howifeltabouthim · 1 year
It nearly became a war . . . but you never hear about the wars that don't happen, you never do.
Catherine Lacey, from Biography of X
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heart-songs · 2 months
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After the Rain, Fire
I forgot to remember what I loved about us I think there was something in your voice that fell like snow on skin, like lazy sheets of August rain the gentle pour and the slant of the pen in my hand when I wrote about your eyes emptying like clouds
Our lips held the space between thunderclaps between breaths, and it was never as dark as midnight It was lightning foxfire gold — everything striking a world of stinging inside, somehow soothing
Humming like a hive bumbling honeycombed oozing sweet and alive, not quite forgotten so much as crumbling like ash glowing embers exhaling in the hearth
Sometimes, after the rain, I remember how it felt how nothing was on fire but everything burned
- Cora Finch
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: Unremembered | Author: Jessica Brody | Publisher: Macmillan (2014)
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questforratings · 1 year
Feeling Forgotten
Its almost ten years since the last time I saw you.
But I still remember that gut wrenching goodbye like it was yesterday. 
It was that wide grin spread from ear to ear across your beautiful face.
It was the summer breeze that wrapped its arms around us while we kissed the very last time.
You were happy. You’d made it. You were finally picking up and running away to Cali. Fulfilling your dream to travel. All I had left of you was a hat, some old pictures, a faint scent of your cologne from the last night you’d ever lay with me, and the memories of this past summer.
You packed up a bunch of your crap, loaded it into your shitty car, with no more then a computer, a tank full of gas, 90 dollars and two scoops of sunshine in your pocket. You were full of dreams, wishful thinking, naivety, and a completely irrational sense of optimism.
I’d never be so selfish to ask you to stay here with me. On that day that you left, I told you I loved you.
This, you already knew, even though I’d never said it out loud. You knew just by the way I looked at you, with tears in my eyes; those tears alone asked you; “Please, don't go. I love you too much, I don't know how to let you go.”
From the moment those three words left my lips, I knew that it was over. It left that bitter yet familiar taste in my mouth. I knew this was goodbye, and I knew I’d give anything to go back; and never let you end that hug I clenched onto every last second I could before you drove away.
That day, my dearest friend held me tighter then she ever did. She let me cry tears that soaked into her blouse all over her chest, but she just held me tighter.
She grabbed my face as I balled hysterically and tried so hard to not fall to my knees. 
She said “Don't worry ‘babylove’, everything's going to be okay. He’s going to come back for you.” Little did she know, this was the first time my best friend had ever lied to me. She was wrong. How I wish she wasn't so wrong. I wasn’t that stupid, I knew we were never meant to be.
From the moment I first met you, I knew I’d love you for the rest of my life. I was 15. On the day you left, I was 23, with still so much more life ahead of me, and its still true. I will love you endlessly, knowing, we were always doomed to always wondering what we could have been. That will never change for me.
You probably won’t even remember my name.
Even so, I’d give anything to go back to the days when we were so hopelessly in love. For one more night to share our bar stool. For one more drive in your freezing cold car, while you’d awkwardly warm my hands with yours.
One more road trip.
Just one more day...
Just one more day to spread ourselves out on the lawn at our old house. Just you, me, a pack of smokes, and nothing else.
I will never stop missing you.
Please, just... remember my name.
// Cordelia Blackbird
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April 21
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you are sitting in a chair
in the middle of a room
filled with your loved ones
passing on through
you try to reach out
you try to grab hands
but as you cry loud
they don’t understand
the you you are now
is a stranger to them
no longer their family
no longer their friend
is it due to you changing
or because they won’t
you wait with attention
you cling on to hope
but then the room empties
you’re left in your chair
there are tears in your eyes
and knots in your hair
you process that feeling
of remaining unseen
and you feel that that horror
it must be a dream
so you tear off the knots
and pinch at your skin
but self mutilation
won’t bring them back in
you’re faced with the truth
the unseemly blight
that you’ve been forgotten
and cast into night
this place is a temple
a home for your loss
you don’t know the reason
you don’t know the cost
what’s left is you wishing
that through certain doom
someone will see you
as they enter that room
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anidharker · 1 year
I understand that most people interacting with chagpt is doing it entirely for the joke of it but god I hope it dies a swift death
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jukashi · 5 months
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smoqueen · 3 months
i’m facing the #1 seed round 1
if you can’t beat them make them bleed like pigs
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werewolf gimmick is such an underrated tmg songs like what the hell.
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cubedmango · 2 years
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another susato for the end of the year
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So I finished Unremembered Empire...
