#Uhh... She seems really serious but is actually a fun lover
cheezyharu · 1 year
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[484] Ciel
Yep, I redesigned her. Deadass took me 19 hours to finish the main piece, like that's a whole new record.
also, extra doodles I did after the main pic as an expression/pose/weapon practice (and also for headcanons, cause yes)
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petersnya · 3 years
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Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Angst?? Idk lol
Word count:2145
[A/N]Heyyy! Soooo this is part of this series (I’ll link part one). Hope you guys enjoy it! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND IF YOU WANT YOU CAN SEND ME MESSAGES AND ASK QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER LOL. Anyway, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you like it! -J.T.S xxx
During physics class, Peter was working on an upcoming project with Ned, but he spent most of his time sleeping. He was basically sleep deprived from patrolling the town and stopping crimes.
“Late night huh Pete?” Ned asked, nudging Peter's arm that was supporting his head in the palms of his hands as his eyes got heavy, starting to close. 
“Yeah, had to stop some petty theft last night,” he began, a yawn interrupting him, “took longer than I thought.” 
The bell rang, dismissing the students to their after-school activities, if you had none you would just go home. Peter and Ned gathered their things and headed to the school’s front doors- MJ catching up with them how she usually did. 
“Man, you look terrible,” MJ said with a slight chuckle. 
“Wow, thanks. You're such a great friend.” Peter retorted sarcastically. Ned wasn’t riding the bus home today, he had to go with his mom for something he refused to share with anyone but Peter; so Peter just decided to ask MJ to walk home with her. 
“Sorry Parker, Y/N is picking me up today. You’re welcome to ride with us if you want though.” 
Peter didn’t respond for a while, debating if it was worth the anxiety attack of being around her. Y/N was the only thing that was on his mind now. His attraction grew even more when she wore those glasses. He zoned out for a while till MJ snapped her fingers in front of his face. Blinking rapidly, his vision focused on MJ who was now reaching out to grab the handle of a car door. Y/N’s car. His breath hitched in his throat once he saw Y/N wearing those same glasses from last Friday, her hair in the messiest high-ponytail he had ever seen- but it was cute to him.
“Ya coming lover-boy?” Y/N said, looking Peter right in his wide brown eyes. He blushed at the nickname before answering. 
“Yeah… I’m coming.”
The three teens got into the car and started on their way. “Hey losers, wanna go shopping?” 
“Y/N you only wanna go to the mall to eat,” MJ said to Y/N who was now laughing loudly, throwing her head back in agreement with her. Suddenly, in the middle of her laugh, she let out a loud snort. The car went silent as Y/N covered her mouth with her hand. MJ and Y/N burst into laughter, Peter soon joining. They all joked and sang to the songs that played on the radio all the way to the mall. 
“Jeez Y/N, you scared me! What is it?” MJ said to her, clutching her chest from being startled. They all had gone to the food court and were now just walking around the mall and into random stores. 
“There's a Build-A-Bear Workshop here!” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing at it like a child. Peter couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked freaking out over a child’s store. 
“Let's go in,” Peter said to the two of them. Y/N looked at him wide-eyed with a goofy smile on her face. Her eyes looked like they twinkled with excitement. She shoved her drink into MJ’s hand, fixed her glasses, then grabbed Peter’s hand while running into the store. 
“Oooohh, I should get an H.P-themed bear!” Before Peter could even answer, Y/N dragged him to one of the workers, asking if she could get a custom bear. They went over to the station and started to build. 
As Y/N was finishing up the bear, she turned to Peter, “Ok, I have a very serious question. What accessories should I get?” they were standing in the Harry Potter section, looking over all of the things they had to decorate the bear. Peter shrugged, but then, he had a great idea, “I-I think you should get the uh, the glasses. The ones like your dads…” he said in an unsure tone. Y/N looked at him with a soft smile on her face. She couldn’t help herself, she had no idea what came over her as she pulled Peter into a tight embrace. Peter hesitated before putting his arms around her waist- her arms draped over his neck. 
At that moment, Y/N inhaled Peters sent heavily. She felt so… safe in his arms. Like nothing bad could touch her. She never wanted to break away- MJ’s voice brought them back to reality.
“You guys done, I need to get new converse,” she said with a smirk plastered across her face. Y/N quickly pulled away from Peter, a million thoughts running through her mind, but only one seemed to overpower the rest. 
I would be in his arms forever if I could.
“Ma’am, would you like to add a voice to your bear?” the lady said to Y/N, causing her thoughts to disappear. 
“Actually,” Y/N paused looking at Peter and MJ, “yes, I would.” She grabbed the recorder from the worker’s hand and sent her a small smile. She looked at the curly-headed girl and the brown-eyed boy was on either side of her. She explained her plan, “Ok, I want all three of us to say ‘Mischief Managed’, ok?” 
“What does that mean?” Peter questioned, looking at the two girls. They both sent him a deadly stare. “Nevermind,” he mumbled. 
“Ok, on three, one… two… three…” 
“Mischief Managed!” the trio yelled, causing some customers in the store to turn their heads and stare at them. They all mumbled small sorry’s as they laughed. 
“Ok, Peter what's one thing you hate?” MJ asked, turning to face him. They were all sitting in the car at a drive-in movie. Peter was now in the front seat while MJ was in the back. They all decided to just talk because the movie was pretty boring to them. 
“Uhh, I can't stand sleeping with socks on.”
“I don't think anyone can Parker,” Y/N said, laughing slightly. 
“Well what about you then?” he asked her, turning his full attention as he anticipated her answer. 
“Easy, liars. Ugh, I hate liars! What’s the point? It’s not like I’m gonna judge you,” Y/N answered confidently. “See, that’s what I like about you, Parker. You are very honest,” she said with a genuine smile. Peter just loved her smile, the way it lit up her whole face.
“Welp imma go get some pizza from the stand back there,” MJ said as she got out of the car. Y/N and Peter sat there in silence for a moment- comfortable silence. 
Y/N was the first to break the silence, as usual, “Hey, Pete. I just wanna thank you for the whole glasses thing last Friday. It really helped me realize that I should’ve worn the glasses the moment he gave them to me. It’s like I have a part of him with me now... And I love Harry Potter, obviously. Ya know, I took a quiz and found out what house I’m in! Can you believe that I’m in-“
“You’re welcome, Y/N” Peter interrupted her rambling, sending her a small smile. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, admiring one another. Peter got this warm feeling inside and had that same surge of energy he had when he first met her. Before even processing what he was about to do, he grabbed her hand without breaking eye contact. He fiddled with the ring she had on her thumb. 
Y/N breath became shallow as her heart pounded at her chest. 
“I’m in Slytherin,” she said randomly, looking down at how Peter’s hands played with hers. He let out a breathy chuckle. Their eyes met once again. 
Y/N gathered all of her courage and quickly reached out her hand to grab Peter’s cheek, pulling him into her. Their lips were centimeters apart. She ran her thumb along Peter’s bottom lip, slightly parting it as she leaned in closer, catching his lips with hers. Their lips interlocked and it felt like heaven to the both of them. 
They pulled apart from the soft kiss and slowly opened their eyes, starting again into each other's eyes searching for the words that weren’t said. Peter couldn’t contain himself anymore. His large hand grabbed the back of Y/N’s neck, pushing his lips into hers in a lust-filled kiss. Just like the one he had imagined. 
This was the moment he had dreamt of and it was finally happening. 
He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She gave it to him without hesitation. His tongue slowly slipped into her mouth while her tongue ran into his. 
Peter snaked his hands to her waist, lifting her from her seated position in the driver's seat. She complied and started to adjust to where she was sitting in his lap. His hands ran from her waist to her butt and gave it a tight squeeze.
Y/N let out a soft moan into Peter’s mouth. She slowly started to trail kisses down his neck as he massaged her thighs and ass. 
Y/N hands got tangled in Peter’s brown curls. She began to suck on Peter’s neck, wanting to leave a mark. Peter let out a low groan at the sensation of her soft lips and wet tongue on his skin. 
He lifted her head and connected their lips together once again. His veiny hand slipped between their body making its way down to her core. 
Peter never did stuff like this, and neither did Y/N. all of this was new to them but their connection was so strong that they were willing to push the limits.
As Peter’s hand reached Y/N core, he placed two fingers right on top of where her clothed clit was. He began to draw circles against it. Y/N started to rock her hips over his fingers, yearning for more friction. She started to let out moans uncontrollably, whimpering at the euphoric feeling of his fingers pressed against her dripping core. 
“Peter,” Y/N breathed out trying to catch her breath. Peter hummed in response while moving his lips down to kiss her neck. 
Suddenly, Peter snapped out of the trance that he seemed to be in. This moment was the best moment of his life, but his damned mind couldn’t help re-play Y/N’s words on a lope: I hate liars. Why? Before they went to the movies and were still at the mall, Y/N had asked Peter about his Stark’s internship. And, of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth. So he just lied. Y/N looked so intrigued in the conversation but Peter couldn’t bear lying to her over and over again. He felt so guilty...
“Y/N,” Peter let out. “Y/N, we can’t do this.”
Y/N head snapped up, her glasses left crooked on her face. She looked stunned by his words. Her shoulders slumped as she started asking questions.
“What? Why? Am I not a good kisser? I’ve only kissed one person before but I don’t even really wanna count that. Does my breath smell bad? Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea- wait no! I didn’t mean it like that, I just knew you didn’t like me how I liked you… I’m so stupid.”
After Y/N was finished rambling, she put her face in her hands, trying to avoid eye contact with the chocolate-eyed boy. 
Peter was speechless. He didn’t know what to say, because what he wanted to say was: no Y/N that’s not it at all. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, I- I lied to you… 
No. he couldn’t say that it would absolutely crush her and he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Peter put his hands on her waist, making Y/N jerk her body in shock. She let a small smile spread across her face, thinking Peter was going to hug her or make a cute gesture or even continue what they had started. He lifted Y/N and slid her back to the driver’s side.
Her smile dropped from her face and she pushed herself the rest of the way to the driver’s side. Peter sat there awkwardly, praying she wouldn’t say anything. It killed him to see the gloomy look on her face as she fixed her glasses. 
“I’m back with pizza!” MJ announced as she made her way into the backseat. “Woah, hey, cuz what’s wrong?”
“We’re going home,” Y/N replied with a cold tone of voice. This shocked Peter and MJ. Y/N was usually so smiley, even after her dad passed. She always tried to find the light in every situation. But something was different with this. One thing Peter knew for sure,
I fucked up…
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Kino (Story 10)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! If you enjoy these translations, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.
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Place: Scarlet mansion — Kino’s bedroom
Yui: Nn…
(This is… Kino-kun’s room, isn’t it? I should’ve been in Reiji-san’s room though)
(I mean, if I’m not mistaken, Kino-kun sucked my blood and I ended up fainting at the end)
Kino: ...You finally woke up. The sleeping beauty really is a sleepyhead after all.
Yui: Did you end up carrying me here, Kino-kun… ?
Kino: If I would’ve left you as you were, I obviously would’ve been scolded. So it couldn’t be helped.
Yui: Oh, I see… thank you.
Kino: ...There’s no need for you to thank me. Or did you already forget what happened to you yesterday?
Yui: No, I remember everything...
(I seriously thought he’d end up killing me yesterday. In the end, I once again tried to stand up for myself against my own will)
(But, somehow I wasn’t scared of that. After all I felt as if I finally got to understand Kino-kun’s true intentions…)
Kino: What’s with those eyes?
Yui: Oh, err… I… I should probably go back to my own room now.
(I also have to go and find out about Shu-san’s situation…)
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*Yui tries to stand up*
Yui: Ngh, Ah...
(I have no strength to stand up…)
Kino: You also seem a little anemic, don’t you?
Well, it’s not unreasonable since I did end up sucking a lot of blood.
Yui: ...Can you tell me what happened to Shu and Reiji-san then?
Kino: It seems that the two of them have made up. I also think that Yuma’s suspicions have been completely resolved.
Yui: Oh, I see...
(That’s good…)
Kino: Even though their memories have been falsificated by someone, they absurdly came to reconciliation. 
Yui: That’s because Shu and Reiji-san are real brothers no matter what their memories got changed into.
Kino: You’re talking about brothers again...
...Ahha, I lost interest.
Yui: Eh?
Kino: I thought that if I could see those guys fight each other, my life wouldn’t be too bad here, but it all went wrong in the end.
There’s no point in staying in this place anymore now… I’ll go home.
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Yui: Eh… do you really know how to get home from this place… !?
Kino: Don’t get your hopes high up. You should know better than anyone how complicated this could be.
Yui: (He’s right… )
Kino: But I don’t plan on overstaying in a place like this anymore.
I thought this would turn into a way more miserable situation, but it just ended up showing off their bond among brothers.
What’s even with this mansion? Well, I’m sick of it anyway.
*Kino leaves*
Yui: Ah… wait, Kino-kun! ...Ugh...
(It can’t, my feet are too unsteady… I can’t chase after him)
*door closes*
Yui: (And he left…)
Place: Outside — Forest
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Kino: (I’ve once again been disappointed by my own expectations. It’s unimaginable that they actually ended their fight)
(The plan I had for Reiji-san was supposed to work out just smoothly)
(But it all ended up in a huge failure because of that woman)
(In any case, it was about time I get myself out of here as a way to refresh myself)
(She was in serious joy when I said that those Sakamaki guys are gonna be safe now though)
...That still sticks in my throat.
(Just why are you so concerned about them? Ah, because they’re precious to you, no? Are those guys considered as gentlemen to this woman then?)
(If so, I guess that’s why they’re so bound together. Those Sakamaki guys and this woman)
...For real, this is no fun.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Kino’s bedroom
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Yui: (Kino-kun really left me alone like that. And until now he hasn’t come back either…)
(Should I try telling Reiji-san about this matter?)
(But if everyone would chase after him all of the sudden, Kino-kun won’t come back either)
(It would be pointless to try to reason with Kino-kun since he’s so adamant anyway)
In the end I’m still the only one who knows about the current situation...
...Alright, let’s go. I have to find Kino-kun.
Place: Outside — Forest
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Yui: (Haa… my body still feels all heavy… looks as if I really have anemia after all…)
(But that’s probably because Kino-kun’s blood-sucking yesterday was different than all the other days)
(And yet, why am I trying to chase after Kino-kun… ?)
(If I’d leave him alone, there would be no conflicts in the mansion, and all those terrible things wouldn’t happen anymore either)
Even if Kino-kun isn’t here, why is he still running through my mind? For me to think of him now among all things...
(But still, I should be honest with my feelings since I do want to chase after him)
(My reason, huh… I should think about that later. I have to focus on finding Kino-kun first)
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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Yui: Ah... I think I got through the forest before I even knew it already...
I was so lost in thoughts I didn’t notice...
… Eh…?
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At first I forgot to take a breath after the sight that was beyond the forest.
It looked as if the cliff had completely cut off the ground.
As I looked around the cliff, it seemed as if there was no end to it. The opposite shore was all blurred and I couldn’t see it at all either.
Because I was amazed at the unrealistic sight, I didn’t notice something.
— The ground was becoming loose.
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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Yui: ….. !?
(Is the cliff collapsing… !?)
*Yui falls*
Yui: Kyaaaaaaa!!
(It’s useless! I’ll fall down! No, please… I don’t want to die!)
(Help me… Kino-kun!!)
Kino: Haa… what are you doing?
Yui: (...Eh… ?)
Kino: Alright, I’ll pull you up now.
Yui: Ahh…
*Yui falls to the ground*
Yui: Haa… Haa…
(My god... my hands are shivering and my heart is pounding)
(If he wouldn’t have grabbed me by my arm, I’d be—)
Kino: Of course you’d get all shaky if you approach a cliff and lose your footing afterwards. Do you actually want to die or something?
Keep in mind that you were just saved because I happened to be nearby.
I’d be in huge trouble if Eve would die to begin with. This way I couldn’t get any powers.
Hey, are you even listening?
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Yui: I got saved… you saved me...
I-I’m so grateful… I… I thought I was going to die...
Kino: Hey, you… are you crying right now?
Yui: That’s because… I was so scared...
(Whether my blood was sucked, or a knife was being pointed at me… I never felt like this…)
(It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this close to death…)
Kino: If you would’ve slipped off that cliff, it would’ve been an instant game over. So don’t try that again, alright?
Yui: I-I’m so sorry...
Kino: Don’t tell me you feel more nervous now out of all those times I’ve threatened you?
Yui: I-I don’t know… I really don’t know, but—
Thank you so much for rescuing me...
Kino: ...I’m just not happy to be thanked while seeing you have that terrible face.
Haa… I really hate seeing a woman being as depressed as you are right now. Stop crying already.
Yui: A-Ah… I’m sorry...
(But even though I want to stop, my tears won’t stop flowing down…)
(The darkness that I saw under the cliff simply doesn’t disappear out of my head…)
Kino: Haa… can’t help it then.
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The blood sucking, being threatened, and all the painful feelings I had to experience...
I thought I had been in a really miserable situation all this time, but compared to what happened just now, thinking back to this feels as if my life was going soft on me.
Having to experience a simpler situation and then a way more life threatening situation such as this, I was completely unable to stop my trembling legs and crying eyes.
After some time had passed, I was finally able to regain my composure again.
As I suddenly raised my face, Kino-kun, who was playing with my smartphone, was sitting right next to me.
Place: Miniature garden — Edge of the world
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*Kino taps on his smartphone*
Yui: Kino-kun…
Kino: Hm? Ah, so you did stop crying after all. Took you long enough.
Yui: Have you perhaps been waiting for me there all this time… ?
Kino: It would be annoying if you were to fall off there again, so I just thought I should keep an eye on you.
Yui: I guess that makes sense...
I’m sorry for causing so much trouble for you. I’m alright now though...
Kino: Well, gotta admit that this one was a little refreshing because I saw your crying face.
It also seems that you realized your powerlessness.
Humans are really fragile in mind and body, aren’t they?
Yui: T-That’s not it… !
Kino: Not it, huh? Heh, that doesn’t deny the fact that your legs are still shaking though, right?
Yui: Err...
(I can’t seem to stand up yet, so I can’t even argue…)
Kino: So, what are you going to do if you can’t even walk? Will you wait for your death here?
Oh, or are you waiting to be attacked by other vampires while they’re scouting around?
I wonder if you’d prefer that one because you’d become an easy target then.
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Yui: (Nn, I’d be in trouble if that happened… !)
(... If I don’t want this to happen, I’ve got no other choice)
Then, I’d like to stay with you, Kino-kun...
Kino: Hmm? It’s kind of irritating that you’re suddenly cheeky enough to ask to be by my side even though you keep disobeying me.
Yui: (Uhh… at least I ended up saying what’s on my mind)
Kino: If you really want to be with me that much… prove it to me.
Yui: Prove it… ?
Kino: Don’t just tell me to take you along with me. You gotta be to my liking, y’know?
1) Sincerely ask (white)♡♡♡
2) I’m a bit worried (black)
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— Sincerely ask ♡
Yui: Please, I want to be with you, Kino-kun.
So please, take me along with you...
Kino: That’s not quite it yet. Didn’t I tell you to ask me to my liking?
Yui: Err, umm…
— I’m a bit worried
Yui: (I mean, I don’t want to be left behind all by myself, neither do I want to be subservient though)
(I’ve already had a lot of trouble until now, so I definitely have to be careful…)
Kino: Alright, your time has expired. If I can’t hear what you say, I might as well push you off the cliff.
