#VET Suture
lotus-surgical · 5 days
How are OEMs shaping the future of medical device manufacturing?
The Medical Device Manufacturing companies are experiencing a rapid shift driven by technological advancements. The increasing demand backs the significant shift for medical devices. Original manufacturersare at the forefront of the revolution.
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labvet · 7 days
On today’s installment of
Vet med vs Human med
My sister called me on her way home from working on a leg amputation
Her: have you ever heard of something called a “farmer’s stitch”?
Me: No?
Her: oh well doc said they sometimes use it on cows. I though you may have learned it being the vet.
Me: you mean like a Ford interlocking pattern?
Her: it’s like a horizontal mattress suture but you go back and loop through before moving to the next stitch.
Me: i think that’s a ford interlocking.
Her: I will have to tell him what that is actually called.
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fanfoolishness · 6 months
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So tonight I lost my goddamned mind and sutured a Lula outfit for a Porg
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joleneghoul · 6 months
had the worlds first free vet trip because olive has such an amazing personality apparently.
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
highlight of the day today: the cranky pessimistic doctor actually said really nice things about me today. I had been asking him questions all day and giving my thought process behind things and my theorized diagnoses and then he let me do a cat neuter today and let me close up another amputation and he wants me to do a spay later in the week… but the real highlight was when we were in surgery and he was asking me questions to test my knowledge and then i asked him a question about his suturing and he was impressed with my knowledge and he called me “intuitive” and said I was “precise and mechanical” (probably because im a hands-on learner and because i like to run through everything I’m doing and do things systemically and he noticed all of that about me in just 2 days and he thought i had good approach) and he repeatedly said he thought i was going to be a good doctor/surgeon and he’s seen students on rotations that he knew wouldn’t be good at the job but he has no concerns about me and said i had good skills and instincts and he was sure about me 🥹
#oliver talks#vet school adventures#literally me trying not to tear up in the OR because he said such nice things#like i asked him why he was doing certain throws with the suture and he was impressed that i noticed he was only doing 2 throws#and he mentioned it was because the suture was a different material than PDS (the normal go-to where we do 4-5 throws)#and he said he does 2 throws because it has good memory and at the same time I said ‘good tensile strength’ and he looked impressed#then he called me intuitive and said i was precise and mechanical (but in a good way)#like he was impressed with the way i approach things and because im hands-on with learning i work through things in my head as im hands on#like i will be coaching myself through it mentally as im doing ti physically#and its like he’s noticed my thought process and the way i work and he was impressed with my approach#anyway still crying about this because after the internal med doctors said crap things in my last review and said i wasnt ready to be a vet#and then this ‘real world’ doctor who’s cyanical and disillusioned turns around and says he has confidence in me and thinks im a good vet#that means literally a million times more than anything else ever could#like its this huge difference from doctors on campus in a education setting being overly critical and harsh#and then an actual real world practice practioner basically sang my praises today in his own cranky way#yeah thats like the biggest compliment ever#because its like he’s so honest and brutal about things he doesnt sugar coat anything#so the fact he said those nice things to me today. i know that was genuine and real because if he doesn’t like something he makes it known#but ive impressed him. me. i did that. i impressed the doctor today.#dont mind me im gonna cry now#now i gotta watch all the spay videos again before i do surgery in front of him this week so i can impress him (dont wanna disappoint him)
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bakuraryxu · 1 year
i think my damn dog got a hernia in the surgery site when she was desexed 🚬💀
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kaijutegu · 3 months
Today was supposed to be Kaiju's birthday. Her tenth year with me and what was presumed to be her 11th birthday. (However, upon necropsy, the vet determined through bone density and ontogenic changes/suture fusion she was likely significantly older- closer to 16/17 than 10, like I thought. She really was a tiny thing, so petite.)
Instead, it's not. I still had her party, and Nakajima ate her treats with gusto. But I realized- I never shared her memorials here, and I thought you'd like to see them.
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I had some of her ashes made into palm stones, and some of them made into a necklace that I always wear unless I'm sleeping, swimming, or doing something really sweaty and anything around my neck would be uncomfortable.
I still have a ton of then- eleven pounds of lizard makes a lot of ashes. I've been scattering them in small amounts at places she loved- my parents' creek and the pool area, Kankakee Sands, the grounds of the Nature Museum where we had Junior Herpers meetings. The park where we walked. School. I'd like to scatter some in Homestead, where she was born- just a cheeky thing, since she was legally barred from ever returning.
