#Victor vicious
julcreates · 2 years
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Be lost. Give up. Give in.
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a-great-tragedy · 1 month
Listen, you can’t be partners in crime and also be just “Best Friends”cause there is nothing more gay than planning murder
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parched-chaos · 2 months
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God's angel
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bvrtysbvtches · 1 year
the “best friends who had plans of changing the world together but then one of them betrayed the other and now they’re on opposite sides and the one who betrayed the other is now morally grey and kills people but they still can’t bring themselves to kill the other because deep down they’re still in love with them” trope>>>>
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shoukohime · 8 months
dads in fiction <<< guys in fiction who see a kid in a fucked up situation without a guardian to take care of them and asks is anyone gonna look after this kid? and don't wait for an answer
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chaoticmiserablelover · 7 months
Two people who understand each other deeply. The power they hold over each other's hearts. the trust between them. That's why I keep reading books. It fascinates me.
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i-needserotonin · 6 months
V.E Schwab in 2013 had the courage and nerve to ask the infamous and dangerous question "what would happen if the two worst people in the world were college roommates?"
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11no1ideas11 · 2 months
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magnoliaribs · 7 months
the funniest part of Vicious is when Eli isn’t giving Victor enough attention so he decides to electrocute himself
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clockworkbee · 1 month
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Well, there you have it.
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Me when a V.E. Schwab character exists: Now that's a character. That's a CHARACTER. THAT'S A CHARACTER.
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discountsoysauce · 3 months
Obsessed with the fact that pre-EOs Victor is just a wannabe edge lord and Eli has literally committed murder
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sleepinginthelibrary · 3 months
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Victor Vale.
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parched-chaos · 2 months
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Finally got myself some energy to make a Vic drawing lol
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ineffablelvrs · 8 months
villains duology is crazy bc one scene its victor killing some guy and maybe dying for a few minutes and the next scene is him coming to his hotel room of the week where his adoptive daughter who can raise the dead, a dog who was raised from the dead a bunch of times and a random hacker guy are like it's a normal tuesday night bc it genuinely is for him
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artsychanel · 10 months
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consumed by evervale brainrot again....
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