#Vincent Gil
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motionpicturelover · 2 years ago
"Mad Max" (1979) - George Miller
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Films I've watched in 2023 (75/119)
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 21 days ago
What would the stardew valley villagers think if one day their good pal farmer just casually dropped the fact they used to be into something crazy, like an illegal fighting ring. "Yeah I hiked out to an abandoned building at the outskirts of the city every Friday to fistfight people in the basement. It paid 10 times better then my shitty office job ever did but only when I won. There were some real actual martial artists in that ring too, even broke 2 of my fingers punching 1 guy, I miss hanging out with those dudes. Fighting actually relived a lot of stress for me, I didn't quit because I got hurt or anything I quit because my neighbors/coworkers wouldnt stop fussing over me when they saw me after I got hurt in a match. There's no acceptable way to explain how you get a black eye at the end of every week that doesn't raise alarm or get the cops called on someone. I'd probably get back into it if it didn't take a bus ride into the city to get to. I'm not even sure if the 1 i used to go to us still there, i might be able to find one of the other fighters and ask but its not guaranteed any if the other fighters i used to hang out with are all even still in that city"
"Wtf," said all the residents at the same time.
That's it, that's a headcanon. Thanks for the ask! ❤️
Alright, I'm kidding, but the way you wrote that ask, dear anon, is pretty funny heh 😁 Thanks a lot for the question, by the way! Enjoy 💖
SDV villagers react to Farmer who told them about their illegal fights in past:
"Sir/Ma'am/Mx., this is Wendy's Pierre's." With all due respect to Pierre's best customer, why is Farmer telling him all this behind the counter of his store? Here's your seeds, fertilizer and saplings and goodbye. He has to work and he doesn't care about their- Wait, hold on, don't you dare tell that to his daughter-!
But Pierre was too late with his warnings: Abigail was standing nearby and had heard everything Farmer had said. The amethyst lover looked at them adoringly, because holy shit, underground fights in the city.... Farmer is so cool and badass in her eyes! Naturally, she wants to hear their stories of illegal fights (only when her parents aren't around).
Caroline called out to Abigail "on some very urgent business, quick!", bestowing Farmer with a shocked and concerned look. Seriously, she looked at them as if Farmer had just confessed to murder or something. Now she didn't really want her daughter hanging out with them, afraid that Abby would pick up the crazy idea to join the fights too.
Oh... Yeah, Elliott's friend has, uh... quite an interesting past. And what surprises the writer most is not even Farmer's underground battles themselves, but the fact of how they drastically change the trajectory of their lives and yet adapt to the environment with ease. From an office worker to a no-holds-barred fighter, and now a farmer. Well, if they want to write a biography, this would definitely be fun to read.
"Uh, what?" What did Farmer just tell Leah? The artist had listened to her dear friend's story about growing a giant pumpkin while she was finishing a new painting, and now how they were discussing Farmer's criminal past. Uh, cool and all, but maybe they'd better change the subject? Can they go back to telling stories about pumpkins?
"Ha ha ha how interesting, thanks for sharing!" Although Penny stood like a statue, motionless, her body slowly moved away from Farmer, who had just answered the teacher's question about their hobby in general. This was something she was definitely not prepared for, and, with a nervous smile, ended the conversation. How Penny moved without moving even a finger of her hand was a mystery.
*Shane put his can of beer away* Ok first of all, what the fuck. Second of all, he didn't really give a damn that Farmer was running around in dodgy places and fighting over money in Zuzu City, to be completely honest. Especially since the chicken man himself had done some crazy shit in his youth, not his place to judge or something. And last of all, what the fuck.
*Sob* "A- Aunt Marnie... Uncle Shane..." "Mommy! Sam!" "Uncle Linus!" Oops.... Apparently telling Jas, Vincent and Leo about 'the hobby' with detailed descriptions of violence wasn't Farmer's smartest idea (seriously, what did they even expect?). The kids have tears on their cheeks and their parents/guardians give Farmer a not-so-kind look. Now the delinquent farmer need lots of ice cream and mangoes so the local kids will forgive them.