I'm sad, and I'll always miss her. She couldn't possibly have known how big a difference she'd make in my life. When I opened that box all those years ago, I had no idea what was about to happen. I wouldn't have met two of my best human friends without her. I wouldn't have gotten as involved with herp society without her. And my work there has helped me find meaning when my job and degree have not. She gave me the courage and confidence to push myself way outside of my comfort zone. She taught me so much about the value of taking risks and opening your heart. I know how overdramatic I sound, but she really was my world. And in some way I really do think she's with me, helping me raise Nakajima and encourage her to be just as curious and just as sweet. Like I said, I'm sad, but... there are a lot of experiences in my life I regret. A ton of relationships I wish I could go back and just undo. But not this one. I regret nothing and every minute I had with her was worth it.
Anyways. Just thought you'd like to see the memorials. Tune in in a few minutes to see Nakajima absolutely obliterating some delicious treats.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
Some vary good news about pochita recovery--
We took her to get her sutures removed today and the vet told us she can feel deep pain again 🥹 Basically with her condition when we brought her in it was classified stage 5 because she could not feel anything at all not even deep pain. So the fact she can feel it again means her nervous system is beginning to function ❤️‍🩹
Also i've been noticing tiny movements in her legs like little stretches here & there. i wasnt sure if it was just reflexes or not (Those dont rly count the same way). But today when we got home from getting dinner she WAGGED HER TAIL!!!!!! Like not just a small twitch but fully wagging the whole tail for at least 20 seconss 😭 i just about lost my mind... This whole time i've been so worried i'll never see her wag her tail again, its inisgnificant in the grand scheme but her tail is so expressive, Seeing her be able to move it so freely like that again, my heart explode cus its only been 2 weeks 😭😭
it rly gave me hope that she may actually be able to walk in the coming months.. The past few days she def been feeling better & acting like her fiery playful self again 🎀
thanx for the prayers everyone , they are working ! ! !
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sinsinsininning · 8 months
A little bit softer
Chapter 2.
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!reader
TW: depictions of DV, descriptions of medical terms and procedures, not as smutty
A/N: I don’t know why but l always have to make my reader inserts or OCs a medic in some way……It’s probably bc I’m a vet tech.
Kid felt… guilty, which wasn’t a normal thing for him. Suspecting you were scared of him was one thing. But knowing you were scared of him was another entirely.
He wanted to shake himself some days, you were just a rookie. Not his lover. Not his partner. He didn’t owe you anything. But then he’d ruin his own pep talk by thinking of you and your face.
After your conversation with Heat, Kid walked on eggshells around you. The entire crew was still trying their damnedest to meddle with him, so encounters with you had ramped up a lot. You both still did your best to avoid eye contact or speak to him. But it was clearly starting to wear on the crew’s patience.
“You need to handle your shit.” Killer said to him one day in his workshop. Kid couldn’t even pretend not to know what he was on about.
“You need to fuck off!” He shouted, feeling his shoulders shake.
“Just talk with her, you never know, maybe she likes you as well.”
Kid burst out in hysterical laughter, needing a few moments to catch his breath.
“She’s terrified of me Killer,” He coughed. “She thinks I’m gonna hit her or something. I heard her telling Heat.” Killer cocked his head, thinking.
“All the more reason to clear the air. What’s more is I can’t have the crew keep trying to pair the two of you up, it’s getting in the way of their tasks.” Kid fixed him with a glare.
“Newsflash, asshole! You were the one who started that shit!” He turned back to his table. “Besides the fuck am I gonna say to make her feel better? Huh?”
“That’s true, you’re not good with words.” Killer nodded and began approaching him. “You’ll just have to use your actions.” Kid laughed.
“Oh yeah? How am I gonna do that?” He asked sarcastically before a sharp pain flared in his right arm. “Ow what the fuck?!”
Killer had cut his arm, a deep laceration at least 5 inches long. The masked man shrugged at his shouting.
“She’s in the med bay, go up there, tell her you got cut while working. Ask her to patch you up.”
“Fuck you this stings!” Kid pressed a used rag to his arm. “I’ll fucking stab you.”
“She won’t be there much longer. Tell her you can’t find me and you can’t stitch yourself with one hand.” Killer took that moment leave, Kid stood there fuming for a moment. Part of him wanted to just stay down here and fix it later, just to piss Killer off.
But a stronger part of him wanted to see you, hopefully you wouldn’t run or hide. He made his way slowly to the med bay, almost hoping you’d be gone. As he entered he saw how unlucky he was.
