#Unbox Therapy
unboxtherapy1 · 1 year
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seniouesbabes · 2 years
Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 Unboxing @maisonvalentino
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yixingsslipons · 1 month
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clueless-rads · 1 year
My writing is sometimes fucking hilarious
  “What?!” Lena suddenly feels like she cannot breathe, eight o'clock on a Tuesday morning is not the time for this kind of shit. The scene is quite comical actually, Brainy startled by the sudden outburst, eyes as wide as flying saucer, a bagel frozen just in front of his mouth. And yeah, Lena would probably like to laugh at the hilariousness of it all, if it wasn’t for the fact that she couldn’t breathe because her scalding hot coffee went down the wrong fucking pipe. 
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
Boxing Day - Celebrating Generosity and Tradition Shaina Tranquilino December 26, 2023
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As the hustle and bustle of Christmas Day settles, there is no time to rest as the much-anticipated Boxing Day follows suit on December 26th. Originating in the United Kingdom, this holiday has evolved into a day when people across the globe come together to celebrate generosity, tradition, and giving back.
While many may believe that Boxing Day is all about shopping sales and grabbing bargains, the true essence of this day lies in its historical roots. The exact origin of the term "Boxing Day" remains debated among historians, but most agree that it dates back centuries ago when servants and tradespeople would receive a gift or bonus from their employers. These gifts were often placed in small boxes, hence the name "Boxing" Day. It was a way for employers to show appreciation for their hard work throughout the year.
Over time, this tradition expanded beyond just employees receiving gifts from their bosses. It became a day when families and friends exchanged presents with each other as well. This practice remains an integral part of modern-day celebrations, with many households reserving December 26th for exchanging gifts they didn't have time to open on Christmas Day.
However, Boxing Day isn't solely about material exchanges; it's also about extending kindness to those less fortunate. In many countries, including Canada and Australia, this holiday serves as an opportunity to support charitable causes through various events and donations. Families engage in acts of charity by donating clothes, food items, or volunteering at local shelters. Some even organize fundraisers or participate in sporting events to raise funds for charities close to their hearts.
In addition to these acts of generosity, sports play a significant role in Boxing Day traditions. In particular, cricket matches are wildly popular in countries like Australia and South Africa during this time of year. Families gather at stadiums or tune in on televisions to watch thrilling matches while enjoying picnics and spending quality time together. In the UK, football matches also take center stage, with stadiums packed to capacity as fans cheer on their favourite teams.
For shopaholics, Boxing Day sales provide an excellent opportunity to snag some fantastic deals. Stores slash prices, offering discounts that attract eager shoppers looking for post-Christmas savings. While it's true that shopping has become a significant part of this holiday, it's important not to lose sight of its deeper meaning - giving back and expressing gratitude.
As we celebrate Boxing Day each year, let us remember the history and traditions that make this day so special. It is a time to appreciate those who work tirelessly behind the scenes, extend generosity towards others less fortunate, and spend cherished moments with loved ones. Whether you're participating in charitable acts or indulging in retail therapy, may the spirit of Boxing Day remind us all of the immeasurable value of kindness and selflessness.
So, as December 26th dawns upon us once again, let us embrace the essence of this unique holiday with open hearts and open hands. Together, we can continue making Boxing Day a celebration of generosity and tradition for generations to come.
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jimmythecreator · 1 year
Leather Tray Unboxing time 📦
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n30nwrites · 7 months
Now Sit (Shifter! TF141 x Male Reader)
Part 2 of Good Doggy
Masterlist here
Warnings: None really??? I'm not sure. Some awkwardness but that's cause Reader couldn't give less of a fuck. Some creepy behavior
Updated; 3/5/2024
Beta Reader: the lovely @letmelickyoureyeballs who's saving your guys asses right now
Part 1 here.
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The entire house was shrouded in darkness. The windows were covered up in thick fabrics of purples and blacks. You didn't have any lights on, instead some candles that were hastily lit when you had entered the building and a few lamps. Your eyes were thankful for the darkness after the long drive during the day.
