#Undertale Betrayer
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abaroo · 11 months ago
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I realised I had to refine Ceroba for my au…
In the cowboy swap au, Ceroba is actually the Sheriff and leader of the Feisty Five. Clover is still the Deputy and goes by “Lucky Star”. He loves hanging around town with his Mama ☺️. I haven’t come up with a cool cowboy name for Ceroba yet, although she probably wouldn’t use one :/
Cowboy Swap Masterpost
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10beanie01 · 2 months ago
Wickers now a hostage captured by Comet! Beanie’s Joinin team Freedom! Sorry oveners YOUVE BEEN BETRAYED!!!
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milkybnnuy · 10 months ago
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Moments before disaster
(Betrayal route)
Underfell belongs to @/underfell
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howlsofbloodhounds · 5 months ago
This audio paired with that one rahafwabas drawing where someone asked killer what he felt about killing everyone he sees (or something like that), he was staring down at something blankly—one eyelight in his socket—and his only response was “I don’t know..” and it was revealed to be Papyrus’ scarf and dust he was looking at.
That, paired with the image, gave me the idea of whenever Nightmare finally orders Killer to kill Cross, Horror, and/or Dust.
Perhaps they got close in this timeline (maybe it was a fanon bad sans family/bad sans poly timeline with a more canon killer and nightmare), maybe Killer just got used to the routine of having them around—but either way, it was never enough to fight back against obeying the order.
And maybe they all got so close to Killer or started trusting him enough they let down their guards and maybe even didn’t even fight back— weren’t expecting it—because they forgot that Killer was never one of them. They forgot what he was.
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myceliumforum · 9 days ago
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⋆ Betrayal Soul Trait ⋆
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⇉ Definition: A term under the "x soul trait" umbrella for when betrayal is your soul trait
The first is for humans, the second for monsters
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Coined by: Me Requested by: No one Tagging: @undertale-term-archive @storyshift-mogai
Img ID: No ID applicable
Please read pinned post and DNI before interacting
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shady0220uwu · 1 year ago
Dream: why!? Brother why!?
Nightmare: because I can?
Dream: why did you betray me!?
Killer: that's life man.
Cross: ...you're just playing monopoly-
Ink: eheheh he got betrayed harder in life
Cross: ...how is that funny!???
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red-ahh-brick · 7 months ago
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Cooked up a cool lil Disgust take, hope y'all like it
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egnidres · 1 year ago
Love or Betrayal first chapter is here : Fall (Fool) in Love ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
Cover by @zu-is-here
English version
French version
° ->
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lancer-fan-club-was-taken · 3 months ago
something that i really think deserves more attention from undertale fans is the fact that sans doesn't actually care about you. as in the player. like im sure he would grow to care about frisk at least a little after true pacifist, but as it stands, he does not care about them while in the underground.
like i see the line "you'd be dead where you stand" taken out of context so much, because no, it's not a death threat. you haven't gotten to the last corridor yet. what he's saying is that "if it wasn't for my promise to look after you, you would've been killed by some random monster because i couldn't care less about you."
same with "you're gonna have a bad time," it's more so a warning of- "if you keep killing all these people, you are going to be hunted down and killed. i will not stop them." and like. yeah. you really don't have a fun time in the murder route.
if he truly cared enough to kill you, he would've fought you the moment after you killed papyrus. because he doesn't keep his promise after that. he doesn't show up till the end of the game. it's a not a matter of "he doesn't kill you cuz of the promise," because for all he knows, you killed toriel too. he could fight you, and TRY to kill you if he wanted to.
but he doesn't. like, yeah. he's obviously fucking furious with you, but he can't get himself to do anything unless it's the last resort.
i think in a lot of the neutral routes, he does kinda bank on asgore killing you, and fights you only in the murder route because he knows asgore can't kill you. get me? so he just has to hope that cheating and manipulating you will be enough to win :]
i just- i want yall to know that sans is not a badass. he is intimidating and unnerving for sure, but he's straight up not a badass. he's a lazy, cheating, manipulative bastard, and he's fucking awesome for it.
