#Villains Lair
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grizzlyofthesea · 3 months ago
The only live-action Disney adaptation I will truly love
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haethealhell · 8 months ago
"I've never heard a song from Pattycake!"
if you have been in any fandom ever with a manipulative character then you have heard Tough Love okay stop lying to me
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nuttersincorporated · 1 year ago
Anastasia and Drizella can do better and deserve better
I feel sorry for Anastasia and Drizella in The Villains Lair by PattyCake Productions. Yes, they are selfish, petty and shallow but they don’t know any better.
They seem to have been raised in isolation. They only had each other, their mother who shaped their world view and their step-sister Cinderella, who they were encouraged to mistreat. They didn’t have friends and were raised with high expectations placed on them.
Cinderella wasn’t the only one Lady Tremain was abusive to. She was just as abusive to her own daughters. However, Anastasia and Drizella can’t even recognise it because she abused them in a different way.
In their minds, she only wants the best for them. That’s why she always pushed them to be perfect. It couldn’t possibly be that her expectations are too high and they’ll never be able to live up to them no matter what, right?
Anastasia and Drizella don’t even get to be on the same side. They always have to compete and, because of that, they are constantly putting each other down.
They fawn over both Hans and Gaston (they can do better) but it’s always both Anastasia and Drizella fighting over one of them at a time. They never consider each trying to impress one man each. It has to be a competition because that’s all they’ve ever known. Whoever ‘wins’ is the better person and the other is a failure.
Lady Tremain told her daughters they had to be perfect and marry well. That’s what they’re trying to do. They will literally argue about who should get to marry a man who’s singing about how women are inferior and should be willing to change everything about themselves to please a potential husband.
Anastasia and Drizella don’t have any hobbies, skills or friends. They want to be rich and married to someone important. Outside of that, there have no interests.
The only time Anastasia and Drizella get to be on the same side is when they are against someone else. They get to hate other people, like Cinderella, more than they hate each other and that’s the closest they get to a sisterly bond.
Lady Tremain does not love her daughters. She sees them as pawns to help her climb the social ladder. She’s sung, in front of them, about how her perfect home is one where’s she’s all alone.
However, she was more obviously cruel to Cinderella and she didn’t make Anastasia and Drizella servants in their own home so she couldn’t really mean that. She must only have meant a home without Cinderella, not without them. She loves them, right?
Anastasia and Drizella are stuck surrounded by villains, with no role models and an emotionally abusive mother. They aren’t happy but, in their minds, that is all Cinderella’s fault. They don’t even realise how messed up their world view is and unless they can get out, they probably never will because they’ve never known anything else.
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bitterlynsposts · 10 months ago
Sorry its so blurry and choppy. Its kinda old and i deleted all the clips so i couldn't remake it.
Hook really just steals the spotlight whenever hes on screen lol
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not-wholly-unheroic · 6 months ago
Have you seen Patty Cake's Villains Lair series? It features our best boy, Captain Hook, among the main cast and a couple numbers that focus on him and his character.
I have seen a few of their productions, though not all of the villain music videos. I did think the recent “Who Do You Think You Are?” bit featuring Hook and Pan was spot-on. Peter appearing as Hook’s nightmare basically taunting him that he’s all bluff and really insecure at heart is 100% something I could see happening.
I will say it does throw me off a bit, though, when Hook sings/speaks in any of the videos because he’s clearly going for a Hoffman Hook sound even though he’s in the cast with a bunch of Disney characters. I guess Hoffman Hook’s sound is easier to mimic.
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bellalampwickrossi · 9 months ago
Disney Descendants : Ancient Relics - The Villains Lair (S2E6) part 2 (Who Do You Think You Are?)
I Mean Hook is kinda pathetic for going after a child ...
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msweebyness · 1 year ago
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mr-malumm · 2 months ago
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hometoursandotherstuff · 2 months ago
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Definitely the lair of a female villain. 1986 mansion in Sea Island, GA that's clearly been redone. 7bds, 9ba, 12,586 sq ft, $45m. Odd description in the listing: "Sophistication & Restraint" and "Soaring Volumes."
