#Unluckily I still can't find that story
linya333 · 1 year
trying to find a fic based on one half remembered scene I read when I first got into the fandom before I started bookmarking fics a lot
three hours later:
This is a lot harder than anticipated (usually quite good at finding stories I've read before). Luckily also found some quite interesting other fics to read
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sphireath-wisp · 7 months
Can you do Blue Lock Rin x female reader x Sae? The reader is a very sweet and kind girl. The Itoshi brothers are fighting for her love.
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Sypnosis: The ask above!!
Warnings: Love angle, unclear ending, all characters are aged-up, mild cursing, messy interchanging grammar
Notes: You didn't exactly specify how you wanted the story to end. Neither did you say whether you wanted Rin to get with the reader or Sae to get with the reader? Thus, I made it more of a big situationship. (I didn't have much to work with and I wanted to stay in bounds instead of straying further from your ask and making my own story)
Featuring: Rin x F! Reader x Sae
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"So, this is what you were up to, Sae?" Sae clicks his tongue at the sound of Rin's voice. He had hoped that dragging you alone with him to a booth near the back of the club would have let Rin off of his trail. This suffocating crowd wasn't doing him any good, especially when they failed to slow Rin down.
Rin, on the other hand, is irritated beyond words. Even with the bright lights in the club, he can still see the bright red flush of your cheeks and bare skin. You're wasted, drunk beyond comprehension and he can tell from your slurred speech.
You're on Sae's lap, forehead resting against his shoulder as his hands pretend to hold up upright - both Sae and Rin know Sae wants to hold you.
The sight alone causes Rin's hands to ball into fists. The blood in his veins feels like they've reached a boiling point, his gut churns uncomfortably when you give him that glazed-eye look. He's never wanted to be his brother so bad.
You feel a hand wrap around your wrist. "Come on, (Name). We're leaving." Rin declares.
"You're leaving. (Name)'s with me." Sae speaks up, hand holding your other wrist when Rin tugs you off of his lap. Sae's frown visibly deepens. He doesn't like you leaving - he realizes.
You stumble between the two. The world is spinning when you stand up and the ground looks distorted. The alcohol has its own strong effect on you, you can barely stand up and, unluckily or not, they take notice.
Rin takes action first, tugging you in his direction and allowing you to rest your head on his chest. His body has a mind of its own when his hand snakes around your waist. Sae, however, just had to intervene and pull you away from him just when he was getting comfortable.
"Fucking moron, can't you see she's wasted? I'm not leaving her like this. I'm bringing her home." Rin hasn't let go of your wrist.
"I know what I'm doing, Rin. Go home," Sae's words are firm, eyes narrowing at Rin and earning a glare from him. "Tugging her back and forth like a ragdoll, you don't know how to treat a girl right."
There's an almost deafening silence between you three. You're too disoriented to really hear the snarky comments exchanged except for the loud music blasting through the speakers. Chills shoot up your spine when Rin places his hand on the small of your back. Sae stands his ground and his hand find their space on your shoulder, fingers invasively going under the strap of your top.
"(Name)'s going home with me, Sae."
"You can't decide shit for her."
"What? You wanna ask her yourself?" Rin's tone is mocking, eyes rolling at his older brother. "If you have eyes, you can clearly see that she's drunk."
"She'd still want to stay with me, drunk or not." Sae's eye twitches. "Right, (Name)?"
You blink, dazed from the alcohol. Everything's a blur and you stagger back and forth. If it wasn't for them, you'd probably have fallen down by now.
"...Huh?" you blurt out after a moment.
"(Name)," Rin begins, speaking slowly so you can process things, "Do you want to go home with me or stay with Sae?"
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 8 months
Hello. I just wanted to ask- do you have any worldbuilding on the volchiy or the zvezdochoty that never made it into cyanide narwhal? I absolutely love doing worldbuilding- and I’ve been going absolutely feral over these guys- but sometimes it’s hard to fit in the information without it being an exposition dump, so it usually ends up being just. Background information for whatever sort of story I’m trying to work on. I was curious if you had any worldbuilding you’d like to share on them- I absolutely adore your fic, it’s been a fantastic read.
oh god you're opening the floodgates here-
actually, i don't know. i know that i had info on them, but i can't remember atm what actually made it in and what didn't (if there was even any info that got left out). so uh- i'll just leave an infodump of all i had thought up of them down here,,
thank you!!! <3
on the zvezdochoty
basically i thought it would be interesting if they were some sort of Adepti-like group of non-humans from long, long ago. so like- normal animals that attained higher thought, except these ones didn't do it via cultivating spiritual energy, so they don't have the type of powers that Illuminated Beasts in Liyue do. i think i had Guizhong or Morax ask in the fic if it was a collaboration, but Pavel said it was a sum of efforts – basically illuminaiton via collective knowledge gathered as a united group as opposed to the Adepti's method of going about it on their own.
my idea was that, around the time of the Primordial One's unified civilization, a large pack of foxes somewhere near what would later become Inazuma became really close with the humans there. almost like dogs becoming smarter as we domesticated them, the foxes started picking up on human knowledge as a group. they loved their human companions so much that they started unknowingly tapping into the flow of the leylines and how it bent and moved around the humans (which were different from the humans that Celestia later took dominion over, as the Primordial One's direct presence in the land sort of... altered the way humans worked). in much the same way Illuminated Beasts in Liyue can create a human form after acquiring enough energy, the foxes gathered enough energy together that they managed to create, as a collective, a different form for themselves, one that looked more like their human companions. since their method of gathering energy wasn't as intensive as the Adepti's, though, they were unable to become completely like humans (keeping their ears and tails), and they had to, at some point, decide whether to stay in their new forms or forever revert back to foxes. basically they didn't have enough power to transform back and forth at will.
unluckily for them, it was around that time that Celestia showed up and the war began. they had made the decision to remain human-like, and so now they couldn't just hide among the foxes, so they had no choice but to run. they went far far away, eventually finding a quiet spot in Snezhnaya, where they ended up settling.
this was still the first generation of them btw, the ones Pavel refers to as the First Ones. they migrated from the Inazuman area up northwest, and settled in Snezhnaya while the war happened in the background. as they hid, they had no choice but to start a little civilization of their own, divorced from their human companions. so since they were in the frigid north, the sky back then did produce auroras. the Primordial One's humans had always looked up at the sky (since that's where their god had come from) and had loved the moons, and so the foxes turned up to the sky for inspiration as well. the auroras fascinated them, which is why they were all the more shocked and devastated when, upon the ending of the war, they stopped appearing. instead, two of their former human companions' beloved moons vanished, and the stars appeared out of nowhere. in some sort of... ode to their human companions, they dedicated themselves to observing and studying this new phenomenon, which is where they got their name from.
from then on, the Zvezdochoty more or less kept a low profile. even when Celestia eventually realized they had survived the war – since they weren't powerful beasts like Liyue's Illuminated Beasts, and couldn't control the elements on their own, Celestia saw them as no immediate threat. the First Ones even threatened Celestia with spreading the word of what had actually happened, and so they were left alone under the condition that they would tell nobody, and that they wouldn't stick their noses into their affairs.
i'm pretty sure the rest did get explained in the fic. the Zvezdochoty kept their word on not snitching, but they insisted in studying the stars. they managed to get as far as basically discovering astrology before the Morepesok massacre took place, so.
i never mentioned the Inazuma bit because i figured it was irrelevant, but i did remember thinking about it. it would explain in-universe why Inazuma later held reverence for the kitsune, out of all the Yokai (beyond their own historical figures) – some ancient murals must've remained from the original civilization of the humans that lived there and their fox friends.
as for why they're known as Snezhnayan Fox Spirits outside of Snezhnaya, it's because they're such a recluse group that most of the region is low-key convinced they're not real. like- outside of Driver's Stop, Snezhnayan settlements speak of them as though they're legends. as for whether the rest of Teyvat thinks they're real or not, i think it depends on who you ask. those areas that have an abundance of non-humans likely think they're probably real, but can't confirm. like- the Adepti of Guili Assembly probably assume they're real, while the humans would likely be like 'that sounds like Adepti behavior' abt them. in somewhere like Mondstadt, tho, where non-human activity is.... low??? they might be more on the 'legends' camp of the rumor.
on the volchiy
i think most of the stuff about the Volchiy got into the fic, thanks to Depth Claws and Nadezhda. the biggest problem here was that i started writing them pre-chasm, so all we had to go on about Bonanus was those two shots of her from the Yakshas trailer. i thought, since i was already going off limited information, that it would be hilarious if they were a mountain chicken case – their species' name as it's known outside of Snezhnaya would confuse more than it would clarify. the wolf part of the name came from how they would look to a normal human if they caught sight of them trying to hunt a land animal with nothing but their giant claws (like some sort of massive horned werewolf). the crab part, well, because of the shell.
other than that, i think i did mention how they used to be far, far more of them; but as they branched off and the lands started to shift, the only remaining group became Depth Claws', so. the reason why they didn't get along with Lord Yuriy's humans was because long ago, when they were a much larger population, they used to dominate the reefs and coastal areas, thus depriving the humans off fish. as their numbers dwindled and the humans advanced towards the coast, the feud became mutual, and the original reasons vanished into the tides of time as the Volchiy started to settle farther and farther away from land. by the time it was only Depth Claws' group, going anywhere closer to the shores would just be asking for trouble with the resentful humans, so.
anyway- i think that's mostly all i had on them. if i ever thought of something else, i never included it, and it was therefore likely not all that interesting or relevant.
so, uh-
thank you! i hope the infodump was somewhat what you were looking for,,,
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wendy130 · 11 months
heard you were looking for fake fic titles, so we got some for you!!!
Cast Out
On the Hunt
Ghost Chasers
Reality Sucks
Roll Call
Apocalyptic Nightmares
“Is anyone there?!”
// I did only a few of these bc otherwise this would get too long :P
// Cast Out, Ghost Chasers, & Apocalyptic Nightmares
Cast Out
Fish hunter- angler? I don't know but fish hunter sounds funnier-- Wilbur goes out everyday to catch fish. One day he catches a lobster hybrid Niki who is Not happy with being trapped inside a net. Thankfully, Wilbur hands her a fish and tosses her back into the sea.
But now every time he goes out to fish, Niki 'unluckily' gets caught again and again...
// This is entirely based on some dudes on YT who hunt for lobsters but throw back lobsters they can't keep. They give those lobsters some fish before yeeting them back into the sea :3
Ghost Chasers-- my fucking favorite out all of these has been moved to an entirely different post which you can find here!
Apocalyptic Nightmares
Disclaimer: I have no idea how blindness actually affects people on a day to day basis. This will not be accurate. And I have no idea how to write these characters either lmao.
It’s hard going through the apocalypse while you’re blind, but Dream has been… handling it fairly well, he’d like to think. 
Especially when that apocalypse is based purely on sight. Any human that looks at the- he’s not sure what to call it, honestly- the beasts go insane. He’s taken to calling them ‘Medusas’ because he’s fairly certain that, before everything went to shit, there was a story of some lady that would turn people to stone if they looked at her. He’s not sure. It sounds fake, to be honest, but he stumbled across another human who told him about it. They said it was… ‘Greek mythical,’ or something.
