#Ukraine AF
Yermak said the drones were Shahed models, known for crashing into the targets with explosive payloads. Ukraine estimates that Russia ordered 2,400 of the drones from Iran, a number that overwhelms Ukrainian air defense systems. As of 10am, Ukraine's Air Force claims to have shot down 11 drones.
Klitshchko posted a photo of shrapnel labeled "Geran-2," Russian's designation for the Iranian drones, but he removed the picture after commenters criticized him for confirming a Russian strike.
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kamomillen · 5 months
Swedish commentator about Ukraine's entry:
They are singing about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mother Teresa - a duo I'd also want to watch on stage.
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ultralowoxygen · 2 months
The Сentral Square
The Сentral Square by Ігор Кириловський Via Flickr: Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Press "L" for large SLR Camera: Minolta Maxxum 9 Ti Lens: Minolta AF 85mm f1.4 G RS Film: Agfa Vista 100 (expired in 2008) - was exposed as 80 ISO Filter: Schneider B+W UV F-Pro To see the pictures taken with this camera click here. Thank you for your comments and Fav's.
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willhelp-exe-art · 27 days
gonna draw carpathian/rusyn miku soon because i havent seen anyone do that yet :>
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magnoliamyrrh · 10 months
where the fuck are all those conservative americans who were yelling about how us money needs to stay in the us and fuck sending foreign aid to any country and fuck sending aid to ukraine and fuck getting involved in foreign affairs bc america comes first. where are they and why arent they screeching at the top of their lungs rn about the billions spend every year on israel
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bitchy-peachy · 27 days
People that tell me to vote Jill Stein are genocidal Putin lovers.
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femmesandhoney · 10 months
sometimes when im presenting i worry people don't find the topics i find interesting as interesting to listen to bc i often lean into sociological viewpoints which you either love or either hate its never in between lmao
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yrtit · 11 months
idk if i was a zionist i would be worried that the U.S. is on my side. like the U.S. is known for being on the wrong side of geopolitical issues its not a good look tbh.
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
No way, people fr believe Ukraine would be a good mother
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a---fire---inside · 2 years
Fabrizio Moro -Tutta La Voglia di Vivere
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beastblade69 · 4 months
a constant dilemma of buying books to up my serotonin but not having any energy to read em
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demiurgeua · 8 months
Стаття Головнокомандувача Збройних Сил України
“Висловив своє бачення стосовно важливих змін до підходів ведення війни. Переконаний, щоб перемогти противника, ми маємо бути більш мобільними в тактиці та засобах. Використовувати наш унікальний досвід ведення бойових дій та шукати нові спроможності і шляхи здобуття переваги. У цьому контексті технології мають безсумнівну перевагу в порівнянні із традицією. Вони дозволяють збільшити кількість…
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marchlione · 1 year
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ray-winters · 4 months
we just wanna hear any hcs you have for our boy misch
Alright, y’all asked for it, buckle up:
Mischa makes most of his money from an apprenticeship he has at the only tattoo parlor in Uranium City. He gets paid a bit, and on top of that he gets free tattoos (which is where he got all of his from). Plus it keeps him out of the house and also pisses his very traditionally valued adoptive parents off. Win win.
My Mischa only has tattoos on his right arm bc I am left handed so HE is left handed- he does his own tattoos mostly. He was going to start a sleeve on his left arm after he got home from the fall fair.
Speaking of his tattoos; the first tattoo he gave himself was one that says “Bad Egg” w/devil horns and a devil tail. “Bad Egg” was something his adoptive dad would frequently call him, so it was his way of reclaiming the name for himself, and pissing off his adoptive parents bc they were viciously anti-tattoo
He has another tattoo of a crescent moon with a “ - T” next to it bc he asked Talia to draw him something to put on his body. She drew the moon because of the time difference between Kyiv & Uranium, any time she sees the moon she knows she’s going to hear from Mischa soon. So she began to associate Mischa with the moon.
My personal fav tattoo I gave Mischa is that stereotypical “S” where you draw 6 lines and connect them. This is brand fucking new to Mischa, he had never seen it before, and he thought it was dope af, so he tattooed it on himself immediately.
He has a tattoo of a pot leaf, but it’s not very good so everyone always thinks it’s a Canadian maple leaf. Which drives him up the wall.
Mischa has taken in a small black cat that would hang around the tattoo parlor and would occasionally follow him home. It lives with him in the basement, it comes and goes, and it is a well kept hidden secret.
Mischa hangs at Noel’s house…a lot. Noel’s mom lets him stay the night often bc she knows about his home life and thinks it’s disgraceful, so she takes care of him.
