#VERY surprised to see them eating fruit instead
keepthetension · 5 months
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that reminds me, there was less product placement than i was expecting in the finale
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rowretro · 5 months
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You try the orange peel theory on them.
✧taglist: @httpsrinrin
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, mentions of harassment
✧synopsis: Yandere Enhypen as your boyfriend. You recently saw a few videos on tik tok about the orange peel theory so you decided to try it on him, curious about his reaction...
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The male frowned, seeing you record on your phone, heck he was curious. You weren't the type to often post anyways. However, when you asked him to get you an orange the male was even more confused. "I thought you hated oranges-" Heeseung pointed out as the girl looked up at him "I know, but now I'm craving them" the girl said as Heeseung shrugged.
Heeseung peeled an easy peel orange for her and gave it, as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "You need anything else princess?" he asked as the girl shook her head, smiling up at him. "Hol up... are you recording this? why?" The male asked as she stopped recording the video "It was... just a tik tok trend-" she said as the male sighed.
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Jay would do anything to spoil you and you know it. Yet being locked in this great big mansion does have you feeling bored sometimes, so you decided to try this trend with him "Jay~" You called as the male ignored you "Baby~" you called again as he turned to you with a smile "what can I do you for pretty princess~" Jay said with a smile as the girl giggled.
"Can I have some oranges?" the girl asked as jay immediately got 2 oranges, peeling them and separating them onto a dish, making a heart shape. "You could've asked for something other than oranges- I'm a good cook you know- let me spoil you with my food~" The male said as he gave her the oranges. The girl smiled, hugging him.
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The male knew exactly what you were up to. Please. Him and Niki spend so much time on tik tok, they've come across this videos a few times, so it's no surprise to him when you ask. He feels a little betrayed by the fact that you're testing him, but he didn't dwell on it knowing he could use this so called test against you. Heck he even put the fruit bowl near you.
"Babe can you hand me an orange?" you ask as Jake frowns, acting oh so believably "uh sure?" he says, taking an orange and peeling it for you "Here, need anything else?" he asked as the girl just hugged him. "Why are you recording this... hold on is this a test???" he asks as the phone finishes recording. Oh how he looked so upset and betrayed. You were buying every second of it, and he loved that because now he can be even more manipulative.
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Sunghoon was there when you saw the video. You were watching a Rebal D youtube video where he reacted to things that seemed so wild. Heck he saw how you reacted to the videos that were shown. So it was no surprise that you'd try it on him. The man was already making something in the kitchen when you started recording at the dining table.
"Babe can you gimme an orange?" you asked as Sunghoon frowned "but- I'm making us one of them fancy orange drinks, yk the orange creme dream or whatever it is-" Sunghoon asked as the girl blinked. "If you really want one then I can give you one, but that orange won't taste as good as what I'm making... you know I'm telling the truth I have experience as a barsita-" Sunghoon added as you snickerred, taking his drink instead.
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You were going to see the brand new saw movie because you heard it was pretty controversial, people had thrown up at the theatre during the movie. But Sunoo was taking a little while getting ready, hence you thought it'd be the perfect time to test a theory. It's pretty ironic actually, given that you fell in love with him after he murderred the man that harassed you and kidnapped you to force you into being his love. So yes very healthy.
"Babe can u gimme an orange?" you asked as Sunoo stared at you with wide eyes "You want to eat an orange. before we go to the theatres. to watch the newest saw movie. where sm people threw up when watching it???" he asked as you grinned "You think I'll be scared and throw up babe? Horror movies are our thing- just gimme an orange~" you pouted as the male shrugged, peeling an orange and handing it to you.
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Like Heeseung and Sunoo, Jungwon was completely clueless about your little tik tok plan so it was all pretty wholesome. You hid your phone and started recording "Babe can you gimme an orange?" you ask as Jungwon narrowed his eyes at you "Do you want the peely one or the cutting one?" he asks "The one that peels please~" you respond as he goes to the kitchen.
He comes back later with a peeled orange in his hand "bon apetite~" he said with a smile as he gave you the orange. Smiling, you kissed his lips "I- can you kiss me again on the same place please?... I'll get you another o-" You cut him off with yet another kiss, to which he smiles. Heck when he saw the video appear on his following page he just smiled knowing everyone knew that you are his,
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As mentioned before, Riki and Jake do so many tik toks together, and the male knows about every tik tok video you've ever watched or liked, some of them even being edits of other idols, but he let you off the hook. When he saw you secretly record, he smirked, he never bought any oranges for a while so if anything she'd look stupid. "Babeee~ can u gimme an orange?" the girl asked as Riki turned to her. He was going to just say there are no oranges, see that little pout on your face because you tik tok plan failed.
However... you just looked so fucking cute. "We don't have any oranges babe... but if your hungry... I'll take you out for dinner instead" he said. You immediately got up, and ignored your phone, running upstairs "I'M GONNA GET DRESSED LETS WEAR MATCHY HOODIES!" You screamed as you ran to get dressed. Riki rarely took you out because he hates exposing you to other people who may steal you from him... But seeing how excited you got, he couldn't help but chuckle "So fucking cute" he snickerred.
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devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #2
Silly Little Headcanons #1
He sleeps with socks on.
Has on multiple occasions carried a crying Asmodeus around.
His home screen on his phone is a picture of his brothers with a poorly edited Cerberus in the background.
Can sing the entirety of Bohemian Rapsody without missing a note.
Has a drawer with all the things Luke has given him. There's a lock on it.
Stands with one foot on his thigh when preparing noodles.
His keys are attached to his pants because he kept forgetting them.
Ruffles his brothers' hair. All of them.
Remembers everyone's favourite shows so he can buy them merchandise for their birthday.
Makes stickers so he can decorate Henry's fish tank.
Brings glowsticks to Beel's Fangol games.
Wears wrist warmers during winter.
Has kicked Lucifer in the balls more than one time.
He has a tendency to bump his hip into tables and chairs, you name it
Really good at jump ropes. He can even do tricks.
Has a secret stash of catnip.
Ran a marathon in heels out of spite.
Had a slime Deviltube channel back when it was trendy.
Very skilled at origami. Made a bouquet for MC's birthday.
Has fallen down the stairs quite a few times.
Ate the slime Asmodeus made for his Deviltube channel. It's a mystery how he didn't end up sick.
Kicked the front door off its hinges by accident 13 times in the span of 5 days.
Eats most fruits without peeling them first.
Makes a buzzing sound when you scratch his head.
Will take naps on any bed, but it has a tendency to not be his own.
Almost drowned in a bowl of soup once because he fell asleep.
This man never wears matching socks.
If he moos at cows, they will come running to him. He is the cow summoner.
Falls for clickbait at least twice per day.
Accidently ordered 100 spoons online instead of 10. He won't run our spoons any time soon.
Likes to make flower arrangements.
Sleeps with a giant Teddy bear that takes up half the bed.
He sounds like he's about to keel over and die every time he coughs.
Brings Solomon's cooking with him for lunch.
Forgot Luke in a supermarket.
Randomly brings animals with him to Purgatory Hall.
Has a hard time telling left from right.
Owns multiple kazoos.
He will never admit but he really enjoys shoulder rides.
Likes to spin around on office chairs. Sometimes he does it too much and ends up extremely dizzy.
He once caused a chemical reaction with his cooking that forced the residents of Purgatory to live at the castle for a week.
Has no feelings in his pinky toes. He will ram them into a table leg full force and not even flinch.
Falls asleep on the couch all the time.
Can mimic animal sounds like a pro.
Falls out of her bed all the time. She moves a lot in her sleep.
Her very first trap was a bucket of water on a door. It hit Solomon straight on the head.
Really good at acrobatics.
Had a pet squirrel for many years. It died of old age and Thirteen was devastated when it happened.
Almost broke Barbatos' hand out of excitement when going to the cinema for the first. He apologised for weeks after the incident.
Skilled at climbing. It really comes in handy when he wants to sneak out of the castle.
Likes to do rubber duck races.
Hits his head on doorframes all the time.
Will randomly just do cartwheels.
Slides down the railings in the castle when there isn't anyone around to see it.
Likes to play the piano with the Little D.'s
Don't be surprised if you see birds or other animals help Barbatos. Demon Snow White.
He can and will destroy you in Uno.
Helps Luke with homework from time to time. Don't tell anyone though.
Has high kicked a demon into the ceiling because he heard them conspire against Diavolo.
He has a great singing voice.
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 month
Im back with another yandere satoru request hehehe
So, I was wondereding what would happen if Satoru's beloved found out about his very unhealthy obession with her?
Hold on, lemme cook rq- So, instead of getting the fuck away from him (like most logical people would do) she decides to try her best to get him some help. Like, she'd confront him about his very distirbing behavior, (basically tearing down his entire facade and presenting it to him) and when he's begging her not to be afraid of him, not to abandon him, she tells him that she wants him to get help.
Heres where I kinda got a little stuck....the thing is...he would listen to her every beck and call, but would he really get the help he needs, or would he decieve her and trick her into beliving that he's getting better when in realitly he hasn't changed at all. (He's just alot more careful about what he does behind her back.)
Mkayyy, thats all folks. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
You kept hearing noises from your backyard.
It woke you up. You couldn't really recognize what it was, but you really hoped it wasn't raccoons eating your berries again. You admit, your garden has many fruits and vegetables, but you certainly didn't want them being eaten. They took too long to grow! So, you got out of bed, threw on your robe over your night gown and quickly made your way downstairs to your backdoor.
When you opened the door and stepped onto the grass, everything seemed fine. Your strawberries were intact. Carrots still growing. No lemons dropped from the tree. But to the far right, you did see a familiar figure continuously puncturing another man's insides with a pretty dangerous looking knife thing.
Someone was in your yard.
Someone was being killed in your yard.
You're within distance of a killer.
By the time the realization set in, the familiar looking man had already saw you staring at him. It was Satoru Gojo.
You both stared at each other. It grew painfully silent and you took a step back, your eyebrows furrowing. You began hearing your heartbeat in your ears and began breathing faster. Your lips separated, probably to scream, and Satoru dropped the knife, immediately running over to you to shut you up in time.
When he trapped you in his arms, you tried to scream in surprise, but he already had one of his hands covering the entire bottom half of your face. "SHHHHHHHhhhhhh. shhhhhhhh. shhhhhh." His heartbeat thumped against your upper back and you tried to look up at him. He was already staring down at you with those big blue eyes and you tried to take his hand off of your mouth. "It's okay, baby. You're alright. It's alright."
Well, he didn't kill you, so clearly you didn't have to be scared. You still tried to talk and he tilted his head. "......you gonna scream if I let you go?" You shook your head. He stared down at you, as if he was trying to catch you in a lie. But then he laughed and finally loosened his hold on you. You took his hand off of your mouth and turned around. "...............Why are you killing someone in my yard?"
He says nothing.
You try to look back at the corpse and he blocks your way. "Fertilizer."
You avert your gaze and hug yourself. "For your tree."
"I already fertilized it two weeks ago. You were there. It doesn't need fertilizer until like a few months later." Satoru goes silent and sighs.
"Alright, babe. You caught me." He stalks closer to you and stops when he's directly in front of you.
"I killed him because he was a terrible waste of space." His smile was unnerving and you only felt more uncomfortable and confused. "What....?" "....He was useless. And he got in the way." The way he spoke made things a little awkward between the two of you. Did this have something to do with you and him? You hoped not. But with the way he said it, and the way he was staring at you began giving you confirmation that this was the case.
"He doesn't deserve you like I do." You inhale sharply and take a step back towards your door. "Satoru-" "No, I'm serious."
"You can't just....kill someone. He's dead!" His shoulders shake as he laughs at your statement. "You think I don't know that? That's the whole point. To die." You shake your head, "I-I need to get you help. This isn't okay. You shouldn't think it's okay to kill someone just to....I don't even know."
"To have you," He states. But you didn't hear. You were already back in the house to research different forms of treatment he could possibly receive. You didn't know what you were going to do with the body.
Satoru did plan to use it as fertilizer.
He lied to you for 12 weeks. And he hated every second of it. He never liked hiding shit from you. Which is why he straight up told you that he killed that dumbass from a while ago. You deserve better than some liar. But he'd be damned if he let some random take you away from him. So, he told you that he was going to the therapist that he been paid off and also killed.
He told you the body was taken care of and you didn't have to worry about it. After all, your tree leaves looked perkier than usual(he didn't tell you that either).
When you heard he was consistently meeting with his therapist, you let him take you out more often. You let him hang out at your place to have sleepovers if you had the time, and you realized that you might have a small crush on him. You shouldn't have a crush on a killer, but here you were. You should've called the police on him a long time ago(not like he'd get rid of them either), but he promised you he'd be good. And he has been. So you trust him.
Satoru learned to stop doing things like being a killer when you're around. It was smart to do it at night. But definitely not where you live. Probably the stupidest thing he's ever done. He should buy that house a few towns off. Everyone would be better off dying in there anyways, especially if there'd be no trace of them in the first place.
