#UP Election news
lets-make-light-now · 3 months
Acting US president genocide Joe Biden started the Genocide.
Donald Trump already said that he will support Israel and sustain the genocide.
Why democracy? USA is Israel's little Bitch. Israel comes before USA
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iamacolor · 22 days
lmaoo since a recent documentary revealed that the far right was very popular with young voters in france on tiktok or reels and that some young women had voted for them because their main candidate was "handsome, and they saw a lot of cool vids of him" so to attract more people to the left now more and more people (mainly from various fandoms like kpop but they're also trying to rally the swifties) are making video edits (fancam style) of leftist mps - some of them literally have kpop song as bgm. we're all going mad but if kpop fandom marketing technics are the way to fight fascists then so be it I guess!
some more examples (because I can only put one video in a post on tumblr) here here here here and here
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toruandmidori · 1 month
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34 counts. 2 words.
Grab the only shirt you need this US election season. 
Available online here.
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sher-ee · 30 days
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Read here ⬆️
Sigh. Another day in Republican fuckery.
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
The Donald Trump hush money trial starts today in NYC.
Jury selection is the first order of business. In normal trials that may take a day or two. With Trump's legal foot-dragging, that could go into weeks.
There had been some doubts about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's approach to this case. There is some new ground here. But Slate's Mark Joseph Stern, an attorney who initially had some reservations about the prosecution, is now "fully onboard" with it.
Over the past year, though, I have realized that my initial doubts about Bragg’s indictment were misplaced. It now seems clear that Trump’s New York trial, slated to begin this week, will be the former president’s only criminal trial before the November election. The other three strong indictments against him in other jurisdictions have unfortunately been delayed by a corrupt judge, a foot-dragging Supreme Court, and a district attorney’s questionable conduct in an already complex case. This, combined with Bragg’s excellent pretrial briefing, has substantially strengthened the case for this prosecution. It is important to American democracy that Trump be forced to defend at least some of his alleged criminal conduct before a jury of his peers in advance of Election Day. [ ... ] Shortly before the 2020 election, Trump wanted to kill a story about his alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress. So he allegedly directed his longtime fixer Michael Cohen to pay off Daniels, through a shell company, for her silence. Afterward, Trump funneled $420,000 to Cohen in installments. But he allegedly concealed the payments by listing them as legal expenses for a retainer that did not exist. Last year, I was uncertain whether this scheme, while sordid, rose to the level of a felony offense. I am now convinced that, if proved that he took these actions, it surely does. The falsification of business records is, by itself, a misdemeanor under New York law, but it’s a felony when it’s done with the “intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” In his indictment, Bragg claims that Trump lied about the payments with the intent to violate election law, which is what elevates the crime to a felony. Initially, I was suspicious of this theory; what election law, exactly, was the former president attempting to violate? The district attorney’s initial statement of facts was hazy on this crucial point, raising the possibility that he couldn’t tie the underlying fraud to a state or federal statute. Turns out he could. Bragg has argued, convincingly, that the former president intended to violate at least two election laws—one state, one federal. First, Bragg asserted that Trump and Cohen ran afoul of the Federal Election Campaign Act by making unlawful campaign contributions (in the form of a payoff) at the direction of a candidate (that is, Trump).
As a criminal defendant, Trump has to be in court for the trial. And except for holidays, court will be in session four days a week.
So Trump will be in Lower Manhattan quite a bit for the next couple of months. The New York County (Manhattan) Courthouse is at 100 Centre Street. And he owns a major property at 40 Wall Street (modestly called The Trump Building) where he might occasionally be seen. Google Maps puts the walking distance between the two locations at 0.8 miles (1.28 km). So if you're tempted to exercise your First Amendment right to express your opinions to Trump...
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I’ve said it before but it rubs me the wrong way that some people only take their cues when it comes to important world events from celebrities rather than people at the forefronts of those issues. It’s great that some celebrities are choosing to utilize their platform and spread awareness but if that’s the only reason why you care about a genocide you should maybe think about your priorities.