Yui: I’m sorry, I’ll answer you! Just wait a quick second!
end Choices
Kino: Look, kiss the back of my hand. Do it as a sign of loyalty. And then swear the following:
“I want to only be beside you, Kino-sama. I’ll never go against you anymore, and I’ll do exactly as I’m told.”
Yui: (The conditions keep increasing…)
(But I guess I’ll have to do it. If something might happen in my current state, it would surely end up in a critical life situation for me…)
*Yui comes closer*
Yui: A-Ah, um… so I can have your hand real quick, right?
(Ah… after all this man has really big hands. The back of his hand is also quite bony though)
Kino: What are you staring at? Look, like this you’ll end up depending on me soon.
Yui: Oof… a-alright.
*Yui kisses Kino’s hand*
Yui: Nn...
I want to only be beside you, Kino-sama. With that… I’ll never go against you anymore, and I’ll do exactly as I’m told.
Kino: Fufu… Hahaha! Ah, that feels good. After all it’s way nicer to have you obediently tell me that directly.
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Yui: (He looks so surprisingly happy…)
Kino: Seems as if you finally completely fell into it, right? I don’t dislike how obedient you’ve become.
And because of that, I shall reward you by taking you to a special place.
*Kino picks Yui up*
Yui: Eh... what… are you doing!?
Kino: As you can see, I’m carrying my princess.
You’re weak on your knees and can’t walk, so I might as well have to do this.
Because you obediently took my hand and all that, I’ll repay you.
But if you try to struggle... you know what might happen, right?
Yui: (And yet again… he says something to threaten me)
(But it will stay obedient)
(That’s because Kino-kun’s smile now seemed real… almost as if he’s genuinely happy—)
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter#5 Sister Promise (Special Part 2)
★-†Before starting this chapter, I'll recommend you to have any snack with you because this chapter is going for long, without nothing more to say.. Enjoy the Chapter!†-★
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The Next Day
Pacopolis Airport 6:00 am
All the Spheros family with the Plizetxki sisters taked a Plane to Pac Mexico
They, except by Rotunda.
During the travel Stratos had to sit next to Yeena where both meet eachother.
Stratos: So... You're Muriel's Older Sister?
Yeena: That's right, Yeena Plizetxki
Stratos: Stratos Spheros... Uhm for how Long time you didn't saw your sister?...
Yeena: i don't remember so well.. i kinda think 5 or 6 years but we were still in contact.
Stratos: Wow.. that's too long time.
Yeena: I Know we both had to focus in our own careers, we both have doctorates, me on medicine and she in psychology.
Stratos: so, you're a doctor in medicine?
Yeena: That's right.
Stratos: How many lifes did you saved?
Yeena: Hmm.. interesting question.. I saved 10 Pac persons in total, it's not much but I'm satisfied with that.
Stratos: You sound like a really Good Doctor.
Yeena: I'm not a perfect doctor because I didn't managed to save at least 5 Pac persons, I know it's less but I'm not happy for it because of how much the families of the deceased suffers for them.
Stratos: That most be frustrating and hard for you, did ya?
Yeena: It is, for it I'm always trying hard in doing my best in my work to save more lifes.
Stratos: That's really good.
Yeena: And tell me about you?
Stratos: Well I'm actually working as officiant in a company
Yeena; That sounds good, good luck with that, maybe you can be a good president for Pacopolis.
Some Hours of Travel Later..
Pac Mexico City/CDMX
12:02 PM
The Family have finally arrived in PacMexico city airport and then taked 2 Taxis (Stratos, Rotunda and Santana in one, Betrayus, Muriel and Yeena and other) to the hotel where they would stay, all of them were so tired of the travel.
Muriel: Dude I'm Hungry...
Betrayus: You too, Mury?
Yeena: Yeah.. I'm Hungry too...
Stratos: what if we go to dinner, the Hotel has an international food banquet at this hour.
Rotunda: Ohh~♪ in that case, for me it's fine, let's go Stratos.
Stratos: Yes Mom
*Both leave*
Betrayus:*mocks* Ohh~♪ Yes Mom I'll go with you~
Santana:*chuckles* Betrayus!
Muriel: Admit it.. it's funny hehehe..
Yeena: hehehe what we are laughing for?
B&M: Nothing~...
Yeena: uhh.. okay?
After the dinner the group went to rest to their respective rooms by couples: Rotunda and Stratos, Betrayus and Muriel and Yeena and Santana.
Pac Mexico City
8:25 pm
Room 69
Yeena: Are you Serious Muriel!? Oh my gosh I feel so honored!...
Muriel: Yep Girl, this is more special because you always where there for me and never gave me the back as my father and Yoona,so tell me.. would you accept to be my godmother?
Yeena: Y-Yes!! Thank you Muriel!
Muriel: No Yeena, Thank you very much for all you did for me.
Yeena; *sobs of Happiness* Muriel.. I love you.
Muriel:*hugs Yeena* and I love you too Yeena.
Santana:*sniff* you girls are so touching~
Muriel: Heheh what can I said? Yeena was always being the emotional one.
Yeena: and you the rude Muriel.
Santana: Awww...
The night passed out..
The next day, The group taked different Taxis to Xochimilco, The girls where in the same taxi with Roxy preparing Muriel for the wedding.
Roxy: and Done~, girl estás que ardes~.
Santana: I agree with you girl
Muriel: Thank you Roxy.
Yeena: What did she said?
Roxy: Oh sorry, I said girl you're in fire but in Spanish.
Yeena: Oh I see, sorry I just speak English and Korean.
Roxy: understandable.
Muriel: oh gosh.. Thank you girls.. I'm so excited but I'm nervous too.
Santana: Don't worry, just be yourself, my brother likes you as you are.
Muriel: I know.. it's just..
Suddenly Muriel's hand was trembling and becoming fluffy, Yeena noticed that and holed up her hand to comfort her as well covering her hand.
Muriel:*whispers* thanks Yeena..
Yeena:*whispers as well* you're welcome..
The taxi finally arrived to the place.
Roxy: And we arrived first than the boys!
M&S: Oh Yuss Girl!
Yeena: Excuse me.. Ms Taxi girl.
Roxy: Roxy, at your service.
Yeena: Ms Roxy, is there a restroom around here?
Roxy: it's in front here.
Yeena: Alright, thanks Roxy.
Santana: where are you going?
Yeena:.. I need to speak with my sister in private
Santana: Oh, okay
Muriel: Where are we goi-
Yeena Quickly taked Muriel to the restroom, she seemed so nervous and worried for her sister.
Muriel: Yeena.. what's wrong?..
Yeena: Muriel.. please take this.. *she said while she was holding a peace brazalet*
Muriel: a Peace Brazalet?, For what...
Yeena: too avoid that you can't transform into.. you know..you don't want to scare your future husband, did you?.
Muriel: Hehehe, what are you saying? My lover knows about my secret.
Yeena: W-What!? Oh no no this is bad?
Muriel: Bad for what? He accepts me with all and puppy, even so.. he has a secret like us but I can't tell you exactly what it is.
Yeena: Well... that's so good to hear but surely others would surely be afraid of you.
Muriel: Yeena, do you actually think that I can't lost control and transform into the puppy?...
Yeena: Well yes, I'm afraid that if they know about that would surely kill you as many did it with our race..
Muriel: Uhuh... And?
Yeena: And... And..I don't want to lose you, Muriel! You're the only thing I have of.. mother.. *sobs* Oh Muriel.. you're all her....
Muriel:*sighs* Yeena.. *Hugs her* you're all for me too, but you're underestimating me.. I know you want to.. take care of me and you have no idea about how much I appreciate that..but I can take care of myself without or with the puppy inside me... That's all thanks to my psychological career and most special.. you.
Yeena: Muriel.. but aren't you nervous?
Muriel: I Know I'm nervous but having you with me and knowing I choosed the best person for me comforts me a lot.. so don't worry I'll be okay
Yeena: Promise me you will be okay..
Muriel: I'll promise Yeena.
After that promise, Betrayus and his brother and mother have finally arrived, Betrayus saw Muriel went out the restroom completely brilliant with her black wedding dress and holding a lot of red roses.
Rotunda: Agh, black? You're wrong, this is your wedding not a Halloween party..
Yeena: Hey! How dare yo-
Muriel: Calm down Yeena, I'll take care of this,.. indeed is our wedding not yours, and as our wedding we can dress as we like if we want it.
Betrayus: OHHHHHHHH!!
Muriel: Oh my..
Rotunda: How Dare you!?
Stratos: Hey!!.
Santana: Admit it Brother.. Muriel is right, behave yourself Mom this is the wedding of one of your children so please I recommend you to be respectful.
Rotunda: Santana! I am your mother, you have no rights to speak with me in that tone.
Santana: and you have no rights to judge my Brother and his Bride in their wedding, or you stay with us and be respectful or you can go back to the hotel.
Rotunda:...hmp.. Fine.
Roxy: Alright Toxic Family, let's go!.
The Group went to the trajinera and Roxy started driving while she was Telling them legends about Xochimilco, to then after a long ride around the lake, they stopped in the Creepy Doll Island, There was a sorcerer waiting for them
Stratos; Wait a Minute... From what religion is this guy.
Sorcerer: A Satanist one
Rotunda: What!?.
Sorcerer: Just Kidding.. uhum
Betrayus and Muriel walked together in front the sorcerer waiting for the prayers.
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Sorcerer: Ladies and gentlemen.. we are reunited here to unite this 2 souls in marriage... Before starting this is there anyone who wants to avoid the union of this souls, speak now or shut up forever.
Rotunda: Me!
Stratos: Mom!!
Y, S & R: Ugh.. Sit Down old Lady!!
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Sorcerer: Well.. uhum Betrayus Spheros, do you accept Muriel Plizetxki as you wife and love her, in the health and the illness until the death.
Betrayus: with all my heart and for all she did for me... She is the woman who make me get up..for being there were almost no one was for me, For it.. I Do.
Sorcerer: Muriel Plizetxki, do you accept Betrayus Spheros as your Husband and love him, in the health and the illness until the death.
Muriel: My First and number 1 patient, for accepting me in your heart and make me get up too, because our imperfections make us unperfectedly perfect.. I do.
Sorcerer: perfect, with the blessing of the Moon.. I declare you Husband and Wife, you can kiss the bride now.
Betrayus and Muriel selled their union with a Kiss while the others (except Rotunda) where clapping completely happy for them, after that Muriel threw the flowers and surprisely it was catched... By a Squirrel.
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Muriel: Well at least the squirrel will be happy.
Betrayus: That's something good~.
Santana: Dank Squirrel....
After many hours of party and that Yeena ended falling in the lake but she was fine because she can swim,
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and a lot of drinks, the wedding finished and the group went back to the hotel, all of them completely drunk except for Rotunda which went to a room alone, Betrayus and Muriel went to their room to start the fun while the rest.. Uhh..
Well Stratos went to Santana and Yeena's Room, Yeena was the only one there, both were so drunk so they started their fun too.. Santana was still in the Taxi with Roxy, both where drunk.
Santana: Hehehe it was fun..
Roxy: Heheheh are you sure you don't want to go to your room?..
Santana: Heheheh no.. I want to stay with you~ *Kisses Roxy*
Roxy: Hmmm~ Good girl~
And yes they have their fun too, don't ask how.
2 Days later, Yeena went back to Pac Korea, Santana went to work in Pac Tokyo, Betrayus, Stratos, Rotunda and Muriel went back to Pac USA to Continue their lifes, Specially the couple which would continue their lifes as know a happily married couple.
3 Months Later...
Muriel: Hey Sunlight, i have a gift for you~
Betrayus: what kind of gift?~
Muriel:*gives Betrayus a tiny Box*
Betrayus: hmm i wonder what is it
Betrayus opened a box and take out his rabbit plush but repaired
Betrayus: Aww Muriel, you found it! And did you repaired it too?
Muriel: yes and take a look inside the box
Betrayus: Huh?
Betrayus looked inside the box, it was a note Wich says "Hey Daddy" next to a positive pregnancy test
Betrayus: Oh my!... Really?...
Muriel: Heheh Yes... Surprise Daddy!!
Betrayus: Mury! *Hugs her* I'm so so Happy!!
Muriel: we're going to be parents! And as celebration.. It's movie Time!!.
Betrayus: Yeah Girl!!.. uhm Mury can you still can transform into animals but without affecting the baby?.
Muriel: That's right, you want me to transform into a Rabbit?
Betrayus: Yes :3!
Muriel transformed herself into a pregnant and Fluffy Arctic Hare to then Betrayus taking her carefully and watch movies while he was petting her.
Betrayus: Aww just look at you, you're so small and fluffy~ *scratches behind her bunny ears*
Muriel: Hmm~♥ *Twitching paw* more there please~
Betrayus: *pets her bunny belly* Aww who is my fluwy gurl?, you are!~♪
Muriel: Heheheh Sunlight~♪ that tickles!~
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Yeena had left the restroom of his work with a positive pregnancy test.
Yeena: Should I tell him?... Uhh Nah..
Too long travel and i was so drunk that day and if i can remember there where more guys around there so it can be from anyone else... Oh man what a dumb i am!
She said while she went to her car to drive off completely mad
Yeena drived to a mall to buy some home stuff to then went to a building.
At Opening her apartment she was received by her only fluffy pal.
It was a Maine Coon Cat.
Min-Ki: Mreww~
Yeena: Aww Hello big girl *pets her*... Good news... We will have new pal here..
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Yeena said to her cat while she was holding her stomach. She was nervous but as well she was excited for being mother.
To be Continued..
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atths--twice · 4 years
Finding the Right Chord
Mulder picks up an old purchase, finding the effect of it is one he did not expect, but is most welcome.
This story came about for a couple of reasons. One- I had been thinking of it for awhile now, and two- I saw a tweet and it pushed the idea ahead. I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you enjoy it. ❤️
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May 2017
He had bought it as a joke years ago, bringing it home to see Scully’s reaction. She had laughed and then shaken her head, knowing it would be one more thing that sat in their home collecting dust.
For the most part, that was what it had done, sitting in a corner of his office, a sweatshirt thrown over it one day after a run. He would glance at it from time to time, deciding that would be the day he would pick it up and actually use it.
But then, an email would come in, or an article would grab his attention and it would once more be forgotten.
One night, as he was alone in the house, the silence pressing in on all sides, he stood in the office he no longer used, the desk now sitting in the living room. He looked around the room at his past, at the things that had seemed so important and he shook his head.
He sighed at the numerous articles thumbtacked to the wall, the blurry photos of “evidence,” and the piles of papers containing within them the obsession that had caused Scully to finally leave him, the weight of it becoming too heavy for her to bear.
Shaking his head again, he turned to leave, when his eyes fell onto the item in the corner. Stepping into the room, he moved things out of the way and picked it up. Leaving the room, he walked into the kitchen and wiped off the dust that had settled upon the guitar he had bought as a corny joke.
Staring at it, he let out a deep breath. He had never played an instrument. Well, not in any serious way. There had been music class in elementary school when he had learned to read music and play what was in the classroom, but nothing after it in his adult life.
He held the guitar and strummed it, not knowing if it was even in tune after years of not being used. Messing with it, he tried to see if it changed much, but he shook his head, not hearing a marked difference.
Walking around the house he played it, finding he enjoyed the feel of the strings beneath his fingers. He stepped out onto the porch and sat on the railing, looking out at the sunset as he played a random tune, liking what he had created.
As the sun went down fully, he stopped playing and set the guitar beside him on the porch. Crossing his arms, he looked into the empty house, wishing Scully was there, coming out and giving him a look as she saw the guitar. She would have something witty to say, something he would counter as he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.
“God,” he said quietly, shaking his head and standing up as he grabbed the guitar and headed inside, missing her greatly.
September 2017
“What’s that doing out here?” Scully said, as she set a case file down on the kitchen table.
“Hmm?” he asked, glancing at a photo in the file.
“Mulder,” she said and he glanced up to find her pointing at the guitar. “Is that the same one you bought years ago. I didn’t even know you still had it. Are you… playing it?” She looked at him and he saw something cross her face that he could not place.
“Playing it would imply that I know what I’m doing. So… no,” he said with a laugh and she nodded with a smile, the expression he had seen no longer there.
“Are you going to take lessons? Or just… wing it?” He looked at her and saw that she was serious and not teasing him as he thought she would.
“Lessons? No. I… I don’t think I would do well in lessons.” He smiled at her and she nodded, her smile changing and her eyes shining.
“Wouldn’t take too well to an authority figure?”
“Ha ha. You’re hilarious, Agent Scully,” he said, handing her the file as they sat down. “I don’t know, I brought it out here… months ago. I had forgotten it was there, to be honest.” She nodded and any further discussion of the guitar halted.
After she left, with plans to fly out to Montana in the morning to investigate the case deeper, he looked at the guitar and made a decision. He would attempt to learn how to play, even though it would be slow going.
January 2018
“So… I see the guitar is still sitting out here,” Scully said, as he took the Bigfoot mold of most likely not taint flavored Goop-O into the kitchen. He smiled as he set it down and turned to look at her.
“It is,” he responded and she nodded with a smile.
“Have you learned to play anything? Or does it just sit there and look pretty?”
“No. The only thing that sits and looks pretty in this house is you,” he quipped with a wink and she rolled her eyes. He grinned and she crossed her arms as she leaned back against the couch.
“So, you haven’t learned to play anything then?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” He smiled and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“Play me something,” she said with a shrug and he nodded, walking out of the kitchen.
“I can’t play you something, I can only play one thing. For now, anyway.” Picking up the guitar, he walked over to her. “I looked for a tutorial online and found that this song was the easiest to learn.”
“Wait,” she said, sitting forward and staring at him. “You really learned a song? I was just joking around with you. I didn’t expect you to actually know a song.”
“Oh ye of little faith,” he said with a smile, sitting on the coffee table and taking the pick from the guitar. He strummed a few chords and her mouth dropped open, watching his hands and then looking at him, her eyes wide.
“Now… like I said,” he told her, tuning the guitar and playing the chords again. “It’s the only one I know and it took a little while to learn, so… no encores, okay? No calling out for “Freebird” or anything.” He grinned at her and she nodded, her elbows on her knees and her hands folded against her lips.
Clearing his throat, he started to play, humming before he closed his eyes and began to sing softly.
Won't you let me catch your fall Won't you let me lend a hand Those lonely eyes have seen it all But love's too blind to understand Cause you don't know what you have Til your everything is gone You need someone to show you how to live again
I wanna be there when you're feeling high I wanna be there when you wanna die I'm gonna light your fire I’m gonna fuel your flame I wanna be there when you go insane I wanna be there when you're feeling down And I'll be there when your head is spinnin' round Gonna be your lover Gonna be your friend I wanna be there til the end
He opened his eyes, realizing now how the words of the song sounded as he sang them to her and not just as he had learned the chords.
“I uhh,” he said, putting the pick back and setting the guitar down. “I think I could still do with a little practice.”
He smiled as he looked up at her and saw she had tears in her eyes. Shaking her head, she wiped them away and took a deep breath.
“Please keep going,” she whispered and he stared at her. She nodded and smiled slightly, bumping his knees with her own and breathing deeply again.
He nodded and picked up the guitar, strumming it as he began to sing again, keeping his eyes on hers, knowing the words that were coming and not wanting to hurt her or cause her to walk out the door.
