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techniktagebuch · 9 months ago
Seit 2008
Meine Nutzung von automatisierten Leihfahrradsystemen in europäischen Städten
Seit der Oberstufenzeit bewege ich mich in der Stadt, in der ich gerade wohne, immer hauptsächlich mit dem Fahrrad. Früher mit einem eigenen, was aber den großen Nachteil hat, dass es regelmäßig geklaut wird, und dass man bei einem Aufenthalt in einer neuen Stadt oft erstmal keins hat.
Zum ersten Mal ein automatisiertes Leihfahrradsystem genutzt habe ich in meinem Erasmus-Semester 2008/09 in Paris, das mit seinem stationsgebundenen Vélib-System ein Vorreiter war. Wenig später nutzte ich ähnliche Systeme auch bei Besuchen in London und Dublin, 2022 auch in Marseille.
Nachdem ich viele Jahre in Tübingen und Groningen gewohnt hatte, die für Leihfahrradsysteme zu klein scheinen, zog ich 2017 nach Düsseldorf, wo ich begann, das nur teilweise stationsgebundene Nextbike-System zu nutzen. Über meine Arbeitgeberin kann ich es für kurze Fahrten ganz kostenlos nutzen.
Mein eigenes Fahrrad wohnt jetzt im Keller und wird nur noch für Touren herausgeholt. Mit ihm kann ich richtig heizen, das geht mit Nextbikes nicht, die sind nämlich durch ihre begrenzte Übersetzung quasi bei einer bestimmten Höchstgeschwindigkeit abgeriegelt. Muss aber für die täglichen Wege in der Stadt auch nicht sein.
Elektrische Leihfahrräder habe ich bis vorgestern nie genutzt, nur mal ein E-Bike von Verwandten ausprobiert. Zum Aufschreibzeitpunkt (23. Mai 2024) bin ich aber in Turin, und da gibt es keinen automatisierten Verleih »akustischer« Räder. Für meine Wege zwischen Unterkunft, dem spektakulären Konferenzort und anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten musste ich mich daher auf etwas Neues einstellen. Zuerst probierte ich Lime aus, das unterschied sich nicht groß von Nextbike, bis auf den elektrischen Unterstützungsmotor. Man beschleunigt damit zügiger und schwitzt weniger, schneller als auf dem Nextbike werde ich aber nicht – wiederum durch die Gangschaltung und jetzt auch durch den Motor, der seine vernünftigen Grenzen hat. Im Gegensatz zu den E-Bikes im Privatbesitz, die ich ausprobiert habe, kann man den Motor nicht regulieren oder abschalten, man fährt immer mit der Standardeinstellung.
Das zweite System, das es hier gibt, heißt Ridemovi, hat eine etwas umständlichere App, aber die Bikes selbst glänzen gegenüber Lime und Nextbike durch einen leichter zu bedienenden Schnellspanner für den Sattel und eine vollautomatische Verriegelung, bei der man nichts mehr manuell machen muss. Die beiden Sachen sind bei der täglichen Nextbike-Fahrerei die Hauptfrustquelle, weil sie oft klemmen. Der Motor unterstützt etwas schwächer als bei Lime, aber es gibt einen Boosterknopf (offiziell für Steigungen, ich nutze ihn vor allem auf freier gerade Strecke), der die Power hochdreht, solange man ihn gedrückt hält.
(legendarycolorfestivalwombat, www.tumblr.com/legendarycolorfestivalwombat)
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tortue-souris · 3 months ago
semaine 46 de @30jourspourecrire
Un vélib déchargé ● Des lunettes de lune ● Un ticket de métro usagé ● Un verre de vin sans ami (une ivresse en solitaire) ● Une montre à l'heure d'été en hiver ● Des bottes qui prennent l'eau ● Des SMS d'il y a des années ● Un poème sans passion ● Tomber amoureuse trop tard (un amour non réciproque) ● La clé d'un lieu qu'on a quitté ● Dire "Demain j'arrête" ● La culpabilité ● Une bonne réplique à laquelle on pense la nuit dans son lit, des jours après la conversation ● Le patriarcat ● La parole sans respect ● Les rêves qu'on a oublié ● Une cassette VHS pas rembobinée ● Être deuxième ● Un train supprimé ● Un appel en absence ● Liste des choses qui ne servent à rien
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lalignedujour · 2 years ago
Première fois à Paris. Enfin non, je suis venue quand j'étais gamine, pour aller à la Cité des Sciences, au musée Grevin, ou je ne sais quoi, et pour changer de gare. Enfin, c'est ma première fois à Paris avec les trottinettes électriques, les pistes cyclables, les livraison de courses, les boutiques de CBD, les poubelles jaunes, les vélibs, l'euro et les téléphones portables.
A l'autre bout de la rame, la rumeur d'une femme qui demande de l'argent ou à manger. Elle s'approche pour répéter son discours en milieu de rame. Elle reçoit un peu d'argent au passage. Elle est dans un sale état, surtout dans ses yeux. Je suis peut-être la seule à la regarder. Mais je ne lui donnerai pas de pièce. Un regard, c'est déjà pas mal.
Dans la secousse d'un tunnel, elle vacille et s'écroule. Le métro ralentit, s'arrête, les portes s'ouvrent. Les gens passent devant elle, personne ne s'alerte. Est-ce que je vais voir ? Elle ne bouge pas.
Ah, ça y est, un homme se penche sur elle, lui demande si ça va bien. Je me lève aussi. Ça m'autorise à voir si tout va bien. Elle respire. Elle réagit. Tout va bien. Enfin, oui, on peut dire qu'elle est vivante en tout cas. On l'aide à se relever. Elle explique qu'elle n'a pas mangé depuis hier :
-D'habitude j'exagère pour avoir un truc à manger, mais là c'est vrai, j'ai pas mangé depuis hier.
Il était 19 heures.
L'homme a disparu. C'est grâce à lui que je suis intervenue. Je sens que c'était à moi de prendre soin d'elle. Alors, je rate mon changement.
J'ai connu Jed.
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tonightnopoetrywillserve · 6 hours ago
It’s strange to try not to fall in love in Paris. It’s like asking the rain not to wet you the one time you forgot your umbrella.
The truth is, you get wet anyway. You get soaked. You drip and forget everything you once thought you knew about rain.