Regardless, he’s been able to move around with the walking stick he’s had since forever. Plus, since his eyesight is non-existent, his other senses have strengthened to make up for the lack of one less processor. Some days are… shit, to be frank. He’s dropped his cane and had to fumble around to find it, and that’s not even considering the rest of the disadvantages that come with being blind. 
He has.. no idea how he’s been able to survive. He thinks it’s luck. Whatever it is, it’s the only thing that’s been keeping him alive for so long. He’s thankful for that. 
And he’s even more thankful when he hears the rare shuffle of feet. It looks like he’s finally stumbled across another person- or… monster. Whatever, it’s company, even if the monster can’t talk back to him. Most of the time when there’s a monster, they end up wandering off and not responding to him. It’s how he knows who’s human or not.
Turning towards the sound, he lifts his head when the shuffling freezes, “hello?” he calls out, hoping that they’re human. 
After a clear hesitant pause, “hello?” And, oh! Finally, another person. He smiles.
“Hey! Great to finally come across another human,” he hears mumbling, but it’s incomprehensible. He shifts slightly to face the voice a little more, “sorry, if you couldn’t tell, I’m, uh, blind,” he laughs.
“Oh,” the voice still sounds.. confused, “uh. Yeah. I couldn’t… tell.” Dream pauses, tilting his head.
“Do you not know what being blind is?” It’s the apocalypse, it… would make sense that people might not know about it, he supposes. The voice is silent, and he quickly adds, “it’s okay. It’s the apocalypse, I get it. Information is a little scarce. I basically just can’t see. My name is Dream, by the way. What’s yours?”
”My.. name? Oh. My name. My name isss… George. It’s George,” the voice seems to fumble, and he laughs a little.
“Are you sure? It kinda seems like you just made that up, George,” he emphasized teasingly, feeling the edge of his mouth twitch up in amusement, “I guess that makes sense, though. I don’t come across people that often either, so it takes a second to remember that greeting people is a common courtesy.”
“Y..yeah,” the voice- George- laughs, a tad awkwardly, “yeah, it takes a little bit to remember how to speak, y’know?”
Dream meets George, who’s… not as human as he seems. But, hey, Dream doesn’t need to know that.
Basically, shenanigans between the two bc George is used to just driving humans insane and never exactly having company. No less company that doesn’t shut the fuck up. Dream gets someone who can make life a little bit easier, George gets to learn what it’s like to be human, and both of them get to have some well-needed company.
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gwendeeagain · 2 years
give me a moment to dump all my sort-of abandoned wip ideas here (my incomplete fic collection is sobbing with how much im using it as a crutch) Assclass collection
- Gakushuu and Gakuhou both die (the OG idea is to have them kill each other in a freak accident lmao) but turn into ghosts because of some antimatter mechanic i'll figure out. Only 3E can see them because they are also exposed to antimatter etc etc. Through investigation they find out that to move on to the afterlife, the two have to fulfil their unfinished business. 3E tries to help them. but when korosensei dies the lingering effects of the antimatter starts fading and the pair's presence grows weaker so there's a greater urgency to help them fulfil it. Gakushuu absolutely refuses to say what his last wish is. Gakuhou reveals that his unfinished business is just to make his son happy (lmao), and Gakushuu is just so resigned that he says he's happy and it works. (less so because Shuu is actually happy (he isn't), but more so because Hou is just so desperate to want to think he's not a failure of a father that he just latches onto any last bit of validation.) Meanwhile time ticks for Gakushuu and everyone is afraid that he'll vanish from sight forever, not having moved on. Shuu finally reveals that his last wish is to believe that Gakubou actually cared about him. Nothing - going through old photo albums, ghost therapy, trying to talk about it - works, because Gakushuu's already fallen into acceptance that his father never loved him. He grows dimmer as everyone tries to convince him. Finally he admits that maybe he doesn't need to care about what Gakuhoi ever thought of him, because 3E obviously care about him. The next day, he vanishes. It's unclear whether he managed to finally move on, or if the last bits of antimatter finally dissipated into nothingness and left him a silent, wandering ghost forever. We never find out. I have like 2 and a half chapters written for this one but it's literally just 1. they're dead 2. oh they're ghosts now
- DnD/Fantasy esque AU where an adventuring party (Gakushuu, Kayano, Karma, Nagisa, Manami) (@skyestar7703 's Constant gang!) are gallivanting around the world. Background lore is that the world was once ruled by gods but they all vanished one day for no reason. The reason is because there's a war. It's eventually revealed that Shuu is the son of a god and he's picked a party to follow to try and get them strong enough to eventually kill one of the main instigators of the god-war. Spoiler alert that's his dad. The Virtuosos are here too but they exist as Shuu's previous party who failed but are all things considered still pretty strong in themselves, so they join up eventually. The main starting quest that the gang start with is going to rescue Kayano's sister (Aguri) from her captor (Yanagisawa), only to awaken an old god who's been sleeping all this while (Korosensei). Unluckily for them, he's got to slowly wake up his power and before that he's very squishy. Luckily for them, he'll eventually be super strong and on their side. Luckily for Gakushuu, Korosensei went to sleep long before he was ever born so he doesn't recognize him (yet) (although he keeps squinting and saying things like "hey you look familiar".) That's pretty much all I have for this. It exists as a lingering thought in my head. I don't have the ability to capture exactly what I'm envisioning for this. Gakuhou spears Gakushuu at one point because he knows his quasi-immortal kid can't die from a single sword through the stomach. Gakushuu knows he won't die but it still hurts, dammit
- A weird aged down (?) AU where Gakushuu is like a tiny kid when canon happens. This is significant because the story starts 10 years after that. Nothing else has changed about canon. Gakuhou has vanished mysteriously, so Gakushuu (aged 15) goes snooping and starts digging up the mystery of Kunugigaoka. He starts a hunt for his father by going through every single one of the now adult 3E students who all have no idea where Gakuhou went and all remark that he's a lot like his father. Karasuma and Irina become his babysitters for the event and trail after him as they also try to find where Gakuhou went. No I don't have an idea about where he went. This fic has only manifested because of this line:
"if you've found this letter, it means you've gone snooping through my stuff-" wow, rude.
That's all I can remember for now
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lorirwritesfanfic · 1 year
Do you have any fics in the works? Tell us about them!Looking forward to any other writer's upcoming fics? Tell us about them too!
My wip folder is never empty, darling. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing to say it, given the number of unfinished works I have there, but oh well...
I haven't had much time to write. You know... real life, bills, family, more bills... 😵 and of course I procrastinate a lot (I blame Netflix Brasil for getting Downton Abbey and all the Turkish diziler I find online 🤦🏻‍♀️). But I write sometimes. Not every day. Not most days of the week as I used to do before. But I'm still writing.
The one wip I'm actually half way through is a Hamid x MC xmas fic. I know you're thinking "but it's almost February! And Prince Hamid is Muslim!" and you're right. But Daphne is Christian, very fond of Christmas, Hamid loves a nice social gathering and finding any reason to tease his favorite girl and we do not follow the real life calendars in here, so why not?
Among the series I write, earlier this month I was working on Meant To Be (Desire & Decorum modern day AU) chapter... 27? (I lost count... 🙈) Anyway, I think the next two chapters will finally explain why I label it as a Soulmates AU. There's a Sinclaire and Daphne awkward scene here, a little Sinclaire x Alisha moment there... But nothing too dramatic for now.
There's also Jade and Liam's For The World to Know. Tbh I have no idea what chapter I am (I'm getting super lazy on this because Tumblr and AO3 count the chapters automatically for me 😅). They're just a couple of weeks away from the wedding, they're getting joint a bachelor and bachelorette party, there's some heart to heart talk with Hana (these girls need it), Leo is joining them in Vegas (and we all know he often brings drama) and there's Drake situation to be solved. I'm close to reaching the end of FTWTK and I wish I could really start Happily Ever After (instead of just posting a few one shots of them married) because I've been daydreaming about the plot for years (the story will be soooooo good, ugh!), but I don't know... If I managed to finish FTWTK (or just The Fives Stages since there's only two more chapters left), I'll take it as a win.
Last year, I also remembered I never finished my Bloodbound series. A while ago, I got a comment on AO3 from someone who wanted me to extend the series and I thought about doing it, but at this point I wouldn't know how to do it. I'd probably have to create a new plot since the one I started back then is nearly solved. But that would demand time to replay Bloodbound to find inspiration and, unluckily, that's something I don't have lately. I started planning a chapter with Adrian x OC (any Adrian stans still out there?), then I'll write one more chapter to wrap it up.
There are other Desire & Decorum AUs and a TRR AU, but I haven't touched those wips in months... I rather not make any promises regarding any of those stories for now.
Other than that, there are a few one shots planned:
A Thomas Mendez x Ayla (+ Stephanie and Luz) inspired by one of my favorite Brazilian memes and a scene of a 2010 romcom. I can't explain why I'm doing this... The muse wants what the muse wants 😂
A few ficlets (or short stories, depending on how inspired I am when I actually sit down to write) to answer some OTP asks for Hamid x Daphne and Nate x Stella (TWC). I was debating if I'd include Liam x Jade, but I might give away the plot of Happily Ever After in one of the questions, so nope 😅
When it comes to other people's stuff, I don't know... I'm not super active on Choices (or any fandom, for that matter) and I'm not familiar with most of the fandom and what people have been writing lately. I do have my faves (@missameliep @lilyoffandoms @storyofmychoices @princess-geek @noesapphic ) and they still write from time to time, but I'm not going to pester them for new fics. They have their own lives and write whenever they can. As a fan of their work, I respect their writing pace and I'm simply glad they're still here.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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In an AU where Holly Gribbs is never attacked, Grissom isn’t promoted, etc, how do you think GSR could have developed? Would it have taken even longer than the years it took?
hi, anon!
i feel like i have given this answer a lot lately, so i apologize for giving it again here, but i honestly think it depends on the variables.
to my mind, grissom and sara getting together was always inevitable—they have been attracted to each other like magnets since day #1, so they were always going to end up together at some point.
the only thing that was in question was when exactly it would happen—either sooner or later. 
in canon, they meet, fall instantly in love, and then spend the next two and a half-ish years stuck in a kind of holding pattern where they see each other occasionally but can't really progress their relationship on account of the distance.
it's the kind of deal where since they haven't yet dated in a serious way—even if they have maybe hooked up (and it's debatable if they have), they haven't "gone steady" or lived together or even seen each other all that regularly, much less expressed their feelings for each other outright—it would be a leap for them to move states expressly for the sake of being together, and yet unless someone moves states, they're never going to get the chance to test what they have out and see how far it might take them.
from a practical perspective, neither one of them can actually justify taking the risk—not when their whole ~thing~ is still so nascent and unproven.      
to even raise the possibility with the other person would be completely unhinged.