You wouldn't know that I was there Cause I have been there all the time And if I had my way I'd hold you in my arms And leave this madness all behind Cause you got so much to give But you throw it all away And all you got to show for who you are is pain And I've got so much to give If you'd only let me in I'm gonna take the time to show that I'm a friend You'll believe in love again
I wanna be there in the pouring rain I wanna be there when you call my name I’m gonna light your fire I’m gonna fuel your flame I wanna be there when you go insane I wanna be there when I'm outta town And when your damn world is crashing down I'm gonna be your lover Gonna be your friend I wanna be there till the end
She put her hands on the guitar and stopped him from playing, taking it from him and laying it on the couch. He licked his lips, worried that the positive steps they had taken recently were all for naught and she was upset with him.
“Scully, I-”
But then she was in his lap, kissing him, her hands in his hair. He gripped her waist, holding her close as their kiss deepened, his hands sliding under her shirt and stroking her skin.
They never made it farther than the floor in front of the couch, not even taking the time to remove all of  their clothing. She still wore her bra and his pants and boxers were bunched around his knees.
“So…” he said, breathing hard as he lay on top of her. “You liked the song?” She laughed, her fingernails scratching at his back a little harder than she normally did.
“Hmm,” she hummed, tugging at his hair. He lifted his head and looked at her, finding her smiling. “I loved it. Remind me later that we should keep a lighter on hand.”
“Oh, I don’t think we need a lighter. You got plenty hot enough.” He grinned at her and she laughed.
“That I did,” she agreed, staring into his eyes and stroking his face. “You should have learned to play that guitar years ago.” He chuckled and laid his head back against her neck, his lips at her throat.
“If I had known that musicians did it for you… well,” he whispered, placing open mouthed kisses on her pulse point, his teeth scraping gently.
“Hmm… no need to worry, I’ll make you a list of other songs to make up for it. Maybe some Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young…”
“Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry. So just look at them and sigh and know they love you,” he sang quietly and she moaned, her fingernails pressing into his neck.
“Jesus, Mulder,” she whispered and he chuckled softly, kissing her throat again, as any other songs or artists were momentarily forgotten.
May 2019
Mulder sat on the top of the porch stairs, the spring sun setting as he tuned the guitar that had sat unused for nearly a year. With the pregnancy and then taking care of a newborn, the guitar had once more been a dust collector more than a musical instrument.
He smiled as he played the chords of a new song he had looked up, finding it not too difficult. Trying it out again, he sang the song quietly, trying to get it right before he would sing it for Faith tomorrow.
The screen door creaked open and he looked up and saw Scully standing there staring at him. She shook her head and closed the door gently.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked, walking over and sitting beside him on the stairs. He smiled and played the song softly.
“I was thinking about our trip to the duck park a few days ago and then I saw the guitar sitting there and well…” He shrugged and looked down at the guitar, strumming a few chords and then looking at her.
“I don’t know if you’ve really thought this through, if I’m being completely honest with you,” she said and he grinned, knowing exactly what she meant and knowing she knew that he knew.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” he said however, giving her a confused look and she narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m simply learning to play a song for our daughter, one about ducks who get lost but eventually find their way back home, right where they are supposed to be.”
“Jesus,” she growled and he moved the guitar just before she lunged at him, her lips crashing into his as he caught her around the waist, her knees hitting the porch as she straddled him. He laughed as he pulled back and shook his head.
“So, are you trying to tell me that if I play the guitar for Faith, in a completely innocent way, this will happen?” He smiled, holding her tightly as she breathed deeply and sat back on his legs.
���Well… not directly in front of her, but just know that as soon as she is down for a nap, or in bed for the night, I will be coming for you.”
“So many responses I could make,” he murmured and she laughed, leaning closer to kiss him, her fingernails scratching lightly along his neck.
She pulled back and he smiled as she kissed him gently once more, causing him to moan softly.
“Do you know the song well enough?”
“Not quite. I’d like to practice it a bit more, get it perfect before I play it for her tomorrow.”
“She’s seven months old, Mulder. She won’t know if it’s the best song ever or if you completely mess it up.” She smiled and he nodded with a shrug.
“But I’ll know,” he said and she exhaled a deep breath with a nod.
Moving from his lap, she picked up the guitar. Handing it to him, she moved across the step, putting some needed space between them.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked with a smirk as he began to play the song.
“I’m going to do my very best,” she said, closing her eyes and folding her hands in her lap. He laughed and nodded as he licked his lips.
“Five little ducks went out one day,” he sang quietly, watching the strings as he played. “Over the hills and far away. Mother duck said “Quack, quack, quack!””
“Nope. I tried,” she said and he looked at her, her eyes flashing fire. “Stop. Put the guitar down. It sounds perfect. We need to get inside. Now.” She stood up, took the guitar from him, and walked into the house. “Now, Mulder.” He grinned and stood up, taking off his shirt as he walked across the porch.
He opened the screen door and stepped inside of the house, smiling at the sight of her already half naked, and shaking her head at him. He closed the door and locked it, walking toward her as she unbuttoned her pants.
“I’m sorry you aren’t able to practice the song, but…”
“I knew it well enough when I read the notes. I didn’t really need to practice it.” She stared at him, her pants halfway down her legs. He winked and she shook her head.
Stumbling a little as she pulled off her pants, he caught her and they landed heavily onto the couch, with her in his lap.
“You’re a clever man,” she whispered.
“Oh, of that Miss Scully, I am very much aware,” he said with a grin, as she once more shook her head, before kissing him thoroughly.
The song Mulder learned to play is called “I Wanna Be There” by Blessed Union of Souls.
And of course he sings “Teach Your Children” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young... which Scully seems to be quite happy to hear as she waits on hold in Rm9...
I wonder why she likes it so much... 😏
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odannygirl7 · 4 years
Carnival of Aros - July 2020
I've been meaning to type about this for a while, but then this month's carnival of aros is about music, so I figured... well, two birds one stone I suppose lol.
Musicals are sort of like music right? I mean, I don’t think this is too far from the idea, even if it was meant to be about, like, individual songs.
This is about a whole musical where I just immediately felt that it was a missed aromantic opportunity.
Company is a musical by Sondheim from the 70s that seems to be brought back every decade or so. It’s about a guy, Bobby, on the night of his 35th birthday. He’s a bachelor, the only one among a bevy of married friends - all of whom wonder why he can’t keep a girl and hasn’t gotten married yet. The show moves through snippets of Bobby’s experiences with his friends… they’re all basically trapped between the horribleness of being married and the horribleness of, well, not. They love Bobby for his freedom, for the advice he gives, for the fun he brings into their life, for watching their kids, for always being there without being a detriment to their coupleness.
But the entire play is them badgering him about why he isn’t getting married.
There’s also three of Bobby’s girlfriends who wonder the same thing, what’s wrong with him, why can’t he commit.
One could also view it as Bobby internalizing everything his friends and lovers have said in the past and having a freak out about it. The whole show is kinda… disjointed in that, while it takes place all on one night, the majority of scenes are from the past or possibly not real.
The show is set up, for most people, to be a commentary about, idk, like growing up or realizing that you can’t be alone or you gotta be open and vulnerable, but like you need to share your life with someone and that someone… uhh, can’t be your friends cause they all have their significant others and that’s the way things are (*hard side eye* lmao). And that’s a real shame, because the show is this wonderfully accidental portrait of a closeted aromantic struggling not only with the pressure of the conventional relationship narrative, but with friends who buy into that. Bobby doesn’t know what he is, or can’t accept it, or can’t admit it, and he’s struggling to force himself to feel the things that come so naturally to everyone he knows.  He wants love, to be loved, but what’s in him, what he’s capable of, isn’t what everyone else has. I mean, look, he’s 35 and has never been in love, doesn’t understand love… *looks into the camera like I’m on The Office* come on.
I’m not going to go through the whole show, just hit on some highlights that scream aromantic to me, cause not all the songs are about Bobby’s relationships. Some are about the other character’s relationships. There’s 18 songs in this musical, lots of material.
Here’s a link to the whole thing … this is the 2006 version with Raul Esparza, who is fantastic.
We’ll start in Act 1 and go from there. About halfway through we get Bobby’s three girlfriends singing “You Could Drive a Person Crazy". This is an upbeat, vicious song about how they feel betrayed that he never takes things to the next level. They can understand if he was gay, or bad in bed, or actually dead… but Bobby is none of those things, instead he’s a crazy, troubled, person who has something wrong with him. He’s a zombie with a loose connection.
I don’t think I’m the only aro who’s been called similar.
Later Bobby sings about someone (“Someone is Waiting”)… an amalgamation of all his lady friends… pleading for this person to wait, because he’s ready. He wants to find them, if he’s not out of luck and too late. He already has what he’s looking for, theoretically… if only an alternative relationship structure existed. As is, he has to try and find someone new. Conform to the idea of the superiority and inevitability of the exclusive pair bonded romantic-sexual relationship.
When one of his friends is freaking out about getting married, close to calling off the wedding, he proposes to her. Because it makes sense. She doesn’t want to be married, he doesn’t want to be married, they can both be married and have their freedom, everyone will leave them alone.
“You have to want to marry somebody, not just some body,” says Bobby’s friend, deciding that she really does want to marry her fiance.
This leads to Bobby singing “Marry Me A Little”, imagining a marriage as being soft and respectful, no big fights, no big promises… and that he’s ready for that. Things like mutual respect and care. “We won’t have to give up a thing, we’ll stay who we are,” he sings. “I’m ready now.”
There comes a point as an aro (tho this applies to aces and people of any orientation who don’t really want a relationship as well), or for, I think, a lot, or a good number, of aros when you start looking at a future that doesn’t have the spouse and the kids and pets and picket fence. When you start to come to grips that you might be looking at an empty road instead. And it’s not necessarily that you don’t want that, or that you really want something else, but there’s a kinda scary point where you realize that it might just be you, alone. That no matter what friends you have or partners or whatever… that they’re eventually going to want to “get serious” and “have their own lives”, lives that don't include you as a main component. And “somebody”, anybody, that will make it so you’re not alone starts sounding pretty good. You’re almost desperate for it. If you could just find that right person, the one that would make it make sense to have the spouse and kids and pets and picket fence… you could do that. You could. It’d be so easy. And then you’d have someone and isn’t that what everyone wants?
Anyway… Act 2.
All the married couples sing about how much they love having Bobby around in "Side by Side by Side". But then also rag on him about how worried they are for him being alone and try to set him up ("Poor Baby" and "Have I Got A Girl for You"), which is par for the course I think for an aro.
There’s also “Barcelona”, where Bobby makes a vague, surface, “going through the motions” plea to one of his girlfriends that she should stay after they’ve slept together. He doesn’t try very hard and when she decides to stay, well he sings “oh god”. ‘Nuff said.
All of that is, you know, it builds, but the real highlight in Act 2 is “Being Alive”, which is where Bobby finally learns that he really does need someone.
Or, you know, when he’s been beaten down by life and his friends and partners so badly and so thoroughly that he decides that he’s not even alive if he’s alone. That he needs another person to make him alive. “Alone is alone, not alive.” Tragic.
He starts off with things like being held too close and hurt too deep, to which his friends comment about how he can’t possibly think that that’s all there is, telling him he has no reason to be alone, encouraging him to keep going cause he’s “on to something”.
Bobby’s seen the terrible bits of their marriages and, to his friends, also the good bits. But if you read Bobby as aromantic then he has no context for the “good bits”. He’s watched them dig at one another with secret info, argue, pester, have the other person say they hate it… and then it’s just fine, because of ~feelings~??? Incomprehensible magic. There’s a trick in there somewhere and Bobby can’t see it.
But Bobby’s trying. Forcing himself. If he just really thinks about everything they’ve told him...
“Hey, buddy, don't be afraid it won't be perfect. The only thing to be afraid of really is that it won't be,” says one friend. Yikes. “It's much better living it than looking at it, Robert,” says another. And I suppose if you do have feelings for someone, it’s not that bad.
Bobby finally… it’s sad, really… like I know it’s supposed to be a song of him figuring everything out, but it feels like a descent. He’s given in. He believes there’s literally nothing for him, he’s not living, unless he has another person. “make me aware of being alive” “make me alive”
I’m not entirely sure how, like if this show were to be reworked with Bobby as aromantic (and god knows it gets revived enough, it could happen if anyone knew what aromanticity was) how that would be communicated. Unless, like, you had Bobby admitting that he is aro from the start, but you’d have to assume that the audience would know what that was and actually, you know, not agree with all the other characters.
The latest revival in 2018 did a gender swap with Bobby, which is something. Now, I had thought it was just Bobby as the swap, but they swapped all her girlfriends into boyfriends and then made one of the married couples gay. Apparently, according to reviews, the whole thing was a revelation and really freshened up because, you know, it’s super hip and modern to do a “ticking bio clock” story line with a woman nowadays. (there's also the soundtrack to the gender swap on youtube, it's got Pattie LuPone in it!)
Personally, I would have just swapped Bobby… I’m not sure how well an aro reading there would play, not because there aren’t aro lesbians, but I feel like there are a lot of layers to a lesbian not wanting to u-haul and then getting harangued for it by her presumably hetero friends steeped in hetero society, just aside from any aromanticity.
But the whole thing takes on a very tragic tone when reading Bobby as aro, I think. I suppose what’s even more tragic is that Sondheim probably has no idea that he possibly wrote an aromantic character. He thinks he wrote a show about fixing someone who was broken. Just like the show Bones fixed Bones from being broken and how HIMYM fixed Robin and (tried to fix) Barney. I need to find a better way to end this, probably, we’ll see…
I wrote this three weeks ago on pillowfort and did not find a better ending lmao.
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xfandomwritingsx · 6 years
Reuniting Part 2 - F!Hawke/Varric
Description: A drink with friends never goes wrong, can it?
Warnings/Labels: Friends to lovers trope. Some sexual mentions. Some drinking. Some fun.
Approx. Word Count: 4,000
A/N: This part ended up taking a different turn than I thought, but I think I like it.
Part One
Hawke had followed the Inquisitor, intending to call out to her and maybe find out where Varric was hiding. She hadn’t seen him since he’d introduced the two on the battlements and honestly, Hawke was getting turned around in Skyhold. Navigating new places wasn’t her strong suit unless it was in Kirkwall. Everything was always so similar there.
She never did actually manage to call out to the Inquisitor though, and instead ended up following her a little creepily by accident. The Inquisitor entered a building and was already walking up the stairs when Hawke entered. There was a scuffling sound upstairs, furniture being violently rearranged.
“You knew where Hawke was all along!” She stopped at the sound of her name, puzzled at what in Thedas was happening up there.
“You’re damned right I did!” Varric’s voice called out angrily. He didn’t yell very often. Hawke could actually count the number of times she’d heard him get angry and yell at someone on her fingers. Curiosity got the better of her and she stood by the stairs, head cocked to aim her ear to listen more.
“You conniving little shit!” The woman spat out through gritted teeth. There was the sound of more scuffling above Hawke’s head and she thought about going up the stairs herself to intervene, but decided against it. Varric could handle himself.
“You kidnapped me! You interrogated me! What did you expect?” Ah, so the pissed off woman must have been the Seeker Hawke had heard so much about. She sounded different than Hawke expected.
“Hey! Enough.” The Inquisitor’s voice rose up, stopping the two from going at it again.
“You’re taking his side?” The Seeker said, astonished.
“I said enough!”
The voices lowered for the most part, making it harder for Hawke to hear what they were saying. Still, she waited. She had been looking for Varric after all and she had found him. Hawke started to wonder how bad the interrogation actually was. In his letters, he went between brushing it off flippantly and over exaggerating, saying how he was held down and tortured and forced to kiss an ogre. She knew the truth lay somewhere in between his stories, but where exactly? Had the Seeker harmed him?
The thought enraged her. That woman better not have put a finger on him. If she had, Hawke would personally make sure she got it right back before she left.
“I was protecting my friend!” Varric’s voice rose again and Hawke felt a warmth in her stomach. Affection? Guilt? She had never asked him to hide her away, never expected him to. And yet he did. He was the one friend she could always count on no matter what. (Except that one time in the fade. But that didn’t count. The fade never counted.) He was more than just a friend. “You know what I think?” She could see his feet at the very top of the stairs, hear his voice a little clearer. “If Hawke had been at the temple, she’d be dead too.” He paused for just a beat. “You people have done enough to her.” The amount of severity, pain, fear in his voice made her ache. She was more than just a friend to him too.
She saw him start to descend the stairs and waited for him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head as he came down, the other hand on the wooden railing. Only when he got to the bottom did he see her there and stop, surprised at her presence.
She thought about saying something, about offering something more than the soft, half smile on her lips, but nothing would come out. Nothing needed to though. They stood there looking at each other, saying a lot in their silence.
It reminded her of their last night in Kirkwall, standing on the dock, waiting for her to leave. They had stood next to each other, arms brushing against each other’s but not saying a thing. They were never really good at the serious stuff and always leaned towards leaving words unsaid. They both knew what the other was thinking, feeling, what they were meaning to say. There was absolutely no need to speak words.
It was no different standing at the bottom of those stairs with the silent thank you’s and I love you’s and you didn’t have to’s filling the space between them. She wanted to reach out to him, maybe to hug him again, maybe to just take his hand. Instead, she stayed where she was and let the moment extend.
“Want to get a drink?” Varric asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” she replied, that half smile breaking out into a full one. “A drink sounds good.”
They spent the first part of the evening catching up and reminiscing on old times over drinks and the tavern food. It all felt comfortable and familiar and yet… there was something different neither of them could quite put their finger on.
Varric thought he was being ridiculous, but after the third time Hawke grabbed his arm while they laughed, after the third time her hand lingered and her thumb ran over his muscle before letting go, he knew he wasn’t imagining it. He couldn’t recall a time she ever did that to him. It’s not like they never touched, but he wouldn’t have ever described their relationship as physically affectionate either. It was more along the lines of claps on the back and holding each other up after battle.
Hawke wasn’t oblivious to it either. She caught herself reaching out to him. It was near impossible not to notice the way her stomach fluttered or her skin buzzed when she did it and she saw his eyes sink a shade darker. She would have taken that look as an unsure and unwelcome look, if he didn’t keep pressing his leg against hers while they sat at the bar. She wasn’t sure if he even realized he did it. It was a subtle thing, happened when he turned to her or when he simply readjusted and widened his legs on the stool. Accidental in nature, but purposeful in the linger.
After the sun had dipped behind the mountains, the tavern started filling up. Varric found himself trying to keep Hawke and himself at the corner end of the bar for as long as he could. Eventually though, the members of the team gathering noticed them there and a small feeling of disappointment floated through him when they gathered around, all wanting to meet his friend.
He made the introductions to Dorian, Sera, and Blackwall easy enough, but found himself paying a little more attention when they got to Bull, ready to warn Hawke away again if she suggested any interest again. There was none however. She was more interested in Dorian’s staff (which sounded much dirtier than it was.)
The six gathered around a table and ordered a round of drinks. It didn’t surprise Varric that she fit right in. Hawke was personable and a little wild and this group of people? Crazy didn’t even begin to describe them most of the time. She blended right in with the rest of them.
It was only when Cassandra came through the door did he notice her tense up. They hadn’t been introduced yet so Hawke didn’t recognize her until she spoke.
“Where is Commander Cullen?” Cassandra asked, looking around the room. Hawke drew her shoulders back, sat up a little straighter. Varric watched her eyes harden and her hand tense around her mug.
“Where do you think?” Varric laughed, attempting to diffuse the situation before it started. Cassandra might have been a tight ass with low social skills, but she didn’t necessarily deserve Hawke whipping spells at her in the middle of the tavern.
“Notice the Inquisitor isn’t here either?” Dorian piped up, waggling his eyebrows. Cassandra rolled her eyes and made a disgusting noise, before exiting quickly.
