#Veggie Fare
housekeepinginfo · 1 month
The Top 10 Traditional Vegetarian Meals
Explore the world of tasty plant-based dishes with our top 10 traditional vegetarian meals. These meals are perfect for anyone, whether you're a dedicated vegetarian, a flexitarian, or just want to eat more plants. You'll find everything from pasta dishes to Mexican recipes and hearty rice meals.
Join a culinary journey that highlights the best of vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. These dishes are loved by many for their great taste and texture. They're ideal for parties or cozy nights in. You'll learn about the many ways vegetarian cooking can be exciting, from casseroles to stews, and even easy freezer meals.
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socialpermadeath · 1 year
So one of the Emerald Grove druids in BG3 who is just disgusted at your presence is unintentionally hilarious in my playthrough because he looks almost exactly like my PC. Pretty-boy Blond Half-elf on Pretty-boy Blond Half-elf crime. My first response when he made the comment about wanting me out was to think "bold thing to say to your cousin, man. I'm gonna let Aunt Aravia about this at the next barbeque."
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veggiechannel · 3 months
Quando ci esponiamo al sole, soprattutto nei primi giorni di vacanza, è facile incorrere in fastidiose scottature da sole; scopriamo come trovare sollievo da rossore e bruciore grazie ai rimedi naturali.scottature da sole rimedi naturali, scottature da sole cosa non fare, scottature da sole
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clemenssetz · 1 year
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Spaghetti Squash with Chicken and Veggies Baked spaghetti squash with chicken and vegetables is a nice departure from your usual weekday fare. 1/4 teaspoon dried parsley or to taste, 1 large bell pepper cut into 1/2-inch squares, 3 cups chopped broccoli, 2 tablespoons olive oil divided or to taste, 2 cloves garlic minced, 1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms, 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs cut into 1-inch pieces, 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano or to taste, 1 large spaghetti squash halved and seeded, 2 cups chopped fresh spinach, 1/2 medium onion chopped or to taste, 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh basil
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robynroze · 1 year
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Recipe for Spaghetti Squash with Chicken and Veggies A nice change from your typical weekday fare is baked spaghetti squash with chicken and vegetables.
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shennanigoats · 1 year
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Spaghetti Squash with Chicken and Veggies - Squash Baked spaghetti squash with chicken and vegetables is a nice departure from your usual weekday fare.
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another-lost-mc · 2 years
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When It's MC's Turn to Cook THE DEMON BROTHERS x gn!MC | 1.1k words | SFW Rating/Warnings: Mostly fluff and silliness. Some jealous/possessive behaviour if you squint. [ Obey Me! Masterlist ]
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It’s not surprising that he’s the least interested in helping you in the kitchen since it’s exhausting cooking for so many hungry demons every night
He complains when it’s your turn to cook because it means he has to nap alone
He has trouble napping when you’re not with him, so he’ll wander into the kitchen with a yawn and ask if you need a hand (but you both know it’s a hollow offer - he’s just trying to be polite)
Depending on how sleepy he looks, the most you ask of him is to help you set the table 
Instead of returning to the attic for a restless sleep, he’ll simply go to your room instead where he can hear you in the kitchen while he tries to doze off
You let him know that dinner’s ready first by waking him up with a kiss, followed by relentless tickles if he still pretends to be asleep
Cooking is challenging entertaining when Beel is around, but you need to strategize if you want food to actually make it to the table for everyone else
You have some quick snacks ready by the time he walks into the kitchen to see you - there are some sandwiches, cut up veggies and dip - light fare that won’t ruin his appetite but will keep his hands and mouth occupied
He’s one of the brothers that won’t shy away from making requests for certain meals, especially if there’s something he heard about that he wants to try (only if he thinks you’ll like too - he appreciates its hard work)
He likes going to the shops with you after class to help you pick out ingredients, and he’ll carry all the bags home without breaking a sweat 
Asmo loves spending time with you in the kitchen, but he’s more like your personal cooking cheerleader than a hands-on helper
He sits on a stool nearby and keeps you company while being out of the way - this also prevents him from getting his clothes or hair dirty if something splatters or spills
He talks about new pictures and gossip he sees on Devilgram, and calls you over to look at his DDD when he comes across something really interesting or scandalous 
