#anyway tysm for all the support i love all of you very much 🥺🥺
lotus-pear · 19 hours
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TWELVE KAY LETS FUCKING GO we are back to an even number i’m so glad ‼️‼️‼️‼️
38 notes · View notes
kookslastbutton · 4 months
Those Eyes Chico ༓ myg (m) | chapter two
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✑ Summary: As the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour, you’re expected to bring your expertise to the table. This shouldn’t be a problem—you’re the best in the business and you’re used to drawing a strict line between your professional and personal life. But what happens when the lines you’ve fought to keep as separate blur for the first time?
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pairing: idol!yoongi x plus size!poc!reader
genre/AU: angst, fluff, smut, slowburn, coworkers2friends2lovers, winter setting, forbidden love
word count: 6.1k+
warnings: This chapter in particular is written from Yoongi's perspective, oc is 28, Yoon is 30, oc is not originally from South Korea, oc has light brown eyes, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of body shaming by Hybe executive, bestie!tae is wonderful support 🥹, light fighting between members (literally crack), Namjoon has a little crush, Oc being a total boss at work bc she is amazing at her job, and cute & meaningful Yoon and OC interactions that make them finally start bonding (a little flirty too, hehe) 😉
now playing: Sweet Dreams by The Last Shadow Puppets
a/n: CHAPTR TWO IS HERE! GOD...the slow burn exists outside the series too with me not updating for two months. I'm sorry guys but TYSM for your patience! I'm VERY excited to release this chapter bc I think Yoon & Oc are super cute, hehe. Okay anyway, this series is dedicated to my wonderfully crazy friend and sorta beta, Gloom @theuselessdaydreamingidiot, and to all our fellow Yoon lovers bc we miss our sweet man SO MUCH 🥺 Enjoy! 🥰 Also huge thank you to @itaeewon for designing this beautiful series header! Love it!!
Series Masterlist | next chapter >>
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Yoongi stands with his hands placed loosely on his hip, chest heaving as he attempts to catch his breath. The seven of them had been practicing choreography for their new RUN BTS song nonstop when Jimin called for a much-needed, fifteen-minute break. There’s a part of him that’s thanking the younger for it and another that’s wishing he hadn’t, as every moment left alone with his thoughts is spent decoding his last encounter with you at the cafeteria.
Why had you made such a beeline for the exit the moment he was waved over by his member?
You also completely ignored his attempts to greet you on your way out. He only stopped by the cafeteria to slip an orange in his pocket before returning to his studio. He didn’t mean to intrude or incite that you had to leave with his sudden presence.
Taehyung assured him that you merely left to tend to work matters, which he’d typically sum as hyper-fixation with one’s work as he’s prone to do the same, but this felt different at its core. Your behavior seemed more intentional than that. The last thing he wants to do is misread the whole situation, but he must’ve done or said something to cause your uneasiness.
“Hyung, how did the album meeting go this morning?” A clear voice comes from Yoongi's left as his fellow band member, Namjoon, strides next to him, water bottle clenched in his fist. Like himself, large droplets of sweat dots around the man’s brow. The minor interruption shakes Yoongi out of his slightly dazed state.
“Went well.” He takes a big swish of his own water before screwing the cap back on. “We reviewed everything in three hours and the album looks better than I anticipated. There are a couple of promotional strategies that still need finalizing, but I’m pretty confident about it overall.”
“That’s great, man. __-nim’s been doing good work with TXT for the last few years, so she’s definitely suited for the job. I thought about requesting her help to promote Indigo but the timing of it all didn’t work.” Namjoon’s voice drops an octave at the last part, as if remorseful for more than a missed professional opportunity.
“Ah, maybe your next album hyung,” Jimin suddenly chimes in, slapping the taller man on the shoulder from the side. “I have a feeling you and __-nim would work well together. Think about it, you’re both natural born leaders and you’re smart too. I bet __ -nim has as high of an IQ as you.”
Namjoon’s cheeks flush with the faintest tint of rose as Jimin flashes a knowingly cheeky grin. Yoongi, of course, witnesses the entire exchange, the slightest part of him feeling uprooted by the thought of his band member and new marketing manager suddenly hitting it off. He decides not to comment on the matter, choosing to remain in ignorance instead. This is all speculation, right?
Now that they’re all on the subject of his album though, it gets him thinking that maybe he’s been too narrow viewed regarding the reason for your off putting behavior at lunch.
D-Day’s release has become a consuming priority lately, with everyone involved worked to the bone. Aside from himself, you’ve been bearing the brunt of it. He’s appreciative of course, considering the album holds a deep sense of meaning to him, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want it to be perfect. A little pushback during the first proposal is natural, yet he did get more resistant toward ideas during this morning’s meeting than anticipated. Perhaps some of his nitpicking was unnecessary, adding to your already heavy load.
Yoongi’s head feels worse the longer he entertains the possibility. He doesn’t want to make the first time working together a complete whirlwind, especially this early. A strong, healthy partnership starts with trust, safety, and mutual respect. The same philosophy can be applied to relationships of varying natures. That reminds him—since when did Taehyung and you become so close? He’s been ruminating over it all afternoon, like a jigsaw puzzle he can’t solve.
It’s odd how little he knows.
“I heard someone mention __-nim over here. I want in.” A small grumble leaves Yoongi’s lips as Jungkook pushes next to him, displeased by how tiny his space bubble has gotten due to the huddle his members have formed around him. Just why the hell is everyone so interested in his new marketing director? That's what he wants to know.
“Can you introduce me to her sometime hyung?" Jungkook pleads. "I’m thinking about releasing an album in the next year and it’d be great if you could hook us up…yknow?”
Oh, Yoongi knows. He knows exactly what this young buck is insinuating, but it isn’t mating season yet and even if it were he will do no such thing as to “hook them up”. Besides, his conscience tells him that you wouldn't be interested in the company of a younger man anyway—not that your dating life is any of his business or anything.
“Get in line Jungkookie, behind Namjoon. He needs her for his album first.” Jimin squeezes down on Namjoon’s muscular shoulders with both hands, shaking him just enough to hype him up. His hands are removed seconds later when he’s told to knock it off.
“That’s enough about this, okay? I’m pretty sure Yoongi-hyung is the only one who actually needs __-nim right now because, in case you dumbasses have forgotten, D-Day is set to release in April,” Namjoon scolds the two with a commanding tone. Jungkook, per usual, remains persistent in his original request and keeps his full attention on Yoongi.
“Anyway hyung, as I was saying, I know your album takes priority so I’m in no hurry to meet her. I can be pretty patient as you know-“
“Heh, that’s a lie.”
“Shove it Jimin, no one’s talking to you.” Jungkook’s eyebrows scrunch together as Jimin snorts helplessly next to Namjoon.
“You shove it Kook,” Jimin counters. “And stop trying to date __-nim! Find your own woman!”
“I’m not trying to date her! She's my noona for gods sake! Do you think I’m oblivious to how the public reacts to idols dating? Also, __-nim is a Hybe employee, not an idol. I can only imagine the type of scandal the media would spin it as.”
“Right, we all know you actually just want to take her to your bed instead,” Jimin interrupts for the umpteenth time. “Our handsome leader, on the other hand, is interested in her professional abilities. We can learn a lot from him.”
“Why are you always trying to start a fight with me Jimin? Is it because I can take you, now that I've been building up more muscle?” Jungkook’s accusations earn him nothing more than a sea of eye-rolls until Jimin lunges himself towards him, puffing out his chest the best he can to size him up.