“Prude?” Hawke speculated as the group laughed. “Or jealous?” Bull barked out a laugh at the thought.
“That woman has zero interest in Cullen. She barely talks to him as a friend let alone a lover,” he told her, still chuckling at the idea.
“And she’s one of the few people here who wouldn’t bang the Inquisitor if given the chance.” Sera’s words ended with a strange cackle of a laugh that was somewhere between infectious and annoying. Hawke decided she liked it. Most of them started nodding their heads, agreeing with the elf.
“You’re telling me you’d all sleep with her?” Hawke waved her hand across the table, baffled by this idea. The inquisitor was much more popular than she first thought.
“If she liked lady bits, I’d have no problem getting up in hers!” Sera cackled and once again, the general consensus from the table was positive.
“If I were to ever be with a woman, I do imagine it would be someone quite like her,” Dorian nodded thoughtfully.
“Or if she had a dick,” Bull teased crudely causing Dorian to scrunch his face and the rest of the table to laugh again.  “If she needed worked out, I wouldn’t go turning her away.” He took a drink and smacked his lips. Varric looked at him with a grin.
“Yes, but you’ll chase after anything that moves if they show interest.” Bull simply grinned back and shrugged. Hawke looked around the table and noticed the warden looked down into his mug, oddly quiet.
“And you, Blackwall?” she prodded. A blush rose up onto the man’s face, peeking out from under his beard.
“She’s uhh,” he stumbled. “She’s a fine woman.” The group scoffed at him.
“Fine woman,” Sera mocked. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off her arse the last time we went out to the Hinterlands!”
“Warden there’s been holding a candle for our leader for quite some time,” Varric leaned over and whispered to her. Hawke found she had to stop herself from leaning into him and immediately blamed the alcohol for the warm rush she got.
“Ah, unrequited love,” she mused. “It’s a bitch, isn’t it?” She meant is as a jest, but when their eyes met, the smiles between them faltered just slightly and the air seemed to get thick. It lasted only a moment, another bout of laughter from the table pulling them apart. He leaned away quickly.
“What about you, Varric?” Dorian asked, again waggling his eyebrows. “Would you take a spin on our dear Inquisitor?” Hawke watched him closely, feeling her stomach twist a little bit. He only chuckled and leaned back in his chair.
“Nope. This is the one time you can put me and the Seeker in the same category.” Dorian raised a single eyebrow at him, not sure if he believed him or not.
“Varric isn’t interested in us humans,” she confirmed. Was that a bite in her tone? She didn’t mean it to sound snappy.
“Why not?” Bull sounded amazed. “Humans can be fun!”  Varric simply sat back and waited for the teasing and prodding. He had no problem being at the end of their jokes for a while.
“You shouldn’t count us out just because we’re tall. That’s just rude.” Dorian scrunched his face again in an exaggerated way, feigning offense.
“Sorry, Sparkles. You still wouldn’t be my type,” Varric teased.
“That’s what they all say.” He threw a wink at Varric and Varric just shook his head, taking another drink.
“All those legs just get in the way,” he told them. “It’s a tangle of flailing limbs that don’t need to be there. And kissing a human? Talk about neck problems!” They all rolled their eyes.
“You’d just have to be creative!” Hawke encouraged, a too-wide smile on her face.
“You’re telling me the idea of a woman’s long legs draped down over your shoulders and back while your face is between them holds no appeal to you?” Dorian questioned.
Varric’s voice got a little caught in his throat so he took another drink to buy him time. He avoided looking at Hawke at all costs. He had never pictured it before, no, but now that Dorian had said it? It was hard not to have the image flash in his mind and for reasons he didn’t want to indulge, the only woman his mind would conjure as a partner was Hawke. Before he realized it, he had chugged his entire mug.
“You’re drawn to powerful people,” Bull interrupted his thoughts and saved him from having to answer Dorian. “You sure you wouldn’t like having a human straddling you? Towering over you? Pulling you up to them?” Varric decided it was a mistake to have finished his ale so quickly.
“Oooh! Oooh!” Sera chimed in. “I bet you he would! Bet he likes being tied down too.” There were snickers from everyone except Bull.
“No,” he drawled. “That’s just a bit too far for a guy like him, but I’m telling you,” he looked pointedly at Varric. “You’d like having a human woman ride you.”
“Hawke!” Sera pointed to the woman who had been oddly quiet the last few minutes. “Climb into his lap!” Both Hawke’s and Varric’s eyes widened while the others at the table clapped, even Blackwall. “Let’s see if he’s telling the truth!”
“Why me?” Hawke held up her hands in confusion.
“You’re the only female human here,” Blackwall pointed out. “And you know him best.”
“I’m telling you,” Varric protested. “I’m not interested in humans.” Something stirred in Hawke. She again blamed the alcohol for the buzzing, the heat, the courage that suddenly coursed through her. She took one more long drink and then slammed the mug down on the table.
“Alright, you know what?” She put her hands down and pushed her chair away before standing up. “I’m tired of you not liking humans. I’m taking offense on behalf of all the women of my race.” There was some hollering from the others as they looked at each other. She smirked at him, a friendly challenge painted on her face.
Varric chewed on the inside of his lip, contemplating his response. His gut told him it was a bad idea. If it had been years ago, if it had been in the comfort of The Hanged Man, if things hadn’t felt so different since she got there, maybe he wouldn’t be hearing warning bells going off in his head. He knew he should make some witty remark and get out of the whole thing, but that playful challenge in her eyes made him not want to back down.
“Alright,” he conceded, pushing aside the concern and giving in to the curiosity of where it would go. He adjusted his chair, moving it away from the table and facing her. “Just don’t get too attached,” he teased. “I don’t need another woman pining for me.”
“Bianca has nothing to worry about,” she assured, walking up to him with a little too much sway in her hips for his liking. The team watched on, their cheering noises dying down so they could watch carefully.
Varric felt his chest tighten as she approached. He kept the smirk on his face and what he hoped to be a cool composure. He tried to relax, to lean back in his chair and challenge her right back. It’s not like he’d never noticed Hawke was attractive, but she’d never looked at him like that or walked up to him like that or straddled him like she was about to. And Maker help him, it was doing things to him.
When she got close enough, she put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and slid one of her legs along his hip, through the hole under the armrest. After planting that foot on the ground, she shifted her weight to slide her other leg over him. He kept eye contact with her as she bent her knees and sat on his lap. Why, why, did she do it so slowly? And why, why in Thedas, was she biting her lip when she did it?
She settled down on his legs, not nearly as heavy as he expected, and gave him a coy smile. He tilted his head, watching her intently and trying not to focus on the feeling of her on him. He didn’t want to admit that it was a feeling he could get used to. Before he could stop himself, his hands were on her thighs, palms flat against her muscled legs and sliding up to her hips. He watched her breath hitch and it only encouraged him. He gave a pull on her hips, sliding her ass on his legs and bringing her even closer. That confident look in her eyes faded for just a moment.
“You’re telling me,” Dorian started, threatening to break whatever tension was happening between Hawke and Varric. “A human couldn’t get a fire going in you like that?” Varric refused to break his gaze with the woman sitting on him.
“You have to imagine someone you’d fancy!” Sera clarified quickly, as if it was some kind of loophole he’d use.
“Oh, I am,” he answered honestly and quietly. The team heard him, but the way he said it, Hawke knew the words were just for her. Her eyes flitted down to his lips and he had damn butterflies like a young girl.
“Is it just a stretched-out dwarf?” Sera snickered.
“Now there’s an image,” Blackwall scoffed.
There was a brief exchange between the four still at the table that neither Varric nor Hawke bothered to listen to. There was a heat in her gaze and she had the boldness to roll her hips ever so slightly while the guys were distracted, testing his reaction. He tried not to show it, but he knew she felt it; the way his shoulders tensed and his jaw tightened. He desperately willed his bottom half to stay still. Not wanting to let her keep the upper hand on him, he took the chance and slid his hands around her hips and rested them on her ass. His smirk widened when she squirmed on him.
There was a loud bit of hearty laughter from beside them and Varric thought about removing his hands, but decided against it. Let them see.
“Nothing, Varric?” Hawke asked. “What if she grabbed you like this?” Her slender fingers tangled themselves in the collar of his jacket and pulled. He wasn’t sure if she pulled him to her or her to him, but the end result was the same. Her face dipped down towards his and her breasts pressed against him. “Not enticing at all?”
“What do you think, Hawke?” His voice was low, husky. He punctuated it with a small roll of his own hips, a move he nearly regretted when she pushed back and he could feel himself hardening underneath her. So far everything that happened could easily be laughed off in the morning, two friends messing around, but if she felt that? That would be harder to ignore tomorrow.
She hummed above him before finally looking away and leaning back, creating a small amount of distance between them. It didn’t do anything to quell the heat he was feeling, the way his skin was hot under his clothes or the way he wished they were alone.
“What’s the verdict?” She directed her question to the group. “Think Varric could like a human?”
“I think he’s no fun if he doesn’t,” Sera said.
“If that doesn’t do it for him, nothing will.” Dorian finished his drink and reached behind him for his staff, ready to call it a night.
“Doesn’t really matter in the end, does it?” Blackwall mused. “No one’s going to compete with that crossbow of his.” Hawke laughed at that and instinctively looked around to see where Bianca was. She was tucked away safely under the table, right where he’d left her.
“Well that certainly confirmed it,” Bull joined in. “Varric is not definitely not interested in humans.” Both of them looked at the Qunari, masking curious and confused looks. Bull threw them a wink and a suggestive face neither of them quite understood.
“I think now is a good time for me to retire for the evening.” Dorian stood from seat and stretched his arms into the air.
“Me too,” Blackwall agreed. “Anymore ale and I’m not sure I’ll wake up tomorrow.” Despite his words, he quickly finished the rest of his mug before pushing it away. Sera started talking again, calling them pussies for going to bed so early and blabbering on.
Varric didn’t quite hear her. His mind was too focused on the way that Hawke’s hands had loosened on his collar, one of them gently flattening high on his shoulder, her fingers grazing along his neck and one sliding down onto his chest. He worried about her being able to feel his heart pounding hard against his breastbone, but when the tips of her fingers ran through his chest hair, he was more much worried about her feeling that twitch in his cock.
“What do you think, Varric?” Hawke’s voice rang in his ears and he looked up to her. “Ready to go back to your room?” There was an innuendo in there and he wasn’t sure if she meant to add it or not. There was a sparkle in her eyes though and he realized it was the first time he’d seen it since she arrived. Where had it been all day? Everything in him went heavy and deflated.
That sparkle, that spark, the damn light in her eyes used to be there all the time, even when things got bad. It had glimmered behind the tears when her family died. He had seen it underneath the fear during the battle with the Arishok. It pained him to think it’d gone away over the last few years and he made himself another silent promise that he’d do whatever he could to make sure it came back.
“Whatever you want,” he muttered, still a little lost in his own thoughts. She shifted back, in turn pressing her ass into his hands and on a pure reaction, he squeezed. She smiled, chuckled a little bit, and patted his shoulder.
“I’m going to use the bathroom, finish that drink, and then you’re going to lead me back to your chambers because I will never find my way back there myself.” Varric threw his head back and had to laugh.
“And to think you’re the one who used to lead us around Kirkwall?” She gave him a playful shove at his teasing. All the tension dissolved as they fell back into their easy best friends relationship.
“Kirkwall was easier than here!” She defended. “It’s all open with so many twists and turns and rooms! You leave me to my own devices and I’ll probably end up in that creepy kid’s room.”
“I’m not sure who would be more confused, you or Cole.”
The flashed smiles at each other before Hawke began to remove herself from Varric’s lap. She stood up and instantly he tried not to miss the pressure of her on his legs. He shifted his hands back to her hips to help steady her as she disentangled her legs from the chair. She had to lean forward to move one leg back to the ground in front of him and when she did, her breasts were inches from his face and he involuntarily held his breath until she pulled away, steady on her own feet.
“I’ll be back,” she announced before turning to walk towards the back of the tavern. Varric had a hard time keeping his eyes off her ass.
“You may not be interested in humans in general,” Bull said lowly, pulling Varric’s eyes away from her. He practically forgot anyone else was there. “But maybe one in particular would do the trick.”
“What are you going on about?” Varric threw Bull his signature “full of shit” smile and gave a small roll of his eyes. Bull simply nodded towards Hawke.
“Bianca isn’t the only woman in your life.” He didn’t phrase is as a question that could be argued with and when Varric opened his mouth to refute, Bull leaned over and winked. “Ben-Hassrath, remember?”
Varric closed his mouth, not feeling like debating his own feelings with the Qunari. And to be honest, he wasn’t even sure what he was feeling himself. All he knew is that when Hawke reappeared, all he could picture was having her back in his lap.
“Well, shit.”
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aesterea-archived · 6 years
what's your favorite side pairing that you've written? your characters are just all so interesting, i love hearing about them :-)
(these are both fairly new ships and some of the details may be subject to change as i develop them further)
Malak & Magali (Arcane Elements Cycle; Defiance)
okay these two young (*snorts* theyre a couple hundred years old actually but whatever) magicians are too adventurous for their own good. they first met when they were in their early teens, coincidentally on two separate missions that led them to the same place, where they helped each other out and a friendship bloomed in the process, but they parted ways immediately after and never thought they’d meet again. WELL. they actually ended up running into each other quite often, grew close, and eventually joined the Defiance (that shady organization dedicated to keeping the Sorcerer and his Elites in check). they proceeded to fall in love and still go around looking for trouble. they often run into the Elites (particularly Luisa and Ritika). more often than the Defiance would prefer, but they get away with things because they’re valuable.
malak was born in london in the 19th century, his mother died when he was a baby, and his father died when he was a child. he should have grown up an apprentice to a scientist of some sort but discovered an entrance to the Empire somehow and once he found this place he never wanted to leave. he spent his teenage years running around, chasing myths and magic, mostly just looking for fun and mischief. uhh touch starved, mild abandonment issues. chaotic neutral? still in development, we’ll see what else he’s got in store.
magali was born in the black castle. she had some special power that caught the interest of the sorcerer himself when she was a small child, and it freaked her parents out so they took her and ran away, tried some experiments to get rid of her powers and hopefully shake off whatever the sorcerer was so intrigued by, but it backfired and they just ended up making things Bad and now theyre dead? i don’t think that was her fault but yeah they havent been around since she was in her mid-teens at the latest, and by then she was running around with malak. her magic is all messed up from her parents screwing around. i don’t know the details yet. i think she first met malak while trying to find a way to fix her magic, and he helps a lot now. he helps with her mental health too, she experiences maladaptive daydreaming and some issues with reality. she’s also got a weird obsession/phobia thing regarding the Sorcerer? she hasnt seen him in person since she was like six and goes to some lengths to avoid him, as her parents instilled deep fears and also accidentally some deep interest. at the same time she hears anything about him and she’s very 👀
they both slowed in aging in their early twenties, (the younger a person’s aging beings to slow, the more magically powerful they are supposedly). they have an extremely tight bond, they hold absolutely no secrets from each other,
i’m not sure how much they’ll appear in the main books. i know they won’t be very significant in the first book, but i’m hoping to write them their own thing.
Ritika & Ayuka (Arcane Elements Cycle; Elites)
okay i have a lot of friends-to-lovers. this is another.
ritika and ayuka were both born in and both grew up in the black castle, only a year or two apart in age. they were friends from the beginning. i’m not really sure about ayuka’s story yet, but ritika had a terrible childhood due to an extremely dysfunctional family, and while ayuka never intended to become an Elite (she stood out in some way and the Sorcerer went “yes— that one” and ayuka was very “who, me??”), ritika worked very hard (understatement) to get her position on the council. they’re about as old as malak and magali, and i’m not sure at what point they knew they were interested in each other sexually/romantically, but it was before their aging slowed. i think ayuka’s aging a little slower than ritika so… that’s interesting. anyway ayuka’s like a spymaster and kind of a detective, her position in the Elites is known as “Beauty”, nicknamed after an aphrodite-like mythological figure in the Empire, known for irresistible charm, and ritika’s is Mischief, who was actually Beauty’s lover in the legends, so. (*finger guns*) ritika’s work is brutal, she’s like the police/warden of the castle as well as… basically the Sorcerer’s thug, takes care of the smaller matters he’s too busy to attend to himself, like hunting down individual members of the Defiance.
they’re a bit murder-happy? they’ve both got a little too much interest in violence, though while ritika has a serious sadistic side, ayuka just likes the excitement of almost-violence and would prefer not to go through with it. the other elites are always waiting for the day the Sorcerer’s had enough of their “complications” but they’re really good at their jobs and he keeps letting them off the hook and it frustrates their coworkers to no end cause they could never get away with that kind of misconduct. they do pretty much whatever they want. as long as the job’s done well, the sorcerer doesn’t seem to care much how it’s done. they’ve had a few run-ins with malak and magali. ritika’s tried to kill magali before. there may be a love triangle with another elite girl, but i’m waiting to hear what eri wants to do. i love my murder girls.
i am also not sure how significant they will be in the first book, but you will definitely meet them both, ritika will make an impression on asteria, and i have plans for all four of these characters in the second book 
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lattaescript · 7 years
Cuffing Season
Tumblr media
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genres: Fluff, a miniscule amount of angst. But mostly... just fluff and fluff.
Word Count: 3.0k
University AU, Friends to Lovers!Au
Dedicated to those either wrapped up with finals and having the holiday spirit.
Cuffing Season- During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be “Cuffed” or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed. (by Huffington Post)
Cuffing Season- During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be “Cuffed” or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed. (by Huffington Post)
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. You mean to tell me that you still haven’t gotten together with Min Yoongi yet?”
Your roommate Bomi looked up from her textbook as she firmly puts down her pen on her fervently color-coded lines of notes.
“Ah. See, I knew that would get your attention,” you reply as you munch on a bag of chips on your bed.
That time of the year was approaching. Ah, yes. Finals season. And right now was the season where any visitor can be guaranteed to witness a plethora of glum, moody, and hostile college students trying to cram quite literally everything into every single cell of the brain. Dead week has begun– tis’ the season.
And yet, even though you should really be studying for your own finals, you end up clenching your hair in frustration as you lay down exasperatedly in bed. Every time you want to read on DNA replication or any other subject, your attention span was blocked by certain thoughts of a certain man. Each time you shove those thoughts away by going as far as slamming down your head into the textbook hoping osmosis would pull through for you, his gummy smile always popped up as you helplessly let your heart palpitate more than it should. That damn Yoongi.
That said man lived right across from you. About 4 feet away from your own dorm room.
Before the semester started, you had little to no qualms about living in a co-ed dorm. But now you curse the proximity of the boy who gradually stole your heart, who now grew so much closer to you that you would find him randomly open the door to chat or casually sleep in your bed. He was practically in your room more than he was in his own. And one night, he and you spent the night together in the same bed after chatting for hours.
You groaned internally. Min Yoongi’s new favorite thing to do was apparently scare you by hiding in your bed.
You were talking to Bomi one night earlier into the semester. You were about to tell her that you grew jealous of how close he is to the other girls on your floor.
“I hate how jealous I am. Like, I’m pretty sure all of them are nice girls, I’m sure. I just hate how I stoop so low when–”
“Y/N, stop!!! Uhhhh...”
Bomi had frantically yelled at you, pointing to your bed. When you swiftly leaped toward your bed and uncovered the comforter, there lied a grinning Yoongi in all his glory peering up at you. With Bomi’s conniving, it seemed that Yoongi wanted to scare you. You had pushed him out your room in rage, wanting to wipe his grin off his face.
“So. Who are you jealous about?” He hummed.