Mischa was class clown and relatively popular at his high school in Ukraine- which is the polar opposite of how he’s received at St. Cassian’s. People either are afraid of him, or they try to make fun of him, so either way he has found himself alone most of the time.
He’d never admit it, but Mischa does actually enjoy hanging with the kids in the choir. He gets to hang with his bestie, Noel. He admires Constance’s patience and kindness, he thinks she’s probably the best person in Uranium. While he and Ocean get on each other’s nerves, there’s a small part of him that secretly looks forward to their fights. But only a little bit. He doesn’t notice Ricky is there until after the accident, and then spends a large chunk of his time trying to rectify that by getting to know/encourage Ricky.
He and Noel became friends bc some of the boys who were trying to bully Mischa were also bullying Noel. When Mischa was about to start defending Noel, Noel ended up proving he can defend himself with his quick wit rather than fists. This is a trait that Mischa admires a lot, so they pretty much joined forces that day and they’ve been the dynamic duo of Uranium City ever since.
Mischa has pretty severe abandonment issues and it prone to panic attacks because of it. He’s more of a “suffer in silence” kind of guy, so it takes someone with patience and kindness like Constance to give him some tips on how to calm himself down. I.E. remembering a calming situation like “climbing back into your bed in the morning and feeling the heat left over from your body.”
Mischa had been kicked out of a few schools in Uranium, and his adoptive figures (they’re not really parents, barely guardians) gave him one last chance at St. Cassian’s. When he was caught stealing the communion wine, Father Marcus told him he HAD to join the choir and that he HAD to at the very least sing at the competition. Which is why he doesn’t do any choreo during the opening number.
Addendum- he does ONE move during the opening number. The finger wag on “oh no no” because Noel came up with that move, and after Ocean tried to cut it, Mischa said it was the only move he’d do even if it was cut. So he forced her to keep the move in via malicious compliance.
Over the course of the musical, there isn’t really a moment where he thinks he’s gonna win. His life wasn’t fair, why should his death be any different.
He thinks Jane is THE coolest and THE most metal thing he’s ever seen. After she finishes her number, his heart is effectively broken for her.
When Constance punches Ocean, Mischa doesn’t have the “FUCK YEAH” reaction that you’d expect. It’s actually met with some sadness. He’s always encouraging Constance to stick up for herself, and to not take Ocean’s shit. But, he respects that she has patience and kindness. When Constance punches Ocean, he almost sees it as a failure on his part.
The reason in my head why Mischa and Ocean feud so much is because they remind each other of one another’s parents. Ocean is the poster child of excellence in Uranium, Mischa’s adoptive parents have said more than once that they wish he could “be like that Ocean girl” - on the contrary, Ocean has caught Mischa smoking weed before. His incredibly radically liberal world view reminds her of her hippy parents. They get that anger out at them on each other. But at the end of the show, they both have a deeper respect for one another. Ocean for Mischa because she sees the real him, who is gentle & compassionate. Mischa for Ocean because she does the most selfless thing she could possibly do, which he respects infinitely.
I’m sure I have more but these are the HC’s that immediately came to mind. This is what makes Majestic Rep’s Mischa, Mischa.
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tsatsked · 1 month
Lore details I've noticed: Farewell Rayashki event
As always that's mostly Russian/USSR/Slavic stuff and some translations, feel free to add anything. I've also made a post about Silver Knot lore details
Obviosly, spoiler warning
Alenka - a USSR chocolate type produced since 1965, they are quite soft and sweet and still popular among kids and adults
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The playground is quite typical for the time period. The drawings and sunflowers might be Vila’s and kids’ work. It’s not very clear if the graffiti is made by someone inspired by hip-hop culture or is August’s failed attempt at scribbling out his name, judging by “А” and “Г” as 1st and 3rd letters. The only thing I’d add here is more scraped parts recycled into playground constructions
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Ijirak, Kikituk, Qiqirn - creatures from Inuit folklore (as far as I know they are not known in native Siberian folklore). I haven’t found information about Hoituk
The Russian word for “most” means “best” in the phrase “the most “most”” (“самый-самый”)
“It was only by luck that we found the runium. For over 60 years, people here have worked together to make it what it is now” - Vila. If the events happen in 60s-80s (judging by the overall vibe), than the last time reverse was at 1977 and Rayashki started to grow from a village to a town at 1917 or later. It means the town exported runium for all the Soviet years.
