#UNWRA terrorists
secular-jew · 4 months
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Another UN worker who is just an average Gazan terrorist, working on behalf of team Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The U.S. (among others) should bring the UN and Guterres to the ICC and charge them with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
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There is nothing we can do about Israel other than everything
The war on Gaza is being used to advance fascism and white supremacy in the US. It is also opening people's eyes to global systems that require genocide to continue. To stand with Palestine is to transform those systems and build a different world.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 3 months
Hey remember when the pro-pals wanted the OMFD people to stop sending money to their weird billboard and not sending it UNWRA instead?
I do!
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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✊🏽 … YES!! Macklemore — remember his ‘LGBTQ anthem”?
By: Reem Ghunaim, Strategic Leadership, from LinkedIn …
“Make it go viral! — 👉🍉 — https://lnkd.in/gJU-nmuj
Send the link to everyone you know to raise more funds for UNRWA.
📣 Let this song be our virtual protest, showing those who seek to silence us just how powerful our voices can be.
Written and Produced by Macklemore
The people they won’t leave
What is threatening
about divesting and wanting peace?
The problem isn’t the protests
it’s what they’re protesting
Cause it goes against
what our country is funding
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
Block the barricade until Palestine is free
When I was 7 I learned a lesson
from Cube and Eazy E
What was it again?
oh yea
fuck the police
Actors in badges
protecting property
And a system that was designed
by white supremacy
But the people are in the streets
You can pay off meta
you can’t pay off me
Politicians who serve by any means
AIPAC, CUFI and all the companies
You see we sell fear around the land of the free
But this generation here
is about to cut the strings
You can ban tik Tok
take us out the algothim
But it’s too late
we’ve seen the truth we bare witness
We’ve seen the ruble the buildings
the mothers the children
And all the men that you murdered
and then we see how they spin it
Who gets to the right to defend
and who gets the right of resistance
Has always been about dollars
and the color of your pigment
But White supremacy is finally on blast
Screaming free Palestine
until they’re home at last
We see the lies in them
Claiming it’s anti-semetic
to be anti-zionist
I’ve seen jewish brothers and sisters out there and riding
In solidarity and screaming
free Palestine with em
Organizing, unlearning
and finally cutting ties with a
that’s gotta rely on an apartheid system
To uphold an occupying violent
History been repeating for the last 75
The Nakba never ended,
the colonizer lied
If some kids in tents,
posted on the lawn
occupying the quad
is really against the law
And a reason to call
in the police and their squad
where does genocide land
in your definition huh?
destroying every college in Gaza and every mosque
pushing everyone into rafah and dropping bombs
The blood is on your hands Biden,
we can see it all
And fuck no
I’m not voting for you in the fall
you can’t twist the truth
The people out here
never be defeated when Freedom’s on the
Yet the music industry’s quiet
complicit in their platform of silence
What happened to the artist
what do you got to say?
If I was on a label,
you could drop me today
And be fine with it
cause the heart fed my page
I want a ceasefire
fuck a response from drake
What you willing to risk?
What you willing to give?
What if you were Gaza?
what if those were your kids?
If the west was pretending that you didn’t exist
You’d want the world to stand up
And the students finally did
Let’s get it”!! … ✊🏽
#FreePalestine … #HindsHall … #Macklemore … @hrexach
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choixsimple · 6 months
when saying "I just don't understand why this level of aggressive violence, supply blockade, and civilian casualty is necessary in 2024" results in people saying to your face that you "support terrorism and want the hostages to die" you start thinking maybe the human race wasn't built for any level of nuance
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justgotabolished · 6 months
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
'No Evidence' - UN Closes Probes into 5 UNRWA Workers Accused by Israel
It was all a setup. Just more Israeli lies with deadly consequences.
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thevvitchbitch · 7 months
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pocoloco2018-blog · 8 months
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angrybell · 1 year
Hamas came and stole the humanitarian aid that was sent to UNWRA.
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Of course, UNWRA had since deleted these tweets. After all, the UN can’t be seen criticizing a group of terrorists who have stollen from the people they are forcing to remain in a target area.
The IDF, in response, notes
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secular-jew · 7 months
UNWRA nominated for a Nobel peace prize tells you everything you need to know about depravity and antisemitism at the UN.
Asmund Aukrust, a Norwegian MP, told the Dagbladet newspaper he nominated the refugee body, “for its long-term work to provide vital support to Palestine and the region in general. This work has been crucial for over 70 years, and even more vital in the last three months.”
Is Norway that stupid?
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who was one of just 23 House Democrats to vote against the bill, gave an impassioned floor speech on the issue.
“This is a mass starvation of people, engineered and orchestrated following the killing of another 30,000, 70 percent of whom were women and children killed. There is hardly a single hospital left. And this was all accomplished, much of this accomplished, with US resources and weapons,” said the congresswoman.  
“If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes,” she continued. “It looks like the forced famine of 1.1 million innocents. It looks like thousands of children eating grass as their bodies consume themselves, while trucks of food are slowed and halted just miles away. It looks like good and decent people who do nothing, or too little, too late.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) also gave a House floor speech.”Israeli government has been intentionally starving the Palestinian people” she said, “..Members here – all of them – are now going to be contributing to the starvation of Palestinian families.”
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Putting UNRWA and Standing Together is the same category as "pro Hamas" doesn't make sense
Idk when one of the members wanted their kid to martyr herself and the other aided and abetted hamas seems pretty apt to me
I'm sorry your fave peace org supports terror but
cope and seethe and get your standing together apologia the fuck off my blog
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honesty-my-policy · 4 months
More useful links -
White phosphorus found in mortar shells fired from Gaza
Media Falsely Blame Israel for Rejecting Hamas’ Ceasefire “Proposal”
Unearthing the Story Behind the Gazan Mass Graves
Media Ignore Quietly-Revised UN Figures of Hamas-Reported Civilian Deaths
Terrorists Attack US Humanitarian Pier Construction Site Off Gaza: Report
Tweets with resources (some may contain graphic content) -
HAMAS/UNWRA stealing/destroying aid -
HAMAS hurting/killing their own people -
Misc -
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Douglas Murray
Furthermore, Major Y says that every single mosque they go into has a Hamas weapons store.
As has every UN school that they go into. Again this violates every rule of war.
Hamas use places of worship — while pretending to be such “devout” Muslims — because they know the Israelis will not target their places of worship.
They use schools as arms dumps because they know that if Israel targets an empty school the world will go berserk.
It is a cynical tactic, that of course puts at risk the very Palestinians who Hamas pretend to be representing.
According to the Major, “every school and kindergarten we go into we find guns in the basement. In each one we found more than ten AK47s, machine guns and grenades.”
And that’s when Hamas terrorists are not there.
On the ground, amid the intense fighting in the south of Gaza, the major tells me the sort of things he has encountered.
On one occasion recently his unit spotted an old lady in a wheelchair alone on a street corner in the south of Gaza.
They approached the elderly lady “who looked like my grandmother” according to the major.
And as they approached her they were suddenly fired on by a Hamas terrorist.
He had placed himself under her wheelchair in order to fire on the Israeli soldiers.
This is the Hamas that pretends to care for Palestinians but would even use an elderly disabled Palestinian woman as a human shield.
On another occasion recently the major says that his unit was beside an UNWRA school.
The soldiers saw a 13-year old boy running with a bag near one of the schools.
He put it down and ran away.
A few minutes later it detonated, badly wounding one of the Israeli soldiers nearby.
When people ask how Israel could treat even some children as potential terrorists, this is why.
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months
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