Namjoon rubs his face with a hand, a clear visual display of his exhaustion. He’s been moderating these stupid squabbles for nine years now. “Alright very mature, biggest boy band in the world and this is what it’s come to? Amazing, congrats to everyone for winning the award for most-”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Seokjin interjects, effortlessly shouting over everyone while waving his hands. “My brothers…why are we fighting over here like a couple of peacocks? We are all beautiful in our own, individual ways. Mine, for example, is my handsome face.”
“For the love of god hyung, we’re trying to settle something. Go take your inspirational pep talk elsewhere!” Jungkook bends his knees, swooping down to throw Jimin over his shoulder but he misses when the man starts tickling him ruthlessly.
“St-ah-stop it Jimin!"
“You stop it, you frickin’ brat! Trying to take advantage of our hyungs for your own selfish gain.” Jimin then slaps Jungkook on the ass which does not go unappreciated as Hoseok cackles from the other side of the room. Up until this point, he’s been scrolling on his phone, completely unbothered by the chaos. As Hoseok nears the action, Jungkook delivers a swift kick to Jimin’s rear end.
“Ow, what the fuck Kook?!” Jimin tries soothing the sting by massaging it with his hands. “You little prick!”
“Oh come on, I barely hit you. Gaining sympathy points won’t help this time, plus I see you trying to hide a grin. You think this shit is funny. You’re sick you know that?”
Jimin makes a move to return the kick to his youngest member but ends up hitting a far taller, and leaner subject instead. Taehyung, who just returned from the bathroom, throws a hand over his abdomen and grunts from the sudden impact.
“What is—shit Jimin that really hurt!” Taehyung’s baritone voice echoes off the walls as he winces from the pain. He takes a few deep breaths, then viciously eyes the two brawlers followed by the rest of the room. “What the hell is going on? I heard you all talking about __-nim from the hallway. Yoongi-hyung here is trying to kick off his album and tour, which we are supposed to be celebrating over drinks this Friday, but here you are arguing with each other and who has the biggest dick. Well, you can all put it away because as __-nim’s best friend, and number one wingman, only I’m allowed to set her up with someone and it won’t be with any of you! Sorry hyung…” he looks at Namjoon who appears to have brushed the comment off.
As soon as Taehyung ceases his mini-speech, eery silence sets in. Hoseok is the first to dare say a word.
“Uh, so what’s this about being her best friend Tae?”
“Yeah, I had no idea either.” Jimin quirks his head to the side, awaiting the details.
“Same,” Namjoon adds in a short breath.
“What happened to us, man?” Jungkook pouts at Taehyung, a total 180 from moments ago when he was in an unsolicited sparring match with Jimin. “You used to share everything with me. Now you’re holding out on me. Since when did you and __-nim start hanging out?”
Yoongi’s ears perk up for the first time since all the commotion began, curious to hear Taehyung’s response. He only recently discovered the blossoming friendship hours ago and even then, it was a brief inside look.
“I didn’t think to mention it but yeah, we started talking since her first day at Hybe. I bumped into her on the way into work, early morning for both of us. I expected her to be a bit on the reserved side, considering she was a new hire, but she was quite friendly. The more we talked, the more I felt like I knew her as if a childhood best friend I’d reconnected with.” Pausing, he wets his lips before continuing. “We share a lot of our meals together now, like our lunches during the weekday. Her food tastes amazing by the way. I think she missed her calling as a chef but it’s more than food— it’s a love language, a labor of love.”
“Wow, you two sure are connected,” Hoseok speaks first again, seeing the rest of his members working to process the new bit of info.
“Platonically, yes.”
“This’ll be good for Yoongi-hyung and his album then! No bad blood exists here!” Hoseok shifts his gaze between Taehyung and Yoongi, pleased with the outcome. The older of the two remains speechless, yet it’s far from a dazed expression. Yoongi is instead deep in thought, the wheels turning in his head.
So maybe it’s true that birds of a feather flock together, he hums to himself. The two of you seem to be social butterflies with a vase full of commonalities. He, on the other hand, prefers his solitude. That’s not to say he’s a hermit or anything though. Hybe hosts a company-wide New Year’s Eve party every single year and he’s made his best effort to attend them all. He mainly mingles with his members, but he still makes sure to small talk with other coworkers. Come to think of it, did he even see you at last year’s New Year’s Eve party?
He can’t remember much from the night except Seokjin scolding him for not wishing him a happy birthday the minute the clock struck midnight. He was a bit tipsy at that point. Taehyung disappeared soon after to make his usual rounds, stopping to chat with everyone in his path. Maybe he took off to talk to you during that time.
Okay, he really needs to stop thinking about you.
"Just to confirm, is everyone still on for Friday night to celebrate D-Day?" Jimin pipes. "I booked us a good place to have some food and drinks.
Taehyung nods, "I am, as long as it's not the same place we saw our CFO and his much younger date feeding each other. I couldn't eat for the rest of that night."
Jungkook fakes a gag before replying. "I'm sorry but does anyone know how is he still working here? Guy creeps me out."
"I swear, I couldn't agree more. Just yesterday he made an egregiously body-shaming comment toward __-nim to someone else on the board. She kept a brave front when she told me, but I'm damn tempted to get him removed from his position myself!" Taehyung's nostrils flare as he shares his frustration, fingers digging into his hips.
Yoongi takes a final chug of his water before abruptly tossing the bottle on the floor. A sharp crack resounds through the space, instantly commanding the authority of the room. “Fifteen minutes is over,” he gruffs. “It might be twenty minutes with all the bickering earlier. We don't have time to be talking about this anymore.”
“Come on now," Hoseok says. "Didn't you hear what Taehyung said? Our CFO really is a class-A jerk. I feel so bad that __-nim has to put up with his bullshit, she doesn't deserve it." His eyes frantically search the room, hoping to rally support.
"Don't worry about that asshole," Yoongi assures, "I'll handle it." He strides over to his choreographed position on the dance floor as if a leader in his own right, the rest of the members following in his steps.
"Just don't kill him, hyung," Namjoon says, resting a hand on the older's shoulder from behind. Yoongi merely snorts lightly in reply.
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Yoongi is dead tired, his feet feeling heavier the minute he stands from his studio chair. He could have left hours ago, but here it is nearly 9:30 at night, and he's only just leaving the office.
As he shuffles down the hallway towards the elevator, he notices the eerie silence. It's thick, almost palpable. There's not a soul left in the building this late at night. When the elevator doors open, he leans casually against the metal rail, closes his eyes, and mentally retraces his day.
Overall, it was a decent day, he thinks, productive at best. Skipping dinner to work on his album tracks was an easy decision, but he might be paying for it now given the intense growling of his stomach. Despite his songs being considered perfect by his members, he can't help but tweak each one a final time. It's as if his gut tells him there's still a piece missing from the whole.
All at once, the elevator comes to a sudden stop. Yoongi's eyes shoot open, anticipation flooding his senses. Is someone still here? He listens intently, straining to hear any sound over the faint hum of the elevator. After a few moments that feel like an eternity, the elevator doors slide open to reveal an empty, dimly lit hallway. It's the 16th floor. He hesitates for a second, peering into the shadows, but there’s no sign of anyone. Strange.
Just as the elevator doors begin to close, Yoongi hears a distant, unmistakable voice. "Please hold the door!" you plead, your voice strained with urgency. He responds immediately, stretching out an arm to block the door. "Thank you so much," you say, slipping in beside him, your bag thrown over your shoulder.