He knows you don’t like having your picture taken so he takes candid shots of your dinner-in-progress with your blurred form somewhere in the background 
You can guess when he’s posted something on Devilgram because more of his brothers (particularly Mammon) come and visit you in the kitchen shortly after
Satan is a fantastic partner in the kitchen when you’re in the mood to try cooking something new or adventurous
He learns about a lot of human world food from the books and TV shows, so sometimes he requests things even you haven’t cooked or eaten before
He likes to help you plan things ahead of time so he gathers a couple different recipe options to see which one you want to use
Once you’ve chosen the recipe, he goes through the ingredients and adjusts the amounts on your shopping list so it'll be enough to feed everyone + Beel + leftovers (if you can hide them from Beel fast enough, anyway)
Satan is skilled with a knife and eager to show off help with the prep work
If you ask him to teach you a particular technique, he stands behind you while he holds your hands in his as he guides you through the motions until he's satisfied you can repeat it safely
He has a short fuse if Mammon his brothers barge into the kitchen and flirt with distract you while you're cooking together
Levi is happy enough to sit in his room and wait until he’s called for dinner, cooking isn’t a task that appeals to him and he’d rather spend his time catching up on new anime releases 
Some days if he feels particularly social, he’ll sit on a chair like Asmo does and play his handheld while you cook
If you’re not sure what to make for dinner that night, usually you’ll ask Levi - he never asks for something that’s complicated or takes too long
More often than not, he suggests ordering takeout instead - the sooner you eat, the sooner you can play games with him
He likes to cuddle with you in his tub while you keep an eye on the delivery tracker app 
Mammon isn’t the most skilled at food prep or cooking, but when his brothers aren’t around he’s with you in the kitchen the entire time you’re preparing dinner
After he’s helped chopped some vegetables for you, he brings them over with a faint blush on his cheeks and mumbles that it’s harder than it looks
He’ll flash you cocky smile when you tell him he’s done a wonderful job, and he says that’s why you should just ask him for help whenever you’re cooking instead of his brothers who obviously aren’t as gifted as he is
Sometimes you have to slap his hand away when he tries to stick his finger into a dish to taste it 
When you tell him to use a fork or spoon if he wants to sample something, he surprises you when he holds it to your mouth expectantly so you can have the first taste
It’s hard to resist when he offers you something you know he worked really hard to help you make, after all
You remind him to use a clean utensil for himself, but he pops yours into his mouth as soon as you look away
Later when you ask him how it tastes, he says it’s perfect (but he’s not referring to the food)
RAD business often keeps Lucifer on campus later than everyone else, so some nights you rarely see him before dinner is finished and served at the table
You’ve mentioned in the past how you had special family dinners on Sunday nights growing up, and when your cooking night falls on Sundays in the Devildom, you try to uphold the tradition
Lucifer is usually less busy on Sundays too, so cooking together to create more elaborate meals becomes something of a ritual you both take comfort in
He takes you to the market himself and helps you when you’re unsure of which Devildom ingredients to choose; he’s also more knowledgeable when it comes to choosing and cooking Devildom meats, so that is his responsibility the nights you cook together
It’s not practical to drag the record player into the kitchen, but music streams from your DDD while you both work quietly on prepping and cooking that night’s meal
Lucifer is surprisingly relaxed in the kitchen - the top buttons of his shirt are undone, his sleeves are rolled up, and he has an apron tied around his waist
When he works beside you at the counter or walks past you to retrieve something, you can feel his hand brush against you gently, an affectionate gesture that leaves a pleased smile on both your faces
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triggerblaze345 · 2 years
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anachrophobia · 8 months
apparently the issue was a physical issue with my hard drive bc the ppl I bought it from replaced it and fucked up. and bc it's refurbished its no under warranty -_- costs me 140 dollars to fix (I hope they fix it I'm waiting for it now) but now I have around 100 dollars for veggies for bowser and metro fair for school. would really help if I could have some donations or at least a rb. this is my below. plsss ignore my dead name
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aerbiscuit · 3 months
So, this may be a super silly idea, but bear with me.
Giants are intriguing fantasy creatures. Depending on how big they are, their existence has massive implications for wherever they live. What do they eat, and how much/often do they have to do so? What is their population size? Where do they live that has enough room for them all? How does their waste not make large stretches of land filthy?
And, most importantly… do they fart?
