aerbiscuit · 10 hours
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I didn't ignore it, and I got a 5% raise on my salary! And everyone in town said I was married. Don't ignore the golden potato.
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aerbiscuit · 10 hours
How does Ravi react when people fart near him?
Ooh, good question!
So, since Ravi’s farts are pretty rank (hence his nickname “Rank”) and he’s half skunk, his nose is pretty well-suited for other strong smells. If someone farts around him, he won’t be disgusted on that front. And while he’s a bashful farter himself, he won’t judge if someone else needs to do it. Ravi may be a gas factory, but he’s no hypocrite.
Mostly, his reaction depends on the person who’s farting. If the farter is a stranger who let it out accidentally, or who pushed one out because they just had to let off some steam, Ravi won’t mind at all. In fact, he’ll smile or chuckle (or ignore it, if that’s what the person needs), letting the other person know there’s no reason to worry.
If it’s a friend, then Ravi will definitely respond with a joking groan or complaint, or even a compliment. If it’s a romantic partner, he’ll absolutely compliment or tease them. Farts are fun in these situations!
Now, if it’s a stranger (or someone he doesn’t like) forcing out a fart just to be gross or obnoxious, then the situation changes. He finds these people annoying, and their farts gross on moral grounds. And if he sees someone tormenting somebody else with their gas, such as doing it repeatedly despite being told to stop, or force-farting in someone's face?
Well, that’s when Ravi busts out his “spray” farts and shows the offending farter what a REAL fart is.
Thanks for asking about my newest furry guy!
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aerbiscuit · 17 hours
More Ravi thoughts:
80% of the time, Ravi is a cute tooter. He clutches his tummy with a flustered look on his face when it grumbles and bloats, and he blushes wonderfully when his gas rumbles out. He’s the absolute best person to tease when he farts, which is why his friends do it to him almost naturally.
15% of the time, he’s a carefree farter. This happens when he’s with people he trusts wholeheartedly, or when he’s high.
5% of the time, he’s a slightly sadistic and almost shameless farter. This only happens when he’s using his “spray” farts, and feels that someone must be punished.
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aerbiscuit · 2 days
So, a while before I made this fart fetish Tumblr account, I made a lurker Twitter account. It’s really just for looking at fart porn. I don’t talk to anyone on there, and I only ever retweet a few pieces I really like. It’s nothing like how I write and share stuff on here.
Anyway. I only started the Twitter account out of desperation. I needed a fix for fart content, and Twitter has a lot of it. There are so many users, especially artists, and even if I don’t like everything I see, there’s so much of it that I can just keep scrolling and I’ll probably find more to make up for that. It’s the main reason why, even though Twiiter has gotten worse and worse, I still regularly visit my lurker account.
… GOD do I wish I could totally replace it with my fart Tumblr account.
Here, I don’t feel so alone. I’ve been able to reach out to people. People have reached out to me! I’ve even been messaging a few people one-on-one, which I don’t even do all that much on my non-fetish social media. At a time when I’ve started feeling ashamed of my kink, this is something I desperately needed.
I also understand the way that Tumblr works far more than I do about Twitter. I know the best way to share work that I do like, or at least to show appreciation for it. I don’t feel intimidated at sending people messages. It feels natural to me in a way that being on Twitter distinctly doesn’t.
I wish that all this could allow me to leave Twitter once and for all. Sadly, like I mentioned before, what Twitter lacks in being a good platform where I feel comfortable socializing, it makes up for in content. LOTS of content. There are a bunch of artists who are on there that I want to keep following, and that I wouldn’t be able to follow if I only stayed on Tumblr. Maybe this would be easier to give up if there were an equal amount of fart artists and animators on Tumblr, but the numbers just don’t come close.
To the people here who DO make fart content, I’m so grateful for you. Truly, I am. I just wish there were a helluva lot more of you all.