Maybe you never knew much, no matter how many times you got wet before. No matter how many times you thought you had brought the umbrella.
You think this time is different. Maybe this time it is. One day you simply stop worrying about the umbrella. You no longer check. You go downhill, without brakes, on a Vélib. Your eyes closed. And without an umbrella.
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travellm · 4 months ago
पेरिस बजट पर: बिना बैंक तोड़े लाइट्स के शहर का आनंद कैसे लें
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पेरिस को अक्सर दुनिया के सबसे महंगे शहरों में से एक माना जाता है, लेकिन यह आपकी बचत को नहीं खत्म करना चाहिए। सावधानीपूर्वक योजना के साथ, आप बजट पर इसकी जादूई अनुभूति कर सकते हैं। प्रतिष्ठित स्थलों से लेकर स्थानीय खजानों तक, पेरिस संस्कृति, इतिहास, भोजन और मज़े का अनुभव करने के कई किफायती तरीके प्रदान करता है। यह गाइड आपको बिना अधिक खर्च किए लाइट्स के शहर का अन्वेषण करने में मदद करेगा।
1. किफायती यात्रा के तरीके
बजट पर पेरिस कैसे पहुँचें
प्लेन की अग्रिम बुकिंग करे��: यदि आप यूरोप से उड़ान भर रहे हैं, तो बजट एयरलाइनों जैसे Ryanair या EasyJet का उपयोग करें। अंतरराष्ट्रीय यात्रियों के लिए, कई महीने पहले बुक करें और Skyscanner या Google Flights के साथ कीमतों की तुलना करें।
ट्रेन और बसें: यदि आप पहले से यूरोप में हैं, तो बस (FlixBus) या ट्रेन (SNCF डिस्काउंट डील) पर विचार करें।
ऑफ-सीजन यात्रा: नवंबर से मार्च के बीच यात्रा करने से आपको सस्ती उड़ानें और आवास मिलेंगे।
पेरिस में सस्ते में घूमना
सार्वजनिक परिवहन: मेट्रो या बसों का उपयोग करें। Navigo Easy कार्ड की कीमत €2 है और यह एक विशेष अवधि के लिए अनलिमिटेड राइड्स प्रदान करता है।
बाइक और चलना: पेरिस काफी चलने योग्य है, और Vélib' जैसी बाइक रेंटल सेवाएँ किफायती, पारिस्थितिकी के अनुकूल परिवहन प्रदान करती हैं।
टैक्सी से बचें: ये सार्वजनिक परिवहन की तुलना में महंगे होते हैं।
2. रहने के लिए बजट-अनुकूल आवास
बजट होटल और हॉस्टल
जेनरेटर पेरिस: एक ट्रेंडी हॉस्टल जिसमें एक रूफटॉप बार है, जो डॉर्म बेड और निजी कमरे दोनों प्रदान करता है।
सेंट क्रिस्चियन इन: Gare du Nord के करीब एक सामाजिक, किफायती हॉस्टल।
ibis बजट होटल: पेरिस में बिना झंझट के आवास प्रदान करने वाली एक विश्वसनीय बजट होटल श्रृंखला।
एयरबीएनबी और छुट्टी किराए पर
एयरबीएनबी निजी कमरों और साझा अपार्टमेंट के लिए बेहतरीन सौदे प्रदान करता है। एक किचन के साथ स्थान बुक करने से आपको भोजन पर पैसे बचाने में मदद मिलेगी।
रुचिकर यात्री के लिए, काउचसर्फिंग एक मुफ्त विकल्प है जहाँ स्थानीय लोग आपको होस्ट करते हैं। यह नए लोगों से मिलने और अंदरूनी जानकारी प्राप्त करने का एक बेहतरीन तरीका है।
3. किफायती भोजन: बिना खर्च किए स्थानीय रूप से खाएं
स्ट्रीट फूड और कैफे
बौलैंगरीज़ (बेकरी): लगभग €5 में एक बैगेट सैंडविच या क्विच लें।
क्रेप स्टैंड्स: एक स्वादिष्ट नुटेला क्रेप या है��� और पनीर क्रेप की कीमत €3-€6 होगी।
ले मारैस में फालाफेल: L'As du Fallafel पर जाएँ, जहाँ एक बेहतरीन फालाफेल रैप की कीमत सिर्फ €6-8 है।
सुपरमार्केट और पिकनिक
किराने के लिए Monoprix या Franprix पर जाएँ, ताजा फल और शराब लें।
जार्डिन देस टुइलरीज़ या चाम्प दे मार्स में पिकनिक का आनंद लें, एफिल टॉवर के नीचे। कुछ पनीर, एक बैगेट, और एक बोतल शराब लें ताकि €10 के तहत एक भोजन का आनंद ले सकें।
किफायती रेस्तरां
मेन्यू डु जूर (सेट मेनू): कई रेस्तरां लगभग €12-€15 में दो या तीन-कोर्स लंच म���नू प्रदान करते हैं।
फ्लंच जैसे कैफेटेरिया: एक आत्म-सेवा रेस्तरां जिसमें उचित मूल्य पर हार्दिक भोजन होता है।
4. बजट-अनुकूल आकर्षण और स्थलों की सैर
फ्री और डिस्काउंटेड म्यूजियम
फ्री फर्स्ट संडे: प्रमुख संग्रहालय जैसे लूव्र और म्यूज़े ड'ऑर्से हर महीने के पहले रविवार को फ्री होते हैं।
म्यूज़े कार्नावल: पेरिस के इतिहास पर यह संग्रहालय हमेशा मुफ्त है।
गिरजाएँ अन्वेषण करें: नोट्रे-डेम कैथेड्रल (पुनर्निर्माण के तहत लेकिन बाहर से देखना संभव) और सेंट-चैपेल को मुफ्त या कम कीमत पर देखें।
पार्क और बाग
लक्सेम्बर्ग गार्डन्स या जार्डिन देस प्लांट्स में बिना पैसे खर्च किए टहलें।
पार्क देस बुटेस-चौमॉंट से शानदार दृश्य का आनंद लें, जो पेरिस में एक खूबसूरत छिपा हुआ खजाना है।
पेरिस के पड़ोस का मुफ्त अन्वेषण
मॉन्टमार्ट्रे: बुमियानी सड़कों पर घूमें, साक्रे-केर बैसिलिका (मुफ्त प्रवेश) पर जाएं, और कलाकारों के स्क्वायर का अन्वेषण करें।
ले मारैस: कला दीर्घाओं, पुरानी दुकानों और आकर्षक कैफे से भरे इस ट्रेंडी जिले में टहलें।
लैटिन क्वार्टर: ऐतिहासिक सड़कों, शेक्सपियर एंड कंपनी बुकस्टोर, और जीवंत छात्र जीवन की खोज करें।
5. प्रसिद्ध स्थलों को बिना अधिक खर्च किए कैसे देखें
बजट पर एफिल टॉवर
ऊपर जाने के बजाय, ट्रोकैडेरो गार्डन्स या चाम्प दे मार्स से इसकी प्रशंसा करें। ऊंचे दृश्यों के लिए आर्क डु ट्रायम्�� (€13) या मोंटपर्नास टॉवर पर जाएं, जो एफिल टॉवर के प्रवेश शुल्क से कम है।
सेन नदी पर क्रूज
महंगे डिनर क्रूज के बजाय, एक बैटॉबस (हॉप-ऑन-हॉप-ऑफ बोट) लें जो लगभग €17 के लिए एक दिन की पास प्रदान करता है, जो आपको सेन के सुंदर दृश्य देता है।
लूव्र को देखने के किफायती तरीके
फ्री घंटों के दौरान या शुक्रवार को रात के समय युवा वयस्कों के लिए कम कीमत पर लूव्र का दौरा करें।
यदि आप भुगतान नहीं करना चाहते हैं, तो इसकी प्रतिष्ठित कांच की पिरामिड को बाहर से देखें और टुइलरी गार्डन्स के चारों ओर चलें।
6. पेरिस में बजट-अनुकूल खरीदारी
किफायती स्मारिका और खरीदारी स्थल
स्मारिका जैसे पोस्टकार्ड, कीचेन, या लघु एफिल टॉवर को सड़क विक्रेताओं से €1-2 में खरीदें।
