#Verse -> MCU(Adapted)
irondad-defensesquad · 6 months
aunt may is bisexual. to me
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respondedinkind · 8 months
closed starter for @bloodstainedstar
Khan's plan to smugge his crew into safety by putting them into the very weapons he had designed had failed on him; Just when he'd thought he could do it, that everything would go according to plan, the promise of a better future so close he could taste it on the tip of his tongue...
...He'd been discovered by one of Marcus men, and that man had managed to notify the Admiral about his intentions before Khan's hands had brought an end to the unfortunate one's life.
The mentioned one is dead now, yes, but security is onto him and Khan has no other choice but to escape alone, without his people, the ones he holds most dear - because if he doesn't, he will end up being stripped and tied to a biobed, turned into a slab of meat that gives all it has for Marcus to use for his own, sick plans to start a Klingon war.
As much as it pains him, the thought of leaving without the men and women he'd promised to protect - he runs, leaves, manages to steal a shuttle and, somehow, ends up in space. Time feels like a bit of a blur, so Khan doesn't recall every single moment that has happened - he's here, and he has to make some new plans---
---But then, something else happens.
Suddenly, the Universe... opens up in front of him. Quite literally so, as if it tears itself apart, causing blue eyes to widen at the foreign sight. Khan has never seen something like this and he's stunned by the sight, lips parting...
That's when everything happens in such a quick succession that it's hard for even his superior brain to keep up; A white light appears, swallows him, his shuttle shakes and a thousand warning alerts pop up, vanish, pop up before all of the systems are failing. Khan blinks and squints, squeezes his eyes shut at a sudden G-force causing bile to rise inside his throat---
---And then, like that, his shuttle is falling toward another planet that looks remarkably similar to Earth.
Khan, still confused by everything that has just happened, scrambles to try and get the systems back online but to no avail. The continent grows with the seconds that pass and he gets closer, closer, closer; His shuttle is briefly picked up by a current of wind, it seems, allows it to sail a bit but it's still very much about to crash-land in the middle of what seems to be a rather big city - part of him wonders if no one is actually noticing the aircraft falling like this, if, perhaps, he's too fast for any defense system to react.
He does know, though, that he needs to leave this vessel before he'll hit something with it - bright irises scan what he can see from his position and he makes a split-second-decision he isn't too sure about whether he'll regret it or not.
But, he actually opens the door to his right and---
The shuttle continues to fly without him, lands somewhere a but further away while Khan flies through the air, toward what appears to be a rooftop of a bulding; He curls his body, lands with his shoulder first and rolls himself off this way, but the impact is still quite rough. He rolls and rolls and rolls, the force of his movement pulling him along - and he manages to hold onto the edge of the building at the very last second before he falls, fingers grabbing onto the stone as he dangles off the side.
Blinking, gasping, Khan needs a second to process this, the whole of what has just happened; He groans, then pulls himself up and back on top of the roof, still catching his breath while allowing his gaze to roam as he crouches there...
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...Where the fuck is he? It looks like earth from what he can tell. But... This city is unfamiliar to him.
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kingofthewebxxx · 3 months
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Open Starter:
“Now tell me, do you perceive me as a meta human or mutant. Take your time, it’s not like either of us are exactly going anywhere.” He said as he sat surrounded by his guards, watching the intruder in the makeshift cell carefully as he took a small sip of his black coffee.
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theomenmedia · 17 days
Knull Co-Creator Donny Cates On The Villain's Future In The Marvel Movies
Knull's reign begins! Donny Cates teases a universe-shaking arc for the God of Symbiotes. Is the MCU ready?
Link to the full story: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/knull-s-cinematic-ascension-co-creator-donny-cates-teases-epic-marvel-universe-expansion
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afterlife-2004 · 1 month
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azurecanary · 2 months
Finally watched Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man (22 years after the fact)
Definitely a movie
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Every time I get an advertisement for MCU nonsense I remember why I rarely enjoy adaptations.