“hey, i just met you, and this is crazy—”
for however unfeasible the notion of moving cities to be together might be, both of them still can’t help but wonder what might happen if ever they weren’t living 400 miles away from each other—and, what’s more, both of them still can’t help but (secretly) keep searching for some way to maybe someday test out that hypothetical. 
luckily for them, and unluckily for holly gribbs, eventually, an opportunity for them to “try the experiment” presents itself when suddenly grissom finds himself in charge of running a criminalistics team that just happens to be short one criminalist.
honestly, even then, it’s still somewhat mind-blowing that a) grissom’s first move as supervisor is to invite the girl he’s kinda-sorta been long-distance seeing for a couple of years (though not in any official capacity) to quit her job, uproot herself, and move across state lines to a city where she knows no one but him to be a member of his forensics team the literal second he gets the chance to, even though he probably has carte blanche to hire whomever he wants to otherwise, and b) that sara fucking does move without any hesitation, overhauling her whole life for him all in the course of just two weeks just because that’s how incredibly in love they are—and yet that’s exactly what happens.
the door opens, and they run through it, each instinctively knowing that sara taking the job is maybe their one chance at finding lasting happiness.
of course, as we fans can well-attest, even once they do take the chance, the course of true love doesn’t run smooth, so it still takes them many years (and more than their fair share of angst) to finally start living the “beautiful life” they’d always wanted to with each other.
that said, the main takeaway from their canon story is this: from the very beginning, they were always looking for ways to get together, and the second a possible in-road that could lead to that outcome presented itself to them, they took it.
while they weren’t quite reckless enough to cast their whole lives aside for each other right from the get-go without having any assurances in place beforehand, they were in love with each other enough that the instant there was even a slightly plausible pretext for entering each other’s spheres, they seized on it.
all it took was the window of opportunity opening just the slightest bit. 
to that end, in an au where holly gribbs is never killed and so grissom is never promoted and so he never offers sara the job and so sara never moves to vegas in october 2000, i think it could honestly go either way, in terms of them either getting together faster or slower.
for however long no “precipitating incident” took place, they might have remained in that same kind of nebulous “we definitely have feelings for each other, but since we live so far away from each other, we can’t really do too much about them” state that they’d been in ever since their first meeting in 1998, continuing to see each other intermittently, a hookup at a conference here, a visit over the course of a weekend there, and maintain contact with phone calls, letters, and postcards otherwise.
but only until something happened to give them a potential “in.”
down any path, they would both always be looking for an opportunity to become a more regular part of each other’s lives.
it would really just depend on when and in what form such an opportunity might present itself.
in some scenarios, it could potentially take years for something to happen. however, in others, it might happen relatively quickly—even much more so than it does in canon.
it would just really depend on outside factors.
more discussion after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
so, to posit some potential scenarios:
scenario #1: slow burn
if at any point grissom and sara were ever able to spend more than a few days at a time together, then i think that their doing so would lead them to form a more “official” relationship, which might, in turn, eventually lead one of them (most likely sara) to relocate for the sake of them potentially sharing a life together.
like, say that sara and her hot temper got suspended from the sfpd crime lab for the better part of a summer for pulling one of her reckless stunts confronting a suspect or getting in some supervisor’s face, so grissom invited her to visit him in vegas while she was out of work—  
or say grissom was invited to help start a body farm up at his old alma mater of uc davis and took a sabbatical from the lvpd for a few months to go and do it and made the hour-long commute to see sara pretty much every day after work—  
or say they both ended up attending some long european forensics conference that put them in vienna or munich for a week or two—
if something along those lines happened—if they got to experience what it was like to sleep together and wake up together and share regular meals and just hang out and be an actual couple—i think it would increasingly become impossible for them to deny themselves that kind of closeness going forward.
after their temporary time together was up, i think it’d be the kind of deal where they’d start calling each other every day and taking time off from work to visit each other. whether they “made things official” or not, at this point, they’d essentially be dating long-distance, and they would both find it harder and harder to live apart from each other as time went on.
at some point, maybe at the end of a weekend visit that just feels way too short or after one or the other of them has an especially bad day and the other one laments their inability to be there to "make it better," they might finally admit that they both wished they could just be together all the time.
and maybe at that point, they might have a conversation about how to move forward.
because grissom is the more established party out of the two of them, i think that it was always going to be more likely that sara would be the one to move for the sake of their relationship.
however, even for as much as she loves grissom, i don't think she would ever be the type to move 400 miles across state lines without having a job lined up, so before they made that big leap, i think grissom might have to pull some strings to get her hired at the lvpd—maybe on the swing shift rather than the night shift, so that they could technically abide the "no dating a member of the same forensics team" rule while still having a relationship. 
where in this process sara might finally tell grissom about her past would depend on how their relationship played out, but i also believe that she probably wouldn't get to the point of being ready to move in with him until after she had told him the truth about herself.
while this scenario would take some time to play out, following a much more "traditional" relationship trajectory than what we see from them in canon, it still could, depending on when exactly the precipitating incident of them getting to spend that extended time together occurred, potentially lead to them getting together sometime prior to 2005 (though, of course, it could also, by the same token, lead to them getting together during or even much later than 2005, too).
it would all just kind of depend on how things unfolded.
scenario #2: job posting
maybe in another scenario, at some point during the nebulous "we are in love but can't be together because we live too far apart" phase, a job happens to open up at the las vegas crime lab—whether on the night shift or otherwise.
and maybe sara, either with or without consulting grissom, takes it, thereby opening the door for them to finally be in the same location and give an actual romantic relationship between them a try.
since in this version of the story, grissom wouldn't be sara's boss (even if they perhaps were working on the same forensics team), their whole dynamic might be very different, with less of the friction than we see in canon in play.
honestly, this kind of scenario could happen at any time, so it could potentially lead to grissom and sara getting together much earlier than they do in canon. (though, of course, it might also lead to them getting together at the same time or later than they do in canon, too.)
potentially, it could happen very early if the reason the job opened up was because, after a few more weeks of hard shifts and taking shit from brass, holly gribbs did actually quit, suddenly creating a vacancy on the night shift team.
scenario #3: early retirement
in canon, grissom's hearing starts to deteriorate in s2 and continues to do so throughout s3, until in the s3 finale, episode 03x23 "inside the box," he finally undergoes surgery to treat his otosclerosis.
though sara plays a very minimal role in his canonical hearing loss storyline in the sense that she is not aware that he is losing his hearing as it happens and never talks to him or takes any action related to the issue insofar as we are made aware, i do believe that just her presence in vegas at the time when grissom is undergoing his hearing loss influences his behavior surrounding it, particularly as he carries some very deep-seated fears about how him becoming deaf might potentially affect their relationship.
while for a long time, grissom is too afraid to even admit to himself the severity of his problem and pursue medical help for it, eventually he seems to realize that he is in real danger of losing everything that matters to him if he does nothing to confront it, including (especially) her.
to me, it is no coincidence that only about one week in show-time after he declines her dinner invitation in episode 03x22 "play with fire," he undergoes his corrective surgery in episode 03x23 "inside the box."
to me, there is something about the threat of fully losing her that spurs him to finally confront his problem and take action.
in a scenario where sara weren't in vegas but grissom still underwent hearing loss between 2002-2003, i don't think it's unreasonable to suppose that things might play out differently.
in a scenario where sara was still living in san francisco in 2002-2003, with her and grissom having their nebulous "we're in love but can't be together because distance" thing, i think it's very possible that he could have potentially procrastinated pursuing medical treatment for his condition for even longer than he does in canon.
particularly if he and sara were at this time mostly communicating through letters and emails, he might be able to mask his hearing loss from her almost completely, while at the same time continually ignoring the problem otherwise in the hopes that it would just "go away on its own."
in canon, catherine noticing the issue and calling grissom out on it plays a significant role in his decision to finally pursue treatment.
but let's say that in this scenario, she isn't quite as quick on the uptake as she is in canon.
maybe by the time she finally does notice and by the time grissom finally musters his courage enough to seek medical care, it's too late and the hearing loss is permanent/irreversible.
and so maybe he ends up having to retire much earlier than planned.
admittedly, that kind of forced retirement would likely do a real number on grissom's sense of identity and purpose and send him reeling, potentially causing him to retreat inward into himself, away from everyone, including potentially sara.
however, because their relationship had been conducted mostly long-distance through writing so far, alternatively, she might be the one person he was able to confide in.
and maybe it might bring them closer.
perhaps in retirement, he might choose to move back to california to be closer to his mother.
and maybe things might unfold between him and sara from there.
of course, in this scenario, there might be a language barrier between him and sara, if he were by this time communicating primarily in asl. however, just as in canon she puts the work in to learn asl for the sake of having a relationship with his mother even though doing so is difficult for her (see episode 11x13 "the two mrs. grissoms"), i have no doubt she'd do the same for the sake of having a relationship with him in this au.
other scenarios
other potential scenarios that could eventually lead to grissom and sara getting together even if holly gribbs weren't attacked:
maybe at some point between 2000-2006, brass quits his job as the night shift supervisor in order to deal with ellie, paving the way for grissom to eventually become supervisor and potentially hire sara, much as he does in canon.
maybe at some point, grissom starts to get burned out on his job as a criminalist (much like what happens with him in s7 and s9) and he takes an academic job, potentially in california, instead. maybe this change in career paths opens the door to him and sara eventually getting together.
maybe sara eventually quits the sfpd and takes a job with the fbi (which is, after all, something she expressed interest in potentially doing in s2) and gets stationed in las vegas. perhaps once she does so, she and grissom are finally able to see each other.
maybe at some point sara's depression gets really bad (like it does in s4 and s8 in canon) and grissom realizes she isn't doing well and drops everything to go be with her, which leads to them deciding—once sara is sufficiently stable enough to be ready for such a thing—that they want to actually pursue a relationship in earnest, and everything unfolds from there.
maybe one of them gets hurt on the job at some point and the other one finds out about it and flies to their side. maybe from that point on, they become inseparable and are willing to make whatever life changes necessary in order to share their lives together.
maybe at some point grissom's mother passes away and sara insists on helping him clean out her house/go through her belongings/ready the estate for sale, spending like a week with him in marina del rey. maybe during the course of that week, they get really close to each other and come to the decision that they can't be apart anymore, then make lifestyle changes to allow for a relationship from there.
maybe sara's behavior issues eventually get her fired from the sfpd and she switches career paths entirely, becoming a naturalist (much in the same way that she and grissom do post-"immortality"). again, maybe this change in careers paves the way to her and grissom eventually getting together.
maybe they spend years in their nebulous "we love each other but aren't together because distance" phase and only manage to finally embark on a relationship much, much later than they do in canon, circa 2009-2010 when grissom finally retires from the lvpd in earnest.
anyway, i'm sure there are hundreds of potential avenues that could have led them to be together, but the bottom line is this: i think in any world where they meet each other and form that initial connection at the conference, they will eventually find some way to be together, however long and circuitous the road may be to get them there.
gsr is inevitable.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years
The Breakup - Comic Script
Prequel - Age 27
Wolfbahn breaks up. This is really sad. I hated writing it. Please don't read it. Just start reading again during my Endwalker stuff. Much happier once they're back together. Poor blorbos. 😔
Catch up on my WoLComics
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number. A or B followed by ) is for a split frame. POV means first person point of view - just shows hands.