अनोखे, सस्ते खजाने के लिए फ्ली मार्केट जैसे मार्चे ऑक्स प्यूस दे सेंट-ओएन पर जाएं, जो पेरिस का सबसे बड़ा है।
ले मारैस में थ्रिफ्ट स्टोर में स्टाइलिश सेकंड-हैंड कपड़े उचित कीमतों पर मिलते हैं।
7. मुफ्त और सस्ते मनोरंजन विकल्प
फ्री इवेंट्स और फेस्टिवल में भाग लें
फेटे डे ला म्यूज़िक (21 जून): एक शहर-व्यापी संगीत महोत्सव जिसमें मुफ्त कॉन्सर्ट होते हैं।
पेरिस प्लाज (गर्मी): सेन के किनारे समुद्र तटों में परिवर्तित होते हैं, जिनमें मुफ्त गतिविधियाँ .
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themusign · 9 months ago
évidemment que je suis sensibilisé à la faim dans le monde, banane !
j'habite à une station de Vélib' de Matignon et je fais genre "hyper" gaffe à ma ligne !
je n'avale que du gluten bio !
# tout est fomenté, tout
ce sont souvent des Afrançais bien sveltes qui te sensibilisent à la faim dans le monde, hein ?
à l'heure du souper, hein ?
ce ne sont point les p'tites grosses qui mangent des chouquettes qui viennent te culpabiliser, hein ?
quand tu farmes les palourdes pour Clorinde, hein ?
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studyabroadconsultantsuae · 9 months ago
Your Gateway to Excellence: Study in France with Study Abroad Consultants
Looking to pursue your studies abroad in a country renowned for its exceptional education quality and vibrant student life? Look no further than France! As the Fashion Capital of the world, France boasts a rich history and is home to prestigious universities. It has emerged as a top choice for international students seeking an enriching study abroad experience. It was ranked as the 2nd best destination in Europe for the year 2023. Students worldwide flock to France to immerse themselves in its diverse culture and gain invaluable international exposure.
France is truly unparalleled and celebrated for its fashion, wine, and lively atmosphere. From its iconic historical landmarks to its delectable cuisine, France captivates the senses and offers a unique experience unlike any other. If you're seeking an education that broadens your horizons and enriches your perspective, France is the ideal destination for you!
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Why Study Abroad in France?
France Education System
Student life and safety
Intimately explore some of the world’s top attractions
Low-Cost Transport and Accommodation
France Education System:
If you're contemplating studying in France, delving into the country's esteemed education system is essential. Renowned worldwide, the French education system entices a diverse cohort of international students. Characterized by its highly centralized structure, the system comprises three key stages: primary, secondary, and higher education. Secondary education transitions students into college, followed by a four-year program, and then progresses to lycée for three years. Culminating in the prestigious baccalauréat qualification akin to a high school diploma, secondary education serves as a gateway to higher education opportunities. Explore this blog to uncover the top reasons for pursuing studies abroad.
Student life and safety:
France ranks as the 66th safest country, boasting a low crime rate, making it a secure environment for students. With safety concerns alleviated, studying in France becomes a worry-free endeavour. Additionally, many universities provide students with free internet access, facilitating their studies and enabling them to maintain connections with family and friends. French universities prioritize holistic development, encouraging participation in various competitions, social gatherings, athletics, seminars, conferences, and other enriching activities.
Intimately explore some of the world’s top attractions:
Embarking on a study abroad journey in France offers you the unique chance to not only visit but immerse yourself in some of the globe's most renowned attractions, deepening your appreciation for their cultural significance. Among these attractions are:
Eiffel Tower
Palace of Versailles
Notre Dame Cathedral
Louvre Museum
Low-Cost Transport and Accommodation:
Transportation expenses for studying in France are surprisingly affordable. The TER network provides discounts for youth and students in every mainland region. Additionally, many students in Paris utilize the bike rental system known as Vélib’, offering a convenient and budget-friendly option.
Advantages of Pursuing Studies in France
High-Quality Education
Diverse Academic Programs
Rich Cultural Experience
Global Networking Opportunities
Language Proficiency
Scholarship and Funding Options
Research Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Quality of Life
Gateway to Europe
High-Quality Education:
France is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and renowned educational institutions, offering high-quality education across various fields and disciplines.