“Nothing. Just. Go.”
You threw fits of rage, but the red in your face was not entirely caused by pure rage. As much as you hate to admit, you liked feeling as if you were about to die of a heart attack. You liked Min Yoongi.
However, you would have much rather admitted the opposite as the semester followed.
Yoongi had just broken up with his previous girlfriend before the start of the semester. He had mentioned that he was not going to go for relationships for a while. He was not exactly frivolous per se, but he seemed distant from the idea of getting tied to a significant other. You felt like your chances of getting in a relationship with him had been shot down. So you wanted to lie and say that your feelings for him were but a small, tiny, harmless crush that you got over quickly, but such lies did not go unnoticed by your friends.
Mid-semester, Bomi and your other friends teased your obvious growing feelings for him.
“The way I see it, he definitely likes you, Y/N. Look, Min Yoongi isn’t a fuckboy. He wouldn’t just sleep in a girl’s bed or spend hours in a girl’s room if he doesn’t have a thing for you,” Bomi insisted. Everyone else just nods.
It was not just you. Quite literally everyone in your entire dorm has noticed the romantic tension, and was on their tiptoes just waiting on either sides, their hands tingling with the urge to push you and Min Yoongi together.
And so, they predicted that you and Yoongi would officially become a couple by winter break, where no chemical formulas or biological processes would get in your way.
But well, you weren’t entirely sure.
What if you did say it? But what if he actually doesn’t feel the same way?
They may have seemed like trivial thoughts, but it meant the world to you. Right now, you and Yoongi are both standing on a thin line of thread where only one step would ruin the balance you have. On one side is the “good” outcome– feelings reciprocated; a jolly, happy ending for all. But on the other side? You did not want to even begin imagining the horror. Were you willing to risk the friendship you had forged with the boy living 4 feet away from you? How awkward would it be if things really did not work out? How awkward would it make your fellow floormates?
And on one fateful night, you had agreed to follow him to a party his own fraternity was holding, despite your friends’ warning not to. Somi had warned that despite him not quite being a fuckboy, he still knew how to “have fun” under the influence of alcohol. But you had some kind of conviction that you would grow closer to him.
But that night, your convictions were broken. Yoongi had gotten close to every other girl except you. You did not know where your initial belief that he would not leave your side had come from when he was not in your vicinity most of the night. Instead, his arms were around his underclassmen soon to be pledged in, playfully flirting with a different group of girls every hour.  Though you felt terrible, you felt that you were in no position to complain. Yoongi and you were not in a relationship or anything, so you felt that you were not in the position to judge whoever he chose to get close to.
Still– it was quite unpleasant to see the guy you liked all over other girls. And it was also a fact that he had openly flirted with you. This was what Bomi was warning you about. You were unable to enjoy the party, emotionally distraught with the alcohol only leaving a stinging bitter aftertaste to your tongue.  
The night after the party, he had barged into your room to take charge of your bed as always.
“Hey, so did you enjoy last night? How was it?” Yoongi grunts as he jumps up on your bed.
Irritation bubbled up to your head as you clench your fist.
“Hey, Yoongi? Do you possibly not have the human decency to...I don’t know...knock?”
Yoongi’s expression grew puzzled as he was not used to having been called out by you after a long time.
“Oh. Uhh...sorry. I’ll knock next time.”
You sigh. You were not having it, and seeing Yoongi’s face only exacerbated your incoming heartbreak.
“Yoongi, sorry, just...get out. I want to be alone right now.”
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something hap–”
“Get. Out.”
With the atmosphere heavy, even Yoongi understood that he had to leave you alone. He slowly nodded and got out of your room. Ever since that night, he was banished from your bed.
You had proceeded to avoid him for a couple of days, with the excuse that you were busy with midterms or you were over at another friend’s dorm. When you finally returned to your room, you had told Somi everything. Somi had hugged you tightly when your eyes had clouded over with tears.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have told you that he liked you. I should never assume how people feel,” Bomi whispered while patting your back.
“Don’t apologize. It’s Yoongi’s fault for lowkey...highkey leading me on like that. And it’s also mine for not having the courage to ask him anything.”
You had tried relieving your mind for the past couple days trying to convince yourself to give up on him.
“...But, Bomi. I don’t know. I still like him.” You sigh.
“But for now, I think I just want to be friends. Whatever happens, happens. But I’m no longer going to hope for anything more. And...during winter break, I’ll probably just use that time to heal my broken heart. Distance helps.”
You had practiced putting on a poker face, using your pillow that would represent him and conjured an image of him in your mind.
“Friends. Just...friends. A friend that lives right across from me. Right.”
And with those thoughts, it became today, a day in finals week.
You sigh for what seemed like the millionth sigh and sat up on your bed.
“The thing is, the more I tell myself whatever happens, happens, the more I feel like I want to tell him.”
Bomi looks at you.
“Y/N...I think you should. I really do. I’m not going to deny the awkwardness if he does turn you down. But, honestly? There’s no rule that girls shouldn’t make the first rule. Nothing is going to start if you run away.”
You throw yourself back down on your bed and scream into your pillow in frustration.
“God, I can’t make up my mind. I’m so indecisive. Feelings suck.”
Bomi smiles wryly.
“Girl, feelings suck but you can never stop them. I think it’s unhealthy to try and force those feelings to go away. So, even if you get rejected, I say go for it. And then, find a better man than that stupid Min Yoongi.”
She stook out her tongue and winked.
You thanked the most wonderful roommate you could have. And then, you immersed yourself back into the world of DNA replication.
Well. You wanted to cry.
You plop down on the same old sofa in the living room...back home.
“Well. Finals are over. I’m done. But shit. I forgot to talk to him.”
You groan in frustration to yourself. Once you had picked up your pace in studying, you completely forgot that he had ended his finals one day earlier than you did. And because of your hostile study-mode, it seemed like he left for home without properly bidding you goodbye. He had left a post-it note that read, Good luck on finals and happy holidays. It also had a weird rock...or a cookie drawing.
You sigh. To make matters worse, your parents were away for a business trip overseas and you were home alone.
“Okay...so now what?”
A part of you wants to give up. Winter break was here, and you were once begging it to come closer just for the sake of not being able to see his face every single day. And then, another part of you wants to try. You still feel so strongly for Min Yoongi. You still liked him to the point that you were entirely sure you would still like him after the next semester starts.
And then, you come to a decision.
Christmas comes along like any other year.
But much to your chagrin, this year’s Christmas was quite bitter. Friends were spending time with their significant other, and family was still overseas.
“I’m really sorry, honey. We thought we would make it back in time for Christmas but our flight got delayed. We won’t make it back until the day after,” your mom wistfully states over a phone call that morning.
“It’s okay mom, I’ll be fine,” you reassure your mom, praying she would not notice the disappointment woven in your voice.
You ended the call and plopped down on the sofa. You had decorated the house with Christmas decorations in hopes of surprising them when they came back. Your heart filled with loneliness and the next thing you were doing was fiddling with your contacts on your phone. Your finger was looming over Yoongi’s number.
“It’s like the world wants me to just tell him, huh.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
“No turning back,” you say as you press the call button.
You panicked as he answered the call quite faster than you imagined.
“Oh, hey...um. It’s Y/N. I have... Uhh. I have to tell you something. Are you free right now?”
“Oh, yeah! I am! Of course! What’s up!”
Say it, Y/N, say it.
“Umm. I...I-I’m just...lonely. That’s why I called.”
You wanted to slap yourself.
“Oh. You’re lonely?”
Your lips quivered and your voice shook.
“Y-yeah. My parents are out of town for Christmas and I’m home alone.”
“I’m sorry. Umm.”
You wondered what was going on at the other end of the line. Muffled noises of shuffling had repeated itself after a long pause.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. Was I bothering you?”
“No! Of course not! Most definitely not. Umm. Okay. I got this.” He mutters the last words, but you caught them.
“Hmm? Got what?”
Yoongi sighs in resolve to something you were absolutely clueless about. Until he says the next words.
“I remember you telling me where you were from. I also remember that it wasn’t too far from where I live. So...please don’t think I’m a creep or anything. But can you tell me your address?”
Your breath stops at his words. You couldn’t find the next words to say out of pure shock and puzzlement.
“Okay, never mind, sorry that was kind of creepy–”
“I’ll tell you my address.”
You could not believe what you were saying either. Your face turned feverish and your hands trembled.
After the phone call, you sat on the sofa and fiddled with your phone.
“No way. No...fucking way. Did I just...did he just? No way. He’s probably not coming anyway.”
You grew more sure as hours had passed. He had not called since that phone call, and you did not want to call again. However, after 3 and a half hour of waiting, you heard a knock on the door.
“Hey. Uh. It’s Yoongi.”
You were shocked for a second time. You gulp as you open the door.
“Um. Sorry I’m late. There was a bit of traffic but it took three hours–”
“You actually...came? Drove, like what. Three hours?”
Yoongi turned bright red.
“U-uh. W-well. I just.”
He stammered for a couple of seconds before turning to look at you in the eyes.
“You said you were lonely. So I wanted to be here. With you.’
You were floored at this entire situation. None of it seemed real. But you were absolutely elated; you felt you were on cloud nine. Just the sight of him for the first time in a long time made you realize the images of him you conjured in your head were not enough. It was a bittersweet feeling– but it felt like it was only the two of you standing in the universe.
“Uhh. C-come in.”
You moved to the side to let him in.
“Wow. You really decorated this place in the theme of festive, huh?” Yoongi’s eyes pointed to a fully ornamented christmas tree, blinking christmas lights, and mistletoes.
“Yeah. I did. I was planning to surprise my parents, but apparently, their flight got delayed. They aren’t coming back until tomorrow.”
“I see.”
He sat down the sofa you were just sitting in a few moments. You felt weird. It just did not seem real that he was actually in your house, when you have always seen him only sit down on the dorm’s sofa.
“You want hot chocolate?” you called out from the kitchen, in an attempt to dispel some awkwardness, and as a thanks...to many things.
“Sure. Thanks. Umm. Sorry for intruding, by the way.”
You blink for a few seconds, and then you start chuckling.
“You sure say that late,” you reply as you bring 2 mugs of hot chocolate towards the sofa.
“Umm. Yeah. Sorry.”
You smile. You were not used to him being all flustered and apologizing profusely. It felt like a serendipity in seeing him act like this.
“I’m kidding. I’m actually really happy.”
Yoongi turns to you. His eyes darkened as he stares at you.
“H-huh? I mean, yeah. You like, drove three fucking hours. For just some floormate who told you that she was lonely.”
Yoongi’s eyes twinkled as his sight never left you.
“I wouldn’t just drive here for three hours for just a floormate.”
Yoongi paused for a few seconds. He then sighed.
“Over the break, I wanted to see you so bad. I didn’t realize how selfish I was. I tried to convince myself over and over again that I was fine with staying friends and that relationships were a pain, but I just...I really didn’t like the fact I had no reason to see you. I guess you really don’t realize what’s important until you lose it.”
Yoongi sighs.
“So. What I’m trying to say is–”
“I like you.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was trying to say. Wait what?”
“Yoongi, I like you. I liked you since the beginning of the semester.”
By now, you were full on grinning with your eyes brimming in tears. Yoongi also broke out into his signature gummy smile.
“I like you too.”
And he stole your lips under the mistletoe.
(“Hey Yoongi. So our RA told me this thing called cuffing season.”
“Pfft. What is that. Some kind of mating season for humans?”
“Well. Apparently it worked in our favor.”
“Well, I’m glad it did,” he says, as he nuzzled against your back.
“Get back to studying, I didn’t do as well as I wanted last semester.”
“Oh? Why?” He hummed.
And that earned him a good smack.)
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jilliancares · 7 years
A Game for Those Who Seek to Find a Way to Leave Their World Behind
Summary: In which Dan finds a strange board game and ends up playing it (and releasing its horrors) with his best friend Carrie and arch enemy, Phil.
Word Count: 6.9k
TW: uhh there’s just some kind of horrifying things in there so idk good luck
Genre: angst? i guess? but it’s a happy end it’s like good angst
this is a thing now because i rewatched jumanji today and felt inspired (if you haven’t watched the movie it’s literally amazing you can find it online..... completely..... not illegal... ahem)(you can still read this even if you haven’t watched the movie but it’ll be better if you have probably)
Dan huffed angrily and slammed the door behind him, sadistically entertained when it resounded with a thud and his father’s angry voice followed behind him: “And don’t slam the doors!” He was glad to be out of his house, which felt stuffy and overcrowded despite the fact that it was only him and his parents living in it. He was convinced that they were taking up too much room, what with their egos so inflated.
Heart pounding with anger, Dan stomped into the woods to sulk, kicking stray branches and rocks as if they were the ones that’d offended him. He was getting into fights with his parents all the time, though he was sure that it was their fault rather than his. They didn’t understand him and didn’t bother to try to either, instead writing all his problems off as him being a dumb teenager whose problems weren’t serious enough to actually consider. It was because of this that he didn’t ever plan on telling them he was gay—he could imagine it now, how they would tell him it was just a phase or some bullshit like that. He was sixteen and hadn’t had a speck of interest in girls in his entire life, he was pretty sure he could tell his sexuality for himself, thanks.
Seated on a rock, Dan threw pebbles into the creek before him. It didn’t do much to alleviate his anger—he’d much rather chop down a tree or something drastic like that—but it was good enough to pass the time. He didn’t want to have to go back into his house any time soon.
It was just as he’d scooped up a fresh pile of pebbles that he heard it and paused in confusion. Straining his ears, Dan sat quite still and listened.
It was quiet, and kind of far off but… it was unmistakable. He was hearing drums.
Dan’s curiosity got the best of him and, without anything better to do, he climbed to his feet and set off down the river, looking around curiously as the drums grew louder the further he walked. They got louder and louder, so loud they were almost deafening, and still Dan didn’t see the source of the noise. Unease gripped him, so strong that he almost wondered if leaving his backyard had been a mistake, when he suddenly tripped on a rock and went flying forward, only to land roughly on the ground.
Groaning, Dan began to sit up, before realizing that he was face to face with a strange box, hidden half in the water and overlapped by rocks. The second he laid eyes on it, the drumming stopped.
Filled with apprehension, though curiosity as well, he reached out and grabbed the box, pulling it free of the surrounding rocks. It was worn and brown, and when he turned it over he saw a title written across the front: Jumanji.
Dan flipped open the sides of the lid, realizing at once that the thing he was looking at was a board game. And written on the side: Jumanji: A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind. You roll the dice to move your token—doubles gets another turn; the first player to reach the end wins.
This sounded like exactly the game for Dan. He’d love to leave his world—and parents—behind for a little while, and feeling excited, he jumped to his feet and closed the game, crossing over the river and heading in the direction of Carrie’s house. Carrie was his best friend, and she’d do anything for Dan if he begged her enough.
Dan knocked on her front door mere minutes later, unsurprised to see that there weren’t any cars in the driveway. Her parents were rarely home—something Dan was immensely jealous of. The door swung open to reveal Carrie.
“Carrie!” Dan said excitedly, already inviting himself inside. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“What’s going on?”
“Well, I was upset because of a fight with my parents—”
“But I found this cool game in the river. Look.”
Carrie frowned, peering down at the box in his hands. “Listen, Dan,” she said. “I don’t know if now’s the best time…”
Ignoring her, Dan strutted into the living room, stopping immediately when he spotted Phil Lester.
“What’s he doing here?” Dan sneered. He knew that Carrie was friends with Phil, which was her only bad quality, honestly. He loved everything about her, other than the fact that she’d somehow come to be acquaintances with Phil Lester. He was a right arse, and he raised an eyebrow at Dan now, completely ignoring the venomous looks Dan was sending his way.
“Come on guys,” Carrie pleaded. “You know this stupid rivalry between you two is getting old.”
“Oh, well in that case, it’s about time we became friends!” Dan said sarcastically. Phil rolled his eyes.
“I apologize, Carrie,” Phil said, and Dan imitated him behind Carrie’s back. I apologize, Carrie. “I just don’t think I can get along with your… simpler… friends.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Dan scoffed, and Carrie groaned. This was why she never let the two of them near each other, if she could help it.
“Why don’t we all play the board game together?” Carrie suggested, gesturing to the game still held at Dan’s side. Dan wrinkled his nose.
“I don’t play board games with Phil Lester,” he said immediately.
“Scared I’ll win?” Phil rebutted.
With an angry huff, Dan slammed the game onto the table in front of Phil, letting the lids flap open. Phil didn’t deserve to play a board game as cool as this one looked, but he wasn’t going to take any shit from the other boy. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t really have anywhere else to go, and this might be better—or at least more entertaining—than going back to his house. And hopefully this way he could wipe the board with Phil’s smarmy arse and rub it in his face for the next weeks to come.
“Adventurers beware?” Phil read, reading the side flap. Dan looked up in confusion, before realizing that there was writing on both of the inside covers of the lid, and he’d only read the one. “Do not begin unless you intend to finish,” Phil continued. “The exciting consequences of the game will vanish only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name.”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?” Carrie muttered.
“It’s probably just the instructions,” Dan shrugged. “Supposed to sound creepy and intense. So? Are you playing or not?”
“I guess,” Phil sighed, sounding put-upon, but he dragged himself off the couch and sat on his knees in front of the coffee table regardless. Dan opened a compartment in the lid, pulling out three game pieces: an elephant, a rhinoceros, and a monkey. Dan set them down on the board, and flinched as they suddenly flew to its edges, stuck to their starting squares.
“What the fuck?” Phil breathed, and Carrie reached towards one of the pieces, trying to pull it off the board.
“It’s stuck,” she relayed, and Dan swallowed sort of uncomfortably. What were they getting themselves into? One look at Phil, however, had Dan sure that he wouldn’t back down, and so he cleared his throat.
“There’s probably some sort of magnet in them, or something,” he said unconvincingly. “Who wants to go first?”
“I will,” Phil said, holding out his hand for the dice. Dan rolled his eyes, finding this typical. Of course Phil would want to go first, thinking he’d probably get a good roll and get a good head start. He shook his hand before releasing the dice on the board. Immediately, his rhino piece began sliding the appropriate number of spaces forward, making them all flinch backwards in surprise, and the black sphere in the center started to shimmer before green letters appeared.
Before you can reach the end of this
A lover’s lips you’ll have to kiss
Phil raised an eyebrow at the board, before directing his stare at Dan. “Where’d you get his game again?”
“Found it in the creek,” Dan said, before reaching for the dice himself. Phil sighed in annoyance.
“It doesn’t even seem very fun. What did those words mean, anyway?” They’d faded by now, but all three of them had leaned forward to read them, surprised at their appearance in the first place. Dan’s guess was that it worked sort of like a magic eight ball, different responses coming up at random.
“I don’t know,” Dan admitted. “Maybe it’s kind of like a truth or dare game tied in. If you reach the end before Carrie or me, you’ll have to go kiss someone to truly win.”
Phil scoffed. “This game is stupid,” he muttered, and Dan just shook his head in annoyance. Phil was probably only good for complaining anyway. He rolled the dice.
If you find the dice reads eight
Your legs won’t work, to no abate
If you find the dice reads five
From your mouth words won’t arrive
“That’s strange,” Dan muttered, blinking as the words began to fade away. “What, if one of you rolls an eight, my piece can’t move anymore? That’s not fair.”
“I hope I roll a five,” Phil laughed. “Then I won’t have to listen to you talk.” Carrie gave him a reprimanding look for this, before reaching for the dice herself and tossing them onto the board.