Your first trash bag was filled with clothing fabrics, they all needed to be washed so you quickly filled the tub with warm water and laundry soap, sorting the fabrics by color before tossing in the divided groups. Starting with your whites.
You decided to bring more boxes in, figuring the more you unboxed the easier it would be when the rest of your stuff arrived. Your box labeled ‘Gear’ was the first box to be put up, putting it in the closet near the entrance so you could pretend it wasn’t there. Just looking at your uniform brought back memories that you wish you could ignore. The second box was just one filled with knives, your swords were in another container wrapped up tightly in the back of Maya’s car. The Knives were put into your bedroom, you would come back to organize them when you weren’t so hungry.
You had cash ready for your pizza. Along with a tip because people needed to be tipped well. Especially in the service industry.
So when a knock echoed in the open-spaced living room, you had the cash tightly gripped, exact change in one hand and in the other the tip.
Until a man who was very obviously not the pizza delivery driver stood there, your pizza in his hand.
Well you figured it was yours. And there was no way this man was a delivery driver. He was far too fine to be one, if you were honest with yourself.
He was 6'2 which immediately put you on your toes, athletic build with graying-brown hair and blue eyes. He seems to look like he's reaching his 40s, something that shouldn't be so attractive yet is.
God, you needed therapy.
But, smash.
Nope. Nope. It was just inappropriate thoughts of an impossible achievement. You didn't need a relationship, not after your last one. You needed solitude, you needed to live a normal life without constant stares.
"Why do you have my pizza?" You ask him, money being squished.
"I paid for it, figured I could do that for the new guy." He speaks and seems almost cheerful, which is strange.
"I'm not paying you back."
"You don't have to." He handed the pizza to you and you snatched it quickly, almost comically. "Okay, bye." You go to shut the door but he quickly protests.
"Wait, who are you?" He seemed desperate and you didn't understand it. You sat the pizza on the table you had set up right next to the door, which was supposed to hold trinkets and your keys but you hadn't put the bowl there yet. You rolled your hand, rubbing your wrist that had ached from just a minute of holding the pizza. It was something you were working on fixing, just not right now.
"Who are you?"
"John, I live over at that house." He points to the house that Stalker 1 and Stalker 2 stood outside of. It was big enough for you to assume they were roommates, or perhaps a family.
"Can you tell the guys to not stare next time? It was uncomfortable." You blankly told him, before introducing yourself, only saying your first name, same as John did.
"This is a pretty big house for you to live all alone in." He was fishing for information, John knew that it could come off creepy, but he needed to know something about this person in front of him.
His mate.
"I don't live alone." You tell him, and he believes you are lying to him. He doesn't hear another heartbeat, and Ghost and Soap said that you arrived alone. "My Partner is coming with the rest of our stuff."
Partner? Why the hell do you have a Partner? How could you not know that you have three (maybe four with the way this pattern is) men waiting for you, willing to do anything for you. He's angry, and he knows that it makes no sense to be. You had lived your entire life before meeting them, it's not like you could drop everything and move in with him.
Despite everything in his body screaming at him to take you into his home and keep you there, keep you safe. And it's unreasonable, and something he would never do unless he wanted to traumatize you.
His eyes slightly widen at his own thoughts, and he needs to take a step away from you. You muddle his brain, you confuse him. He's had partners in the past, but this was different.
You weren't even supposed to be here.
"I'm sorry for bothering you sir, hope you enjoy your pizza." He takes a step away and turns and you don't bother to say goodbye or even thank him. You shut the door and he can hear you shuffle around and grab the pizza.
Price hates himself for what he's going to do next.
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Gaz is almost surprised at the meeting. He says almost simply because he knew Price was going over to the neighbors, he watched the leader leave the house and pay off the pizza man. So something had to happen.
They just had to wait for Ghost to get home. Price was insistent on it, that everyone needed to be there and they couldn't wait nor do it over the phone.
He just wasn't expecting the words.
A theory that you were somehow mates with all of them. Price had revealed your status to him which caused Soap to blow up. It seemed ridiculous, all four of them connected to you.
