himself that he can't be bothered to eat. Sleep is not enough for a growing boy, my friends. Maybe its also just because he's always kind like babied by Tino too that makes me feel he's on the shorter side of the spectrum.
Knight is in the range of 5’4-5’6 for me. I think I’d go with probably 5’5 cause it’s the easy medium.
Dia Akedia
5’5 and I love him so much oml. Pick him up by his scruff. Don’t. He was made to seem small in every way possible. His face and his hand are both small. His long hair seems to overwhelm his face and his body. They put him in booty shorts and tights for crying out loud.
Sherry Invidia
Baby girl is a pocket sized princess fr. She's giving like 5'3. loml
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ithseem · 2 years
What Your Favourite Court of Darkness Character Says About You
DISCLAIMER: Everything here is a joke, so if you're offended, sorry 😅
You need therapy. Also, a part of you was hoping the writers remembered to make him likeable, kinda with a similar energy to Lucifer
You like sleepy bois. You also wanna spoil him rotten like a grandma
You wish you were his therapist. Either that or you're the therapist friend in your squad
You want a gentleman straight out of a fairytale. You're also pretty basic
We get it. You're horny af. There's also a 40% chance you're bisexual
You like himbos. You also probably had a crush on either Beelzebub or Ed Sheeran at one point in your life
You like bad bois with a heart of gold. You also want to adopt Christoph. You're also probably a dog person
You want to spend all day collecting mushrooms with him. You also daydream about living a cottagecore lifestyle with him
You have good taste
He reminds you of a grandma. Either that or you're into wholesome bois who are secretly freaky asf
You're into the strong, silent, and gentlemanly type
You never read his route yet, did you?
Your life's motto is "Short People Rule!" There's also a 30% chance you're feral asf. You also probably like cats
You probably had a crush on Mammon at one point in your life
Again, you have good taste. Also, after finding out he's getting a route, you celebrated very loudly. If you play on the English server, you still find the fact that he's getting a route at all is a victory nonetheless
You're lesbian asf. You also wonder IF she's getting a route
Same as Sherry's. You also want her to either suffocate you or step on you. Either way, you'd thank her
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Court of Darkness sick headcanons because I’m sick and I want this comfort
I’m just guessing with most of these so sorry if they’re inaccurate 😅
I feel like he would either have Jasper bring medicine for you or bring you to his room so he can keep an eye on you
Would probably not let you out of bed ngl 💀
Straight up would be like “You’re sick. Lay back down.”
He would act annoyed but you know he isn’t
I feel like he would force medicine into your mouth if you refuse to take it, or have Jasper dead with that cuz I feel like he would do it better lmao
Is secretly a little worried, would never admit to it though(You can tell though)
If you wanted to get up he would probably carry you to the place you wanted to go(Like the bathroom) then come back after a few minutes to bring you back(If you needed a book though he would have Jasper get it for you)
He would care but would stay a safe distance away so he doesn’t also get sick
Would comb his hand through your hair though when you’re asleep 10/10
As I said before, he would force you to take medicine no matter how bad it tastes
Would probably give you something sweet after though so you aren’t complaining as much
Would get the items you needed like books or paper so you wouldn’t have to get up
Would probably have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Would bring you soup but if you’re too weak to eat it he would help you
Yeah no that’s all I got for him lmao
This man is an expert at this
Would probably try and find a better tasting medicine and in liquid form so you don’t gag from taking a pill
Blankets. Everywhere.