TW: PTSD, Blood, Mention of Suicide Attempt, Domestic Violence The triggers are in Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1
Wolf and Rau are asleep together in their Ul'dahn apartment. Narrator - "Thirteen years before the events of ARR, Wolfram (the future Warrior of Light) and gladiator Raubahn Aldynn have been together for two happy years. They share a small apartment. Despite struggling with a dark secret - Wolfram is planning to propose soon. This is the night it all ends.”
A) Close up of Wolf's face. Eyes shut. B) POV vision of a summoning circle on a stone floor.
A) POV of summoning circle but have become claws. B) PoV fighting a Garlean soldier. 
PoV attacking Wolf’s parents
PoV of their bodies with his bloody claws hovering over
PoV standing over Raubahn in a pool of blood
Rau waking up to Wolf shouting off screen - "NO! NO NOT HIM! YOU CAN’T HAVE HIM  TOO!"
Rau walking up to Wolf worried. Wolf awake hunched over a basin crying and washing his arms, tears streaking his face - "RAU GET UP YOU HAVE TO RUN!"
Rau puts a hand around Wolf, concerned - "What is it Pup? Why do I need to run? Did you have another nightmare?"
Wolf staring wide eyed at his hands - “You... You don't see them?”
Rau holds Wolf. Worried, he says - “I don't see anything.” Thought - ‘These are getting worse lately. We need to talk about it.’ Wolf confused face. 
Wolf worried, staring at hands "I thought it was happening... That I was changing - I... I'm so sorry."
Rau steps back, still left arm around him. Smiles sadly - “If you're ready to talk about it... I would like to know what these dreams are about.” Thought - ‘Changing?’
Wolf looks at Rau, very worried with tears in his eyes - “I suppose it's time. I can't keep putting you in danger without you knowing the risk. Please don't judge me too harshly. I love you more than anything in this whole world. I can't picture my life without you.” 
Rau smiles holding his hand and says - “Of course. You are everything to me. There is nothing you could say that would change that.”
Wolf closes his eyes and says - “I suppose it starts with my grandmother. My mother’s side are descended from the survivors of Mhach. Aye, the black mages who summoned voidsent. Her parents forced her to learn the dark arts, hells bent on “preserving their culture”. She vowed never to teach another soul and so the practice would end with her. There were tomes you see, translated and passed down for generations. She hid them and refused to teach me though as a foolish boy I begged. I understand now, but at the time I hated her for hiding that kind of power.”
Rau looks at him, confused, but lets him continue. Wolf - “When the Garleans took our village about seven years ago, my grandmother refused to act. As did my parents, fearing retaliation from a larger force if they killed the group tasked with overseeing the area. I was a man grown by then but knew I couldn’t take them down alone. I dared not risk my siblings by asking them to fight with me. Unluckily for everyone - I managed to find my grandmother’s hiding place and started studying those dark tomes.
Rau worried - “Wolf… tell me you didn’t.”
Wolf smiles sadly - “Would that I could… about a year later I’d had enough of the constant threats. Demanding to stay at the inn for free. Scaring off potential customers. Everything my parents had worked so hard for was crumbling. I couldn’t bear seeing them under the yoke of the empire.”
Rau, brow furrowed. Takes his arm off of Wolf - “You could have left and started over somewhere else. You could have even joined the resistance like I did.”
Wolf looking at Rau with a pained expression - “I couldn’t leave. Not with the way their leader looked at my sister. She was so young - had only just become a woman.Then one night… I heard my parents talking. The Garlean had requested her hand and they were considering the offer. They didn’t know Ana like I did - she wouldn’t have allowed any of it. She would have made him kill her before she became his bride.”
Rau annoyed, thought - 'What the hells is he saying?! Why did he not consider other options?!' say - “You could have taken her with you. You could have –”
Wolf continues with a straight face, looking at the ground - “Please just let me get this out. I know I’ve owed you this talk for some time, but it’s so difficult to say the words… So - I went to where the tomes were hidden and performed the ritual. I made a pact with a hellhound. It was supposed to give me strength and let me retain control of my body, but something went wrong. It possessed me completely. I transformed into a monster. What happened next I saw in flashes in between the darkness. It started with the Garleans as requested… and then it moved on to the rest of the village… and finally –”
Rau staring at Wolf in horror - "No…"  off frame - “-- my family. I… I watched it shred my parents apart using my hands. Tis a blessing I didn’t see what it did to my brother and sister.”
Wolf looks back at Rau face streaked in tears - “Then my grandmother fought it. She was able to lock it away somehow. Suppress it within me. Her last words before succumbing to her injuries were that I had to keep myself calm or else I would lose control and it would take over again.”
Rau standing with arms crossed and a straight face. Thought - 'How could he do something like that?…so foolish. And it's still within him? How?! No wonder these dreams plague him.' Asks calmly - “What happened next?
Wolf smiles sadly - “I tried to kill myself of course. It seemed the right thing to do at the time… but after standing at the falls for several hours I still couldn’t throw myself in. So I gathered what I could, burned the village, and fled to Gridania.” 
Part 2
Rau furrowed brows - “Why did you burn the village?” Wolf confused - “Well I didn’t want anyone to know what had happened there. Besides, I couldn’t bear the thought of burying my family.”
Rau closes his eyes, thought - 'This is a lot but I must stay calm. I'm sure he regrets all of this and blames himself, rightfully so. If he's learned from this we can move on…with precautions.' Say - “And next?”
Wolf embarrassed - “I went and lived in the forest. I spent several years working to control my emotions so there wouldn’t be another tragedy.” Dark Thought - “Aw, just gonna leave me out? All of our nice conversations?”
Rau arms crossed, glaring at Wolf thought - 'Wait now…he's leaving something out…' Says - “How did you survive? How did you afford to have papers forged and move here?”
Wolf uncomfortable thought - 'I'd hoped he wouldn't ask…' Say - “Banditry mainly. Stole from travelers. Only the ones who seemed wealthy. And I only ever killed other bandits…although I'll admit it was not always necessary to do so.”
Rau annoyed - “Oh aye, bandits don’t count as people do they? You went off on me for killing some damned cultists when they were a danger to others. Now you tell me you'd been murdering bandits?” 
Wolf crosses his arms and looks away, embarrassed - “I think you know now what that was about. I just… have trouble staying calm around the void.”
Rau curious - “So… when you have times that you feel the pressure in your chest and start breathing heavily. What are those?”
Wolf closes his eyes - "These episodes I have…I believe they're what happens when I start to lose control of the voidsent within me. I don't know what would happen if they continued but I’ve been able to suppress my emotions enough so fortunately I don't think I'll find out.” Dark Thought - ‘You know that's a lie. Your end is inevitable.’
Wolf smiles sadly and looks at Rau - “Once I realized how good you were at calming me down I knew this was meant to be. You could be my anchor… and you’re such a good person I can see myself becoming good just by being with you. Learning from you. The Garleans took everything and ruined my life but I can see myself building a new one with you, Rau. Please… say you understand. Say you still love me.”
Raubahn angry - “You still blame the Garleans?! Do you have *any idea* the things I’ve seen? The things I saw them do to our people? What I fought to stop? The things your family went through were *nothing* compared to those horrors. You had so many other options. What you did was selfish and foolish and *you* killed our people in that village, not them, not the Garleans. Everything you did after pales in comparison, yet I’m more disgusted by it as it shows what you really are. Now you want me to… teach you how to be “good”. Do you even love me or am I just someone you’re using for your own ends? How could you possibly ever be “good” when you refuse to put the blame where it belongs?” Wolf pleads - “No! The Garleans they –”
Rau furious. - “SEVEN HELLS WOLFRAM! Stop blaming everyone but yourself. YOU summoned it. YOU burnt down the village. YOU chose to become a bandit. YOU chose to kill and steal. YOU chose to come here and make me love you. YOU lied to me and risked my life for two years!”
Wolf goes to hold him - “Rau please! I just need to explain it better! You’ll understand why I *had* to. They did make me. I swear I’m changing. Just give me the chance I’ll do whatever you want! We can work through anything! Please, I love you!”
Rau shoves him away. - “How could I ever love you in return now? Knowing what you are? You’re just a rabid mutt that needs to be put down. A selfish monster. Why should I spare your worthless life?!”
A) Wolf hits a wall. B) Wolf looking at Rau in fear.
Rau standing, putting a hand to his face. Thought 'That was too far…' Say - “I’m leaving. You’d best not be here when I return. Send word where you’re staying and I’ll have a carrier bring you your belongings. ”
Wolf on the floor staring after him. Rau walking to the door (camera behind). - “If I ever see you in Ul'dah again I’ll turn you over to the Blades myself.”
Wolf sitting on the floor crying. The door is closed with a >thud< sound.
Part 3
Wolf leaves the city via Central Thanalan, looking devastated. Mumbles to self - “How could he? How could he just toss me aside like that?”
Dark Thought - ‘Easily. You're a monster. Always have been. Why would he want you now that he knows? He was right about everything. You are a selfish bastard blaming others for the things you did of your own free will.’
Mumbling to self - “Aye. I've always known he deserved better. I just… didn't expect such rage. I thought he was about to attack me.”
Dark Thought - ‘He should have. He should have killed you. You deserve to die and you know it.’
Wolf crying as he walks - “Aye, I do. For lying to him, killing and stealing, and for everything I did to my family. I'm an awful person, a monster. Though if I couldn’t end it then I doubt I could now. I may have lost him forever but at least he’s not dead like them. Perhaps I could find a large bottle of rum and drown in that instead?”
Dark Thought - ‘Eh, it's your life. For now at least. Maybe that would work though I doubt it. A decent person would turn himself in and make amends for his crimes, but we both know a waste of aether like you can’t change.’
Part 4
Raubahn returns to the apartment looking miserable. Thought - ‘Damn… he did leave… ’
Rau leans against the wall. Mumbles to self - "What have I done... How could I say those things to the man I love? Lay hands on him out of anger?"
Reaches for the door handle but hesitates. Thought - ‘He... There's no way he would ever want to speak to me after that. Damn this temper. That look of fear in his eyes… No, I've crossed a line and there's no turning back. It's over.’
Sitting at the table, notices a box and reaches for it. Thought - ‘Suppose I should pack his things if I’m to send them. I can do that properly at least.’
Eyes go wide and fill with tears as he sees the rings in the box. - ‘Was he going to?! …Damn you Wolfram... Why couldn’t you have simply taken responsibility for your sins and begged me to forgive you for them? …I would have. I shouldn’t, but I would have...’
Rau lays in bed alone staring at Wolf’s side of the mattress with tears running down his face.
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tuiyla · 1 year
Hi!! Ok so would love to hear all your thoughts on the live action atla? Have you seen the episodes titles. The thought on the casting and costumes etc. also what do you think about the LA only having 8 episodes? Also I know that the show is not going to be 100 accurate because it’s impossible but there are some things that would absolutely be a no for me if they don’t portray accurately. What are some aspects of the show that you are hoping they get right. ?
Hey bestie, sorry I'm very behind on asks in general and I was living a lesbian dramedy when you sent this in but! I'm delighted and honored to be asked about Avatar. It's my home, even after all these years, you know? So thank you for your patience, I hope you're reading this.
