catboymoments · 1 year
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Hey so do you ever think about the Kamukura project a bit too hard and then get really sad about Hajime Hinata and his loss of identity or is that just me
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queerslovehorror · 2 years
To be transgender is to be both creator and created; to strive for the power to surpass your biologically assigned limitations, to claim that which society deems impossible, while simultaneously being treated like a monstrous patchwork of parts, maligned by an unfounded essentialism and chased out by those who might, under other circumstances, have been your family. That which genders the Creature as visually Other is the scarring across his forehead and ‘prosthetics’ in the form of bolts through his neck; visual suturing. Halberstam’s Skin Shows extensively discusses the concept of suture. In film, suturing is intended to be invisible, the cuts between shots intended to mimic reality. Foregrounding this suturing can act as a visual representation of incompleteness or monstrosity – it attempts to make complete that which is not and in doing so acts as a marker drawing attention to this incompleteness. Suture also marks a space of liminality, of a boundary which has been crossed and thus threatens to cross that boundary again. It is interesting, here, to consider the way in which prosthesis use and visible suturing has, particularly recently, become a signifier of many transgender people’s (primarily but not exclusively transgender men’s) own ‘completeness’; instead of marking something absent or ‘incorrect’, suture and scarring are reclaimed as a mark of pride in the self-construction of a transgender body, and in the embracing of such a liminal position.
Transsexual Transylvania – An Exploration of Male-Bodied Births in Horror ( Aidan James)
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aceofwhump · 9 months
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Echo 1x01
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whumpster-dumpster · 8 months
Hello hello hello! Question, if you end up popping a stitch, does that mean the entire stitch line has to be re-stitched, or is it just the stitch that popped, or something else? It would be much appreciated, thanks 👋
I'm sorry to say I haven't found much of an answer to this question, all I've found is advisement to keep it clean and let the doctor know. Can anyone who has experience with this chime in on how it was handled?
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samsheughan · 5 months
Chapter 9: Rumors, Part 2
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Beta: @islayandlochs ❤️
Jamie invited the woman to sit down and join them for a dram. God knows she needs it more than we do, he thought. While she refused the drink, she did settle herself in a chair directly across from Claire and to Jamie’s left. 
“I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs...” Claire began, and then sighed in exacerbation, “forgive me, I never asked your name. My apologies.”
“Dinna fash yerself, Mistress,” the woman managed a small smile, “meself were the last thing on my mind, all things considered. It’s Alice. Alice MacGregor. And it’s just “miss” as I’m no’ wed. Yer servant, mistress. Sir.” Alice bowed her head towards himself and Claire. Jamie returned the gesture. 
“Again, I am so sorry for your loss.” Claire took a deep breath and continued, “I’d like to ask you some questions about Obediah before his, well…untimely passing. It’ll give me a better understanding of how he died and maybe help prevent other such deaths from happening.”
Read on AO3
New here? Read from the beginning!
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
I have a question relating to that anon's.
Wouldn't the best practice for out of hospital wound closure would be tape/butterfly sutures even if needle/silk sutures were in your scope of practice. Because no antibiotics, might need to irrigate the wound again, stabbing the person over and over with a needle in less than sterile conditions is welcoming more infections, you're more likely to have butterfly sutures or something to improvise them (like duct tape) than to have a suture kit.
I took wilderness first aid freshman year of college, but admittedly it's been a while (8 years) and a 3-day course was not much expertise to begin with, so I'm genuinely not sure.
Is that right or am i missing some obvious advantage to needle-type sutures?
You're right!
The only advantage to sutures is the fact that sutured wounds are going to look better once they heal. But as you point out there are a LOT of disadvantages, especially when there aren't antibiotics available.
There really aren't out-of-hospital reasons for sutures anyway. Small wounds can be butterflied or glued (with intermittent spots open to allow drainage). Large wounds can be packed. This is usually sufficient to allow a wound to heal, even if it might take a little longer. Even in the hospital we may not close dirty wounds because of the infection risk. These wounds usually get packed.
The only exceptions to this would be if a repair has to be done- say a torn eyelid, ear, lip, or cheek. And those are more surgical than just sutures.
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weirdstrangeandawful · 3 months
‘Stop picking at your stitches!’
‘Can I nibble?’
‘Can you- what?! No!!!’
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Karl Ruprecht Kroenen official fullbody art.
