#Vincenzo Paglia
anticattocomunismo · 1 month
"Il dolore non redime": la PAV anestetizza la Redenzione
Nel già controverso volume sul fine vita si capovolge il senso della Salvifici doloris negando che la sofferenza possa avere valore redentivo. Se così fosse, la Passione di Cristo sarebbe un incidente di percorso. Continue reading “Il dolore non redime”: la PAV anestetizza la Redenzione
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womenforwomenitaly · 8 months
Il Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia avverte sulla necessità di circoscrivere i confini tra l’umano e l'IA. Promuove un’antropologia digitale, con tre coordinate fondamentali: etica, educazione e diritto.
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martius-mensis · 5 months
Username Fic Game
Tagged by the delightful @wurzelbertzwerg! Thank you? :p But yes, I enjoyed doing this. Thank you. 🧡
Rules: Take each letter of your username and rec a fic whose title starts with that same letter! Then feel free to pass it on to your friends.
Coincidentally, a great deal of these are a) spicy, but heavy with love (always), and b) a flashback to my late 2021 to 2022 fic binge reading.
M – my breath caught on yours by ninzied, Bridgerton: Four times Kate and Anthony nearly get caught, and one time they—
A – a rush of blood to the head by stutteringpeach, Vincenzo: A VCY online dating, A/B/O fic.
R – r u mine? by escapist_090807, Bridgerton: A modern AU in which Benedict and Kate are fake dating each other.
T – the curricle & the boat by wagamiller, Bridgerton: Kathony betrothal era. Literary edging, guys. LITERARY.
I – i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) by lesserfeelings, Vincenzo: Cha Young dies. Vincenzo panics. This is how her tenancy in his body begins. I kid you not, this changed me as a person and I will always be annoying about it!
U – Un Uomo di Paglia by Juliette1713, Vincenzo: A Torture ficlet. *wink*
S – Spectre by Caranya, Northanger Abbey: The one where Catherine Morland can see ghosts!
M – (A) Meeting Most Unsightly by cactusfinch, Bridgerton: The first time he meets Kate Sharma he is fucking Siena against a tree or The Sharmas arrive in London one year earlier. Kate and Anthony suffer through a trio of meet-uglies.
E – everybody tries to fall in love but i just keep making friends by unfraught, Anne with an E: A Shirbert modern AU answering the prompt “I really like you but you're my best friend's ex.”
N – Northanger Federated by snafsnaf, Northanger Abbey: A 1940’s AU! Kitty Morland comes to New York City to fulfill her dreams of a glamorous job and life as a plucky heroine. I love this one to bits and it made me want to read more NA fics!
S – sour by stutteringpeach, Vincenzo: A supernatural fantasy AU! Bite, blood, death. Yum.
I – i know the truth and so do you by smc_27, Vincenzo: Yesss, that Cha Young/Vinny/Luca fic. HOT but also FEELINGS. Lots of feelings. High key destroyed me.
S – statistically impossible by starkswinterfelling, Bridgerton: Anthony is gay. Simon is gay. Who isn’t gay? Not the Bridgertons.
Tagging: @penny-loaf @hydriotaphia @nire-the-mithridatist and all of you who's reading this and would like to give it a try!
