#Unnamed chick
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Chapter 113
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ceeberoni · 8 months
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if theyre cold youre cold
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herosplatling-replica · 6 months
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three birds chained to each other
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fishyunn · 1 year
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happy birthday shane! here’s a big hug for you from my farmer~
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loop-da-loop · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! (ignore that its February (almost March))
This is just a cute doodle I liked. Honestly I just wanted to draw these two in costumes of characters I think they'd be fans of.
Unedited version under the cut:
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verysickwormz · 2 years
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doodle pages
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mellifexfarm · 1 year
My flock has contracted Marek's Disease.
Since 2019, after I brought home Lyra and Wren, my flock has been a closed flock. Meaning I take biosecurity very seriously, and opted to not bring any new chickens in or allow other poultry-keepers access to the yard where they are kept. The only birds that were added from 2019 until now have been from hatching eggs. There are a select few diseases that can pass from mother to egg, but not Marek's.
But within the past few weeks one chicken displayed symptoms of leg weakness and became unable to walk. I brought them indoors and started treating for vitamin deficiency, since that is by far the most common cause of sudden lameness in poultry. But she didn't get better, and then Lyra started walking unsteadily, and I knew something else was wrong. I suspected something was wrong with my feed and sent off a sample to get tested for mycotoxins, and switched feeds, because I know a lot of people have had issues with that lately. But then one morning I found Moss deceased in the coop, and it all kind of went downhill from there.
Sebrights are known for having extremely low resistance to disease. They are very inbred. It is the reason I lost Kip to fowl pox when everyone else recovered fine. And why all but one (her unnamed cockerel "emo" son) of the members of my flock who are descended from Lyra are affected. But none of the other tiny breeds I have, Seramas or Kikirkis, are known for being particularly disease resistant either. So. I am extremely cautious at jumping the gun and saying they wont be effected.
I sent off Moss's body for a necropsy on monday and got the results today, September 29th.
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I do not know how this got into my flock. Our nextdoor neighbor got chickens a few months ago, but our birds don't have any direct contact. That is the only way I can think of.
There is a vaccine but it can only be administered to day old chicks. Vaccinating to prevent this was not an option.
It generally takes 4-10 weeks for the disease to develop after the chicken has been exposed, so it had to have been fairly recent. My flock has not been carrying this sub-clinically.
I genuinely don't know how this is going to go from here. There is no treatment for marek's disease. It is a virus. I have ordered a few herbal remedies with vague studies to back up some kind of efficacy helping reduce the damage the virus does and boost their immunity, but its mostly a crapshoot. The only good news I have with all this is that older birds are somewhat less likely to succumb to this disease. And the fact turkies and pigeons can't contract it.
The only birds displaying symptoms right now are Lyra, and Moss's unnamed pullet daughter.
Lyra is tentatively okay. I have crafted a sling for her, and she has been increasing in mobility over the last few days. She did not ever have full paralysis, so I am hopeful. Her daughter and Mouse, one of the younger keep-back pullets from this summers chicks, are the only casualties so far.
I'll be doing all that I can in terms of supportive care, but if any symptomatic birds get to the point I don't think they will recover from I will be euthanizing them. I will not be selling chickens anymore.
This disease has been a nightmare of mine for such a long time and now it is really happening. I am pretty crushed.
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yuurei20 · 8 months
The Eggs of Twisted Wonderland (rewrite)
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There is an ongoing "eggs" and "hatching" theme throughout the Twisted Wonderland game, manga and novel that seems to be hinting at something that has yet to be fully revealed or explained.
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Starting with the prologue of the game (and manga and novel), there is an explanation by Crowley that the school is an institution for the "eggs" of magic users from all over the world.
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This is explained in more detail in Book 5 by Rook, who tells Deuce,  "You are but a chick still inside your egg...ensnared as you are in the throes of hatching, each of you has an egg tooth that no one else possesses."
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Rook uses this "egg tooth" as a metaphor for unique magic, which Deuce discovers after once again being referred to as the "egg" of a magic user.
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This is certainly one interpretation: the students enroll as eggs, and hatch into mages with the discovery of their unique magics. But not all unique magics are discovered at the school, with Riddle learning his by the age of 10.
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And eggs come up often throughout the story, not only in reference to unique magics:
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・Grim gets into a fight with students after breaking the yolk of someone's carbonara
・Deuce gets a carton of eggs broken by bullies
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・Like Crowley, Trein also refers to the students as unhatched eggs of magic users
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・An unnamed character during Glorious Masquerade also refers to the students as the eggs of magic users
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・Egg sandwiches in the cafeteria
・Malleus was hatched from an egg
・An unknown student contributes to Riddle's overblot by throwing an egg
・The description of Riddle's overblot in the novel is not unlike the phantom was born from his back, as if hatching from the egg that was his body, which is referred to as a "vessel" (in the manga the phantom crawls up from the ground)
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Yana has referenced the egg motifs, commenting in 2022 on the coincidence of an egg-based Master Chef event running at the same time as the Heartslabyul novel was published along with the chapter of the manga where Riddle is struck in the head with an egg.