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kuebikome · 5 months
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Day 3 with my ear stitches
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whumpshaped · 2 years
inexperienced caretaker/medic that pulls the stitches too tight and whumpee's wound ends up infected and swollen and worse than it has been before
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emodialisse · 1 year
🩹 maybe superior spidey and ps4 spidey patching each other up after some multiverse shenanigans?
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Hi! Thank you for sending this request, dear. ♥️
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 20 - Surgery recovery / Stitches
TW: blood, sutures, minor whumpee (17), tobacco
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Erick could always count on Fetch if he'd gotten injured, whether that was by Fetch's own hand or through something completely unrelated, Fetch would always patch him back up. He would complain about the effort and materials he needed the entire time, but he would still do it no matter what. Even if it was for something as stupid as a clumsy moment.
"How'd you even manage to get a cut that deep? All I asked was for you to refill the wiper fluid," Fetch said, looking at Erick's arm as he held it underneath the tap in the kitchen sink.
He had a pretty deep gash running from about halfway down his lower arm up to the side of his elbow, bleeding profusely, which was obviously why he came to Fetch for help in the first place.
"My hand slipped and I just scraped past something sharp I guess," Erick said, grimacing a bit as the water stung inside the cut.
Fetch sighed, ignoring the teen's wince as he prodded on either side of the cut a bit.
"Yeah, that's gonna need stitches," he decided.
He let go of the teen's arm again and dried his hands, only to light a cigarette first. Erick blinked as he looked between his arm and Fetch a moment.
"When do I get them?" he asked.
"Give me a moment," Fetch said.
"But I'm bleeding!"
"You'll live, calm down," Fetch said, "just stop wasting water and put some pressure on with a clean towel."
Erick sighed, turning the tap off and reaching for a towel from the cabinet, trying not to bleed all over the kitchen while Fetch calmly finished his cigarette before finally grabbing the first-aid kit. He was already grumbling about the cost of sutures before he'd even opened it and looked through to see if he had enough.
"I don't have anything to numb it."
"Oh man..." Erick said.
"Don't complain," Fetch warned, "sit down, put your arm on the table."
Erick nodded, sitting down as instructed while Fetch washed his hands and got his other supplies ready. Erick wasn't looking forward to getting stitches without any pain relieve, but he simply didn't have a choice.
"Alright, try to hold still," Fetch said, getting the needle ready.
He seemed in a good enough mood, and Erick was motivated to keep it that way. He put his free hand on his wrist to make sure he wouldn't try to pull his arm away, before bracing himself as the needle was inserted. Frankly the needle wasn't even that bad, but the thread that followed made his skin crawl.
Erick winced, trying to suppress the shiver that ran down his spine so it wouldn't jerk his arm as Fetch pushed the needle through again. Why did it have to be such a big cut? And did the stitches have to be so small? He bit his lip to keep himself from complaining, trying to ignore the pit in his stomach as the thread pulled through his skin again. You'd think you would get used to it after five or seven stitches, but Erick just couldn't.
"Do you need a break? You look as pale as a sheet."
Erick jumped a bit as Fetch suddenly spoke up, wagering a look at his arm. He was only halfway done.
"Oh my god, no, just get it over with," Erick said.
"Does it hurt?" Fetch asked.
"Well...yeah, but that's not even the worst," Erick said.
"Then what is?" Fetch asked.
"The thread," Erick said, "the feeling of it makes me want to cringe so bad."
"Hmm...good to know..."
"Okay, okay, you got your torture research in, can you please just get it over with now?" Erick said, pulling his free hand through his hair.
"Hey, watch your tone," Fetch just said, before continuing.
Erick could've sworn he was moving even slower than before, really drawing out the pull on each thread. He squirmed a bit in his chair, but managed to keep his arm still, until finally he heard the snap of the scissors, and he released a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding.
"Don't move yet, let me bandage it up a bit so it stays clean," Fetch said.
Erick just nodded, holding still while Fetch taped some gauze in place with a bandage, before tying it off with a small knot. After that he even got up and gave the teen a glass of water to help him recover a bit.
"There, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" he said.
"I think I prefer numbing," Erick said.
"Well next time get me some drugs before you decide to cut yourself," Fetch said, "now go clean up your mess when you finish drinking."
"Yes, sir..."