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Archbishop Paglia writes new book about old age as a ‘time for inner growth’
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, now President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, speaks at the Holy See press office, Feb. 4, 2015. / Bohumil Petrik/CNA. CNA Newsroom, Sep 3, 2024 / 14:07 pm (CNA). Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, 79, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has written a new book entitled “Destinati alla vita,” which translates to “Destiny for Life.” The book is a reflection on…
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korrektheiten · 24 days
Papstvertrauter will „Freiheit“ statt Kardinalswürde
katholisches.info: Kurienerzbischof Vincenzo Paglia, ein enger Papstvertrauter, ist für „seltsame“ Ausführungen bekannt, um es euphemistisch zu sagen. In Rom nennt man diese, in Anspielung an seinen Familiennamen, „Pagliacciate“, was soviel wie „Blödsinn“ oder „Narrenposse“ meint. Die jüngste Pagliacciata, ein Interview im Corriere della Sera vom 27. August, ist für die Weltkirche immerhin denkbar harmlos ausgefallen, wirft ... http://dlvr.it/TCWvGQ
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silvestromedia · 1 month
Archbishop Paglia confirms Church’s opposition to euthanasia, assisted suicide - Vatican News
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secretummeummihi · 1 month
Eutanasia y suicidio asistido, la Pav se pliega al error Francisco ha recibido hoy en audiencia a Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, Presidente de la Pontificia Academia para la Vida, según informa el boletín diario de la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede, Ago-08-2024. Ahora que se dice que Francisco tiene entre sus planes un nuevo consistorio para la creación de cardenales, nuestro temor es que ya al http://dlvr.it/TBfwH0
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Milano, il sindaco Sala e l’assessore Bertolé alla prima giornata del Forum del Welfare
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Milano, il sindaco Sala e l’assessore Bertolé alla prima giornata del Forum del Welfare. Domani, giovedì 25 gennaio, alle ore 9.30, presso BASE Milano in via Bergognone 34, si aprirà la prima giornata del Forum del Welfare, dedicato alle sfide sociali che investono la dimensione locale, con l'obiettivo di rafforzare l'alleanza tra i diversi attori del territorio. La sessione plenaria ospiterà gli interventi del sindaco di Milano Giuseppe Sala, dell'assessore al Welfare e Salute Lamberto Bertolé, del direttore generale del Comune di Milano Christian Malangone, della direttrice dell'UONPIA del Policlinico Antonella Costantino, della presidente del Tribunale per i minorenni di Milano Maria Carla Gatto, della rettrice dell'Università Bicocca Giovanna Iannantuoni, della portavoce di Sea-Watch Italia Giorgia Linardi, della direttrice del PRAP (Provveditorato regionale amministrazione penitenziaria) Lombardia Maria Milano, della vicepresidente di Fondazione Cariplo Valeria Negrini, del presidente della Commissione intergovernativa per la riforma dell'assistenza agli anziani Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, della presidente di Arcigay Milano Alice Redaelli, del presidente del fondo Con i Bambini Marco Rossi Doria, del sindaco di Verona Damiano Tommasi, della presidente della Casa di accoglienza delle donne maltrattate Manuela Ulivi. La discussione proseguirà nel pomeriggio, a partire dalle ore 14, con due panel tematici dal titolo "Invecchiamento: come ci prepariamo al futuro?" e "Immigrazione: l'inclusione risorsa per tutti". Alle ore 18, invece, l'assessore Bertolé, l'economista Tito Boeri e la giornalista Lorenza Ghidini parleranno di "Come difendere lo stato sociale?". Il programma completo della giornata è disponibile al link www.comune.milano.it.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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screenwritinggym · 9 months
Professor & President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and grand chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences - Vincenzo Paglia (born 20 April 1945) - Watch this - Apocalypse EXPLAINED - READ the Synopsis - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
This movie is a high-stakes sci-fi adventure that merges the worlds of Transformers with human characters. It kicks off with Unicron, a planet-consuming entity, attacking the Maximals’ homeworld. The Maximals, led by Optimus Primal, flee to Earth with a powerful Transwarp Key, pursued by Unicron’s heralds, the Terrorcons.
The story then shifts to Earth in 1994, focusing on Noah Diaz, who unwittingly encounters the Autobot Mirage disguised as a Porsche. Concurrently, museum intern Elena Wallace discovers the Transwarp Key hidden in an ancient statue. This discovery sets off a chain of events as the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Terrorcons arrive on Earth to retrieve the key.
The conflict escalates as battles ensue, leading to revelations about the key being split in two halves to prevent Unicron’s access. Elena and the Autobots embark on a mission to find the second half in Peru, facing the threat of Scourge corrupting their allies and attempting to unleash Unicron.
Noah, initially aiming to protect Earth by destroying the key, eventually allies with Optimus to prevent Unicron’s invasion. A massive battle unfolds between Autobots, Maximals, and the Terrorcons. Noah, aided by Bumblebee and using an exo-suit fashioned from Mirage’s damaged body, plays a crucial role in the conflict.