He's lucky you're gullible.
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padfootagain · 2 months
Only an Almost (X)
Chapter 10: Too Sweet
Hello!! Here is another chapter! This one is very fluffy!! (Surprising, I know) Also, some heavy make-out… let me remind you that this is not written for minors!
We are already halfway-through this fic, as it will be 20-chapters long!
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 1549
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Fucking adorable, that was what you were…
As you looked at Andrew with a grin on your lips, expectant, excited, a tidal wave of affection washed over his heart. A warm, peaceful, affectionate feeling that made him giddy, created butterflies in his stomach, made his heart speed up and a dreamy smile form on his lips.
You were trying to get a peek inside his cupboard, to see his brand-new harvest of honey. He had promised you would get some to take home, and had prepared a little honeypot for you. He wasn’t sure why, but seeing you this excited for something as simple as this was turning his heart into a puddle.
“There you go, this one’s yours.”
He handed the small jar. It was nothing special. A plain glass jar filled with honey. You were grinning as you took it in your hands.
“Thank you!”
You rose to your tiptoes to drop a peck to his cheek, and he couldn’t help but blush as he hurried to close the cupboard.
“It’s nothing…”
“It’s your honey! Of course, it’s something! You’ve worked hard to make it.”
“To be fair, the bees are the ones doing all the work,” he dodged the compliment, scrubbing at his cheek in a nervous gesture, feeling his cheeks get warm.
“True,” you admitted in a giggle. “But even if that’s the case, you’re still doing more than I would.”
“Taking care of bees isn’t that hard, you could do it.”
“I don’t know… I’m a little scared at the idea of being surrounded by bees.”
“You’re wearing a suit, it’s alright. It’s perfectly safe. Besides, you’re not harming them, so they won’t harm you either. Perhaps one day, I could teach you. And you could make honey too!”
It would be our honey…
“Hmm… still… I’ll leave the making of the honey to you, and focus on the eating!”
You opened the jar, smelled the sweetness of the nectar inside. You hummed, closing your eyes.
“Smells so good.”
You dipped your finger inside, licked it clean. Andrew struggled to swallow, looking away, trying to control himself.
“It’s delicious! God, Andy! This is so good!”
But Andrew wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he was looking outside, at the rain falling on his garden, holding on the kitchen counter, trying to forget the thoughts that had come up in his mind, the sins he wanted to commit with you…
“You know what would be delicious? Some fruits! Some fruits with your honey would be delicious!”
You opened the cupboard, picked up a plate, and then you reached for the drawer and picked up a knife. Andrew washed an apple and handed it to you without a word. You had spent too much time in his house for this not to be natural. You in his kitchen, making snacks. In silence, he filled up a kettle, still unable to look at you but hiding it well.
You took some mugs from the cupboard above his sink, rising to your tiptoes to reach them. It made Andrew grow a tender smile.
And it was easy. Being there, doing something so insignificant and domestic in his house with you… like you belonged there. It was obvious, the way you moved in this space he called home, like it was yours more than his.
He could picture himself doing this every day with you. Letting you in the spaces that were most private to him, the ones that made him feel safe. You belonged there. You belonged in the warmth of a home he would call his…
“I’ll let you cut the apple, or else you will criticize what I’m doing. I’ll make tea instead,” you told him, a playful smile on your lips, bringing him back to earth.
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t deny that you were right. So, he picked up the knife and cut the apple into slices, the way his mother had taught him years ago, in another kitchen, in another safe place he called home.
You chose your favourite tea, there was always a stache of it in his home. Your favourite biscuits too. Your favourite ice-cream. Your favourite book. Your favourite movie. Your shampoo and soap had been added recently, now that you stayed for a shower. But pieces of you had always been here, you had always been here…
You put the pieces in a bowl, added a little bit of honey, just enough to make the fruit sticky and sinfully sweet. You gave a happy wiggle when you ate the first piece, not waiting for Andrew to give you a fork, and instead, picking it up with your fingers, making them sticky as well.
“Delicious!” you complimented him, making his heart jump.
This afternoon was lovely. It was raining hard outside, the sky a mournful shade of grey; but it was warm inside Andrew’s home, and you were happy and smiling, and joking around, and life was good for as long as you were in it…
Andrew didn’t think as he bent down, capturing your lips with his. He barely registered his movements when he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, a hand sprayed across your spine, the other holding firmly your waist. You let out a surprised sigh, and then you blinked your eyes closed, hands coming up to cradle his face.
You tasted of apple and honey, sweetness at its finest. Too sweet to be real…
Your lips were sticky with the juice of the fruit and the sugar of the honey. Andrew didn’t care. He didn’t mind either when your fingers ran down his neck to open the buttons of his shirt. He could feel the sugar on them too.
You broke free from his embrace, leaving him dizzy with your taste and your warmth against his body. He blinked down at you.
“Sorry, my hands are all sticky. Hang on.”
You washed the honey away, and Andrew waited impatiently next to you, opening and closing his fists, trying not to reach out, not to scare you away.
You were so beautiful…
“Better,” you smiled, showing your clean hands, and he smiled back at you without noticing.
God, he loved you so fucking much, and he couldn’t say it. But then again, he saw how your gaze softened, how your expression grew peaceful with tenderness. And he caught himself dreaming that this could be love, that you could feel the same.
It was stupid, perhaps, it was him forgetting about the major obstacle that was his career, and your fear of living a lonely life because of him. Still, as he looked at you then, he let himself believe for a second that one day, he could finally speak the words that rested for now on the tip of his tongue.
Still, your touch was soft when you took his hand in yours.
He hummed, raising an eyebrow to encourage you to speak.
“Can we go to your bedroom now?”
You added mischief to your smile, it made him dizzy; thoroughly addicted to the sight too.
He gently pulled on your hand so you would follow him. You didn’t steal kisses until you were both standing in front of his large bed. And then your lips were back on his, you were freeing his hair from the messy bun he had been sporting. His hand slipped under your t-shirt and your jumper, spreading his fingers over your bare skin. Warm. Soft. Making his entire body burn with desire.
When his lips moved to your neck, you let out a moan, and he reckoned that this ought to be the sound of heaven, the perfect melody he had been looking for all his life.
“Can I be on top?” you asked in a tone made shaky by his fingers pulling on your bra.
“Whatever you want, honey,” Andrew mumbled into your skin, before attaching his lips to yours again.
You didn’t correct him, let him have the pet name. Perhaps your mind was as blurry as his while you kissed passionately, while your fingers finished to unbutton his shirt. The blink of an eye, and somehow you were shirtless, skin exposed to the air and to Andrew’s angry lips while you stumbled to reach his bed.
He lost his shirt before you gently pushed him on the bed, and then you were lying on top of him, and Andrew had to pinch himself to remember that this was real, no matter how many times he had lived this scene before.
You hovered over him, just a breath away, looking at him like you were admiring him…
“You’re so handsome, Andy…” you let out in a whisper, like a confession. It made his body slightly tremble.
“You’re gorgeous, Y/N.”
You shook your head, and he caught himself thinking that this look in your eyes held more than infatuation or physical attraction. Something closer to adoration, the kind of gazes he aimed at you.
You blinked, eyes glimmering in the light made dim by the rain outside. Your voice was deeper when you spoke, almost hoarse, as if tightened with emotions.
“Andy… I lo…”
But you stopped, left him suspended to your words. You let out a shaky breath, and instead of speaking, merely kissed him again.
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comfortless · 4 months
AHEM! I constantly have this idea of Hybrid!Konig discovering the scent of Hybrid!Reader on his territory, but due to it being so vast he can never catch her in person. All he has to go off of is scraps of food, her scent rubbed against stones and stumps, and prints that are MUCH smaller than his! Until on one faithful day, he catches the lil thing creeping around his personal space!
I just wanna add that I’d love to see you tweak this idea ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (If you want!) like making it human!reader instead orrrr in a more human manner such as it being a cabin in woods and reader is stranded, maybe. ANYTHING, KEKEKE ID JUST EAT UP ANY OF YOUR AMAZING WORK
raaah thinking about a bear hybrid König because of the cute lil kaomoji.. he would be so big and soft… ;; reader gets to be a fox..! also thank you for your sweet words and the prompt, angel!! ^^ 💘 too many ideas… i should write more hybrid!Kö…
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. reader & König are mostly human like last time! just with ears and tails. König is incredibly awkward in this (has 0 idea how to talk to a lady someone help him), possessive behaviors, very much… love? obsession? at first sight, fluff, implied sex.
The pretty thing in the grove does not know that she sits on the cusp between admired and threatened. She skitters through summer foliage like a dance, twists and winds and stretches to reach each fattened, ripe fruit hanging from vine or limb. The scent that lingers in this place fills most up with dread, their eyes wide as they look for places to hide or run, any place but here. She hardly seems bothered when she takes a plum into her mouth, it’s juice dripping down her chin as her tail curls over her bare stomach.
She laughs when the birds in their trees warn her of danger, bares her teeth at them and tells them all she’s far faster than some old bear, speaks off-key when she’s drunken on stolen fermented fruit and dazed on the rays of sunbeams shifting through the leaves.
He could rush out, take her by surprise and hook a claw into her throat before she would even have the mind to spare him a glance. It’s just that no part of him wants to, not now, not when he’s been made aware of the beautiful passerby that steals his food and leaves a pattern of uneven, dancing footprints in her wake. He had only had the thought once when he saw this earthly garden uprooted with only the foreign smell of rosemary and lilac left behind.
Watching her now, it’s all too different.
She leaves the pit of her plum at her side when she lies in the grass to rest, tail plumed up and over her middle like a blanket as her ears flick and rustle her hair. It’s not a tentative sleep: she’s soft, warm and utterly exhausted from her day of pilfering if the long, quiet breaths were much to go by.
Any other bearman would eat her whole and pick the bones from his teeth to leave as offerings for the birds, the buzzards with their wild eyes and ruffs of feathers about their necks. But… it’s only summer, what good would eating her do? He reasons it would hurt him more than it could ever hurt her, because then all would fall back to tedium and silence. There would be no more hushed laughter and dizzying prances, no more of a sight prettier than any view he’s seen prior.
He wants more of her than this— more than what he should ever have at all or more of her than even she could offer with honeyed words or soft touches.
So, he only watches her rest. In the gentle calm of daylight, she rolls against the grass in sleep, bares herself unknowingly when the sun warms her and her thighs are too warm to press against one another. And finally, he wills himself to turn away, to wander back to that dreary cabin that serves as a proper home, because as much as he wants, he does not deserve.
The days go on like this.
The haze of summer does not let up, and she’s made a home of a strawberry patch in a glade closer to the cabin than she’s ever been before. He watches her bask amongst the bushes, lying on her belly while the sun beats down against her hide, kisses over her shoulders with a yellowish glow that only makes her look as sweet as warmed honey, a bonfire, lovely as the fruit she steals.
Nothing changes in her even when he does bring himself to detach from the shade of the pine, force himself into the light for the birds and tiny humming bees to see. She tilts her head back, flicks her tail and smiles like she’s known he’s been there all along. Known the loneliness and tastes it on her teeth to spit it back out in refusal, but she hasn’t— not like he has, because she’s the one who speaks first.
“Are you going to eat me?,” she asks when she’s risen to her feet. His little fox does not hide herself from him; her tail sways lazily behind her, each dip and curve displayed so openly that he wonders if she sees him as a threat at all, or then, maybe the danger coaxes up an unseen heat within her.
He shakes his head stiffly, ears pressed back to his skull.
The world itself must have played some horrible joke upon him now, because all thoughts of what he wanted to say filter out into a plume of smoke. It’s maddening, how he wants to tell her he would like nothing more than to drag her back into his cabin and lick honey from her mouth, yet all that comes out is a brittle, “The strawberries are not ripe yet.”
She laughs at him, not cruel, but it still feels like teeth tearing into his throat. All hope isn’t lost, though, because even through her laughter her gaze is fond and sweet. Perhaps she’s seen him time and time again, too. It isn’t easy to hide when you’re as large and difficult to settle as König.
The fox beckons him closer with a curl of her fingers and a strawberry between her teeth. She drapes an arm over his neck to tug him down to her level and kisses him there, with the berry crushed between their mouths. Bitter as expected, but not a single complaint billows up in his mind.
This sweet fairy does not know what she’s done with that shared bite, how his mind goes doughy and sap sticky when the fruit dissipates between them and his mouth finds her own.
He wonders if she does this often, seduces larger beasts to toy with and steal from to continue her reckless romping through the forest, drift off further to the mountains and the sea, endlessly searching for the very thing he’s already found with her. It does not escape him how tightly he keeps her in his hold then, nails leaving indentations in her waist as he brings her as closely as he can, licks into her mouth until she shivers.