You had your back to him, wiping down the machines that sterilized the suturing materials and other rudimentary instruments. He coughed to get your attention, keeping his injured arm hidden behind the doorframe.
“Hip are you don- oh!” He hated how tense you became, you soft stomach clenching in worry. “Sorry captain, I thought Hip was done with the mop. What can I do for you?” He showed you his arm and felt a small bit better as you gasped with worry.
The rag he’s used to staunch the bleeding made it look worse than it was, but it had dried a little and was now stuck to his skin. You motioned for him to sit on the chair by the table.
“How’d that happen?” You asked, trying to gently peel the rag off.
“Was working and it just kinda happened.” He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to lie to you. “Don’t know where Killer is and I can’t sew with only one hand.” Still not lies technically.
“Gotcha.” You’re all business and he feels a little flush at the sight of you zipping around the room gathering materials. “Well it’s not too bad, really deep though. I’ll numb it, suture it really quick and you should be on your way.” Any trace of fear or anxiety was gone, your posture alert but relaxed, you soft face was focused.
“Take your time.” Kid drawled, enjoying the view, didn’t hurt that your ass looked good as you bent over to grab something under the desk. Your ass always looked good he decided. “Got nowhere to be.”
“Not true,” You return with a small syringe, some type of numbing drug he assumed. “You’re the captain, you probably got plenty of stuff to be doing.”
He didn’t respond, the injection you gave him stung so he had to bite back his swears about it. Neither of you spoke as you worked. You had to stand pretty close to place the sutures, your hands cold but soft as you touched him.
You shivered at one point and Kid realized, horrifically, that he’d leaned to far forward to watch your hands. You glanced up at him, caught his gaze and shuffled a bit further back. He wanted to growl as he saw how tense you’d gotten, your soft apology only making him more frustrated.
You were halfway done and he couldn’t take the silence anymore.
“So.” You tensed again, he could see it in your neck especially. “I never did ask… who was your old captain?” You jabbed the needle a bit harder at the question, obviously not on purpose as you profusely apologized. He ignored and continued to stare until you answered.
“His- um. His name is um… It’s Badger. Captain Badger.” You try to focus once more.
“How long did you sail with him?”
“2 years.”
“How big was the crew?”
“About 15.”
“Where’d you sail?”
“West Blue.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“Um.” You were almost shaking, he almost hesitated.
“Why’d you leave his crew?”
“What does it matter?” Oh that was a response, he grinned, anger was better than fear. At least in his book.
“Answer the question. It’s important for me to know.”
“You never needed to know before. Why now?”
“Because I’ve been watching you.” He leans forward more, meeting your heated glare as you tied the final knot. “You’ve got some peculiar habits, I’d like to know more about that.”
“You’ve been watching me?”
He nodded.
“Like on deck or like…. In my room?”
“Not like that you pervert!” He can’t help but shout, you don’t flinch though. A small grin on your face as you successfully get him off the topic.
“So not my room or the showers? Just to clarify.” He knows he’s blushing but he still growls and stands to his full height. You step back but he follows you, a look of fear in your eyes takes over the glee. But he can’t stop himself from continuing.
“You’re clever, but I still need an answer.” He crowds your space, placing both hands on the counter behind you, caging your body with his. He leans forward, letting his breath fan over your ear. “Why did you leave?”
You stay silent, face red and a little sweaty, he pulls back just enough to admire the sight. He can’t make a reassuring face to save his life, but he tries as tears fill up your eyes. Still, he can’t stop, he needs this. You need this.
“If you are unhappy with my performance or skills, tell me and I will fix them. I haven’t brought any bad habits on board. I assure you.” You finally answer, your words felt warm against his face, he grinned some more.
“Uh-uh you see, one of those habits, the only one really,” His grin drops from his face. “Is that you’re scared of your captain.” You pale at his words and start to shake a little. He continues, drawing back slightly.
“That’s something he taught you, right?” He tilted his head a little. “To be scared of your captain. Because you never know when he’ll just up hit you, right?” He parroted your words from the bar back to you. Your eyes are wide with recognition.
“I’m sor-“
“Save it,” He cuts you off. “I know I’m scary, it’s my whole deal. I’m a scary pirate who murders and pillage. But my crew is mine. Understood. I don’t let anyone harm them, especially not myself.” You lean back into the counter more.
“You hurt Wire. You made him need staples and you didn’t even seem sorry. You didn’t help patch him up.” Kid knew this was coming, he still didn’t know what to say.
