When did slavery actually end in the United States? - TED Ed || [x]
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fidjiefidjie · 5 days
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"La déferlante RN met la macronie à terre" 📰
A la Une de l'Opinion
Gif Kamazbiz/ Ted Ed
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prakharstuff · 2 months
I watched the crash course lecture from John Green on tuberculosis 2 weeks back and it made me realise how some of my professors are utterly pitiful and ineffective. I remember almost every detail from that video and it made me curious for more.
It contained everything from tuberculosis's history to the modern predicament and that is how I want to learn things. I could spend an eternity if everything is taught this way. Crash course has always been my favourite. Through channels like Crash Course, I ain't limited to a major I can learn everything, and with so good creators too I want to learn everything.
Creators like Kurzgesagt, vertasium, Ted Ed, crash course, and similar are why I pay my internet bill.
I am like Tuco from Bb for these channels, whatever it is man keep it coming. Tight tight tight
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nofatclips · 4 months
Does planting trees actually cool the planet? - Lesson by Carolyn Beans, directed by Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson Volda.
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fiannalover · 5 months
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Actual marriage between two men recorded in 1061 at a small chapel in Spain my beloved
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
“The myth of the original star-crossed lovers” - Shannon Zhao, April 28, 2022
Get to know the myth of the weaver and the cowherd, a pair of star-crossed lovers banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way.
In the court of the Jade Emperor, a young princess had a special skill: she could pluck clouds from the sky and spin them into the softest robes. But her craft was the same day after day, and she longed for new inspiration. So the Queen Mother granted her permission to visit Earth. The weaver soon fell in love with the land— and a cowherd. Shannon Zhao details the myth of the star-crossed lovers. 
Lesson by Shannon Zhao, directed by brume.
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collinhasregrets · 7 months
I can't believe I just made this but here's TED-ed riddles fanart. They're such a comfort watch even though I never try solving them. These two are from the "assassin association riddle" video.
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false-savior · 8 months
the time tedED made an object show about cheese jsjsjsjsjjs
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unamusedyams · 2 years
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I like TED-Ed's Demon of Reason.
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intothestacks · 9 months
Why Read Edgar Allan Poe?
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dragonikorca · 8 months
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so uh first post in a while please take some silly achilles pics as an apology
credits to ted ed for the video
ive fallen in love with him and will protect him at all costs
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cata613 · 2 months
I remember watching this TED-Ed video when I was twelve and being like, "what the heck is this?"
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I get it now, and GodDAMNIT TED-Ed, why'd you jumpscare me like that? I'm sad now :(
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nofatclips · 4 months
💬 TED-Ed on Fernando Pessoa - Lesson by Ilan Stavans 🎥 Directed by Héloïse Dorsan Rachet
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atheostic · 3 months
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld
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coffeeinthelibrary · 1 year
never in my life will i love something nearly as much as I love those silly little 2010s youtubers who's content was merely trying to explain history/science to students
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queriesntheories · 10 months
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Oh thank god for those two; heaven forbid any jellyfish get past two mortal men
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