He would bring her flowers and honeycomb, carve little idols of her from every tree she loves if she would just—
“Will you be my mate?,” he asks, abrupt, face heating up to his very ears as he finally lets her go. A croak, a shameful one that leaves him wanting to scurry off like a rabbit, but she’s already heard it all and stares up at him with a look part doleful, part adoring. The poor thing doesn’t even know him, doesn’t know that he’s already contemplated clearing out the fox dens in the forest and chasing out the wolves to make sure that she was his alone.
If she tossed him into the river now he wouldn’t dare blame her, he would only take it out on the stupid salmon with their glistening tails, and maybe if he brought her back a treasure made of fish bone and scale he could change her mind.
But she only kisses him again, lingers right on his cheek like something a proper lover would do, before telling him that she’s grateful he’s never come to harm her, that he didn’t mind sharing his fruit on those too-hot days when she didn’t feel roused enough to hunt down the mice and the bunnies, and she even appreciated his kiss: something she tells him that had made her feel like nothing else in her life. All of the very things he’s only imagined her saying in that sweet voice she uses to whisper to the pretty flowers and the bright red cardinals tweeting back to her.
He’s never been sweet, but he believes it when she tells him that he is when they’re lying side by side in the cabin later. There’s a bruise on his shoulder the shape of her teeth and one to match of his own making on her thigh. He can’t keep himself from curling his hand around her there, thumb brushing over that purple mark he’s left as he buries his face into her shoulder and catches magnolia in her scent.
“I really like you,” she admits quietly as the night air begins to chill the sweat on their bodies, as she guides his hand up to press a kiss to his fingertips. As if she had no idea just how badly he longed to ruin anything else she’s ever said that to, set the forest ablaze and lie and laugh with her in the ash.
“I love you,” he says in turn, damning himself further as he always did to a somber oblivion. Only, this one doesn’t leave. Not even when his hand pries from her mouth to take hold of her breast and his teeth graze her skin. Her face is warm, eyes misty, like she’s just been given the most hearty helping of something delicious amidst pure famine.
She doesn’t laugh at his confession, doesn’t bat his face away from her nipple, only suggests that they bathe beneath the moon. He can not fault her for not reciting the words; this bout has only made him further intent on pulling her in to keep. He convinces himself that all it would take is time, or a rougher fuck, something. He’s never been too patient, either.
The fox curls into his lap as the water reaches them, head thrown back where she sits, impaled and ecstatic while his fingers drift to her hips, head pressed to her chest where he tells her that she has more than paid him back for what she’s stolen.
She didn’t need to lie or let him sully her out of pity anymore. Testing and prying in his own way, even as he whispers that confession to her again and again, against her clavicle and up to her neck with every languid roll of her hips.
The truth spills from her mouth like rain when she comes undone, a soft sentiment that pulls him below a warm tide, drowned out and washed away only by the words she speaks then and the way her body wraps so snug around him.
She tells him that she wishes to stay like this… for as long as she possibly can.
He carries her home like a princess from some storybook, lies her in his bed and pulls her close with a grip so tight that she whines about it being too hot— that his warmth is almost smothering, but still melts beneath him when his lips find her own again. Breaking away from her feels worse than those hangdog days he had only spent watching her from afar, longing for the things that she had only now allowed for him to feel.
But König swears to her then when her eyes lock to his and her tail begins that gentle swaying again, that no matter what she will be here forever. He’ll make sure of it.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
A summary from someone who was at the premiere:
Hi! I'm the person who was at the premiere and noted how Viv ignored her fans (yes the theater was small looking back on it, this was my first time going to an event like this)
Here are the summaries of the first 3 episodes
Episode 1 The episode starts with an origin story about how the angels created the world and Lucifer was one of them and was very creative and shit. So when the angels made Adam and Lilith (and before you ask yes Hazbin's Adam is the first man, they confirmed it in the episode) and Lilith rebelled she and Lucifer became chums and ended up convicing Eve to eat the fruit, which brought sin into the world and made the angels banish Lucifer and Lilith to hell which made Lucifer sad and lose his spark because he's now surrounded by shitty humans. Lilith meanwhile continued to inspire demons with her singing and because heaven didn't like that they sent the exterminators to make sure demons do not rise up against them. But now it is up to Lucifer's and Lilith's daughter to help sinners.
Then it turns out that this was a book Charlie was reading and Vaggie comes in and comforts her telling her she believes in her. Also it turns out that Charlie has not seen Lilith in 7 years. Vaggie then tells Charlie that Alastor has a surprise and we get to see the ad Alastor made. Turns out that they forced Alastor to make an ad with video (and yes he was upset about it). Big woop the ad sucks cause Alastor insulted people in it. Angel Dust suggests to remake the ad into a fucking porno because of course he does.
Then Charlie gets a call from Lucifer who tells her that Adam wants to meet with her and she sings Happy Day in Hell during her walk to Heaven's HQ thing. Meanwhile Vaggie decides to redo the ad which involves Husk reading off the script and Angel sexually harassing him. Vaggie gets upset and Alastor sees this and promises to make a deal wirh her, he helps her make the ad with a video camera and in return they never make him do shit with video again.
Charlie reaches the Heaven's HQ where she meets Adam who literally talks like Chaz. He swears all the time, talks about sex, and even called himself "the original dick" or something , I dunno I had a stroke. He just spends like an hour or so talking to Charlie about how cool he is, how he had sex with this one chick, ect ect. He's really no different from the average demon. Also he's a hologram and he eats ribs during this. Charlie than finally gets to explain her plan to Adam but he and Lute go "no" because sinners had their chance as humans and Adam likes killing them. He then sings a song which I forgot the lyrics for, and yes the "this shot is EVERYTHING" clip came from that song, and he kicks out Charlie. Oh and the next extermination will be 6 months later because Adam felt like being a dick.
Charlie comes back home all sad and shit and Vaggie tries to cheer her up by showing her the new ad. Until it interrupts and Katie Killjoy announces the news that the next extermination will be in 6 months instead of 12. And yes her voice is literally just Bryce Tankthrust's. The episode ends with Lute showing Adam an image of a decapitated exterminator, and now they want to kill all demons because of the murder of an exterminator.
And that's episode 1
Episode 2 Episode 2 starts out with Charlie realising sinners are freaking the fuck out, and that this 6 month deadline may mean sinners may get desperate to redeem themselves. Also Valentino is constantly DMing Angel because Angel moved out. Then Sir Pentious shows up to fight Alastor again but Alastor kicks his ass.
We then meet the 3 VVVs, and Valentino disemboweled Velvette's model because he's angy Angel moved out, so she calls Vox to calm him down. Vox shows up and calms down Valentino. And bruh, Valentino somehow acts no different from Stella. He's so unthreatening and goofy with how much he acts like a spoiled child who got mad his lolipop got taken away it fucking hurts! During their chat, Valentino mentions to Vox that Angel is not the only patron at the Hazbin Hotel, but Alastor is as well which angers Vox because he thought Alastor was gone when he vanished 7 years ago.... wait-
Alastor defeats Sir Pent by punting him after he rips off a strip from Alastor's jacket. Alastor leaves to get his suit fixed up but not before summoning some monsters to guard the hotel, with whom Angel flirts with because of fucking course he does. Then we get a duet between Alastor and Vox where Alastor basically announces he's back baybee. The three VVVs then try to inflitrate the hotel so Vox they have to hire someone Charlie would not expect as a spy.
Charlie returns with no new patrons until Sir Pent knocks on the door. Vaggie is about to murk him when Charlie decides to give him a chance and welcomes him into the hotel. There she tries to teach Sir Pent how to be good by making him learn about apologizing, so he apologizes to Alastor for ripping his jacket and gives him back the strip he tore off. Alastor responds by burning the strip.
Charlie then does an excersize with the crew where they all introduce themselves, and only Charlie and Sir Pent do it. At some point we get the Roleplaying scene where Sir Pent pretends he is an innocent kid, and Charlie tells him he'll be on his way to redemption in no time, which makes Angel sad for some reason. Angel goes to his room where he scrolls through voice mails Valentino sent him which flip flop between "Angel baybee I'm so sorry" to "Pick up you fucking whore". And the last one is him telling Angel that "there is no hope for you" while red smoke wraps around sad Angel.
Later that night Angel gets up to get a drink of booze when he walks in on Sir Pent putting up a camera from Vox. He confronts Sir Pent and they start fighting. Charlie and Vaggie walk in and Angel reveals what Sir Pent did. At that moment Vox calls Sir Pent and tells him he's a failure who should die because he failed. Sir Pent then bows down to Angel and Vaggie saying he's sorry and they can kill him. They're about to do so when Charlie breaks out into a song how redemption starts with a sorry. They all then go back to bed when Alastor t poses into the room and bullies Vox for a bit before breaking the watch Sir Pent used to have to talk to Vox.
||Also Niffty simped for Sir Pent for a bit because he's a "bad boy", but after he and Charlie sang that song she got upset that he wasn't a bad boy anymore||
And that's ep 2
Episode 3 So episode 3 starts out with it being one week since Sir Pent joined and Vaggie is chewing him out for building weapons and havine egg minions. So she has Alastor take the egg men away. (We also get a scene of Alastor eating a deer carcass for breakfast) Sir Pent also keeps trying to shoot ppl because he doesn't trust anyone.
In response to this Charlie tries to do some trust exercises for the rest of the crew, such as having them say the most intimate things about themselves while also falling down and letting the crew catch them. She tells them how much she loves them and Vaggie catches her. Angel sexually harasses Husk by saying he loves sucking popsicles and then falling in his arms and saying he loves sucking dick too. Sir Pent says he loved his minions and tells ppl not to catch them but they all do anyways. Niffty confesses that she loves killing mama bug infront of their babies so they learn fear. No one catches her but she keeps jumping off the stage over and over. Then Angel suggests another exercise.
Cut back to Alastor and the egg fellows who meet up with Zestial (who also has one of the hottest voices in the show like holy fuck, then again he's voiced by Ozzie's VA). Also people seem to be so scared of Zestial they either run away or the hurt themselves. Alastor and Zestial talk about how Alastor went missing for 7 years and is now working with the princess of hell or sumthin. They end up in a meeting for overlords where Rosie shows up but she says nothing. Also despite Alastor telling the egg sapiens to stay outside one of them ends up following him. Here we meet Carmilla who gathered the overlords to talk about protecting sinners from the extermiation or something. Then Velvette shows up because Vox and Val didn't wanna show up, and she reveals to the overlords a dismembered exorsist head. Then we get a song where Velvette and Carmilla duet and the song kinda slapped? I forgot most of the conversation tho. Then after the song Carmilla tells the Overlords to leave, and Alastor makes the egg man that followed him spy on Carmilla, and it turns out that she's the one that killed the exorsist but I forgot why she keeps it a secret. Also Carmilla and Zestial seem to be a thing. Then she gets a song that's also a duet with Vaggie which I also forgot what it's about.
Speaking of, Angel takes the crew to a BDSM club because of fucking course its a sex joke. Vaggie says no and then takes the crew to a turf war and makes them all fight against other sinners to make them learn how to trust one another??? It some how ends up working btw. Later on after the afromentioned duet Vaggie apologizes to Charlie but she says it's ok since Angel, Sir Pent, Husk, and Niffty seem to be chummy now now that they helped one another in that turf fight. Alastor returns with the eggs and Vaggie allows Sir Pent to have them back. The episode ends with Sir Pent and his eggs going to bed.
And that is the end of my Hazbin screening.
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space-noods · 3 months
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Childhood Friend Eren x Reader, modern AU
childhood friend Eren who was a rather dull and listless kid.
childhood friend Eren whose only friends are his step-sister and the neighborhood nerd.
childhood friend Eren who had little drive or ambition. While he had some strange attraction to violence when playing with toys, he would find no purpose in playing and move on.
childhood friend Eren whose attention is piqued when he sees the house next door be bought. Armin, Mikasa and him spend the day watching from the window facing the house. There they see an older lady and a very young girl.
childhood friend Eren who is not drawn to you like Armin and Mikasa are. Armin hopes you enjoy reading and the ocean. He also live with his grandparents and feels a kinship to you even before he met you. Mikasa hopes she can finally indulge in her more creative side with you. She hopes having another girl around means someone can empathize with her. Eren doesn’t really care for you. He just hopes you’re not boring.
childhood friend Eren who didn’t meet you until a week later after his mom forced him to bring your grandma a fruit basket. Mikasa was at a martial arts class, so he had to go alone.
childhood friend Eren who is surprised to see his own eyes when you open the door. Not necessarily the color, but rather the jaded apathetic expression you wore. And for the first time, Eren felt a spark.
childhood friend Eren who enters your house with a rather eclectic interior design. Trinkets and crochet projects covering the living room. Through all that, he could see volleyball trophies and awards. You lead him all the way to your backyard and invite him to eat the fruits
“You know three people died here.”
You stared owlishly at him. “Did you kill them or what?”