“It was a mistake,” He said. “I didn’t mean to hit him, but you’re right. I should’ve check on him and made sure he wasn’t hurt.” It was hard to admit he was wrong, but in the small medical room, to you, it was a little easier.
Both of you stayed quiet for a while. He made no move to let you go. And you made no move to try. He wasn’t sure if he would’ve actually stopped you if you did. Finally, the tension in you jaw and shoulders eased, just a little.
“Badger… was bad. He didn’t just hit us. He stole from us and wouldn’t let us leave, even if some managed to escape they’d have no Beris. It’d be like starting from scratch, but worse because if he caught you he’d kill you.” You paused, taking a big breath, turning to stare at the wall. “I was secretly saving Beris, to hopefully run off and be able to hide from him. I didn’t have much, barely anything. One day he came and told me he wanted me to be his… wife.” Kid stood up straight, leaning back like he’d been struck, you continued barely noticing him.
“I told him no, I should’ve said yes and bided my time. Maybe I could’ve taken more people with me, but I was an idiot.”
“No that’s not-“ You cut him off.
“He threw a fit, tried to kill me. His devil fruit power nullifies weapons, so I couldn’t fight back. I tried to stage a mutiny, but everyone was too afraid, he’d never lost a fight. Eventually I jumped over board and swam to shore. I hid on a marine ship, I never had a bounty so I just pretended to be some girl who wanted to travel. I flirted with some of them and got a ride to a port a few islands over.” You sighed, a long exhale that seemed to deflate you. “I had no Beris or even clothes. But I overheard some rookies talking about joining your crew. I figured it was the safest option. So I spoke with Killer and here I am.” You trailed off quietly, tears still hadn’t fallen yet, it was almost impressive.
Kid didn’t speak for several long minutes, just watching you hold your breath. Finally he pushed off the counter, giving you both some breathing room. He began to exit when you called out.
“Captain what are you doing?”
He turned with a scowl.
“I’m setting a course to go murder that asshole.”
“What? Why that’s so far off our course.”
“I told you, you’re my crew. We’re gonna go murder him, then if any of your old friends wanna join the crew they can.” He laughed at your shocked face. When he’d caught his breath he turned again to leave.
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ernmark · 3 months
So it turns out that for escape artist cats who can't be contained in a cone, vets sometimes recommend sticking them in a baby onesie to keep them from messing with their sutures.
And so I present to you this:
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Behold: the cat's pajamas.
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nurse-floyd · 5 months
Not a People Doctor
Pairing: Rhett Abott x Vet!Reader
Fandom: Outer Range
After a bar fight, Rhett shows up at your doorstep.
For the amazing @vivwritesfics and the reason I am now Rhett/ Bob trash! Thank you for the title idea 💕💕
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It's getting late as you settle down in your living room with a hot cup of tea and the latest book you're reading. Your peace is interrupted by a soft knocking at your door. You almost think you've imagined it when the knock comes again, a little louder this time. Grumbling slightly, you set your book aside, hoping it isn't another mare in labour or a horse with colic; you just want a quiet night.
Opening the door, you put on a smile for the paying customer you expect to find, but your smile falls as you see none other than Rhett Abbott, your childhood friend and a frequent customer. He looks dishevelled, blood staining his clothes, and you can already see the bruises and cuts on his face in the dim porch light.
"Jesus, Rhett, what the hell happened to you?" you exclaim, ushering him inside.
He winces as he moves, clearly in pain but not wanting to let on. "Got into a bit of a scuffle at the bar," he mutters, not quite meeting your gaze.
Leading him into your living room, you move the blanket you'd been cuddled under not long ago. "Sit down, let me take a look at you."
He lowers himself onto the sofa. You flip on the light switch to give you a better view of his injuries as you sit on the coffee table opposite him.
"You must've really pissed someone off," you tut as you gently turn his head with your fingers on his chin. You lift his shirt seeing the bruises over his ribs, shaking your head. "We need to get you to a hospital; some of these cuts need stitches. Probably got a broken rib or two as well." 
Rhett gives you a shit-eating smile, a smile only he could pull off when his face looks half as bad as it does, and it still makes you weak at the knees. "That's why I came here, thought you were a doctor."
"I'm an animal doctor, not a people doctor," you shake your head in disbelief.
"I can try. I don't have any of the good pain meds, so it's going to hurt like a bitch, and it won't be the prettiest. Gonna have a few more scars to add to the list."
"Never had any complaints from you. You always liked my scars and tattoos."