But Gaz wanted it to be true. If he could just walk over and meet you, to find out.
If Gaz could no longer feel so alone because of you. He would do anything for that. So he didn't care that Ghost didn't seem to trust you, claimed you could be some creature putting a spell on the team, he didn't care that Soap wanted you for himself. He didn't care that Price was still talking.
He went outside and ignored the protests.
And he was lucky too, because a car had pulled up to your house and you walked out, sunglasses on and a large jacket which didn't fit for the weather.
But he could finally see if it was true.
Okay so I skipped my homework to finish this (i'm not gonna be this irresponsible I swear) and I made a poll here where you can decide on if reader is a human or not. I have plot points for both (probably a longer story if not human??? but that depends on what the people want) also please reblog and leave comments I usually lose interests with these and I'm trying not too. Gonna post a Masterlist for this soon, and if you want to follow the story you can follow the tag Good Doggy FF so you don't have to have notifs on lol.
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whumpsday · 2 months
Catharsis #3: Unboxed
content: robot whumpee, whumpee turned whumper, defiant whumpee, violence, psychological whump
Whumpmas in July Day 9: Mind Games
i wanted to introduce each arc before continuing on with the present arc. i'll probably pop all over the place chronologically since that's how i write best!
here's 1's first day alive, though that wasn't his name at the time.
Cyrus opened his eyes for the very first time.
He was in a room in a house or apartment. It may have been his first moment of conscious thought, but he was not a human, and he was certainly not a baby. He was still in his box, he realized: he climbed out of it, brushing himself off, smoothing out the wrinkles in the disappointingly plain clothes he came dressed in. There was a man there, taking a step back. Probably the one who had turned him on.
The first strong opinion he ever had was that he was unequivocally better than the nervous man standing in front of him.
Luan, his mind supplied. His… owner’s name was Luan. He didn’t like that word, owner. It felt incongruous. Wrong. He wasn’t something to be owned, Cyrus knew that for sure. If anything, he should be the one doing the owning.
At the same time, he knew exactly what he was: a Catharsis Therapy Bot™. An expensive object to be bought and sold. A thing to act as programmed and be beaten until its owner felt better.
Cyrus frowned. That couldn’t be right at all. The only thing that felt right about any of that was that he was expensive.
“Cyrus?” Luan asked, apprehension evident in every twitch of his body. He winced immediately, like the name itself had hurt him. Pathetic.
Oh, there was no way this sniveling loser was his owner.
He found that his face moved automatically, parts shifting to match his expression to his intent as he looked on disapprovingly. “I’m better than you. This isn’t right.”
Luan’s eyes went wide for only a moment before he scowled right back. “You don’t like it when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh? Too fucking bad. You’re mine this time.”
Cyrus tried to search for what Luan meant, but he came up empty. Luan hadn’t supplied him with information on their history. On his history with… the other Cyrus.
But he didn’t need it. Luan was making it obvious enough for him to know exactly what to do and say, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
“So you were mine before. That makes sense, that’s where you belong.” Cyrus stepped forward and patted him on the cheek with a smirk.
Luan flinched. “Don’t touch me.”
“You’re in no place to tell me what to do.” Cyrus tried to poke him in the chest to make his point.
His arm did not move.
Again, he tried, and again, nothing. Experimentally, he lifted his arm without intent to touch Luan: no issue.
He wasn’t smirking anymore.
“Oh, I think I am.” Luan pushed him hard, sending him tumbling to the floor.
Cyrus fell just next to the box, the sensors inside his skin lighting up with pain wherever he made impact–it hurt. He was sturdy, he had to be, but heavy with metal that pinched his skin. He sucked in air he didn’t need by instinct, a useless humanlike reaction he immediately found annoying, just to tint it a little worse.
Something was bubbling up inside him, and he did not like it.
“You do not fucking touch me!” he screamed, his voice shrill out of the speaker down his throat as he pushed himself back to his feet. “How dare you!? You pathetic coward! You don’t deserve to own something– someone like me, let alone… push me! You are beneath me. You are fucking nothing. You–”
Luan’s fist cracked against his cheek. He didn’t go down this time, only stumbled, but it hurt worse than the fall. He didn’t think anything could hurt worse than that. He hadn’t felt anything before. His hands went to protect his aching cheek, the words almost knocked out of him with the shock of it, but he found his place again soon enough. “You–”
“Shut up.”