Oh, so that's why Emily senses such an unusual aura around Farmer. Hmm? Ah, no, she just thinking out loud. Emily gets a little upset by such detailed descriptions of fights (she can't stand violence), so she politely asks Farmer to omit the details of their fights. An unconventional choice to 'relax', but it's not her place to judge people. And Farmer found some good friends there, so that's great!
Huh, now Marlon and Gil know where their new Guild member got their fighting skills from the very beginning of their arrival in the Valley. Fighting ring, eh? Marlon had dabbled a bit in all sorts of battles and fights for money too when he was Farmer's age - pretty good income, booze and friends. Though then he quickly gave it up as he found his purpose as adventurer and devoted himself to defending the Stardew Valley from monsters. Gil was the same, but he had been practicing his "hobby" a little longer than his one-eyed colleague.
Oh, goodness! So much violence and blood in Farmer's stories. Pity poor Evelyn's old heart, she can't listen to such cruel battles. So Farmer better stop talking and silently accept cookies and tea from sweet grandma and tell about their work on the farm.
Hmph! 'Underground battles', what a nonsense! Today's youth go to some abandoned buildings, fight, break laws and feel cool. If George wasn't confined to that damn wheelchair, he'd take Farmer down in one moment. And anyway, Farmer should stop this talking about their fighting, because George's wife doesn't like to talk about violence at the kitchen table.
"Tough fella, huh?" Alex regarded his friend Farmer for about half a minute. Really quite a formidable opponent if the athlete were to ask Farmer to fistfight in a friendly sparring. Though he's most interested in Farmer's diet and routine, since even before their farming career started, they look very healthy ("just don't suggest anything illegal, got it?").
*Sigh* The Wizard already knows. All. That. Farmer, how many times does he have to tell you he knows about your past? He's a wizard. A wizard. Someone who can see the future of others in a crystal ball and such. So unless Farmer brought him purple mushrooms or void essence, please don't distract Rasmodius with their stories, he has potions to brew.
"No freaking way, dude!" "Yes freaking way, Sam." The guitarist nearly fell off his chair when Farmer told him how they used to fight all sorts of big guys in the city in addition to their clerk jobs. Mega cool and hardcore! Sam will of course listen to more stories from his friend, but one moment, just let him close his room door so his mom or dad doesn't accidentally hear them.
Though Jodi doesn't particularly need to hear it from her oldest son's room - Caroline has already shared gossip and warnings with her during their weekly aerobics class. Which makes Jodi wary now, though she won't say her worries out loud. She won't treat Farmer any worse, they're good neighbors after all, she's just... worried about her sons, alright?
"Farmer, a word." Huh, they wonder what Kent needed from the Farmer. "I'll be honest: I don't know what your reasons were for your illegal fighting, it's none of my business and it's not for me to judge you. But don't suggest anything like that to Sam and Vincent, got it?" The veteran doesn't really care about Farmer's past, he just worried about his sons. Well, his kids are smart and won't get involved in anything illegal but just in case. Nothing personal.
That explains to Harvey how there are so many scars on Farmer's body. Quite a large number for someone as young as them. So how long had they been participating in these questionable activities? A month? Over a year? Some of the scars have long since healed. Wait, you know what - no need to tell him this further, because the first stories with such violence already made the doctor feel sick to his stomach.
"Uhhh..." Maru is shocked. "Goddess, did you really get paid so poorly in Joja that you had to do this as well to earn your bread?" Pretty shocking detail about Farmer, but hey, at least they made friends with many people back then, that's a good thing, yeah? Honestly, the inventor doesn't know how she should respond to that or what to say.
Ok, too much information for Gus... People are different, it's just that the owner of the Saloon doesn't understand how Farmer can talk about it so calmly and openly. He'd still understand if the Farmer told him about their illegal fights after a glass or two of strong wine/el, but they told him sober. They would, this, be careful who they told it to.
