I am not sure that I exist, actually.
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Music. Birds. Animal rights. Italian things. Architecture. Literature. Art. (Retro)Futurism. Space. Sci-Fi. TV Series. Anime. Mbti. I am INTJ (-T). Bi. Vegetarian. I support Ukraine. I hate homophobes, fascists of all kinds (including and especially russia supporters) & fake pacifists.I stand with Israel. fuck Hamas. You can't be lgbt+/feminist and support terrorists.
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a---fire---inside · 2 months ago
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For anyone still claiming this Amnesty International shit is accurate.
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a---fire---inside · 2 months ago
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Are you STILL falling for their propaganda?
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a---fire---inside · 4 months ago
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Greta Thunberg just got trolled in Georgia. A guy pretended to hold an anti-Israel poster, but in reality it said:
"Palestine never existed. Israel is a country of heroes. "
Via @YisraelOfficial
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a---fire---inside · 6 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 6 months ago
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365 days. There are no words.
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a---fire---inside · 7 months ago
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Zionism is too often misinterpreted and misrepresented. Here’s what it actually means.
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a---fire---inside · 8 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 10 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 11 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 11 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 11 months ago
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
Some hard facts no one will tell you, but if you care about truth, you’ll want to know.
Let’s start with the most fundamental lie you’re being told. 
“Israel occupied an Arab Palestinian state and stole their land.”
Sit down for this. 
Such a state never existed in the history of the world. Don’t believe me? Try to find a date that the Arab Palestine was established. Try to find out who the president was. What currency did they use? What was their national anthem? 
I’ll save you the time. 
It never existed. 
The next blatant lie is “Israel occupied Gaza before October 7th, which is why Hamas attacked.”
Here. I’ll help you. 
Open your web browser. Open Google. Type in “The Disengagement.”
2005. Israel forcefully removed 10,000 Israel from Gaza, dug up its dead (Yea, you read that right!) so Hamas wouldn’t rape (Yes, that’s a thing. Hamas raped corpses on October 7th.) the dead bodies, and handed the Palestinians Gaza on a silver platter for them to build a state. 
The Palestinians pretty much immediately elected Hamas to govern them and chose a terror state over what could have been paradise. 
There were zero Jews in Gaza on October 6th. 
That’s not an opinion. It’s an indisputable fact. 
Genocide. People love to use that word when describing the war in Gaza. 
So there are a few ways to address this. 
First of all, the numbers everyone keeps quoting are from Hamas, a terrorist organization that raped little girls and burned families alive. 
Have you considered that maybe they’re lying? 
But you know what? Let’s go with Hamas. What ridiculous number are they up to? 30,000? 40,000? You know what? Let’s go with 50,000. 
50,000 dead in Gaza? Sure. How many of those were terrorists? Because according to the Gaza Health Ministry, out of those tens of thousands, zero of them were terrorists. 
Cool. Makes sense…
But forget the numbers. Just kindly explain to me why Israel has lost hundreds of its soldiers in Gaza. Why didn’t Israel just attack from the air and flatten Gaza if genocide was what Israel was after? 
How long would this war take if Israel didn’t send in soldiers and just dropped bombs on Gaza? Spoiler: It would have ended on October 8th. 
Finally, do you know how those numbers, again, even according to Hamas’ fake numbers, compare to other wars and conflicts in the world? Syria, for example. 
If the numbers in Gaza are so microscopic compared to other wars, why is it that you haven’t heard about a genocide going on anywhere else but Gaza? 
“Ceasefire now!”
Here’s a little secret for ya. 
There was a ceasefire! Wanna know when? On October 6th. Then Hamas broke it and attacked Israel. 
Want a ceasefire? Great. So do I. Right after Hamas returns all the hostages and surrenders. 
If you’re calling for a ceasefire and looking at Israel, you must be confused. Israel has offered a ceasefire so many times in this war, all of which Hamas rejected. 
We all want a ceasefire. Don’t look at Israel. Look at Hamas who broke the ceasefire then proceeded to reject offers for a ceasefire over and over. 
Ok, moving on… 
“Jews love to pull the antisemitism card. There is no antisemitism. It’s just anti Zionism.”
Really now…?
Because antisemitic attacks, against Jews, not Israelis, are up over 300%. 
Kindly explain to me why Jewish influencers are getting thousands of comments about the war when they haven’t even stepped foot in Israel. 
Kindly explain to me why synagogues are being vandalized and attacked. 
Kindly explain to me why Jewish events need extra security or why Jewish speakers require body guards. 
Kindly explain to me why there are marches around the world in which thousands chant antisemitic chants about Jews, not zionists. 
I’ll wait for your explanation. 
Ok, next. 
“Israel is ethically cleansing Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and has been for 75 years.”
So if that were the case, you’d expect the Palestinian population to be on a sharp decline. 
Wanna take a guess how many “Palestinians” (added the quotes because they didn’t call themselves that till Arafat hijacked the word that previously just meant Israelis.) were in Israel in 1948 and how many there are now? 