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The parallel of hatching eggs and overblotting is particularly interesting with Yana's observation of, "Eggs are a good symbol of things that can never go back to how they were, once they have been broken."
These egg references are largely being removed from the English-language adaptation of the game and manga (or changed into "fledging," insinuating that the hatching is already over), but they are consistent in the original media, and it is interesting to think that something yet unforeseen is maybe being built up to!
But any speculation at the moment gets into theory territory 👀
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Grand-Mav and Baby Chick
Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw / Unnamed Spouse; Implied Pete "Maverick" Mitchell / Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Word Count: 0.9k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog is 18+ Only
Warnings: Parental Stress; Dad Joke Humor; Rooster's Spouse is Unnamed; Implied IceMav; There's no way that the Navy allows babies into the offices, but let's just pretend
Summary: Rooster needs a babysitter for his son last minute. Maverick volunteers.
Master List
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Despite objections from a large portion of the admiralty, Maverick somehow managed to secure a job teaching at Top Gun again after the uranium facility mission. And an even more shocking aspect of that whole situation was the fact that he managed to actually keep the position. 
And the best part of the job for Maverick? The fact that he saw Rooster just about every day. Rooster had been stationed in Miramar for two years now and even though they no longer worked side by side, they tried to eat lunch together at least once a week. It helped them rebuild their relationship quickly and strengthen it even further as Rooster went on to get married and move onto the next stages of his adult life. 
Maverick loved spending time around Rooster’s family. But Maverick wasn’t expecting Rooster to burst into his office with little baby Nick Peter Bradshaw tucked in his arms. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be here?” Maverick teased, waving at Nick before turning to look up at a very flustered Rooster. “Why did you bring him to work?”
“Daycare is closed and I couldn’t find a babysitter,” Rooster explained rapidly. Quickly remembering that Rooster’s spouse was out of town, Maverick glanced back up at Rooster, who looked on the edge of a breakdown. “I have a briefing in ten minutes and I’m out of options, Mav, and—”
“—Give him here,” Maverick replied without hesitation, already reaching for Nick. 
“You don’t have anything?” Rooster asked, handing his son over.
“Just a class. Nothing too crazy,” Maverick stated, happily accepting Nick into his arms. Rubbing Nick��s belly and earning a coo in return, Maverick smiled down at the little chick. “And it’s never too early to teach him about aviation.”
“Thanks, Mav,” Rooster sighed, handing over the baby bag as well. “I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about it. Now get to your briefing," Maverick stated, shooing Rooster out of his office.
“And remember, when you’re flying in low visibility, you have to . . .”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, completely ignorant or simply uncaring about the odd looks that his students were shooting him. But then again, it wasn’t every day that the famous Maverick, who was pretty much a living legend in the naval aviation community, showed up to class with a random baby strapped to his chest. 
Maverick turned away from the board with notes and schematics up on it and back to his students. He pointed at the schematics and gesticulated to emphasize the important facts of the lesson, causing Nick to smile and drool a bit as Maverick indirectly entertained him with his movements and gestures.
“What the fuck is going on?” one of the cadets whispered quietly. 
“Whose baby is that?” another added on, leaning back in their seat.
“And why did he bring them to class?”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, but when Nick started to whine, he momentarily paused. Quickly reaching into the baby bag, Maverick fished out Nick’s binkie from one of the top pockets and quickly got him settled again. And then Maverick went right back to the lesson as if nothing happened to disturb it in the first place. Minus a couple odd bounces around to make sure that Nick stayed calm and happy in his carrier.
One brave cadet slowly raised his hand with a dumbstruck expression on his face. Maverick motioned for him to speak and the cadet slowly lowered his hand to point at Nick.
“Sir, why do you have a baby?”
“Oh,” Maverick realized, glancing down at Nick for a moment. “My son had a briefing and he didn’t have anyone else to watch his son, so I'm watching him for today.”
“Is that safe?” another cadet asked, sharing an odd look with their fellow students. 
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s up to date on his shots. And he can’t bite because he doesn’t have any teeth yet,” Maverick explained, earning even more incredulous looks as a result of his explanation. “Now, back to the maneuvers that we’ve been discussing this week . . .”
“What. The. Fuck," one cadet murmured under their breath.
“You know, when people told me that he was a little crazy, I didn’t think that he would be this crazy.”
“This day can’t get any weirder.”
But, of course, a knock at the door proved the cadets wrong. Because not three seconds later, the Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky walked into the classroom.