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the gossip at the Grace must have been fucking crazyyyyyyyy
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wingsofhcpe · 23 days
protip, if you're an American and you see European people fearing for their futures and even their lives after these election results, maybe the correct response to it is NOT to accuse them of fucking up YOUR safety plan to move to Europe if America tanks.
Just saying.
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If i see that goddamn piece of shit australian voting post on my dash one more fucking time i'm gonna start taking hostages
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roseworth · 5 days
🌠🧎‍♀️ <- me wishing for the new democrat candidate to be competent and able to form a sentence
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afieldinengland · 2 months
big tent politics yeah yeah whatever but i don’t think labour should be letting someone who was already on the hardline right wing of the tories into said tent
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glassrunner · 4 months
i’m so unbelievably fucking frustrated that something as cool and groundbreaking as AI (which i literally went back to college to study!!!) is being used for such fucking nefarious purposes
i always dreamed of finding the spirit in the machine and now it’s just being bastardized to take away jobs from hardworking creators — mostly by arrogant techbro fucknuts who sneer at these creators for pursuing art, but then tell on themselves for not having the discipline to truly learn a craft
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
All the tour groups in Springfield should be very proud of me for how well I refrained from sharing all my fascinating Lincoln facts.
#there were so many school groups!#a giant one came in RIGHT AFTER i entered lincoln's cabinet room#part of me was screaming 'children i NEED to tell you about all these idiots and their insane drama!'#a smarter part of me understood that would be super weird#so instead i regaled different individuals of my own traveling party after we had the room to ourselves#then at lincoln's tomb we lucked out in getting there during the ten minutes of the day when school groups weren't there#which meant we got a personal tour from a guide who seemed thrilled to have grown-ups to talk to#he and my dad chatted about fishing for a long while in the entry#it didn't feel disrespectful because it totally felt like the kind of conversation lincoln would have understood and joined in on#and then we went on our way but the guide then chased us down to share all the fascinating lincoln stories as we went along#(shout-out to lefty you were great)#and then a school group found us so we made a graceful exit#but outside a teacher was explaining to a different group about how robert was significant in his own right so he's buried at arlington#and the RESTRAINT i showed in not immediately informing them that he was present at three presidential assassinations! it was rather heroic#and then when we toured lincoln's house the guide (who accidentally made it clear he was a revolutionary war buff)#(which made it a bit hilarious he was stuck with lincoln)#asked for questions before we started and someone asked about lincoln's 1860 election campaign!#aka one of my SPECIAL NICHE AREAS OF OBSESSION!#you cannot imagine how desperately i wanted to tell him ALL ABOUT seward and thurlow weed#anyway it was fun to go back now that i actually know stuff about lincoln#but it was also a bit frustrating because now i know how much they leave out#(though there was cool new info and artifacts)#(the blood-stained piece of laura keene's dress was very morbid and very cool)#also it reminded me that i still have that book on the 1860 election i've yet to read and the hype is so real#presidential talk
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Video in article
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Thursday was a relatively good day for Trump at the US Supreme Court but a relatively bad day for him at the hush money trial in New York.
Trump keeps saying he wants to testify in the hush money trial. But if he does, he can be asked about his liability in the E. Jean Carroll case and that would remind the jury that he's an adjudicated sex offender.
Not sure why Trump would think that his testifying would be good for his case.
Video of Trump confusing E. Jean Carroll for his ex-wife Marla Maples shown during lawsuit trial
Given Trump's aversion to truthfulness and established reality, he opens himself up to charges of perjury even if he is somehow acquitted of all 34 felony counts.
In Washington, the US Supreme Court doesn't seem like it will rule that presidents are fully immune from prosecution. But it does looks like it could send the case back to a lower court which could delay Trump's attempted coup trial until after the election.
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