Diverse Academic Programs:
Students have access to a wide range of academic programs, including arts, sciences, engineering, business, humanities, and more, allowing them to pursue their interests and career goals effectively.
Rich Cultural Experience:
Studying in France provides students with an enriching cultural experience, immersing them in the country's vibrant art, history, cuisine, and language. It offers opportunities to explore iconic landmarks, museums, festivals, and events.
Global Networking Opportunities:
France attracts students from all over the world, providing excellent networking opportunities and exposure to diverse perspectives. Students can build international connections and collaborate with peers from different backgrounds.
Language Proficiency:
Studying in France offers students the chance to improve their language skills, particularly in French, which is widely spoken and can enhance career prospects globally.
Scholarship and Funding Options:
Various scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs are available for international students, making studying in France more affordable and accessible.
Research Opportunities:
France is a leader in research and innovation, offering ample opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research projects and collaborate with renowned scholars and researchers.
Career Opportunities:
Graduates from French universities are highly sought after by employers worldwide due to the country's reputation for academic excellence and innovation. Studying in France can open doors to exciting career opportunities globally.
Quality of Life:
France offers a high quality of life, with excellent healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure, as well as a rich cultural and social scene. Students can enjoy a balanced lifestyle while pursuing their studies.
Gateway to Europe:
Situated at the heart of Europe, studying in France provides easy access to other European countries, allowing students to travel and explore diverse cultures and destinations during their academic journey.
Some globally recognized French universities:
HEC Paris
Sciences Po
Emlyon Business School
Ecole Polytechnique
University of Paris-Saclay
Sorbonne University
PSL Research University
University of Paris
Escp Business School of Paris
University of Bordeaux
Top Student Cities in France:
Choosing a city to reside in can be a significant challenge for students planning to study in France. To help alleviate this confusion, we've compiled a list of the top French cities highlighted in the QS Best Student Cities for 2023. While Paris is renowned as one of the world's most visited tourist destinations, it also ranks among the top student cities, securing the #9 spot. When considering relocating to a new city for studies in France, key factors such as living expenses, safety, educational quality, community, and transportation must be taken into account.
Top Courses to Study in France:
Political Science
In conclusion, starting a study abroad programme in France with the help of a study abroad consultant can significantly improve the endeavour's success and overall experience. Students can successfully plan for their academic adventure in France, gain admission to respectable universities, and negotiate the complexity of the application procedure with their help. Study abroad consultants are of great assistance in comprehending the educational system, choosing appropriate colleges and programmes, and making sure that all rules and laws regarding visas are followed.
In addition, study abroad advisors provide individualised support based on the particular requirements and interests of every student, guaranteeing a seamless adjustment to life in France. Consultants are dependable allies who help with everything from lodging and transportation to academic support and cultural orientation during the study abroad programme.
In the end, studying in France with the assistance of a study abroad consultant not only makes it easier for students to get a top-notch education and immerse themselves in the local culture, but it also gives them confidence and peace of mind as they set out on this life-changing adventure. Students can take full advantage of the chances for both academic and personal development that studying in France presents with their assistance.
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Your Gateway to Excellence: Study in France with Study Abroad Consultants
Looking to pursue your studies abroad in a country renowned for its exceptional education quality and vibrant student life? Look no further than France! As the Fashion Capital of the world, France boasts a rich history and is home to prestigious universities. It has emerged as a top choice for international students seeking an enriching study abroad experience. It was ranked as the 2nd best destination in Europe for the year 2023. Students worldwide flock to France to immerse themselves in its diverse culture and gain invaluable international exposure.
France is truly unparalleled and celebrated for its fashion, wine, and lively atmosphere. From its iconic historical landmarks to its delectable cuisine, France captivates the senses and offers a unique experience unlike any other. If you're seeking an education that broadens your horizons and enriches your perspective, France is the ideal destination for you!
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Why Study Abroad in France?
France Education System
Student life and safety
Intimately explore some of the world’s top attractions
Low-Cost Transport and Accommodation
France Education System:
If you're contemplating studying in France, delving into the country's esteemed education system is essential. Renowned worldwide, the French education system entices a diverse cohort of international students. Characterized by its highly centralized structure, the system comprises three key stages: primary, secondary, and higher education. Secondary education transitions students into college, followed by a four-year program, and then progresses to lycée for three years. Culminating in the prestigious baccalauréat qualification akin to a high school diploma, secondary education serves as a gateway to higher education opportunities. Explore this blog to uncover the top reasons for pursuing studies abroad.
Student life and safety:
France ranks as the 66th safest country, boasting a low crime rate, making it a secure environment for students. With safety concerns alleviated, studying in France becomes a worry-free endeavour. Additionally, many universities provide students with free internet access, facilitating their studies and enabling them to maintain connections with family and friends. French universities prioritize holistic development, encouraging participation in various competitions, social gatherings, athletics, seminars, conferences, and other enriching activities.
Intimately explore some of the world’s top attractions:
Embarking on a study abroad journey in France offers you the unique chance to not only visit but immerse yourself in some of the globe's most renowned attractions, deepening your appreciation for their cultural significance. Among these attractions are:
Eiffel Tower
Palace of Versailles
Notre Dame Cathedral
Louvre Museum
Low-Cost Transport and Accommodation:
Transportation expenses for studying in France are surprisingly affordable. The TER network provides discounts for youth and students in every mainland region. Additionally, many students in Paris utilize the bike rental system known as Vélib’, offering a convenient and budget-friendly option.
Advantages of Pursuing Studies in France
High-Quality Education
Diverse Academic Programs
Rich Cultural Experience
Global Networking Opportunities
Language Proficiency
Scholarship and Funding Options
Research Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Quality of Life
Gateway to Europe
High-Quality Education:
France is home to some of the world's top-ranked universities and renowned educational institutions, offering high-quality education across various fields and disciplines.
Diverse Academic Programs:
Students have access to a wide range of academic programs, including arts, sciences, engineering, business, humanities, and more, allowing them to pursue their interests and career goals effectively.
Rich Cultural Experience:
Studying in France provides students with an enriching cultural experience, immersing them in the country's vibrant art, history, cuisine, and language. It offers opportunities to explore iconic landmarks, museums, festivals, and events.
Global Networking Opportunities:
France attracts students from all over the world, providing excellent networking opportunities and exposure to diverse perspectives. Students can build international connections and collaborate with peers from different backgrounds.