And a smile forms on his lips. You were just like him.
childhood friend Eren who becomes attached to you immediately. He seeks your attention all the time. Despite your rather apathetic expression, he would drag from location to location. If he wanted to play in the sand pit, he would drag you and force you to play. If he wanted to eat snacks under the slide, he would drag you there too. You two were inseparable. His hand would always gravitate to yours.
childhood friend Eren who grows up glued to your hip. He forces you to be friends with Armin and Mikasa. Though, if he felt you were too close to them, he would drag you away. He would force you into sleepovers for as long as he could. Since your guardian was your grandmother, she wouldn’t monitor you too much. So she had no qualms with you and Eren sleeping in the same bed well into his teens. When Eren’s mom found you two sleeping together, she had told him he had to stop doing that. She essentially banned him from sleeping in the same bed as you. He moved sleepovers to your house instead. Your grandma didn’t mind, and you didn’t mind, so there was no problem right?
childhood friend Eren who does his best to support you in all your games. He would bring you water and often cheer you up.
childhood friend Eren who knew that you were a volleyball prodigy. And while he admired that, it was during your games that he realized that he was missing something. He didn’t know what, but he knew that it had to do something with you.
childhood friend Eren is proven right in his middle school years. This was an important game for you, as it would qualify you for nationals. With the reputation you had, many high schools were scouting you. This could change your future entirely. The more selfish part of Eren hoped that you would fail and follow him to the local high school.
childhood friend Eren who watched as you fight to carry your team. The disparity between your skills and your teammates was obvious. You dedicated so much time and effort into honing your skill. For the other girls, this was a recreational activity. For you, this was your life. So when their lack of training caught up with them in the game, you became frustrated. It was almost painful seeing you thrown your body around trying to reach the ball. If people weren’t wincing everytime you threw yourself, they would have been impressed with how you managed to keep the game going for so long. Eventually, you couldn’t keep up anymore. The ball began to fall more often on your court. You couldn’t reach it fast enough. No one was passing it right. It was all going wrong. Inevitably, you lost. And maybe if you managed to stay calm, you would have still been scouted. If you had taken some deep breathes and smiled away the pain, you probably would have been invited for a campus tour at an elite school. IF. But you didn’t. Instead you lashed out. At the loss of your team, the other team obviously begun to cheer. Your own teammates resigned with their loss and began heading to the benches. Not you. Yo u stayed kneeling on the floor, panting. Your knees bruised and your forearms a bright red. As the cheers died down, the spectators shifted their attention to you, still on the floor. Empathic views shifted to horrified as you started on a loud and angry tirade. You began to yell, pointing each of your teammates out: their flaws, their vices, their weaknesses. It didn’t even stop at them. Littered with curse words, you even insulted your coaches. You were ushered off the court. Eren should have felt angry on your behalf. He should have been embarrassed at your behavior. He should have felt anything other than what he was really feeling. Because what he was feeling was complete. Seeing your passion and anger struck a chord in him. The urge to fight resonated with him. He found his purpose. And it came from you.
childhood friend Eren who ignored Mikasa and Armin as they went to look at you. Instead, he couldn’t take his eyes off from the spot on the floor. The overflowing joy bubbled out of him in a maniacal laughter. He was right. You were just like him
I know Eren feels a little OOC in this, but it’s largely based on the mini chapters that took place in the modern world. If I remember correctly, Eren was actually a very boring character, almost appearing like a background character. But in one scene, Ymir (the founding) appears to him. And I could go in depth to what it all that means, but to keep it concise I interpreted it as a “Eren isn’t Eren if he doesn’t have the anger he had in the Titan Universe.” Like part of what makes him him is the desire to fight, so when he saw MC ‘fight’ for something, it clicks in him (sorry if this part is kind of confusing. These thoughts have been marinating for a while)
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
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Monkiefam: Part 0
Midnight Malaise
(Part Zero) (Part One) (Part Two)
It doesn’t particularly surprise the troop when you sneak out of your room. Both of them are fully aware that you often wander around at night like this. They know that you aren’t getting enough rest, that you aren’t eating properly.
The house is silent, save for the occasional rumbling snore from Wukong. You’ve been told to never leave your room at night- but that’s more of a suggestion than a stone-set rule. Really, as long as you don’t leave the bounds of the house, they have no trouble with your little late-night adventures.
Even the garden outside isn’t off limits, as long as you don’t go past the fences.
And beside- it’s peaceful tonight. It’s no more dangerous than taking one little stroll out in Megapolis to see the moonlight.
…you’ve come to miss Megapolis. The mountain was absolutely enchanting at first, but that was back when you thought that being here was merely a choice.
Before you had asked one of the monkeys to bring you home, and received a very firm “no”. And then went and asked the other one, only to quickly receive the same answer again.
Before all that, Flower Fruit Mountain had been lovely and welcoming.
You sit at the bottom step of the stairs, taking a moment to grab both of your shoes, wishing you had something a little sturdier. But anything that would hold up outside the soft soil of the flower garden was kept well out of your reach.
And even then, these compliant and squishy sandals are sometimes hidden to keep you inside.
MK finds you before you’ve even got the first shoe on. The kid peels it out of your hand and tosses it against the other, knocking them both into the wall.
He settles down on the same step and leans against you, pressing into the warmth offered by skinship. It’s a habit of his, a desire for touch- he’s incredibly trigger-happy with affection. The hero leans his head against your shoulder, taking in the scent of you. You smell of linen and soap and home. Too much time spent hiding in the laundry room, buried under mounds of fresh blankets and warm sheets. Something that helped to remind you of simpler days. It makes him smile, how comforting that scent is.
“What are you thinking about, Y/N?” No malice. No anger. Just love. And a strong note of worry.
There’s no point in lying. If you’re up this late, it’s because you want to go out to the garden and lay among the flowers and pretend that you’re anywhere but this sacred mountain.
“…I wanted to get some fresh air.”
“Not while it’s this late. It’s not safe.” He’s pretty firm about this- there’s too much worry to consider other options aside from the frequent “no” you always seem to receive. He looks at you and speaks, his voice almost reverent with love. “Instead, how about I make you a bowl of noodles and then you go to bed?”
“…I’m not really all that hungry, MK.”
“Yes you are.” He’s even more firm with that response. “I’m not asking if you’re hungry, I’m telling you. It’s been three days, Y/N. This isn’t healthy for you at all!
MK doesn’t give you a further chance to respond, just scooping you up and and walking off to the kitchen. This might’ve been harder for him, once… but you’ve lost a lot of weight during your stay.
Sitting you into a cushioned chair, MK’s humming quietly as he prepares the noodles. A well-learned cook, he’s picked up on a lot from his lessons with Pigsy- who is often stern with his training. But, even in something such as this generational cooking, you can see the kindness and gentleness MK possesses.
So you stay there in the chair, almost patiently waiting at the table. The most you do is quietly drum your fingers against the wood. Although you’re not too big on eating lately, you aren’t really brave enough to argue with the members of your ‘family’.
“It’s ready!” He slides you a bowl of steaming, delicious noodles- the savory and herbal scent alone is enough to make your mouth water. He nudges the bowl closer. He’s clearly put a lot of care and effort into making the meal, and he’s not leaving until you’ve tried it. The kid looks determined, and a little bit upset?
Maybe he’s just that worried.
With a sigh, you reluctantly tuck into the noodles and take a few deep bites.
It’s not that they’re bad. In fact, they’re objectively pretty delicious. You just… haven’t had much of an appetite lately.
MK beams at you, watching with a soft smile as you eat. “Do you like it? I made as close to Pigsy’s as I could!” He gently nudges the bowl closer, trying to get you to eat even more.
“…it’s good,” you grudgingly confess, quickly finding that your words come out slurred. There’s… something herbal in here, I think…?”
“It’s a dash of ginger for warmth and good sleep,” he says, voice cheery to mask his omission. A half-truth reaches your ears, MK leaving out the real ingredient: a ground sprig of valeriana jatamansi, it’s sedating impact enhanced by growing beside the mystical rivers of Flower Fruit Mountain.
And if you had known that, you would know that Sun Wukong had coordinated this plan with MK, giving him the herb to grind down and add to your bowl.
And after just half the bowl, your eyes are fluttering and the chopsticks waver in your hand.
He rushes forward, practically tearing the wooden sticks out of your hands before standing you back on your feet. “Bed. Now.” His voice is uncharacteristically firm, urgent. He’s a lot more serious now, almost desperate. His worry is evident in his tone.
You try to dig your feet into the wooden flooring, attempting to pull free from his grasp. “N-no, I won’t. L-let… let go.”
MK’s grip is a surprisingly strict one, though he’s quite soft while doing it. The kid’s strength only really comes into play when someone’s health or safety is at risk. He’s stronger than he looks. More importantly, he’s worried enough to drop his usual gentleness. His grip tightens, dragging you behind him as he moves onwards.
He leads you; not up the stairs to your room, but across the house to Wukong’s.
“Heh. Finally got ‘em to eat something, bud? Good job,” he says, lightly ruffling his student’s hair. “I’m proud of you.”
And MK nearly buckles at the knees, overloaded with warmth and happiness. It’s only the fact that he’s holding you now that keeps the boy from throwing himself into the affection being offered.
“Alright, both of you- get in and get comfy. We’re sleeping in tonight.”
MK tosses your nearly unconscious form to his mentor, who then tucks you in nice and tight. “There’s one of my kids… come on bud, you’re up next!”
With a gleeful laugh, the affection-seeking boy squishes in beside you, throwing his arms all around your waist.
Wukong’s chest rumbles with a deep and contented purr, nuzzling you against his fur. He bears the scent of peaches and wildflowers, sun-beaten grass and sweet honey. “Hey there, cub.” The simian’s voice is both gentle and warm, the same as the arms he wraps around you. His entire body radiates a sense of protection and safety.
“Feeling sleepy?” The Great Sage asks, one ginger-furred hand hand cupping your cheek so he can tilt your head to him.
Without a word, the simian studies your face, wearing a sad, fond smile. He can sense your unrest, your deep sorrow, the anguish of your separation from the home you adored. His ancient heart aches with worry. He’s wanted to hug you, to hold you, to ease your sadness with the power of his embrace for so long now…
And all it took to get you here was one little herb…
It’s certainly not something that he or his student will ever regret.
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markantonys · 8 days
While I still don't think the show has done enough to show why the world despises and fears male channelers (since it really should've been embedded into the world building, so far we only know that the Aes Sedai hate and fear them) and it does kinda lessen the impact of the narrative that none of the EF5 had at least an initial gut reaction to Rand being able to channel. I do wonder how they're gonna handle that topic moving forward, cause it kinda has to be addressed now that Rand is actively channeling. I could see it being expanded more deeply as Rand's madness progresses/tie it into his arc.
the show has made it ABUNDANTLY clear that Male Channelers Are Considered Bad News By All. it IS embedded into the worldbuilding. was the king saying that logain's gone mad and trying to kill him not enough for you? was the people of tar valon jeering and throwing fruit at him not enough for you? was rand and mat saying "hey if i'm a male channeler please kill me" not enough for you? was rand's terror the second he realized selene saw him channel not enough for you? was selene's act of how a normal person would react to finding out her boyfriend can channel not enough for you? was his heartbroken yet unsurprised reaction to her rejection not enough for you? was the whole backstory of a male channeler causing the apocalypse not enough for you? do you think that show-onlys are completely incapable of putting all these pieces together along with aes sedai treatment of male channelers and coming to the conclusion that male channelers are probably not very popular with most people and it's going to be very tough for rand that he is one?
literally what else should they have done that would make sense within the very small world and very early story of the first 2 seasons/3 books that they didn't already do? shown emond's fielders sitting around the dinner table talking about how much they hate and fear male channelers when none of them has ever met one and thus it's not relevant to their lives? wasted time doing a whole sidequest for rand in s2 where his abilities are discovered by some Average Citizens and they react badly? shit all over show!mat's characterization and given him a negative reaction to rand in s2 that would not make sense for his current show headspace, just for the sake of furthering rand's randpain? i'm sick of the rand stans who act like rand is the only character who matters and mat's characterization should be sacrificed just so we can go "oh poor rand uwu even his own best friend is mean to him". portraying mat in 2x06 as the sort of person who bullies and kicks his best friend while he's down would've been beneficial because......? what is so wrong with the show making the ef5 feel like mutually loyal friends instead of "rand is the best and most loyal friend in the world but the rest are little shits who abandon him as soon as the going gets tough"? seeing as in the books, mat continues to be an extremely loyal friend to rand throughout the series but most readers are too stupid to see through his unreliable narration and realize he doesn't mean it when he says that rand channeling is like him eating babies, i'm not surprised the show decided to simplify things in order to convey the true heart of mat's character (loyal and caring friend to rand) in a more obvious manner.
and i guarantee you that no show-only is going "oh, it's only aes sedai who have a problem with male channelers, everyone else thinks they're cool". that's not happening. show-onlys are not stupid, and they understand that male channelers are considered bad news by all; or maybe they haven't thought much yet about how male channelers are viewed by the average public, but in future seasons once we see rand getting shit from the average public, they are not going to be surprised or confused or go "but i thought it was only aes sedai who had a problem with them and everyone else thinks they're cool?", they're going to go "oh, well we've seen how much aes sedai hate them, so it makes sense that everyone else does too". stop. think for 2 seconds about "have i actually seen a large number* of show-onlys misunderstanding X and/or do i think it's plausible that a large number of show-onlys would be likely to misunderstand X, or do show-onlys have enough context clues to figure out X for themselves or to be unsurprised when X is expanded on and made more explicit in future seasons and i'm working myself up into a state over a non-issue?"