Cyrus’s volume dropped straight to zero, and he found that he no longer possessed the ability to raise it.
That thing bubbling up in him only intensified, and this time it came with a pathetic urge to back away and submit. Obviously, something he would never indulge.
He glared at Luan with what he hoped was enough pointed hate to make himself clear without words.
“You don’t get to talk to me like that anymore!” Luan hissed, rubbing his knuckles. “You’re not in charge this time! You’re the one who has to listen to what I say! You’re the one who has to take it!”
He pushed Cyrus again, harder. He fell like a stone, tripping over his box this time. He was almost glad his voice was cut, because otherwise, he would have cried out, another annoying reflex programmed to make him seem more human. Weaker, more pitiful. It was infuriating.
Water began leaking from his eyes, blurring his lenses. No, no, this wasn’t who he was. He was supposed to be the powerful one.
Luan stared at his own hands like an easily-impressed child. With every moment, Cyrus only hated him more.
He started to push himself up again, but all Luan had to say was “Stay down,” and Cyrus couldn’t do that anymore, either.
Luan grabbed him by the shirt collar. “And I don’t have to take your shit ever again. What do you have to say for yourself? Speak.”
Not only could Cyrus speak now, he couldn’t remain silent if he tried. “I hate you.”
Luan laughed, dry and joyless. “Good. Feeling’s mutual.” He let go. “You know what you’re for, right?”
“I…” Of course he knew. “Something’s wrong.”
“This is the first time it’s ever been right!” Luan corrected. His hands were shaking. Water leaked from his eyes too, Cyrus realized.
“You’re scared of me,” he put together. “You’re scared of a robot you ordered! Ha! At least some part of you knows your place.”
“Shut up!” Just as he stole Cyrus’s voice away again, Luan landed a kick in his abdomen. It was worse than the punch, a sharp sensation hitting him hard, and just like last time, he didn’t realize anything could be worse.
The terror bubbling up in him couldn’t be denied anymore. How much worse could it get? He’d only been alive for five minutes and it was already this bad.
“You know what?” Luan cut in. “This really is cathartic.”
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event: @whumpmasinjuly
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swisccfinds · 9 months
TOP 5 MUST HAVE Sims 4 Career Mods
These are my most personal Career mods for the sims 4, please don't forget to show love and support to the creators.
1- Youtube Career Mod by itsmeTroiYT
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There is so many interactions with this mod it is unbelievable! If you head to the download button below it will bring you to the creator's post which will show all the type of things you can do with this mod but for now to keep the Tumblr photo limit here is some of the creator's notes that explain the levels and the branches
Gamer (6-10) PC Noob $100/hr Streamer $200/hr Daily Uploader $300/hr Tagline Genius $600/hr Prestige Gamer $1500/hr
Vlogger (6-10) Viner $100/hr Prank Wars Vlogger $200/hr Unbox Therapy $300/hr Vlogger $600/hr Daily Vlogger $1600/hr
DIY Hot Glue Gun Mess $250/hr Creative Weirdo $350/hr Hacks Master $600/hr DIY Superstar $650/hr [Something] DIY $1500/hr
MUA Fenty Beauty Counter Rep $200/hr Brand Tester $300/hr Makeup Brand Collab $350/hr Personal Makeup Artist $750/hr MUA $1500/hr
Cooking One Pan Cook $150/hr Made from TV/Movies $300/hr Remixed Recipe Cook $345/hr Guest Host Cook $625/hr Master Cook $1500/hr
FX Makeup Artist NYX Face Awards $120/hr Halloween Royalty $200/hr FX on a Budget $350/hr Workshop Personality $645/hr Glam & Gore $1450/hr
2- Modeling Career Mod by KPC0528
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This is an amazing mod! If you want your sim to become a model this is the mod for you! This does require the City living & Get Famous expansion packs, so be aware. Here are the creator's notes about the levels and branches;
1. Volunteer Model--there is no pay for the beginning of this career. I wanted to make it as realistic as possible, so level 1 is all about building a portfolio and gaining exposure.  Mood: Confident M - W - F S S
2. Local Model -- Your sim will be part of the "mall crowd" participating in local fashion shows. These jobs aren't very selective... $15/hr.  Skills: Charisma 1  Mood: Confident - T - T F S S
3. Hand Model-- Keep those hands soft and supple as your sims model rings, bracelets, and watches for local jewelry designers!  $18/hr.  Skills: Charisma 2 Mood: Confident - T - T F S S
4. Hair Model-- Cutting, coloring, styling. Your Sims's hair will be put through it all in exchange for some simoleons and their pictures to be featured in hair dressers' portfolios.  $20/hr.  Skills: Charisma 3, Fitness 3 Mood: Confident - T - T F S S 
Choose track: Commercial Model or High Fashion Model
Commercial Model track: Commercial models are the models you would see in shopping catalogs and local commercials. The sim-next-door look is desired, so your sim will need attractive looks as well as an attractive personality to do well in this career track. 