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thatsastepladder · 7 months
You gotta feel bad for Mary Jane Watson. Poor girl can't get a decent adaptation or in-character depiction to save her life anymore.
We see so little of either Spider-Verse MJ that I can't really judge, and I know jack squat about the Ultimate Spider-Man or Marvel's Spider-Man cartoons but I'm assuming they didn't do anything interesting with her.
But aside from those, we've got:
Current 616 MJ, who is firmly in "she would not ever do that" territory under Zeb Wells' pen and mired in the mediocre Jackpot stuff. I miss Nick Spencer's MJ.
MCU Michelle Jones, who's MJ in initials only.
Insomniac Mary Jane, who's got the look partway down but is otherwise a Lois Lane knockoff because Insomniac couldn't figure out how to get her actively involved in the plot as an actress/model.
What Marvel suit do I have to schmooze up to in order to get a Mary Jane adaptation complete with her family backstory... or, dang, just a Parallel Lives adaptation?
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luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
Fictional characters that definitely deserved better
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💪Jen Walters (She-Hulk: Attorney at law)💪
She-Hulk is one of those shows I enjoyed because of the vibes, no surprise that a bunch of dudebros were doing their usual hate on the MCU crap again, especially going after this show.
I like how the show made Jennifer relatable and likable from the start, Tatiana did such a amazingly performance as the titular character along with matching her sassiness and wit like she have in the comics.
The possibilities of She-Hulk season 2 are slim to none, but I still have hope of Jen coming back in the future.
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🛩️Andy Demayo (Steven Universe)🛩️
Even though he was kinda rude in his debut episode, but honestly, you would be confused and angry too if you see a bunch of strangers in your barn.
Besides Greg and the residents at Beach City, he rarely calls out Steven's dangerously daily lifestyle with the gems and shows that he cares about his recently known nephew.
After Gem harvest, he resolved the bittered distance and continue visiting his family, even showing at Garnet's wedding.
It was kind of a waste that Future didn't give him anything important to add, he would connect and helped Steven's dilemma with the fear of change, similar to his.
Also a hilarious fun fact, Andy's VA is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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🐁Splinter (TMNT 2012)🐁
Honestly one of the most tragic characters in the show, from a broken man who lost everything, to a loving and protecting father who found a new lease on life, along with a family that care for each other to the very end.
He can be strict but he does care about his family and would die fighting for them, he literally died to save them and would do it again if he have to.
Hoon Lee's electrifying portrayal speaks for itself and the critical juncture of his past that parallels him and Shredder is another reason why the show is underrated.
I hate the backlash that this character has been getting and that people are labeling him as a bad father but he's not, the show literally has moments of him caring and protecting his family from danger.
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🕸️Miles Morales (Spider-Man)🕸️
Without a doubt, Miles is one of the best Spider-Man characters of all. Pretty disgusting that people are using with the whole Miles Morales is Miles Morales crap to hate on a character that brings a new meaning for a iconic role model for kids.
Into and Across the Spider-verse done a outstanding job, making Miles's personal journey and growth so emotional and inspiring.
Sucks that the third film is going to take a long time to premiere, but at least the PS4 games also give him justice and continues shining Miles.
Miles Morales will forever be one of the best Spider-man, it just sucks that some people won't accept him continuously, but in some way at least there's some people who actually respect him as a character, knowing that he is in forever will be Spider-Man and that makes it him amazing.
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📋Lois Lane (My Adventures with Superman)📋
My Adventures with Superman is a show that should be talked about especially on how well written it is, the show adapted Lois very well, along with her budding romance with Clark.
I literally hated how Lois gets treated like garbage by a certain amount of people after the whole secret identity thing, the show does prove that Lois is flawed and complex in a good way, making her likable and relatable, she makes mistakes but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, everyone does.
The latest episode of season 2 really proves that Lois is a good character, showing her empathetic past and complicated relationship with her dad.
Also, Alice Lee's fun performance as the character is just top notch, whether she's happy or sad, she just nails Lois's character without a doubt.