The cadets tripped over themselves, rushing to stand at attention for the most senior naval officer this side of the Rockies. But Maverick was completely relaxed and strode over to Ice to make the smooth hand off.
“You got out of your meeting early?” Maverick guessed, handing Ice the baby bag. 
“Well, I am the COMPACFLT,” Ice replied with an easygoing smile. “And besides . . .” Ice reached out to grab Nick from the baby carrier that Maverick tucked him into, “. . . someone has to watch the little chick.”
Nick cooed and made grabby motions for Ice, clearly happy to see him. Ice happily greeted Nick and held him protectively in his arms. Maverick handed off the rest of Nick’s belongings to Ice before the usually rigid and stern admiral turned to the class full of cadets. 
“We apologize for interrupting your lesson. We’ll get out of your way.” Ice shot Maverick a wink before turning to Nick. “Can you wave ‘bye bye’ to everyone, Nick?”
Nick held his half-curled hand up in the air and waved his whole arm at Maverick and the class before Ice turned and walked out of the room. When the door shut behind them, the entire class was completely silent.
“Any questions?” Maverick asked, breaking the stone-cold silence. 
All twenty hands immediately rose into the air with each cadet sitting on the edge of their seat to ask their question.
“About the lesson," Maverick emphasized a moment later.
All twenty hands quickly lowered back down, some more sheepish than others. Turning back to the board, Maverick carried on as if nothing odd or unusual happened.
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 004. An Idiot with Money
005. The Beginning of the End
After school, Kaminari and Mineta stayed, in hopes of finding their (hopefully) savior. When they spotted him on the field with his punk friend, they took initiative. Jogging at the bench where Bakugo occupied, surrounding by fumes of toxins.
"Hey, how you doin'?" Kaminari asked as he came to a stop. Bakugo was taking a drag of his cancer stick, blowing the smoke from his lips. He took the cigarette out of his mouth, leaving it to dangle in between his middle and index finger. Kaminari smiled while trying to pick at the mind of Bakugo, "I had some great squirrel last night."
Consider Bakugo's attention grabbed at such an obscure sentence. Why was an extra like Kaminari speaking to him? They come from two different worlds anyway. Bakugo, an unpopular delinquent everyone steers clear of. Meanwhile, Kaminari was a chick magnet who basically "ruled the school". He whipped his head to the annoying blonde, furrowing his brows. "Do I know you?"
Kaminari's smile deflated, wanting to get down to business as soon as possible. He pointed toward a figure on the playing field, "You see that girl?"
Bakugo, annoyed, looked in your direction. The dark blue jersey you sported caught his eye. Your smooth (S/C) legs exposed to the sun and its heat. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing the entirety of your warm face. Beads of sweat accompanied the heat which filled your face. You kicked the soccer ball to your teammate, shouting something to them that Kaminari and Bakugo couldn't quite understand.
"Yeah." Bakugo dryly replied, holding the cigarette back up to his mouth. What was the point of this conversation? He knew he should've went home instead of stayed after school; afraid of something like this happening. A man couldn't enjoy his free time on his on?
"That's (Y/N) Ashido." Kaminari explained, watching his classmate inhale the tobacco only to blow it back out into the air. He spoke in a more demanding tone, "I want you to go out with her."
Bakugo scoffed, an amused smile following shortly after. Puffs of smoke blew in Kaminari's direction as Bakugo spoke to him, "Yeah, sure. Sparky."
Even Bakugo's unnamed friend laughed, finding it hard to believe Kaminari actually thought he had a chance at making Bakugo actually go through with his command.
"Look, I can't take out her sister until (Y/N) starts dating. You see their dad's whacked out. He's got this rule where the girls—"
"That's a touching story. It really is." The pale blonde repeated the process of taking the cigarette away from his lips. He shook his head. Bakugo whispered teasingly to Kaminari, "Not my problem."
Kaminari knew Bakugo would deny his request at first, which is exactly why he came with a backup plan. Bribery, of course. "Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?"
Bakugo dryly chuckled, "You're gonna pay me to take out some chick?" Kaminari nodded his head with a small 'mhm'. This lead Bakugo into a fit of laughter once more as he licked his dry lips, "How much?"
"Twenty bucks." Bakugo raised his eyebrows, turning back to see you on the field. He caught you at a bad time, watching you run into your teammate (playing the role of the opposing team). You knocked them over, quickly kicking the ball from in between their legs. The whistle blew at your foul. Kaminari and Bakugo's heads slowly turned back to meet one another's gaze. Kaminari sighed, "Fine, thirty."
"Well, let's think about this. We go to the movies, that's, uh, fifteen bucks." Bakugo looked away before standing to his true height. He really was intimidating to stand next to, even being just barely taller than Kaminari. Mineta cautiously watched his friend get sized up before Bakugo started to walk around him, "We get popcorn, that's, uh, fifty-three. And she'll want Sour Patch, right? So, uh, we're looking at seventy-five bucks."