Yoongi watches as you enter, curiosity in his eyes. It seems you were of like mind tonight, working late and likely burdened by the extra work he caused for you. The feeling of tension is as clear as it was yesterday, lingering as a reminder of the unspoken discomfort between you both.
But then again, there's that issue Taehyung mentioned, looming in his thoughts. He hadn't realized you overheard the horrendous comment his CFO made about you. No wonder you hurried away from him like a bat out of hell yesterday; you knew he knew. He wouldn't dare shine a light on the situation and risk embarrassing you further; no one needs to relive such a belittling experience. Yet, he's wrestling with the right words to say.
"Heading home, Min PD-nim?" You surprise him by speaking first, voice firm with a touch of gentleness.
Yoongi allows a faint smile to tug at the corners of his lips, hoping it'll relieve some tension. "I am, it's been quite a day. What about you?"
You nod, shifting the bag on your shoulder. "Same here. Just had to wrap up a few things before heading out."
He hesitates for a moment, noting how you speak as if it were only a few minutes past five or six in the evening. "I understand. I was working in my studio up until now. I should be back up there tomorrow too," he says, then chuckles lightly, "Sometimes I feel like I should just live up there."
You return the subtle laugh and smile softly at him, your light brown eyes catching his dark ones. It feels like the same prolonged gaze you shared upon first meeting, yet now, it's somehow become easier; perhaps a hint of familiarity.
"By the way," he continues, seizing the opportunity, "feel free to call me Yoongi-ssi. I'm not that formal in case you didn't know." He playfully gestures to his casual attire; tan cargo pants, grey plaid button-down, and sneakers.
You seem hesitant towards the request at first, evident from your delayed response. "Are you sure?" you choke. "I don't want to over step my boundaries."
"There's no need to worry about that," he assures. "We're on equal level aren't we? If we're going to be working side by side for the next eight months give or take, I want us to feel comfortable with each other. Please, call me Yoongi-ssi."
"Okay, I might need some time to get used to that," you say, head nodding, "I'll try calling you Yoongi-ssi from now on."
"There's one other thing too," he pauses, "since we'll be working on D-Day's promotion from start to finish, I'll have many of my own opinions. It's a natural instinct for me, but I don't want to be a hinderance. I don't want anyone else giving you issues either, so I'd like to hear your full thoughts on matters, especially when it comes to important decisions."
"That means a lot Yoongi-ssi, thank you. I'm very grateful that you'd allow me to be a part of this and I'd very much like us to have an equal partnership. This is your album though, so I want to make sure it gets the recognition it deserves in the way you'd prefer."
Yoongi glances at the floor numbers displayed to the right of the elevator doors. Any second now and you'll reach the lobby. He wouldn't mind talking longer, but letting you both get a decent night's sleep is the far better idea at this point.
"I trust that D-Day is in the right hands with you, __ssi," he replies. "It's why I recommended that we work together to promote it in the first place. Bang PD was also confident in the idea. We don't doubt your expertise for a second." He pauses when the elevator doors slide open and allows you to be the first to exit. "Have a good night, okay?"
For the first time, you reciprocate the wish with a full, illuminating smile. It's not a professional one, Yoongi notes, its a real one—as genuine and sincere as his words. He takes it as a sign that the tides may finally be turning for the better. "You too," he hears you say before you push through the large revolving doors and step into the cool night air.
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In the evenings that follow, Yoongi finds himself back in his studio as promised, a glass of whiskey in hand. He ultimately decided that if he was going to be here until all hours of the night, he might as well have a cold beverage to keep him company.
As he leans back in his chair, swirling the dark amber liquor in his glass, his mind inadvertently wanders to you. Were you downstairs again? Were you here with him? It would seem that given your unexpected late-night encounter in the elevator, the validity of the idea wouldn't be all that wild or far-fetched.
With each passing minute, as the clock inches closer to the late hours, he finds himself circling back to the same thought. It's as if the possibility of running into you has become a highlight of his night.
Just then, a deep and familiar voice interrupts. "Burning the midnight oil again, hyung?"
Startled, Yoongi looks up to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, a sympathetic smile on his face. Despite it being almost 9 at night, his younger member is nothing short of flawless in appearance.
"Yeah, working on my tracks," Yoongi replies, offering a small smile in return. "What are you doing here?"
Taehyung steps further into the room, hand tucked in his pocket. "I wanted to stay late to keep __-nim company, but I'm not sure how much longer she plans on staying tonight. I was on my way out when I figured I'd stop by to see you too."
"Well, thanks for thinking of me. Want a drink?" He offers, nodding towards the nearby whiskey bottle.
"No, thanks," Taehyung declines politely, shaking his head. "I'll let you enjoy your whiskey in peace. Although, __-nim might take you up on that same offer one of these days. She has a strong taste for it, as you do. Anyway, I'm heading out. Don't overdo it with your music, hyung, they're already perfect."
Once Taehyung leaves the studio, Yoongi's previous string of thoughts return to him tenfold.
So you really are here, he muses, and you happen to like the same throat-burning alcohol. Should he venture downstairs and offer a drink? No, that would probably be too much, and he wouldn't want to interrupt you. Maybe if Taehyung were accompanying him, but not alone; he doesn't share enough rapport with you to merit such a spontaneous drop-in yet.
No, he takes another sip of his whiskey, he'll see you tomorrow morning instead; during your morning meeting. But that gets him thinking—he's still yet to decide on whether or not he'll make an appearance on Fallon's show. He’d done it with his members numerous times, but this would be the first time doing it alone. His album would indeed benefit from the exposure, though.
"Damn it," he curses, raising from his seat. "I work my ass off. I work my ass off for it all!" He then sits back down, finishing off the rest of his whiskey in one gulp, the burn soothing his frustration momentarily. With a resigned sigh, he turns his attention back to his music. "Damn it, I guess I'll do it."
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If it weren't for his phone notification reminding him of his 10 am meeting on Friday, Yoongi would have missed it entirely. Normally, he never forgets important events, but several late nights in the studio had predictably caught up with him. He feels extremely sleep-deprived today, his memory more prone to blanking than usual. Waking up with a throbbing headache at 5 am, which hasn't dimmed in the slightest, doesn’t help either. Nonetheless, with only ten minutes to spare, Yoongi has no choice but to pull himself together and head downstairs to the conference room.
"Good morning, Min PD-nim," you greet him as he walks through the door. "We're about to start."
Yoongi drags out a chair and takes a seat. You look nice today, he notes quietly to himself. He makes sure to send a small smile your way before returning the warm greeting. "Good morning __-ssi," he says. "I told you we can speak informally didn't I?"
He waits for your response, easily tuning out the startled reactions from the rest of the team. Most high-ranking officials in the organization expected to be addressed formally by those in lower positions, but here he was, openly requesting you to speak as equals. It was almost unheard of during work hours. He was Min Yoongi, after all.
"Right, of course," you reply, "You'll have to excuse me, Yoongi-ssi. It slipped my mind for a moment."
Yoongi watches as you shuffle a few papers in your hand before continuing. "To get us started, I thought we'd discuss the decision to schedule a spot on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Will we be proceeding with this?"
"After mauling it over I think it's a good idea for the album. Do we have an idea of when this would happen?"