I've seen the ep titles and I do find them a bit strange. I've been thinking about how they're gonna adapt the entirety of book 1 into one Netflix season for so long. My thoughts and feelings on the live-action show fluctuate, after the very very brief preview and pics we got my excitement dipped tbh. The cast still looks really good but I find the way they just 1:1 replicated Aang's tattoo, well, cartoonish, and tbh while it does look better than the movie that's a low, low bar. I don't think this live-action series should even exist and it will have a hard time justifying its existence to me. A lot will ride on the special effects but ESPECIALLY the tone. My god. Tone was one of the movie's greatest offenses. I know people keep hyping this adaptation up but I'm just too jaded for it I'm afraid.
The 8 episode thing doesn't bode well. Look, book 1 of ATLA is by far the Avatar season that's hardest to adapt. Unluckily for Shymalan and this Albert Kim guy, it is the start of the story. It doesn't so much matter that they're an hour long each and I hate when people argue this makes it barely any shorter than book 1 originally was. It's not just about runtime. It's about structure, pacing, the very DNA of the book 1 adventure of the week, travel across the world formula. You can't recreate book 1's adventures faithfully in 8 hour-long episodes so some things will have to go. And to be fair, that's fine. Not just talking about The Great Divide here but in general there are episodes you can technically leave out. Careful what you lose, though, because there isn't a single episode of Avatar that isn't referenced later on in one way or another. It is very much an adventure of the week sort of thing and sure, some episodes have lesser impact than others but they all do add up. And just based on the casting announcements and what little info we do have on the show, a shit ton of the side characters from the season are going to make an appearance. So where does that leave us in terms of what's covered?
The first one is straightforward, as the bookend of the season is obvious. The Last Airbender, obviously the South Pole episodes as well as, most likely The Southern Air Temple episode as well, which would make the title more fitting. Now, do I think it's a good idea to combine these first three episodes? No. Hence my comment about runtime. Just because something fits doesn't mean it should be condensed. And then an entire episode to Warriors i.e. Kyoshi Island, and an entire one to Omashu therefore we're almost halfway through the season but have only covered the first five eps of the animation. I do think they're gonna cover more on Kyoshi Island than ATLA OG did and possible place some other chs also in Omashu, but here we are with just 5 eps left now. Spirited Away has got to be the Winter Solstice, possibly the two-parter but Into the Dark is such a vague fucking title and an outlier that who knows whether the two-parter will be a two-parter here, too. Imo it would be a mistake so I can only think instead that Into the Dark is the Jet episode. Masks is The Blue Spirit, combined with the parallel Aang and Zuko flashbacks as seen in The Storm. The North is The Northern Air Temple leading into the North Pole episodes, and that leaves us with the Siege of the North being Legends, most likely heavy on the Spirit World and the killing of the Moon.
And on first glance, this is a pretty decent structure and what I would expect them to cover. Provided I'm right, and based on the casting announcements I think I am, these are exactly the major beats I would cover. But it still leaves us with important chs like Haru and Bato potentially missing, even though, and I'm not sure about this, but I think they've been cast? I might be wrong about that. They and the episodes they're in are ones I'm more willing to sacrifice but it still makes me wonder what will be combined. That's a big thing with adaptations, combining chs or elements into one tangible block and it's usually where themes get messed up. And Avatar is so well-constructed that I think any meddling in the themes is a bad omen. I also just don't know how they're going to justify Omashu having an entire ep when the South and North Poles basically get one episode each, too. Again, I can only think of them including more in it than was in The King of Omashu originally, and also reshuffling the episode.
In terms of what I hope the most they get right, well. I'm a Katara girlie first and foremost so I do worry that the nuances of her arc as portrayed in book 1 will be lost in such a format and structure. As much as I understand not covering Imprisoned, it's crucial to understanding her character early on. So ideally it'd still be conveyed, somehow. I'm also, ngl, somewhat concerned that Kya has already been cast? Because it makes me think they'll just jump right to flashbacks even though it's super fucking important that that story only gets told at the culmination of Katara's arc in book 3. I'm afraid it will be more tell than show, and the unsaid expectation that we already know these chs and therefore don't need to establish them as well as the OG series did. But they do have to, otherwise it will not be Katara, or Sokka or Aang or Zuko, just some copy. I'm also lowkey most anxiously anticipating the Jet episode (potentially Into the Dark?) because I feel it's one that's easy to get wrong. I have strong opinions on Jet and his story. I can find the links later if you'd like lol, but he's an important foil to three main chs so his introduction here should serve as ch development for Sokka and setup for Katara, as it did in the show.
I'm not entirely against things being changed and even welcome fresh takes on the story but I mean, yeah, I have concerns. I realize this isn't very well structured and more so random thoughts but in general I just think there are a million things that could go wrong and comparatively few that could go right. I'll watch this show of course, if it ever does come out and hopefully I'll be having detailed thoughts written out here. This first look didn't exactly inspire all that much confidence even if, provided they go the way I think they will, they made the best of an 8 ep structure.
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livehorses · 2 years
Oh, hi there. Sorry for not being around. Social media kinda became overwhelming for me and I had to take a break before returning formally to Tumblr. (I've been on Instagram and YouTube because I find them more lightly lately) Also the start of this week was harsh due serious mental health issues. I don't want to get into details about it, it's a thing thanks to God I was able to handle and I don't know if it's going to happen again. Long story short I had a rough Easter night just for a stupid thing, that unluckily spilled the glass of water long before filled with many other things more serious (economic problems, my little sister having most likely arthritis, my future being so blurry at the moment and not being sure if I'm going to get into the art school this time...) My brain played a not a very pleasing game with me, making me feel no one understood me nor listened to my needs and for the next three days I wished to end it all for good, I thought life wasn't worth living for anymore, it lost meaning to me. So... *sighs* there, I said it. But thankfully I was talkative about it with a couple of trusting people and that gave me courage to keep going.
For now, I think I'm back to Tumblr for good. Still, the rules will be the same: I'll be around just Wednesdays and Sundays. Also, I can't promise anything because as I said before, I'm getting prepared with studies for that blessed exam and I have to focus on that now, it's my priority. As for my art, I will do it depending on what my mental health allows to. I've also lost interest and pleasure on drawing along those dark days.
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deviltoys · 3 years
hey, kevin here, i apologize that somethin' of this matter is being posted so late like this and so sudden. i won't be typing as i usually do as the accusations here are a serious matter and there won't be a need for my usual, light-hearted typing style.
it has come to my attention, though this information has been kept private for maybe a month, two? but has only just recently been brought to my attention by a good friend of mine. the claims were sent to him over instagram by my ex; kai or huhrizon. the photo will be attached below in which, kai, is laughing about the fact he believes he's found out that i am a minor. more specifically, fifteen. which couldn't be farther from the truth, this thread will be debunking and defending myself before he can come out and express these fabricated lies to try and ruin my reputation because he's upset that i wasn't ready for a relationship.
kai messaging mattia over the fact he believes he has uncovered 'my mother's facebook profile'. which will be debunked below.
Tumblr media
very interesting that you decided to not only, try to uncover things about my identity after i politely explained to you that i no longer wanted to pursue a relationship, but that you're brewing up fake rumours just to try to get back at me for it.
onto the main claim. kai has been professing, that i, am infact a fifteen year old falsifying his age online. the reason he believes these claims are that, one, he found my mother's facebook profile. and two, that there was a photo on there of me, with the caption 'happy birthday kevin' posted onto the account. mattia has explained to me that this photo isn't here to be displayed as evidence, solely because kai sent the picture through instagram's vanish mode.
* this mode automatically deletes anything sent after the chat is closed.
mattia informed me that this photo was overall suspicious though as kai had blurred out the user's facebook handle. very odd indeed kai, very odd. i have no clue what this women looked like as there were no further photos, so until then, i don't know how i can debunk the woman not being my mother; appearance wise.
what reason do i have to believe this is motivated out of spite? before kai and i had become acquainted, i followed him through dylan, who had publicity posted about how his friend had created a dark blog. wanting to follow more creators who shared a similar interest, i followed him. immediately, kai had started sending asks about whether or not i was single. we had not talked nor even messages before, we had liked a few of each others posts and that was the max of our interactions. but i responded with a flirty remark, which i am now known for, but wasn't at the time. flirting was thrown back and fourth and after awhile i had realized i was no longer ready, mentally or emotionally for a relationship at that point in time. i still had full feelings for kai, yet kindly expressed my discomfort with a relationship. which he mutually accepted and that was that. i thought we were ended things on great terms, we both communicated and got our messages out of the way.
apparently this was not the case, as kai, without my knowledge goes to search for any sort of dirt he can find on me. which, i will be using a post by dylan to explain why i have reason to be swayed into the fact this was out of anger— i love dylan, and he's not included in these accusations whatsoever, but this post is important to view. do not drag him into this, please. i'm serious.
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dylan admits to kai being able to ruin people's lives for fun. which is obviously, not a good look for him. he purposefully goes on the hunt for any information he can attach to someone. unluckily for him, he couldn't find anything worth exposing, so he restorts to making up lies about my age in an attempt to get some sort of revenge? as punishment for breaking his heart i presume. very, very mature after a breakup which i calmly and kindly let you know that i wasn't ready for anything further.
now, onto the rebuttal i have for his big accusation; me being a fifteen year old who's mother's social, kai sniffed up. my mother does not own any form of social media, she has an email which is technically not even a social app. ( this is used for her grad teachers, in order to contact her for reasons that will be explained ).
my mother hasn't had any social app for years, much less posts or takes photos of us to display whatsoever. my mother entered a relationship with a man, who at the time she didn't know was very, very anti-lgbtq.