*there are always going to be a handful of people incapable of critical thinking who willfully misunderstand what the show is showing us, just like there are readers like that with the books, hence unless a LARGE number of general-population show-onlys are misunderstanding X, as opposed to just 20 idiots on twitter, i do not consider it a failure by the show in portraying X.
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rea-grimm · 5 months
Vampire Law pt 1
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You suspected that Law was more than just an ordinary person with special powers. Although he attributed it all to devil fruit, your intuition told you otherwise.
You sailed with the Heart Pirates and could proudly say that you were a part of the crew. The life of piracy was wonderful, but it wasn't the main reason you joined the pirates.
That reason was the captain. Your paths have crossed several times before when you helped each other. At first, it was just a help, but gradually you started to miss the pirate and you looked forward to your meeting more and more. 
Something drew you to him and gradually you realized that you had a crush on him and wanted to spend more time with him. Although you only had eyes for him and maybe that's why you didn't see that he also had feelings for you.
You had each other's backs and the whole crew knew about you and shipped you two. Neither of you knew how much the other wanted you to finally get together.
You were in the kitchen preparing something small to eat when you decided to prepare something for Law as well. Once again he was busy with studies and research and forgot about the world around him and his own needs.
You made him some onigiri that you knew he liked and took them to his study room along with a drink. You knocked before walking in and placing his tray of food next to the papers.
“A little something to boost you up,” you smiled at him. Law thanked you before taking the onigiri and eating. However, he stopped after a few bites. He stopped chewing and you could see he was thinking.
"Don't you like them?" you asked worriedly. Have you messed up? Your question snapped him out of his thoughts and he immediately assured you they were delicious before taking another bite.
You wanted to be there with him for a while, spend at least a few minutes together, when there was a bang in the submarine. You were on your feet instantly and so was Law.
"I'll check it out. Get some rest and don't overdo it,” you smiled at him before leaving to find out what the others were up to.
Law listened and took another bite. He didn't understand what was happening. The onigiri tasted great. Actually, like everything you prepared for him. However, he had the impression that he was not satisfied at all. However, he didn't make much of it, as it could have been tiring.
Law was having dinner together with everyone after a long time. You finished your meal and noticed that he barely touched his food. He ate a little, but not much. Instead, he drank constantly. It was already the umpteenth glass that he drank to the bottom.
You were about to fill him up when he took the bottle from you and almost desperately drank it all at once. As soon as the bottle was empty he took a breath and wiped his chin.
“Be careful so you don't drown,” you said jokingly, but you were starting to worry about him. Law didn't answer that for you. His thoughts were completely elsewhere again and he was frowning.
He didn't think so either. Even though he drank the entire bottle, he was still thirsty, even though his stomach protested that it couldn't handle more water. 
The food did not satisfy him, and the unquenchable thirst. He wasn't stupid, he knew very well what the symptoms were, but he didn't understand why they appeared to him only now.
Before you could ask him what he was thinking about, he got up and left for the study. He needed to verify something, and especially if he was right, he didn't want to hurt anyone unintentionally.
You were worried about him and you could see that everyone else was just as surprised as you were. You decided to go check on him just to be sure. Sure, he had his secrets, but he never acted like this.
You walked up to the study room and knocked on the door. However, you didn't wait for an invitation and went straight inside. Law was sitting in a chair, his head in his hands, and he didn't look very well.
"Law, what's wrong? You don't look good,” and you walked over to him. You were about to take his hand when he smirked at you.
"Leave me alone. Get out!” he snapped at you. He was your captain, you should have obeyed him, but you simply couldn't leave him alone when he was struggling.
“Not until you tell me how I can help,” you replied stubbornly. "Nobody is here. You can confide in me. You know I won't tell anyone,” you tried to soften him up.
Law gave you a look that gave you chills. You felt like you knew all his expressions, but this was something new. You took a step back when everything suddenly happened too quickly for your liking.
You had no idea when Law got up, but he took your hands and pinned you to the ground. He was straddled over you, one hand holding your wrist above your head, the other supporting himself and bending over your neck.
Only now did you notice how his eyes were red. It was a shock compared to his original grey eyes it was a shock. He looked like a wild animal that had been starving for weeks and had now caught its prey.
“Law!” you tried to talk him, get out of his grip, but it was like trying to move a rock. His mouth was open in which you could see a set of sharp canines. He was panting heavily and slowly leaned against your neck.
“Law!” you screamed louder as his teeth touched your neck. You started to struggle again, calling his name, your voice slowly growing in desperation.
“Law…” This time your voice was weaker as you had the feeling that he wouldn't hear you anyway. He was completely deaf to you. It was only a matter of time before he bit you.
However, nothing came of it and you looked at him hesitantly. He looked like he was fighting with himself and was even shaking. In an instant, your eyes met and Law let go of you and pulled away.
“Get out!” he gritted out through gritted teeth. His hands were clenched into fists
"I'll bring you something..." despite all that, you wanted to help. Maybe get me something to calm down or something.
“Just. Get. Out!” and he sounded even more in pain than before, but also much more desperate. You didn't say anything more, just looked at him worriedly before walking away.
When you disappeared from the room, he groaned in pain. He got up and locked the door. He never knew that his bloodlust would be so strong that he would lose control. 
During dinner it still worked, the scents mingled there and he somehow managed to concentrate. But when you came to him, all he could smell was your scent, and his predatory instincts took over. 
All he had to think about was you. Your scent, your voice, your skin under which he could feel the blood pulsating. He shook his head, he had to concentrate because as he started to think about you, his mouth began to water. He needed to learn to control it.
Every time he thought he got his thirst under control, you walked past the study hall and he was back to zero. He had to control himself not to break the door and jump at your throat.
PT 2
Law Masterlist
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welldonebeca · 8 months
about offices and feelings (3)
Summary: When Steve is stuck in an elevator with his office crush, he is forced to face his feelings about her. Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader WC: 3.5k words Warning: Smut. Dirty talking. D/s dynamics. Unprotected sex. Body worship.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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There was almost a little angel and a little devil on each of Steve's shoulders as he followed you with his car.
His mother had raised him so much better than that. She would have smacked you right over the head if she even heard that he was going to have premarital sex with a woman who wasn't even his girlfriend yet, what kind of catholic was he supposed to be?!
On the other hand - and shoulder - Bucky would kill him if he found out he even thought of walking away from this chance, especially after he heard him speaking of you the way he did since you two had met.
And Steve really, really wanted you.
He could take you on a date tomorrow. If you let him stay over, he could get up early and make you two some nice breakfast, and then take you out to lunch.
There, now he had solved the "not dating" problem.
Did he have condoms?
Fuck, he didn't have condoms.
To be fair, he didn't even have reasons to carry around condoms.
Maybe you had them?
But fuck, the idea of fucking you raw and stuffing you with his seed...
It would be so irresponsible and he couldn't ever suggest it to you. What kind of man would do that?
He followed you into your building, parking right behind your car, and you looked way calmer than him when you met in the garage.
"I want to take you to lunch," he told you the moment you even looked at him. "Tomorrow."
You stopped, a bit surprised.
"Okay," you agreed. "Tomorrow?"
"Or dinner," he added. "Maybe both, and the two days in a row. I don't mind."
You smiled, surprised, almost laughing.
"I'd go anywhere with you."
Steve chuckled, relaxing.
"Lead the way," he asked you.
You took his hand, guiding him to the stairs, and he couldn't help the laugh that left his lips as you climbed up.
"No chance of another elevator breaking with us inside today," he joked.
You laughed with him.
"I don't think I'll ever get into an elevator without fearing it'll break again," you confessed, leaving his hand and digging for something in your bag.  "Can I have your licence?"
He frowned, a bit confused, but grabbed his wallet and took it, offering it to you.
When you two stopped at the top, you took a picture and gave it back to him, typing something on your phone.
"If I end up dead or hurt, you got two lawyers and a very good tech dude who know where you work and your full name," you told him playfully. "Hope you don't mind."
He put it back in his wallet and pocket.
"Whatever keeps you alive," Steve shrugged.
You put your phone back and finally took your keys, and he stood quietly as you unlocked the door, waiting for an invitation to come in.
Your place wasn't big. He could see a small corridor, a kitchen that shared its space with the living room without making it too small, and two doors that he supposed were your bedroom and your bathroom. It was cozy, and it did have some personality.
He could see a few paintings hanging around and surrounded with pictures of you with other people, on occasions that seemed very important to you.
And he would love to ask you about them, the story behind them and who those people were, but he was there for a reason.
"Do you want to eat or drink anything?" you offered. "I have fruit snacks, tea, some actually really nice little-"
"You," he turned around quickly.
You looked at him, wide eyes and confused, and at least five inches shorter.
"I want to eat you," he decided simply.
You grinned loudly, and you simply dropped your shirt down.
Steve took one big step and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close and kissing your lips, and this time it wasn't calm or sweet. Instead, Steve kissed you hungrily, the way he'd been wanting to do it for a long, long time.
He moved his hand to your hips, holding you and sighing into your lips at the soft feeling of your flesh in your hands.
Fuck, he wanted to kiss you all over, bite and worship your whole body.
He angled himself, and you pulled back from his lips.
"You don't have-" you tried to protest.
Steve didn't let you completely, and picked you right up.
He wished he could burn the way you gasped and held onto him right in his brain so that every time he did it he could remember how cute it sounded.
"Steve!" you squeezed his shoulders.
"The day I can't carry my woman to bed will be the day I know I'm not doing things right in the gym," he said simply.
And it wasn't even a struggle. Carrying you was way nicer than the weights he had to place around in the gym.
You let out a little giggle, hiding your face in his neck and clenching his middle with your delicious thighs, and he didn't even realise his slip-up - and maybe you hadn't either.
He walked the two of you over to your bedroom, holding you with a single hand on your back to open the door, and moved his lips receptively when you went back into kissing him, fingers reaching up to tangle themselves into his hair.
Steve sat down with you right over him, not even embarrassed by how hard his cock was already, using his hands to pull your clothes and push your skirt up at the same time, although frustrated when instead of finding your soft thighs under it, he was met with more fabric.
"Off," he mumbled, trying to tug on it, and you giggled into his lips.
He didn't want to let you go but did, and you stood up, adjusting your shirt as he watched you.
"Off," you parroted, moving your hand back and unzipping it.
Steve watched rather hungrily as it fell around your legs, he could see that you were wearing some kind of shorts underneath, which kept your undershirt tucked, and he waited patiently as you pushed it down, finally revealing your thighs, and they were jsut as beautiful as every bit of skin he had seen of you.
Impatience filled him as he watched you go, and he stood up on his feet, taking off his shirt and undershirt already, and when he got to look at you again, he stopped.
There you stood in front of him, in bra and panties.
They didn't quite match, the bra just looked very basic - black, fitting, with thick straps - and the panties were blue with flowers.
"Not that sexy," you giggled, looking a bit nervous. "I wasn't expecting anyone to see it."
Somehow, that made him even hornier.
Steve pushed his pants down without much patience, stepping out of them and pulling you again.
"You're so beautiful," he exhaled as you spread your thighs around him, caressing your warm skin from your knees to the roundness of your hips, and you gasped a little when his hand traced the line of your panties over your belly. "Wanna know what made me mad today?"
You shook your head, and he sought your lips again, kissing you as he moved down and down and down, until he found the gusset.
They were so modest, so professional, just like you. He wanted to make them drenched and messy.
He bit your lower lips when you gasped, and smirked as he looked for your clit.
"Steve" you panted, rubbing your nose over his.
Oh, you were all breathless already.
So pretty.
"That tight little skirt," he told you. "Could see lower your belly on it, all pretty... wanted to touch it, kiss it."
You closed your eyes, and he pushed his fingers a little, finding your entrance and circling it.
"I just wanted to spread you on the table and bite it," he hissed. "Almost couldn't concentrate on the meeting, could barely stop looking at you."
You whined in response, moving your hips, and he moved up to your clit, rubbing it in circles.
"Didn't know you even looked at me like that," you fell into his neck.
He chuckled, moving back, giving your lower lip a little lick.