"Ideally after the album releases and around the time the U.S. tour begins April 26th. I say we aim for early May. Given Fallon's show's high demand, we'll need to get a jump on this as soon as we can." You shift your attention to your digital marketing and promotions team. "So-hyun, can you reach out to the producers and see what strings we can pull?"
She nods, scribbling a quick note on her writing pad. "We'll reach out today. I'll let you know as soon as we get a response."
"Excellent, thank you. I'm glad to hear you're on board with this Yoongi-ssi. It'll be a great way to promote D-Day and attract a global audience. The more smartly we utilize our resources, the better your album will be positioned in the current market." You take a brief pause to flip through your notes again. "Speaking of resources, we'll need to start booking magazine shoots and interviews. I'm proposing we run cover pages with Marie Claire Korea and Vogue Japan."
Yoongi would be taken aback by the flood of ideas and schedules you're firing at him, all within the first fifteen minutes, if he weren't already aware of your level of competency. This is exactly why he chose you, he hums to himself, your preparedness is impressive, but not surprising.
"I presume this will take place next year?" he asks. "During their spring issues?"
"Absolutely. We'll submit inquiries soon to get the ball rolling, but having the shoots completed now would be premature. Plus, it'll take some time before there are any openings with the companies. I think we should be consistent with tour dates and have Marie Claire go out in May and Vogue ready in August of next year."
"Okay, I'm fine with all that but we'll need to have something exciting released now, don't we? I know I start my weekly lives tonight, but shouldn't there be something more we can do?"
"I agree," you reply. "That's why I wanted to propose a brand new idea that came to me a couple of nights ago while I was drafting promotional content. Anytime idols release a new album or music, it gets published on YouTube, right?"
He nods, curious on where you're heading. "Right."
"Why don't we start a talk show with you as the host Yoongi-ssi? It can allow your fans to see another side of you, as well as the general public. We can invite your BTS members as guests where you can discuss music or past challenges that you've had to overcome—the choice is yours. To make it more interesting for viewers, you can have these frank conversations over a glass of whiskey or soju."
"I like the idea," he says, weighing it in his mind. "What would the timeline look like for this?"
"If we move forward with the idea, I suggest December 5th and we continue it for a max of two months. I know that only leaves us with just under two weeks to get started, but creating the set shouldn't take more an a day or a day and a half. We can also easily shoot a 30 to 60-minute video in an afternoon and publish it on YouTube the following week. Of course, a preview of the show will need to go out beforehand."
"Would we be able to invite other guests to the show? Outside of my members, I mean."
"Yes, feel free to invite whoever you'd like. We can start with the member for the first several episodes but ultimately, welcoming a variety of guests from the same or differing industries would be the goal."
"If I may." A member of the social media team suddenly joins the discussion, "I think Kim Namjoon-nim might be a good person to feature first since Indigo releases December 2nd."
Yoongi nods in agreement. "I can ask him."
"That would be fantastic, actually. If his availability is limited, we could have him guest star for the second or third episode instead," you add. "Hoseok released Jack in the Box this summer so we could have him be the first guest as well."
"Do we have a name yet?"
"Suchwita," you answer without hesitation. "It's a play on words with Daechwita."
"Suchwita..." Yoongi repeats, "Time to get drunk." He chuckles at the last few words, amusing the room, but you remain contemplative.
"How about Suchwita...time to drink with Suga, instead? It's simple and has a slight whimsical nature."
"Sure, let's use that," he answers, noticing that you've already begun jotting down the idea. "Yours is better."
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Despite the adrenaline from the productive meeting with you and your team, Yoongi still feels the weight of his sleepless nights bearing down on him. His headache remains relentless and he is in dire need of a moment to himself. Once the team disperses, he slips his phone into his pocket and makes his way outside. The crisp, early morning air should offer him some relief, along with the pack of cigarettes tucked in his pocket.
When he reaches the building's designated smoking area, Yoongi takes out a cigarette and lights it, taking a deep drag as he leans against the cool brick wall. As he exhales, watching the smoke dissipate into the clear sky, his thoughts drift back to the meeting. The idea of hosting a talk show, "Suchwita...time to drink with Suga," still lingers in his mind. It’s an intriguing concept, and he can already envision the relaxed, candid conversations that could come from it.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps crunching on the ground nearby.
"Oh, Yoongi-ssi," you say with alarm, obviously startled by his presence. "I didn't mean to interrupt you. I'll come back lat-"
"There's no need for that. Join me if you'd like." Yoongi watches as you hesitate to accept his offer, your feet already positioned to head back inside the building. "Seriously, there's plenty of room, and no matter what they'll tell you, I don't bite."
He allows himself to smirk as you carefully move beside him, only stopping when there is at least two feet of space between you both.
"Thanks," you say, pulling out your own pack of cigarettes and lighting one. "I needed a break too."
"Rough morning?"
"Just busy," you reply, leaning against the wall next to him. "But the meeting went well. We should be able to get the ball rolling now that we have a more finalized plan. I'm glad you liked the idea of starting Suchwita, by the way."
"I do," Yoongi says, nodding. "It has a lot of potential and I'm sure Namjoon will be more than happy to help us out. He's a natural at this kind of stuff. I guess it's why he's our band leader."
"You know you're good at all of this too, don't you, Yoongi-ssi?" You pause, taking a puff of your cigarette. "Even when you have a lot on your mind and a packed schedule, you have a knack for making people feel at ease. It's why I think producing Suchwita will be such a great way to connect with fans and other artists—you'll be the host."
He chuckles, appreciative of the remark. "You really think that? That I make people feel at ease? It's not what a lot of people assume."
"Nah," you reply, tilting your head up toward the clouds. "They're just on the outside looking in. Those who know you, who are around you and talk to you, will agree that you're a pretty calming presence."
"Well, I think we're not so different then." Yoongi shifts his eyes to your face, still looking up at the sky, and smiles softly. "So, what made you come to BigHit? Didn't you say you worked for Atlantic Records? That's a pretty good gig."
"Yeah, it was. I learned a lot there, and man, I was thrilled when I got offered the job as a brand manager. I've always loved music, ever since I was a kid. I could connect so intimately with the lyrics. Music is one of the few things that could soothe me during rough times, and it still does today. I'm sure you can understand."
Yoongi nods, intent on listening to your every word, intrigued by your story.
"Anyway, sorry about getting long-winded here" you chuckle. "I ultimately decided to move on when Bang PD reached out and offered me the marketing manager position for TXT. It gave me the chance to be a more integral part of bringing music to individuals who need it most. It's like we say, 'music for art and healing.' I'd never had the opportunity to manage a completely new set of musicians before either, let alone a group. Plus, being on the global marketing team? I couldn't turn it down."
"It makes sense why you joined us then, and I have to say, it's a blessing you did too. Music is a way of communication for me, a way I can best express my story. That includes my past, present, and hopefully future. After hearing all you shared, I don't think there's anyone else I'd trust with handling my album promos." Yoongi pauses a moment, unsure if he should ask the next thing on his mind. "How come we never met before? I mean really meet and talk?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure myself. But things have a way of falling into place when the time is right, I suppose." You're now looking at him, the intensity of your gaze mirrors his own. A gentle breeze tousles a few strands of your hair and for a split moment, Yoongi begins to understand what Taehyung meant earlier when he said it feels like he's known you his whole life, like a childhood friend he'd reconnected with. While it may not be to that extent for himself, there's a comforting warmth emanating from you that leaves him feeling strangely tranquil.