"This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it, Trailer Park." Kaminari was quick with his comeback, trying to find a reason why this isn't a complete waste of his time.
Bakugo's wicked smile spread across his face, "Fifty bucks and we got a deal, Fabio."
Kaminari groaned, reaching into his front pocket for the bill to pay Bakugo. He wondered if giving this guy money was actually worth the hassle. The whistle blew as Bakugo graciously took the money from between Kaminari's fingers, stuffing it into his own pocket.
"Great practice, everybody." Coach Vlad exclaimed to the players across the field. You jogged in, wanting to grab your bag and go home. The coach called out to you as you passed him, "Good hustle, Ashido."
"Thanks, Mr. Vlad."
First thing you did when you got to the bench where your duffle bag sat was dig through the supplies. You eventually found your water bottle, chugging the warm water so greedily. You were parched after being outside for a total of two hours, practicing non-stop. You brought the water bottle away from your lips, twisting the cap back on. Setting the bottle on the bench as you packed everything else away in your bag.
Bakugo seized this opportunity to stalk closer to you. He slightly bent over to meet your gaze, gaining your attention. His voice was raised as he spoke, "Hey there, girlie. How you doin'?"
You were confused as to why he would be talking to you out of the blue. You squinted your eyes to hide from the blinding rays of the sun as you spoke, "Sweating like a pig, actually. And yourself?"
"Now, there's a way to get a guy's attention, huh?" Bakugo, once again, stretched to his full height. You were surprised by how much taller he was up close.
You scoffed, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder, "My mission in life. But obviously, I struck your fancy, so, you see, it worked. The world makes sense again."
You started to walk away from him, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. To your dismay, he followed like a lost puppy dog. Bakugo looked almost desperate chasing you around. Others surrounding you noticed it too.
"Pick you up on Friday, then." He came into your peripheral view.
"Oh, right. Friday. Uh-huh." You humored him, continuing to walk forward towards the exit of the stadium.
"Well, the night I take you places you've never been before." Bakugo smirked. It was out of character for him to hit on someone. Usually, the girls (and some guys) would come up to him, begging for one chance. He would find it annoying, but now he's more irritated that he couldn't even win you over. Was his charm depleting? Was the dimple that appeared everytime he shot someone a wicked smile not enough for you to swoon over?
"Like where? The 7-Eleven on Broadway?" You sassed, swinging your arms dramatically. "Do you even know my name, screw boy?"
"I know a lot more than you think." Bakugo slowed his pace, falling slightly behind you.
You let out a breath of air, finding it amusing that he thought he really knew you, "Doubtful. Very doubtful."
You veered left, crossing over into Bakugo's path. You walked away, closing in on the exit. Bakugo watched as he let you slip through his sweaty palms.
⇨ 006. Several Assholes in One Day
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes @suckstobrlaurie @the-hangry-otter
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14carrotghoul · 2 months
and you can tell everybody (unplugged)
Hi friends! Do not proceed if you don't want spoilers for my fic, and you can tell everybody! Album notes and extras are below the cut :)
ACD's early career is releasing covers and original songs with June on YouTube and later TikTok. Career takes off his first year of university and the rest of the band joins, agreeing to play for a few years to see what happens.
[unnamed] (2020) [very little info on this besides being very pointedly Mexican-American, but the genre is rock influenced by Mexican music, like Cafe Tacvba? Molotov? but more modern]
tex mex - Lyrical inspiration: "Somos Mas Americanos" by Los Tigres Del Norte
decisions (November 2023) [highly influenced by Omar Apollo, I promise the other albums are very different! I'm shoving him down your throats here and I know it lol]
1 new message - mellow r&b. Have suspected something is wrong, ignored it, and now the impact is hitting full force. Wrongly interpreted as Alex leaving a voicemail for an ex but it is a song written for his past self about missing his ADHD and bisexuality. Sound: "3AM" by Haim
reckless abandon - daddy issues song cowritten with Liam. Bilingual. Sound & lyrically: "Voice Inside My Head" by The Chicks
am I? - 'You raised me to disappoint you bc I could never live up to your expectations'/'It took me too long to find myself bc I've been trying to be who you imagined'. Sound: "Go Away" by Omar Apollo
new year new me - fuck expectations, I'm going to do what I want Sound: "Invincible" by Omar Apollo
very bad things - upbeat hookup song. breaking all his own rules and it feels good. "Mercury" by Steve Lacy
split household - child of divorce anthem. Sound: "Kamikaze" by Omar Apollo
seria una mentira - don't make me choose a side. I love you both and it tears me apart. Pointedly about parents. Sound: "Two of Us" by Omar Apollo
too much - Cumbia version of "Too Much" by Carly Rae Jepsen
never enough - never enough to convince people to stay. Sound: "Pram" by Omar Apollo. Also feel this song's outro is very fitting for this!