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aerbiscuit · 2 days
Another post about Ravi, my new furry OC:
Ravi gets mad whenever people make assumptions about him based on his raccoon half or his skunk half: mainly, that he'd love eating garbage and that he stinks.
Unfortunately, since Ravi’s a living garbage disposal - always finishing the scraps left by his friends and trying any food, no matter how odd it seems to others - and since his butt’s eternally belching gas, he can’t escape these allegations.
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aerbiscuit · 3 days
New thought about my raccoon/skunk fart OC Ravi!
His nickname “Rank” is most accurate at two times: when he uses his “spray” farts and when he eats spicy food. We’ve covered the former before, but the latter is also important to know. If Ravi eats food that’s too spicy, he’ll end up lying flat on his back as stinging farts flow out of him.
He already has trouble keeping in his gas, but you can tell by the sound and consistency of his spicy farts that these are a bit more troubling. His spicy farts have less pressure behind them, but are much more long and windy, and you can tell that Ravi can do nothing to stop them from flowing out. The smell doesn’t help matters either: it’s only a mystery why they aren’t true SBDs, instead vibrating his fluffy butt juuuuust enough for everyone’s attention to focus on him.
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aerbiscuit · 5 days
Does any other artist with a fart fetish have a clear line between their explicitly kinky fart content (fart writing/art that was made for people with the kink to get their rocks off) and their, for want of a better term, “platonic” fart stuff?
I think about this a lot because I don’t always use farts in a sexual way in my work. Like… sure, there’s the occasional story that I write for non-kink audiences where I’m also secretly getting horny at my characters farting. But I also imagine a lot of stories where the instances of farting aren’t, and weren’t meant to be, sexual. Fart humor exists beyond kink stuff, after all, and there’s a reason it appears in children’s media. It’s universal, it’s funny, and I can easily separate myself from my fetish when I make my “platonic” fart jokes.
But I also live in… well, if not fear, then dread, at the thought of people finding out about my fetish and not trusting anything I make as a result.
I’m not just a horny guy who posts fart stuff on Tumblr. I want to be a published author. I want to write kid’s books as well as adult stuff. If I put a fart joke in a children’s book with young characters, I don’t want someone to suspect me of applying my kink to children just because the joke relates to the subject of farts. Sure, people will make fun of my fetish if they learn about it. That’s sadly part of the territory when it comes to paraphilias like this. But I wish I could have more faith that, if this ever came to light, people would comprehend that I only see farts as sexy in certain contexts, and that the content of my work will be enough to prove when I’m being horny and when I’m just being silly.
Sorry for the vent. It’s just something that’s always on my mind.
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aerbiscuit · 6 days
Oof. You know you have a fart fetish when pushing out a fart that’s way longer than usual for you makes you feel more attractive than you’ve felt in ages.
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aerbiscuit · 6 days
Feelin’ kinda sad because I’ve thought up a new furry fart OC, but I can’t try drawing him for this blog because my art style is too distinctive and I already post non-kink stuff online...
So you’ll just have to hear about him through text!
He’s a half-raccoon, half-skunk hybrid named Ravi. However, ever since childhood, most people have saddled him with the nickname “Rank,” partly because of him being a raccoon-skunk (no amount of “I’m a Skoon!” changed anyone’s mind), partly because his skunk-spraying genes got warped into having constant flatulence instead.
Ravi used to hate being called “Rank,” but once he got into college, he made a few fart-loving friends who called him “Rank” lovingly, almost like it was a point of pride. The change of context was more important than he expected. To strangers and acquaintances, he’s Ravi, but if you’re a pal and can share a room with him after binging on wings and milkshakes, you can call him Rank all you want.
Rank is a cute pudgy guy who, while big in the middle, is pretty short. He doesn’t look like a kid per se, but his size and sweet nature makes everyone love to baby him. The only thing that drives people away is his butt, which - while large and just as invitingly fluffy as the rest of him - is often spewing out the results of his snack binges. He’s got em all: nervous farts, angry farts, silent ones, rumbly ones… Rank’s friends could fill out a catalogue with the classifications.