"Given the circumstances, I feel like we should have at least met through Taehyung by now," he slips out. "Or even at a company-sponsored event."
"Why, do you like me that much, Yoongi-ssi? After five days of working together?" Your playful tease catches him off guard, revealing a side of you he hadn't seen before. It's kind of cute-wait, what?
"Sorry," you quickly interject, feeling the need to backtrack. "I shouldn't have said it like that."
"Don't worry, there's no need for apologies. And to answer your question, I like you enough." He hopes you can hear the tease in his own tone as he responds.
You both lapse into a comfortable silence for the next few minutes, the only sounds being the distant hum of traffic and the occasional chirp of a bird. He finds all of it soothing in a way he can't quite explain.
After a few minutes, you turn to him, your expression thoughtful. "You know, if you ever need to talk or just need a break, I'm here. We're teammates now."
Yoongi looks at you, his tired eyes softening with gratitude. "Thanks, __-ssi."
You give him a reassuring smile before pushing off the wall. "I'll let you finish your cigarette. See you later? And by later, I likely mean at 9 or 10 pm in our company elevator."
"Yeah, see you later," he laughs, watching as you walk back toward the building. He takes one last inhale, extinguishing the cigarette and letting the remaining smoke escape his lips slowly.
Yeah, he likes you just enough.
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a/n: Hope you enjoyed it! Lmk what you think 🥰
@jksjx @junecat18 @babystarcandyjk97 @mygssibal @unoriginal-username15432 @vikibangtann @coffeedepressionsoup @jjkluver7 @p34rluv @tannieflix @kingofbodyrolls @butterymin @waitaminswife @mygssibal @rkivved-girl @parapiop7 @betysotelo18 @mimisweaterpaws @wobblewobble822 @a-gayish-unicorn @constancelayon @idkreallys-blog @juju-227592 @urlovelily @itsmina29 @jub-jub @cerulean1riz @rinkud
Masterlist | Requests: closed | Taglist | Fic Recs
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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herecomethefuzzz · 1 year
hi sylv!! btw i wanna say quick tysm for ur support on my fics🥺💗ur always so kind in the tags it makes my day <3
i come w/ a request!! best friend! reader petsitting jambo + the other guy while schlatt's away and him coming back to see you sleeping on the couch with the cats and him realizing he has feelings for you🥺
-rabbitsrams <3
OHMYGOD HELLO ???? you have no idea how excited i got when i saw your user. i love your writing so much its actually amazing !!! anyway, here you go !! it might be a bit long and it probably sounds like i was rambling a bit sometimes because my brain literally. exploded. but uhh yeah !! i hope its okay (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
- a couple days ago your best friend, schlatt, asked if you could look after his cats whilst he went out to film something for his channel. he'd promised you they wouldn't be too much of a problem.
- of course you'd said yes, not wanting to let him down. it was only for the day, couldn't be too big of a job, right? oh my god you were wrong. those two cats were just so CHAOTIC when they were together.
- that day you learnt that a black cat and an orange cat are not a good combo.
- absolute hell. you had jambo running about, doing classic orange cat stuff, and the other little guy was so. loud. literally all he did was MEOW. it didn't help that he didn't let you pet him much, seen as he didn't know you.
- you'd tripped over them more times than you could count, and, honestly, you had considered calling schlatt and telling him to come home more than once.
- it got even worse when they started to get hungry. literally round your legs CONSTANTLY meowing. it was only when you walked into the kitchen that you realised they were hungry.
- once you'd fed them, there was finally peace and quiet. so you decided to go and relax on the couch. it was late, and you were beginning to get tired anyway. you curled up and went on your phone, mindlessly scrolling through twitter. (X?? idk i just call it twitter LUL)
- after around ten minutes, both cats pattered back into the living room. you sighed, expecting them to wreak havoc again, but instead they both jumped up on the couch, and came to lay with you.
- you put your phone down as they did so, and jambo came to curl up right in your arms, whilst the other kitty laid in between your legs.
- you smiled, happy that the two kitties had finally calmed down. infact, everything was so calm and quiet that you felt yourself drifting off.
- it didn't take long for you to finally fall asleep, with the two cats being snuggled up to you, they gave you a lot of warmth.
- not long after you'd fallen asleep, schlatt had gotten home. he was grinning as he got to his front door, expecting you to be up with the cats, waiting for him.
- he opened the door, shouting a, "hey toots! i'm back!" as he walked down the hallway. as he rounded the corner to walk into the living room, his jaw literally dropped. very dramatic reaction from mr. schlatt here.
- his eyes travelled from you, to the black cat inbetween your legs, then to jambo, and he felt himself smile. maybe he even felt himself go a little pink.
- the fact you were comfortable enough to fall asleep in his house made his heart beat just that little bit faster, but he had no clue why.
- and then it hit him. as he looked at your pretty face again, studying you as if you were an art piece in a gallery, he realised he had feelings for you.
this was originally meant to be like. a proper fic. but i then realised that my brain cannot comprehend writing an actual story right now so it got turned into a bulleted thing i hope you dont mind (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
hi!!! i was reading your cookie run fics and i LOVE THEM SM!!! especially capsaicin- hes such a sweet boy 🥺love him to pieces
may i request a dark cacao x gn reader who finds it hard to be serious, and is really bubbly? like they might be at a meeting or something and reader just cannot keep up their serious facade!
thank you and have a great day :D
Bubbly!Reader Headcanons
dark cacao cookie x gn reader
summary: how dark cacao acts with a happy & bubbly s/o (i wanted to make a scenario w/ this but my brain couldn't think of anything good :,)) i hope it's ok and i hope u still enjoy it anon ilysm ty for requesting)
warnings: physical touch, maybe ooc(?) (he is very very soft for u), i think that's all but lmk if i missed any
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confused by your constantly happy personality at first, but eventually got used to it and warmed up to you. now, your joyfulness is like a calming remedy for him whenever he's stressed.
thinks it's adorable whenever he sees you trying your hardest to look serious; thinks you always look so cute whenever you do.
^^^ likes to playfully tease you about this afterwards. likes seeing your flustered expression.
he always feels at peace whenever he's around you. your warm and happy demeanor always manages to bring a soft smile to his face.
loves it when you hug him. your touch is warmer than anything else he's ever encountered, and the butterflies in his stomach go crazy whenever you hold him.
likes hearing your voice. he could listen to you for hours on end, so he loves it whenever you indulge him in one of your long talks about anything that you find interesting.
likes spending time with you. your very existence makes him happy, so any time he spends with you and your warm, bubbly nature is time he treasures.
overall very soft around you and loves your personality. you always seem to make him smile, and he's always glad to have you around <33
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a/n: he,,,, he is so,,,,,,,,,, anyways um i was gonna set up the event but then 3 requests got sent in overnight so once i finish those then the fun event will come so look out for that yAY,,,,,,, also tysm for showing ur support anon it genuinely means so much to me aaaaa pls request some more stuff if u want ur so nice aaaaaaaaaa would love to have u as a named anon in the aquarium but also if u dont want to that's fine too im just so happy that someone likes my works that much AAAAAAAAA TY <3333333333333333
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? lemme know!
