luriluth · 1 year
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batfossil-fr · 2 years
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it’s been a while since I’ve done much art. here’s a fun little headshot for creosote on FR of their dragon Viatryx!
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 6 months
Wait... Silvio would make a great Shakira with all those jingles and jangles... I just need to get him to say lelolorelore ONE time-
those hips don't lie 🎵
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inkling0121 · 10 months
So Ive started reading Usagi Yojimbo and yeah he is heavily mischaracterized in the tmnt fandom, idk about his descendent yet cause I havent seen his show but- wow
Also sidenote I seriously love this dork, almost every story is "I am not involved in this situation, I shall leave it be" *gets involved in the situation*
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crippledanarchy · 4 months
We got a "warning" from the fucking HOA about our grass being too high and I'm convinced that the rental company snitched on us to try and get us fined
Cause my partner has been mowing every week, and the notice we were sent was literally from the morning before he cut the grass. It's not like it was "too long" for more than a few hours.
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hum-suffer · 1 year
Because I would dance in rain with you,
Because I would choke on laughs with you
Because I would leave all decorum and bend over giggling
And you'll jokingly claim to never know me
And you'll hold my hand
Tell me cheesy pick up lines
I'll tell you random facts
And thoughts that are unaligned
Because we'll be home late
Because we'll eat dessert for lunch
Because I love you
And my enmity with the rain
Ends when the water drops from your hair
Onto my nose
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sup3r-n0vaa · 27 days
playing a fun game i like to call am i emotionally stable enough to finally rewatch dead poets society yet. only one way to find that out!
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hannahhasafact · 2 years
So you meet this guy. And they come off as like kind of stand offish, but the more you talk to them the more you realize they’re a pretty cool dude. Sure, they’re a bit quiet and really into sports, but overall you think “hey, this dude is pretty chill. I mean yeah they don’t say much but honestly they’re a cool dude.”
And then you meet the person they’re dating. And it’s the worst person you have ever met. They’re dating the most loudmouth, obnoxious person you have ever met. Seriously, you don’t even want to be stuck in a room with this person for five seconds, how on earth would anyone in their right mind want to date this person?
You talk to the first guy and go “Them??? Really??? Why the heck would you want to be with THEM???” But the first guy, though they don’t say much, has nothing but kind words to say about the horrendously obnoxious person they’re dating.
So you keep running into this couple, and every time you cannot comprehend why this cool dude would date the world’s most annoying person, but at least they seem to be happy or whatever.
Anyways that Asterius and Theseus’s relationship in the game Hades in a nutshell
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soupthatistohot · 6 months
i do plan on continuing my bsd re-read eventually, hopefully this month bc i should have a bit more time to devote to stuff that isn't school/work now... theoretically. if not, i'll definitely continue it over the summer tho!!!
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oflgtfol · 8 months
it is so utterly insane to me the way i've had this like fundamental shift in my personality since i started therapy, started medication, and graduated college. i used to be so shy and quiet and awkward. it used to take me years of everyday interaction to begin to feel any sense of real friendship with anyone, and the idea of public speaking or small talk with strangers etc was enough to have me trembling and shaking
and now like. i'm doing public speaking. i'm doing small talk with strangers. at michaels i'm actually having conversations with customers whenever the mood hits because i like actually enjoy talking to people now? even if it's just small talk it's just nice to like, have a nice friendly conversation? if i need to confront someone now, for whatever reason, whether it's to ask a question or to politely ask them not to do something, nowadays i can actually do it, instead of being the living epitome of the coward end of the "he asked for no pickles" meme. now I'M the person saying "he asked for no pickles." i'm the one that my more shy coworkers turn to when the time comes. I'M the person being shoved at the shy coworkers to chat them up and get them to be more outgoing. I'M the one guiding the conversation asking questions and keeping people talking trying to get them to open up. literally never imagined myself like this
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napping-sapphic · 9 months
Y'know, reading bout your new PJs reminded me that one time on a school trip (we were all 18 or 19) all my classmates n I decided to simply stay in the motel hall playing the ballpool game (English is not my first language sorry if I wrote it the wrong way) in our PJs all chilling and being like, yeah I'm in my PJs and I'm damn fabulous 💅✨
It was a super cool night indeed
Your frienly silly neighborhood masc
P.s. I had a super sober lion king PJ I totally won the PJ's beauty contest XD
Aw that’s very cute!! I always liked the idea of having little pajama parties with people!! I was raised under this weird and annoying mentality that I always have to be dressed to a certain standard in public or around people though so unfortunately wearing anything my parents didn’t consider nice enough in front of too many other people stresses me out now🙃
Nowadays I still can’t get myself to wear sweatpants in public but I DO get really excited about putting together cute pajamas and I’m EXTRA excited to be comfortable enough around someone to wear them in front of them someday💪
Also hell yes on that pajama contest win, as you should really that sounds like it slaps😤
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being trans is just. waiting. and waiting some more
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mittenlady · 1 year
thinkin about klavquill
(the audience boos)
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ghostherlig · 11 months
do you ever do fic trades with moots or just ppl who ask… asking because I love ur writing and would be so insanely down to do a trade
thank you for asking!! ive actually never done a fic trade, i just started writing again less than a year ago and im more of a lurker in fandom spaces usually, lol-
unfortunately with the state of my life and health rn idk how much time i'll be able to allocate to writing for the next few months or so, so i'll be holding off on that for now, but i'll definitely consider it in the future! thank you for asking <3
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astrxealis · 1 year
it's been a while ^^
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MARI HI I'VE MISSED YOU ..... it has been a while (time is so weird tho ahshdhdbj T_T <//3) HOW are You !!! 🥺 i hope you are doing well mwa ily /p 💗
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ADHD + Math = Huh?
I'm slow, not stupid. Yes, there is a difference. I can make all the connections a "smart" person can, it just takes longer because there's like 5 extra steps to every problem because my ADHD brain can't compartmentalize.
This math problem, for example:
Now, most people would probably look at this and do it the way taught in school. Multiplying the top ones place by the bottome ones place, then multiplying the top tens place by the bottom ones place, etc, etc.
When I try to solve this problem, I think, okay, so,
1 - 15
2 - 30
3 - 45
4 - 60
5 - 75
6 - 90
7 - 105
8 - 120
9 - 135
10 - 150
150 × 2 = 300
15 × 20 = 300.
On a really good day I might stop at 75 and go, 75 + 75 = 150, 150 × 2 is 300, 15 × 20 = 300. If I were smarter I could even simplify it to 20 × 5 = 100, 100 × 3 = 300, 15 × 20 = 300. However, that probably wouldn't occur to me unless the 20 was on the top of the problem because I read them top to bottom.
Taking all of this into account, Algebra is Hell. You want me to do what?
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