Would have you take a lukewarm bath, would have Violet help you take one if you needed if you aren’t paramours but if you are he would probably help you(and tease you about it)
Would bring you soup that’s meant to help with whatever illness you have and would make sure you eat at least something healthy
Would 100% make you tea, he wouldn’t allow you to drink anything cold
His cold hands feel good on your forehead haha
He would have Knight check up on you and bring you things when he can’t
I feel like you would get better really quickly since he’s an expert at this stuff(at least that’s my guess)
Would help you with any missing work once you’re better
Would probably ask Toa for some help
Would also get you soup that’s meant to help with whatever sickness you have
I don’t know how he would react if you didn’t want to take the medicine but he’d still find a way somehow
He also has cold hands so those would feel good on your forehead
Calms down Robin when he’s worrying about you, allows him to help as well(as much as he can)
I feel like he’s try and bribe you with candy just to take medicine if you refuse to take it, better yet, he would make the medicine look like candy and then be like “well now you have to swallow it since it’s already in there”
Would also have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Like Toa, he would also make you tea
He would stay as close as he can without getting sick but would still make sure you’re ok
Would bring you tea
I feel like he would find a way to put the medicine in your tea
Would also pull the tricking you into thinking the medicine was candy but he would make sure you swallow it with the tea so you either won’t complain about the bitterness of it or to make sure you don’t notice it’s medicine
Would rub your back
If you throw up he would hold up your hair so it stays clean
You would apologize but he would tell you it’s ok
Makes sure you sleep
Would read you a book or tell you a story so you fall asleep as well
Would hold your hand 🥹
I feel like he would try and distract you from any discomfort you’re feeling by telling stories or letting you watch him draw
Would rub your back and make sure you fall asleep
I don’t think he would force you to take medicine but he would still find a way to make you take it
I remember in one event Grayson brought MC fruit when he thought she was sick so yeah that’s what he would do
Would try and find something easy for you to eat
Would try and make some small talk if you’re feeling up to it
He’s likely get some advice from Toa
Would fall asleep with you
Tino would be worried but Lynt doesn’t budge
Tino would convince him not to sleep so close to you so he won’t get sick
He’d probably feed you
He’d make you feel bad for not taking the medicine(unintentionally)💀
Would reward you with something like a sweet bread or a candy
Would encourage you to sleep more(even if you don’t he’s still gonna fall asleep)
Would be so worried omg
“Oh stars… oh no…”
Would make you bread and soup
I feel like he’s also(unintentionally) make you feel bad about not taking the medicine
Would ask Toa and Knight for help
Poor Tino just wants for you to feel better 😭
Would make sure you’re comfortable
Would literally, like, panic if you were in any pain
Would comb his hand through your hair if you wanted it
Would be a little less worried when you’re asleep but still very worried
Bread and soup galore
Would try and make you laugh if you were in any pain
Would take a bath with you
Would also probably feed you
I don’t know what he’d do about not wanting to take medicine though, would probably pull the old candy swicharoo trick then cover your mouth so you can’t spit it out
You want cuddles? Yes ma’am.
Would make sure you’re ok whenever he can
Would help you with your homework after you get better if you ask him
He’d use his ancient magic in you to help you sleep if you are having trouble
You would have more food then you would know what to do with
He’s literally so sweet omg
Would feed you 100%
I feel like he’s carry you to bed
He would make you smile 🥰
Would hold your hand 🥺
Would somehow find a way to make you take your medicine
Would also help you with your homework after you got better and would help catch you up on everything
I feel like he wouldn’t know what to do 💀
Would just give you the medicine and be like “Eat it.”
Would at least try and make you feel better
Shifva(I don’t remember how to spell their name-) would also be there trying to make you feel better
I feel like he’s hold your hand
Would also make you tea
Because he already doesn’t go to lectures he would just stay with you and make sure you’re fine
Would pat your head
I feel like he would read to you, idk it just seems like something he would do
Would also not know what to do LMAO-
He’d try and act like he knows what he’s doing but if he’s actually struggling he’d reluctantly ask Toa for help(everyone just asks Toa for help 💀)
Would read to you about mushrooms
I feel like he would make you a soup with a mushroom that would help you sleep
Would trick you into taking medicine but he would do it in different ways so you never expect it
Would put the medicine in your food, pretend it’s candy, force you to take it, or just trick you into agreeing to take it 💀
I feel like he would braid your hair
Would still stay a comfortable distance away lol
Would hold your hand 🥰
Would sing to you
His voice is like music to your ears 😄
Because he also doesn’t go to class much he’s just stay with you haha
He heard you’re sick and was worried
If he’s busy then he would have Nix or Phinny bring you medicine
I feel like he’s let you stay in his chambers though while you’re sick
Would smile while seeing you asleep 🥰
Would make sure you’re ok
He’s also trick you into taking medicine 😡
“Please” “no” please” “no” “yes” “no” “no” ye- wait…”
He would be so smug about tricking you 💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair
I feel like he would be pretty good at taking care of sick people tbh
Would wake you up every few hours to make sure you eat
He’d be so nice about it omg
Girl would be worried but would try and make you feel better
Would braid your hair so it doesn’t get in the way 🥰
Would also hold your hair back if you threw up
Would have Grayson make you something to eat
Would hold your hand 🥰
She would be so nice and would try so hard to help it would be so sweet
Would simply convince you to take nasty tasting medicine but would give you candy after
She tried to make you food once while you were sick, didn’t go so well 💀
Give her a hug rn 😡
She would also be so sweet omg
Would bathe you 😄
She would rub your back and pat your head
She would also make you tea 🥰
She’d find a way to give you medicine but idk how lol
Would check up on you whenever she can
I feel like she’d light a candle that would help you sleep
Would help you change your cloths whenever you needed it
Would braid your hair and hold it back if you throw up
She’d be so supportive 🥺
Ok that’s all I have but if you have anymore please put them in the comments!
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