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🧬Morty Smith (Rick and Morty)🧬
This boy has been through enough, with neglectful parents, a sister that does care about him but is focused on her own life, Rick cares sometimes, but can be a real jerk. Morty is more you can be his own person the truth is some things can be holding him back, mostly his grandfather.
I'm glad that Rick is trying to change for the better, I remember I hated the way he treated Morty thoughout the seasons whether using verbal or physical abuse, it also sucks when he tried to do something good yet the universe basically just throws it back at him like a giant middle finger.
I'm glad that the later seasons proves that Morty could be a badass and he can handle himself, but I hope when the new season drops, they find a way to handle his trauma because he deserves a hug.
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🎳Wade Whipple (The Sonic franchise)🎳
The Sonic films are underrated but it's problem is that it gets dunked on, especially thanks to a so-called outside of the box thinker.
But unlike the other live action films with bland and boring human characters, the human characters in Sonic are actually likable and memorable, among them is Wade Whipple.
I really don't think he's one of the worst characters in Sonic, honestly his sister and dad deserves to be on that list.
Honestly people hate him just because he have more screen time than Knuckles but one, because it's a TV show budget and Knuckles is in the show, they are acting like he never was in the show.
Two, at least it added layers and flaws that made him even more relatable and serves a purpose to Knuckles's journey.
Like with Tom and Maddie with Sonic, his friendship with Knuckles is another core example of why Knuckles work and his actor, Adam Pally's performance was great too.
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🔪Sam Carpenter (Scream 5 and 6)🔪
Sam is another character that deserves more attention and respect than before, partially thanks to her actress.
Aside her rough past and learning the dark truth about her family, Sam cares about the people she loves and isn't afraid to fight for them, even fighting her own personal demons just to do so.
Melissa Barrera is a underrated actress, though Her performance in part 5 was good, I think she was just basically outperformed by everyone else, and it didn't help that she was getting bullied and criticize by bunch of toxic fans.
Scream 6 gave Sam justice and proves that she's a badass final girl, especially thanks to the crew and cast of the films who care and was there for her but thanks to a certain company that fire her for doing the right thing, what's the point of even watching Scream 7 without her and the core four but the good thing is at least it gave her and Sam a bittersweet ending.
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🐝Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)🐝
This one is a completely personal rant, I used to be a fan Miraculous. But after watching the season 3 finale, I feel like the magic of the show just basically disappeared, and seasons 4 and 5 was a huge sign that the show fully gone off the rails.
I remember hating Chloe in the first season and I'm pretty sure everyone else felt the same feeling too, but season 2 actually did the the most surprising thing, actually gave her some character development.
It might be baby steps but still development, she might have been spoiled and selfish sometimes but they actually do show that she has flaws.
Malediktator was one of the best episodes of season 2, they were able to showcase Chloe's vulnerability and it prove that she can change and still be a useful ally like the other miraculous holders.
She protected her friend from getting akumatized again, she almost got Mayura's miraculous, and heck, She literally defied Hawkmoth's control, unlike the other akumatized victims, that is basically spells hero-worthy.
But of course as always, Thomas is just too spiteful and that thinks that Chloe is not just worthy and replaced her with a bland, forgettable and useless character who only exists just because she is "better" than Chloe.
It's honestly just pathetic that her corrupt father who spoils her and the literal villain of the show, who done some horrible and awful things get a redemption arc, but a literal misunderstood child doesn't, it just proves that the writer's room just don't even know how to handle character development nor redemption arcs.
It's even more sad that the film actually treats Chloe better than the show does.
The truth is whether do you like or don't like Chloe, it's possible that she can change, it's just that Thomas is the actual problem of the show, I hope one day somehow Chloe might actually get a actual chance to shine as a character again but maybe in the future it could still could happen.
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queenvhagar · 2 months
So some people claim that Daeron will be a bastard??? Will people even think of the significance if he was especially when Nettles is removed from the narrative? Noooo, they'll probably gloss over the fact that he is bastard with no drop of Targ blood and had a dragon but will focus more on the fact that he is a bastard of Alicent???? The horror!