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sabel2nd · 8 months ago
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it was the end of the world for 14 year old me when I stopped being interested in Undertale and Hetalia. a literal chunk of me died that day
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scinanigans · 2 years ago
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months ago
Hey, do you happen to have any of the official art by Rahafwabas of Killer killing Chara?
I do! As a reminder to everyone, if you’re looking for something on Killer’s canon in particular and can’t find it on rahafwabas’ blogs, you can try looking through the #canon k1ll_sans tag here on my blog and see if you can find it.
Besides that, here is a link to the comic.
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utytimeline · 1 year ago
So, I've done a Pacifist, I've done betrayal kills, I've done a neutral where I killed everything but bosses, I got up to Zenith Marty on Geno and then watched the ending on YT.
But it seems I'm still missing a few things. Apparently killing Ceroba in Pacifist triggers a Flawed Pacifist ending with extra dialogue, an Asgore fight, and I don't what else.
And it seems that Axis apparently killed Integrity and absorbed their EXP, but aside from their comment in Geno about "neutralizing a human" and a couple spoilers, I know nothing about it.
So I have one more ending to get, and I need to look up info on Axis vs. Integrity.
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rainbowingvomit · 5 months ago
Is it just me or like
is the song “The Distortionist” so Killer coded
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slime-crafters · 2 years ago
One of the reasons I don't think I can ever do a genocide run is because when I reset the game, Toriel always remarks about how seeing me is like seeing an old friend like
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ace-does-stuff · 2 years ago
Punch your lights out (hit the pavement)
Summary: Epic learns about Crosses job, shame Nightmare to move along his plans swiftly.
Warnings: Violence, fractures, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: HOLY FUCK TWO FICS IN ONE DAY???? yes, two fics in one day, all because its April Fools Day and I thought it would be funny if I wrote an Undertale fanfic, turns out its lot a harder to write crackfics than expected, anyways, reblogs are worth more than likes, hope you enjoy!
Magic shot directly to his skull to compensate for the cracks running from the edge of the preexisting tear, it hurt, watching Cross retract his fist and stand emotionless hurt more. Phalanges raised to cover the cracks, he could feel chips of calcium come loose and magic ooze to try and cover the marrow. He still standing, but his stance was wider, as though he was waiting for whatever was to come next, but nothing came, instead The King of Negativity slowly formed from the ground up.
Fear shot through Epic, but he didn't feel safe to lower his hand just yet, his eye socket was still vulnerable. He only stared at Nightmare instead, watching as a tentacle pulled Cross closer, the latter of the two raising his hand that was coated in specks of Epics magic.
"Thank you Cross," Nightmare said, his tone was low, his tone was discordant, it hurt to hear but Cross looked unfazed, "for the magic sample that is," Nightmares expression lifts at Epics small reaction.
"What the fuck Cross?" Epic got out quietly, Cross didn't answer, he couldn't formulate one that would satisfy Epic and keep both of them alive in the presence of Nightmare.
"Cross didn't tell you he works for me? Oh, how cruel Cross, what a terrible thing for a friend to do," Nightmare said, his tone was almost mocking and he no doubt caught the way Cross tensed for a millisecond, simply ignoring it instead, "what do you have to say for yourself?"
There was a brief pause of silence as Nightmare leaned closer, the thrum of his corrupted soul whispering along Crosses bones as Epic waited. He needed to hear it, whatever Cross had running through his mind that was always full of so many thoughts, but he wasn't given an answer swiftly. Cross heaves a full body breath, he feels like his soul is on display, he forces eye contact with Epic despite the discomfort it causes- his answer doesn't make much sense but it still cut deep.
"I'm doing this for your own good, I'd rather you were just some random Sans than a dear friend," Cross said calmly, his voice was devoid of any clear emotion, but Epic could pick up hints of sorrow, Nightmare could as well, but he acted like he didn't, "your magic will be put to good use." Epic shot a small blast of magic at Crosses raised hand, it stung, it burnt, it was pure; the expression Epic wore was contradictory.
"You better put it to good use bruh," Epic said, his voice was light and it didn't make any sense to Nightmare, or Cross, betrayal was supposed to fill him with negativity, why is it failing?