Language Proficiency:
Studying in France offers students the chance to improve their language skills, particularly in French, which is widely spoken and can enhance career prospects globally.
Scholarship and Funding Options:
Various scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs are available for international students, making studying in France more affordable and accessible.
Research Opportunities:
France is a leader in research and innovation, offering ample opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research projects and collaborate with renowned scholars and researchers.
Career Opportunities:
Graduates from French universities are highly sought after by employers worldwide due to the country's reputation for academic excellence and innovation. Studying in France can open doors to exciting career opportunities globally.
Quality of Life:
France offers a high quality of life, with excellent healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure, as well as a rich cultural and social scene. Students can enjoy a balanced lifestyle while pursuing their studies.
Gateway to Europe:
Situated at the heart of Europe, studying in France provides easy access to other European countries, allowing students to travel and explore diverse cultures and destinations during their academic journey.
Some globally recognized French universities:
HEC Paris
Sciences Po
Emlyon Business School
Ecole Polytechnique
University of Paris-Saclay
Sorbonne University
PSL Research University
University of Paris
Escp Business School of Paris
University of Bordeaux
Top Student Cities in France:
Choosing a city to reside in can be a significant challenge for students planning to study in France. To help alleviate this confusion, we've compiled a list of the top French cities highlighted in the QS Best Student Cities for 2023. While Paris is renowned as one of the world's most visited tourist destinations, it also ranks among the top student cities, securing the #9 spot. When considering relocating to a new city for studies in France, key factors such as living expenses, safety, educational quality, community, and transportation must be taken into account.
Top Courses to Study in France:
Political Science
In conclusion, starting a study abroad programme in France with the help of a study abroad consultant can significantly improve the endeavour's success and overall experience. Students can successfully plan for their academic adventure in France, gain admission to respectable universities, and negotiate the complexity of the application procedure with their help. Study abroad consultants are of great assistance in comprehending the educational system, choosing appropriate colleges and programmes, and making sure that all rules and laws regarding visas are followed.
In addition, study abroad advisors provide individualised support based on the particular requirements and interests of every student, guaranteeing a seamless adjustment to life in France. Consultants are dependable allies who help with everything from lodging and transportation to academic support and cultural orientation during the study abroad programme.
In the end, studying in France with the assistance of a study abroad consultant not only makes it easier for students to get a top-notch education and immerse themselves in the local culture, but it also gives them confidence and peace of mind as they set out on this life-changing adventure. Students can take full advantage of the chances for both academic and personal development that studying in France presents with their assistance.
0 notes
marketdevelopment · 10 months ago
France Bike Sharing Market Size, Share, Types, Products, Trends, Growth, Applications and Forecast 2023 to 2030
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France Bike Sharing is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The bike sharing market in France has experienced significant growth in recent years, fueled by a combination of increasing urbanization, environmental concerns, and a shift towards sustainable transportation options. France has been at the forefront of promoting cycling infrastructure, with cities like Paris leading the way in implementing bike-sharing programs. These programs offer commuters a convenient and eco-friendly way to navigate city streets, reducing traffic congestion and pollution in the process. Additionally, the proliferation of smartphone apps and IoT technology has made it easier than ever for users to locate, unlock, and rent bikes on-the-go.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the France Bike Sharing Market include:
"Vélib' (France),Vélo'v (France), Vélo Bleu (France), Bluecub (France), Bicloo (France), Velib' Métropole (France), Pony Bikes (France), Indigo Weel (France), Lime (US), Jump Bikes (US), Bird (US), Tier (Germany), VOI Technology (Sweden), Donkey Republic (Denmark), Dott (Netherlands), Oribiky (France), Zoov (France), BleeperBike (Ireland), Cityscoot (France), Smoove (France) and Other Major Players." 
Market Driver:
One major driver of the bike sharing market in France is the government's initiatives to promote sustainable transportation. In response to growing environmental concerns and the need to reduce carbon emissions, the French government has been actively investing in cycling infrastructure and incentivizing bike-sharing programs. Subsidies, tax breaks, and dedicated cycling lanes are just some of the measures implemented to encourage the adoption of cycling as a primary mode of transportation. This supportive regulatory environment has played a crucial role in driving the expansion of bike-sharing services across the country.
 Market Opportunity:
An emerging opportunity within the France bike sharing market lies in catering to the growing demand for electric bikes (e-bikes). As consumers increasingly prioritize convenience and accessibility, there is a rising interest in e-bikes due to their ability to assist riders in navigating hilly terrain or covering longer distances with less physical exertion. Introducing e-bikes into existing bike-sharing fleets or launching dedicated e-bike sharing programs could attract a broader demographic of users, including commuters who may have been deterred by the physical demands of traditional biking. Moreover, e-bikes align with the broader trend towards electrification and sustainability, making them a compelling market opportunity for bike-sharing operators in France.
The latest research on the France Bike Sharing market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global France Bike Sharing industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the France Bike Sharing market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
If You Have Any Query France Bike Sharing Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of France Bike Sharing Market:
By Bike Type
Traditional Bike
By Sharing System
By User Type
Tourists and Visitors
Regular Commuters
Key Benefits of France Bike Sharing Market Research:
Research Report covers the Industry drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges
Competitive landscape & strategies of leading key players
Potential & niche segments and regional analysis exhibiting promising growth covered in the study
Recent industry trends and market developments
Research provides historical, current, and projected market size & share, in terms of value
Market intelligence to enable effective decision making
Growth opportunities and trend analysis
Covid-19 Impact analysis and analysis to France Bike Sharing market
Acquire This Reports: -
About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
Contact Us:
Office No 101, Saudamini Commercial Complex,
Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune,
Maharashtra, India - 411038 (+1) 773 382 1049 +91 - 81800 - 96367
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industrydelevelpoments · 11 months ago
Revolutionizing Urban Mobility: A Comprehensive Analysis of the France Bike Sharing Market (2023-2030)
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France Bike Sharing is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The France bike-sharing market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, propelled by increasing concerns over urban congestion, environmental sustainability, and the promotion of healthier lifestyles. With cities across the country embracing bike-sharing programs as a key component of their transportation networks, the market has witnessed significant expansion and innovation. Companies offering bike-sharing services have introduced diverse models, including docked and dockless systems, catering to the diverse needs of urban commuters and tourists. Government initiatives promoting cycling infrastructure and the integration of bike-sharing with public transportation have further fueled market growth.