Beware the pictures on the walls
They’re not as still as you recall
Dan read the words with a confused tilt of his head, wondering what sort of challenge that was supposed to be. Suddenly, however, Phil let out a gasp and shot to his feet. “Behind you!”
Dan whipped his head around, only to watch in horror as fingers gripped the edges of a painting on the wall, pulling behind it the rest of a person’s body. It was like watching the girl from the ring emerging from the tv, only this was real, and Dan was experiencing it. The girl looked up at them, looking exactly like the one in the painting that’d adorned Carrie’s living room wall for as long as Dan could remember, except her eyes were all black.
Her lips pulled up into an eery grin, more reptilian than human, and her teeth were razor sharp. With that, she let out a hiss, and bounded forward towards Dan.
“Run!” Dan shrieked, and he jumped to his feet, stumbling out of the way just as the girl charged past him. Phil snatched the game from the table and sprinted out of the room, Dan and Carrie hot on his tail.
“What the fuck is happening?” Carrie gasped, as they charged into the kitchen and slammed the door behind them. Phil flung the game onto the counter, as if it’d burned him.
“I am not playing that,” he spat, and Dan looked between him and the board game desperately.
“You have to!” Dan burst suddenly, realizing, horrified, what the instructions actually meant.
“Are you out of your mind?” Phil demanded. “You’d have to be mad to expect me to play after that… that thing crawled out of the painting!”
“But if you don’t play, it won’t go away,” Dan pointed out. “Do not begin unless you intend to finish—we have to beat the game if we want it to return to its painting.”
“Or we could just kill it,” Phil suggested, although now he was sounding uncertain. Just then, a rhythmic banging began on the kitchen door.
“It followed us,” Carrie moaned. And then, banging—but now from the wall on the opposite side of the room.
“Carrie…” Dan whispered. “Just how many paintings do you have in your house?” As he spoke—more banging. Now from the ceiling above them; and more, from another wall, and another! Phil paled, realizing that they had no clue what the painting-monsters were capable of, and finally suspecting that they wouldn’t be able to kill them all.
“A million!” Carrie despaired. “My parents—they love art!” The banging resounded all around them, and scratching as well, as if they were all dragging their nails over the surfaces between them again and again, hoping to dig through the walls.
“We have to get out of here,” Dan said suddenly, taking charge. “Let’s get somewhere safe and beat the game.”
Looking like they wanted to protest, though without any better ideas, Phil and Carrie followed Dan to the kitchen window, which he threw open before climbing out of. They followed after him and hurried away from the house, hoping none of the painting creatures could follow. They found themselves running instead into the woods, where they set the game onto a large rock and settled around it.
“Ready?” Dan asked, words that were clearly dreaded by both Carrie and Phil. Neither of them wanted to continue the game, but it wasn’t like they could just leave those probably deadly creatures in Carrie’s house, and so Phil ended up reaching out a hand for the dice.
“Ready,” he said solemnly. They all watched anxiously, their differences forgotten, as Phil rolled the dice and got a six, each die presenting a three. Dan felt like his stomach was in knots as his piece eerily moved by itself, before they all crowded over the top of the board, watching as the letters shimmered into place.
They come in packs
And bring bad omens
Beware of Death
When seen roaming
They all whipped their heads around frantically, looking for whatever nightmarish creature was going to appear next. Nothing appeared, however, not even when they waited for five minutes, even choosing to get to their feet in preparation to run.
“Maybe it’s not going to come right away,” Carrie suggested, sounding hopeful. “It said to beware of death when we see them roaming, but it didn’t say when that’d be.”
“Hopefully we can beat the game before we see them then,” Phil muttered, and silently held out the dice toward Dan.
“No,” Dan said firmly. “You rolled doubles—you go again.”
Phil looked shocked for a moment, and a bit frightened, but he visibly steadied himself. “Oh yeah. Forgot.”
With bated breath, they all watched as Phil rolled the dice. His rhino game piece slid forward on its own, and feeling like he might throw up, Dan leaned over Carrie to watch as the words appeared.
In the dark, you must stay
Until the game has finished play
“In the dark—” Carrie began to read aloud, but was immediately cut off by Phil crying out. His eyes were wide and frantic, and they darted about every which way.
“What’s wrong?” Dan demanded, and Phil flinched at the sound of his voice.
“I—I can’t see!” he gasped, and Carrie let out a horrified squeal. Dan stared down at the letters once more, sickened, but they’d already begun to fade away.
“It’s okay,” Dan comforted, though really he felt like he might be sick. Phil was blind right now—Dan couldn’t imagine being in that situation. And from the sound of it, he would be blind until the game was over, however long that took them. What if something happened to the board and they couldn’t complete it? Would Phil be blind forever? “We’re right here with you, we won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Oh yeah right, like I can trust you,” Phil spat. He flinched as Carrie reached over and touched his arm, but accepted it when she ended up gripping his hand instead. He continued to clutch it, looking feverish, as though it was his only tether to the world.
“We just have to keep playing,” Dan pointed out. “Once we finish, you’ll be able to see again—it says so in the instructions.”
“Fine!” Phil yelled, but Dan noticed that he looked distinctly more fearful than he did angry. “Roll, then.”
Dan had momentarily forgotten that it was his turn, and he reached out shakily for the dice. He was reminded anew of what horrors might be waiting for them, though he reasoned, silently, that he wasn’t likely to go blind as well, seeing as Phil already had. He rolled a two, each die landing on one. Dan cursed his luck at getting doubles as well.
Through your eyes, it can thrive
So close them if you wish to hide
“What…” Dan whispered. What could possibly…
“What?” Phil demanded. What does it say?
“It says to close our eyes,” Carrie relayed. “That it can see through them.”
“Good thing I’m already blind, then,” Phil pointed out bitterly, and Dan looked up at him, only to keep staring in shock. Behind Phil stood a figure, looking more ghost than man. It was like seeing a shadow, but instead of being flat on the ground, it stood tall—and where its eyes should be were only white. As Dan noticed this detail, an unmistakable grin unleashed itself across the creature’s face.
“Fuck!” Dan yelled, and he hurriedly squeezed his eyes shut. “Phil run! It’s behind you!”
Blinded by his own eyelids, Dan listened to the frantic scramble as Phil charged forwards, the unmistakable sound of leaves and branches cracking under his feet as he plowed towards—
“Oof!” Dan cried, suddenly knocked onto the ground, and instinctively, he opened his eyes. Immediately the figure—which had been standing where Phil had previously occupied—turned to face them, its sickening smile back on its face.
With a curse, Dan shoved Phil off him and jumped to his feet. “Get the game, Carrie!” he commanded, gasping as something clutched his leg. It was only Phil, however, who was actually blind, and Dan grabbed his hand instinctively as he started charging through the woods, one hand held out in front of them in hopes of not running head-first into a tree.
Their footsteps were loud as they crashed through the leaves and underbrush of the forest, though, from what Dan could tell, the creature didn’t seem to be gaining on them. Perhaps it couldn’t hear—the game had said that it saw through their eyes, not that it heard through their ears.
“Where are we going?” Carrie panted sometime later. Phil’s hand was sweaty in Dan’s grip, though he wasn’t sure if it was his sweat or Phil’s. Either way, Phil wasn’t complaining about it, and so Dan was grateful.
“No idea,” Dan readily admitted. After all, he could see no more than Carrie could. “Should we look around? See if it’s still following us?”
Instead of answering his question, Carrie said: “I don’t see anything.” Tentatively, Dan peeked through squinted eyes, scanning the surrounding forest carefully, prepared to shut them the moment he saw a creepy figure. Instead, he saw nothing but forest all around them, and he let out a sigh of relief.
“I think we lost it.” Phil leaned heavily against him for a moment, at that, and Dan tolerated it for a few seconds before shoving him off.
Carrie propped open the dreaded game at this news, and Dan glared at it, not excited to see its return. He dreaded what horrors would escape from it next, and he reluctantly sat down before it, realizing belatedly that it was, once again, his turn.
The dice felt malevolent in his palm, and Dan threw them, hoping for the highest number. He just wanted to reach the center of the board already, wanted to reach Jumanji. The dice landed—three. He groaned inwardly, though it quickly became clear that his low roll was the least of his problems.
Soon you shall see
Through your teeth’s clench
That though you’re hungry
Food cannot quench
“The hell?” Dan muttered, after reading the words allowed for Phil’s benefit. “What, I’m gonna be hungry forever or something?” Moments after he said this, however, he buckled over, clutching his stomach. It hurt.
“Dan?” Carrie called desperately, and he felt her hand on his shoulder. “Dan? What’s wrong?”
Dan groaned in response. Hungry, he thought. He opened his mouth to convey this, but his mouth was hurting too, aching horribly. He raised a hand to his mouth and had just barely opened it, prepared to allow his own finger inside, when a sharp sting exploded on his lip. With a hiss, Dan wiped the blood from his mouth. He’d cut his lip? With his teeth?
Dan tried not to move his mouth again, instead breathing deeply through his nose, except that he could smell something delicious nearby. It was mouthwatering, and Dan wanted nothing more than to find it, whatever it was.
Suddenly ravenous, Dan stood up straight, looking around wildly for the source of the smell.
“Dan?” Carrie said tentatively, and Dan spun to face her. He felt drunk the next moment, when he inhaled and smelt something so strong, so wonderful. Unable to help himself, he pounced, knocking her firmly to the ground and shoving her face into the dirt, bearing her neck to him.
Blood—yes, he needed blood! God—good, hot, delicious blood—he needed it thick and warm in his mouth, needed it in his stomach, all of it. Needed to not be hungry, to be full of delicious, wonderful, blood.
Carrie was screaming, which was God damn, annoying—his ears seemed more sensitive than normal. Dan planned to shut her up immediately. He bent over her, teeth pressed against her neck, when suddenly he was hauled backwards, his hands pinned to his sides.
“Let me go!” he roared.
“No!” Phil shouted back, and Dan struggled twice as hard. God, he hated that stupid, smarmy git! He would suck all the blood from his body! He would rip his throat from his neck! He’d eat his face, God! He didn’t even know how Phil had gotten to him, being blind and all, although maybe he’d heard Dan desperately panting over Carrie’s neck.
“I’m going to fucking eat you, Lester!” Dan cried, kicking his feet into the air.
“Dan, no!” Carrie cried, and suddenly she was pinning him down too, and Phil was sliding out from underneath him, until they were both holding him tightly in place and Dan was whipping his head from side to side, breathing in so harshly as if he could suck them closer to him, just for one bite, one sip!
“You can’t!” Carrie insisted, and suddenly she smacked him, hard, right across the face. “Fucking concentrate Dan. You don’t want to eat Phil. You want to beat the game and be human again.”
Dan struggled to concentrate on her words, but they rang true in his ears, and slowly, he nodded.
“Can we let you go?” she asked. Dan thought about it. He was hungry, yes, but a quiet part in the back of his head was steadily insisting that it didn’t want to consume his best friend. Or his… friend’s friend. Bad choice of friend. Phil probably tasted disgusting anyway.
Finally, Dan nodded. When both her and Phil let go of him, they backed away just in case, and Dan did the same before sitting down and hugging his knees to his chest. He tried to push his hunger out of his mind, tried to concentrate on what they needed to get done.
“Your go, Carrie,” he said through gritted (sharp) teeth. After rolling her dice (ten) she read aloud:
It destroys much in its path
And leaves a wretched aftermath
It’s cold and quick and fast and strong
It’d be wrong to stay—it won’t be long
“Jesus, we’re gonna have to run again?” Carrie demanded.
“I’m starting to wish I’d joined the track team,” Dan conveyed, and was surprised when Phil actually laughed. His laughter ceased quickly though, as the temperature around them rapidly dropped, and the wind picked up with a sudden ferocity.
“It couldn’t be…” he said tentatively, his unseeing eyes staring slightly to the left of Dan. “It couldn’t be a tornado, could it?”
The game, as if having a laugh, decided to prove that it could. The wind began howling in their ears, tearing at their clothes and ripping at their hair. Dan darted forward and grabbed Phil’s hand once more, his hunger momentarily forgotten as he began to lead them away from the wind. A glance behind them showed that there was a tornado not far off, and as Dan watched, a tree was ripped right out of the ground and sucked into it.
It quickly became apparent that they weren’t going to be able to outrun this thing (despite the fact that Dan felt strangely not tired), and so they exercised their next best option. They took shelter underneath a large boulder with a low overhang which the three of them shoved themselves under. It was crowded and definitely not as safe as Dan would’ve liked, but he accepted it for what it was. Carrie still had the game in her arms, which she was clinging to tightly as if the tornado might drag it away. Dan was pressed up completely against her side, and Phil was clinging to him from the other side, both of his hand buried in Dan’s shirt. Despite the terror from the tornado, he was starting to feel hungry again. He could feel them both pressed against him, warm with blood pounding freshly through their veins. Dan shook his head.
The roaring of the tornado grew steadily louder, and Dan wondered just what the hell would happen if they all died in it. Would the game reset automatically? Or would it and all its horrors stick around and continue to haunt their neighborhood?
“You should roll!” Dan shouted, over the sound of the tornado. A loud groan filled the air, quickly followed by crashes and harsh, sharp snaps. If Dan had to guess, he’d say that another tree had just been sucked into the tornado. He clenched his eyes shut as his stomach rolled, Carrie having turned her head to look at him and sent her scent wafting over him.
“What, and have a tornado and something else? What if fucking sharks start raining from the sky?”
“Sharks?” Dan said incredulously.
“I don’t know! Bears! Something!”
“Maybe the tornado will stop though,” Phil suggested hopefully. He gasped against Dan’s ear as another earsplitting crack echoed through the air. Dan didn’t say anything as he pressed even closer, his fingers digging knots into Dan’s shirt. Dan was going to eat him. He was going to have to eat him, he smelled so—fuck!
“Fine!” Carrie spat, and she unfolded the game in what little space they had and retrieved the dice. The second they hit the board the colossal roar around them quieted, and all that could be heard was their harsh breathing for a few moments. “Eight,” she said aloud. The board read:
Now you’ll find it can get quite cold
despite it breaking the season’s mold
“God dammit,” Carrie whispered.
“We’ll have to go inside,” Phil said, and they both began climbing out from under the rock.
“Wait!” Dan cried, trying to struggle forward to no avail.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t—I can’t feel my legs,” Dan said, using his hands to drag himself out from under the boulder.
“Fuck!” Phil suddenly cried. And then he repeated Dan’s first roll: “If you find the dice reads eight, your legs won’t work, to no abate.”
“I forgot about that,” Dan whispered, and then Carrie and Phil were grabbing his arms and hauling him out from under the rock. He was soon situated on Phil’s back, his arms around Phil’s shoulders, his legs dangling uselessly around Phil’s waist. The smell of Phil’s blood was overwhelming when he was this close, his neck offered to Dan practically on a silver platter.
“We have to go,” Carrie was saying, and her hand was intertwined with Phil’s, leading him forward, but Dan couldn’t concentrate. He pressed him nose against Phil’s neck, inhaling deeply.
“Uh… Dan…” Phil began, but Dan ignored them. He didn’t care. He didn’t care about them or this stupid game or anything. Dan clenched Phil’s shoulders powerfully with a sudden, renewed vigor, and he sunk his teeth into Phil’s neck, moaning as the first drops of blood graced his tongue. He sucked, drawing gulping mouthfuls of warm blood into his mouth and swallowing greedily, moaning at the wonderful, marvelous taste.
Vaguely, he could hear a girl screaming and yelling, but that was irrelevant when he was experiencing the pleasure of this. Suddenly, a blow landed to his head, and Dan was flung from Phil’s body before slamming into the ground, unable to move again. Phil was glaring in his general direction, once hand clutching his neck, fingers red, and Carrie looked absolutely furious.
Suddenly, Dan remembered just what the fuck was going on, and he stopped being angry and indignant and starting being apologetic. “Oh shit!” he cried. “I’m so sorry! Phil I’m so sorry!”
“You’re a piece of shit,” Phil stated, and Dan nodded. He wasn’t wrong, after all.
“I couldn’t help it…”
Giant clumps of snow started raining from the sky then, and they all stared up at in in horror (Phil sightlessly). After all, it was the middle of the summer. Still, they should stop being so surprised by out-of-the-ordinary things—it wasn’t like the game wasn’t warning them first.
“We have to go,” Carrie said briskly. “I don’t doubt that this will turn into a blizzard in no time—we have to get indoors.”
“Look!” Dan gasped.
“Look,” Phil imitated in falsetto, obviously still peeved. But Carrie gave the appropriate response, gasping when she laid eyes on the figures in the distance. They were huge, prowling dogs, much larger than any dog Dan had ever seen.
“Giant dogs…” Dan muttered.
“No,” Carrie said. “Hellhounds. Omens of death.”
“Now?” Phil moaned. “So we’re gonna die?”
“Maybe they’re gonna chase us,” Carrie suggested.
“They’d better not. I can’t run,” Dan pointed out.
“We have to get out of here,” Phil said. The snow was building up quickly on the ground, which he could no doubt feel, even if he couldn’t see it. Dan readily agreed.
“I won’t suck your blood this time, I promise,” Dan said, and Phil kicked snow in his general direction.
“If you do, I won’t pick you up again,” Phil muttered, and then Dan was being, once more, lifted onto Phil’s back. He was good this time, just clinging on and not drinking Phil’s blood. He felt much less ravenous now that he’d had some, and he didn’t feel so out of control that he’d end up drinking anyone else’s blood any time soon.
He kept a sharp eye on the hellhounds, expecting them to come charging at any minute, but they didn’t. They just sat and stared creepily from the distance, their eyes dark, dark, dark.
“We can go to my house,” Dan suggested. “It’s closest.”
When they arrived, the wind was howling and the snow was falling fast and fierce. Already it was more than a foot high, and Phil and Carrie had had to work hard to get through it. Once inside Dan’s house, they breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they weren’t going to die of the cold.
“Maybe we shouldn’t play for a while,” Carrie suggested. “I mean, we’re safe for now—we could just take a break.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Dan said, and Phil helped him sit on the counter. Phil then felt his way over to one of the kitchen chairs, which he immediately sunk into. “The snow might not stop until we roll again.”
“And Dan might lose control and kill one of us,” Phil pointed out. Dan huffed.
“I won’t,” he protested, but his friends ignored him.
“We have to be smart, though,” Carrie pointed out. “If something like those paintings coming to life happens again, we’ll have nowhere to run—we’re snowed in.” She was right. Even during the few minutes they’d been inside, the snow seemed to have doubled.
“We should prepare ourselves then,” Dan said. “You know, get weapons and things.”
“You start getting knives; I’ll go upstairs and grab blankets and things, just in case the heating breaks.”
With that, Carrie was leaving the kitchen and Dan was riffling through the drawers, sliding along the counter to get to them and searching for anything and everything they could use. Phil was silent where he was sitting.
“What do you think happens if one of us dies?” Phil asked, staring blindly at the counter top. Dan swallowed thickly. He’d thought the very same question many times himself.
“Well, I don’t know if I’m right but I’d imagine we’d be able to continue the game without the missing person,” Dan said slowly. “And then when we won, they’d be brought back to life.”
Phil shuffled uncomfortably. “It’s okay to be afraid,” Dan said softly.
“I’m not,” Phil snapped, and he crossed his arms over the countertop and put his head on them.
Dan turned away from the other boy, shaking his head with something like exasperation, and pulled open yet another drawer. He was just reaching for a wooden spatula, wondering if they could perhaps use it as a projectile, when a piercing sheik came from upstairs. Phil sat up immediately, and Dan spun around on the counter, his blood thrumming (eerily, Dan realized that his heart wasn’t pounding. And when had that stopped, exactly?)