* before anything else it's important to note that kai, believes i have a brother. i told him this in order to stray away any true information about me, as there are very few people i fully trust with the knowledge of my personal life. much less, someone who i just met at the time; i.e kai. kai had mentioned a friend of either his or his brothers being named 'hank' to try to also fit the lie of having a brother, i told him it was a funny coincidence that my brother had the same name. i do not have a brother, my sister and i are both trans— she being mtf, and i being ftm. she has given me explicit permission to disclose this, as i wouldn't ever dream of letting that information out without her word.
this leads into my main argument. my mother had been with this man for quite awhile, and had finally asked us for permission to give him the news, that we were both transgender and that he should know for the future of our family. he obviously, did not take this well. to keep details minimal for the safety of my family, i'll briefly explain some of the shit he's done to my mother. stalk, threaten, send unsolicited photos and dead animals to our home, try to get my mother to meet up - or find her location to meet up with her, and many, many more vile things. my family has been hiding, moving, and changing our identities ever since. my mother has wanted a healthy, safe environment for her children to grow up in without fear that their lives would be taken or in some way ruined by this man. we can't keep a house for more than a year before we're forced to go into hiding because of a message from him or some sick prank from somebody who knows about the situation. this is all i can say, as i don't want him to somehow get ahold of this post. which is also why i am withholding my families legal names as well as her ex's legal name just to be cautious. though it is never ever justified to lie to your partner, kai and i had barely talked and i felt pressured by the environment and excitement to rush headfirst into a relationship. causing me to hold back any truth to my personal life, excluding interests, stories, and stuff of that sort. which deserves an apology all on it's own.
now, where this fifteen, number came from. not a clue in hell, my sister, is sixteen but was fifteen at the time i was in a relationship with kai. i have no clue if this has anything to do with it, but he knew, as i told him i was celebrating her birthday through text. letting him know, the age she was and the age she was turning.
i live off the grid and always have. my legal name is not on here, my family or friends names, etc. my personality, all me, the stories or hobbies i have? true. my job? true. i express the true me on here while still holding back information that could cause my family into another year of hiding. my mother never has and never will have any socials. she barely uses her email out of fear, but has no choice as it's her only means of communication to her job.
another quick thing i would like to mention, to be truthful, as this is a post solely based on trust alone. as i have no physical evidence to back it up. i sent a photo to kai, letting him know it was taken when i was in middle school. i told him my mother put a filter over it, which is weird right? i just explained how my mother doesn't have socials, he's got to be lying, right? no, my teacher had taken the photo and she had edited on her photo to show our grandma, who she sent the image through phone messages. this was no lie, but it was a misdirection to try to get kai to believe my mother posted about me. i still didn't trust him and never fully did, so this was another. morally wrong, attempt to cover my true identity by lying to him about it. which, again, never right to lie to your partner. but i have a family to protect, it's hard to make friends and relationships online when you have to hide who you truly are your whole life. and i'm sorry that's been the case, though the information my mutuals privately know is all the truth. i've grown to trust a fair few, so thank you.
as a summary, these claims are total bullshit. i can provide more context or answers to any questions you may have, below, through dms, or through my inbox. this was once again posted before he could get his word out, as i wanted to make sure everyone knew what i had to say, in case he decided to 'expose' me while i was at work, or too busy to compile a rebuttal. thank you all for listening, you don't have to believe a word of this. as yes, my story does sound far-fetched but i have no way that i can verify it without putting my family in danger. which, i'd much rather lose my online status over a silly rumour than harm my family for another multitude of years. this is a rather short and rushed post though, as it's been bugging me for awhile and i just need to push it out.
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liliyuhh · 3 years
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"Carried by the Wind"
First Installment of Highschool Series
> yjw × reader
> Enhypen as themselves
> Jung Hana as you (reader)
> Sorry in advance for my wrong grammars and typographical errors. This story is still on-going.
Happy Reading <33
"Hana!!" You're here!!" My friend, Sojin, rushed to me to hug me. "Welcome back!! I know we hate going to school, but this is the only time we can meet and hang out, right? " She said this while laughing.
She knows I hate going to school. The thought of waking up early and doing school work makes my head hurt so badly. 
"Sojin I'm still sleepy. "Can I just ditch the first day and sleep again?" I whined. 
"Of course you can't, madame. By the way, I have good news, hihihi, "she said. 
"And what is that?" I said while I closed my eyes.  
"Don't sleep pabo. Anyway, I heard that there is a new student here on our campus. And he is so so handsome!!" She looks like a fangirl gushing about this new student. And he? 
"And also, bestie, I heard that he is an achiever in his old school!! We should be friends with him!!" She said.
"For what? To use him? Besides, he is already famous. I heard some girls talking about him. He will not notice us, Sojin. So "let's be friends with him" will not happen anymore. "
"Bitterbutter," she said, and then she rolled her eyes at me.
After our little chitchat, we go ahead to our school's field for the welcoming program. There are a lot of new students and also old students, and the rest are the school staff. The school became jampacked as the students gathered in the middle. 
The program is starting and everything is in chaos. The school staff are having a hard time assisting the students. Unluckily, Sojin is not on my side anymore. I lost her. I tried to find her in the sea of people, but I couldn't. I tried to move and unintentionally pushed other people so I could just walk properly. While walking to find Sojin, someone pushed me. 
"Ouch!" I said as my feet stung. The students make way as the school staff assist me. 
Wow, I never thought my first day would be like this. I am the center of attention. 
"Excuse me, students!" One teacher said,
", can someone carry her to the clinic!" The teacher asked for help. 
The students were either engrossed in the program or were lost in their own world.
"I'll carry her maam"
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Yang! ""Just bring her to the clinic and the nurses will just assist her afterward," the teacher said, and then out of nowhere, someone just carried me. I let my eyes fall asleep and just let myself be carried in the air
Mr. Yang...
"She is fine. She just needs to rest for awhile. I leave you two here." The school nurse said.
"All right, miss, thank you," Mr. Yang said.
The nurse leaves us two. Mr. Yang thinks that I'm asleep, but I'm actually not. I just close my eyes and just listen to what they are talking about.
"I know you're awake," he said.
What? How?
I didn't move an inch. I still close my eyes, pretending I'm asleep.
"I'm going to leave you here. "Just rest," he said, and that made my system awake.
"Wait!" I said.
"What?" He said.
"Uhm... thank you for bringing me here," I said. I smile a little just to show my appreciation for his help.
"That's nothing. Do you need anything that I can get you before I leave?" He asked me.
"You," I said out of nowhere.
"What?" He said, looking at me intently.
"What I mean is that I need you to be here with me for a while. I'm scared, "I said. 
Well, that is actually true. Knowing that there are a lot of scary stories about this school, especially the clinic, makes me goosebumps.
"Oh okay," he said as he sat on the bench near my bed. He looks at his watch as if he is busy and needs to run some errands.
"Well, ummm, are you busy? Maybe I'm disturbing you. You can actually go. Just tell my friend, Sojin, to come here, "I said.
"No I'm not. I have nothing to do and the program is boring, so I might just stay here for awhile. Just go rest, and stop talking to me," he said while he got his phone from his pocket.
"So cold," I whisper.
"I can hear you," he said while still looking at his phone.
What the hell? How can he still hear that? I want to talk to him but he doesn't want to. So I just laid my back again on the bed, closed my eyes and let myself be drowned in it.
The day passed and the events at school became hectic.
That conversation with Mr. Yang was the last one. We didn't have any interaction after that. But I still see him around the school with his friends. Even though I'm far from him, I still look after him. I know it sounds creepy, but I realized that after that interaction with him at the clinic, I started to develop feelings for him. That made me realize that he was the type of man that I wanted. 
"Stop looking at him like he is some kind of prey, Hana. You look like a sasaeng, "Sojin said to me, making fun of me for looking at the other table where Mr. Yang and his friends are staying.
"I am going crazy, Sojin." I thumped my feet like a kid after I said that to her. 
"Yeah, you look like one already. Can you just tell me what happened? Context please, "she said.
I tell her what happened in the clinic. and how I developed some kind of feeling for him. I don't know how fast I fell for him. I think I just fell really hard.
Well, who wouldn't be right? He is a full package a girl could ever ask for. Tall, handsome, smart, talented and very friendly. He even ran as the President of our Student Council. This transferee has got my eyes locked on him since that meeting. 
"So what are you going to do now? Just look at him from a far and daydream about him being in a relationship with you?" Sojin chuckled. "Do something, Bestie. I heard Chaeyeon was making her way to his heart," she said. That made me look at her. Does Chaeyeon also have a crush on Mr. Yang? It can't be.
"Do you even know his name, Hana?" She said and looked at me intently. I shook my head.
Oh.. That is the thing that I still don't know about him.
Well, I have a lot of things I don't know about him. And I'm willing to know it.
"Jungwon. Yang Jungwon. That is his name, pabo," she said.
"Yang Jungwon," I said quietly, returning my gaze to his side. What a beautiful name.
"Hana!! Have you heard the news? " Sojin said.
"What news?" I said while fixing my things in my bag.
"There is an event this month and you need to join!!"
"And what is that? You know I don't attend school events, "I walked past her. 
"Yang Jungwon will join" She knows me well.
"Are you using him to just make me join for that freaking event?" I look at her intently.
"No no!! He will definitely join. He is the representative of the other section."
"What is the event all about?" 
"Mr. & Ms. Intrams. Please be our representative, Hana" she said while making a face. Silly girl.
"Just choose Chaeyeon. I am not that pretty. I will just bring shame to our section." I said as I walked again.
"So you're giving up now? Haha too weak bestie," she said.
As months passed, I realized that I didn't have a chance with him. Besides, I think Chaeyeon and him are doing well together. I should not interrupt their love story. In my whole life, it was my first time falling in love with someone, and just like what always happens, this time too, someone didn't like me back. I tried to distance myself from him so that I could forget and remove my feelings for him.
"Hi! Hana right? "I turn around and look who's that. 
Omg its Jungwon.
I tried to compose myself and try not to blush. I looked at Sojin and she just smiled at me and left. That bish aishh.
"Uhmm... H-hi... Jungwon," I said while stuttering. Gosh, I hate myself.
"Are you busy? I just want to tell you something, "he said.
"Uhmm, I'm not busy. What is that, by the way? " 
"Our org is recruiting a new member, maybe you can apply. The position actually fits you. You should join, "he said.
Of course, I will accept it. Who am I to say no, right?
"Oh sure, I'll fill up the form after class," I said.
"Ok, just meet me in the library after you fill out the form. Bye!" 
I look at the paper. I thought I was going to avoid him. I hate you, self.
"How's everything going?" Sojin asked me as we sat on the bench near the cafeteria.
"Exhausting," I said as I opened the wrapper of my precious kimbap. The school's kimbap is so delicious, its of my favorite food here.
"I know it's not that tiring because you always see Jungwon, right?"Sojin naughtily smiled at me. 
Oh gosh, I know where is this going.
"Stop that Sojin"
"I heard you two are getting close," she said, smirking at me.
"Who said that? Of course, we're getting along because of the work, not about something else, "I said.
"Oh c'mon Hana, I know you're gushing about this too. I can see you turning into a tomato, "she laughed out loud. That made the other students look at us, especially Jungwon.
Oh, this girl...
"Oh my gosh, Sojin! Shut up!" 
"Ooh Jungwon look at us!!" She said.
"Omg!! He's going on our side!!" She said it quietly and smacked me repeatedly.I tried to keep myself up.
"Hi!" Jungwon said.
"Hello!! I'm gonna leave you two. I have to pick up something in my locker. Bye! " Sojin said, and he walked away. That girl always leaves me hanging. What a fake friend.
"We have a meeting later. Are you going?" He asked.
"Uhm of course" 
"Oh, OK," he said as he rubbed his nape.
"Did you eat?" Out of nowhere, he asked.
OMG, am I dreaming?
"Uh.. yes. I already eat" I smiled a little.
"What did you eat? You should eat a lot, you're getting skinny, "he said as he sat beside me.
Did I save a lot of people in my past life? What's happening?
"I ate two kimbap."I said, and I did the number 2 on my hand.
"Cute," he said, but I still heard it. My gosh, I'm blushing so so hard.
"I've got to go. See you later, Hana." He waved goodbye at me and then walked away.
I must say, it was the best day of my life.
The meeting started smoothly and everyone gave their opinions and suggestions for the upcoming school activity. Our organizations are responsible for getting the pictures so that we can put them in the newspaper and the yearbook. It is my first time joining a very busy organization. 
"Hana, do you have any suggestions?"  Chaeyeon said.
"Uhm, I think we should have a designated position so that we can take pictures of all the events," I said.