Take a guess. 
5,462,888. That’s how many Palestinians there are now. ()
You know what? Forget numbers. Here, I’ll give you a visual. 
Does that look like ethnic cleansing? 
Want to know what real ethnic cleansing looks like? Go choose any Muslim country and notice how many Jews lived there 50 years ago and how many live there now. That is ethnic cleansing.worldometers.info/world-populati…
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“Israel is an apartheid state.”
That’s so interesting because I was just watching an interview with a member of Knesset, Israel’s parliament, who is not only a Muslim Arab, but he’s also anti Zionist. That means he opposes the existence of Israel and yet, he has a seat in the parliament. 
If Israel was an apartheid state, why is every road sign in Israel written in Hebrew and Arabic? 
If Israel was an apartheid state, why are there Arabs who are judges in Israel?
If Israel was an apartheid state, why do Arabs, Muslims, and Christians have total freedom in Israel? 
If Israel was an apartheid state, why are there Arab doctors, lawyers, soldiers, actors, athletes, and CEOs in Israel who are Muslim?
Israel must really suck at this apartheid thing. But since there are so many people out there who are experts in apartheid, maybe some of them can train Israel to up its apartheid game…
Moving along… 
“Give them a state. They deserve a state. If only they had a state, the terror would stop.”
Wow, how did we not think of that?
Oh wait, I forgot one thing. 
They had a state given to them once or twice. Or 15 times. 
1937, 1947, 1967, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2019, 2020. 
Perhaps they don’t want a state… 
What else we got…?
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“End the occupation and the “Resistance” will end. 
First of all, let’s just clarify some terms. Resistance. What is legitimate resistance? 
Because Hamas beheaded babies, raped girls and old woman, burned families alive, and committed other unspeakable sexual crimes and they also made sure their family members watched their loved ones get raped. 
Is that valid resistance to you? 
But let’s address the premise. 
Put on your logic hat for a second. 
If occupation —-> terror
Then logic dictates 
No occupation —-> no terror 
So if I show you that Arabs were massacring Jews before any so-called occupation, this whole argument falls apart, right? 
What if I showed you that there was Arab terror against Jews before there was even a state of Israel for them to oppose? 
1929. Hebron. Arabs massacred Jews. 
Great. Glad we cleared that up. 
“Israel is lying about October 7th. There was no rape and Hamas only attacked soldiers. The rest of the people were killed by Israel.”
Um. Where do I even begin? 
Ya know what? I can’t even. Go watch the GoPro footage. Go listen to Hamas who is so proud of what they did. 
So you don’t believe Israel and you don’t believe Hamas. Got it. 
Must be nice to live in a fantasy world. 
“Israel is indiscriminately killing Gazans.”
Wow, had no idea. 
So is Israel strong and therefore should act with restraint or Israel so weak that even though it’s killing indiscriminately, the numbers don’t reflect that. 
Shouldn’t there be hundreds of thousands of dead Gazans if the mighty Israel is just trying to kill as many of them as possible? 
Make up your mind. Is Israel strong or is Israel weak? It can’t be both. 
Cmon you’re better than that. 
Let’s see, what’s next… 
“Islam is a religion of peace and the only reason there is so much radical Islamic terror in the world is because of Israel.”
Awesome. So it has nothing to do with the Quran encouraging violence, right? 
Cool cool. 
I’ll just leave this here. 
Don’t worry, we’re nearing the end…
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“Israel is a white colonial state that wants world dominance and is only starting with Gaza.”
Wow, so crazy how I didn’t know. 
So how many wars has Israel started? I would assume all of them, since Israel is the aggressor. 
How about none? Not a single one. 
Israel has never started a war and attacked an enemy first. 
Maybe those same people can teach Israel how to be better colonizers. 
Also, you don’t have to spend more than 24 hours in Israel to see how many “Not white” people live there. 
Ok, I’ll stop here even though I can continue for hours. 
Stop spreading lies about Israel. Words matter and if you stand against Israel, you stand with rapists and pedophiles. 
History will remember that. 
Besides, siding with the Jews, history will show, is the smart thing to do. 
Otherwise you join ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, Nazis, Soviet, Babylonian, and so many other empires who messed with the Jews and are now extinct. 
This isn’t just another war. This is a war between the dark forces of radical Islam and the western world and all that it stands for. 
This is good vs evil and there is no nuance. 
• • •
Hillel Fuld
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
There's more: he was also gay (you can google this). That's why he was killed. Queers for palestine much huh?
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This is Italian writer, pacifist and activist Vittorio Arrigoni. 
He moved to Gaza to support the Palestinians, then he was kidnapped and murdered by MusIims that considered him an infidel!
I bet you didn’t hear a peep about this. 
Wonder why that might be.
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
Introducing: Antisemitism for Dummies
Edan Alterman
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a---fire---inside · 1 year ago
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