No, for real, I’ve often thought about this. As a kid, I was taught that cow burps and farts contain huge amounts of methane that could threaten the atmosphere. Now, of course, I know that there are a ton of factors at play in this claim, all of which turn this glimmer of a fact into a misleading claim. (While cow farts, and especially burps, do contain a large amount of methane, the largest contributions to climate change are still human pollution and fossil fuel usage. Cow gas is remarkably small in comparison and we can change their diets to decrease their methane production anyway.)
Still, this has always made me wonder about the gas output of giants. How would their flatulence affect smaller creatures and the world around them?
… well, I now have a gassy mythology about giants. Read on for a peculiar fairy tale.
In my fantasy AU, giants exist. However, they all live on a small continent (which to them is a large island) far in the middle of a distant sea. This land is perfectly suited for their needs. A few large races of animals exist for them to eat meat from time to time, and certain quickly-growing species of fauna provide them with continuous sources of vegetation. They also eat bugs by breeding, collecting, and chowing down on them at once, kinda like how whales can subsist off large amounts of krill. The land is also large enough for them to handle the subject of their waste, which they’ve developed systems to dispose, reuse, and/or filter. They’re a smart race of beings and can live sustainably in their home country. However, they largely stay where they are, and any giant who attempts to travel to the smaller lands is seen as foolhardy and asking for trouble.
Legends say that the reason for the giants' isolation (stories which both the giants and the smaller folk tell) come from a time when lots of giants travelled around the world. Giants were friendly, and even set up homes in smaller lands to learn from the tiny races. There are still a few stories of friendly giants, and the good that they can do.
Unfortunately, many of the smaller races saw the giants as a threat. If a giant didn’t have the time or resources to set up food sources (bug farming, bringing livestock, etc.), they’d need to eat from the small folks’ land, which the small folk saw as decimating their resources. Giants also had to do a LOT of research into where they could piss or shit, unless they didn’t mind accidentally flooding or burying valuable land. As thoughtful as most giants are, you couldn’t help the occasional emergency, or just the handful of people who weren’t as considerate as the others.
And of course, there was the gas. Giants need to break wind too. It’s hard to stay around someone when one of their farts sounds like a thunderclap and produces clouds of smog that take up to an hour or so to fully dissipate. And if a giant strayed too far from a majority bug-based diet, those farts could get numerous and gnarly.
Finally, one cruel and bigoted wizard devised a plan to make enough small folk hate the giants to banish them. He used the entire freshwater lake that a group of traveling giants had claimed for their water supply to make an eternal potion of flatulence, one that was so strong, it altered your very biology into making you sensitive to most food sources. Any meal of standard meat or veggies would turn into a night full of farts, and that’s not counting eating the standard fart fare like beans, broccoli, sprouts, dairy, etc. He cast the spell, complicating it so that only he could possibly undo it, and waited.
Soon, the damage was done, and all the giants in the area turned into giant gasbags. Even if they stayed near their camps, neighboring villages could hear choruses of belching in the distance, or smell the results of dinner on the wind. Finally, enough people got so fed up that they passed official mandates of banishment. All giants, even the ones who didn’t drink from the lake, were sent away, and threatened with war if they returned.
The giants, who are peaceful folk and newly embarrassed by their tremendous eruptions of gas, didn’t put up a fight. They all packed their bags and sailed home.
Upon their return, the giant’s cycle of reproduction showed that the spell was more permanent than expected. Any offspring of a newly gassy giant with an unmodified person became half as gassy. If two gassy giants mated, then the offspring had full fart power. After enough generations of mating, all giants became gasbags to some extent. While the giants grew used to, and even happy with, their new powers, they knew this was the last nail in the coffin of their diplomacy. Now, no giant could try to live peacefully with the smaller races. Barely any giants visit the small lands even now.
The end.
… but, of course, the world goes on after “The End,” doesn’t it?
First, there were the unintentional side effects of the lake. After the expulsion of the giants, the wizard quickly used the last of his remaining power to neutralize the water. However, some damage was already done. While humans were the majority of the small races to hold issue with giants, most of the demi-humans (goat-mans, centaurs, satyrs, etc.) had no issue with giants and were happy to hang out with them, share meals with them…. and drink with them. This is the theory of why these races are flatulent even beyond their animal counterparts’ abilities. Their guts have been forever tainted by the same brew that doomed the giants.
Some of the demi-humans who liked the permanent changes to their digestive tracts acted quickly, bottling some of the water before the wizard neutralized his work. These potions of flatulence are incredibly rare, and possibly no more than legends, but people search for them to this day.