However, none of his farts beat his “spray” farts. Despite being half-skunk, Rank can’t actually spray. He just doesn’t have the glands for it. But his body must have retained a memory of what it needed to do, as Ravi’s farts do change when he’s angry, threatened, or wants to enact revenge. They get louder, longer, and a LOT more condensed. Those farts will stick to you all day. If he quickly turns around, points his butt at you, and raises his tail…. yeah, you better run.
Let me know if you guys wanna hear more about my new furry guy!
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aerbiscuit · 7 days
gassy frat bro can’t control himself in class (sorry about the last post of this being broken- it should work for everyone now)
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aerbiscuit · 7 days
Well, it’s finally happening.
I may be making a half-skunk furry fart OC.
Stay tuned.
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aerbiscuit · 7 days
To the person who sent me a corpo/scat ask earlier:
Sorry, I’m not into that! My enjoyment of stuff coming out of people’s asses stops at farts.
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aerbiscuit · 8 days
I LOVE the phrase “gas/fart attack.”
Partly, this is because it’s such a fun way to imagine what happens when it occurs. Someone needing (and failing) to hold back belch after belch, or fart after fart, so much so that they’re basically helpless. Every time they let something out, another expulsion is there to take its place. When it comes to fart attacks in particular, I love to imagine someone weakly saying “I’m having a fart attack…” during one of their rare fart-less moments. And if they’re burping AND farting at the same time? God, that’s so good.
I also love the phrase “gas/fart attack” because it makes me imagine a literal attack. In a fantasy AU, I can picture someone casting a gas attack spell on somebody else to distract them, or at least impede their retaliations. You have a hard time focusing on self defense when your butt is continuously letting out farts every time you move, or you can’t complete a verbal spell without belching and interrupting yourself.
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aerbiscuit · 9 days
So, this may be a super silly idea, but bear with me.
Giants are intriguing fantasy creatures. Depending on how big they are, their existence has massive implications for wherever they live. What do they eat, and how much/often do they have to do so? What is their population size? Where do they live that has enough room for them all? How does their waste not make large stretches of land filthy?
And, most importantly… do they fart?
No, for real, I’ve often thought about this. As a kid, I was taught that cow burps and farts contain huge amounts of methane that could threaten the atmosphere. Now, of course, I know that there are a ton of factors at play in this claim, all of which turn this glimmer of a fact into a misleading claim. (While cow farts, and especially burps, do contain a large amount of methane, the largest contributions to climate change are still human pollution and fossil fuel usage. Cow gas is remarkably small in comparison and we can change their diets to decrease their methane production anyway.)
Still, this has always made me wonder about the gas output of giants. How would their flatulence affect smaller creatures and the world around them?
… well, I now have a gassy mythology about giants. Read on for a peculiar fairy tale.
In my fantasy AU, giants exist. However, they all live on a small continent (which to them is a large island) far in the middle of a distant sea. This land is perfectly suited for their needs. A few large races of animals exist for them to eat meat from time to time, and certain quickly-growing species of fauna provide them with continuous sources of vegetation. They also eat bugs by breeding, collecting, and chowing down on them at once, kinda like how whales can subsist off large amounts of krill. The land is also large enough for them to handle the subject of their waste, which they’ve developed systems to dispose, reuse, and/or filter. They’re a smart race of beings and can live sustainably in their home country. However, they largely stay where they are, and any giant who attempts to travel to the smaller lands is seen as foolhardy and asking for trouble.
Legends say that the reason for the giants' isolation (stories which both the giants and the smaller folk tell) come from a time when lots of giants travelled around the world. Giants were friendly, and even set up homes in smaller lands to learn from the tiny races. There are still a few stories of friendly giants, and the good that they can do.