“Carrie?” Dan yelled. “Phil, carry me!” he insisted, and then they were running to the stairs, Dan directing Phil hurriedly. “Carrie what’s wrong?”
Carrie appeared at the top of the stairs, pale and panting. “Don’t come up here,” she said quickly.
“What? What’s going on?” Dan demanded. Carrie bit her lip and looked behind herself cautiously, before turning back to Dan.
“Dan,” she said. “Your parents… your parents are dead.”
Seated around the table, Dan stared at the board game numbly. It was dark—mainly because the snow was half way up the windows and the cloudy cover had taken most of the sun’s rays with it. It’s just a game, he reminded himself. This’ll all be over when we beat the game.
“Are you okay?” Carrie asked softly. It took Dan a few moments to realize she was talking to him.
“What? Yeah. Of course,” he said stiffly. “Whose turn is it again?”
“Mine,” Phil said quietly. Dan pressed the dice into his hands, shivering when their fingers brushed each other.
“If you get a twelve, you win,” Dan said quietly. Phil nodded curtly. Getting a six on both dice was a minuscule possibility, and they all knew it.
Holding their breath, they watched as Phil rolled the dice. Dan ground his teeth together angrily as they both landed on three.
“Doubles,” Carrie said quickly, for Phil’s benefit. Dan read aloud:
They’ll come in dozens
Quick and sprite
The Raven’s cousin
Fast as light
Bang. Carrie shrieked, and they all spun to look out the window, where the sound had originated from (Phil instinctually, seeing as he couldn’t actually see what it was).
“What is it?” Phil demanded.
Bang. Thud. Bang. Thudbangthudthudbangthud.
Like rain, birds were flying into the window at top speed, red splotches of blood appearing where they hit. Uncaring for their survival one bit, they poured into the glass and sides of the house (from the sound of it), cracks spiderwebbing along the windows from the sheer force of their impact.
“Birds,” Dan quickly relayed. Phil looked shocked and horrified.
“I—I think they’re Stymphalian birds,” Carrie whispered. “From Greek mythology.”
“Who the fuck knows Greek mythology?” Phil demanded.
“What do they do?” Dan also demanded, his question more important.
“Well they’re—they’re flesh eating birds,” Carrie answered.
“Fucking perfect!” Dan yelled. With that, there was a crash somewhere upstairs, and Dan groaned. “Roll again Phil! Get a six and you win!”
The dice were shoved back into Phil’s hands, which he shook sporadically before throwing in the board’s general direction. One landed in the game, and the other hit the edge and when flying.
“One!” Dan called, looking at the die that had landed in the game. Carrie cursed and jumped to her feet, sprinted after the other one, still rolling, rolling, rolling. Dan could hear thudding from upstairs, birds colliding with walls and ceilings, their shrieks loud and maddening. The die rolled to a stop, and Carrie collapsed to his knees beside it.
“Six!” she called out, and flung herself back to the table to watch Phil’s piece. It slid all the way to the space before the black sphere, and then it stopped. Words appeared.
Before you can reach the end of this
A lover’s lips you’ll have to kiss
“Fuck!” Dan exclaimed. “You never kissed anyone.”
“Before you can reach the end of this, a lover’s lips you’ll have to kiss,” Dan shouted. Somewhere close by, glass shattered. “Kiss him Carrie,” Dan commanded, throwing his arm out at her. She sent a worried look to Phil, who obviously didn’t see it.
“I don’t know if that’ll work…” Carrie said hesitantly.
“We’re about to get eaten alive by birds, fucking kiss him!” Dan yelled, and Carrie, possibly frightened by his shouting, leaned forward and pecked Phil on the lips. Dan watched the board eagerly, waiting for Phil’s piece to move into the center, but it stayed put. Dan let out a cry of despair.
“Why isn’t it working?”
“Because she’s not my lover,” Phil piped up. Dan growled.
“Well sooo-rry, but we don’t exactly have time to go traipsing around town to find whichever bint—”
Suddenly, Phil was stumbling in Dan’s direction—he can’t punch me blind, Dan randomly thought, half prepared to dodge—before he found himself with a lap full of Phil Lester, and then a mouth full of him. Phil kissed him fiercely, his teeth nipping at Dan’s lip, and Dan found himself clinging to Phil’s shoulders, half wondering why? and half not having a care in the world.
He felt supremely dizzy, almost as if the entire world were spinning around him, but that might’ve just been because of Phil’s tongue, which had swiped its way into Dan’s mouth. Dan enjoyed this for approximately two seconds before he panicked, thinking he was going to rip Phil’s tongue off with his fangs—which… weren’t there. Dan was suddenly completely aware of the fact that his mouth was back to normal, and he wrenched himself away from Phil when he heard someone clear their throat.
“So, the whole hating each other thing was just pent up sexual frustration?” Carrie pondered aloud.
“I—what?” Dan spluttered, stumbling away from Phil. Then he realized that they were in Carrie’s living room, not his, and he spun around wildly, looking wide-eyed at the painting behind him. It was very much occupied, the occupant quite still, and Dan breathed a sigh of relief. “I think you’re gonna have to get rid of that painting. And all of them.”
“I can see!” Phil suddenly shouted, realizing with a sudden clarity what all of this meant. Dan realized that he was standing as well, his legs in working order again.
“I can’t believe we’re alive,” Carrie whispered, and Dan sent a fearful look at the game. Jumanji.
“We have to get rid of that,” Dan said venomously, and together they stuffed the game into a bag, and then another bag, and another bag. Finally they sprawled ‘do not open’ across the outside and carried the bag with them. They went to the furthest reaches of town (via Phil’s car) and dumped it into the river, having shoved an abundance of rocks inside it as an incentive for it to sink. Faintly, Dan could hear drums, and he felt sick.
“Do you hear that?” Phil whispered.
“Ignore it,” Dan replied, goosebumps having risen all along his body.
After that, they dropped Carrie back at her house, where she claimed she was going to sleep for seven years after all the trauma (and exercise) she’d been through, before going to Dan’s. He was quite relieved to see his parents alive and breathing, though he wasn’t relieved when he remembered the argument they’d been having before he’d left.
Dan ended up taking Phil to his room, where they collapsed on his bed and cuddled, trying to keep their minds off the horrors they’d experienced that day. And once Dan got his strength back he planned to tell his parents that he was gay—after all, he didn’t really know what they’d say until he told them.
And while it was easy to say whole-heartedly that Jumanji sucked—Dan thought as Phil ran his hand through his hair—he couldn’t argue the fact that without it, he and Phil wouldn’t have… well, this.
“Hey Dan,” Phil said some time later, and Dan hummed inquisitively into his chest. “I knew I was going to win,” he laughed, and Dan pinched him. Phil might’ve won Jumanji, but Dan had won the real prize.
391 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 06)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — Subaru’s bedroom
Subaru: (... Ah? What? It feels so warm, and it’s so soft…)
(Hearing this heart beat is so damn calming…)
….. ?!
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I woke up looking down at myself.
While looking down, I saw Eve sleeping by my side.
The key to become the next king.
She was embracing my chest, apparently she was still sleeping.
That woman is way too vulnerable, she can be easily irritated if my brothers continue to play helpless—
I know this feeling, it hits me really hard.
But this woman is hugging me as if she wants me to have her back.
… She may just simply be a stupid woman.
I’m getting frustrated because she is exactly like that, my chest feels so painful that I didn’t wanted to sleep neither be hugged.
Place: Violet mansion — Subaru’s bedroom
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Subaru: … Geez. Even if I threatened her, she still doesn’t understand anything.
She defenseless went to sleep, and even fell asleep next to a man she doesn’t know.
… Well, I was also sleeping while being hugged by this woman, so I can’t complain much about her careless behavior.
Yui: Nn… ?
Subaru: ... Heh, she’s seriously still sleeping. She really got a silly face while she sleeps.
(This is the first time I see her like this. It feels like I don’t need to worry about other things while I look at her)
(It also annoys me that she’s so defenseless… but why is that?)
(Even if she is the Eve of the legend, she is just an ordinary human being after all. She is only supposed to feed us vampires)
(Yet she has something special on her… I didn’t think she would be like that)
Bait… wait, speaking of which…
Carla, that guy was complaining about how bad her blood tastes, but when I drank from her it was delicious. 
That’s right, it was was delicious so that guys tongue must just been stupid?
(She is so kindhearted, also has good blood… something is wrong)
(I feel so strange thinking about it, maybe it is—)
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Apparently I fell asleep while holding onto Subaru-kun.
That’s when I realized I was spending the entire night in his room.
Subaru-kun did not readily meet my eyes when I woke up, but he wasn’t angry either,
It may seem like a misunderstanding, but it looked like he was shy about something.
Perhaps because I fell asleep while hugging him, I feel like we got closer than yesterday.
I just remembered that Subaru-kun’s memories probably didn’t return to him, perhaps I was hoping or even dreaming of it, because he is the only person I truly like from the bottom of my heart.
The invisible wall in front of me, feels like it started to collapse. 
Place: Violet mansion — Subaru’s bedroom
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Subaru: Anyway, you were sleeping here defenseless by yourself. It’s dangerous here so you should be suspicious of everything.
That’s why you should stay in my room as much as possible. Alright?
Laito and Kou can’t obtain you easily when you’re in here.
Yui: … Yes. Thank you, Subaru-kun. I feel safe when you’re the one protecting me.
Subaru: It’s not like I actually want to protect you or anything. 
It’s just that I’m not the only one who drank your blood until now. Did you get that?
And don’t just thank me like that, it makes me feel awkward.
I just don’t want my food to be taken away by other guys, that’s all.
Yui: (When he acts like that, he get’s overwhelmed when I say something kind and suddenly tries to break away from me)
(... Maybe his real and current memories are messing and also conflicting with each other?)
(That would be a good tendency, right? I hope I’ll be able to get his real memories back soon…)
Subaru-kun, I’m fine with that. I believe in you.
Subaru: … Hah?
Yui: (Even if it’s hard for him to admit it, he doesn’t want to be blunt or unfriendly)
(I know that he really cares about me. That’s why I’m really happy and I want to believe in him)
It’s fine if I’m your bait. As long as I can stay with Subaru-kun, I’m fine with it.
Subaru: — Ngh! Shit.
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Subaru: What a stupid thing you’re saying.
I understand that you’re actually a helpless person after all. That’s exactly why you’re never allowed to leave my side.
Yui: … Yes!
Subaru: Haa… I don’t know exactly what, but something is wrong with you…
Yui: Haha, you think so?
(Fufu, I feel relaxed now that he laughed at me)
*stomach growls*
Yui: (Ah… ! I didn’t think my belly would make such sounds now… !)
Subaru: Heh… what’s with that stomach sounds?
Yui: (Uhh… how embarrassing)
Subaru: Oh yes, you haven’t had a meal yet. Do you want something?
Yui: Oh, if possible I’d love to have something home made from Subaru-kun!
Subaru: Hah? I can’t make great things like that.
Yui: I would still eat it. Can I ask you to make something?
(Isn’t Subaru-kun the one who is cooking at this place? I’m worried if it’s not him)
Subaru: I wish it was that simple. Yesterday and today Laito and Kou seem to be rather sick, so you can stay in this room—
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Yui: Kyaa… !
Subaru: … Ngh!?
Yui: What was that just now?
Subaru: I don’t know… but it does seem to be bad.
… Tch. Someone seems to be running toward this room…
Yui: Eh…
*someone opens door*
Azusa: Subaru… !
Subaru: Azusa, what’s wrong?
Azusa: Ah… Eve, was here… that’s good…
Yui: (Azusa-kun, he has a worried expression on… what happened?)
Azusa: It’s a raid from the Orange family… I came to take Eve.
Subaru: ...What did you say!?
???: Hey! Where are you guys hiding Eve!?
Eve, yours truly will get you!
Yui: (That voice… Ayato-kun!?)
Place: Violet mansion — Corridor
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Subaru: Azusa! Try and call us before the others from Orange come here. Go and get the others here!
Azusa: Yes.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: What is it, you don’t need to make such an uneasy face. All you need to do is staying besides me.
Yui: Yes… !
Subaru: Anyway, even in a safe place—
Ayato: Hehe, didn’t you find a better place to hide?
Subaru: Ngh… !
Ayato: It’s useless trying to escape anymore. Hey, you. Hand over Eve to me.
Subaru: Are you dumb? If yes, then you obviously don’t know that I won’t hand her over to anyone. Get back to your own home already.
Ayato: Well, you don’t have to give her to me. I will just forcibly take her from you then.
Subaru: … Hey, whatever is going to happen, don’t ever leave my side.
Azusa will come back with the other guys soon, so there is no need to be scared of Ayato.
1) Worried about Subaru (black)
2) Believe in Subaru (white)♡♡♡
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— Worried about Subaru
Yui: I’m worried about Subaru-kun. Can you really protect me while also fighting against Ayato-kun all alone by yourself?
(And if I keep things as they are, he will seriously fight Ayato-kun. But they are real brothers…)
Subaru: Idiot, you shouldn’t care about someone like me.
I won’t allow him to take Eve away from me. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I gave you away without a fight.
— Believe in Subaru♡
Yui: Yes, I’m not scared. That’s because I strongly believe in Subaru-kun.
(But if I leave things as they are, he will fight his true brother in front of my eyes… but I currently can’t do anything to change that)
But isn’t it hard for Subaru-kun to protect me while you also should protect yourself?
Subaru: Heh. That should be none of your business. You don’t have to worry about someone like me. 
end Choices
Subaru: I’ll break this guy right away.
Ayato: What was that? Calling for help but yet you still have a big mouth yourself, this will definitely be fun.
By the time the other guys from Violet come, I’ll have already blown you away and Eve will become mine only.
Subaru: Shut up! Stop talking about nonsense, and come at me already!
*swords clash*
Subaru: … Heh, just as expected, you’re not a big deal after all. I will defeat you in an instant like this.
Ayato: Hehe, so you really think you’re better than me? I won’t give up until I defeat you and won!
Yui: … Nh!
Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun…
(Somehow these feelings… are they murderous ones?)
(This is not a brother quarrel like they usually do, this is serious, they want to kill each other… !)
(This is bad, he might end up killing his opponnent…)
*swords clash*
Yui: That’s useless… they will just hurt each other!
Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun, stop that! Don’t fight… !
Subaru: Dumbass! Get behind me again. Don’t ever go anywhere ahead on your own!
Ayato: Heh, be careful with your precious Eve! Idiot!!
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Subaru: ...Nn
Ayato: … Nn, how did you!?
Subaru: Hmph, you really must be stupid. You can only do simple attacks, so it’s no big deal to defend myself against a fish like you!!
*Subaru punches Ayato*
Ayato: Kch… that hurts!
Yui: Please, both of you! Don’t fight more than this… !
You can’t kill each other! Because you are—
You two are brothers of the Sakamaki family!
Ayato: C’mon! That’s your end!
*swords clash*
Subaru: Kch… Nn…
Yui: (It’s useless… no matter how loud I shout they won’t listen to me…)
(I wish I had the power to stop both of them! Can I really do nothing besides watching them?)
(If only the memories of them both would return—)
*swords clash*
Ayato: Die… !
Subaru: Shut up! You’ll be the one dying!
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85 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Subaru Sakamaki (Story 04+CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — Corridor
Subaru: We’re there. Get in.
Yui: Eh, but... Subaru-kun this is
Subaru: It’s fine just get in. Geez, don’t act so ridiculous.
Yui: Y-Yes. Alright...
Place: Violet mansion — Kitchen
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Yui: (Subaru-kun, why are we in such a place?)
Kou: Ah, she came. Welcome~!
Laito: Oh? Did you bring Eve here on purpose?
Azusa: We were waiting... I’m glad that you came...
Yui: Why did everyone gather in such a place?
Kou: Why do you have anything else to do than cooking in the kitchen?
Azusa: We are prepare food for the welcoming party ... That’s why we wanted you to help us cooking...
Yui: Welcoming party... Is someone special coming here?
Kou: Thaaat’s wrong! We are doing this because it’s your welcoming party!
Laito: You know, we are very much reflecting on your help. We’re also sorry for putting you in jail like that.
But this is not mainly an apology, it’s your welcoming party!
Kou: You can rest assured that it's Carla's instructions. Because we aren’t doing this on our own.
Laito: With that being said, I can’t make a lot of things, but it’s our main role and I’d like you to help us.
Yui: That is...
(No way, I never thought of them having a party for me and that they would end up cooking as well...)
(It seems as if they really are throwing a welcoming party for me)
(Subaru-kun is...)
Subaru: .....
Yui: (After all he’s still grumpy. I wonder if he is against having a party? He was already mad about something yesterday)
(Yeah, I can’t just think about the bad stuff. Everyone really wants me to help them)
I will gladly help you out. Let’s make something delicious together.
Kou: I’m glad!
Laito: It’s really hard for a man to stay alone in the kitchen all day.
I’m super happy that Eve decided to help us out.
Azusa: Yes, I am relieved...
Yui: (Speaking of which, I know not everyone is good at cooking)
Kou: Yes, then Eve can cut the ingredients over here.
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♡ Roses ♡
Subaru’s hand: You really don’t seem to have a lot of interesting things in your life, why are you staring at me how I cook?
Yui’s face: Hey, look away already. It might come off if you don’t.
↳ Video Chapter
Yui: Hey, how did you even prepare your meals until now?
Kou: Oh uhm, for the time being the four of us cooperated together.
Laito-kun was always going out to get the ingredients, and I and Azusa-kun were preparing the food...
Subaru-kun is also working hard on his cooking, yet he always complains about my food having a horrible taste or sum...
Subaru: It’s always horribly bad cooked! And then, it’s also mostly your food!
Kou: Lies, Lies! I'm counting on you this time, so better keep your supportive attitude and good work up!
Subaru: Stop joking around or I’ll kill you.
Yui: Fufu... Subaru-kun really is looking after you.
Kou: Even if he is the youngest.
Laito: Good boy, Good boy!
Azusa: Subaru is... a nice guy...
Subaru: You guys really are out there mocking me! Eve, don’t you dare laughing at me as well!!
1) — I thought it was cute (black)
2) — Apologize (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— I thought it was cute
Yui: Um, it was actually cute...
Subaru: Hah!?
Yui: (Since I thought it was cute, he got even angrier)
Subaru: ... What is it?
Yui: I’m sorry, it’s nothing at all
— Apologize ♡
Yui: I’m sorry, Subaru-kun
Subaru: It’s not like I asked you to apologize.
Yui: Y-Yes I know...
Subaru: Hey, don’t take it too serious. I’m not angry or anything.
Kou: Subaru-kun would have such a kind habit if he wouldn’t have such a bad mouth.
Yui: (Sometimes Subaru-kun acts like a lone wolf, but he actually works better with someone by his side)
end Choices
Yui: (... When I laughed, I felt a little better. The mood is not as awkward as it was yesterday)
Subaru-kun. I’ll help you out as well, so why don’t we work hard together?
Subaru: Tch... well, that’s fine with me.
Well then, you should bring the ingredients to me so we can cut them.
Yui: Y-Yes
*Yui starts cutting*
Yui: ... Hey, Subaru-kun. Is it alright if I do it like this?
Subaru: Eh? Ahh... don’t you think it’s good? I mean, why are you even asking me about that.
Yui: Well, because Subaru-kun is the one who is cooking the most ...
Subaru: You are way better in cooking than I could ever be.
... The taste your food has, it’s always missing in mine.