5. Commercial Catalog Model--Your sim will be showcasing the newest collections by the most popular stores, like Sim Navy and JC Simmy.  $50/hr.  Skills: Charisma 4, Fitness 4 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
6. Fitness Model-- Fitness is the name of the game here. Your sim must continue to sculpt his/her body to perfection in order to sell the newest workout gear and sports drinks.  $65/hr.  Skills: Charisma 5, Fitness 7 Mood: Energetic M T W T - S - 
7. Social Media Model-- Your sim's face is getting popular online! He/she will be modeling the hottest makeup, jewelry, and clothing through various social media platforms like Simstagram.  $80/hr.  Skills: Charisma 7 Mood: Confident - - W - F S S 
8. Music Video Model-- Who wouldn't want to be a model in a famous music video? Your sim must hone in their dance skills so they don't embarrass themselves in front of the musical superstars.... $90/hr.  Skills: Charisma 8, Dancing 3 Mood: Confident M T - T F S - 9. Television Model-- Television! Your sim will be featured on all sorts of commercials, from clothing and perfume, to cookware and living room furniture. $130/hr.  Skills: Charisma 10 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
10. Coversim-- The ultimate goal! Your sim is on every grocery store magazine rack, dishing the newest gossip about his/her love life, as well as modeling the hippest designs. Congrats, superstar!  $300/hr.  Mood: Confident M T W - F S - 
High Fashion Model track: This track is for the serious fashionista. In order to gain celebrity as a high fashion model, your sim must be both gorgeous and interesting, as well as charismatic and athletic. Reaching the end of this track means worldwide fame and luxury! 5. Swimsuit Model-- Swimsuit models are photographed even in the winter months, so this isn't just for fun! Your sim must be in excellent shape to make it as a swimsuit model.  $55/hr.  Skills: Charisma 5, Fitness 6 Mood: Flirty M T W - F S - 
6. Lingerie Model-- No room for shy sims here! Upscale lingerie is a mega-money-making business, so only the most alluring sims will be successful.  $75/hr.  Skills: Charisma 6, Fitness 8 Mood: Flirty M T W - F S - 
7. Fashion Catalog Model-- High-end fashion is extremely expensive, so the stakes are high. Your sim must continue to perfect his/her body and personality in order to sell these interesting-looking clothes in the highest end fashion magazines.  $90/hr.  Skills: Charisma 7, Fitness 9 Mood: Confident M T - T F S -
8. Runway Model--Don't trip! All eyes are on your sim as he/she struts their stuff on the catwalk. Sims watching and cameras flashing can be nerve-wracking for even the most confident sim, but this is a necessary step in order to become a supermodel.  $120/hr. Skills: Charisma 8, Fitness 10 Mood: Confident - T W - F S S 
9. Editorial Model--Sim Vogue. Your sim is on the cover, looking fierce as fierce can be! Your sim is the epitome of a style icon, and everyone is looking at him/her for style inspiration.  $300/hr.  Skills: Charisma 10 Mood: Confident M T W - F S -
10. International Supermodel--Traveling the world for fashion shows? Check. Hosting reality style shows? Check. Getting paid to be famous? Check. Your sim is THE top model, as long as a newer, hotter thing doesn't come around.  $450/hr. Mood: Confident M - W - - S - 
3- Social Services Career Mod by missmani09
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This is a great mod if your interested in having your sim work in social services for a backstory or maybe its just what you mapped out they would be in your head. Here are some of the creator's notes about this mod;
Social Serivices:
1) Clerical Staff Extra Help  -Responsible for copying and filing documents, sorting documents
2) Administrative Specialist I  -answer phones, answer client's questions, file, sort
3) Administrative Specialist II -Key application, answer telephones, work front desk window correspond emails