a light left on - Platonic June appreciation song about how safe Alex has always felt with her. Sound & lyrically: "Caminar Bonito" by Natalia Lafourcade
Good - First time he is told and BELIEVES he is good. "While U Can" by Omar Apollo
yrs - Dramatic love song. First time Alex uses rain motif. Sound: "Petrified" by Omar Apollo
seria una mentira pt. 2 - it would be a lie to choose something simple over choosing you. Sound: "Two of Us" by Omar Apollo but slowed down and more hopeful
spine/die climbing - vulnerable pillow talk. Sound: "Plane Trees" by Omar Apollo, Mustafa
miel - sacrilege bj song. Catches on with queer Latine audience and is memed similarly to Call me by your name by Lil Nas X. Grows the band's audience. Sound: "Te Mata" by Kali Uchis.
on purpose - I choose to be all the things that I am and am not picking a side. End album on a positive note. Sound:"Done With You" by Omar Apollo
vows (June 2024) [very American sound, dreamier, more optimistic]
no booty calls - voicemail w instrumental. Sound: "All Around Me Now" by Perfume Genius
apricot tarts - honeymoon period of a new relationship. Sound: "Someone to Spend Time With" by Los Retros
in dreams - extended version of Henry's in dreams email set to music. In this universe, they met and kissed on New Years at Pez's party and still did long distance and exchanged emails :) Sound: "In A River (Acoustic)" by Rostam
supersonic - secret, fun ode to karaoke night and letting loose on a night out. Sound: "Runaways" by The Killers
tapestry - thank god I'm bi anthem. Sound: "The Steps" by Haim
lipstick on her neck - sung by June. Essentially the lyrics of lipstick lover by janelle monae but in "ALLIIGATOR TEARS" by Beyonce Americana style.
then have me - tender I'm putting it all out there, all you have to do is take it. Sound: "Solar Pilgrim" by Twain
pride (and prejudice) - purposefully anthemic chorus. about being proud despite prejudice in a red state. Sound: "Delta Dawn" by Tanya Tucker
he is my choice - eloping in the rain. comedic/romantic song about how everything went wrong at a wedding. Sound: "Howling at Nothing" by Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats
roasting Alex - jam session - the band lovingly roasts Alex. Sound: "Ballad of Hank Williams" by Hank Williams Jr., Don Helms
Not Just Friends - Liam to Spencer. Song about how they're frequently mistaken for just best friends and how happy it makes him to correct that they're more than that. Song chosen so piano and drums play the beats together. Sound: "A Little Honey" by Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats
Be Cool - Spencer to Liam. Quirky/self-deprecating song about his butterflies about being with someone he's in awe of. Sound: "Heart's Content" by Brandi Carlile
a romantic - June to Nora. Confirms that Nora is aromantic to public. June saying she would never need more from Nora bc she gets to wake up next to her best friend every day. Sound: "Tu" by maye.
bluebonnet - This place (Texas) was never a home to me until you showed me how it was a part of you and now I see you everywhere. Sound & lyrically: "I Think of You" by Rodriguez.
red-blooded (August 2029)
cover: Navy suit w white shirt and American Flag pin on lapel, cropped so only torso is showing
Americana sound again - about 50/50 rock and Americana. Features from Dolly Parton, Orville Peck, and Brandon Flowers
blue blood (August 2029)
cover: red British army dress, cropped so only torso is showing
British glam rock sounds. Features from Elton John, Brian May, and samples David Bowie.
co-written with Henry
AND as for where they go from the end of the fic:
Alex becomes a civil rights lawyer in Austin.
Henry's writing career grows but he remains relatively private.
June becomes a music journalist. Eventually ventures into exposes on the industry's shady practices and successfully pivots into investigative journalism
Nora does her own thing.
Liam stays in music industry as a band manager under Zahra's tutelage.
Spencer majored in music production/mixing(?) and gets taken under Pez's wing. Has a smaller solo career and produces for a few indie bands before he settles down and works as a sound mixer in the film industry.
Bea continues to play guitar and flit between collaboration projects.
Zahra is the band's manager and Shaan is Henry's publicist/mentor and they meet while officially strategizing Alex's coming out.
