arts-of-berdengguhit · 3 months
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May them both defeat Mystic Flour ⚔
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wayvment · 3 months
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Hendery 🫧 Update (240627)
I'm going to take a plane tomorrow. ☺️
Guess where I'm going.
Organising Baggage
Take out the suitcase
I'm still lying on the couch
Like always, bubble is more fun
I don't want to organise my luggage
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa
It's bothersome to organize 🫠
I can't... I'm sleepy
Take a shower, tidy up, go to bed
Gradually face reality
Baki vs Ashura???
When was it released?
Good night
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albatris · 1 year
today's wordcount is 18,309 / 25,000! (speedy) (wahoo)
short update today. I have my induction at my new job tomorrow. I'm ready to be inducted. induced. inducted
induct me and set me loose on the caravan park, I'm ready (lying) (afraid)
today's mood is aaaaAAAAAA and today's jam is "streaks" by anima!
bye! I love you! I'm very afraid!
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 2 years
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I'll do a resource update tomorrow because I'm beat today but AAAAAAAAAA-
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
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well this week i am experiencing my first taste of PNW winter aka very foggy drizzly mornings (although luckily the fog is still burning off by late morning and the afternoons are gorgeous). i do think this climate is going to be a bit of an adjustment after having basically 365 days of all-day sunshine for ten years!! but i have my little lightbox set up lol and once we get into actual winter i'm going to try to structure my workday so i can walk the dogs outside in the middle of the day while it's still light out.
mmm some other assorted life updates:
i was worried about the paint color yesterday but i am obsessed with it now. it dried so beautifully and i loveeee how it shifts over the course of the day. i'm definitely going to need better lighting in here and i still need to figure out how i want to put this room together but i love the color!!!
i did end up buying that gorgeous rich hunter green paint last night lol. just a quart of it!! i'm going to paint my little library nook because it'll be quick and easy to do and i think it'll make the white bookshelves really pop. but after this: no more painting for a while.
i have spent so much money in the last 6-8 weeks it does not bear thinking about aaaaaaaaaa. but i should be getting a check for unused vacation from my old job soonish and at least a partial security deposit back from my old landlord and SOMEDAY i will hopefully get my stolen tax return (although i just got another letter from the IRS saying they need to investigate further). all of that should pay off my credit card and at least partially replenish my savings. i took this job so i could spend a lot of money on the move without stressing about it!! it's okay!! and most of the money i am spending is on replacing furniture, appliances, etc i've been using for 7-10 years lol so it's fine it's not like i'm going to continue spending at these levels forever.
my friend is arriving tomorrow evening and that will be fun. i feel like i have gotten just enough solitary time to be ready to host again for a few days. but oh man it will be soooo nice to be able to actually fully settle into my new life next week and start figuring out what my routines will look like in this new place.
i also have one million small life tasks to check off my list today and tomorrow aaaaaaaa. ok let's see. i have meetings from 9:30-11, then after those meetings i'll have a half hour break where i'll try to finish this presentation before my 11:30-12 meeting. after that i want to block off 12-1ish to leave feedback on a student's grad school materials. then i want to do the following things:
finish presentation and send to AS
complete security clearance paperwork
find MC keys and put in an envelope to mail
call CP to schedule telehealth appt for med refill
email NK back
email SO back
email AU back with meeting times
pay TX tolls x 2
submit insurance cancellation paperwork
email HR about vacation days
I have many more little things to do but i think that's about what i can handle today
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pixeltalia · 3 years
if i disappear again assume its related to the fact that ive spent the last three days obsessively refreshing my email, then my ucas page, then the uni applicant forums over and over and over again for some scrap of information to the point where if the email shows up in my inbox ill probably just cry and not open it for a week out of nerves
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cmescapade · 5 years
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[ Chapter 36: Fifteen ]
Michael gets an explanation for things, while also giving his own.
<< Beginning | < Prev | Next >
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lemememeringue · 5 years
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mx-wayne · 3 years
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voidcat · 4 years
HELLOO :]] I just want to drop by and say that I really like how you write !!!! I enjoy your works so much I hope you keep creating 🤗 Have a good day!!!!!!
aaaaah!!! thank you thank u it means a lot;-; I have a few works in progress actually, im hoping to post one tomorrow (we will see lol) also my brain has been bombarding me with ideas lately so i’ll try to write down as many as I can before I forget them completely. thanks again and have a good day!!