But jfc, I really really hate the changes, Nettles (and Morning too) was so cool and had a significant impact in the story, but nope. I'm honestly questioning HBO's choices and the ability to adapt GRRM's works, if they are planning to do a GRRM TV Show verse, the least they can do is make proper adaptation without showing any bias. But nooo..
Zero Nettles but expanding the stories of Ulf and Hugh when I actually kinda... don't give a fuck about them at all. Sad backstory Saera Targaryen's son whose sick daughter died? Ulf a drunk who probably lied about his Valyrian background cuz they erased Nettles and need to give that detail to someone?
Like damn... I kinda just... don't care... especially knowing their future arcs. It's just not compelling and I already know they'll frame them as villainous for turning on the Blacks. And knowing how the show basically frames morality as black and white... like what is the point beyond "wow more evil men who turn against women" 😭
Vs you had an actually compelling complete at for Nettles... but she makes Rhaenyra look bad and they already have enough Black characters apparently even though she's the only one whose story would actually explore Black identity 🙄 plus Rhaena has to be a girlboss because only girlboss characters are worth caring for and writing don't you know 😭 strong female character...
I guess they'll just have Rhaena run away into the sunset at the end and erase her arc of marrying a Hightower and having his babies... because obviously they can't show her with a Hightower... fuck the in universe consequences I guess 🤣 and symbolic Morning... idk what even they'll do about that
Also bet on a Daeron bastard but it being used exclusively to smear Alicent and Criston
These writers are so incompetent 😭 welcome to the new MCU 🥲
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longlivenecromancer · 2 months
Ok fuck so I need in with the Talented Mr Ripley fandom. Fuck the MCU the Ripley-verse is intriguing as hell
1) It’s a 5 book series???
2) it was written by a lesbian who wrote Strangers on a Train????????
3) there’s three adaptions of it?????
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respondedinkind · 8 months
i hope you don't think you're going to lure me into your bed after a few charming words. (Tony; @mxrvelouscreations
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Things my friend's muses have said || accepting @mxrvelouscreations
"I'm actually surprised about you having found my previous words to be of... charming nature."
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"But don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Mr. Stark - I'll make sure to put in a little more effort in case I ever want you to ride me."
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petergender · 2 months
* the versions not specified by verse are all referring to the spiderverse adaptation of the character for claritys sake (so for example if you related more to the miles of ultimate spiderman, you would click "a spiderman not listed here")
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willemdafinky · 7 months
I have completed Spider-Man 2 twice now and I have very conflicting feelings on the game’s story, mostly towards its Venom/Symbiote storyline. On my first playthrough my problem was how little screen time and characterization Venom had in the story despite all the build up and prioritizing him over anything else and while I still have a problem with that aspect of the story, upon my second playthrough I realized that my real biggest issue with the narrative is Peter’s time in the black suit and being corrupted by the Symbiote. I felt it was rushed and forced but I didn’t have any deeper and meaningful critiques of it…that is until I looked back on other adaptations of the Black Suit storyline and a review of Spider-Man 2 by Youtuber Dorito God which I recommend watching that made it click as to why Peter and the Black Suit doesn’t work.
Insomniac's Peter Parker is the nicest version of the character.
An aspect of Peter Parker that I feel has been downplayed in many adaptations is that he was, at many points, a jerk. He had an incredibly short temper, tends to be cocky for the worst, and outright selfish at points. This does not inherently mean he was unlikable, I actually believe this makes him more interesting and even sympathetic. His negative traits aren’t there just because but are present of numerous factors, most of them because of his double life as Spider-Man. The sheer responsibility that is required of being Spider-Man would naturally cause high level of stress which as we all know can easily lead into losing your cool: not to mention other elements such as J Jonah Jameson’s constant slander of his name which influenced his public perception amongst New York, the grief and guilt of losing loved ones such as Uncle Ben, his struggles of keeping good relationships due to wanting to keep his identity a secret out of fear of his loved ones getting hurt, and how this all started when he was 16 it is completely understandable that Peter can be frankly a jerk.