Nightmare sunk back into the ground, and in a second reformed behind Epic, tentacles hooking his eye sockets and pulling his head back at an awkward angle. Epics smirk was still lazy, and it only made Nightmare even more confused by it all- negativity seeped into his skull and threatened to crack it in twain yet he didn't falter. Instead, he only shrugged his shoulders, Nightmare threw him forward, a sickening crack sounded off, it should've drawn a sound of agony, Epic tried to laugh instead.
"How desperate are you for my mojo bruh?" Epic asked, propping himself into a seated position and pushing off his cloak revealing a cracked humerus, his purple magic oozed from it in copious amounts, it was worrying, he still scooped up the semi gelatinous substance that made up most of his marrow and licked it off his hand.
"Don't make me change my mind on letting you off like this," Nightmare snarled as a warning, yet again, Epic shrugged his shoulders, this time he had to withhold a groan of pain due to his humerus being shifted, Crosses expression stayed still, but his pulse was racing despite knowing Epic could take it.
"Touche, touche, whatcha want ma rizz for anyways?" Epic asked, desperately reaching for humor, anything to distract from this horrible predicament he's gotten himself into, he'll make it through anyways, if not for himself than to spite people like Nightmare.
"Extraction, if you picked up a biology book even a fool like you would be able to guess," Nightmare said, his tone was snappy and the insult tore into Epic, of course, of course it was extraction, he was a scientist how could he forget about trait extraction? He knew his magic had traces of Perseverance, but what would a group of murderous Sanses need the impossibly small amount of Perseverance he had?
"So you want my Perseverance?" Nightmare shook his skull, Epic quirked a metaphorical brow, "then you're lying about the extraction."
"For someone who used to be a scientist you sure do know jack shit about how Soul Traits have been recently discovered to work," Nightmare said, he dropped into the ground before appearing beside Cross again, scraping the pure magic adhering to his hand into a jar instead, "Cross, care to explain it to your plebeian friend," it was clear Cross wanted to speak out at his friend being called a plebeian, but he couldn't.
"Some Souls have slightly different colors right, or just colors that don't fit our way of viewing it all together, the monsters in Sciencetale recently came to the conclusion that their is an entire spectrum of traits with all sorts of colors," Cross explained, he stayed still the entire time in hopes not to set off Nightmare, everything he said was accurate and he could practically hear the gears grinding in Epics skull, "you're magic while most likely having trace elements of Perseverance, it could also have Grief, Focus, maybe even Heroism, but probably not as your magic is purple, not pink," Epic was perplexed, he had never heard any of those terms in reference to Soul Traits, but, he had a hard time arguing with Sciencetale.
"Still, why would you want that shit bruh? Bad guys don't need heroism, and even more grief would drive you entirely insane," Epic explained, bring phalanges to his cracked humerus, his magic tingled against his fingertips and this time he's focused enough to notice- Nightmare only smirked and it sent chills down Epics spine, his soul was pounding against his ribs.
"I know it would drive them entirely sane, that's exactly why I'm doing this," Nightmare explained before gripping Crosses shoulders and waist, already readying himself to make an exit, he waited first, as though for someone to speak.
Cross looked like he was tearing up as he choked out a small Good bye Epic in place of their usual fist bump and hug before being on their way- Epic answered back and watched as the two simply melted down into the ooze. And then he's alone again, today was supposed to be simple, supposed to be easy, just a hang out with his bro, but turns out shit won't be easy for him. Because of course Cross works for the biggest asshole in the multiverse, of course he does, it guarantees some form of protection, but otherwise he can't see why.
Still, he pulls himself up off the ground, ties the sleeves of his cloak around his waist and starts on his way home, gripping his humerus to try and stop the flow of magic leaking from it. He staggers a little bit here and there, he feels a bit lightheaded, and pure negativity oozes from between his teeth and down his vertebrae- its uncomfortable and grimy despite being almost water like, far too thick.
He'll be fine, perfectly fine.
He needs to go to Sciencetale right now to make sure his trace trait isn't grief.
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