Then there are the members of the small races who don’t mind venturing out to visit the giants. After all, no rule was set up that they couldn’t visit, although some years had to pass before the giants were in a good enough mood to be visited. This is how the small amount of giant-to-small-person communication and research still persists.
And who knows? Maybe in enough time, relations will improve enough to reach the level that they used to be.
Until then, most giants will stay at home, entertaining only the most friendly (or peculiarly inclined) members of the races who banished them.
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willtheweaver · 15 days
WIP Food questionnaire
TY for the tag @the-golden-comet @theink-stainedfolk
Rules: Answer the food related questions provided here using the voice of your OCs. The yummier the descriptions, the better!
What is one comfort food that'll change your whole mood for the day?
Fen: Nothing improves the mood at the end of the day like a hotdish. Simple, hearty fare, just meat, potatoes and whatever veg is on hand. But it just warms the body and soul, especially on a cold winter's day.
What is an experience, good or bad, that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
Playa: Yeah... the incident has turned me off rabbit for the most part. I didn't think I could cause a fire that big...
If you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy, or sweets off the earth, what would it be?
All: Lampreys. Most are too small to be worth cooking. And there is something unwholesome about the larger ones.
And dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could, what would you order for your entree at a restaurant?
Rail: Maple and nut crusted trout, honey tossed butternuts, wild rice soup with sweet chilis... (Fen: Well, this was a mistake. Playa: I'm getting cavities just listening to this.)
What are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
Cya: Anything with a strong odor (fermented, sulphureous) mixed with something sweet.
Fen: I'm sorry, but I just cannot stand offal or anything with 'strong flavors' (such as rose water) mixed with everything. It just ruins the flavor. If you want to show off, just do some fancy pastry or perfectly cooked meat or fish.
Cooking is a life skill, so why haven't you started learning yet?
Playa: I'm still getting over the rabbit incident. Starting a grease fire that nearly burned down the hall of the elders will put you off cooking for a while. I've tried getting back into things by doing flatbreads and roasting small skewers...but it will still be some time before I try anything that involves a pot or pan.
Tagging @fantasy-things-and-such @late-to-the-fandom @somethingclevermahogony @drchenquill @ominous-feychild
@lychhiker-writes @roselinbooks @leahnardo-da-veggie @corinneglass @talesofsorrowandofruin +open tag
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dyrewrites · 23 days
Before Deluca -- be careful who you eat
Careful of footing, I kept light and quick, though not near as quick as he—nor as light, his footfalls unheard even by my ears. We had our target in seconds, with my arms to pin theirs and Lucient to keep a nail at their throat in case they fought.
They didn’t. Beyond a gasp for our fangs they said nothing and I should have noticed how their eyes shined. But I noticed only the heady sip of their blood.
And the gun.
With a distinct click of being readied, its scent was next to us, too close to us.
Aimed at Lucient’s head.
“It’s okay, Mar,” the neck we were in assured, giggling as we pulled away, “they’re just vampires.”
The gun was lowered, with a scoff, “then this would’ve been useless.”
“You don’t have to stop,” our prey said, smiling wide and white, her teeth far larger than expected—no fangs to speak of but they weren’t human either, ever so slightly pointed every one. Our expressions earned laughter, “really, you can take more, it’ll mess you up a bit, but not much.”
Her armed partner, another woman from what I could tell, added throaty laughter to the first, “my Bren here’s got the least maddening blood, but lot of you bitey types get drunk on us. Even had a few follow from the last town. Clingy things you can be.”
My love, was as far as I managed for confusion.
Lucient didn’t fare much better, I’ve no idea, treasure, but her blood sings so sweet...it begs me back.
Heady song it is, I agreed, as even the sip we had sparked in new ways, thrumming through my veins, vibrating along my skin and begging me to take more and more and more.
So more we took, and ‘Bren’ swooned for our gentler bites and deeper draw, “Mm, this one’s so warm and sweet, the other so sharp and cold...I might cling.”
Her swooning stretched to moans, hands finding our heads to hold us tighter—our own holds lost to the taste of her.
A stronger hand yanked hers free of us before it set itself on my shoulder, “alright, that’s enough, off the wife.”
Lucient was tugged away next and after licking what dripped off our own lips, we lost ourselves to the thrum of the blood and went for one another’s.