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SOrry for the wait I got stuck on this one until I finally got over my compulsion to only work from the alt list in order too,,,
Masterlist Main account
Taglist for the dynamic duo: @lavndvrr
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barcodepuppy · 3 months
First attempt at sutures! below read more are before and after photos of a laceration on my arm and then sloppy sutures. Do not try at home! infection/more damage is almost guaranteed without the proper tools!
this post is for educational purposes 🫡
Used a bent sewing needle, floss, pliers, hydrogen peroxide to clean the tools and neosporin afterward. Rinsing with warm water between each suture. there are 5 in total. I had planned to do more but without any numbing i started to get a headache from trying to focus, plus my hand started to shake too much to really be effective.
1st photo is a few days after the initial injury. 2nd is the first suture. 3rd is in progress. 4th is the final five sutures. 6th is the next day.
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My hope was they'd make the scar thinner in the long run, im keeping an eye on it. I personally allow wounds to heal mostly on their own, allowing them to scab over and just keeping them clean with regular showers and neosporin/tattoo soothing gel. we'll see how well this one heals!
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hookaroo · 1 year
Laden of the Torn (5 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 <3
Killian was still in the wagon when next he awoke, still in a tremendous amount of pain and massively disoriented. He lay trapped on his back as searing anguish prevented most movement, but at some point he had at least managed to turn his head so that the knot in his skull wasn't directly impacted every time the wagon jolted. 
They seemed to be at a standstill now. Dead silence reigned. Killian could not see much beyond the tree-lined starscape. Now and then, above a background of blood and bile, he caught a whiff of the horses hitched to the wagon. 
“Just the bare minimum to keep him alive.” The words floated in from somewhere up ahead, faint but audible. “He's not worth the expense of anything drastic.”
“Bring him inside and we'll take a look,” came the weary reply. Killian grimaced. He would have to be carried again, and the mere thought triggered renewed queasiness. He took some deep breaths as heavy footsteps came his way. 
Despite the low light and the unsteadiness of his gaze, there was no mistaking the silhouette that came into view a moment later. Killian blinked, certain he must be hallucinating. Captain Blackbeard lowered the sideboard, then noticed Killian watching him and sneered. 
“Well now,” he said. “Don't you look a fright.”
“What the devil,” hissed Killian, still not entirely convinced of his own sanity. 
“Pleasure to see you again, Hook.” Blackbeard's words dripped with insincerity. “Although when I overheard that numskull Ahab crowing over how he'd bested you, he made no mention of the fact that you were in worse shape than a kraken’s pickings.”
Had Killian possessed the mental capacity for a scathing retort, it would have been cut short by virtue of being scooped up and slung roughly over Blackbeard's shoulder once again. Anguish overwhelmed him. Darkness quickly followed.
All too soon, pain once again dragged Killian into unwilling awareness. He lay shirtless, on his side this time; that was an improvement, at least. But any relief to the back of his head was currently being outweighed by merciless hands pressing on each of his bruises in turn, with no qualms about it either. If he had been fortunate enough to escape the beating without any broken bones, he would need that luck to continue, the way things were going. He uttered an involuntary groan and then flinched as a particularly painful touch seemed to grate bone against bone. Squinting up at the figure hovering over him, Killian drew a careful breath. It was an old woman poking at him; Blackbeard was leaning against a nearby wall, supervising with his arms crossed.
“I’ll save us all the inconvenience of torture,” Killian ground out. “I don’t know where--” He broke off to hiss a wince. When he’d collected his wits again, he continued, “--the Jolly Roger is. I’m not her captain anymore.”
“Torture?” scoffed Blackbeard. “Don’t be melodramatic. In fact, you should be thanking me. The services of a healer are never cheap. And Zeus knows, I won’t be covering it with the rubbish in here.”
He reached lazily for a worn leather satchel that rested on a nearby table, shoved a gloved hand inside, and sniffed haughtily as he withdrew a small length of shining steel. Even from across the room, Killian recognized it instantly: his hook. Forgetting his current condition, Killian lurched up onto his elbow, growling as the pain and pressure skyrocketed within his skull.
“Where did you get that?” he demanded weakly, voice tight. The healer laid an insistent hand on his shoulder.
“Lie still,” she snapped. The animosity between her patrons was clearly more than she’d bargained for in the middle of the night. 
Blackbeard had retrieved Killian’s flask, shaken it to confirm its lack of contents, and tossed it aside in disgust. Feeling the darkness rolling in once again, Killian gave in to the attempts to coax him to lie down, but he couldn’t relax. He both hoped and feared…
“Same place I got you, of course. Bribed the quarry transporters. Return on investment is yet to be determined… but I’m not holding out much hope.” 