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hyunluvscreamy · 2 years
can u do enha with a little reader 🥺 plz i love ur writing
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tysm anon<33 sunoo is my fav here💘😖💝
tbh heeseung had known abt it before you had even realized, just the way you always wanted to do more childish stuff,do those daddy little girl rolepays etc. so when you talked to him abt it you were so thankful how supportive and understanding he was. he took you to the store the next day n bought everything you wanted.
omfg jay would be the best at this spoiling you,showering you with love,giving you spanks when you misbehave. he absolutely LOVES how dependent you are on him the amount of trust you have for him boosts his ego sm,so if ANYONE were to make fun of you OH BOY their lucky if their life isn’t ruined then and there. anyways the important part is he loves you more then anyone and so do you<33
jake would feel like he just fell in love with you all over again, he treats you like you were made of glass one wrong touch and you would be broken. your his precious little baby and he wouldn’t change it for the world
sunghoon is so perfect for this, he’d always make sure to bring your coloring stuff n paci wherever you go, if you were to get embarrassed abt it he’d make sure to let you know it’s one of the many things he adores abt u and to whoever made you feel that way..their DEAD. would call you daddy’s little girl/boy/baby (he has a daddy kink IDC IDC)
jungwon would be slightly confused at first but wouldn’t judge you he would just ask you to explain it, he’ll do TONS of research he wanted to know everything abt u this included. the first time you had entered little space when he was around he made sure he was right by you giving you everything you needed n made sure to note all the little things you did.
OMG SUNOOOOO😖😖this boy would ADORE IT like he just can’t imagine a more precious thing, when you look at him with your big doe eyes and a paci in your mouth he just can’t resist the urge to smother you in kisses<33 the point is he thinks your absolutely adorable in and out of little space and would do everything he can to protect your innocence
niki understands it very well, bcs he didn’t have much of a childhood either so that made him even more protective of you. he knows you’ve been through a lot so he’ll make it his mission to let you know your loved and precious
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base0h · 2 years
Okay, on account of recent requests, I now have something to ask. What Usopp, Barto, and Kid with an S/O who's hobby is art but can pretty much only draw stick figures. How would they react to finding a painting of themselves in stick figure form?
a/n - barto would cherish that drawing more than he cherishes his Luffy posters I just know it 😭 tysm for this request anon! This is so adorable 🥺💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid lmao
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- He loves you so much, but this boy is the definition of “Aw sweetie you’re talented in other things!”
- … I’m sorry but it’s true
- Barto can’t do art, it’s just not very compatible with him
- Idk once he tried to paint something of you (I think he put Luffy in the background somewhere) and he accidentally dropped the paint bucket on his head, turning his hair pink for around a month
- He supports every single one of your hobbies, it doesn’t matter what the hobby is!
- Cooking? Of course! He’ll help in whatever way he can :) Writing? Omg you better read him bed time stories 😭
- Today, he was walking around the ship, looking for you in literally every room
- “Y/n?!” He was so confused- where the hell did you go ?!
- He found you seated at the table, extremely focused on something, so he decided to try and be quiet for you
- He tiptoed (like those fucking cartoons) trying not to make a single peep
- He looked over your shoulder, struggling not to make a noise
- You were drawing! But.. Why did that stick figure kinda look like him??
- His eyes widened when he realized you were drawing him
- His heart melted, his eyes turning into little sparkles of amazement and care
- “Y/n is that me?!”
- “WHAT THE FUCK?!” You were startled, man forgot he was supposed to be quiet
- You scared the living shit out of the poor boy, “WHA- WHAT’S WRONG?!”
- “Barto- why’d you sneak up on me?!”
- Poor boy didn’t mean to scare you! He was just so amazed by that drawing of him
- It doesn’t even matter if the drawing was good or bad, he literally didn’t care
- He took that drawing and framed it in his room, and he asked you to draw another one so he could keep one with him at all times 😭
- This boy will do anything for you, and seeing you draw him? That just made him fall even more for you (if that’s even possible, man’s already head over heels for you)
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- Honestly Usopp is a pretty good artist himself!
- He painted the strawhats flag after all!
- He was going about his day, gathering random scraps of materials he found scattered around the ship
- He went to go say hello to you, his precious, amazing y/n (who always protected him in his times of need)
- He paused when he saw what exactly you were drawing today
- He tried his best not to just burst out laughing
- “Oh- Usopp!” You said with a grin, looking up from your stick figure drawing
- Usopp gazed at the photo with a snicker, taking a look at how- long his nose was
- how dare you make his nose 3 inches longer than it should be?! 💀
- he was yelling at you while pointing at his nose for a while after that
- “I’m gonna sue you!” He shouted jokingly
- “Mhm with what money??”
- …
- “NAMI?!” -Usopp
- pssssssst- he kept the drawing anyways 😭
- he uses it as hype up material for when he’s scared or about to fight someone strong hehe 🥺
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- Kid’s a mechanic, not an artsy guy
- he lets you do you though, it’s not bothering him, actually he kinda likes seeing whatever you end up drawing from day to day
- your drawing today was of him, and instead of stick figures, you decided to practice some anatomy! (It obviously went wrong)
- His chest was extremely disproportionate to the rest of his body (it was literally like you stuck watermelons onto his chest 💀)
- Perhaps that’s how you saw him
- Kid looked over your shoulder and immediately took a step back
- Was that.. HIM?!
- Man got so angry lmao
- He had to lecture you about how he’s actually not that large and how his tiddies are “small”
- You couldn’t even practice anatomy in peace with this dumbass tulip head
- “KILLER! My chest isn’t that big right?! Y/n’s fucking blind!”
- Killer snickered, and he agreed with you, the drawing you drew was pretty accurate
- … kid you need to calm down 😭
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a/n - lmao I love barto 😭
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mecachrome · 1 month
First off tysm for the cyw x cyn gifs you made i love them very much ❤️ but also did you see how they changed the names of their matching ig albums...and i think even deleted/hid some pics....😔 im so sad
omg anon it is my pleasure!!! and i'm not that surprised tbh because even before the individual events cyw hid a bunch of her old posts that showed her old ex-synchro partner/gf (also the post where she called herself cyn's bodyguard c__c) but it's fine because we are archivists are we not ❤️ also cyw's album name is still the same and i think yani changing it to 🐻 (her nickname) is kind of romantic 🥺
but the vibes of the olympic 4 are so interesting tbh because i feel like qhc is mostly cyw's baby t (the pin of her face on her backpack during the final 😭) while cyn and cyx are a lot closer relatively and then cyx and qhc themselves are like... yuxi: Why are you crasyinsane but why am i still fond of you and carrying you around everywhere. and then 🍐🐻 are out here posing with the babies' cp support banner on instagram for some reason. THE LAYERS... anyway may i offer you cyn getting lost at the airport and cyw shouting 妹妹! to call her over in these trying times! they're so qt 2 me... also this fantaken clip of cyn being all pouty and clingy before the podiumasdlfkhsfdlh ;;___;;
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rainy-astrology · 2 years
hiii would i be able to request a chart reading for bp jennie or rosé? tysm & have a lovely day🥺🤍
Sure, today's my day off and I don't have much to do lol. I've decided to do Rosé since she's my bias :). If you're still curious about Jennie, I can do a separate post for her (I might anyway since I am a bit curious about BP's birth charts in general too, so I may rewrite Rosé's). If you have the time, please tell me bc I can't seem to find a confirmed time 😅. I've read she might be an Aries rising, but idk if that's true or not. I will just stick to 12 pm and put my own guess.
BlackPink Rosé Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinions and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May add/change later.