"I agree with that," Jungwon said, and that made me smile. 
"But we only have a few members to do that. What should we do now?" Chaeyeon was looking at me and Jungwon. I can feel her glaring at me. What's wrong with her?
"Multi-task" Jungwon said.
"Oh ok. "Hana, you are in charge of the pageant and the Battles of the Bands, while you, Yerin, are in the booths and Geonu, you are in charge of the editing," Chaeyeon said. 
"How about you and Jungwon?" Geonu said.
"I'll help Yerin," she said, and smiled at Yerin. Oh okay,
"And Jungwon, you'll help Geonu on editing".
"Okay, good," Yerin said.
"I'll help Hana. I think Geonu can do it alone, "Jungwon said.
"No Wonnie, he has a lot to edit, he can't just do it alone," Chaeyeon said. Well, I can feel that she has some beef with me.
"I'll still help Hana," he said. Chaeyeon looked at me and put a fake smile on his face. I know where this is going.
 The event will happen later in the afternoon, and I'm very nervous because it will be my first time being in an organization so busy like this. Thanks to Jungwon for making this all less stressful.
As the school bell rang, the students gathered on the field to start the program. It is also our queue to prepare and to go to our assigned post. The first act will be the battle of the bands and I'm the one who is assigned to that. I'll take pictures as much as I can. I take every angle of the stage to show the set-up and the students who are the audience.
"Is everything fine?" 
"Oh heavens! Jungwon, you scared me, "I said, looking at him in horror. 
Gosh, this man doesn't know how to approach properly.
"Oh I'm sorry. So back to my question, please, "he said.
"Ah yeah. Everything's doing just fine. Wanna see the photos I take?" I said, handing him my camera. This entry was posted on July 8, 2010.
He nodded and looked at it. He smiles at every picture, and that makes me smile too. This entry was posted on July 8, 2010.
"Nice shot, Ms. Jung," he said.
Ms. Jung: That is so attractive...
"Excuse me, what are you two doing?" I jumped off on my thoughts and look who's at my back. It is called Chaeyeon.
"Oh, Chaeyeon. Hana just showed me the photos she had just taken. It all looks good, "he said while smiling proudly.
"Oh really? Well that is good for someone who is just a beginner. Stop with this commotion and Hana, go back to your post" she said. Literally, she is not on the mood. Maybe because I am with Jungwon.
"Well, this is my post," I said.
"Nevermind. Jungwon, come with me! " She said as she walked out of the scene.
"See you later, Hana," Jungwon said to me as he gave back my camera and followed Chaeyeon.
to be continue....
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a0x0annie · 4 years
I can't say much about Rosa because I haven't really played Love Life yet and in UL she apologized after all so I don't want to do her injustice, but I understand where you're coming from and unluckily kinda agree.
At least personally, I found everyone way less likeable in UL than HSL, hell, I even prefered HSL Amber more. She was childish and abusive and I'm not saying she was a good person because she wasn't, but that was the point of her character. She was supposed to be unlikable and that's why I didn't really mind her that much. And that's the issue I have with UL Amber; of course I do appreciate that she changed and is willing to continue changing for better, but seriously, I can't count how many times I found myself sighing with frustration while talking to her in some episodes. For Melody, well... okay, I never liked her, so nothing really changed here. But in UL I also stopped caring for both Rosa and Alexy, because they became kinda boring to me as characters and not really the type of people I would personally hang out with - which is a shame, because I really enjoyed their company in HSL. The only person that didn't change that much is Kim and I'm glad for that, but since she isn't really relevant to the story, we don't see her often anyway...
And I totally agree with both about Alexy and Morgan. As for the explanation of Alexy's actions, @candysweetposts actually said that there's a possibility that Alexy just got bored with the relationship with Morgan and wanted to try new people, which is quite possible if you ask me. Personally I also think that due to the stress of not being able to find a job etc. could make him make regretful decisions or something, but really, no matter the reason, I'm literally disgusted he did that behind his back. If he really is bored with him, he should just tell him. If he's stressed, I get it, life can really suck sometimes, and that comes from a person with severe depression and anxiety, I really get it. But still, it isn't an explanation for doing such a shitty thing to someone you claim to love. Your own issues are important, but they don't give you a pass to suddenly harm and use others with no consequences, especially your loved ones. It just doesn't work that way.
This whole situation is really fucked up and I still can't believe the same Alexy we knew in HSL could do such a thing. And once again: I'm so sorry for you, Morgan. You were literally made to love Alexy and you can't even be loved back without stupid drama at this point.
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no-error · 4 years
Fantasy Klance Ficrec
Finally new list for fic recs. Hope ya all enjoy these awesome fics. :)
Remember check out tags!
Of Wolves and Wisps
Lance knows not to seek with his mind in the woods. The fae have a habit of twisting the desires sought by those who chase after the wisps. But when given no other choice, Lance makes the decision to alter his path. To change his fate.
He should have known, really, how things would turn out.
Never call out to wolves. One may just answer.
Words: 145,585 AO3
The Criminal Witch and His Knight of a Husband
Under the rule of an unjust king, witches not employed by the crown had become illegal in the kingdom of Altea. Not wanting to work for a filthy murderer of a man, Lance spitefully refused to get his certification at the normal age of sixteen. But that was over half a decade ago. Altea is now ruled by the beautiful and reasonable Queen Allura, and Lance finds himself happily married to her head knight, despite his fugitive status.
Lance struggles with helping hot headed, prone to danger Keith stay alive, while simultaneously keeping his ability to cast spells a secret. He can't have him figuring anything out. After all, the last thing he wants is for his own husband to arrest him.
Words: 80,309 AO3
Star Cursed
A Dragon familiar is the last thing Lance expects to summon when he graduates lowest in the class at the Magerium. All he wants to do is summon a toad or a cat and get to work, but summoning a High Magic creature like a Dragon is something no one has done in hundreds of years. The Dragon, named Keith (why, WHY is he named Keith), is trained to be a familiar for the most powerful of mages.
Unluckily for him, Lance is assigned the task of lesser potions master. Lance has to navigate a precarious balance of grumpy-Dragon-with-nothing-to-do on top of his workload of boring tasks. That’s when he isn’t enduring the ridicule of the other students, who believe him to be “Star Cursed.” To make matters worse, discontent in the Magerium is brewing and it might mean danger for all High Magic creatures, which currently includes one Dragon named Keith
Words: 152,239 AO3
fit the crown to my head
“What’s the fun in a masquerade if you don’t flirt outrageously with the prettiest person in the room?” the young man says flippantly, and then winks at Keith. Keith huffs a laugh, amused.
“You keep saying things like that, but you haven’t seen my face,” he says, gesturing to his mask. “I could have warts under here. I could have spots, or scars.”
“You’d be lovely even with all of those,” the young man says, and he suddenly sounds serious. It takes Keith by surprise, makes his heart twist along with his stomach. “Your eyes,” he continues, tilting his head. “I’ve never seen eyes like yours before.”
Words: 75,705 AO3
Magic Bound & Unbound
Set in a world where familiars and witches are paired to perform magic together, Lance is an aspiring witch who is desperate to find his bondmate. He's dreamed of the day when he would be able to perform bonded magic, but hides a dark secret that could ruin everything. Keith is a familiar who's seen a little too much of the world. He's been paired with witches multiple times and each one has forced and broken a bond on him, so now he swears off ever letting himself be paired again.
When they meet, though, Lance triggers something in Keith and it scares the hell out of him. A part of him desperately wants to be paired, but he's not sure he can take rejection one more time.
Words: 56,345 AO3
Regarding Park Benches and Demon Bites
Lance forces his eyes open, all the way this time. It takes them a second to adjust, and when they do, his stomach plummets to the center of the earth. The man is in a black shirt, the sleeves rolled up on his forearms to reveal the runes inked across his pale skin. There’s a sword strapped across his back, a big one.
“You’re a Shadowhunter,” Lance blurts. Lance’s mother had warned him about getting mixed up with these bloodthirsty maniacs, and here he is, half conscious next to the very people he’d worked so hard to avoid the last two years. He’s fucked. Royally screwed. He isn’t sure what kind of punishment is handed out to warlocks for public intoxication but his mind races through options like indefinite imprisonment, dismemberment, death?
Words: 8,999 AO3
you build your tower (but call me home)
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
Words: 63,041 AO3
Wild Magic
The Vastaya are an ancient and proud race, born of magic and man, and they are dying. The spread of humans makes the magic of their homelands run thin. What is left is preyed upon and corrupted by the rising galra influence.
After losing their home, what remains of the Marmora tribe scatters, fighting the spread of corruption where they can. For the last few centuries, this is the only life Keith has known. And with Shiro’s disappearance, he’s more alone than ever. But he keeps going, even if it means losing himself. For the fight. For his people. For their future. For his homelands. For magic.
The last thing he expected to find is another feathered vastaya, one with wings that shine like the sky and move like waves when he dances. He never asked for company, never wanted it. But as Keith finds himself growing fond of Lance’s flippant attitude and determined blue eyes, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to fight alone anymore.
Words: 151,776 AO3
A Touch of Magic
"Keith—" He feels his heart lurch as Keith squats down next to him. One hand on his wolf's head, scratching behind his ear. His eyes, however, remain fixed on Lance, and he had really hoped that the whole dry-mouth-lump-in-the-throat-heart-skipping-a-beat thing would've stopped happening when he turned, but here he is. Vampiric and still the flustered mess he was when he was human. "Buddy, I can't breathe—"
"You don't have to breathe," He says, that ghost of a smile still fixed and the whisper of amusement in his voice.
It sends chills down his spine.
Lance huffs as much as he can when there's a large wolf crushing his chest. "That doesn't mean it's not uncomfortable."
"You'll survive." He pats his wolf one last time before pushing to his feet. "Better luck next time, Lance."
"I'll get you one day, Keithy boy." He calls out as Keith walks away, disappearing from his vision and continuing down the path. "Just you wait."
Words: 19,953 AO3
For Fox Sake
Foxtail series
Photography has always been an passion of Keith's. Being able to capture that perfect moment - grant it immortality and unleash it to the world so that the people may decide what stories they tell - is what he lives for.
So when given the opportunity to expand his horizons, Keith finds himself on a month long excursion in the middle of nowhere, with only his camera and his own thoughts to keep him company.
And this forest - this mountainous landscape seemingly untouched by human hands - holds more than just a vast array of scenic landscapes and wondrous wildlife worthy of being captured in film.
It holds a secret. One Keith hadn't anticipated discovering, much less believing. And though they say "take only pictures, leave only footprints", Keith worries that when he finally has to return to his mundane world, he'll be leaving more than just tracks on the ground.
But his heart has always belonged to the woods, and he knows the fox will guard it well.
Words: 80,888 AO3
Ghost on the Shore
After moving into an desolated house in a swamp, Keith finds that the area's not as abandoned as he anticipated. He soon meets Lance, a mysterious boy that apparently lives out in the marsh, and who seems to possess magical powers to a certain degree.
Words: 37,055 AO3
It Never Rains on Saturday
Rain or Shine Series
In the magical kingdom of Altea lies an ominous tower filled with monsters. Every day, adventurers battle through the tower’s levels in a never-ending quest to slay the Demon King who lives at the very top.