⬆️ EDIT: Silver Knot (Windsong's story) confirms it actually happens in 80s-90s
Most of the sighs say “For Better Future”, “Welcome to Rayashki” and “Welcome Zeno’s Military Institute”
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The room in which Windsong stays is Soviet af. There are an old TV with a lens, cool bookshelf and tiles that surprised me. They’re common for public and liminal spaces but not so much for the living ones. Maybe they’re chosen because they endure harsh Artic climate better that wood or linoleum
EDIT: the TV looks like KVN-49 model, produced in 1949—1962
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“It must be Kikituk! But their closest habitat should be Kong Kalrs Land, hundreds of kilometres away”. Kong Karls Land - a group of island of Svalbard archipelago, Norway. As @vingler-mirror point out in their post, Rayashki is likely based on Pyramiden town owned by USSR on the same archipelago
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Природа это числа и черты - “Nature is numbers and lines” Природа это мозаика цветов - “Nature is a mosaic of colours”
“Mutant Kikituk from Olga area! You should be at the Olga Strait, hunting for migrating salmon and whales, not here!” - excuse me OLGA STRAIT!? THE ONE NEAR JAPAN!?
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Poneva/ponyova - an element of Russian (Eastern Slavic?) female clothing worn on top of the main skirt of the dress. I believe there was either a mistranslation in Needles and Loaves message where Raisa said “poneva dress”, either she meant the whole outfit
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Samodiva - Their name is feminine and can be roughly translated as “self-wonder”, but that’s another word for vila the creature from Western and Southern Slavic mythology similar to Eastern Slavic rusalka/mavka
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Other stuff I’ve noticed:
The town seems to have a big arcanist population, if not most of them are arcanists. An arcanist right is applicable to them and all Vila’s known students are arcanists (if the kids are arcanists, their parents and grandparents are arcanists too)
The people of Rayashki seem to come from different places, and it makes sense with Pyramiden's history (EDIT: the workers were mostly from a western region of Ukraine). Pasono’s first name seems to be obscure and I’ve found only a surname mostly known in America. Patrik’s name is more popular name in other countries, and it make me to believe his ancestors might be foreigners. Bogina’s name comes from Southern Slavic languages
Rayashki is very communistic compared to the rest of USSR. Maybe it’s the town’s history, citizens’ temperament, small town’s size, seclusion and big self sufficiency combined. EDIT: the town's athmosphere conctasts with the period of USSR where people start feel more positive about the world around and capitalism with it
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redjaybathood · 9 months
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i was blocked by the user who posted this - good riddance; people who are blocking me lately are not the people in general I would like to interact with, since they want me and my country dead - but here's the link.
this (the croudfunding project user posted) is great (maybe, I don't know if they're trustworthy) but i'd like to address the tweet on the first screenshot above. Please read the text below after you donate to Palestine and Sudan's women, if you personally find this user trustworthy; because while I am pissed af, women in war zones do need your help.
"I remember this headline addressing women's health in Ukraine" - curious, because as a Ukrainian woman, I do not, in fact, remember this headline addressing women's health in Ukraine. I did remember buying a menstrual cup for like. A whole lot of money. Because there was a blockade around the city, nothing goes in and out, so pads disappeared pretty quick, quicker than I got the money to buy them, so when I did have the money, I had to use an expensive and really really uncomfortable device because I had no alternative. Well, unless toilet paper or cotton can be considered an alternative. (do not recommend)
Don't get me wrong, I found an article (amount: 1; one) with this headline, posted in March 2022, that did mention Ukrainian women and humanitarian relief for them needing to include feminine hygiene products. But you know who else the article mentioned? 40 millions of displaced women and girls around the world since 2020.
The article also mentioned refugees and displaced women and girls since 2014. I did not, in fact, hear anything about anyone sending pads as humanitarian aid to Ukraine in 2014. Funny, right? Because the war started 10 years ago, and it took the world eight years to get on the page.
But Razi on twitter here doesn't think so. They think it's unfair, that there's been a whole article shared a whole of eleven times on twitter since March 2022. Yeah, Razi, good memory you have.
Well. I might be unfair to Razi. Maybe they don't mean to do that thing where you mention Ukraine only to boost engagement, by pitting Ukraine and other countries, such as Palestine or Sudan, against each other. With the main message being: Ukraine "steals" the aid that should have come to us! Nobody helps us but they help Ukraine! And the takeaway your audience has: bad Ukraine, stop helping it.
Maybe they didn't mean to. But this is a pattern, and there are consequences. And those consequences leave Ukrainians dead.
(and yeah, for the op I linked - they 100% do it intentionally; the only times they mention Ukraine is only for this reason)
Please. Please, please, please, STOP pitting Ukraine against your cause of the week - most people doing that didn't really post anything about Gaza or Sudan before Oct 7. (Raza themself only woke up to Gaza in December, but at least they did care about Sudan before).
I know the perception is that the whole world is enthusiastically helping Ukraine but... this is not really the case, unfortunately.
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