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Now, this is a dramatic entrance. Looks like a high-end mall.
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Then, there's a hall here. I can't believe that the floor doesn't move. You'd think that for $40m it would.
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Clear round "railing" in the middle of the floor so you can peer down to the lower level.
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There are no stairs, it's just for observation.
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What a beautiful fireplace wall.
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This sitting area has a kitchenette.
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Round dining room surrounded by greenery.
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That's some ceiling.
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Writing table in front of the door and a library to the right.
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I think that this is a different hall.
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Look at all the sculptural architecture.
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This is nice.
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An art piece in the garden.
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This is nice, too.
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The gardens are incredibly beautiful inside and out.
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Another sculpture.
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They never show baths, bedrooms, or kitchens when they list these huge mansions. I guess they don't care about the lookers, they only want serious buyers.
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At night.
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2.23 acres right on the ocean.
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distracted-obsessions · 11 months ago
Ok, but imagine Villain/Henchman/Assassin Whumpee being found by the heroes while they raided Supervillain Whumper's lair and they take Whumpee into custody. They don't handcuff Whumpee because they aren't fighting back (either too injured or in shock) but as they lead Whumpee out of the lair, Whumpee stops.
"Did you find them?"
"Find who?"
Whumpee pulls away from them and goes deeper into the lair. Every time the heroes grab them, they get more and more distressed, saying that they can't leave. They won't leave. After a minute, they start screaming out a name that the heroes don't recognize.
Just as one of the heroes goes to knock Whumpee out, they see a child crawl out from under the stairs and run straight for Whumpee who drops to their knees and hugs the child tightly, shushing their cries and whispering soft, comforting words. "Shh, it's ok. Mommy/Daddy is here. I'm ok. We're ok. it's ok. Shh."
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nuttersincorporated · 1 year ago
In fairness, I only ship them in The Villains Lair by PattyCake Productions where Evil Queen has been subtly rebooted to care more about power and revenge than looks. The one time she brings up being the ‘fairest,’ she’s in disguise and does mean justice. Evil Queen does glare at Snow White, when she says people say that about her, but she hates all the princesses.
I don’t think Maleficent has any more distain for the monarchy than she has for anyone else. She just thinks she’s more powerful and important, and should be treated with respect/fear.
But yes, they make very good rivels/ distrustful and shaky allies
I see a lot of Maleficent and Evil Queen shipping, and though I love the spirit and the art, I disagree.
Maleficent, being a dark fairy, has an obvious distain for monarchy as demonstrated in her very first scene. The Evil Queen… IS monarchy!
Meanwhile the Evil Queen is obsessed with being the fairest (meaning most beautiful, not most just) of them all. It’s the only thing she really cares about. So Maleficent, who is genuinely one of the most darkly beautiful disney villains of them all, would be one of her main targets.
What you end up having is two very spiteful women who have well established reasons to fight each other.
I ship them not as lovers, but as rivals.
In fact, the Maleficent sequel has an Evil Queen as the primary antagonist. It’s not THE Evil Queen, but it’s not hard to imagine she is, especially given both are spiteful schemers with an underground lab. If only they had more scenes together, would’ve been fire.
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nerissa-crossnic · 7 months ago
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Nerissa by NICK
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nuttersincorporated · 1 year ago
The Villains Lair: the story so far
I’ve been rewatching The Villains Lair by PattyCake Productions and I’ve written a summary of the plot so far.
If you haven’t watched it and want to avoid spoilers, you can watch it here.
According to the villains themselves (what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt) and what we’ve seen ourselves, the story so far is this-
Maleficent helped Stefan gain the throne and become king. Stefan pretended he’d done it all alone, didn’t acknowledge Maleficent’s help, married someone else and didn’t invite her to the christening of his daughter.
Maleficent wanted revenge so made a deal with Ursula AKA the Sea Witch (sister of King Triton and daughter of Poseidon). Ursula gave her a Sleeping Spell in exchange for her wings so that she could curse Stefan’s daughter.
