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pacificremains · 2 months ago
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Calling him Crime cause someone took a bite outta him
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blackbloodteeth · 3 months ago
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crazy, I was crazy once
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glamnotes · 2 months ago
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Suture Types and Patterns
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samsheughan · 11 months ago
Chapter 9: Rumors, Part 2
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Beta: @islayandlochs ❤️
Jamie invited the woman to sit down and join them for a dram. God knows she needs it more than we do, he thought. While she refused the drink, she did settle herself in a chair directly across from Claire and to Jamie’s left. 
“I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs...” Claire began, and then sighed in exacerbation, “forgive me, I never asked your name. My apologies.”
“Dinna fash yerself, Mistress,” the woman managed a small smile, “meself were the last thing on my mind, all things considered. It’s Alice. Alice MacGregor. And it’s just “miss” as I’m no’ wed. Yer servant, mistress. Sir.” Alice bowed her head towards himself and Claire. Jamie returned the gesture. 
“Again, I am so sorry for your loss.” Claire took a deep breath and continued, “I’d like to ask you some questions about Obediah before his, well…untimely passing. It’ll give me a better understanding of how he died and maybe help prevent other such deaths from happening.”
Read on AO3
New here? Read from the beginning!
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macgyvermedical · 9 months ago
I have a question relating to that anon's.
Wouldn't the best practice for out of hospital wound closure would be tape/butterfly sutures even if needle/silk sutures were in your scope of practice. Because no antibiotics, might need to irrigate the wound again, stabbing the person over and over with a needle in less than sterile conditions is welcoming more infections, you're more likely to have butterfly sutures or something to improvise them (like duct tape) than to have a suture kit.
I took wilderness first aid freshman year of college, but admittedly it's been a while (8 years) and a 3-day course was not much expertise to begin with, so I'm genuinely not sure.
Is that right or am i missing some obvious advantage to needle-type sutures?
You're right!
The only advantage to sutures is the fact that sutured wounds are going to look better once they heal. But as you point out there are a LOT of disadvantages, especially when there aren't antibiotics available.
There really aren't out-of-hospital reasons for sutures anyway. Small wounds can be butterflied or glued (with intermittent spots open to allow drainage). Large wounds can be packed. This is usually sufficient to allow a wound to heal, even if it might take a little longer. Even in the hospital we may not close dirty wounds because of the infection risk. These wounds usually get packed.
The only exceptions to this would be if a repair has to be done- say a torn eyelid, ear, lip, or cheek. And those are more surgical than just sutures.
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intestinus · 9 months ago
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mypurrrecious · 2 months ago
I'm a good medic, a successful one (not a rich one), please listen.
Heavy duty dewormer (a necessity with comatose patients without proper ventilation):
AED for restarting a heart:
A bit cheaper albeit not as strong version of a makeshift AED that I got a heartbeat back during emergency CPR in downtown Seattle earlier this month where dude's face was rapidly turning blue and he didn't have a heartbeat and wasn't breathing and I got him awake and on his feet and breathing with a strong pulse in minutes by using the wireless charger connected to my phone by cord on his chest with chest compressions:
Portable Battery Pack:
Soft wireless chargers:
USBC to Lightning Cable cords:
USBC to USBC cords:
USBC to USB + chargers
(Temu in general is really good for smaller electronics)
Aloe Vera Gel, which can be used for severe burns and open flesh wounds, also an anesthetic:
Superglue, which most people can use for sutures in an absolute emergency:
Dramamine, an anesthetic that will knock your kid out until you can get them to a hospital:
Practice Suture Kit, I use mine frequently:
Silk Braided Surgical Sutures:
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mouthengineer · 13 days ago
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Emergency Nights ❤️
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steverogersnotebook · 2 years ago
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Barbie is home from her surgeries, very chill from the anesthesia. She's going to be so much more comfortable when her eyes heal and her lashes aren't in them irritating her eyeballs! Tail docking went well. There's actually still some length. I hope she never has happy tail wounds after this!
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oddities-by-ernie · 2 years ago
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"Tortuguita Forest Defender" Ink on Watercolor Paper - 18" X 24" “The right kind of resistance is peaceful because that's where we win. We're not going to beat them at violence." -  Esteban Paez Terán - AKA - “Tortuguita” For those of you who do not know about this struggle, I recommend getting familiar with it. Weelaunee Forest, Cop City, and the murder of Esteban Paez Terán. They died of 57 gunshot wounds. At the time of the shooting, the family claims Terán's hands were up, based on independent autopsy results showing bullet exit wounds in both hands.
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mari-animates · 1 year ago
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littlebitofgoodness · 2 years ago
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when scrubbed for 1st time !! ♥️
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crazyteddytacos · 2 years ago
Tête sur les sutures Referme la plaie Comme les fenêtre En hiver
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ring-a-ling-a-lune · 1 year ago
Funny story. Asking a tailor to help with stitching isn’t terribly unrealistic. But if you plan to write about it, be sure to understand the difficulties and potential limitations.
I actually decided I wanted to learn how to suture a wound should the need arise. Found some YT tutorials, practiced basic knots and stitches, and realized it’s not as similar to normal sewing than I thought.
There’s a certain distance you must place the needle from the edge of the wound. Skin and muscle are also much harder to pierce than regular fabric. Meaning if you don’t have something grippy like pliers or tweezers, you’re gonna have a bad time even with basic knots. Each time you finish a stitch, you need to clip the thread and make another one, not continue. And a regular sewing needle is not strong enough. It will bend.
I need to put a sterile kit together eventually. But yeah, that’s the big differences in stitching people vs fabric from my hour and a half of practice.
my favorite example of transferable skills in fiction regardless of how realistic it is are people who work with textiles (sewing, tailoring, etc.) being asked to help stitch a wound or perform surgery. oh you can mend a hole in a shirt? mend a hole in this guy then. it's basically the same thing just with more blood and screaming.
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oops-i-did-it-again-2 · 9 days ago
Yeah family is just about love...
TW: family Abuse, blood and suture
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Not even 1 min later^^
I was keeping my head over the ground to not fucked up my sweat but just by the time to left myself, it was too late...
He hit an artery, the ground was covered of my blood, and an ambulance was comming...
The gave me suture and a blood transfusion...
Some days later, it's me...
All my body hurt so fucking much...
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