Sebastian took the cigarette out of his mouth and uttered a delighted 'wow...'. So, a job at a soul-sucking corporation during the day and bare-knuckle fighting at night? Damn, crazy lifestyle. But why didn't Farmer quit their job at Joja then? And why did they quit everything and become farmer now? Sebby's in no hurry to go home and if Farmer has some free time, maybe they'll tell the local emo about their fights in Zuzu City.
Haley sighs tiredly. Yoba, why does she have to be surrounded by weirdos? The guy who always wears black, her own sister's so weird with her crystals and aura nonsense. And now this new farmer is telling her wild facts about their life... It's so unfair!
"Aye," was the only thing Willy replied before taking up his smoking pipe again with his teeth. Not that thel old fisherman didn't care what Farmer was saying, but first of all, it would be better for both of them to sit in silence so as not to scare the fish away right now, and secondly, Farmer should not tell every person they met about their illegal hobbies. Other people might misunderstand them, or even use this information to blackmail them.
"What the fuck are you yapping about, kid?" Pam only partially heard their story, as the alcohol in her body already makes her feel very sleepy. Then there's this weird shit from Farmer. But also... if Farmer would now set another mug of beer for her, them she would listen to them, their every crazy story. With her eyes closed.
As soon as Demetrius hears exactly what Farmer told Maru, his wife Robin has to keep her hyper-parenting husband from taking drastic actions he might regret. So while he's sulking in the lab and glaring at his daughter and her friend, Robin gently explains to Farmer that this kind of talk about their illegal hobby isn't to everyone's liking, and if you can, don't mention it in front of her hubby and kids, okay? Especially such a detailed description of broken limbs (the picture comes to mind is unpleasant, to say at least). No offense.
What?! Illegal fights?! And Farmer's telling Lewis this as a reason to be proud?! They should be ashamed of themself! Doing... stuff like that. And what would their grandfather say if he knew their grandchild had such a secret? "I don't know, Lewis, what grandpa would say to your secret-" !!! Get out of his house! Hmph, the youth these days...
With each sentence, with each detail in Farmer's story, Marnie's face grew paler and paler. Her imagination was building such shock content over Farmer's story that the rancher asked them to stop. They had a hobby that helped them relax and earn money for living before moving here, that's a good thing. She doesn't need any more details.
"... Look, are you going to buy seeds or not?" Time is money, and Morris doesn't like to waste time listening to all these customer stories. Nor should Farmer tell the Joja general manager at all that they've been involved in some not-so-legal flights. Because Morris was advertising coupons in someone else's store without remorse, so what's to stop him from using that information to blackmail Farmer for the benefit of the mega corporation he's working.
".......Uh-huh." On the one hand, Clint had been stuck with the forge all day, and wouldn't mind chatting with Farmer, a friend and regular customer. On the other hand... What? Okay, he didn't care what they'd done in the past. One topic did interest him though. "You were already popular back then and you must have had a crowd of fans, right? Tell me, do 'wrestlers' like that attract women?" He wasn't desperate enough to get into illegal fighting too, but it was still interesting to hear what they'd say about it.
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zackstriker · 2 months ago
made a list of dnp dog name predictions (googled final fantasy character names)
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chernychnyi · 1 year ago
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ceruleansonata · 2 months ago
Hey, so. Update.
Things have gone really, really bad, really fucking fast.
Isla Yura is trying to recreate the Tragedy of Sablier, and he's using the children of Fianna's.
I'm okay right now. So is Vanessa. Her valet, Hans, is. Not.
Right now, we're trying to find Oz.
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panvani · 2 months ago
One thing you see quite a bit in (genre) fiction, particularly fiction that is as romanticized as PH, is the sort of abstraction away of age as something of which the reader is supposed to be acutely aware. For example, I remember while reading Medaka Box thinking to myself that for all the statements that Medaka is 14 it's pretty obvious that she's neither treated as a 14 year old in-universe nor meant to be really perceived as 14 by the reader-- her age, and even the fact that she is "underaged," has basically no reference to the real life associations of either of those things and is essentially a convention as meaningful as calling her a wizard.