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Prompt no. 18 from this list
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
“Sorry, just give me a minute, babe. I need to recalibrate the interface I’m using…”
Gavin’s voice trailed off. The only sound in the room was from the clacking of his keyboard, his fingers flying across the keys.
Nines tried his best to take his mind off his situation. Immobile in bed… with the very real possibility that it could be permanent.
It was a just a software update… just another afternoon nap… but now he had no idea whether he’d ever move again.
Noticing his stress levels spiking, he focused on Gavin. The crease of his brows… the old scar across his nose… the determined set of his jaw as he scrubbed through lines and lines of code to find the root of the problem.
Lover. Friend. Saviour.
The man he depended on for everything, including his continued existence.
Nines silently thanked whichever force of nature had brought him into the safety and sanctity of Gavin’s embrace. RA9 or God or the laws of physics that dictated where atoms would end up from the beginning of time.
Not all androids were as lucky as he was.
After the Revolution, the digital giant known as Cyberlife had been dissolved under political pressure from New Jericho and its vehement supporters. Android production ceased, Cyberlife’s assets were stripped and its R&D departments were spun off into smaller, more benign companies.
People were elated in the beginning… and then they realised there was no one around to maintain and service the androids that now comprised 30% of American citizenry. Private technicians had booming business, but they were eventually overwhelmed.
The worst of it was the software.
The patches, the bug fixes, the security.
No single company was able to do it by themselves and individuals realised they were pretty much on their own. Human husbands and wives and girlfriends and brothers and pretty much everyone scrambled to learn how to take care of beloved androids on their own.
Gavin was one of the most capable ones. He knew how to do most of the mechanical work and quickly taught himself the software and systems elements. When Nines asked him how he was so proficient… whether he learnt any of it in college… he wouldn’t respond directly. The closest Nines had gotten to an answer was a grumbled “s what happens when you share a room for fifteen years with the nerdy prick that started all this trouble in the first place”
It was initially tough on the both of them… and expensive… as they figured out how to do things by trial… but Gavin was confident and adamant that he wouldn’t let Nines down. He quickly reached a steady state, even managing to get a maintenance routine in place.
But he couldn’t be perfect.
And there were things he couldn’t control.
Androids were the most complicated cyberphysical systems on the planet. Anything and everything could go wrong at any time…
And it had… during a major OS update.
“Babe, can you hear me?”
Nines’ LED cycled yellow once and went back to red.
Gavin held one of the limp hands in his own.
“Can you feel this?”
The LED spun again.
“Great. And I’m pretty sure you can see me, I know that look in your eyes, babydoll. Hmm… okay, that means all the sensors and IOT device connections are fineee…”
The musing continued as Gavin set aside the laptop and scooted closer to Nines. A gentle hand came up to tilt the android’s face from side to side.
“But you can’t talk…”
“Wow. Never make that noise in the bedroom again. Hmm… Okay, this means your vocal chords are fine but you can’t move your mouth. Huh.. well… you can’t seem to move anything… not that different from your usual participation levels in bed then. Not to worry.”
The only thing Nines could do was glare and Gavin seemed relieved that even that was possible. He patted the android’s cheek.
“I’ll check your motor actuation and control. Simple modules. I should be able to see anything strange right away.”
Gavin resumed scrolling through the chunks of code and running searches for common errors. But minutes passed… and turned into an hour… and the hour, doubled, tripled.
But Gavin was undeterred. He had to be. Giving up was not an option. Plus, years of being a dedicated police officer had wiped out any fears of hard work and failure… he would scroll all night if it came to that.
A notification popped up on the screen.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Sweetheart, you’ve been trying for hours. Take a break.
Gavin turned to his side. Nines could detect the worry and agitation behind the facade of lighthearted calm.
“I know right. It’s not fair. You’ve been chilling this whole time I’ve been working. Tsk tsk.”
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: I’m serious, Gavin. Stop. Take a break for today. Call someone. You can try again tomorrow morning.