To Learn More About This Report, Request A Free Sample Copy:
Top Key Players Covered in The France Bike Sharing Market:
Vélib' (France),Vélo'v (France), Vélo Bleu (France), Bluecub (France), Bicloo (France), Velib' Métropole (France), Pony Bikes (France), Indigo Weel (France), Lime (US), Jump Bikes (US), Bird (US), Tier (Germany), VOI Technology (Sweden), Donkey Republic (Denmark), Dott (Netherlands), Oribiky (France), Zoov (France), BleeperBike (Ireland), Cityscoot (France), Smoove (France) and Other Major Players
Updated Version 2023 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2023
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
The latest research on the France Bike Sharing Market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Avocado Puree industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the France Bike Sharing Market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Segmentation Analysis Of The France Bike-Sharing Market:
By Bike
By Sharing System
By User
Regular Commuters By Region        
 If You Have Any Query about France Bike Sharing Market Report, Visit:
Key Industry Developments in the Bike-Sharing Market:
Buy the Latest Version of the Report Available Now at up to 50% Discounted Pricing @
Reasons to Purchase this Market Report:
Market forecast analysis through recent trends and SWOT analysis
France Bike Sharing Market Dynamics Scenarios with Market Growth Opportunities over the Next Year
Market segmentation analysis, including qualitative and quantitative studies that include economic and non-economic impacts
France Bike Sharing Market Regional and country-level analysis that integrates demand and supply forces that impact the growth of the market.
Competitive environment related to the France Bike Sharing Market share for key players, along with new projects and strategies that players have adopted over the past five years
About Us:
We are a technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macroeconomic analysis gives us a bird's eye view of the market for our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
Contact Us:
Office No 101, Saudamini Commercial Complex,
Right Bhusari Colony, Kothrud,
Pune, Maharashtra,
India - 411038
(+1) 773 382 1049
+91 - 81800 - 96367
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labeldenuit · 1 year ago
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Brindille - Concert à La Champmeslé Jeudi 4 avril 2024 à 22 heures La Champmeslé - Bar 4, rue Chabanais - 75002 Paris Métros : Pyramides/Bourse/Quatre-Septembre Station Vélib face au bar. Renseignements : 01 42 96 85 20 Entrée et placement libre Durée du concert : 1 heure Les chansons de Brindille sont disponibles sur toutes les plateformes.
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marketinsight1234 · 1 year ago
France Bike Sharing Market Outlook for Forecast Period (2023 to 2030)
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France Bike Sharing is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
The bike sharing market in France has experienced significant growth in recent years, fueled by a combination of increasing urbanization, environmental concerns, and a shift towards sustainable transportation options. France has been at the forefront of promoting cycling infrastructure, with cities like Paris leading the way in implementing bike-sharing programs. These programs offer commuters a convenient and eco-friendly way to navigate city streets, reducing traffic congestion and pollution in the process. Additionally, the proliferation of smartphone apps and IoT technology has made it easier than ever for users to locate, unlock, and rent bikes on-the-go.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Leading players involved in the France Bike Sharing Market include:
"Vélib' (France),Vélo'v (France), Vélo Bleu (France), Bluecub (France), Bicloo (France), Velib' Métropole (France), Pony Bikes (France), Indigo Weel (France), Lime (US), Jump Bikes (US), Bird (US), Tier (Germany), VOI Technology (Sweden), Donkey Republic (Denmark), Dott (Netherlands), Oribiky (France), Zoov (France), BleeperBike (Ireland), Cityscoot (France), Smoove (France) and Other Major Players." 
Market Driver:
One major driver of the bike sharing market in France is the government's initiatives to promote sustainable transportation. In response to growing environmental concerns and the need to reduce carbon emissions, the French government has been actively investing in cycling infrastructure and incentivizing bike-sharing programs. Subsidies, tax breaks, and dedicated cycling lanes are just some of the measures implemented to encourage the adoption of cycling as a primary mode of transportation. This supportive regulatory environment has played a crucial role in driving the expansion of bike-sharing services across the country.
 Market Opportunity:
An emerging opportunity within the France bike sharing market lies in catering to the growing demand for electric bikes (e-bikes). As consumers increasingly prioritize convenience and accessibility, there is a rising interest in e-bikes due to their ability to assist riders in navigating hilly terrain or covering longer distances with less physical exertion. Introducing e-bikes into existing bike-sharing fleets or launching dedicated e-bike sharing programs could attract a broader demographic of users, including commuters who may have been deterred by the physical demands of traditional biking. Moreover, e-bikes align with the broader trend towards electrification and sustainability, making them a compelling market opportunity for bike-sharing operators in France.
The latest research on the France Bike Sharing market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global France Bike Sharing industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the France Bike Sharing market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
If You Have Any Query France Bike Sharing Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of France Bike Sharing Market:
By Bike Type
Traditional Bike
By Sharing System
By User Type
Tourists and Visitors
Regular Commuters
Reasons for Acquiring this Report:
1. Strategic Decision-Making for Government Leaders and Politicians:
Gain insights into the global France Bike Sharing Market Growth 2023-2030 market revenues at global, regional, and national levels until 2030. Assess and strategize market share based on comprehensive analysis, enabling informed decision-making. Identify potential markets for exploration and expansion.
2. Informed Decision-Making for Professionals and Product Developers:
Access a detailed breakdown of the France Bike Sharing Market Growth 2023-2030 market worldwide, including product variations, use cases, technologies, and final consumers. Allocate resources effectively by anticipating demand patterns for emerging products. Stay ahead in product development by understanding market dynamics and consumer preferences.
3. Strategic Planning for Sales Managers and Market Stakeholders:
Utilize market breakdowns to target specific segments, optimizing sales strategies. Address challenges and capitalize on expansion opportunities highlighted in the report. Mitigate threats effectively with a comprehensive understanding of market risks.
4. Comprehensive Understanding for Executives:
Analyze primary drivers, challenges, restrictions, and opportunities in the global Laboratory Clothes market. Develop effective strategies by gaining insights into market dynamics. Allocate resources based on a thorough understanding of market conditions.