There it was: the mirror. Killian froze, not even reacting to another wickedly sharp, stabbing pain in his side. The rival pirate examined his reflection, checked his teeth, then sneered at Killian as he tossed the prized possession aside to join the other items. “Pitiful.”
Killian’s relief manifested as nausea, and he closed his eyes momentarily, praying he wasn’t about to start up that miserable retching again. 
“Nothing broken,” announced the old woman. “I don’t like the look of that head wound, but he should recover with rest.”
Killian opened one eye to get a better look at her, but she had moved off to some cabinets behind him, out of view. 
“What’s your name, love?” he asked wearily. He had a feeling Blackbeard wasn’t intending to allow the prescribed rest, but maybe building a rapport with the woman would encourage her to take his side. “And how did you find yourself in league with this villain?”
“It’s Gloria. And we’re not ‘in league.’ Like he said, he’s paying me just enough to drag myself out of bed at this godsforsaken hour and look after you.”
Killian could hear her moving about, opening drawers and gathering the tools of her trade, and it was clear she didn’t appreciate the rude interruption to her evening. Bloody hell. His head throbbed, the twisting cramping was back in his guts, and he wanted nothing more than to be allowed some uninterrupted sleep. “Well, just because one of us lacks the decency to remove his hat when indoors… it doesn’t mean we’re both similarly ill-mannered.” He paused to wrestle with the tide of pain threatening to sweep him away, then ground out, “It’s… a pleasure to meet you… Gloria. I’m called Killian.”
Gloria moved back to the table on which he lay, and there was a touch less hostility in her voice as she answered,
“You really should stop talking. You sound awful.”
 “Sounds fairly normal to me,” said Blackbeard. Unaffected by Killian’s earlier quip about manners, he’d kept his hat firmly in place. 
“Drink this.” Gloria gently helped Killian to raise his head a bit while she held a cup to his lips. It smelled pleasant and spicy, fennel and a dash of ginger, and it would no doubt soothe the wretched dryness of his mouth and throat. But his bowels gurgled a warning.
“I’m not… so sure--”
Ignoring his feeble protests, the healer poured a mouthful past his lips, and when he’d swallowed, another. “It should help with the pain and encourage rest and healing.”
She set the cup aside, but before allowing his head back on the pillow, she slid a towel beneath. It was rough against his ear and cheek. Nauseated once again, Killian closed his eyes and drew his knees up, hearing an unfamiliar clatter which he eventually identified as the ball and chain still shackled to his ankle. He crossed his arms over an aching stomach and tried to focus on taking slow, even breaths.
Gloria’s next order of business was to bathe his head wound, which burned like hell at first, but it was also a small relief to finally be rid of the dried blood that had been matting his hair for the past few days. Killian desperately wanted to ask Blackbeard about his motivations for rescuing him, knowing it wouldn’t be anything close to altruism, but he had to keep all his attention on fighting back nausea. The other captain, apparently bored and tired of being ignored, let out a loud yawn.
“How long is this going to take, woman? I don’t need him smelling fresh as a daisy, only alive and breathing for the next week or so.”
“You want infection to set in and kill him?” Gloria shot back. “I can stop right now.”
Despite her threat, she continued dabbing her sponge at Killian’s scalp, sending warm, rust-tinted water drizzling down to soak the towel and pillow underneath. At that moment, a powerful cramp seized Killian’s midsection, and he had time for one hissed expletive before the healer’s brew came up in a most painful fashion. Through the uncontrollable spasms, he could faintly hear Blackbeard say,
“I’m not paying for that.”
When every last drop had been expelled and Killian lay trembling and struggling to catch his breath, every nerve ending afire, he muttered a weak apology as Gloria calmly cleaned the mess. 
“This happen before?” she asked. Blackbeard was quick to cut in.
“All the way here. Bloody nuisance, I can tell you.”
“Aye,” croaked Killian. “And before that.”
“How long since you’ve kept anything down?”
He couldn’t say for sure, not with the effects of the head wound and sickness distorting his sense of time. “A couple of days, at least.”
Gloria made a non-committal grunt, moved to dispose of her cleaning supplies, then returned to his side and began probing at his tender insides. Killian grit his teeth. She may be tempting fate, pushing on him there… but then again, there couldn’t be much left inside him to splatter her with.