That blood took what desires we held, ever-present for our want of the other, and set them aflame. Memory whimpered of ichor in how it heated us, but what we supped was not near so numbing and greedy. Close to draining an inebriate, we were essentially drunk, only more so. All sensation sang with desire, enhancing all we felt, all we wanted—it was fortunate, for all involved, we wanted one another and not a bloodbath.
Inhibition did vanish in its embrace, however, as did decency. With no idea what we’d tasted, we were gifted more of their laughter—in purred giggles—as Lucient yanked me into bushes.
Now, dear reader, you would probably enjoy an account of our drunken roll in the dirt and rocks, and I would enjoy relaying it for you. Problem is I do not remember it.
I recall my love’s chill lips and icy fingers digging into my coat to shove me so sweetly into the grass...
→Before Deluca Taglist<-
// feel free to ask to be added or removed ^.- //
@watermeezer @starbuds-and-rosedust @thespacelizard
@your-absent-father @mr-orion @cowboybrunch @olliexwrites
@rowanmgrey-author @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3 @leahnardo-da-veggie
@lychhiker-writes @aziz-reads
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a birthday feast
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I couldn't finish everything I wanted to do for Peter's birthday, but I was reading my unreadable draft file (seriously, even I hate reading my own notes sometimes, it's like a lunatic wrote them. It's me, I am the lunatic) and I found a tasty little morsel that was intended to open my next kink story, during the wedding feast for the Baron and his bride. (yeah, I'm not wasting any time getting to the part with the foooood, lol) Since this feast takes place in the town square, the villagers supplied a good deal of their own food so it's an assortment of simpler dishes among the fancy rich-people fare, and everyone gets to eat as much as they can hold. Which is no different from any other day of the year in this town, but, uh, now there's even more food! I apparently tried to write out a crude menu, which includes but is not limited to:
wedding soup, cream soups, noodle soups, all kinda soup
roast beef, roast turkey, glazed ham, fish filet in garlic butter
bread rolls, both the light yeasty rolls and the dense chewy ones
fresh fruit drizzled in honey. Or candied fruit! I love that
walnuts and almonds rolled in brown sugar and cinnamon and baked until crisp
maybe an extra (large) platter of salty snacks like stuffed olives and gherkins and melted raclette cheese over veggies
cake, like a LOT of cake, all different cakes: strawberry shortcakes and airy meringues and Sachertorte and a tall white wedding cake, each layer stuffed with a different jam filling and slathered with thick layers of lemon and orange flavored buttercream
of course every single dish contains copious amounts of The Spice, making it a festival of enhanced flavors and heightened appetite.
This is, of course, a sort of stream of consciousness intended to answer the question "what would I like to eat?" and also more importantly, "what would Peter Lorre like to eat?" since I'm essentially writing about him in the role of a true hedonist. Which I like to think he was in real life, too, just a bit. ^_^
Sooo, even if I couldn't write out the entire scene yet, consider this an offering of sorts for Peter's birthday feast. I like to think that our fan creations, including descriptions of illusory food, sustains him somehow in the afterlife (which is perhaps silly of me, but it does tap into a certain prehistoric belief about funeral offerings and immortality).
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veggiechannel · 5 months
Tutto è aumentato e anche il prezzo del cacao è molto più alto del normale; approfondiamo insieme il perché di questo rincaro.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 months
So everyone is raving about how good bills body looks and while I can respect and appreciate the work and sacrifice required to reach this physique, let me fuck you up with some facts.
I have had several boyfriends that had this body:
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Seems nice at first but then you go out together and they buy you food, but you notice they eat very plain simple things. Steamed plain chicken, veggies and maybe brown rice with no seasoning.
Ok maybe he just doesn’t like powerful tasting food. You go to the movies and get snacks and he won’t touch them. No soda is already a rule set in stone, but you thought maybe popcorn would tempt him. Nope.
You guys go to a birthday party. He won’t eat the ice cream and cake. He might take a small bite to be polite, if people are looking, before getting rid of the rest of it.
If you go out drinking, he likely drinks gin and tonic or vodka tonic, or possibly straight shots. No fun tasty shots, because by now you’ve figured out that he thinks sugar is the literal devil, nope, he takes straight liquor shots.
Later that night, when you feel like some drunk people delicious fare such as late night Mexican food, or breakfast, he likely will go and just watch you eat or have some egg item. No cheese of course or salt because it’s also the devil. So is butter.