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February 11th, 1997
Auckland, New Zealand
Unknown time
☀️♒️, 🌙♈️
Sun in Aquarius is in detriment. She wants to be unique and expressive while also not wanting to stand out too much (may be worried about getting too much attention and/or attention in a bad way)
Aries moon gives her some impulsiveness and sensitivity. Aries moon are very emotional and reactive
She loves and expresses herself in unconventional ways.
She's independent and bold, she'll always do what she wants to. Nothing can stop her from achieving what she wants.
Aquarius stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter) enhances her Aquarius traits. Humanitarian, creative, and innovative. Forming friendships and bonds may be a major theme in her life. She may want to create and start something new and unique, most likely with her music and performance.
My guess on her rising: Libra. Libra rising in the 2nd decan would give her a 5th house stellium, which I think suits Rosé a lot. She obviously loves music, it's her best form of self expression. She loves drawing, singing, performing in general...Out of all the BP members, she's the one I can see still continuing a music career for a long time. She definitely lives for it. She also has a naturally friendly vibe imo she really does seem so approachable. She's pretty social in general (seems to have a lot of fun at parties haha) and Libra risings can be outgoing. Physically, she's got an oval face shape with symmetrical features and nice skin (apparently a lot of Libra risings have nice skin). She's quite long limbed and proportionate, tall.
Libra rising would also likely give her a Cancer MC, which may be why she's quite sensitive and emotional. She has a soft and gentle appearance to the public, even having a sentimental type of vibe to her work and public persona in general(imo the song "Gone" really showcased her skills and sentimental nature the best). She seems to long support from other people, especially with people she's very close to...their support means the most to her, which I think are very Libra and Cancer traits.
However, I've also read she may be an Aries rising, which also wouldn't surprise me either. It would give her a 10th house stellium so it makes her focused on her career and goals. Some of what I said about 5th house stellium can be applied to her 10th house stellium. Moon would likely land in her 1st house (if in the 1st decan...), which could also explain why she's able to express her deeper emotions easily.
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kaletalecowboy · 10 months
tell me any of your kaejean thoughts please 👀
(btw i love your new blog theme so much!!)
also aboutg kaejean. where do i even start like😭😭😭 cringefail on cringefail love but neither of them are really cringefails I.dontknow
here are some hcs i have for them I think!!
-> They sit together to eat during break :) they play tcg side by side sometimes or just chat about stuff
-> Jean tries to? dodge her break by going noo its fine ill just sign some documents during break since its lighter work anyway so kaeya will just likj. start reading a book a book to her? usually a romance novel,,,, it usually ends with jean just giving up on the paperwork and listening to kaeya because you cant read documents like that can you
-> this is cannon iirc but they both just make shit up (scary stories) to scare klee into behaving so idk them doing that together such evil fucked up people!! bsdhjdb
-> jean only drinks black coffee because. jean. and kaeya does canonically drink like coffee with chocolate and stuff added in so jean is like? huh why would you do that coffee and then eula walks in with a steel chair (fizzy coffee. kaeya thinks its hilarious)
-> kaeya is dragging jean to barbara's concerts all the time. also kaeya and barbara get along super well :) like she trusts in him a lot too big brother kaeya :)
(also jean pushing kaeya and diluc to #justtalkitout is something of a pet peeve of mine like?? it just comes off as being insensitive of their situation like she would not fucking say "ohh kaeya diluc make up already you guys are soo irritating 🥺🥺" not even adelinde says that forget saying it to their faces)
-> Jean hums while working :) she stops if you point it out though so no one ever does (additionally, kaeya really likes her singing voice :) )
-> jean is aware of kaeya acting out of?? knightly beaureaucratic procedures??? but she gives him the freedom to because she trusts him to handle what cant be handled straightforwardly. don't let anyone else whos innocent get hurt though that includes you captain (how kaeya feels about being trusted so much is. a different topic. he's still determined to provide her with support wherever she and mondsdadt need it however.)
-> this is also sort of cannon I think but kaeya really cant handle compliments or genuine affection bsdhjbe so everytime jean tries to flirt (she sucks at flirting just so that we're clear) its,,,,yeah,,,,,,,, idk jean is just a very genuine person usually anway so.
-> also sort of addon to previous point!! and very very very very self indulgent. JEAN FLIRTY DRUNK. anyway kaeyas heart is very glad jean doesn't drink often or he would've had hypertension by now
-> i really love the kaeyajeanrosaeula polycule though i cant imagine kaeyaeula romantically? theyre very secret fucked up 3rd thing to me as in they're this image but all they communicate to each other is the 👍emoji
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somehow this isnt everything and theres more headcannons I have for them but this is all the nonsensical rambling for today I hope this makes sense
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hi I just found your blog and I love it! Could I please have a romantic MHA male matchup?💕 (pronouns: she/her) I would be okay with any heroes / villians / students
I’m 22, I’m a Capricorn sun (cancer moon and libra rising) I have brown eyes and bright pink dyed hair - I love art like drawing and painting, art history, and baking!
I HATE bugs and I cry if one is ever near me lol. Other pet peeves: people walking really slow in front of me, people coughing in public without covering up
I’m very empathetic and always trying to lighten the mood and make people happy. I’m very chill and don’t have problems with anyone (unless they’re rude or mean to me or my friends) I can’t stand people who are rude ignorant. I’m super indecisive and need a lot of validation. A quirk someone gave me once was reality warping (kinda like the scarlet witch) and they said I would have like choatic / trickster type vibes (like loki) and that’s my dream quirk.
I’m b l i n d so always wearing my glasses haha also I love having a sense of humor. I also have anxiety and can be way too emotional sometimes. I’m an ENFP & also I love tie dye clothes, makeup, and everything pastel.
Sorry if this is way too much !!! thank you sm :)
charlotte’s interlude!!💗- AHHHH my first request!! hi love, tysm, it means the world!! i’m so glad you like my blog!! 💗😭 you sound like such a fun person oh my GOD!! all matchups and requests are open so feel free to send stuff in!! lots of love, thanks again!! 🌸🦋✨
warnings; food, swearing, anxiety mention, and bugs
i match you with…
Taishiro Toyomitsu (aka Fatgum!!)
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⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
oh my gosh so the first time you guys meet
talk about love at first SIGHT
he’s such a genuine and nice guy so he was LIVING for your empathy!! he saw you helping a stranger who had fallen over
first thing he noticed, def ur glasses!! HE THINKS THEYRE FUCKING ADORABLE OH MY GOD
once you guys are together bestie invest in some contacts bc he’s gonna be wearing those 90% of the time 💀
“Taishi, baby, I need those to SEE-“
before he even knows you very well, he’s already giving a lot of validation!! he’s always complimenting you on your makeup or your groovy asf tie dye fits!!
one of his biggest fears is that while using your quirk, you’ll get hurt or enter another reality altogether
he just wants to be with you 🥺
if it’s ok with you, he def appreciates your baking, especially for help with his quirk!! like it tastes fuckin fire and he needs to eat anyways!!
earned the title of the bug slayer!! they’re gone before you can even see them!! if you were to start crying, he would hold you and pet your hair (which he LOVES BTW), just understanding
“I know baby… it’s ok.. I won’t let anything get you!!”
he’s very very supportive and always makes sure you’re comfortable in every situation!!
he’s big on giving you hugs from behind and you guys definitely have “your song” together 🥺
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jinhyun · 2 years
just wanted to come on quickly and say i loved the recent update to watercolor, and i must say i feel really lucky to be able to read them as they come out.
theres another smau fic thats very special to me, (lover of mine by @/sulfurcosmos) but the whole story had been released when i found it. so as much as i loved discovering it all at once, it’s a different kind of experience waiting for updates and getting excited to see a new chapter of watercolor pop up :)) i had started following you a bit before you announced watercolor and literally after the first chapter i knew i was gonna be hooked.
gosh anyways,, im rambling - basically i just wanted to say i thought your work was great and im looking forward to the next chapter!!