I don’t think Peter Parker’s defining characteristic is a jerkass who underneath is a good person but I feel that his jerkiness is an important factor of the character that doesn’t get much attention in adaptations outside of Peter B Parker in the Spider-Verse movies. That being said, I would be arguing in bad faith if I said this has been completely left out of Spider-Man adaptations: Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, The Amazing Spider-Man duology, and even the MCU have this aspect of Peter’s personality intact. In the Raimi Trilogy Peter is shown to be a very flawed boyfriend to Mary Jane with Spider-Man 3 being the most prominent example where he just doesn’t understand Mary Jane’s own struggles and subconsciously brushes them off not just because of his own struggles but also from the outright celebration he is getting from New York as Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man duology gave Peter a new motivation for becoming Spider-Man as originally purely being revenge only to later take up the role of hero, not to mention also breaking a dying man’s promise of staying away from Gwen. The MCU had Peter initially refuse to help Norman and the other inter dimensional visitors despite the fact that it was his fault they were brought to the MCU and it’s only because of Aunt May that he does try to help.
Now, I have to ask a question: can you honestly name a scene with Insomniac’s Peter where he has any of these traits? I genuinely can’t think of one. Spider-Man 2 tries with the boss fight against Scream where while under the Symbiote, Mary Jane tells Peter how much he made her feel like she was nothing more than emotional support for his struggles while not doing anything for her and I don’t think that lines up with how Peter was written in the game. Peter is very supportive of Mary Jane throughout the story for her job and does listen to her when she vents about it so this interaction where the story suggests otherwise in the Scream boss fight doesn’t work for me. Peter in these games is just a really nice guy, does this mean he doesn’t have moments where he crosses his limit? No of course not, the climax against Otto disproves but that’s more of an example of the “pissing off the good guy is a bad move” trope than Peter’s more abrasive side. I don’t think this inherently means that Insomniac Peter is a bad character, I very much liked him in the first game and Miles Morales after and one of my other favorite versions of the character is the one from the 90s cartoon who is also a kinder interpretation of Peter Parker. So what is my problem?
I don’t think this overly nice version of Peter Parker works with the Black Suit story. Ever since the 90s cartoon, every version of the Black Suit story has the Symbiote amplifies Peter’s more negatives traits (most notably his temper) and we’ve established that Peter doesn’t have of any these traits so seeing him lash out at other characters and being more aggressive feels extremely out of character and not in the way that I think the writers intended.
Okay so, the amplification of negative emotions doesn’t work but maybe they went through a different approach. Maybe in this version the Symbiote instead brings out the host’s intrusive thoughts and inner frustrations, like they did with Mary Jane. The story suggests this: first in the Spider-Men fight where Peter hints that he has a sense of insecurity in his role as Spider-Man because of how good Miles is in the role, that he might not be needed anymore and how the Symbiote is the only way he could keep and be greater. Second when Miles and Martin Li go into Peter’s subconscious it is outward stated that Peter supposedly may secretly want to kill his foes just so he could end the cycle, which the Symbiote feeds on. This all sounds great, what’s the problem?
Neither of these are even hinted at beforehand. Peter never shows any resentment towards Miles, not helped by how little screen presence Miles has in the story but that’s its own can of worms, and there is nothing to suggest that Peter even entertained the idea of defeating his rogues gallery permanently. So there is nothing in this story that gives any reason as to why Peter acts the way he does while under the Symbiote. Now this might sound weird for me to say since “isn’t that what the Symbiote does” but hear me out:
Harry does not act anywhere similar to Peter when he is using the Symbiote. His personality is the same which gives the idea that perhaps in this continuity the Symbiote might not have the same negative energy it does in most adaptations and is more like in the original comics where its only negative thing is that it takes control over the host while they’re asleep. But I don’t think that was ever the intention, it always felt like that the Symbiote is supposed to be what it usually is in most adaptations. So why was Peter affected by it but Harry wasn't?
