casismycherrypiebaby · 4 months
“They’re singing about the Virgin Mary and Mother Teresa, another duo we’d love to see on the Eurovision stage”
-Swedish commentator about Ukraine
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scifimagpie · 4 months
A dear friend of mine in Ukraine has a friend and neighbour fighting on the front lines. She's trying to buy a night vision Mavic drone for her unit.
Fighting colonialism isn't pretty. Help them defend themselves.
And, you know, prevent World War III. Don't underestimate this thing.
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prussianmemes · 1 month
ukrainian soldiers in kursk having a normal time not dressing up in SS helmets and berating some lost elderly dude
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Map from new Russian textbook where the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson & Zaporizhzhya are designated as part of Russia
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akhillasmyth · 25 days
The urge to draw a Ukrainian miku is strong…
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До колоссян 1:27-28 що їм Бог захотів показати, яке багатство слави цієї таємниці між поганами, а вона Христос у вас, надія слави!
Його ми проповідуємо, нагадуючи кожній людині й навчаючи кожну людину всякої мудрости, щоб учинити кожну людину досконалою в Христі.
God wanted to make the glorious riches of this secret plan known among the Gentiles, which is Christ living in you, the hope of glory. This is what we preach as we warn and teach every person with all wisdom so that we might present each one mature in Christ. — Colossians 1:27-28 | Ukrainian Bible (UKR) and Common English Bible (CEB) The Ukrainian Bible is in the public domain and the Common English Bible Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible. Cross References: Ezra 7:25; Matthew 5:48; Matthew 13:11; Acts 20:31; Romans 2:4; Romans 8:10; 1 Corinthians 2:6; Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians 1:18; Ephesians 3:16; Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1:22; Colossians 2:3; 1 Timothy 1:1
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What does it mean that Christ in us is the hope of glory?
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nonenglishsongs · 1 year
Tember Blanche - я вдома
Tember Blanche - Ya vdoma (Ukrainian)
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studiopopw · 2 years
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Eva Oopsy • Ukraine
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cheherzaad · 2 years
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Eid-e Nowrooz Mobaarak عيد نو روز مبارک
Special Discount on our Casuals for Today and Tomorrow . Type the code "NOWROUZ" and instantly receive 10% off.
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elsfinix-ellie · 2 years
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Блог буде двомовним: англійською та українською. Content in this blog will be either in English or Ukrainian. [Tags #eng | #ukr].
📌 моє основне місце перебування — твіттер, але в ці бентежні часи облаштовую собі сейфспейс тут | I've been mostly present on Twitter, but with it going south I'd better have a safespace here as well
📌грунькаю в ігри | I love playing video games
📌сиджу у фандомах заради філзів | need fandoms in my life for all the feels [Dragon Age | Mass Effect | Star Wars | Witcher (books+games only) | Cyberpunk 2077 | Lord of the Rings | Arcane]
📌патякаю про драґонаґу більше ніж треба | I tend to ramble about Dragon Age more than normal amount
📌і не можу мовчати про своїх ОСів | don't get me started on my OCs or I won't shut up [Dragon Age OCs | Mass Effect OCs]
📌пишу (або ж поки перекладаю старі) фіки [AO3: Ельсфі] | writing, or semi-translating, fan fiction [AO3: alicenmax]
📌мрію круто малювати | striving to make cool art [Art blog]
📌люблю мови з їхніми тонкощами та часто вплітаю англійську | I'm into languages and my way of expressing thoughts is a linguistic mess [fluent: uk+en || fluent forgetting: ru || intermediate: de+pl+nl || very basic 0+: fr+no]
❌ ні росні | no russians welcome here
❌ жодних антиукраїнських настроїв, підтримки війни та геноциду | no anti-Ukrainian activity, war and genocide supporters
❌ не терплю сексизм, расизм та мізогінію | no sexism, racism, misoginy
❌ не схвалюю гейт заради гейту щодо персонажів, шипів тощо | no fandom hate and anti-shippers
#StandWithUkraine Слава Україні!
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casismycherrypiebaby · 4 months
Ukraine is proving that god is a woman
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scifimagpie · 2 years
Reminder that genocide in Ukraine is ongoing. Contact your representative (especially since the vote's about to happen in the US) and nag them about continuing funding to Ukraine. I know winter is going to put a strain on things financially, but that's not Ukraine's fault.
And if anyone questions the use of the term "genocide", that's what my friend in Kyiv used for terminology, so let's skip the discourse on that one. Or, you can just watch this video on what exactly happened in Bucha, and the mass graves, and then maybe we can argue about niceties of language.
Please do not stop giving a shit about Ukraine. These are not "blue-eyed blond people problems"; Ukrainians have been under cultural attack and assault from Russia since the days of the Soviet Union's colonialization and invasion. Please give a shit about the world outside North America.
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yltxkhf · 2 years
у мене недостатньо українців в тамблері тому якщо ви ведете блог українською, або знаєте українські блоги дайте знати
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
anyway. with the coming of the holiday season i would like to remind everyone that carol of the bells is an orchestral rearrangement + new christmas-themed lyrics rerelease of what is actually a ukrainian folk chant-turned-song about the new year called щедрик (shchedryk). and the original fucks way harder
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nick57547 · 6 days
Ali Fallahian, the former Iranian intelligence minister, is a name that continues to cast a long shadow over global financial and criminal networks. #Fallahian’s deep involvement in money laundering, #oil smuggling, and terrorist financing has cemented his position as a dangerous player in international crime. He’s been connected to some of the most devastating events in recent history, including the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina, where 85 people lost their lives, and the #Mykonos restaurant assassinations in Berlin.
But #Fallahian's reach extends beyond violent acts. His family, including his wife, who is the sister of #SherifAlAskari's wife, is intricately tied to #financial fraud on a global scale. Together, the two families manipulate international financial systems to #smuggle oil and launder money through complex schemes involving #Panamanian-registered vessels and false documentation. Oil smuggled from Iran to Iraq is relabeled as Iraqi oil, bypassing sanctions and allowing it to be sold on the global market.
The proceeds from these operations are funneled through #shellcompanies in the UK, where Fallahian’s extended family, including his niece, SherifAlAskari’s daughter, play critical roles. These funds are then used to finance terrorist activities across the Middle East, particularly supporting #Hezbollah and their military operations in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Despite multiple #Interpol arrest warrants, including one for the AMIA bombing. #AliFallahian has remained elusive, protected by layers of forged documentation and international connections. His actions continue to destabilize regions while exposing the #UK’s vulnerabilities to money laundering and financial fraud, and warrant international attention to curb the menace.
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Псалми 103:17-18 А милість Господня від віку й до віку на тих, хто боїться Його, і правда Його над синами синів, що Його заповіта додержують, і що пам'ятають накази Його, щоб виконувати їх!
But the lovingkindness of Yahweh is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children, To those who keep His covenant And remember His precepts to do them. — Psalm 103:17-18 | Ukrainian Bible (UKR) and Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) The Ukrainian Bible is in the public domain and Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Exodus 20:6; Deuteronomy 5:10; Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 25:6; Psalm 25:10; Psalm 69:27; Psalm 89:2; Psalm 105:8; Psalm 119:52; Luke 1:50
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