"Would you let me, little miss?" he teased you. "Bite and kiss that belly that has been tempting me for days?"
The way you looked at him... oh, he wanted to take a picture to hang it.
"Yeah," you whispered. "I would."
Steve smiled, lifting you up and putting you on the bed.
He took one long look at your body ont he bed. Your big tits, the rolls of your belly, the thickness of your thighs.
Steve wished he could touch everything at once, kiss everything at once, bite everything at once. He could spend hours and hours worshipping even inch of delicious soft skin, exposed just for him.
But if he had his way, then he would have time.
You moved to the centre of the bed and he knelt in front of you, kissing your lips again before moving down. He kissed and bit and suck on your neck and jaw, moving his nose over your breasts, promising himself he would come back to them soon.
At last, he reached your belly, and was happy to move his hands to it, caressing your sides as he moved down and down, kissing the soft flesh.
Oh, he loved the idea of painting it with his cum, marking you. It would be beautiful.
Steve followed his objective, settling between your legs and slowly, very teasingly, pulling your panties down to the curve of your hips, uncovering your belly.
He kissed along the line it made on your skin, very carefully, so he was sure it wouldn't hurt you, still slow to try and pace himself, to savour everything.
Slowly, he ran his teeth over your skin, earning a little whimper, and ran his knuckle over the gusset of your panties, playing with you.
"Please," you pleaded breathlessly. "Steve. You said you were going to bite."
He laughed a little, lips still on your skin.
"Impatient much?" he teased you.
But you pouted.
"You said you'd been thinking about it the whole day," you retorted. "And now you got me thinking about it."
He laughed a little, and moved his lips down, down and down, and bit you right down your belly button, earning a gasp.
"Like this?" he hummed, moving his hands to hook his finger on the side of your panties, pulling just enough to ease a finger into your cunt.
He kissed along the line it made on your skin, very carefully so he was sure it wouldn't hurt you, still slow to try and pace himself, to savour everything.
Slowly, he ran his teeth over your skin, earning a little whimper, and ran his knuckle over the gusset of your panties, playing with you.
"Please," you pleaded breathlessly. "Steve. You said you were going to bite."
He laughed a little, lips still on your skin.
"Impatient much?" he teased you.
But you pouted.
"You said you'd been thinking about it the whole day," you retorted. "And now you got me thinking about it."
He laughed a little, and moved his lips down, down and down, and bit you right down your belly button, earning a gasp.
"Like this?" he hummed, moving his hands to hook his finger on the side of your panties, pulling just enough to ease a finger into your cunt.
And you were drenched.
Steve moaned into your skin as he bit you again, enjoying the feeling against his teeth, the softness and plushiness.
Yes. That, that was what he needed.
You moaned in a long exhale when he started fucking you with his finger, kissing, biting and sucking you. He wanted to mark, for you to remember him every time you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Your walls squeezed around his finger when he caressed a special spot, and Steve looked up at your face, finding your lips parted and your eyes closed.
God, what a beauty.
He pushed a second finger as he left suck-and-bite love marks on your skin, licking whichever stretch mark he found from start to fish, every little skin mark, every little patch.
"Steve," you pleaded, sounding needy. "Please."
Steve kissed your skin gently.
"What do you need?"
You shuddered.
"Inside me," you spread your legs. "Want you to fill me up."
His cock throbbed as he pulled away, taking his finger from inside you, and sucked onto it happily before taking your panties and pulling them down your legs, moving away from the bed to take off what was left of his clothes - including his socks.
You sat up to watch him, taking off your bra, and Steve had the pleasure of seeing you licking your lips as the sight of him.
Oh, but he would fuck that smirk right off that beautiful face of yours.
He climbed back to the bed, kissing your lips briefly and moving right to your tits, his hands aching to squeeze them and see how much spilling from his hands there would be.
His thumbs caressed your nipples, finding them already hard and pointy, your tits spilling from the grip of his fingers as you whined adorably.
"Steve," you pushed your fingers into his hair. "Need you."
He spread your legs, taking his cock in his hand and stroking himself before setting himself in place, rubbing the head up and down your pussy, letting your wetness coat him.
The moment he pushed into you, both of you moaned.
Fuck, yes.
"Gonna take all of my cock, won't you, pretty miss?" he grunted. "All of that big cock in your wet cunt."
"Yes," you moaned, tossing your head back. "Give it to me, Steve. Want it all."
He reached up, pinching your nipple and twisting it, earning another beautiful sound from you.
He didn't know if he would be able to ever look at you and not think of those beautiful little sounds, little moans and mewls as he pushed into you, patience and nice, and you cunt swallowed him down.
Steve pulled back a little bit, careful, and pushed in again, fucking you slowly.
You were having none of it, though.
"Harder," you pleaded. "Steve!"
But he clicked his tongue.
"I don't want to hurt you," he insisted.
Still, you raised your legs, trying to wrap them around his waist, and he held them down firmly.
"No, little miss," he scowled, taking his sweet time. "You're gonna be good and take what you're given."
You whimpered beautifully, squeezing his cock a little more and he raised his eyebrows.
"Do you like it, little miss," he moved a little more, fucking you slowly. "When I'm all bossy with you?"
You nodded, covering your face a little bit, and he pulled your hands away.
"Don't ever be ashamed of how I make you feel," he whispered. "I want to hear everything."
You nodded, looking all soft on the face, and Steve pushed the last inch of his cock right into you, burying himself in your dripping cunt.
"Steve," you moaned.
"Feels good?" he panted, caressing the way down your belly before moving to your cunt, searching for your clit and finding it stiff.
He gave it a circular rub, testing to see how you liked it, and you let out the hottest of sounds, gasping, cunt squeezing around his cock deliciously.
"Yes," you cried. "Feel good, please. Please, Steve."
So, so impatient.
Steve clicked his tongue, fucking you ever so patiently, controlling himself as he rubbed you, focusing on your pleasure.
He wanted you to cum on his cock, wanted to watch you cry and feel you cream.
"What kind of gentleman do you think I am, little miss?" he teased you. "To just use you without making sure I've given you pleasure?"
Fuck, you felt so good. Warm and wet and slicky, welcoming him so nicely.
"What kind of good man would I be if I didn't make you cum before I even thought of myself?" he asked.
You moaned more, arching your hips as his finger picked up the pace on your clit.
"Yes," you panted. "Gonna cum, Steve, just like that."
He continued with his pace, hand on your hip and fingers on your swollen bud, his eyes trained on your tits for a moment. Fuck, he could make them bounce so beautifully.
But he moved his eyes up, focusing on your face.
"Look at me," Steve whispered. "Wanna see you cum for me, wanna see your eyes."
You opened them, giving him the sultriest look he'd ever seen, the sexiest expression on your face. Your sounds filled the room as you came and he had to hold himself back for a moment, your spasms on his sensitive cock, the sight of you and the sounds from you making him feel nearly inebriated.
You were still coming down when he finally, fucking finally, let himself move faster.
He slammed his hips against yours, and you fucking loved it.
So he did again, grunting as your tits bounced, as your moans came out in little staccato breaths, your cunt never ceasing to milk him.
With each moan of his, you seemed to adore everything, and he was glad to oblige.
"Yes," you tossed your head back when he rutted into you, hipbone brushing your clit each time he slammed into you, and he didn't know if he would rather drag your pleasure and make you mad and needy or overflow you with it. "Steve."
He leaned down, sucking on your nipple, groping your breasts, squeezing and playing with them eagerly.
You crossed your legs behind his back like you'd tried to do before, and Steve focused even more on your pleasure when your sounds grew.
"You're going to cum again, baby?" he pulled on your nipples, playing with both with his hands. "Hm? Gonna cum on my cock?"
"Yes," you cried. "Yes, Steve."
Your cunt fluttered deliciously around him, closer and closer, wetter and wetter.
"You want me to rub your clit?" he offered. "Play with you, hm?"
But your shook your head.
"Your... hip-" you moaned. "Fuck, just don't stop, don't stop, please, please, please-"
He didn't. Steve fucked you, trying to keep doing exactly what he had been doing before, and watched with pleasure as you came, feeling himself too close.
And just then, it dawned on him that he hadn't put on a condom, that you two hadn't even talked about it.
"Fuck," he grunted, raising himself.
But your cunt was so good, so slick, so delicious.
He was just going to fuck you a little more, just a bit more, he could hold it, he could-
Steve pulled himself from inside you quickly, taking his hand to his slick-covered cock for what felt like a second before he came, his cum coming out in quick spurts painting your beautiful torso over his teeth marks, pearly white against flushed skin.
You panted as you watched him, looking down at your body and where he had painted you, and Steve outrightly whimpered when you ran a finger over some of his cum and straight up tasted it before sitting up and kissing him hungrily.
Slowly, it became softer, sweeter, and Steve manoeuvred the two of you, laying down on your bed.
"I guess we should have talked about that part before we fucked," you chuckled, looking at his face.
Steve smiled, moving his hand to your face, pushing your hair back.
"I'm sorry," he told you. "I should have stopped, and we should have talked about it."
You gave him a cheeky look.
"I didn't hate it, though," you told him. "I mean, I have recent tests. I always want to make sure. And I have an IUD, so if you wanted to cum inside..."
He tossed his head back. Fuck, if he was a few years younger, he would certainly give you that later tonight.
"First we rest," he told you anyway, taking your hand. "We have an awful long night."
That made you chuckle.
"We did," you agreed. "And I distinctly remember being offered a lunch and a dinner date."
Steve's heart leapt a beat. So you still wanted him.
You played with his fingers a little bit.
"As long as you don't make me ear liver," you added emphatically. "I think I want to cash on one of those dinners tonight."
He grinned.
"We can share a relaxing shower," he offered you. "And I'll make you something great with whatever you have in your fridge."
You looked at him, smiling beautifully.
"I like that," you decided, and lowered your eyes a bit, looking suddenly shy. "And you can... you know. Spend the night. If you want to."
"I do," he said quickly. "Very much so."
You seemed to relax, smile still as beautiful and sweet.
"Okay," you whispered. "That is very nice."
“about offices and feelings” was posted on my Patreon in June. To have early access to my works, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I post 6x a week.
If you liked "this "about offices and feelings", you might enjoy IT'S A BAD IDEA, RIGHT? Summary: The worst idea a waitress in Mama Stefka can have is to fall in love with a man in Hydra. They aren’t supposed to even talk! It doesn’t stop Betty, though. BRATTY BABY Summary: When you act out, Steve and Bucky teach you, their bratty baby, a lesson.   (It’s just porn. There is barely a plot holding this together.)
. . .
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neuroprincess · 5 months
His Favorite Person - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: The moms are going through a difficult time with LuLu's first teeth and a hero comes to the rescue.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Well, some realistic motherhood, it's not all flowers. Also, FRIENDSHIP GOALS
Word count: +2100
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Six months went by in the blink of an eye and with it many challenges of first-time motherhood, the moms could barely breathe properly until the month mark, Luca is very smart and, despite his strong personality, didn't give as much trouble as expected. The redhead is in love with those squeezable cheeks and chubby little doll hands, the loud giggles are the highlight of her days, as well as Y/N's. But the relief and sense of stability has gone as quickly as it arrived, one day the baby is all smiles trying pasta, the next so fussy that getting him to eat becomes a mission impossible. So a week goes by that they would describe as hellish, not only because of the problems with feeding and the understandable irritability due to teething, but also because of the suffering shared with all the pain the boy is going through with the new phase, gums tearing and keeping him awake all night mumbling and feverish, causing general concern. On Friday, they're not sure whether or not to host the weekly couples' dinner; before it can be cancelled, Barb and her husband appear at the door with a pan in hand, worried looks on their faces followed by muffled laughter. At work, Melissa had already been seen with bite marks and obvious signs of not sleeping, the woman just didn't imagine it would be chaotic to the point of leaving her, literally, dishevelled.  
"Where's my handsome little boy?" she greets LuLu excitedly and reaches out to take him from the younger's tired arms "What happened to make you cry, my dear?" and wipes the tears drying on his rosy little face, immediately noticing the high temperature "Poor thing..."  
"Sorry about our condition, I was going to call you to cancel, but we were trying to get the fever down and completely forgot." the teacher whispers, staring at the scene in amazement, the moment her son clings to the friend he stops crying immediately, doesn't seem to be the same little monster who defeated her in exhaustion minutes before "What a sly one! Do you see that?!" she points out indignantly. 
"Well, it's not my fault I'm the favorite." Barbara jokes and walks past them into the house, unsurprised to see a dozen toys scattered around the living room, the kitchen a complete mess, dirty dishes in the sink, open packets and cubes of frozen fruit on the counter, a doctor's recommendation for relief "Kid, was that all you?!"  
"He's a Schemmenti." Gerald jokes, following along, leaving the pie on the nearest surface "How many hours did you sleep today?"  
"Maybe three... or four." the timetables jumble in Y/N's head, she can't remember what time they went to sleep or how many times she woke up in the middle of the night.  