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ceeberoni · 1 year
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oc doodling, both new guys and old guys
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Kwami Swap Master Post
Cat: Maotif (Lady Noire Variant), Original Design Fox: Huli Rouge Turtle: Bi Xi Bee: Marigold (original post), Marigold redesign, Marigold Chinese, first sighting Butterfly: Mariposa Peacock: Plumette, Belle Blue, Belle Blue with Chloe Snake: Serpentine Dragon: Snapdragon Horse: Yili Monkey: Surili Rabbit: Lucky Rabbit Mouse: Multimouse redesign, chibi Pig: Piglette Tiger: Báihŭ
Ladybug: Original Design Fox: Malin Rouge Turtle: Michelangelo Bee: Buzzy Bee Butterfly: Ombre Snake: Aspik Redesign Dragon: Dracon Pig: Hogwash
Ladybug: Ladybird, Heroes Day, first sighting Turtle: Koki Marina, hair options, first sighting Bee: Myèl Jaune, first version
Cat: Cat Scratch Fox: Fox Trot, first sighting
Ladybug: Scarlet Lady, Heroes Day, first sighting Cat: Chartreux Butterfly: Monarch Peacock: Blue Blood Rabbit: Satine Random Sketches
Ladybug: Harlequin Coccibella and Bella Stella, Bella Stella, Harlequin Fox: Good Fox Volpina Bee: Miele and Regina Butterfly: Farfalla Rabbit: Leprotta Good and Evil Mouse: Multi Topi Rooster: Fenice Pig: Good and Evil (unnamed) Dog: Cucciola Ox: Dominataur Goat: Caprascuro
Cat: Bob Cat Fox: Kit Bee: Andrena, first sighting Peacock: Mystique Mouse: Comousiner Rooster: Favorelle Dog: Miss Hound redesign, Original Design Phalène Ox: Blue Belle Goat: Chevron
Cat: Cat Sith Fox: Zorro Turtle: Heavy Metal Bee: Aristaeus Snake: Viperion Redesign Rabbit: Hoppollo
Ladybug: Lady Tentou Cat: Kuro Neko, first sighting Fox: Kitsune, many chibis Turtle: Kame Verte, many chibis Bee: Mistubachi, first version, many chibis Dragon: Ryuko redesign, first version, many chibis
Ladybug: Lady Beetle Mouse: Polymouse Redesign, Original Design Sourette Rooster: Gold Wing Dog: Ultimutt Ox: Buckaroo Goat: Brebisou
Cat: Wild Cat Bee: Killer Bee Mouse: Rat Trap Rooster: Spring Chicken Dog: Bull Terror Ox: Minotaurox Redesign Goat: Battering Ram
Cat: Picatso Fox: (currently nameless) Mouse: Microdent Rooster: Caladrius Dog: Painted Dog Ox: Battle Bison Goat: Caprikid Redesign
Ladybug: Dotted Lady Fox: Foxy Bee: Bumble Bee, first sighting Rabbit: Bun Bun Pig: Original Design Miss Piggy Tiger: Unnamed
Cat: Panthera Noir Bee: Yellow Swarm Peacock: Sweet Pea Pig: Unnamed Tiger: Purple Tigress Resign, Chibi, Original Design Tigresse
Ladybug: Spotted Guard Bee: Yellow Guard Horse: Pegasus redesign
Cat: Hell Cat Bee: Roi Abeille
Ladybug: Beetle Bug
Cat: Black Plague
Fox: Jackal
Jagged Stone:
Bee: Sting
Fox: many chibis Turtle: Shellegant, many chibis Bee: Miss Sting, many chibis Dragon: Pleut Blue, many chibis Rabbit: Lapin Royal
Turtle: Tortue Marina
Mouse: Tiny Mouse Rooster: Rooster Bold Redesign Dog: Furmidable Ox: Oxenfree Goat: Goat Gruff
Ladybug: Coccecilia Cat: Dandy Lion Fox: Fox Glove Turtle: Shellonia Butterfly: Gladiolus Peacock: Poinciana Snake: Hydra Gea Dragon: Drakanthus Horse: Peony Trail Monkey: Simia Rabbit: Cotton Tail Mouse: Rodendron Rooster: Chick Pea Pig: Pigsqueek Tiger: (unnamed) Dog: (unnamed) Ox: Moobloom Goat: Fauna
Butterfly: Unnamed
Very Old Season 1 Kwami Swaps Compiled for Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Alya, Chloe, and Lila
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coriannawrites · 7 months
Side Chick Ministries: Tales From Homewreckers. Pt 1
Gratuitous cheating from MC to their unnamed partner, talk of sex.
Feel free to pint out any errors!
Barbatos, Lucifer, Asmodeus and Leviathan
My personal opinions of who could be side chicks and not, and how they’d handle it.
Starts off as a side chick, elevated to main relationship
You didn’t think you’d find solace and comfort in Lucifer’s arms, sneaking kisses in his study, a glass of half-drank Demonus on the table. Lucifer always had a special room in your heart, but by the time he confessed to you, you already had a lesser demon partner hanging off your every word.