With that said one aspect that seems very acute and obvious with this reading that wasn't so obvious when I'd read PH before (maybe because of my own age?) is how many of the interactions/way characters perceive each other is clearly informed by their relative ages. That's not to say that there's no abstraction to character ages, but, like, you're supposed to read Oz as being Literally a 15 year old and his interactions with other characters are clearly predicated on their perception of him as an adolescent, ditto with the other child characters
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existingtm · 4 months ago
(as if it's an everyday inconvenience) could you PLEASE stop serial killing people? it's so not good for you 🙄 you make me worry
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iforgottohitplay · 2 years ago
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glenbaskerville27 · 1 year ago
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sunsetsmakemesad · 1 month ago
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Love vincent boyish smile sm
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 2 years ago
Can't believe I've never asked this, but how would the townspeople react to the farmer having a baby (With the idea that they've already been here a while so they are an established member of the community).
Maybe when they are pregnant and when they've had the baby if it's not too much? (Especially if it happens to be their grandchildren)
I have to admit, I had to translate the question several times because I was hella confused. Spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out if you meant a Farmer who already has a baby (like, 2+ years old) or a Farmer who just had a baby (just being born/adopted), or the fact that Farmer came to town with a child and the child is already a full-fledged member of the community, or.... I feel dumb, I'm sorry... Hope I understood the question correctly, dear anon.
I'm not going mention pregnancy to make the Farmer without a specific gender (everyone can imagine their own Farmer). I hope that's okay with you, or feel free to ask the more specific question again. I will also write in this hedcanon exclusively non-marriage SDV candidates. Hope it's alright too! ❤️
Oh-ho-ho! You can't hide anything from the moms and gossips of the Stardew Valley. Caroline and Jodi have already told each other everything in great detail: how cute the baby is, how happy the parents are. If it so happens that the child is their grandchild, their joy will not be limited - they already dream of the days when they, already as grandmothers, will spoil their grandchildren and coo over them.
After arriving home, Kent couldn't remember the last time he smiled sincerely. The only people who could see his smile were his family members, and that was rare. So when Kent saw the little baby laughing in Farmer's arms, he smiled so broadly that his wife and sons were even startled for a moment. In fact, the sight of the cute little baby reminded him of Sam and Vincent when they were just as little. He was grateful to both Farmer's baby and Farmer themself for helping him remember a quiet life, it was those memories that allowed him to get back on track a little faster with his beloved family and community.
Robin will be calmer than her friends, but will also be endlessly happy for Farmer when they have a baby/adopt a child. As a woman with good experience of motherhood, she will help the Farmer if they have difficulties with caring for the baby or just give some useful advice if they ask for it. And watch out if it's Robin's grandchild - she'll spoil them with wooden toys she makes herself, and she'll be a cool grandma in general.
Don't let it fool you that George is grumpy because small children are very loud, interfere with the TV and are on their way to inadvertently break a tea set in the cupboard of his house. George loves children, and if it's Alex and Farmer's baby, he'll just melt with sentimentality. He still can't believe he's lived long enough to call himself a great-grandfather..... Hear that, suckers? He's now a proud great-grandpa with the best grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
There's a baby in the Farmer's family? And Pierre just happens to have the best baby food in the store, and at a great price, plus ten percent off. All the best for a baby! .....What? Okay, okay, don't give him that look. He may be a businessman (albeit a "slightly" desperate businessman), but he's not completely insensitive. He's actually happy for Farmer and their partner that they have a long-awaited child. He's even happier that Farmer's partner happens to be his daughter Abigail. The "businessman" Pierre is relegated to the background, so the first place will be taken by "grandpa" Pierre, who is just very caring and gentle with kid, and maybe a little overprotective.