When the Evil Queen gave Snow White the poisoned apple, the seven dwarfs chased her off a cliff. The Evil Queen fell into the sea and died. Ursula found her and brought her back to solid ground.
Ursula spoke to Evil Queen’s spirit and offered a deal; if Evil Queen helped Ursula overthrow her brother, Ursula would bring her back to life. Evil Queen agreed to the terms. However, the moment she felt she could get away, Evil Queen reengaged on their deal and went off to do her own thing.
Evil Queen found Maleficent at the bottom of a cliff with Prince Philip’s sword in her heart. It’s unclear if she was dead or dying but Evil Queen either somehow brought her back to life or saved her.
Evil Queen and Maleficent teamed up. Evil Queen asked Maleficent to resurrect the other dead villains and when they came back to life, they all moved into Evil Queen’s castle. Villains who didn’t die, like Cinderella’s step-mother Lady Tremaine also got invited.
Evil Queen was still in debt to Ursula who might be able to undo the magic that brought her back to life. Some or all of the villains worked together combining their powers to magically seal Ursula away so she’d be unable to collect her debt.
While they are all talking about how much they hate how their stories went, Dr Facilier AKA the Shadow Man told them there was a way to rewrite time and make it so that they’d won. He took items from some of the villains to make a magical spell of some sort. The spell didn’t immediately rewrite time or do anything obvious.
The villains asked Dr Facilier for more details of how to mess with time. He told them about the Sundial of Cronus.
When the universe was young, the titans ruled. Cronus – the most powerful – became obsessed with controlling of time. However, he was cruel and mad. Eventually, Zeus defeated Cronus and locked him away inside the Sundial. Now the Sundial of Cronus can be used to move time forward or backwards.
Dr Facilier used his cards to discover the location of the Sundial. It used to belong to Hades but Zeus entrusted it to Meg after Hades’ soul fell into the river styx. She now protected it at the Princess Academy.
Unfortunately (or fortunately because they are villains with evil intentions), Dr Facilier told the other villains that, even if they managed to get the Sundial, he didn’t actually know how it works.
Maleficent told them that she thought the answer was obvious. Sunlight moves time forward and moonlight moves it back. However, for the dark magic they were planning, a blood moon would be needed. As Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent said she could easily make a blood moon.
Evil Queen decided she would disguise herself, go to the Princess Academy and trick the Princess into handing over the Sundial. It took her a while to prepare and put this plan into action.
During all this, different villains have been interacting in different ways. Some get along but others do not. Evil Queen, Mother Gothel and Lady Tremaine bonded over their abusive parenting techniques.
Cruella de Vil, Gaston, Mother Gothel and Yzma all love making bad look good. Dr Facilier, who was listening from the shadows, stepped out and introduced them to Vanessa, a Queen from under the sea, who can change her looks. The group then had a discussion about something (it’s probably nothing, don’t worry about it!)
The minions and henchmen hung out together and sang a jolly song about being their for their villains.
Evil Queen went to the Princess Academy in disguise. She span a story about being sent by Zeus to stop a great evil. However, it turned out that someone got there before her. According to the person who’d come the day before, the Sundial was in danger but it would be safe under the sea with Triton, so now it’s gone.
When Evil Queen got back to the castle, she told everyone what had happened. They realised someone must has leaked their plans. Then worked out that Dr Facilier had tricked them into releasing Ursula and told her about the Sundial so that she could steal it first.
Cruella de Vil, Gaston and Mother Gothel tried to sneak off but were caught by Maleficent who realised they knew about Ursula already. Yzma wasn’t there so its unclear if people know that she knew.
Vanessa stepped out of the shadows. At first the villains threatened her until they thought she was an envoy for Ursula. They demand Vanessa tell Ursula to bring them the Sundial. Only for Vanessa to transform and reveal that she was Ursula all along.