5. Competitive Intelligence:
Obtain a detailed analysis of competitors and their key tactics in the France Bike Sharing Market Growth 2023-2030. Plan market positioning based on a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape. Stay ahead by learning from competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
6. Accurate Business Forecasting:
Evaluate the accuracy of global France Bike Sharing Market Growth 2023-2030 business forecasts across regions, major countries, and top enterprises. Make data-driven decisions with confidence, minimizing risks associated with inaccurate forecasts. Stay ahead of industry trends by aligning business strategies with reliable forecasts.
Acquire This Reports: -
About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
Contact Us:
Office No 101, Saudamini Commercial Complex,
Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune,
Maharashtra, India - 411038 (+1) 773 382 1049 +91 - 81800 - 96367
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thomas-querqy · 1 year ago
Ciné : "Oppenheimer" et "Moi capitaine"
Oppenheimer réalisé par Christopher Nolan, avec...
Le battage autour du film « Oppenheimer » de Christopher Nolan m’avait fait repousser d’aller le voir en salle. Comme je suis assez sensible au son, et qu’en la matière, l’industrie cinématographique américaine est coutumière des excès, le billet de Christophe Donner dans l’Express, titré « la grossièreté du quantum de décibels », m’avait conforté dans mon attentisme. Jusqu’à ce samedi frileux, où l’on a rejoint en vélib les 3 Luxembourg où l’on n’avait pas mis les pieds depuis une éternité. On y a retrouvé surtout des vieux, disons plus vieux que nous.
Si je n’ai pas résisté à protéger mes tympans à deux reprises, et que j’ai trouvé à Cillian Murphy, très androgyne, des airs de David Bowie, on n’a pas vu passer les 3 heures que dure ce film passionnant, tant par ce qui est raconté, que par sa structure et sa forme. Heureusement que je n’avais pas écouté «le Masque & la Plume » qui a unanimement « explosé… d'ennui ».
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En arrière plan, Seydou (Seydou Sarr)
Une fois de plus, j’ai essayé de voir s’il n’y avait pas un créneau possible pour aller voir l’expo Nicolas de Staël qui dure jusqu’à la fin du mois, ce week-end, pour la première fois s’agissant d’expos, j’ai eu la mauvaise surprise de voir affiché « épuisé ». Pas de doute, les touristes sont bien revenus. Putain de touristes !
Qu’à cela ne tienne, on peut encore décider d’aller au débotté au cinéma. « Moi capitaine » de Mattéo Garrone tentait bien Gabriel. Même si je connais bien la terrible aventure des migrants africains (j’ai en classe une sénégalaise qui a fait peu ou prou le même parcours, avec le viol en prime), je crois que je ne pourrais plus les regarder avec le même œil dans les rues de Paris.
La réalisation de ce film est admirable sans en faire des tonnes pour nous montrer l’Enfer sur terre... et nous faire préférer les animaux aux hommes. La performance du jeune acteur Seydou Sarr l’est tout autant.
Ai-je vu le même film que Mathieu Macheret dans le quotidien le Monde et Ludovic Béot dans les Inrockuptibles, dont l’avis me laisse pantois :  « Matteo Garrone filme la tragédie migratoire avec les couleurs du conte de fées » avec la mention « on peut éviter », tandis que le 2e titre : « un film vaniteux qui se donne bonne conscience » ?
Moi Capitaine (Io Capitano) réalisé par Matteo Garrone
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laine-de-riz-blog · 1 year ago
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Retour sportif en vélib'
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 1 year ago
Paris on a Budget
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Save in the City: How to Visit Paris on a Budget Within the first half of 2023, Paris’ popularity rose by 12.3% for tourists. And if you’re someone who suffers from FOMO, then not having France as your next holiday destination is a mistake. Live out your inner Carrie Bradshaw or Emily in Paris by visiting the city of love. Whether exploring with your girl friends or having a romantic getaway, this city boasts plenty of excitement and photo opportunities to make everyone back home jealous. Sophie Lee, Buyer at Pink Boutique, says: “Everyone deserves Parisian luxury in their life, but that doesn’t always need to include the luxury price tag too! All it can take is grabbing the girls and your favourite dress to make you feel extra special. Whether you’re enjoying the sparkling Eiffel Tower in your own sequin dress or visiting the Palace of Versailles in style, enjoying yourself doesn’t have to be costly.” Plan ahead of time Getting the best deals when you want to get away means planning ahead to find the best bargains. You don’t want to miss out on the iconic Parisian luxury lifestyle while there, so saving on your travel could give you some extra funds to spend in France.   If you’re planning to fly, then looking up to four months in advance can actually save you 13% on your travel tickets. Making sure you’re shopping around can ensure you’re getting the best deal and not wasting money on the same trip. After all, a flight from London to Paris is only 1 hour 15 minutes, you don’t want to be wasting hundreds on that. And make sure you’re packing ahead of time to avoid extra luggage. If your hand luggage is too large, you will be expected to pay extra, so avoid these unnecessary costs by packing tight and light. Go out of season Another way to save you some extra pennies is to go out of season. Not only will going during the high season mean that you’re likely to spend more on tickets and hotels, but you will also be more likely to be stuck in crowds most of the time – making sightseeing a lot less fun. The high season in Paris is between June and December, with the downtime being between late December and February. So, instead of spending your summer in Paris, why not explore the city during one of the most romantic times of the year? Christmas. This way, you can visit some of the best free attractions without having your view spoilt. Want to see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre without looking over someone’s shoulder? Try visiting in the early parts of the year for the quietest crowds. Take the girls Why not bring the price down and the mood up by spending time with your friends? Grab the girls, your midi blue dress and fabulous heels, and fly away for the weekend to Paris. Not only can a group of you spread the costs of the journey, hotels, and food a lot better, but you will be able to enjoy the views and attractions with the people who mean the most to you. And who is better equipped to take those stunning photos you need to wow everyone back home? Whether looking lovely in the Louvre or catching the right light by the Seine, spending time with your girls can give you the perfect, mood-boosting winter trip away. Bike the city One way to see this wonderful city can be to bike. Simply visit one of Paris’ many Vélib' stations to rent a bike for thirty minutes. This is a completely free rental for mechanical bikes, or you can pay a small fee for an electric bike if cycling isn’t your thing or keep your bike for longer if you fancy a longer trip. This way, you get to see Paris in a different way, enjoy the scenery, and get from A to B without digging a hole in your purse. Avoid ‘sitting fees’ in restaurants One additional fee that can easily catch new tourists is Paris' restaurant sitting fee. If you’re imagining drinking wine or coffee in a lovely restaurant, then you might want to expect this extra charge. And sitting in can be worth it, with wonderful locations around the city to dine in and die for. But if you’re wanting a quick pick-me-up, then you might want to consider standing at the bar rather than taking a seat. Instead, why not choose a picnic in the park for you and your friends? You can even sit in the stunning Champ de Mars, known for its views of the Eiffel Tower. Visit some of the local shops and indulge in wine, bread, and maybe even a pain au chocolat while basking in the sun.   Planning a Paris getaway doesn’t have to be expensive. You can enjoy luxury and indulge in a bit of culture without splashing the cash to do so. From planning ahead to save those extra euros on your flight to going as a group, you can help spread the cost – and if you employ a bit of girl maths, if you pay four months in advance, are you really spending that money anyway? Photo by Chris Karidis on Unsplash Read the full article
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lalignedujour · 2 years ago
Je roule sur une route dont je n'ai pas l'habitude, l'enfant à l'arrière. Sur l'asphalte, le logo du département de la Loire, puis des messages éparses genre qui supportent les coureurs Colombiens, ou je sais pas quoi, je roule pas en regardant la route. Enfin, la route, oui, mais pas l'asphalte.