Lance, a talented archer, is one such adventurer. However, Lance doesn’t want to kill the Demon King.
Lance wants to marry him.
Words: 22,726 AO3
Lance McClain was not pale. He enjoyed the sun as much as any other, and though he was often run down or fatigued, this was due to his steadily amounting college work, not his need to sleep upside down. He was everything a vampire wasn't. Oh, except for his constant cravings for blood, and the name in cursive permanently scrawled over his wrist.
Since the name had appeared on Lance's thirteenth birthday, he'd been desperately waiting for the day he'd finally meet his soulmate. And it finally comes, the first day of his second year of college, delivering a boy that causes everything Lance had fantasized to come crashing down around him. Not only is his mate a human, but he's the kind of human that despises vampires. A hunter named Keith.
But matters of the heart aren't the only thing standing in Lance's way, for a much greater enemy is on the horizon, posing a threat not only to Lance and his family, but to Keith, too. The nameless are coming for them, and soon.
Words: 102,409 AO3
Living off the grid is one thing. Keith had been doing it his whole life. However, now that the mountain he has lived on his whole live is slowly being developed thanks to a ski resort it's getting harder and harder for Keith to keep to himself. Especially when he happens to catch the eye of a rather cute looking townie.
Words: 133,954 AO3
An Eternal Flame
“Do you have a deathwish?” The phoenix answers him with a question this time, apparently intent on dodging the question about its name. Maybe it’s for the best, Lance’s mama always warned him that he tended to get attached to things once he’d named them. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath.
He isn’t going to get attached this time.
Making sure that he’s still holding the phoenix’s attention, he reaches down and pushes his cloak aside, then lifts his shirt. There, bright red and ugly against his hip, are three long slashes. They aren’t scars, they aren’t healed in the slightest, they’re still red and open wounds. They don’t hurt, not in the physical sense, but Lance can’t help the repulsion he feels whenever he looks at them.
“Not a deathwish, a death sentence.”
Words: 63,692 AO3
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greedy-fox · 4 years
Halloween Recommendations!!
Thought tis the season to be creepy, if y’all are are interested ranged animes to watch. I have placed these animes from PG-13 to the Horror Level
Interviews With Monster Girls
Let’s start with a happy go anime for this Halloween season, and I will start by talking about “ Interviews with Monster Girls.” 
This anime is actually an adorable comedy which follows the premise that all mythical creatures (aka demi-humans) are real and they are living peacefully within society. Our main character Tetsuo Takahashi, is a biology teacher at Shibasaki High School, with a big interest in learning the biology of demi-human.  
With the bar set low on his part since demi-humans are a pretty rare species, he unexpectedly meets a Vampire, Dulhan and a Yuki-Ona (Snow woman) as his female students, there is also the fact that one of his co-workers is a Succubus. 
In my opinion this is a good one to watch because of how cute the characters are, and also how considerate the biology teacher is to his demi-human students
Bloody Blockade Battlefront
Is another supernatural comedy, the story is set in a world where a version of ‘Hell’ (and the demonic creatures that come with it) decided to come up and live in New York. Now the area is closed from the rest of the world and considered its own country called ‘Jerusalem's Lot.’ To keep the inhabitants in check, an organization called ‘Libra’ that is filled with their own supernatural beings. 
A freelance photographer called Leonardo Watch lives in in said  ‘Jerusalem's Lot.’ But before he made that change, a demon gave Leo the ‘All-seeing Eyes of the Gods’ while his sister goes blind. After much research and a stroke of coincidental luck since that incident since that incident, Leo was finally able to join ‘Libra’ and finally use his eyes while finding a cure for his sister.
This is one of the funniest animes that I have watched. Artwork is beautiful and the storyline is great.
Soul Eater
Is a supernatural fantasy anime. The setting is Death Meister Academy in Death City run the head honcho Lord Death (aka the Grim Reaper). 
The school teaches the student how to become better shinigami in order to defeat any evil spirits and their biggest enemy are witches. The student are split into ‘Weapons’ who are humans that have the supernatural abilities to transform into weapons and ‘Meisters’ their human counterparts that are able to use the transformations at their best possible outcome. 
Our main character are team members Maka and her scythe Soul, Black Star and his katana Tsubaki, last but not least Death the Kid and his twin guns Liz and Patty.
Note: Highly Recommend reading this story line as a manga rather than watching it as an anime. Reason is because the main story line cuts off mid way through the series and ends in a completely different way. 
Highschool of the Dead
The story follows a group of Japanese highschool student and their nurse as they survive an unexpected Zombie apocalypse. Along the way they meet both friends and foes and pick up both a child and a dog. 
While all of this is happening, they toward a neighborhood that might be a safe haven for them, while kicking zombie ass along the way. 
Tokyo Ghoul
Is a story about ghouls, humans, and a human who unexpectedly became half ghoul. The setting is Tokyo, Japan; and there monster living within the human population called ghouls. Even though they look human they look and act human they aren’t because they live off of eating human flesh for sustenance. 
Ken Kaneki is your average male high-schooler who unluckily fell in love and victim to one of Tokyo’s most notorious ghoul criminals Rize Kamishiro aka the ‘Binge Eater.’ As what seemed to be a normal date, ends with him running for his life from her and they both fall victim to unsecured metal beams at a nearby constructions site. Just when Kaneki thought he was dead, he wakes up in  hospital bed where his the doctor tells him that he miraculously survived the accident. But as time goes by while he still a patient and after he get discharged Kaneki realizes that there is something very different about his body and was shocked to realize that he is half ghoul. Thankfully he was able to find allies within the coffee shop he frequents.
This anime is on point one of the best things I have watched. The main character goes through a lot of character developments and regressions. There are about four seasons overall and I loved every single one of them.
Devils Line
Is a vampire romance- drama. Set in a world where vampires live among humans in hiding. But they don’t really require human blood to survive. Instead they drink blood when they are about to go on a rampage. 
Our main character is university student Yuuki Anzai and she meets Taira Tsukasa a vampire-human hybrid whom she saves before he went berserk. The two then unexpectedly get closer and start to grow some feelings for each other. But Yuuki is worried that she is a liability to Taira. 
I honestly really liked this anime for it great art work and honest storyline. (Reminds me of Twilight but better) If it catches your and you really like it this is a manga adaptation that you can read after watching the series.
Parasyte: The Maxim
An action horror series where aliens that are called ‘parasyte’s’ have descended into earth orbit and take on the human brain and make them into living hosts. 
Good news is that our main character Shinichi Izumi did not have his brain taken over. Bad news is that the alien instead took over his right arm and is calling himself Migi throughout the series.
 That not all, there are other evil and much stronger ‘parasyte’s’ that have taken over human bodies. Now Izumi and Migi are caught up in multiple fight they just can't lose or it might mean the end of the human race itself.
Another great anime. I personally read the whole thing and it was great the characters go through a lot fighting and there come literal life and death situations happening.
Probably one of the creepiest horror-thriller animes on the decade. The show follows  student by the name Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into 3-3 of Yomiyama North Middle school which rumored to be a cursed classroom. The rumors tells of a female honor student that dies tragically 26 years ago. As she was loved by all the student, class 3-3 decided to keep on believing that she was alive until they graduated.  😖😖😖😖😖
Suspicious and afraid of the classroom atmosphere Koichi ends up befriending Mei Misaki (who he is also very wary of). As the story unfold most of his classmates start dying one by one. Now Kouichi afraid that the curse is real and he might be the next target. 
Will be able to survive this torture and be able to graduate from middle school or will the curse kill him off 
I really believe that this story is creepy beyond compare. I honestly have not watched it myself but based on the opening and what I remember when I saw the trailer, I had nightmares for a month.
This is all I have for this year be ready for more the next!
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airoasis · 5 years
Why can't you divide by zero? - TED-Ed
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-cant-you-divide-by-zero-ted-ed/
Why can't you divide by zero? - TED-Ed
On the planet of math, many unusual results are feasible after we exchange the rules. But theres one rule that the majority of us have been warned to not damage: dont divide by using zero. How can the simple blend of an everyday number and a common operation rationale such issues? On the whole, dividing with the aid of smaller and smaller numbers offers you bigger and higher answers. Ten divided by using two is 5, by using one is ten, by way of one-millionth is 10 million, and so forth. So it looks like should you divide through numbers that preserve shrinking all of the way down to zero, the answer will develop to the most important thing viable. Then, isnt the answer to 10 divided with the aid of zero honestly infinity? That may sound plausible. However all we quite understand is that if we divide 10 by means of a quantity that tends closer to zero, the answer tends in the direction of infinity.And thats no longer the same thing as saying that 10 divided by zero is the same as infinity. Why now not? Good, lets take a more in-depth seem at what division relatively manner. Ten divided via two could imply, "How commonly need to we add two collectively to make 10, or, two instances what equals 10? Dividing by means of a number is virtually the reverse of multiplying with the aid of it, within the following means: if we multiply any quantity by means of a given number x, we will ask if theres a brand new quantity we can multiply by using afterwards to get again to the place we began. If there’s, the new number is referred to as the multiplicative inverse of x. For instance, when you multiply three via two to get six, that you would be able to then multiply by one-half of to get back to 3. So the multiplicative inverse of two is one-half, and the multiplicative inverse of 10 is one-tenth. As you might realize, the manufactured from any number and its multiplicative inverse is continuously one. If we need to divide by using zero, we have to to find its multiplicative inverse, which should be one over zero.This would need to be this type of number that multiplying it by means of zero would supply one. But since something improved by means of zero remains to be zero, one of these quantity is not possible, so zero has no multiplicative inverse. Does that really settle matters, although? In any case, mathematicians have damaged principles earlier than. For illustration, for a very long time, there used to be no such factor as taking the square root of bad numbers. But then mathematicians defined the rectangular root of negative one as a brand new quantity called i, opening up a whole new mathematical world of elaborate numbers.So if they are able to do that, couldnt we just make up a new rule, say, that the logo infinity manner one over zero, and spot what occurs? Let’s are attempting it, imagining we dont understand something about infinity already. Centered on the definition of a multiplicative inverse, zero occasions infinity ought to be equal to 1. That suggests zero times infinity plus zero occasions infinity should equal two. Now, with the aid of the distributive property, the left facet of the equation can be rearranged to zero plus zero times infinity.And seeing that zero plus zero is certainly zero, that reduces right down to zero times infinity. Unluckily, weve already outlined this as equal to at least one, whilst the opposite part of the equation continues to be telling us its equal to 2. So, one equals two. Oddly adequate, that’s no longer necessarily wrong; it can be simply not true in our normal world of numbers. Theres still a method it might be mathematically legitimate, if one, two, and every other number had been equal to zero.But having infinity equal to zero is finally now not all that useful to mathematicians, or any individual else. There without a doubt is something called the Riemann sphere that involves dividing via zero through a further procedure, however thats a story for another day. In the meantime, dividing via zero in essentially the most apparent manner doesnt work out so satisfactory. But that shouldnt stop us from living dangerously and experimenting with breaking mathematical ideas to look if we can invent enjoyable, new worlds to discover. .
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