And who do we have here? Hehe, such a cute baby, they are very similar to Farmer, the same energetic, running around looking for adventure and problems. Oh, don't look so angry at Lewis, he's just joking. The Farmer has long been a full member of the Pelican Town community, and he will also happily welcome a new little member as well. At such moments, he feels proud of the position of mayor. Just please keep an eye on the baby, because they will definitely be troublemakers, just like the Farmer themself. What? Don't look at him like that, he's absolutely right!
Heh, how happy the old fisherman's eyes are that there are already many young people there in their small town. Usually all the young families with children go to the big cities to look for happiness, but Willy is glad that the Farmer has found their happiness, and family, right here. His heart will melt at all if the Farmer's child becomes interested in fishing, just like their parent once. Considering that he treat Farmer almost like his own child, it's safe to say he now has a grandchild.
No one would have thought that Demetrius, after learning that Farmer had a baby, would have such a small bout of paranoia. Since Farmer is a frequent visitor to their home, knowing that they would be visiting with the baby, Demetrius decided to remove all sharp and glass objects from the lab, as well as some of his wife's sharp tools. And the concerns for the baby's safety will be even greater if it's his grandchild. And he will be equally concerned and paranoid if it is Maru's or Sebastian's child. So don't let Sebby say that his stepfather doesn't love him: he does, but it's hard for him to find common ground with him. But he will show concern for his safety to everyone.
It doesn't matter to Evelyn that the Farmer's baby arrived by midsummer, the caring grandmother has already sewn almost a dozen different sweaters, scarves and mittens for the Farmer's baby as gifts. And it doesn't matter if it is her great-grandson or not, she will treat them with the same love and care, and will always be happy to see them and Farmer in her home. What a saintly granny, nothing to add, bless Yoba for her good heart!
Well, as if Marlon and Gil knew in advance that the Farmer was about to have a baby, as they recently stopped by the Guilds and gave the reason why they wouldn't be able to temporarily handle the adventurer's duties. Farmer had served the Valley well, protecting it from the monsters that lurked in the mines, so the old adventurers quietly let them go and wished them, their partner, and the baby happiness. Maybe when their child grows up and behaves well, Uncle Marlon and Gil will show them their collection of weapons, or tell them different stories about their adventures.
Yay! More people to play with! Jas, Vincent and Leo are excited to have another person in their company for tea parties and outdoor games. And that's all they need to be happy.
Hmm... A new addition to their family? Ah, yes, Rasmodius remembers that moment too, when he saw the Farmer's future. Though, to be honest, he saw other developments that bothered him greatly, for it included his ex-wife, strange statues, and a prismatic shard... But he was glad that Farmer had chosen this fate, though outwardly it would appear that he didn't care at all about the lives of the people of Stardew Valley. If child will show an interest in magic, feel free to visit his tower anytime. And no, he won't be giving their child that moss and fly agaric potion, so please stop looking at him so suspiciously.
Oh, how wonderful that Marnie's friend had a little happiness, and the Farmer sometimes brings this little happiness everytime they goes to visit her at the Ranch. Such a wonderful baby, she is sure that they and Jas will become wonderful friends in the future. Of course, she loves her niece and nephew (who sometimes behaves like a child too), but sometimes she would like to know what it's like to be a mother. Well, at least know what it's like to be loved. What? No no don't think anything like that, Jas and Shane love Marnie mutually, she just means SOMEONE, and she hopes that SOMEONE finally gets up the courage and confesses her feelings openly. Isn't that right, Mr. SOMEONE?
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emily-nightray · 5 months ago
How would Lacie feel about Gilbert and Vincent? I keep thinking she would feel neutral because they've done nothing wrong but she's not really interested in them. Maybe a bit positive because Oswald and Jack like them.