You smack him lightly on the arm, causing a 'hey' from him in response. Ignoring him, you run to get the first aid kit you keep in your bathroom closet as well as your veterinary kit.
You start to clean his wounds, carefully stitching up the deep cut over his eyebrow. You can't help feeling a pang of concern. Rhett isn't a stranger to bar fights, but seeing him so vulnerable and injured stirs something within you.
"Are you going to tell me what that fight was about?" you ask gently, your voice laced with worry.
Rhett hesitates for a moment before he meets your gaze. "It was dumb. Just some guy mouthing off about things he shouldn't have," he admits, jaw clenching.
You sigh, finishing up and snipping the last of the stitches. "You need to be more careful, Rhett. You're going to get yourself seriously hurt one day."
He nods, his expression sheepish. "I know... I know. I just... I didn't want to go to the hospital."
You place a comforting hand on his cheek, your thumb gently smoothing over his cheekbone. "Well, you're just lucky you've got me, and I happen to know my way around stubborn bull riders, and I'm pretty good at suturing."
A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "You have no idea."
Once you've finished cleaning and bandaging the last of the wounds on his face, you sit back, admiring your handiwork. "There... all done," you lean in and place a gentle kiss on the side of his head, "good as new." 
Rhett stands up slowly, getting a look in the mirror above your fireplace. "Thanks, sweetheart. I owe you one."
"Don't mention it, I'll just add it to the list. Just promise me you'll be more careful, Rhett. I'm pretty good, but some injuries I can't fix."
He nods, his gaze finally meeting yours. "I promise."
As he makes his way to the door, you can't help but shake the feeling of concern lingering. "Hey, Rhett? You need a place to stay tonight? Probably shouldn't be alone after something like this."
"I don't want to put you out..."
"You're not," you interrupt him.
Rhett's gaze softens, and you can see the gratitude in his eyes. "I... I'd appreciate that. Thank you."
You feel a wave of relief wash over you as you leave him on the couch, running to change your sheets, not wanting him to spend the night on the sofa with his injuries.
"Beds all changed; let's get you some rest. I've got some pain meds and a glass of water up there for you too."
He looks at you, confused as to why you haven’t brought down blankets and pillows, assuming he'd be sleeping on the couch.
You hold out your hand. "Come on, I don't mind. Besides, I'll feel a lot better knowing you're not sleeping on that uncomfortable sofa."
He blinks, confusion evident in his expression. "Are you sure, Y/N? I don't want to intrude."
You give him a look that leaves no room for arguments, and he knows he'd be fighting a losing battle to even try.
With a grateful nod, he takes your hand, helping pull himself to his feet before he follows you up the stairs. You pull back the covers, helping him slip under the blankets before joining him. As you both lie there, you couldn’t help but love the feeling of the warmth of his body beside you. You love it even more as he wraps an arm around your waist, whispering a thank you into the crook of your neck. 
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graciebaberams · 10 months
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Hey all, I’m making an update post about Rory because the original one is very long and not currently up to date.
Rory is my 4.5 year old dog who was attacked by a dog over twice her size on November 14th. She endured a 4 hour life saving surgery to repair severe tissue and muscle damage. She was at the vet overnight, came home with me on Wednesday evening the 15th, but on Thursday morning the 16th I had to take her back to the vet because one of her wounds wouldn’t stop bleeding, and I didn’t have the means to take care of her in an apartment by myself. She has since been in the hospital receiving life saving care. (Today’s date November 25th,2023)
She developed an infection that has since been treated. She developed necrosis (dead tissue) on several of her wounds, so lots of tissue around her wounds had to be removed. She currently has 5 (that I saw) open wounds that need to be sutured up after they heal a little more. Good news is that the open wounds look very healthy and are not infected. The bad news is that she developed necrosis on one of her ears and might lose it, as it was torn clean through in the attack. They are doing everything they can to save it, but most of her blood vessels in her ear were severed in the attack.
The extra bad news is that she is going to be in the hospital continuing treatment for 1-2 more WEEKS. The vet center she is staying at is nearly 30 minutes away from me which is one of the big reasons why she has to stay there instead of being with me at home. She has already been in the hospital for a week and a half, and as of Wednesday the 22nd, her bill was at $278. The only reason it was that low is because another customer at the vet heard her story and donated several hundred dollars towards her bill.