"And it's been the longest night's sleep so far," adds the other, rubbing her eyes.  
"You're clearly not well, why don't you try having a decent bath and getting some sleep while we take care of everything?" he offers, starting to gather up teddy bears and small cars on the carpet.  
Surprised and grateful, the couple exchange glances at this generous offer; the idea of being able to take a bath for more than five minutes, plus a little rest, is tempting, but they are reluctant to let them deal with it instead.  
"Go on, get some rest!" the man insists, shooing them away with a hand wave "We'll take care of everything." 
"Are you sure?" Melissa asks with concern, it seems like a lot to do or maybe she's mentally overloaded to the point where doesn't want someone else to do something she considers an exclusive responsibility "I mean..."  
"Don't be stubborn." Barb interrupts her and goes into the kitchen, putting Luca in the highchair, he doesn't even grumble about not being on lap "Take advantage of our presence until he gets sick of us, this phase is terrible." 
The redhead raises her hands in surrender and Y/N exhales satisfied, tired to the bone, nursing a baby full time takes a lot of time, energy and attention, she can hardly imagine the state of her wife who works all day at school and still tries to give the same support as best she can.  
Looking at Luca, who is calmly sitting down and taking the previously rejected piece of fruit into mouth, Melissa finally gives in.  
"All right, but please call us if anything happens."  
Everything goes very quickly and on autopilot. Before they realise it, the pair find themselves under the shower's hot water, washing each other's hair and sharing non-sexual cuddles, satisfying their longing for quality time together. Motherhood is deep, rewarding and valuable for both, a priority that has guided the small family's decisions and routine, little by little intimacy has been put aside amid the daily demands. They don't blame anyone or anything but the circumstances, they've read that it could happen at a certain point, all the nuances it would bring and they haven't forgotten their promise to stay together, to say "I love you", all the possible clichés to get through the storm without shaking marriage.  
The teacher couldn't hold back a moan on entering the room, every muscle relaxed and the tension drained away, there was a calming sensation, she felt refreshed from the tip of the toe to the last strand of hair. Y/N can say the same, she never thought that a simple shower could feel like a full SPA, even with a massage, she barely lays down on the bed properly and already feels soft hands rubbing damp skin. There are soft smiles, some mischievous, strong fingers squeezing sensitive spots that manage to elicit the happiest sighs, occasionally there are teasing touches and loving bites.  
"Years of relationship and still doves in love." they are surprised by Barbara's sudden appearance, they didn't hear her push the door slightly open "I've brought dinner and some tea."  
She lifts the tray with caprese chicken sandwiches, pieces of pie, red fruit and camomile tea, would offer whisky if it wasn't for breastfeeding, she knows they deserve it when they go through the chaotic teething process, the girls were relatively calm and yet almost destroyed the house when they got their first set of tiny sharp teeth.  
"Get fed and try to rest for a few hours." she put it between the couple "Let's do the same with the little one, he's already struggling to keep eyes open. You deserve a decent night's sleep."  
"So true, I look like a different person now, imagine when I finally get some sleep." the redhead jokes before taking a generous bite of bread, her last meal having been lunch "Delicious!"  
"Did LuLu give you and Gerald much trouble?" the younger smiles fearfully and sips the hot liquid "No crying, no grumbling, no breaking things, maybe we're in a dream."  
"No, he was a little angel... except with Gerard when he tried to give him a piece of cut mango, I'm pretty sure he was trying not to bite him." she confesses the last part in a whisper, they laugh well aware of the implication "He's jealousy incarnate."  
Melissa tosses her hair to side, her expression proud, needless to say he inherited it from her and everyone knows it.  
"Mel once threatened to bite someone." she adds, explaining her friend.  
"And I did." she says even more proudly, the person deserved it.  
After all, Y/N still finds herself amazed by her adventures and oddities, she knows half of the stories from others, as the woman hardly ever brags about her achievements. Conversation doesn't last long, minutes later Gerald appears too, Luca agitated in his arms and ready to attack anyone who annoys him, just push at the edge a little. The youngest mother mentions getting up to intervene, only to be stopped by a sign from Barb, who picks him up without a second thought.  
"No, you need a bit of time to yourselves." she reinforces and sets the boy on his feet, kissing the cheeks, leaving a lot of lipstick marks "Today we're going to give them a break, aren't we, cutie?!" 
As if he knew what the topic was, he tries to answer in babbles, all the adults smile at such cuteness. Within seconds he is no longer irritated, an effect that only the one and only Barbara Howard has. She strokes the coppery hair, making him close the eyes immediately, an adorable giggle as he snuggles into her chest, little legs wiggling with joy.  
"I'm starting to be offended by this more than obvious preference."  
"I never tire of saying it, it's not my fault that I'm his favorite person." she shrugs and stands up, stroking the baby's back over the newly laid pyjamas, she inhales the sweet smell, delighting at the contact, her daughters are grown up now and the times when she could lovingly hold them all the time without protest are gone "LuLu and I will see you tomorrow." 
She bends him over so that the mums can kiss him goodbye, but by this point Luca is already unconscious, losing the long and stubborn battle against sleep.  
"Sorry, I'm going to have to say it, I LOVE YOU BARB!" Y/N sighs in pleasure and gives a grateful kiss, then throws herself against the mattress, clinging to the soft blankets "Nothing can convince me that it's not a dream."  
"She needed it too, badly." Melissa reflects and moves closer to the friend, stroking her son's face affectionately "I really appreciate and am very grateful for what you're doing for us, being a mother has been intense and unexpected, we're lucky to have a support like you and Gerald, it's something I never expected in my life. The only reason I'm probably not crying right now is because tiredness overcomes even the tears." she jokes, wrapping her in a tight hug between loving smiles. 
"There's nothing to be thankful for, I love our little prince and that's what friends do."  
The door closes, Howard takes him to the nursery and they wait for a cry or any negative reaction, but the only noises to be heard are footsteps echoing down the corridor and the man humming while doing the housework. They smirk, silence has never been more appreciated than at this moment. The teacher lies down next to her wife, hands running along her robe-covered waist, fingertips brushing exposed skin, mouth meeting the back of neck, leaving a lingering kiss, the younger laughs, turning so that they are face to face, then leans in to bring their lips together.  
"I think we should kidnap Barb." Y/N proposes with a grain of truth.  
"We need to do that, cara mia! I'll take her down and you tie her up, deal?" 
"Deal! But what about Gerald?" she jokes.  
"He can survive without her, we can't."  
"I can't believe we're going to sleep properly, I'm so excited that sleep has fled." she confesses eventually, feeling a new wave of energy coming from nowhere "It's so strange not having anything to do."  
"That's because you're overwhelmed, principessa." Melissa props herself up on elbows so that she's partially seated, the hand that rests on the waist wanders down her curvaceous body and stops at the face she loves so much to see when waking up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear "But we have this evening to ourselves. God, they're being real heroes today."  
"Yes! I swear that when she took LuLu in the arms I saw her in costume and cape for a millisecond."  
"And he simply stopped crying, it's like she has superpowers."  
"Or she's just his favorite person... in the whole world." Y/N leans over and kisses her, a consolation prize for what she's going to say next "I'm sorry, darling, but that's the truth. You've lost your place to Barb."  
"At least I'm still your favorite?" the redhead makes those abandoned puppy dog eyes, feigning sadness.  
"Always, hottest biter in the world."  
The lights are switched off, they move closer in the soothing darkness and cuddle affectionately, wrapped in the comfort of being in the arms of the one they love. Sleep gradually comes, accompanied by the previous worries about Luca, if he's managed to eat properly, if he's hydrated enough, or if he's lain down in the right position.  
"I can hear your thoughts, Mel."  
"I'm sorry, amore mio." she whispers, a little thoughtfully. Despite her religious upbringing, she's not a fan of most traditions, so baptism hasn't crossed her mind until now, as she watches her best friend and confidant win over her son with her mere presence, creating a beautiful bond "What do you think about inviting Barb to be LuLu's godmother?"  
"Perfect! We couldn't find anyone better than her."
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footballffbarbiex · 10 months
Worth The Wait
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driver: charles leclerc words: 1226 request: charles leclerc  |  500 + | You / your | Like that first kiss that’s a little rushed and short because you’re so shy and giggly and then just full on make out. I feel like they are on a date in a park you know on a blanket in the sun reading books, eating fruit and then they finallyyyyy kiss after something cute/romantic happens (maybe they joke around with each other idk) and then they start making out. Like they’ve been on dates before and they really like each other but something just kept getting in the way of them kissing and they both really want to but are also really shy. So they finally kiss and it’s really cute but then they get serious
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Charles is laid out on the blanket relaxing in a way that you hadn’t noticed before. Though it was still early in your relationship, maybe even far too early to be calling it a relationship, you were slowly picking up on his body language and the things that seemed to make him blossom before you as he spoke.
There’s a soft smile on his face from under the cap that covers most of it, his head rests upon his arms and because of it, his shirt has lifted and reveals a little patch of hair that disappears into his jeans. It’s not the first time you’ve spotted it but it always seems to have the same impression on you when you see it and rather than react how you want to, you reach forward and pluck another piece of fruit from the container and pop it into your mouth.
Before you on the blanket was an array of the perfect foods, with Charles making sure that a little bit of everything had been brought. Fruit, cheeses, small pots of desserts, a bottle of wine just in case which came in its own cooler with a bit of ice in the bottom to guarantee it’s chill on a day like today. Water bottles are in the same cooler for the very same reason, along with spreads and a few of your own favourite choices to nibble on.
“You seem relaxed,” you point out, hoping that it won’t make him recoil and go back in on himself.
Instead, he opens up his large hand and splays it over the cap to pull it from his body. When he looks at you, it’s through one open eye which captures the sun perfectly, sending his eye colour into a burst of shades which you don’t usually see. “Do I?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to see.” your dates have been here, there and everywhere in between with race weekends and him either out on a practice track or in the gym but he’d always try and make time for a facetime call and keep in touch with you throughout the day when he was away. He always makes time for you which was a pleasant surprise considering how busy he was.
“I don’t need to think when I’m here.” He says after a few minutes. You’d zoned out, focused on an area not far from here and so when Charles starts speaking again, you find your face turning towards him and your eyes following moments after as you slowly come out of it.
“Hmmm?” You ‘ask’. “Sorry, you lost me there for a moment.” The confession sounds as you try not to get embarrassed when you realise he’s staring at you and you have no idea for how long.
“Look how adorable you are when you’re flustered.” he adjusts himself, shifting his body so that he can reach out and stroke your knee. “I said I don’t need to think when I’m around you.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.”
“Good. Very good.” he confirms with a little nod. His fingers continue to stroke over your knee. “It’s the one time that I can really switch off. I don’t need to be thinking of what I’ve got coming up, training, interviews. I don’t need to be thinking of anything. I just…”
“Get to be you.” You finish for him and he nods eagerly.
“I like that though. I make it so there’s not a thought in your head.” there’s a small sense of satisfaction as you consider this. He’s always been switched on - or at least he’s always appeared to be so. Charles would always bring something to the conversations, often starting a new one himself. There wasn’t a topic he’d shy away from and would always find something to ask you about or simply send as a text so that you knew you were on his mind. To hear that he was able to just switch off around you, to make it so that there’s you and only you? It was more than a compliment.
“I could kiss you right now, do you know that?”
“And you’re spending it talking instead.” You can’t help but tease him with this, even though his expression says that he’s serious. When you don’t look away, he keeps his eyes fixated on your face and slowly, you realise the two of you are closing the gap between one another.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach. There’s no small fluttering, it’s an explosion of them all flapping against one another and whatever part of you they’re able to “touch”. He hesitates when his lips are a breath away from yours, his eyes flickering between your eyes and as much of your mouth as he can see and finally, finally, his lips are on yours.
You can feel Charles’ smile against you, making it so that it paints one upon your own lips as you kiss him again. He moves slowly, the two of you placing small light kisses until he slows down the pull away pace and you find yourself beginning to slowly make out. He doesn’t break the rhythm as he shuffles forward, his hand remains on your knee while the other strokes over the back of your neck.
Your own hands find his waist, one holding onto the slender side while the other fists the fabric of his shirt. Tentatively, you poke your tongue between your lips and ever so briefly meet his as he cautiously does the same. You feel his grin once more, making it harder to kiss until he manages to relax and this time, his tongue meets yours with each open mouth kiss.
For the first time since the two of you arrived, you’re not bothered about who might be watching the two of you as you sit on the blanket, completely engrossed in one another. When he turns this way, you turn that, your noses briefly overlapping and when this happens, Charles gives your nose the lightest rub with his own before giving you another kiss. You feel the vibrations of it before you hear the smallest of hums from him and it’s the single most beautiful sound you’ve heard.