4) Administrative Specialist Supervisor  Supervise all clerical staff ensure front desk runs smoothly ensure applications are keyed correctly ensure office machinery is working properly assign staff job duties
------------------------------------------------------------ ---(AA) ---- Division of Sim County Operations ------- ----------------------------------------------------------
5A) Program Eligibilty Specialist I  - SNAP Process Sim food stamp program applications.  Interview & verify resources Assist homeless sims Determine eligibilty for supplemental nutrition program
6A) Program Eligbiliy Specialist II Process sim program applications Determine eligibilty for Sim daycare voucher applications Determine eligibilty for supplemental nutrition program
7A) Family Health Care Case Manager  -Family Medicaid Process Sims' medicaid applications.  Determine medical coverage eligibilty for Sims including  Working Sims' medical coverage, SimKids Care A or SimKids Care B
8A) Aged Sim Health Care Case Manager  Process Aged, Retired, and Disabled elder sims' medicare applications Determine disability 
9A) Sim Social Services County Administrator  oversee especific sim world in which sim currently lives
10A) Sim Social Services National Director  oversee all sim worlds
---(BB) Division of Child Protective Services -------------------------------------------------------------- job is to protect and ensure the health, safety, and well being off all sim children.
5B) Child Protective Service Worker  Visit homes. Provide struggling parents with resources and tools to become effective parents. Remove children from home if necessary to the  childs health & safety
6B) Child Abuse&Neglect Investigator  visit homes. on call rotation investigate suspected sim child neglect/abuse that comes into the hotline issue warnings to parent's who a nearing neglectful standards Remove children from home if necessary to the  childs health & safety
7B) Foster Care Case Manager  On call rotation. Manage Sim children's cases who have been removed from their home due to neglect/abuse. write extensive case notes
8B) Adoption Specialist  process adoption applications. match waiting foster children and  place into adoptive home
9B) Sim County CPS Supervisor Oversee foster care and CPS case managers 
10B) Sim CPS National Director 
4- Psychologist Career mod by Kittyblue
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This is career mod is actually my favorite for storytelling! In this mod there are two branches which are Counseling Psychology and Forensic Psychologist.
5- Tattoo Artist Career mod by MesmericSimmer
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I love this one so much, mainly because I want one of my sim's backstory to include this career. They have this career option for both adults and teens!
download & more info
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oracle-fae · 5 months
a short life update
it's been a while since i've posted. i wanted to share a few things that have been going on with me. back in March i started getting mental health help through a local psychiatry program and was diagnosed with ADHD. i began taking a new medication on top of my antidepressant and was referred for a full psych evaluation. once I spoke with my psychiatrist, she started me on a third medication for anxiety that I can take as needed. she also gave me a referral for a therapist.
i had my first therapy session two days ago and I still feel kind of emotionally exhausted from it after having to bring up a few stressful topics. overall i'm equal parts nervous and excited to finally unbox some of the trauma I've experienced in my life.
it was recommended that I keep a journal for therapy. I used to journal regularly but life got in the way and it became less and less of a priority. I did make a couple of entries over the weekend, though, but I don't have too much to write about as of late.