Yui: (Eh... wait, what did Subaru-kun say just now...)
(Did he say that my food is delicious? But, I never cooked a single meal since I came here)
(Could it be, that his memories are slightly coming back to him... ?)
Hey, Subaru-kun. Why do you know how my food tastes like?
Subaru: ...Hah?
Yui: Just now you said "Your cooking is way better" ...
Subaru: .....
No... I was not especially saying that. I just had my thoughts too deep into it, there’s no particular meaning behind it.
Laito: Ah, maybe it’s a certain strategy from Eve to attract a certain person’s attention.
Kou: Eh! Is that so!? Subaru-kun really is her target.
Subaru: Don’t come up with those stupid ideas! You should rather move your hands than your mouth!
Azusa: That is right... when the preparations will be late... Carla might get angry...
Laito: I’m honestly sick of Carla’s ongoing sermons. I'm getting overwhelmed, but yet I’m still doing it seriously.
Kou: That’s right. Let’s do our best, Eve.
Yui: By the way, can you tell me what’s today’s menu?
Kou: Sure~
Laito: Does that mean, that Eve is doing everything for me as well? I personally wouldn’t mind you helping me with all the work.
Subaru: No she is not. Hey, Laito. There won’t be support for you today.
Azusa: Eve... let’s do our best...
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Everyone worked peacefully together so we could prepare everything for the welcoming party.
While we were working together, this entire recent days I’ve spent here felt like a complete lie.
A wrong brotherhood with false memories. Even if that’s reality, I was having fun to cook together with them.
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Because I was cooking in an unfamiliar kitchen, it didn't go as good as usual.
Even so, the dishes were somehow completed and the welcoming party started.
We cleaned up the kitchen together and then went to the living room.
Azusa-kun went to call for Carla-san who immediately went to the living room since he was excited for the food.
Place: Violet mansion — Living room
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Carla: Did you brought all of the dishes?
Azusa: Hm, these are all...
Carla: The cooking everyone prepared looks surprisingly satisfying.
Laito: Just like this, Carla really is that type of a terrible person who makes us do all the exhausting work.
Carla: Do you truly desire that I cook for you? Of course, I will leave the miscellaneous tasks to you.
Kou: Eh, he is not even leaving it to us he is pushing us to do it... ?
Azusa: Carla’s commands are mostly important in the battle... because there are... so many things to think about ...
Kou: That’s right Azusa-kun. I understood it now.
Laito: Carla really is a strange man. Isn’t it a real pain in ass to fight and become the king at the same time?
Carla: That is because I was born to be Violet's eldest son, I have an obligation to lead and protect all of you.
In addiction, there is no one other than me who is suitable for the seat of the king.
Kou: That means Carla-kun thinks it's natural to stand on people if they try to get in your way, because his wish must be granted.
Laito: He really is the right person in the right place.
Yui: (Carla-san is the eldest son of the Violet family... After all, the discomfort of the current brother relationship is hitting me)
(I wonder if everyone really doesn’t remember their real brothers at all)
(Especially because Carla-san is the founders king, he is different from the vampires ...)
(But, yet they prepared such a nice welcoming party all together)
(I really want to thank all of them for doing this for me)
(...Huh? My napkin has a cute flower on the clasp)
(There seems to be nothing on the other people's napkins, but who decorated them then?)
(Is this like a different kind of welcome? If so, I am really happy about it)
(That means, that they actually thought about me while decorating, right?)
*time skipped*
Carla: Now, the supper has just started, and I only want to say one thing. Eve—
Yui: Yes, what is it?
Carla: Forgive my past rudeness.
Yui: Eh...
(Carla-san is apologizing to me. After all...)
Carla: You are a huge necessity for this mansion. I want to proper welcome you like this.
Yui: .....
(Necessity... In other words, is he doing this because I'm the traditional Eve?)
(Rather than confining myself in prison, I am forced to cooperate with them now)
(Is he trying to get me into a situation where I think about the Violet family as my friends or even my own family?)
(Whatever it is, it is only for Carla-san to become the king)
(If that’s their actual plan... then it might become a little complicated)
(Maybe they just threw this welcoming party to make me open my own feelings to them)
(But, if I look at everyone's joyful faces, I don’t want to judge them like that)
(Still, I will thank them for having a welcoming party for me then...)
(Even if everyone might have any certain speculations ...)
Kou: Azusa-kun, I’ll get this if you don’t wanna eat it anymore~
Azusa: Ah...
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Kou: Hehe, now it’s gone.
Yui: (Ah, Kou-kun took something from Azusa-kun’s dish without properly asking)
Subaru: Hey, Kou. How many times did I tell you to ask if you want to steal from someone’s dish already? Correct your spoiled actions already.
Laito: Don’t you want him to stop this habit? Isn’t it bad to enjoy your food in any way you want?
Carla: I don’t mind. Let him do as he pleases.
Laito: Uhh, aren’t you in the place to stop both of them?
Carla: It is not something I personally need to mess with, such things as how to have eating manners. Let them do what they want until they feel pleased.
Subaru: It’s already usually that they show bad behavior...
Yui: (I’m sure they would stop if Ruki-kun was the one ordering them to)
(Carla-san seems to be strict in courtesy, but maybe he has an unexpectedly dismissal?)
(He wasn’t that type of person from the very beginning if my thoughts are right)
(Or is it just because Kou-kun isn’t his real brother? I don't know which one it is)
Kou: Laito-kun has been quiet for awhile already now, if you want to share your dish you just need to say it you know?
Laito: ...Rather than that, Subaru-kun is facing his dish as if he surely wants to give his brothers a side dish.
Subaru: The hell I will! Why would I...
Azusa: ... Subaru
Subaru: ...Ngh. Even showing such a face is useless.
Yui: Fufu. Kou-kun, Azusa-kun. Would you like to eat something from mine?
Azusa: Eh, is that okay... ? Eve really is a nice person...
Kou: Yay!
Subaru: Hey, you don’t need to pamper these guys.
Carla: Is that okay, Eve? After all you are the lead of this party.
Yui: Yes, I already had enough.
Carla: I see. Do as you please then.
Kou: Thank you, Eve!
Azusa: I’m glad... thank you...
Yui: You are welcome. If I made the both of you happy, it already means enough for me.
(It's not just a certain memory, it’s this place where the families relationships have gone wrong ...)
(I wonder if everything will continue to go as good as this did)
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I don’t think the current situation is fine. But for now, I want to cherish all those peaceful moments with them.
While watching all of these people interacting so friendly with each other, my loneliness slowly eased itself.
98 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shu Sakamaki (Story 01)
Ohoh? (๑>ᴗ<๑) I wonder how much fun I’ll have doing his and Ayato’s route from now on! ♡
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Place: Scarlet Mansion — unoccupied bedroom
Shu: You really ended up picking me.
Yui: Yes... please be my guard.
Shu: Haa... dull...
Yui: I-I‘m sorry...
(I apologized unintentionally...)
(It may be bothersome to him, but I can’t help but wonder about Shu-san)
(What’s the reason I’m worried about him... and why did I think this person may be special...)
*weird noise*
Yui: Ugh...
(I’ve got a headache.... I should stop thinking about this)
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The person I‘ve chosen to be my guard was the second eldest son of the scarlet mansion, Shu-san.
Shu-san seems to have no intention of becoming the king in the first place, and he seems to be less interested in me than in his brothers.
Even if he was appointed as my guard for now on, he tried to leave the room without even looking at me.
Reiji-san immediately stopped and ordered him to guide me through the mansion instead. 
After being told to do so, Shu-san dissatisfied left the room while almost leaving me behind since he didn’t even try talking to me.
Place: Scarlet Mansion — Corridor
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Shu: ....
Yui: (Shu-san, he didn’t say anything to me yet)
(The situation is seriously getting awkward in my opinion, and I started to wonder if it would be best if I tried to break the ice instead...)
Shu: Haa... dull...
Why am I the one who’s supposed to guide you through the entire mansion?
Yui: I-I‘m sorry...
(He seems to be really annoyed about the fact that I picked him as my guard...)
(Maybe I should think of my choice after this again)
Shu: The role of being your guard is such a bother to begin with.
Hey, you.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Shu: I hope you sincerely understand in what kind of pain you put me.
I‘d appreciate it, if you wouldn‘t take up too much from my precious time then.
1) — Refutation (black)
2) — Nod (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— Refutation
Yui: But Shu-san is my guard now, so aren’t you supposed to escort me if something might happen... ?
At least Reiji-san said something about that...
Shu: Haa... are you really believing in anything Reiji tells you?
I wonder what‘s so special about the traditional Eve, but personally I’m not interested in you at all.
That’s why it doesn’t matter to me if you’re getting kidnapped from another mansion or not.
Yui: No way... !
Shu: However, it would be bothersome if something happened to you and I’d get a complaint from Reiji later on as well.
So you shouldn’t cause me any more trouble than necessary with your unskillful behavior. 
Yui: (Even though he says that, I know I’ve got no choice but to be obedient)
I understand... I’ll be careful then.
— Nod ♡
Yui: (I don’t know what he’d do if I said something weird that made him angry, so I’ll just carefully nod for now)
Okay. Understood.
Shu: Heh, you seem to be understand things quite easily. Well, that’s conveniently making things way easier.
Even though you’re supposed to be the legendary Eve, I expected a more noble young lady to come here instead, unlike you are.
Yui: (Uhh... despite he said that, I still need to answer unaffected)
Shu: What’s with that face? Do you want to complain about something?
Yui: N-No... ! It’s nothing!
end Choices
Shu: Anyway, don't get yourself caught up in unnecessary trouble.
Yui: Understood.
(I've already guessed that from the beginning, but Shu-san seems to be a rather unwilling kind of person)
(I wonder if I really did the right choice with Shu-san... ?)
(But if he isn't interested in becoming king, why isn’t he giving away his role to someone else?)
(I wonder what I’d do if I changed my choice to Reiji-san who wanted to become the supreme ruler instead... ?)
Shu: Hey.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Shu: Are you even listening to me?
Yui: (Oops... I wasn‘t listening to him at all)
(It was rude that I didn’t listen, he's showing me around here after all)
I'm really sorry, I didn't listen to everything.
Shu: ...That was a quick response.
Once again, if you want to reach my room just go straight through this corridor. If something happens, just come there.
Yui: Thank you.
Shu: Haa, I‘m tired. I guess you‘ll be fine looking around on your own from this point on.
Yui: Eh?!
*Shu leaves*
Yui: Shu-san, please don’t just leave me alone here! I‘ll definitely get lost in this huge mansion... !
He’s gone...
(This mansion is insanely huge and I'm surely going to get lost in here, yet I wonder if I‘ll really be able to return to my room... )
(At the end, I‘m glad that I know where Shu-san’s room is for now)
Okay... it can’t be helped. Let’s go alone.
*time passes*
Yui: I went straight down here as he told me ...
There are so many rooms in this mansion, and here I thought I knew the way.
I’m also pretty sure they’ll get angry at me if I enter any room without asking for permission first... I should investigate.
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???: Looks like you‘re troubled.
Yui: Eh... Kino-kun?
Kino: Did my older brother Shu leave you alone, and you tried walking around on your own?
Yui: Yes. He was only halfway guiding me through here...
Kino: That isn‘t really unusual if I think of my older brothers character. I‘ll be the one guiding you around instead then.
Yui: Eh, are you okay with that?
Kino: Of course. Come on, follow me.
Yui: Thank you!
(That’s nice, Kino-kun also seems like a kind person)
Place: Scarlet Mansion — ??? bedroom
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Kino: Here is Shu's room. Oh, don't hesitate to come in
Yui: Heh?! Is it really okay if I enter?
Kino: Enter, Enter. I don’t think Shu would have a problem with it.
Yui: (He wouldn’t... ? I wonder if it’s really okay to enter...)
Well then, I will come in
(His room seems more organized than I thought ...)
(Is this really Shu-kun's room?)
Hey, Kino-kun. That room is...
(Wow! Kino-san is freely going through people's things!)
That's right, I think it's better if you don’t touch anything tho...
Kino: It’s all right! Eve is quite worried. Look at this stuff tho. Are you seeing those plates?
Yui: Oh, yes. They are beautiful! But they look so expensive ...
Kino: Look, I’ll bring them closer to you so you see them better okay?
Yui: Huh!? It’s fine! I don’t need to see them... !
Kino: Look look don’t hold back there. I will give you one of them
Yui: Stop! You should return the plate to the shelf as soon as possible!
(Well... I don’t think it’s good that he’s pressing the plate like...)
*Kino drops the plate*
Kino: Oh, what are you doing? The plate is broken because you didn’t receive it properly
Yui: W-What, you were the one who let go...
*someone enters*
Reiji: Why is it so noisy in here... What are you guys doing in my room?
Yui: Huh...?
(Wait... this was Reiji-san‘s room!?)
(But Kino-kun said it's Shu-san's room, right?)
Kino: It's serious, Reiji brother. Eve slipped her hands and broke one of your plates
Reiji: What do you mean... ?
Yui: That’s... ah
Reiji: This is ... not the plate I liked most... Was this really your doing?
Yui: No... I am... !
Reiji: No, I don’t want to hear excuses
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Yuma: Hey hey, what are you so crazy about. You’re making a fuss
Shu: I can only sleep if you finally shut up again
Reiji: Shu, what are you saying.
It's such a disaster because you took your eyes off Eve
Shu: Hah? And what if I did?
Yuma: Wow, this is a plate that Reiji took care of! Don’t tell me you broke it?
Yui: No... I didn’t...
Yuma: Moreover, why did you go into Reiji’s room in the first place?
Yui: Well, that’s uhh...
(It’s probably not good to mention Kino's name here, though)
(It may be that my hands really slipped by any chance ...)
(And, if I’d tell him that Shu left me on the way, he might get angry at him.)
Ugh ... it’s probably really my fault that plate broke. I'm so sorry……
Reiji: Why did you enter my room?
Kino: Because, our brother Shu left her lonely and she probably didn’t knew how to return to her own room anymore
Yui: (Eh?! Actually, Kino-kun guided me around!)
Kino: I only heard a weird noise and then entered when the plate was already broken, right?
Yui: Such! As for the plate, Kino-kun is—
Reiji: I understand... so the whole mess is your fault Shu. Don’t try to deny that anymore
Yui: Wait, that’s not it...
(No ... its only my fault)
Shu: *sigh*... why do I need to pay if she was the one entering your room?
This is bothersome...
Reiji: You‘re good for nothing! That's why you always make me so angry...!
Yuma: Wow, Reiji’s really getting angry now
Yui: (What should I do ... Reiji-san will be angry at Shu-san because of me)
(Actually, the reason why I entered this room and touched the plate was because of Kino-kun...)
(Wait... where did he go!?)
Reiji: Who do you think you are, entering my room, breaking my plate and still not listening to me?
Yui: Ah! I-I’m sorry...
Shu: *sigh*... hey, stop it already. I will return to my room now
Reiji: What is that attitude of yours. You don’t even take your own situation serious.
You do whatever you want even tho we’re going to have a three families battle... !
Yuma: Uh, this is likely to be longer. Well, if you don’t need me I’ll go
Yui: T-That’s!
Reiji: Eve! Listen to me now!
Yui: Y-Yes!
Place: Scarlet Mansion — Corridor
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Yui: (Reiji-san's preach finally ended... and he even managed to forgive me after I cleaned up the plates I accidentally broke)
Shu: Good grief, because of you I was dragged into this mess as well.
Yui: (Shu-san, this time he finally seems to give me a proper guide to his room)
(I honestly can’t even blame Reiji-san for getting angry at me for breaking his stuff anymore)
Shu: My room is right over here. You better remember that.
Yui: Y-Yes.
Place: Scarlet Mansion — Shu’s room
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Yui: (So this is what Shu-san’s room looks like. It seems way more decent than I actually imagined to be honest)
Shu: I now gave you a proper guidance here.
Yui: Yes, thank you so much.
Shu: I was scolded because you broke something so unnecessary. That’s why my precious sleeping time was cut off
Aren’t you supposed to apologize now after you caused me that much trouble?
Yui: S-Sorry...
(I was involved in Reiji-san's preaching and now I can tell Shu-san what really happened)
That's why I entered Reiji-san’s room, it wasn’t my fault at all...
Shu: I don’t understand why you didn’t tell Reiji about that then.
Anyway, why don’t you donate your blood as punishment?
Yui: My blood... ?
*Shu comes closer*
Shu: Did you seriously forget that I’m a vampire?
But I’m more than interested in how the blood of the traditional Eve itself tastes.
I may not be interested in becoming the supreme ruler, but I surely am in your blood... let me suck it.
*Shu grabs Yui*
Yui: (!? He grabbed my arms... with such strength... Nn)
Ah... please let me go.
Shu: It’s useless to resist it. Didn’t you already know your position when you came to this mansion?
It’s already assuredly that your mere fate is to be vampire bait.
Yui: T-That’s wrong... !
Shu: Well, just keep your mouth shut and I won’t kill you if your blood is as good as everyone says. Just don’t act selfish or you’ll start to regret it
Yui: (I'm scared...his eyes ... He’s not kidding. Is my blood really going to be sucked? By a real vampire !?)
N-No! Someone, help!
Shu: Now, there is no way to escape for you even if you’re resisting
That’s what I’ll teach your body at first
Yui: (Oh, he’s licking my ears .... his fangs are so close to my skin...)
(It will hurt so much to be bitten!)
N-No... stop...
Shu: Hmm, I will not give up on that scared face. Nn ... Nn... ...
Yui: Ah... stop...
Shu: Hn ... so this is Eve’s blood... not bad
Yui: Stop and leave ...!
Shu: Don't struggle, It’s annoying. Ahh... Nn... Hmm
Yui: No!
(His fangs are piercing deeper into my neck...)
Shu: Because you move, my fangs are clinging deeper in your skin
If you don't want to feel more pain, stop moving
Yui: I was told such a thing ...
(He’s forcing his fangs deeper... hn. My body is giving up soon...)
Shu: You really cant endure the pain I’m giving you. That face you’re showing me is the best
Hn... Hn... Ahh...
Yui: (My head, its spinning around so much .... He already sucked so much blood ..... I can’t just die like that!)
(That's right. I don't want to be a vampire's food!)
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Yui: (Hm... whats with that scenery... ?)
(Suddenly, my neck which is supposed to hurt ...... feels actually good? That shouldn’t be... !)
Shu: Hm... ? You’re so quiet all of the sudden
Yui: (That’s right. I was so scared until then)
(but now, I want this person to touch me even more —)
Yui: (Ugh... agh... what’s going on...)
Shu: Hey, whats wrong?
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Yui: (That scenery—)
Yui: Hn... ahhhh!
Ha... Ha..
(Why haven’t I noticed that until now)
(I remembered ... I'm not the traditional Eve)
(I am... Komori Yui)
*memories break*
Yui: Hah, Hah, Hah... Why... did I forget?
What the hell...
Shu: *sigh* ... you’re probably overwhelmed. There’s no reason to shout at me like that.
Yui: Ah, Shu-san!
(Yes, Shu-san ... ... why did I get sucked by this man?)
(The most precious, important person to me, the only one I truly love)
Shu-san, I’m sorry... !
*Yui hugs Shu*
Shu: ... What?
Yui: I’m sorry that I went wild. I didn’t meant to run away from you Shu
I’m really sorry...
Shu: ... I don't know what you’re saying
Don’t get stuck to me, it's no good. Let go
Yui: Ugh?!
(I was thrown away... ?)
Shu: Don't get used to me sucking your blood. How annoying.
Yui: Shu... san...?
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