“Could be the bump on the head,” she remarked, digging four fingers quite deeply into his abdomen, her other hand behind his back to stabilize him. “But there is a lot of inflammation not associated with visible bruising… I’d guess there’s something else going on as well. Eat or drink anything suspicious lately?”
Killian grimaced wryly. “You don’t know the half of it.”
“Hmm.” Satisfied with the results of her examination, she stepped back. “Well, we’ll try again in a few hours. Dehydration can kill just as quickly as infection, or even faster. Now. You’re welcome to try and sleep, but I do need to finish cleaning you up, so I can’t promise you won’t be interrupted.”
He winced. “Got anything to knock me out for a while?”
“Sorry, afraid not. That wouldn’t be a good idea with your head wound, anyway.”
“Just say the word, Hook,” said Blackbeard, and without even having to look, Killian knew he was holding up his clenched fist. 
“It would be a huge waste of your money to kill him now,” Gloria pointed out as she wrung out her cleaning rag. “But maybe then I could go back to bed.”
The three of them lapsed into silence, and the healer got to work on the blood staining Killian’s battered face. Her motions were practiced and effective, if slightly less gentle than he would have liked, and whatever disinfectant she favored burned like hellfire. 
Methodically, Gloria worked her way down his body, cleaning off dried blood and scalding each of his wounds with her chemicals, and any time she wasn’t directly touching him, he dropped to the very edge of sleep, but would then be awakened by a new lance of pain or queasy rumbling in his gut. It felt like hours passed in this way, but whenever he pried a burning eye open a slit, Blackbeard was keeping vigil. Bastard.
At one point, Gloria decided that one of the gashes on his shoulder blade needed stitching. That pain was all too familiar, and he bore it easily enough, grateful that her technique was excellent and she finished faster than even Smee could have done. Inexplicably, she did not attempt the same with his scalp wound, preferring instead to knot some clumps of hair together and trust that the existing clotting would suffice to begin the healing process. That technique was painful enough that he didn’t question her decision to forgo the needle there.
“Well,” she began, startling him to a higher degree of wakefulness. “That’s about all I can reach. Think you can roll over to your other side?”
Eventually, Killian’s utter exhaustion took over, and if Gloria’s light touches woke him, he stopped noticing, or at least remembering. And so it came as somewhat of a surprise the next time he woke fully and saw that the sun had risen. Gloria had just said something to him, but he’d completely missed it in the fog of sleep. 
Heavy footsteps approached. Killian squinted up at the dark-rimmed eyes of Blackbeard, who appeared no worse for wear after the long night. 
“Still with us, then?” Blackbeard smirked. He turned to Gloria. “Get him ready to leave. Once the horses are tended, he’s coming with me, whatever state he’s in.”
He stomped toward the exit, heedless of the twin glares cast in his direction. Once the door had slammed closed behind his retreating form, Gloria sighed and gave Killian a sympathetic look.  
“That one’s a piece of work.”
“Aye,” growled Killian. He could think of few things he’d like to be doing less than setting out on a journey with that blaggard, especially in his current condition.
“Well, I’ve done what I could. I’d prefer for you to stay another day, but it seems neither of us are getting a say.” She stalked around to the other side of the bed and held out her arm. “Let’s see if we can get you to sit up without passing out.”
Killian had severe misgivings, but perhaps if he did accomplish this feat, he could hobble outside with assistance and not have to be carted about by bloody Blackbeard. He drew a steadying breath and reached for the waiting arm.
Being lifted to a seated position felt rather like he was being torn into pieces, and he couldn’t suppress a growl of pain. Gloria had her other arm behind his back, careful of the stitching in his shoulder blade but, by necessity, contacting very tender bruises from the soldier’s spear haft the day before. The room started to spin again as pressure built up within his skull, and he had to gulp several times to avoid the nausea that constantly lurked one breath away. Squeezing his eyes shut, he panted through the worst of the anguish, having to rely on Gloria’s assistance much more than he would have liked in order to avoid falling straight off the table. The healer waited patiently, understanding his plight. Finally, when he felt relatively safe, Killian slitted his eyes open, hissing,
“Apologies, love, but… bloody hell.”
She gave his arm a sympathetic pat. “I’ve heard worse.”
He grimaced. “I can believe that.”
“How’s the head?”
“About to burst open. But that’s been the custom the past several days.”
“At least you aren’t heaving your guts out.”