Ce département ne m'évoquait pas grand chose il y a encore quelques années, maintenant j'y vis, et je conduis mon enfant à son stage d'équitation. La Loire. Bon. Pour moi, c'était Saint-Étienne, des environnements vallonnés et humides. Et voilà.
Maintenant, j'y ai mes repères. Je connais les villes autour, les villages et les lieux-dits près de chez moi, je sais les routes, les temps de trajet. Et je connais les gens, je leur fais coucou en voiture, je sais à qui sont les maisons devant lesquelles on passe pour aller à l'école. Je connais les noms sur les boîtes aux lettres, les noms sur les enseignes de commerces, les noms dans les cimetières, ce sont les mêmes, et je veux une place pour mon nom ici.
Il y a quelques années, non. Je ne connaissais rien de tout ça. Je crois que c'est ma sensation préférée. Ce contraste.
A Berlin, c'était la même chose. Je prenais plaisir à prendre de la distance. Me dire que je ne savais pas trois mois plus tôt que j'allais habiter ici. Et maintenant, j'ai des ami·es, j'ai un vélo, j'ai une carte de bibliothèque, je parle un peu Allemand, je vais au travail tous les jours, et j'ai une bière habituelle. Je me repère si bien que je n'ai plus besoin de regarder les trajets en détail avant de partir. Je me contente de repérer quel grand axe je dois rejoindre, et puis la fin du trajet, le détail avec les petites rues. J'ai des points de repères partout : le bar du premier soir, le resto où Francesca m'a emmené·e, là où les glaces sont à 1€, l'endroit où j'ai lu tout un aprem, le rond-point dangereux, le passage piéton où j'ai vu une femme avec un enfant sur le dos (deux dans une poussette et un qui la tenait par la poche), l'endroit où Knut a pissé, la piscine du mardi soir.
C'était pas chez moi, et maintenant c'est chez moi.
Et si avant d'habiter Berlin, Berlin n'avait rien évoqué pour moi, ce serait moins bien. Il faut pour que la sensation soit complète que ça ait évoqué un peu. Le minimum. Pour moi, Berlin, c'était le mur des cours d'histoire, le violoncelle et les Traban. Et puis c'était la ville de Cours Lola Cours, donc j'imaginais beaucoup de gens aux cheveux teints. Voilà. C'était pas grand chose, et maintenant ça fait partie de moi.
Pareil pour Tanger, pour Milan et Zürich.
Pareil pour Paris. Je connais ses boulevards, ses parcs et ses marchés. J'ai signé au moins quatre contrats de travail, et j'ai voté cinq ou six fois dans la ville qui pour mon-moi-enfant ne servait qu'à aller au musée.
Là, c'est quand le pote de pote, gosse de riche, a raconté en ricanant qu'il avait fait du zodiac sur la Seine et s'était fait courser par un hors-bord de la police. Il m'agaçait à pas avoir peur de la police. Là, c'est l'endroit où se passait l'intrigue du dernier roman que j'ai lu. La rue Saint-Antoine constituait une pièce en plus. La femme à la fenêtre, ça pourrait être l'héroïne. Là, c'est une rue qui est une réponse dans le Trivial Pursuit Île-de-France, la mère d'une pote avait répondu du tac-au-tac : rue traversière. Ça avait fait un silence, mais c'était pas pour un camembert.
Là, c'est quand un pote du gosse de riche a jeté une unité centrale dans la Seine, j'ai quitté le groupe et j'ai filé à Vélib', je les ai jamais revu.es, j'étais euphorique. Là, c'est quand un gars menaçait de nous enculer. Là, c'était mon trajet du retour. Là c'est quand on prenait des crêpes avant les spectacles dans une des salles citées dans les émissions de Laurent Ruquier "et vous vous produisez au Point Virgule tous les mardis jusqu'en mars 2007", pour moi avant ça n'évoquait que ça.
Et là, c'est quand ma presta m'a appelé.e quand elle a su que j'étais viré.e, pour me dire qu'elle avait bien aimé travailler avec moi. Sur le moment je trouvais ça un peu too-much, mais en fait c'est bien de faire ça parce qu'aujourd'hui je me rappelle pas des mails qui disent la même chose. Mais cet endroit de Paris est à jamais lié à ce coup de fil.
J'y retourne quatorze ans plus tard. J'ai un peu oublié quel boulevard mène à quoi (la carte s'est froissée), les parcs ont changé et je n'ai plus l'utilité d'aller au marché. J'aime bien cette sensation aussi : me détacher. Je suis juste dans le décor. Quatorze ans, ça paraît beaucoup. Et en même temps, ils sont là les quatorze ans. Je sais très bien où ils sont passés.
J'ai envie d'écouter Fauve - 1998 pour l'effervescence. Et Vincent Delerm - Dans le décor pour la perspective du temps qui passe ancré dans l'espace.
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