What’s a Casanova MC to do? You really liked Lucifer, but a part of you felt some form of pity to your current partner. It’s the Devildom, you can have it all— and that’s what you resolved to do.
If you really cared about your partner, you’d have broken up with them. Not started an illicit affair with Lucifer. You thought he’d say no, had put the idea out there half as a joke. But he’d just smirked at you, and said you would find yourself in his arms soon enough.
As the embodiment of pride, there’s nothing more ego boosting than usurping a relationship and being adored. Yes, he could kill your partner with ease, but that’d rob him of the chance to see you throw yourself at him.
There’s nothing more energizing than seeing the downtrodden face of the “main chick” who thought they were better because they had an official title. Lucifer’s surprisingly fine with starting off as a side chick, and even happier when you finally break it off with your pest of a partner.
This demon lives to serve. He’s resourceful and adaptive, years of being Diavolo’s right hand man priming him for the position of second best. Barbatos is undoubtedly patient, intent to slowly court and woo you with flowers and tea. If he gets the time.
When Asmo rattles on about your newest tryst-turned-partner, Barbatos ups the ante. He’s happy to be the shoulder you rant to, whispering to Asmo to send you his way whenever your troubles weigh you down. He’s thrilled to mess with your partner, so they can turn their anger against you and when it hits the fever pitch, when you’re filled with indescribable rage and want some form of sick revenge, Barbatos is happy to be your outlet.
Isn’t it much nicer, when your partner isn’t shouting at you all the time? Barbatos is discreet, too. Absolutely no one will know, so don’t worry your pretty little head about your partner finding out.
Why care, actually? They don’t deserve you, nor do they kiss you as well as Barbatos does. Frankly, they’re a bit unreliable compared to him. Why lie to yourself and deny that you prefer the taste of the demon prince’s right hand?
It’s not long before you parade a new, much higher quality boyfriend.
Side chick, never elevates.
Leviathan is pathetic. You knew that already didn’t you? That’s why you interrupted his midnight raid, urging him to confess his feelings for you. It’s fun to see Levi squirm, stammering about you “having a partner” and “that he’s not good enough”.
Deep down though, he’s exhilarated. Have the curses he’s been putting in your partner working? Are you finally going to realize how shitty they are, and choose Levi instead? He’s been green with envy ever since you paraded your new partner around. Levi was so sure you had something going on, the secret kisses and giggles you shared in his room must’ve meant something!
Delusional he was, paling when Asmo bragged about you leaving the single club. But you’d still crawled into his room that night, shared a kiss and left his heart pounding.
What are you guys? Levi’s not sure, he’s your secret at best, the guy you turn for when you want to touch and nothing more.
But this is more than he deserves, even if he desperately wants you to show him off. He’ll take it.
You should reconsider having him as a side chick
Sure, Asmo can be your side chick. A quickie, a hump in the dark, a kiss at night. It’s only naturally that you can’t resist the Avatar of Lust, tripping over yourself to be in his eyes. Your relationship had been a bit stagnant, your partner not fully giving you what you wanted or needed. But you liked them, you think? That’s why you haven’t broken up yet.
It’s not your fault you preferred Asmo’s touch and caresses to being a faithful partner.
And well, Asmo’s never been one for being discreet, you know. It’s awfully rude to try and make him hide away his beauty, to skulk away in the dark.
So when you tiredly wake up to your phone buzzing, your partner demanding to know what Asmo’s latest Devilgram means and why you were in his bed, half-naked… you know your little secret affair is over.
Not that Asmo minds. More Devilgram posts for him!
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bronzeflower623 · 9 months
Name ideas for Damian's unnamed pets?
in Batman Tales: Once Upon A Crime, there's an image of Alfred (human) on a playing card alongside all (or nearly all) of Damian's pets:
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And there's Jerry (turkey), Titus (dog), and Alfred Pennyworth (although the coloring is different, so it might be a different cat).
But there's also three chicks, a snake, a pig, and a turtle (or potentially a tortoise) that are all unnamed (as far as I know), so I wanna hear if anyone has any name ideas for those animals.
Pets not shown in the picture include Goliath (dragon-bat) and Damian's dragon from Nightwing #42 whose name doesn't actually appear in the comic from what I can tell, but there was someone from the Nightwing team that joked about the dragon's name being "Wiggles", and it seems people who are aware of the dragon run with that (although if anyone has any more specific information about that, please let me know).