There’s also the problem that Peter himself never has the big moment of realizing what the Symbiote is doing to him, he doesn’t have his own self reflection. Compare to other adaptations:
•The 90s cartoon: He almost kills Shocker after the latter had already given up and even after he stops, the Symbiote still tries to kill Shocker.
•Spider-Man 3: Him slapping Mary Jane is the moment where Peter finally sees that he had changed for the worst.
•The Spectacular Spider-Man: Getting called out by Flash Thompson for how he’s been treating his friend is what plants the doubts in Peter’s head that something might be wrong with the Symbiote which only gets confirmed when it tries to convince him that they don’t need anyone.
In Spider-Man 2, we don’t get that. I don’t consider Miles telling Peter that the Symbiote is changing him to be a moment of self realization, it doesn’t work for me. I never got the idea that in this game Peter did something so awful, an action that he wouldn’t act out doing, that would break him free from the hold the Symbiote hivemind has on him and to be better. I don’t get that.
Combine all that and you have what has ended up being one of my least favorite versions of the Black Suit storyline, even more than Spider-Man 3. Note that I hate Spider-Man 3, it’s my least favorite of the Spider-Man movies not counting the Sonyverse movies, but with that I can see how it could work with that version of Peter. Spider-Man 2’s version of the story doesn’t work fundamentally to me because of their Peter unless you change Peter’s characterization, the narrative or how the Symbiote works.
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argentarrogance · 5 months
this interpretation follows most XCU canons which makes him a mutant-born, more moody, temperamental, and manipulative than MCU depicts him, though willing in pursuit of self-improval and how to be a better man after leaving the brotherhood. I follow with delight Peyer's Quicksilver - '97 and other oldie-goldies but ofc you're welcome to pick your own forte ( verses ) !
PHYSIQUE: in terms of visuals he physically strongly resembles his biological father Magento ( silver hair, blue eyes, etc. as depicted in his first appearance Uncanny X-Men #4 March 1964 ) despite their personalities being nothing alike. Please, respect this. FAMILY: absolutely under no circumstances I shall write incestuous couple with any members of his family, this goes without saying. I might rb contra-parallel musing including Lannisters ( spec. Jamie ) as a crack alt for House of M but it has nothing to do with any suggestive ref, so don't even assume that. CRYSTAL: I don't ship Crystal with Pietro and am generally not interested in writing / exploring this dynamic as a ship tho I might stick with adaptation of him being enamored by his ex-wife solely for the sake of canon. After their marriage is annulled by the Inhuman law he is fairly over her, realizing with time how toxic their dynamic was and how their separation was for the best. SEXUALITY: fairly bisexual ( male-lean ), tho purposely kept from the public eye in order to hide sensitive information from his enemies bc duh he has everlasting paranoia, the only person who knows such detail about him is Wanda ( who was kinda aware all those years, even when he acted to be all closet ), and Lorna, plus obviously his male lovers unless plotted otherwise, other muses are ofc welcome to act accordingly, discover information and use in SLs as pleased. FOR MCU: Faceclaim remains the same; Aaron-Taylor Johnson. I do not follow his MCU canons, but sometimes ... I am willing enough to give a shot to a few interactions and those who write there. For example, I shall definitely zoom in for Clint's and Pietro's sporty bickering and engage in extract of Avengers scenes ' you didn't see that comin'? ' etc. I'm all in for cracks & gags.~ DUPLICATES: are welcome <3 ! But I don't follow first bc idk who feels comfortable with seeing a twin on dash.
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irondad-defensesquad · 10 months
what i like about the spider-verse movies is that you don't need to know every single spider-man adaptation or variation. sure the films have many references but they're mostly easter eggs. they still give you an introduction to other spider people you've probably never heard of, without demanding you to have read the comics or watched the many animated shows (or even the live action movies).
the mcu however requires you to watch all movies and disney plus series that nobody cares about. this makes me wish that the disney plus shows were just spin-offs, like the groot show or whatever. mcu movies have become homework at this point and it can be very exhausting. this is why i personally gave up on it.
at least i'm glad the spider-verse movies are making super hero movies enjoyable again
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