In a dramatic climax, Optimus sacrifices himself to stop Unicron, but Noah and Primal manage to save him and thwart Unicron’s plans, leaving the Autobots stranded on Earth. The conclusion sees the Autobots accepting Earth as their new home, Noah finding unexpected opportunities, and the promise of continued protection for Earth.
The mid-credits scene hints at Noah’s resourcefulness in repairing Mirage, showcasing his growing connection to the Autobots’ world.
Click on the wiki link:
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Archbishop clarifies remarks on assisted suicide in Italy
VATICAN CITY — The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life affirms his opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide but believes that to end confusion in the country, the Italian Parliament needs to make clear laws about withdrawing end-of-life care, his office said . “Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, in full conformity with the church’s magisterium,…
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infosannio · 1 year
(Marco Travaglio – Il Fatto Quotidiano) – La fabbrica dei santi dello Stato, molto meno selettiva di quella della Chiesa, ne ha sfornati altri due in un sol giorno. Non bastando San Silvio, pure Arnaldo Forlani e Attilio Fontana. Alle esequie dell’ex premier Dc, monsignor Vincenzo Paglia l’ha descritto come un martire che, dopo la “tempesta giudiziaria”, “bevve la cicuta fino in […]
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anticattocomunismo · 1 month
Il grande rischio del “piccolo lessico del fine-vita” della PAV
Ha fatto discutere la linea espressa nel libro edito dalla Pontificia Accademia per la Vita retta da monsignor Vincenzo Paglia. L’analisi del coordinatore del network associativo “Ditelo sui tetti”: «La sfida che abbiamo davanti non può accontentarsi di “chiudere un occhio”». Continue reading Il grande rischio del “piccolo lessico del fine-vita” della PAV
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==Papa: mons. Paglia, 'trasforma la malattia in una risorsa'
(ANSA) – ROMA, 08 GIU – “Papa Francesco non si rassegna.    Prende la vecchiaia e la sua malattia in modo straordinario: sereno, tenace e anche scherzoso”. Così al Corriere della Sera monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la vita. “Mette a frutto la sua lunga esperienza di vita non sempre semplice – dice ancora – E ci mostra che l’età anziana non è fatta per tirare…
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sakrumverum · 1 year
Nach Aufschrei über Aussagen von Paglia: Päpstliche Akademie veröffentlicht Erklärung
Die Päpstliche Akademie für das Leben hat am Montag erklärt, ihr Präsident sei gegen den ärztlich assistierten Suizid, halte aber eine "Gesetzesinitiative" für möglich, die ihn in Italien unter "spezifischen und besonderen Bedingungen" entkriminalisieren würde. Die Erklärung vom 24. April wurde veröffentlicht, nachdem Erzbischof Vincenzo Paglia in einer Red https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/news/13039/nach-aufschrei-uber-aussagen-von-paglia-papstliche-akademie-veroffentlicht-erklarung
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christianpureofficial · 3 months
Pontifical Academy for Life releases ‘lexicon’ for end-of-life discussions
Source Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life. / Credit: Walter Breitenmoser/CNA The Pontifical Academy for Life has released a guide that it says will help the faithful in discussing the “religious and moral ethical implications” surrounding euthanasia, assisted suicide, and other controversial end-of-life topics. The Vatican Publishing House released the…
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korrektheiten · 5 months
Für den Papstvertrauten Paglia gilt „alles“, jenseits von Gut und Böse
katholisches.info: Was ist die Philosophie von Papst Franziskus? Diese Frage beantwortete einer seiner umtriebigsten und engsten Vertrauten, Kurienerzbischof Vincenzo Paglia, in einem Interview zur Veröffentlichung Erklärung Dignitas infinita über die menschliche Würde, die am Montag durch das Glaubensdikasterium erfolgte. Ist Msgr. Paglia aber ein „maßgeblicher“ Interpret, um der Welt die Philosophie von Franziskus zu erklären? Ja, ... http://dlvr.it/T5K5Dw
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