“Nines, you’re not a work assignment. I can’t take a break from you. You can get up and close this laptop for me.”
A few more hours passed. Frowning, Gavin climbed under the covers with Nines and began troubleshooting and testing all other modules too. It was a massive undertaking, but he’d be damned if he didn’t do it.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Know when to give up on a lost cause.
It was nearly two in the morning when that message popped up. Gavin’s eyes were red from all the screen time, but his fighting spirit had not flagged. If anything, he felt close to the finish line. Having gone through nearly the entirety of his lover’s system architecture, there were only a few stones left unturned. He’d identify the problem, win half the battle and then the solution would flow from there. It always did. They’d be fine.
He turned to tell Nines precisely that and balked at the tears staining the android’s perfect face.
Gavin leaned over his partner and wiped the tears away.
“Hey… shhh… don’t… don’t worry, I’ll take care of you…”
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I’m putting you through all this. Things can’t go on like this. I’m such a liability. Emotionally, physically, financially! You can’t keep doing this for me, Gavin.
Gavin placed the laptop on the bedside table and slipped deeper under the covers, wrapping himself around Nines’ still form.
“It’s a good thing you can’t speak right now, cause you’re talking some major bullshit, baby. You are going to be FINE. I will take care of you, like always, like I promised.
You are not a liability. You are my man. I signed up for this. If you were human and sick and I dunno, needed a kidney or something, I’d simply give it to you. You and I are bound like that. For life.
So quit bitching, let me do my thing, and when you’re back… you know how to thank me.”
He smiled genuinely as he said that, stroking the android’s skin and trying to calm him down. When the speed of the LED cycles came down and the colour stabilised at a warm amber, Gavin kissed the frozen lips and gave Nines one last cuddle before returning to his computer.
Sunrise began to streak across the dark sky by the time the critical error was identified. Gavin sighed deeply as he pulled up the faulty synchronisation that had jammed the hundreds of motors and drives throughout Nines’ body.
There was actually nothing much to be said for the root cause of the failed execution loop. Just improper methods written for some of the new hardware they had installed the previous week.
That’s what they got for using uncertified biocomponents and unlicensed third party software bought off the seedier parts of the internet. Some incompatibility somewhere would inevitably trip them up. Gavin was usually able to see such trouble before it found them… but even he couldn’t be perfect.
He stretched and cracked his spine and wiggled his fingers before plunging into rewriting the problematic section. He would sleep like a log after this… but first, he had to sprint to the finish line.
And he did.
At 7AM, Gavin finally copied the clean code into the compiler and hit execute. After a brief reinitialisation, Nines blinked awake. He raised his hands tentatively. As soon as he realised full functionality had been restored, he sat up and threw himself at Gavin, smothering the exhausted human in a giant hug.
Gavin hugged back, fighting to keep his emotions at bay.
“All… all good?”
“You saved my life. Again.”
“I’ll do it a thousand times more if I need to.”
“I thought I was done for.”
“Don’t be dramatic. It was just some bad code.”
“I could have been stuck like that forever. Never moving, never talking. Just lying there till my charge drains out. That could have been the end for us, and frankly, I was prepared for that eventuality. You should be too.”
“I don’t doubt your abilities, sweetheart, but we are painfully limited by our resources. There’s things in this world that only Cyberlife can do and they’re never coming back. We have to make our peace with that. Pulling all-nighters just to keep me alive… it’s not sustainable.”
“Hey it’s not like this happens all the time, Nines. I get that this was really scary, but it’s not always like this… so please don’t tell me whether things are sustainable. I will always fight for you. End of discussion.”
Nines didn’t respond and just rested his head on Gavin’s shoulder. His steel blue eyes were fixed on the pair of birds fluttering outside their bedroom window. They sat intertwined like that on the bed for a while. Now that he could, Nines didn’t seem to want to stop holding his partner. The birds landed on the window sill, chirping away and enjoying the morning breeze.
“They’re really quite sweet, aren’t they? The two of them are always here in the morning. I should build them a little bath in our garden.”
“They’re mates.”
“Huh. Just like us.”
“You know… it’s just a myth, what they say… that birds die when their mates do.”
“Most species will go through a grieving period, but after that they will begin courtship again.”