Ursula told them, she would bring the Sundial once they’ve all made a deal with her. If they don’t, she would keep it 20,000 leagues under the sea.
Dr Facilier revealed that he hadn’t told them everything about the Sundial. Only the descendent of a god can unlock its power. As Poseidon’s daughter, Ursula is the only one of them that can make the Sundial work. Whether they liked it or not, he said they needed her.
Ursula vanished. She would come back when the others decide to make a deal with her. Some of the villains thought they should make a deal with Ursula but others didn’t.
Lady Tremaine pointed out that if the descendent of a god can activate Sundial, then surely a god would work even better.
Evil Queen remembered Hades who’d already owned the Sundial once. Unfortunately, Hades was dead, dead. Maleficent had brought a lot of the villains back to life but Hades wasn’t one of them. His soul had fallen into the river Styx but Evil Queen thought that the Black Cauldron might be bring him back.
Maleficent voiced her reservations but Evil Queen was sure this is a good plan. She asked the Magic Mirror where the Cauldron was and it told her it was on Morva. It also said that the lord lost inside it will rise again. Everyone ignores that line.
Maleficent pointed out that the Cauldron was supposed to be broken and it’s protected by three witches. Evil Queen dismissed this. The Mirror said the Cauldron would work and she believed it. She decided to distract the witches by pretending to offer them the Mirror so that someone could steal the Cauldron when they were away.
Captain Hook offered to sail to Morva with his pirate crew to steal it. He just needed a new ship (Peter Pan stole his).
Prince Hans had recently come to the castle and Lady Tremaine thought he’d be willing to offer his ship and sail with them. We don’t see her ask him but later we find out he did agree to help with the plan.
Gaston offered to go too and be the mussel.
After all her arguments against the plan, Maleficent suddenly changed her tune. If this was the plan they were all determined to go with, she’d accompany them to make sure everything would go smoothly. As punishment for not telling them about Ursula, Maleficent told Cruella she has to come as well.
It’s unclear why Maleficent wants at least two members of the crew of the mission to be people who knew about Ursula before everyone else. It seems like a bad idea to put them on a ship, on the ocean, where they’ll be nearer to Ursula but I’m sure she has her reasons. Maybe she just wants to keep an eye on them.
Maleficent went down to the dungeon where she’s keeping Oogie Boogie prisoner, for reasons unknown. Oogie doesn’t care about the villains’ various schemes and backstabbing. However, when Maleficent offered Oogie a tied-up Santa in exchange, of his magic dice that can control the shadows, he didn’t hesitate to agree.
It’s unclear where Dr Facilier has been since he told them all they needed Ursula. However, Maleficent hopes the dice will be enough to stop him using the shadows anymore.
Hans, Gaston, Jafar and Frollo bonded over being misogynistic incels. Even the other villains think that their ‘love interests’ were right to turn them down (though the hunters do like Gaston’s story of in sighting a mod to kill a monster). Anastasia and Drizella, on the other hand, were on Hans and Gaston’s sides, and said they were in the right and fought for their attention.
Evil Queen questioned Maleficent about why she’s choosing to go to Morva. Maleficent says it’s to return Hades to life but changes the subject when Evil Queen asks if that’s the only reason she’s going.
Whatever Maleficent’s motives; she, Hook and his crew, Hans, Gaston and Cruella will set sail soon.
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bitterlynsposts · 2 years ago
Almost all of hooks moments in villains lair by pattycake productions, sorry that its pretty choppy but idk. There are more funny moments from they're live stream but that made it like 10 min long so i scraped it. Hope it's not that bad.
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zecoritheweirdone · 10 months ago
so i saw this old-ish post about an au centering around a villain lewis and a hero arthur,,, and i. may have gotten attached to it,, dkdndkdjs. so i decided to make some edits + doodles based on it!! i also really wanna make a lil oneshot about it as well,, but uh... whether or not i actually follow through on that, we'll see,, skdjsojdks.
edit: good news, gang,, i wrote the fic!!
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black-and-yellow · 1 year ago
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(minus grain)
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