Holidays roll around? You better not like sharing treats with him, because he likely won’t want that stuff even around him. If he’s not one of the bitter ones that makes you treat food like the other person in your relationship, he for sure won’t partake.
Now I am not hating on them by any means. I absolutely respect the determination and willpower they possess, to live this way. It’s just not for me.
They also have to go in the gym a lot and it would help if you enjoyed the gym as well. It could give you two a lot of bonding time. You can reach your goals together and push each other to be the best you can be. If that’s what you’re into, you go girl.
Personally I watch what I eat to a degree and I make sure to go walk everyday. Sometimes I go to the gym, and horses are quite a bit of physical work to maintain and ride, so while I’m quite active, I am not a gym rat by any means. Sometimes going to the gym for me is like once or twice a year. Lol.
So since I’m sure some of you look at this body and swoon, be aware what comes with it, and they’re not very comfy to cuddle.
If your sex is vigorous enough, there’s bruising and bones and muscle clashing together is more uncomfortable than you’d think. Hip bones clashing are a rarely mentioned reality if you’re both very fit or thin.
Plus the veins… yuck! I hated those fucking veins. I dated this Lithuanian guy that became a professional body builder while we dated and omfg. I used to lay there looking at him, and eventhough he was a very gorgeous guy, those veins ruined him as he got crazier and crazier. That was a bad break up. He did NOT like being dumped.
Ego maniac is Also a common side effect to this body type.
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mariacallous · 9 months
For many Jews, eating potato latkes on Hanukkah is non-negotiable, whether store-bought or made from scratch. But what should we be eating with them?
I’m not talking about the old applesauce vs. sour cream debate (I’m team neither), or about nibbling on a latke while holding a glass of bubbly at a chic Hanukkah soiree (I’m team exhausted mom in bed by 9). I’m talking about practical, everyday stuff: How can latkes be incorporated into a balanced, filling, seasonal meal that won’t leave you nauseous? 
The answer was harder to find than I’d anticipated; most people I asked were similarly stumped.
After much contemplation, research and a deep-dive into The Nosher’s Hanukkah archives, here are 13 ways to turn latkes into a complete meal — from the centerpiece of a festive breakfast to a side dish alongside classic brisket.
Crockpot Sweet and Sour Brisket
Throw this together in the morning before work and let the promise of a hearty dinner get you through your day. Make sure to let the flavorful gravy soak into your latkes.
French Onion Brisket
Drawing inspiration from French onion soup, this modern twist on a classic braised brisket is even better when it’s made a day ahead. Serve with your favorite steamed veg.
Juicy Instant Pot Brisket
Tender, sweet-and-savory brisket that’s ready in two hours. The best use for your Instant Pot.
Perfect Roast Chicken
All the secrets, straight from a bubbe’s mouth.
Quick Skillet Roast Chicken 
An easy one-skillet chicken for the soul, complete with veggies. Let the latkes soak up all the schmaltzy pan drippings.
Za’atar Fried Chicken with Spicy Thyme Honey
Why not go all in and match fried with fried? Hanukkah fare doesn’t get much better than this herby, succulent, shatteringly crisp fried chicken.
Roast Goose 
Hear me out! Decadent, golden roast goose is a long-forgotten Hanukkah tradition from the Middle Ages, but the flavors more than hold up today.
Israeli-Style Turkey Pastrami
Salty, sweet, spiced and ready in a flash. Serve warm, sliced, with mustard and a salad. I recommend this mayo-free Russian health salad for optimal crunch.
Latke Deli Sandwiches
Sub the rye bread in your favorite deli sandwich for two latkes for the ultimate Hanukkah treat. Warning: not for the fainthearted.
Latke Hotdish
A twist on the beloved casserole from the Upper Midwest, this hotdish is topped with mini latkes instead of tater tots. Filled with brisket and a whole load of veg, this is a great way to feed a crowd.
Everything Bagel Latkes
Aka breakfast latkes. You can’t go wrong with topping your latkes with dill-y, lemony cream cheese, lox and everything bagel seasoning. Poached egg optional, but encouraged.
Latke Poutine
Inspired by New York’s Mile End Deli circa 2017, top your latkes with cheese curds and gravy a la classic Canadian poutine. The real miracle of Hanukkah.
Latke Board
A festive take on hot girl dinner (or post-school snack time), this board proves that it only takes a few store-bought additions to turn latkes into an entire meal.
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