“What the phck are you on about? No one’s dying and no one’s beginning courtship again. Nines, I’d move heaven and earth before anything like that happens.
Besides, if I really, really couldn’t get your body to work, worst case scenario, I’d just transfer you to a mobile device. Carry you around like a voice in my head… like my conscience… I promise you that nothing can keep us apart.”
It wasn’t all that easy to convince Nines, and Gavin wasn’t about to try. It had been an ordeal for the both of them. It wasn’t the first time, and it might not be the last. But for the time being, they had emerged, and they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
Yawning, Gavin lay back among the mussed sheets and pulled Nines with him. Birdsong and the muted whir of thirium pump compressions lulled him into a dreamless sleep.
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bostongirl13 · 4 years
Piano, Thanksgiving and heart attack
A/N: I wrote this with the intention of continuing this story ➡ New Dodger photo  , but it can safely be treated as a one shot.
Summary: I think the title explains it all 💙
Warnings: age gap, Scott and Chris are assholes, swearing, mistakes
Words: 1,5k +
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You growled in frustration not being able to remember a single word and what was in the linguistic pragmatics tasks.
"Stupid subject" you muttered, throwing your pencil across the room and letting it hit the wall. Dodger, who was lying on the couch behind you and keeping you company, raised his ears to the sound.
You've been sitting in the living room with your back against the sofa for a good five hours because your lecturer thought up an exam the day before the long weekend. Because, of course, speech acts, language functions, the theory of speech acts, and the communicative intention are so damn important that they can't wait until next week.
"Fuck" you cursed under your breath and rubbed your tired eyes. You felt your head starting to ache. And tears fall from my eyes from staring at the laptop screen for a long time. You needed a break, but you knew that if you do it, there is no chance that you will go back to studying. Being stubborn and hard to give in by nature, you took a deep breath and started reading the definitions and tasks once again.
Chris, of course, knew how difficult and hard this item was for you, so he was always as quiet as possible, occasionally bringing you a bowl of fruit, coffee, or tea, and ordered take-out food. He was loved. Even though you didn't thank him and just nodded your head, or just said nothing and paid him no attention, he knew you appreciated his help anyway. But seeing you sitting another hour in front of the computer with red eyes and tired, broke his heart. He couldn't watch his love work to death, and he knew that if he asked you to take a break, you wouldn't. So he came up with an idea, the implementation of which would make you leave your studies.
So he went to the piano standing against the wall and after a few minutes of choosing what he wanted to play, he put his fingers on the keys and caused the first notes to come out of the instrument.
You stretched and flipped through the notes page when you heard like music fills the air without effort, the sound rushing in and around every person in the room. You smiled and closed your eyes, leaning your head against the couch behind you. You listened to the melodies played by your boyfriend, feeling it sweep your whole body. The best thing about music was that it gave you strength and motivation. The variety of music in the universe is so diverse that there is something for everyone to enjoy. Music doesn't worry about anything; that’s the beauty of music.
You turned to Dodger and stroked his head.
"Dad is probably giving us a sign that there is enough study for today"
Dodger licked your face. “Okay, okay, that's it. Come on "you got up and stretched again. The dog jumped off the couch and followed you into the room where Chris was playing.
Chris was sitting in sweatpants and a navy blue sweater. His long fingers moved over the keyboard of the instrument, pressing the keys in the correct order so that the emerging notes formed a melody.
You walked up to him and hugged him from behind. "Thank you," you whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.
"I'm glad you finally got away from studying. Do you like what I play?
"Very" you sat down next to him and put your head on his shoulder "Can you play any more?" you asked.
Chris kissed your head and started playing again.
Now sitting close to him and the instrument, you could hear and feel the musician much more clearly than before. Dodger lay down on his bed near you and listened too. Your eyes immediately felt heavy. You closed them, but you tried to stay awake. He had time, music surrounded the space him. You had to admit that of the many talents Chris had, this one was one of your favorites.
"I think it's time to sleep, Princess" you nodded and you let him rise you from chair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, holding tight. "I guess I should start talking to you Koala" he laughed and you pressed your face against the hollow of his neck.
