shashwatstainless · 2 months
Round Bars | Seamless Pipes | U-Tubes | Fasteners
Shashwat Stainless Inc. is the largest Round Bar Manufacturer in India. A round bar is a round metal rod used in manufacturing and construction places. We also manufacture Seamless Pipes, U-Tubes, Fasteners, etc.
Round Bars: https://shashwatstainless.com/round-bar-manufacturer-india/
Seamless Pipes: https://shashwatstainless.com/seamless-pipes-manufacturer-india/
U-Tubes: https://shashwatstainless.com/u-tubes-manufacturer-india/
Fasteners: https://shashwatstainless.com/fasteners-manufacturer-india/
For More DetailWebsite: https://shashwatstainless.com/
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buttered-milky · 6 months
Alright so u know the scene where Smaug opens an eye under the treasure and it’s all the party can see of him bc he’s sleeping under there.
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This is what sand boas look like. And they burrow under the sand and are ambush predators. And they are reptiles. Like Smaug. Do you see where I am going with this
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Thang. Smaug. If you even care
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clarissasbakery · 9 days
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private eyes microphone and taco, investigating a mysterious disappearance 🕵️‍♀️ and the totally innocent doctor, their client!!! i trust her, don’t you 🤭
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pankiepoo · 2 months
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been awhile since i drew these two + ourple fans :]
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crystal-mouse · 8 months
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Save him
(he's having a fun and logical time at the enterprise soft play centre)
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sandflakedraws · 6 months
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presented without context
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aaflovedatbounz · 2 months
Just 2 Be Close 2 U !
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Same ⏰️.
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pybun · 11 months
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🍦🔥Sweet and Twisted 🔥🍦
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draftingtides · 2 months
I'm writing a research paper on how having a feeding tube impacts a person's social life, but most of the research that's already out there focuses on how a person's feeding tube impacts their family's/caretaker's life. If you:
have ever used a feeding tube,
are 18 or older,
are an american,
would like to share your experience of having a feeding tube, and
have half an hour or so free before April 27,
please dm me so we can chat! quick preemptive faq:
I do not need to know your name, I would be using a pseudonym for the paper
I do need to know your age, or at least an age range
I'm probably only going to talk to a couple people
Our conversation would be typed, not oral
I know "research paper" makes it sound high stakes but it would really be just a chill casual conversation
Update: I got the volunteers I needed! Thank you everybody who volunteered or reblogged!
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plead-au · 3 months
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a compilation of recent PLE:AD AU-related drawings. sorted by oldest to latest
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flyingbuddiies · 9 months
brush test
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ignore how the butterfly is off-centered. anyways. the exit interview was joyful (not)
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acidsaladd · 2 years
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sibling shenanigans
[id: it is a comic of Nya, Kai and Lloyd from Ninjago. In the first image, Nya is walking towards a couch, looking exhausted. She then throws herself onto the couch, landing face first. As she lays there, Kai peeks in from the side before throwing himself over the couch and on top of Nya, falling on his back. Lloyd then peeks in from the other side, smiling, as Kai looks up at him from where he is laying on top of Nya. Lloyd then throws himself, grinning, belly first and with his arms extended over both Kai and Nya, Kai scoots backwards and looks at Lloyd with wide eyes while Nya’s face, also wide-eyed, is peeking out from between Kai’s feet. The last image is of Lloyd, mumbling a “sorry”, laying on top of Nya with his arms resting curled on her back, Nya is once again face down and she is clenching her fist in pain while Kai is laying on her legs, leaning back on the armrest with one arm on the back rest of the couch, amused./ end id ]
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frobby · 4 months
The fact that mukuro is 15 is wild I thought he was like 25 with how he's in fucking prison
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pankiepoo · 3 months
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vialfiledial :)
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gomacave · 2 months
What if i had a dream abt transfem Seph trying on her first dress with her friends. What if i cried abt it.... what if i blamed u for it fydydjfjshhs thmk u for the brain worms 😭
OMG?/?/???? THATS SO COOL…………. TRANSFEM SEPH SPREADING……..!Q1!!Q!!!! IM SOOO HAPPY UGAFHGHG…….. subliminal messaging to my fellow ff7 fans 😭😭
😭 shemakes me want to eat cement UAGGHGHGHGH YOURE WELCOME…..!!!11 TY FOR TELLING ME… made my day honestly….. cant believe my fanart exists in other ppls minds lwdklksd 🥺
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Heres a doodle of seph in a nightgown cuz i think shed look really good in a nightgown wandering around and being miserable LOL 😭😭😭
Ty for the ask….!1!!
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the-suns-a-tube · 1 year
in approximately 4-6 weeks i will be the proud owner of a horrible 3d model jonny headshot
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They needed side views and the mechs just so happened to provide us with perfect mugshots
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yes i spent 50 dollars on this. if only the mechs still sold official merchandise. then i wouldn't have to do this. Alas.
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