Actually I finished it like a week ago, I've just been wrangling with some gnarly insomnia and haven't had the brainpower to post. Ending thoughts:
For some reason I was under the impression that Vulkan was stark raving mad and stark raving naked when he charged Konrad Curze, and I'm deeply disappointed that he wasn't. Would it make sense? Probably not. Would it be fucking wild? Absolutely. I can only shake my head at Abnett's cowardice.
Does Curze have any motive beyond, "lol killing fun"?
Lion and Guilliman just fucking jumped Sanguinius as soon as he got off the ship, didn't they. Dude must have been so happy to see his brothers, and then they just cram a crown into his hands.
Euten rallying the Shattered Legions was phenomenal. Can we just make her their temporary primarch while they're on Macragge? They could use a mom, is all I'm saying.
I know it's a very serious moment, but I find the unexpected orbital drop to be such a hilarious concept. Baffled Macraggans getting bombarded by equally baffled Dark Angels. Imagine having a drop pod land in your neighborhood, and now you have these deeply embarrassed Astartes on your porch apologizing for blowing over your garage. Everyone comes out to stare. Someone's grandpa is convinced that the Word Bearers are attacking and has to be restrained from opening fire with a rusty old lasgun. A small child keeps escaping her parents to tell the Dark Angels that their armor is the wrong color. The Arbites are trying, and failing, to hustle everyone back into their homes. And then the Ultramarines come tearing in like the most deranged traffic cops to ever dog the streets. I'm gonna write fanfiction about this, mark my words.
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hellokittysasuke · 6 months
LISTEN to me. Generally I'm not a big fan of romantic love as this mythical, overpowering entity that takes from and dominates all other forms of love. Because its not, its flexible, ebbing and flowing, and no less meaningful for it!! Soulmates aren't discovered, they're built after a lifetime of understanding and care!!
BUT THEM..Them!!
There's just something about the pathos of a love that is all-consuming and transcendental, near-mythological in its intensity. An immortal love. The other half of your soul, the imprint you'd even know blind. Your life-breath. You'd choose them over and over again, in every lifetime. If not them, then who?
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rqgender · 1 year
Today's gender is cursed by a witch to never have its feats of valour remembered.
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The Unremembered Empire (HH Vol. 27)
You know a book is good when you start and finish it in one afternoon/evening. Now, not exactly an achievement since it's only a bit above 200 pages, but dang does Dan Abnett just know his craft. There's a bunch of Horus Heresy novels where nothing happens except for one or two very specific things - and then there are books where everything happens all at once. This one is the second kind.
There is just one nitpick I have with it - Guiliman's decision in the end plan the execution of the last remaining loyalist Word Bearer just is so utterly stupid? Our boy has been competent and smart the whole book, and then such a petty move? Let's hope that does not happen once the storyline proceeds some volumes down the line.
The most curious part about this book is that it retrospectively increases the quality of the book that came before it. In isolation "Vulkan Lives" was pretty mid in my opinion (to the point I did not even make a post about it once I finished it) although the scene of Curze getting decked was surely satisfying - but almost every important storyline from that book gets continued here, and it gives those storylines the conclusions they so desperatly needed.
John Grammaticus was actually interesting for once too, as opposed to just being the reader's window into the 3rd party forces of the Heresy. Makes me wonder what the hell Eldrad is planning that he explicitly goes against the Cabal's plans...?
Aside from that Primarch interactions galore - Roboute is so tired tryin to do the right thing, the Lion is an asshole, Curze is one massive bastard, and Vulkan is so lost in the sauce mentally he exists now only to beat the aformentioned bastard into the dirt which is very satisfying.
Oh and we meet Roboute's mother! Even when she is officially only revealed as such late in the book, but of course I knew the name already. I wonder how the reveal works for people that don't already are semi-deep in the lore like me.
Also Imperial Fist Pollux and loyalist Iron Warrior Dantioch are gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I cannot stress how gay they are. Dantioch figured out the teleportation properties of the Pharos device because it was his most honest wish to save Pollux's life, and Pollux decides to stay with him in the end on Sotha. Spacemarine friendship can be interpreted as pretty homoerotic sometimes, but these boys don't need any interpretation. I hope we read more of them in the future.
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I hope every terf gets her tires slashed 💕
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hudbannonarchive · 7 months
also i know that poll is specifically asking for a watsonian explanation for dean's death but that feels like an intentional misread of the finale, which was very clearly written with the larger themes of the show in mind. dean dies on an insignificant hunt saving children because that is ultimately what the show is supposed to be about, literally two guys driving into a new horror movie every week. if they wanted sam and dean to die big ugly deaths at the hands of a huge villain they would have died the episode prior. it's amazing to me some of you are still this fucking stupid.
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