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hausofmamadas · 8 months
SE LA ARRANCA A MORDIDAS | mystery of Amado's anonymous lady-hustlers, solved
Holy father who art in heaven, do I have some fucking cracked ass head-canon nonsense for us to👏🏽 day👏🏽 …………….. let’s get to it shall we??
so idk if anyone anyone being the largely nonexistent narcos fandom aka the void Im speaking into remembers that one scene from Narcos in S3 where sleazy!OG!Amado told that one story about those sex workers who robbed him blind, mid-mamadita?
anyone ..... no?
dwdwdw that's okay bc I brought some visual aids to assist in our collective remembrance of this glorious occasion
The scene starts like this: 👇
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Okay, yeah, right? legendary? legendary. just truly legendary behavior skfjskj on all fronts. but the identities of these social justice warriors— no wait activists— no wait, crusad— er no, patriarchy demolishers? iconic crimies with a penchant for for mid-fellatic felonies like armed robbery have been completely anonymous thus far.
…………… until now.
Bc as always, Narcoverse papis Doug Miro, Andrés Baiz, and Carlo Bernard, never fail to fill in the blanks except when they do cause Griselda left a lot to be desired and this is arguably the best ep of the show which, yeah. it’s never ideal when the best ep of a 6ep limited series is the 2nd one si me entiendes😬😬😬 but we digress because im 99.99999999999999% sure if these two sex workers from Griselda aren’t also the two legends who hustled Amado’s dick money out his pants pockets without having to fire so much as a single shot, I’m fairly certain they’re at least inspired by and carrying the torch aka bottling and distilling that Big Dick Energy to perfection of those brave women.
What gave me this idea? So glad you asked dear reader you didn’t but we’ll just pretend you did cause this my haus KEKW…. No like even I rolled my eyes at my own self for that but i couldn’t refrain either.
It all happened when I was nursing my new obsession with a one, Mr. Darío Sepúlveda a name I would most certainly believe to be fucking fake were he not an irl human bean.
👇👇 THIS slice of sweet, cherry pie right tf here
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And I stumbled upon this one specific part, where the look on this chick’s face is SO FUCKINGKDHDHDGWVE SIMILAR to Amado’s face, when he’s explaining 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇how the burgling commences when the gurgling is interrupted by with an uncomfortable silence, as this chick proceeds to, hog still in mouth, cease any and all throat activity and fuckingskdfjskl just stare. up. at. him.
all 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Like tell me homegirl’s face here👇👇 👇👇 doesn’t look just like it????????????
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Anyway. Movingright along.
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So, if aforementioned homegirl is the 🙇🏻‍♀️ from la historia del grande señor de los cielos, then that makes this ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ ... homegirl’s accomplice
with the👇👇sidearm
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and like the general only slightly subtle "I eat dicks like urs for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack" vibes that this duo is serving throughout but esp below bc never will I ever not refer to a fuckboy as mancito from now until I'm in my grave alsdkjfa like MANCITO. THE WAY SHE SAYS IT WITH SUCH ALSKDJFKS CONTEMPT, CAN YOU STAND IT????? makes it so clear in my mind's eye how they could 100000000000%% be the unnamed heroes thieves from Amado's little story
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*smacks own face, jiggles head back and forth, takes deep breath* anyway.... back to the story
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and this is where this prob super unhinged really solidifies bc let's join hands class and pledge alliegance to the most impressive and noteworthy alpha but in the most non-cringe way assertion of dominance I have ever fucking witnessed in all my days. Like, legit the next time i'm into a dude the way i say this like it's not an 'if' bc RIP to my love life lbr fuck all that playing coy, fuck all that flirting. We just gonna get right to the point bc imma climb all over his lap, purr in his face, and ask about his hobbies like it's the 1978 equivalent of a Hinge profile SKSKKSK
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and the next time I am spurned I will absolutely grab his junk in a naked hahahaksdjfk grab for a proper leash power to gain the upper hand in the situation and shame any and all menfolk who claim to not like me bc I'm not their 'type.' which like sksjsjsjs admittedly poor Dario just said that as a pretense to get the chisme from the chick who hates Grislenda bc the look of unconcealed regret on his face when Mistress Mamma Crotch Snatcher Morton gets up seems like a good indicator he would've paid to play with his balls
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and lest any of us were convinced that Lady "Hijueputa Mandona Esa" who hates Griselda wasn't the one holding the gun on Toque, telling Amado she's gonna have her friend chew clear through his disco stick like some froot by the foot, please refer to exhibit B here ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️where she's manspreading for jesus in these fucking hot pants. I mean try to tell me that ain't power. c'mon
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AND THEN THE WAY SHE FUCKINGSLDFKJSL HUSTLES DARIO FOR EXTRA CASH, ALL "you gotta pay me more than that pittance bc yeah, she were a mouthy bitch but I didn't hate her that bad" ensuring he had no choice but to leave a tip, just like our pobre mujeriego, himbo extraordinaire, Sleazy!OG!Amado
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And if this isn't the most iconic reminder to tip your servers, folks which everyone should be doing already I truly don't know what is.
taglist: @ashlingnarcos @tofuwildcard @narcolini @drabbles-mc
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