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mayoiayasep · 10 months ago
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you are goingto look at him
[id: two manga panels of gilbert nightray as a young child, in the one on the left he's looking at something offscreen happily surprised as wind blows in his hair out of his face. in the one on the right he's smiling happier than the one of the left while continuing to look the left offscreen. end id]
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mushroompollution · 2 months ago
Chapter 55: Black to Black
Previous Chapters: The Sablier Arc Masterpost (35-42) || 43 || 44 || 45 || 46 || 47 || 48 ||
[ Ceremony Arc: 49 || 50 || 51 || 52 || 52.5 || 53 ]
Read the manga: imgur || mangaread (ad warning)
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We start out seeing a slightly different side of Gilbert. He remembers a time when he was much younger, when Break had told him if he wants to dedicate himself to protecting one person, he must be ready to destroy anyone else.
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And then we see a different side of Vincent, too. For once, his Dormouse isn't useless. Oh well, at least it's still better than Reim's, he says. which really makes me wonder why he knows March Hare's power while Break doesn't. But I digress--
Gilbert asks if Vincent knows anything about Reim and Break, saying that Break had been acting strange when he ran off. Isn't that guy always acting strange and running off on his own, though? Vincent dismisses his brother's concern, but Echo speaks up and calls his bluff. She admits to Gil that they had seen Break fighting two Baskervilles outside.
Now we see the fight between Fang and Break wasn't really over so quickly. Which is a surprise to Break, too.
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Fang tells Lily to stay back, but she insists on fighting too, saying she heals faster. She understands the risks of fighting Break and his Mad Hatter, the Chain that kills other Chains.
The Chain he was hoping to not need. The Chain that weighs so heavily on his body, it's already taken his eyesight.
But it seems he has no choice. He just wonders, who will die first? The Baskervilles, or him--?
Back in the hall, Vincent tells his brothers what he knows. That Isla Yura is planning a new Tragedy of Sablier, and that Oz, Alice, and Leo were captured and taken as sacrifices.
But Vincent notices that Gil seems distracted and asks if he's worried about Break. Vince just chuckles and says he shouldn't be, Break's too strong to be killed by a mere Baskerville.
Gil tells himself to listen to his brother. After all, Break is always right, and overwhelmingly strong. So why does he still feel so uneasy...?
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And just like that, Gil finally pieces out that Pandora's swordsman is blind.
As they enter a passageway hidden behind a bookshelf, Vincent reminds his brothers of the plan. Elliot will help his servant, Vincent will find and break guard the Sealing Stone, while Gil will, of course, save his precious master Oz. After all, he needs to remember his priorities...
Gilbert suddenly bursts into laughter, remembering when Break had said those exact words to him once before. He's ready, he professes with newfound resolve.
And Vincent smirks.
As strong as Break is, he can't possibly defeat both Fang and Lily without using Mad Hatter, Vincent thinks to himself.
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They found Oz! Yay!
But the scene returns to Break's fight outside, where we finally get to see Fang's Chain. And it's adorable.
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As he begins to summon forth his Chain-killing Chain, Break remembers the promise he had made to the Will of the Abyss after his first Contract had expired, dragging him into her chambers in the depths of Abyss.
Another promise he can't keep.
But, well.
As Gilbert summons Raven, we get a flashback of the scene cut short previously. After freeing Oz from his restraints, Gil falls to his knees in front of him, begging him to let him go help Break. He's Oz's servant first, so he needs his permission.
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Oz explains the situation and all he knows, that Alice and Leo will be killed at midnight as part of the ceremony. Which means Gilbert has exactly 10 minutes to carry out his task and return. Until then, he can manage things. But the thought of Oz fighting makes Gil reconsider, for just a moment.
Oz assures him he'll be alright. He'a able to fight on his own now, instead of just being protected. And it makes him happy.
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gameofthunder66 · 2 years ago
Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007) film
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-watched 7/11/2023- 2 [1/2] stars- on Max
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panvani · 2 months ago
The like small handful of VinceGil interactions that are like ok you only write this shit if you're mad as fuck about an interaction you had with your real family in real life
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