Unfortunately, many of the smaller races saw the giants as a threat. If a giant didn’t have the time or resources to set up food sources (bug farming, bringing livestock, etc.), they’d need to eat from the small folks’ land, which the small folk saw as decimating their resources. Giants also had to do a LOT of research into where they could piss or shit, unless they didn’t mind accidentally flooding or burying valuable land. As thoughtful as most giants are, you couldn’t help the occasional emergency, or just the handful of people who weren’t as considerate as the others.
And of course, there was the gas. Giants need to break wind too. It’s hard to stay around someone when one of their farts sounds like a thunderclap and produces clouds of smog that take up to an hour or so to fully dissipate. And if a giant strayed too far from a majority bug-based diet, those farts could get numerous and gnarly.
Finally, one cruel and bigoted wizard devised a plan to make enough small folk hate the giants to banish them. He used the entire freshwater lake that a group of traveling giants had claimed for their water supply to make an eternal potion of flatulence, one that was so strong, it altered your very biology into making you sensitive to most food sources. Any meal of standard meat or veggies would turn into a night full of farts, and that’s not counting eating the standard fart fare like beans, broccoli, sprouts, dairy, etc. He cast the spell, complicating it so that only he could possibly undo it, and waited.
Soon, the damage was done, and all the giants in the area turned into giant gasbags. Even if they stayed near their camps, neighboring villages could hear choruses of belching in the distance, or smell the results of dinner on the wind. Finally, enough people got so fed up that they passed official mandates of banishment. All giants, even the ones who didn’t drink from the lake, were sent away, and threatened with war if they returned.
The giants, who are peaceful folk and newly embarrassed by their tremendous eruptions of gas, didn’t put up a fight. They all packed their bags and sailed home.
Upon their return, the giant’s cycle of reproduction showed that the spell was more permanent than expected. Any offspring of a newly gassy giant with an unmodified person became half as gassy. If two gassy giants mated, then the offspring had full fart power. After enough generations of mating, all giants became gasbags to some extent. While the giants grew used to, and even happy with, their new powers, they knew this was the last nail in the coffin of their diplomacy. Now, no giant could try to live peacefully with the smaller races. Barely any giants visit the small lands even now.
The end.
… but, of course, the world goes on after “The End,” doesn’t it?
First, there were the unintentional side effects of the lake. After the expulsion of the giants, the wizard quickly used the last of his remaining power to neutralize the water. However, some damage was already done. While humans were the majority of the small races to hold issue with giants, most of the demi-humans (goat-mans, centaurs, satyrs, etc.) had no issue with giants and were happy to hang out with them, share meals with them…. and drink with them. This is the theory of why these races are flatulent even beyond their animal counterparts’ abilities. Their guts have been forever tainted by the same brew that doomed the giants.
Some of the demi-humans who liked the permanent changes to their digestive tracts acted quickly, bottling some of the water before the wizard neutralized his work. These potions of flatulence are incredibly rare, and possibly no more than legends, but people search for them to this day.
Then there are the members of the small races who don’t mind venturing out to visit the giants. After all, no rule was set up that they couldn’t visit, although some years had to pass before the giants were in a good enough mood to be visited. This is how the small amount of giant-to-small-person communication and research still persists.
And who knows? Maybe in enough time, relations will improve enough to reach the level that they used to be.
Until then, most giants will stay at home, entertaining only the most friendly (or peculiarly inclined) members of the races who banished them.
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aerbiscuit · 10 days
Thinking.. Thinking about couples close enough they know everything about their partner. Imagine someone farting next to their s/o and their s/o smelling it and scolding them to improve their diet because their fart doesn't smell healthy. Not even that it smells bad, but that they could tell they ate fast food or something unhealthy. Just one inhale gives them all the information about what's going on inside.
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aerbiscuit · 10 days
Need to creampie someone but I can't cuz I got this stupid pussy
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aerbiscuit · 10 days
Something hot people do is burp and fart at the same time. Just that nasty expulsion of hot air from both sides is super attractive, bonus points if they're having a gas attack and literally can't help it. It's also hot when people let out a deep belch into their fist, then promptly lean over to rip ass.
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