She showed him a small sack that was perched on the table’s edge, saying,
“There are a few supplies in there to help continue your recovery out on the road. Once you’re able to keep things down, I’ve included a remedy that should ward off the effects of that head wound. Drink it with a good amount of water, if your heartless traveling companion will let you.”
Killian sighed, still unable to consider swallowing anything without feeling queasy. But a clear mind would be crucial to forming any sort of escape plan. “Thank you, Gloria.”
The healer was just helping him into his shirt when the front door burst open and Blackbeard strode inside, wearing his customary roguish smirk. He eyed the proceedings with a cocked eyebrow.
“Thought you said he wasn’t your type,” he jeered. “Got any left for me, wench?”
“Bugger off,” grunted Killian, shoving the blanket aside and preparing to endure the sheer torment of the journey outside. “Act like a gentleman, for once in your life.”
Blackbeard swaggered over to the table, and it was clear he expected to have to carry Killian out again. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was that ‘bad form’? Should I be treating this old crone with more respect?”
He burst out in cruel laughter, then grabbed Killian by the shoulder. “Stir your stumps, granddad. Time we were off, and she can count her blessings when she finds her house and lands still standing after a visit from the Scourge of the Sea.”
Bristling, Killian reached down to take hold of the chain at his ankle. He wanted to control its descent as much as possible, to avoid inadvertently hitting Gloria or her table with the heavy iron ball, as well as reduce the amount of strain on the cuff chafing his leg. An impatient Blackbeard laid waste to that plan, carelessly batting the ball off the edge. The chain rattled loudly and tugged painfully at Killian’s raw skin. Gritting his teeth, Killian gingerly swung both legs over the edge of the table.
“Do you really think you’re going to make it that far?” taunted Blackbeard. “And here I was all prepared to hoist you over my shoulder once again.”
“You should be thanking me for saving you the trouble, then,” winced Killian. His head felt like it was being clobbered by cannon balls. Gloria, above and beyond her obligation, stood with her arm outstretched, volunteering her strength even within smelling radius of the pungent Blackbeard.
Get it over with, Killian snarled to himself. He’d either collapse to the floorboards or surrender to tears of pain, but there was no way around it. He accepted Gloria’s arm and was forced to endure Blackbeard’s viselike grip around his elbow as he slid off the table with a jarring jolt to his storm-filled skull. The tiny whimper that escaped his throat did nothing to relieve his suffering, but his legs held, if a little wobbly, and he did not immediately devolve into miserable retching.
Gloria settled his stump across her shoulders, allowing him to lean heavily upon her, while Blackbeard pulled him forward mercilessly. In this manner, they made it to the doorway, though every step rattled Killian’s head and caused his wounds to throb, and he could feel the queasy heaviness returning to his gut, pressure building with each passing second.
By the time they reached the wagon, a haze stalked the periphery of Killian’s vision, his heart hammered against sore ribs, and his lips tingled. He knew he was only seconds away from losing consciousness. When his knee buckled and Gloria’s support was the only thing stopping him from faceplanting into the wooden planks ahead, Blackbeard apparently decided Killian had done enough on his own power. Abruptly and with no consideration of the many injured areas he could have tried to avoid, the other pirate shoved Gloria aside and heaved Killian up and onto the hard wagon bed.
Killian’s breath left him in a yelp and he curled in on himself as agony wracked his nerves. A cruel hammer was driving a spike deep into his brain. Shuddering, he squeezed his eyes shut and prayed for darkness to take him, and it was in this state that they took their leave of the healer, without one more word of thanks.
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Barbie is home from her surgeries, very chill from the anesthesia. She's going to be so much more comfortable when her eyes heal and her lashes aren't in them irritating her eyeballs! Tail docking went well. There's actually still some length. I hope she never has happy tail wounds after this!
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
is there a difference between stitches and sutures, or can they be used interchangeably?
also, i once had a minor surgical procedure done and the doctor mentioned offhand that “you wouldn’t want me to suture in a real surgery” or something like that (I don’t remember the exact words he used, but that’s pretty much the gist of it).
what’s the difference?
sorry for all the questions haha i appreciate your time!
Technically, sutures are the noun (I have 3 sutures in my arm) and stitch is the verb (the doctor stitched them). But IRL they're used pretty interchangeably.
By saying that, your doctor was probably looking at the sutures and saying they weren't as pretty as a surgeon's would be.
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