aside from my mental health, I've been dealing with the day to day stresses of being a mom, wife, and homemaker. my three year old broke his collarbone last week and my 17 month old is now at the age where everything is fascinating and must be touched. my husband works an insane amount of hours for the railroad and hasn't been able to do much besides eat and sleep. so, it's been a hell of a few months to say the least.
i'm still around-ish, but i'm spending more time in books and with my family than I am on the internet. earlier this year I finished the ACOTAR series and took several weeks to regroup. I finished a book called Credence this weekend and am trying to choose between two other books at the moment.
anyway, that's about it. if I get any downtime this coming week I will try to add some things to my queue now that Tumblr is once again fresh in my mind. if I don't, i'll pop back in eventually.
much love xx
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unboxtherapy1 · 1 year
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yixingsslipons · 26 days
latest BP haul and EXO goodies from mutuals
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Could you do a burger, bacon, or enderman stinboard….?
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🍔 burger stimboard
♨️ requested
< credits below the cut >
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Wholesome streamer shigaraki carefully handling his passion, tiny ceramic/porcelain figurines, with one finger always out. He does unboxings and arrangements with them, inventing whole stories about the cliques on various shelves. It's a society in miniature with comedy, drama, politics, friends, and romance. People tune in. People write fanfic about his figurine-world. People send him figurines. He keeps them all. He has an entire room full of curated displays.
All of this while still *looking* like the most basement-dwelling, what's a comb, I ate last week, baths are optional dude in existence.
See this is just going to get slam dunked into the 'he gets some therapy and learns to be a person again' part of the story.
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dreamofjoys · 1 year
Heyo I saw you opened requests so I rushed over
If you're up to it, could you write a headcanon for Vil and Lila about their s/o randomly cleaning their room for them? (When I stressed out, I'll just start vacuuming and dusting)
Anyway ls sorry if that's too vague
Have a great rest of your day!
— c/w: cleaning up the bois room..
— a/n: you rushed over to my inbox cause my req was opened?? that's rlly cute T-T hope you like this one!
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Vil is strict with hygiene, so there's no doubt that his room will definitely be clean with or without your help
The only time that his room gets "messy" is when he receives PR packages from sponsored companies
It's normally placed outside of his room when he is not around, and that's when you step in to bring the packages into his room
Knowing that he always film a video of him unboxing his products, you took the time to label what products and which company it’s from, dusting off the dust that has been collected before placing it neatly on his desk
Besides that, you would spray some relaxing fragrance in his room so that it would smell nice (he's definitely someone that loves aroma therapy hehe)
Overall, he is definitely grateful for your help and doesn't mind you cleaning/tidying up his room since he trust you
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Have you seen his room?? It's messy as hell
You will definitely have lot's of fun trying to clean up his room, and maybe break your back in the process of it
He throws his clothes on the floor, eat snacks in his room and forgets to throw the wrappers away
You might even find some weapons that he had used back in his general days lying on the floor
His room is probably stuffy since he spends most of his days out or staring at his computer screen after returning back
Please open the windows to ventilate his room, man needs fresh air
Knowing him, he probably purposely made his room even more messier, given lame excuses about how he was too busy to fold his clothes or make his bed
He just wants you to help him lol (sees it as hitting two birds with one stone since he knows that you clean to destress)
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whumpsday · 6 months
🛠 Catharsis Masterlist
(robot whumpee, defiant whumpee, whumpee turned whumper turned caretaker)
Left with debilitating trauma after escaping years of abuse at the hands of his captor, Luan had the perfect outlet for all the emotions he didn't want to deal with: a customized Catharsis Therapy Bot™, designed to look and act just like his captor and react satisfyingly when he took his artificial revenge. Luan and his robot's lives are both turned upside down when a public announcement declares the model sentient, leaving Luan to try and pick up the pieces of the thinking, feeling being who's only ever known hurt.
⛓️ = Luan's captivity
⚡ = 1's captivity
🧰 = Recovery arc
🧰 Talking (#1)
⛓️ My Place (#2)
⚡ Unboxed (#3)
🧰 (coming soon)
Kane & Jim x Catharsis: Kane & Luan
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