It’s not until he begins to slow the kisses back to soft, barely open mouth kisses that come to a stop and his forehead rests against your own that you realise it’s got to him slightly. His breathing seems normal, there’s no sharp intake of breath or pink tinted cheeks but his expression has changed and there’s a change in his eyes that wasn’t there before you’d initially kissed.
“Well that was unexpected.” He says, his tone of voice betraying him as he pulls back to look at you properly. His voice shows that the kiss has affected him more than he’s tried to let on.
“You took your time,” you quip and he laughs, a shyness creeping back in from before. “It was worth the wait though,” you admit, smiling to yourself as you look down and focus on the way his fingers absentmindedly stroke over your leg again.
“Yeah. Yeah it was.”
“I won’t let you wait as long for the next one.” He promises, giving you a small smile before leaning forward and giving you the lightest of pecks on your lips.
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wanderersbell · 2 years
Aaah i live for the idea of being the wanderer's travel companion!! i love the "lending you his hat" fic you did, it's so well done ♥️ i don't even have anything specific to request, i would just love for more cute moments like that 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂���🙇‍♂️
a trip to vanarana
wanderer x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1620
a/n: anon i'm so glad you love that idea bc it's my fav and i think about it all the time! here's some more for you (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ this miiight be kinda off lore wise bc iirc the only reason people couldn't see aranara was due to the inability to dream, and considering they can now i feel like that also implies they can see the little guys but i could be wrong so oh well - enjoy!
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bringing fresh fruit to the aranara in vanarana had become a special, self indulgent little routine of yours as of late. 
honestly, you weren’t even sure if they could eat, but all of it always vanished within a couple of days when you’d come back with more, and the aranara would greet you eagerly - so you figured wherever it went it must be getting put to good use. two to three times a week, rain or shine, you would drag the wanderer with you to pick up fresh produce from the market and carry it to the tiny village. he would grumble and huff the whole way, drag his feet like a petulant child, but refused to let you go alone if you offered to let him stay behind. 
“you’re basically exploiting me.” he points out, kicking a stray hilichurl arrow away from his foot. the camp the two of you just cleared out sits vacant now as you lift the discarded sack of fruit back up over your shoulder, the weight slightly heavier than before after tossing in the apples and sunsettias you just found. 
you shoot the wanderer a slightly exasperated look from where he’s still tossing hilichurl loot around with his foot instead of picking it up. he pretends to be lost in thought once you whip your head around to face him, wiping invisible dust off of his shoulder like dealing with a small camp of monsters is anything more than a minor inconvenience for someone with his level of abilities. 
“when i take you with me i’m exploiting you, when i leave you behind it’s excluding you.” you sniff, fixing him with glare when he finally meets your eyes. “has anyone ever told you that you’re difficult?”
his brows raise in faux disbelief, his right hand coming to rest over his vision like he’s deeply offended by your words. “me? difficult? is it so wrong to desire compensation for my troubles?”
you can’t help the way your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head, but a small smile still tugs at your lips at his dramatics. 
“is my company not enough for you?” you joke as the aranara village comes into view. the loud scoff behind you comes as no surprise. 
“not in the slightest. this is a waste of time, i have better things to be doing right now.” 
you give a thoughtful hum in response, choosing to say nothing else as the silent acknowledgment between the two of you goes unsaid, but speaks loud enough all the same. with you, when he can’t comfortably bring himself to admit the truth, he’ll say the opposite of what he feels. you know this very well, so what he means is: “more than enough, i’d cause a scene if you didn’t let me tag along.”
soon reaching the aranara village, you and your travel companion head over to the center of the clearing and you unceremoniously let the fruit fall to the ground, reaching up to rub at your sore shoulder immediately afterwards while the wanderer gives you a pointed look that you choose to ignore. he insisted you let him carry the bag before you left, you always end up complaining about how heavy it is, but you refused and wouldn’t let him take it from you despite knowing the truth of his words. 
it’s only moments later that the aranara start to emerge from their tiny homes and wobble over to you, their silly little hats and faces bringing a familiar sense of glee that overcomes you whenever you see them. 
“i’m back!” you exclaim with a huge grin that has your eyes squinting into crescents. “i hope your hungry! or ready to do… whatever you do with this stuff!” when you bend down to start taking the produce out of the bag and into a pile, the man standing next to you snorts lightly. 
the wanderer, ever the one to suck the joy out of things until they’re bitter and tasteless, is convinced they can’t eat and that you bringing them fruit is the equivalent of birds bringing shiny trash to people. this doesn’t bother you in the slightest though, so all he can do is stand back hopelessly and watch these little forest creatures rob you of perfectly good food. 
“you know, they probably throw it all into a hole and let it rot. compost for the garden.” he says while a few of the aranara swarm his feet and gaze up at him with expectant beady eyes. 
you give a nonchalant shrug in response. “that’s certainly not the worst thing they could be doing, so i don’t see a problem with it. contributing to their garden is a good deed, no?”
out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the floating aranara approach your traveling companion who glares suspiciously at the viparyas it carries in its hands. your heart swells immediately at the sight of the small forest creature offering him a flower out of the blue, hands flying up to cover your mouth lest you squeal in delight and ruin the moment. 
the wanderer still remains rooted to the spot, watching hesitantly as the aranara reaches out and waits until he outstretches his hand to drop the viparyas into his palm. his eyes momentarily flick down to the flower laying on his hand then back up to the aranara that bounces a bit in the air and makes a soft, pleased sound before turning and floating away. 
“oh my god,” you whisper-yell into your hands, eyes wide with disbelief at the interaction you just witnessed. with bewilderment clear on his face, the wanderer meets your eyes and purses his lips in embarrassment at the fact that you watched it all go down. 
fruit long forgotten, you clamber to your feet and lean closer to see the viparyas that’s still laying haphazardly on his palm. when you try to grab it, your travel companion finally snaps out of his shock and yanks his hand away from you with the flower clutched tight in his grip. 
“don’t you dare. it was given to me, not you.” he says firmly, smirking at the way your expression gives way to irritation faster than he can blink. 
“i thought you didn’t like the aranara!” you remind him, wholesome moment instantly ruined. “you hardly even help here, i’m positive it was meant for me anyways!”
when you reach out to try to take it again he turns his entire body away from you and peeks over his shoulder with a proud sneer. “if it was meant for you, it would’ve been given to you. this was obviously for me.”
a heavy sigh forces it’s way out of your lungs but you begrudgingly concede, willing to let him be possessive over the flower the little aranara gave him because, to be fair, it was a precious sight. you wave a hand at him dismissively and mumble a quiet, “fine, whatever.” before crouching down again to finish emptying the bag that had been forgotten, and you miss the way his expression falls at the genuine disappointment in your voice. 
tentatively, after a moment of contemplation, he leans over to tap you on the shoulder. when you turn your head to figure out what he wants, he thrusts the flower towards you with a tiny pout and blush on his face, eyes avoiding your own the way they always do when he thinks he accidentally hurt your feelings. 
of course, you didn’t actually mind that much, it was just a flower after all, but seeing the sincerity behind his actions, you can’t help but to play along and offer a small smile in response before tentatively taking the viparyas from his outstretched hand. 
the second your fingers brush he jerks his hand away and clutches it to his chest, standing back up with a huff and crossing his arms while you gaze fondly at the soft blue and purple petals. your chest clenches tightly at the fact that he had given it to you even if it was only because he thought you were upset, and when you glance up at him to offer him a grateful smile you find that he’s already watching you with a complicated expression on his face. 
“what?” you ask cautiously. “don’t tell me you already want it back.”
he clicks his tongue and averts his attention elsewhere. “of course i don’t, keep it for all i care.”
what he means is: “no, it’s for you anyways.” and the smile on your face unconsciously stretches into a giddy grin at his unconvincing frown accompanied color staining his cheeks while he pretends to ignore you. having already finished setting all of the fruit in a pile, you bundle up the bag and shove it under your arm as you stand up and walk over to his side, following his line of sight to watch the sky where the sun starts peeking out of the clouds with breathtaking rays of light. 
the comforting presence of the man beside you fills you with a warm, unexplainable feeling that you can’t help but want to cling onto forever, to hold onto so tightly that it permanently fuses with your being. 
“ready to leave?” he asks after a few blissful moments of silence, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. you nod softly, too content and peaceful to break the silence and speak. 
and so, you and your travel companion head back into town together, viparyas held tightly in your hand while the rays of light in the sky fully emerge from the clouds and illuminate the smiles on your faces. 
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nebulaswife · 1 year
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• NEBULA x READER • Summary: When Nebula is taken captive on the Guardians' ship, you, as well as Rocket and Groot, are tasked with keeping watch while the others go to Ego.
When the others leave for Ego's planet, someone has to stay behind. Rocket and Groot are a no-brainer, but you volunteer as well. It surprises Quill when you tell him you're staying, but you reason that you're more needed here than you are with them. You don't feel right leaving Groot, as young as he is and as attached as you are to him, and that reasoning seems to satisfy Quill, but it's not the whole story.
Gamora's sister intrigues you more than you'd care to let on.
So they leave, and you watch them go, hands on your hips as the large egg-like spaceship grows smaller and smaller in the distance until you can't see it anymore. From behind you, you can hear Rocket trying to explain in the simplest terms every step of the repairs he's making to a tiny Groot who clearly doesn't understand a single bit of it judging by the questions he's asking. Rocket's patience toward him has always amazed you, considering the way he treats everyone else.
Scanning the edge of the clearing until you're satisfied there's nothing to worry about, you turn to face the opening of the broken-down ship. Rocket leads Groot farther into the ship and out of sight, leaving you and Nebula alone, her arms shackled to the ceiling. She's staring off into the woods until she feels your gaze on her, and as she turns two pitch black eyes your way with a glare that feels like it would kill you where you stood if it could, you swallow dryly and try to resist the urge to look away.
She watches you walk toward her, various twigs and leaves crunching underneath your feet before turning into the cold clang of boots on metal.
"I'm hungry," she finally speaks, short and to the point, that glare still heavy on her brow. "Are you hoping to starve me to death before you're able to collect the bounty on my head?"
This question confuses you considering this is the first time the two of you have really spoken, but once you take into account the likeliness of nobody else having been willing to feed her, it makes more sense.
Without a word, you walk past her, causing her to grunt in a mixture of exasperation and irritation. Who does she have to kill to get something to eat around here? Apparently everyone.
You return a moment later with a banana, peeling it enough to give Nebula access to it before reaching out to Nebula's good hand. Even shackled, this was something she could eat by herself. Very slight surprise etched her features at the sight of you offering her something to eat. Slowly, she took the banana.
"It's from Earth," you explain, stepping back to give her some space. "Or, uh, Terra, I guess. It's my favorite fruit, so I picked some up on our last visit."
Inwardly, you cringe. Who cares what your favorite fruit is? That's not a needed part of the explanation.
Nebula only stares at you for an uncomfortable amount of time, and you're tempted to apologize for even saying anything, but you decide to dig your own grave even further, apparently.
"I know it's not really a meal, but I'm not really the greatest cook, so trust me when I say I'm doing you a bigger favor by not subjecting you to that."
Nebula arches a brow. "Thank you for letting me eat a single banana while I remain cuffed to the ceiling of your ship."
"That's fair," you respond, looking away, back out to the edge of the clearing. A few seconds of silence pass as Nebula eats the food and you try to will away the pink tinge to your cheeks.
"... Thank you," Nebula says again, but it's more sincere this time. When you look her way, she isn't looking back, instead focusing on an exposed patch of wires on the opposite wall of the ship. You notice the only thing left of the banana is the peel, so you step forward, flinching slightly as Nebula's head snaps your way to watch your approach with fierce and distrusting caution.
You raise your hands in a manner that hopefully conveys that you come in peace. "Just coming to take the peel. You're not supposed to eat that part."
She doesn't speak again, but her shoulders relax slightly and she looks away again, so you take that as a sign that you can continue your approach. Your fingers brush against hers as you take the peel. Eyes moving to meet Nebula's, you see that she's looking at you out of the corner of her eye. For a second, you remain there, seeing something in those eyes that makes you want to know her. She's done so much bad, but that's not all you see in her. Or maybe that's not all you want to see in her.
You open your mouth to speak again when the sound of Rocket's voice, loud and exasperated, rings loudly throughout the ship.
"No, the other wire! Agh, forget it! I'm gonna go set up some traps around the perimeter; you stay here!"
Footsteps approach and you quickly step back a step, two, three, banana peel in hand. Rocket comes into view, not even sparing a glance in you or Nebula's direction as he exits the ship.
"Y/N, keep an eye on Groot, will ya? Kid's gonna blow us all up."
"Sure, yeah," you respond, swallowing dryly as you glance back at Nebula. She's still staring at you. Not glaring. Just staring, like she's trying to figure something out.
With that, you excuse yourself to go find Groot.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm not sure how I feel about this one, but it's a start, at least. Hopefully someone gets some enjoyment out of it other than me.
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