She has already had 2 surgeries, and will require a 3rd surgery early next week. Her 1st surgery was over $1600(paid). Her 3rd surgery will not be as long, but she will be under anesthesia again for it, which will be very expensive. I have not gotten an updated bill, but I am anticipating it will be in the low $1000’s without the surgery, and with the surgery will likely be close to $2000. With continued hospital care for 1-2 more weeks, it will likely climb to $3000+ and I do not have that kind of money. My Redbubble and Etsy will be linked below via my link tree if you want to help out in that way. I will also include my c*shapp and v*nmo. If you would like to help via PayPal, please DM me.
I will reblog this post periodically with a picture of her updated bill to keep everyone in the loop, as well as any major updates. Thank you to everyone who has donated or bought something so far, I was able to get Rory a few things to keep her comfortable while she’s gone as well as when she gets back.
C*shapp: $elmidnights
V*nmo: el-midnights
P*ypal: dm for link
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pastafossa · 21 days
This ends fine so stick with me.
So Fozzie and Pip had a bit of a spat last night as we went to rotate them through the baby gates. There was some blood on Pip's leg from where Fozzie bit him, but it looked minor so we cleaned and bandaged it up. However, Pip was acting like this was SERIOUS. We're talking refusing to get up, even for treats, with tragic moans. Refusing to walk, even when I picked him up and set him upright (which he responded to by throwing himself on the ground again). Cried and gave me a very gentle nip when I tried to check the bandages. Like this dog was acting like his leg was BROKEN. We let him rest for the night but I had to physically carry him to his crate and put him inside. He was still acting like this this morning and trying to check the bandage resulted in more doggy shows of agony, so we took him in, where he made a big show for the vet techs of being unable to walk.
He had. Three. THREE...
Wait for it.
Small superficial cuts.
That's it.
No broken bones. No cuts that needed sutures. Just a couple lil cuts.
Treatment? Bandaging for 24 hours, some antibiotics just in case, and a cone on his head for a few days so he doesn't lick the hell out of the cuts.
He even asked the vet for BELLY RUBS while she was examining him.
"Wait, he can walk?"
"Oh absolutely, he just doesn't want to."
Anyway, now he's stoned out of his gourd because they still gave him some painkillers to keep him calm for a few days and god do I wish my meds hit me this hard.
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syaal · 10 months
You know, Dragon-surgeons must be like really jacked(cw: medical)
Because how else could you suture dragon-sized wounds cmon some wounds must be deeper than your height?? Also the catgut sutures used for dragons must be quite thick to withstand the necessary tension, almost certainly multifilament and a strain in the surgeon's joints, and the needles!! And I don't want to think about setting bones - it must take some clever mechanical engineering to be able to apply appropriate force, or you'd have to be really, really buff. Not to mention, the dragon size spectrum is wide enough that there must be specialists in each weight class(if not breed) in the 21st century. At least they don't have as many physiological illnesses as others, so no acute need for dragon-physicians?
They're like veterinarians - they have to work with tougher skin and bodily power that can kill you(if they're careless enough, which they mostly aren't, thankfully) but they also have to talk to patients. Which is great, patients understanding that you're just trying to help and being able to tell you where and how it hurts, but then again, vets don't have to persuade the patients.
I wonder what dragon medicine of the 21st century would look like. Dragon IVs connected to huge tanks, injections using mechanical pumps, like wow that would be interesting.
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brostateexam · 11 months
Brief Miss California update:
Miss California had her sutures removed at the vet's office today! That means no more cone, which is very exciting for all involved.
She also has gone to stay with my mom for a few days so that we can paint the room that adjoins her quarters. I didn't want her breathing in paint fumes in a poorly ventilated closet, so instead she is staying in a pied-á-terre with a very nice lady who loves kitties and loves her. If for any reason she doesn't end up with me, she will end up with my mom, I think.
The downside of my mom's place is that there is no walk in closet with a window in it for her to stay in, so when my mom isn't around to supervise her, she's in a crate. She doesn't like the crate, but she likes sitting on my mom's loveseat and making biscuits on a blue blanket we've had since I was a kid, that my childhood cats also loved to knead.
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She's doing really well, and recovering pretty fast. Her only adverse symptom so far is stiffness, which makes sense. She hasn't been walking around much, lately. Putting her in a new environment made her curious, and she spent about thirty minutes walking around my mom's apartment and sniffing everything.
I hope she will be happy when she comes back to be with us.
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i-steal-bones · 5 months
I made a drastic mistake
I had to take my new dog to the vet to get sutures removed (he's fine just neutering) and I remembered "oh the Underworld Saga just released I'll listen to that on the way"
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