-☕️ anon!
(also anon reveal👀 is that a thing? i literally don’t know but i figured it was time LOL)
i panicked so hard at first bc i thought you had accidentally forgotten to turn the anon on and i was like WAIT NOOOO and was already planning on resending it to myself on anon ksñajs but omg i would've never guessed it was you, tysm for being my coffee anon 🥺💕
i'm happy you're enjoying the story so far and feel lucky to be reading it as it goes, i know some people don't really enjoy that part of stories and wait until they're all done to binge read them... so i trulyyyyy appreciate your support and constant comments bc they give me the motivation to keep writing 😭💖
thank you sosososoooo much, that's really all i can say :( 💕
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seungstarss · 2 years
hello sei!!! i’ve been following you for a few months now but was always kinda scared to talk to u 😭😭😭 but tdy i plucked up the courage and there’s so much i wanna say…sorry for the rambling eep
first off thank u so so much for all the fics you write, every time i see an update it puts a smile on my face. i think i started following u halfway through recall? i was knee-deep in your writing, embarrassing as it is to say. your ideas are always so fresh and exciting and i remember screaming about your smaus to my friends after every chapter upload. your content gives me so much comfort and enjoyment after a long day, and im so so so so thankful to u for being here and coming up with all these wonderful stories and sharing them with us!!! the way you communicate with all your moots and followers says more than enough about how passionate you are, and what a genuine person you are. i wanna let u know that you’re someone i look up to a lot (im a bit younger than u) and the way you carry yourself feels so mature and in control, plus you have a consistent schedule and stick to it while balancing your responsibilities outside of this safe space you created. i really admire you and your talent, and i’ll keep following and supporting you!!! actually i’ve recently been trying to write fics myself, but i’m very new to kpop fandoms. i’ve only had experience with anime/manga fandoms so i’m still reading and learning more about the culture here, and i’m lacking quite a bit of confidence. your fics are really a huge inspiration for me and i want to continue to learn from you, both on how to be a better writer and person! maybe in the future when i’m a little more confident i can interact with you properly as a fellow writer and fan, but for now i’m content being your loyal follower 😊😊 all the best in your life, stay safe and healthy!!!
a thankful anon (u can name me if u want idk eheheh)
Omg first of all thank you for even taking the time to even read the shit I put out 🥺 like it means the world to me that you enjoyed them and that they could've made your day just a bit brighter,,,, but oml screaming to ur friends abt it??? BESTIE STOP I WILL CRY 🤚🏼😭 this is so sweet and to get an ask like this really makes me so happy. Thank you so much for enjoying my random ideas and supporting me. But sycyscsuc oml looking up to me? I WILL CRY. I WILL CRY. I bet youre also a person whos vefy respectable and talented aaaa,,,,you're the sweetest fr and I hope I can continue to bring you fics that you can enjoy 🥺💖
HELPP ABT THE SCHEDULE,,,, I REALLY HATE MAKING PEOPLE WAIT FOR SOME REASON BUT updating constantly does take some effort so tysm for telling me this 🥺😭🤚🏼
Oh and omg???? Yes I cannot wait to see you begin writing? That sounds so exciting!! And dw abt it, it might seem scary but I promise you that you'll meet many writers who will seldom you with open arms!! If you ever need any help NEVER hesitate to ask me :")) also I do also enjoy anime and manga so if u ever need someone to rant to abt that hmu hehe ♡♡♡ but take all the time you need bff and I cannot wait to read your fics in the future ♡
Anyways, thank you so much for taking the time to send me this ask, it means the world to me 🥺 please take care and stay healthy ♡ once again if u ever need anything never hesitate to ask 🥰💖
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gothicayomi · 2 years
hi hello how u doing 🥺
i wanted to pop in——being a very new follower to your blog (u deserve the follow tbh!), but a very happy one indeed——just to tell you… THANK YOU! 😭
first of all, your kirei hc post????? WHAT????? i am shaking in my boots! tysm for taking the time to write all of that! i love how free flowing your writing is and also how charming you really made kirei out to be. ugh. we need more kotomine simps out here! 😭 i really could go on, your writing really has put me in a mood 😳 but that whole post has sent me straight to the moon and i don’t even wanna come back 🥺
but before i go, i wanted to also just- 😳😳 the saber x kirei art u did?? 😳😳😳 um… i think i died.
my current status after seeing your posts in one night: a literal waterfall 😳😩❤️
babe. may you seriously get blessed for blessing us! can’t wait for your future works! and good luck especially with whatever you might be going through in life!
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Hiiii, thnx 4 the follow! OMGGGG THATS SO SWEET!! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading them! I want to maybe write a proper kirei x reader fic in the future but for now, I have too many things going on in life rn :’) but your support and kind words mean so much to me!! Kirei has been my number one since I was like 14 LOL. Man, time flies by 😔 I love him to this day n I wish there was more content on him beyond his darker qualities.
As for kotosaber, what can I say, I’m just a simp for that pair… (I rlly do wish in the future we could get some content on those two, Fate Next Encounter when?) Ive only seen the Zero and UBW animes, but haven’t read the Stay Night VN, so I don’t know if Kirei and Saber even have any prominent interactions with each other (which has drove me insane for years) but I can only imagine the kind of dynamics they’d have whether it was a master/servant relationship or something outside of that. I feel like they’d be so interesting together, no matter what the scenario would be.
Also I lowkey ship saber n Kiritsugu
Anyway, thanks so much for your kindness, I appreciate it a lot :) I may work on some more kirei content soon but we will see. Xoxo
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messyidle · 3 years
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hey.. idk if anyone missed me in these days lol i was in a hiatus actually…
i just wasn’t motivated to post anything here.. even tho i really wanted to, cause i was looking for all the 6irls activities outside korea, and 2yeon in korea, but i was just so so so so sad and could not find any motivation :( and since this tumblr was always about me having fun editing, i never wanted to feel obligated to post when i was not in the mood to it.
although, i feel better now with soyeon’s solo news!! she’s my bias i love her sosososo much i am so happy she’ll be able to show us her solo work and have promotions/physical album.
i’ll try to comeback posting as well! i have many things i want to do, minnie’s interviews icons, her sitcom icons that is up today (GO CHECK BTW!!!! the name is So Not Worth It and is available on Netflix), there’s a lot of yuqi and miyeon content as well!! and shuhua’s first solo appearance in variety show yayy!! + all of them have solo ig accounts🤩
and i also have my inbox filled with amazing requests (amazing for real.. there’s some there i’m so excited to do) that i’ll gladly make! even tho a bit slow.. they will definitely be done!!
anyways i hope that, if you like the blog and is reading until now, understands my point, and understands how hard it is being without soojin, i can’t explain in words here but she is very much a safe place for me, and not having news about her makes me feel sick fr. i didn’t though it would be so long but i need to be strong for her.
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that’s just me once again trying to say that i am coming back!!!
if u like my content pls keep supporting the blog!! and gidle !!! tysm 🥺💜 eat well and stay safe!!!
— messyidle
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