After a warm shower and putting on something to sleep, you both cuddled into each other, or rather you into Chris not allowing a minimum of a gap between your bodies. Even though you had an important exam tomorrow, you felt calm and knew that you would do well tomorrow.
Quick update: there was no exam because it turned out that the lecturer did not have time to prepare the questions. You were relieved, but you were also furious because you could spend this time with your beloved men. However, you will not turn back the time, and what was now mattered. 
You sat snuggled up to Chris on the couch in his mom's living room and watched as two pupies and Dodger attacked Scott on the floor. You tried not to laugh because you knew the video would end up on Instagram, but you really couldn't help but see this scene. Even Stella giggled and watched the whole thing happen. You put your cheek to Chris's shoulder when he finished recording.
"All right?" he whispered to you, seeing your eyes freeze at one point, you were thinking something
"Yes. I'm just happy. Thank you for taking me with you to your mother's Thanksgiving. Maybe I shouldn't, but I feel like I'm surrounded by my family."
"How could I not take you with me," he said in an offended tone. The invitation was obvious to him and he saw no other scenario for the day. "Honey, you shouldn't feel bad about being comfortable with my family. On the contrary, I'm glad you feel that way. It means a lot to me. And I can assure you that they also treat you like a family member." he kissed you on the lips to which you heard "ugh!" and laughed seeing Stelle covering her eyes.
 Later that same day
You, Chris, Scott, and Dodger came back to Chris's house. All the way you couldn't stop laughing at the guys whining about eating too much.
As soon as you entered the house, the three men took their place on the couch in front of the TV. You rolled your eyes and being a good girlfriend, you went to the fridge for a beer.
"What have I done to deserve you," Chris said, taking a cold bottle of amber drink from you.
"Don't get used to it too much" you kissed him, "I'm going to take a shower" you add and disappeared down the hall.
"Don't you dare to let her go," said Scott, being sure you couldn't hear "If you do, I’m gonna kick your American ass." he took a sip.
"Funny." Chris laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to let her go."
Getting more comfortable after showering, you put on leggings and Chris's hoodie. Completely unaware that a trap awaits you as soon as you exit the master bedroom. 
You've been moving around Chris's house by heart. So instead of looking straight ahead, you looked at the phone. Chris and Scott were standing behind the wall so that you couldn't see them and both of them, with video recording, waiting for you. After a while, they heard your footsteps and they both looked at each other. Chris showed three fingers as he counted. 3... 2 ... 1 ...
"Y / N !!!" they both shouted giving you a heart attack.
"Aaaaaaaaaa ... !!!" you screamed, terrified, and you jumped up and you slipped and fell. Chris grabbed you at the last minute and pulled you close. "Are you crazy ?!" you snarled.
Your heart was beating dangerously fast in your chest, your breathing couldn't slow down. Both guys were laughing when you thought you were having a heart attack.
"I'm sorry, Princess, but you were the only one I hadn't scared off yet." 
"Be careful I don't scare you, you asshole," you threatened by hitting him on the chest. "How old are you? 5?"
"Oh, don't say you haven't got used to our childish behavior yet." Scott smiled at which you rolled your eyes. 
"Sorry," Chris repeated and kissed the top of your head.
"You guys are so cute," commented Scott.
"That goes for you, Scott too. You both are on my blacklist," you narrowed your eyes.
Chris hugged you tighter, feeling your heart beating fast. You hugged him, cuddling up to him and trying to calm down.
About an hour later you managed to play on them and scare them. In both cases you recorded everything and with a smile on your face, pleased with yourself, sent them the video, which they both later uploaded to Instagram. 
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mercurymagpie · 5 years
oh u did a 9 hour shift on sat? 7h today? cool cool but will u do another 9h tomorrow? hm???
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synthaphone · 3 years
my friend gave me her old neopets card collection and im having trouble sleeping because im so excited about getting to update my spreadsheet and card binder tomorrow AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
AaAaaaaaaa what could they have going on tomorrow????? New bonus tracks? Vault album? Livestream?
I think the best bet would be either another IG Live (maybe they finally updated their phones and can do 4/4 now 🤭) or maybe a filmed performance or two? I feel like release of any CALM era recordings (bonus or Vault) is probably unlikely since they are no longer with Interscope and thus are probably not in control of the rights. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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