#specifically if u wanna see like. my human take on a object guy
lightbubbee · 2 days
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bleeeeeggh doodles. seepy bright lights and a michaelphone draft :3 oh and sprouts here
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the-devils-girl94 · 4 years
My Cherished Memories
((First fic finish for @zoeywilsonisderp !!! I hope you like it and enjoy it. And I apologize for taking so long!))
It was late in the evening and dinner had just ended. Everyone went their separate ways to do their own thing, including the MC of the house, Zoey.
Zoey was on his way to the twins' room to spend some quality time with Beel. After all, it was nearing the end of the program and he wanted all his memories to be of Beelzebub, the sixth brother and Avatar of Gluttony.
Though he wasn't looking forward to Belphegor's teasing remarks regarding his burning passion for the gluttonous demon. That sly smirk and eyes gleaming with knowledge to embarrass the young man was enough for him to just crawl under a rock and stay in a fetal position for the rest of his life. Thankfully, said demon was and still is incredibly dense, which is in itself relieving and also frustrating. So frustrating in fact, that the Avatar of Sloth started to feel bad for the poor human. Still, Zoey couldn't help crushing on the sixth brother.
As he walked down the halls to get to their rooms, the demon of his affections appeared around the corner. Noticing the young man, Beel beamed at him, excited as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. This in turn caused Zoey to blush and he squealed internally.
'He's so freaking cute!,' he geeked out mentally, but composed himself so that he wouldn't show it outwardly.
"Zoey," called Beel as he moved forward to pat the other on the head.
"U-uh, yeah, Beel? What's up?," he responded, his cheeks already tinted pink.
"Are you free tomorrow morning?"
"Morning? But you know I'm not a morning person," pouted Zoey.
Scratching his cheek, Beel chuckled as he did know. "Yes, I do, but I wanted you to come with me to the gym to be my spotter."
Confused, the younger of the two tilted his head, a small smile gracing his young features. "Your spotter?," he asked, "But, Beel, you lift way more than I do. Why do you need me to be your spotter?"
The gluttonous demon pouted as it sounded like the other was rejecting. "I wanted to spend more time with you."
At that, the young man panicked as he didn't like to make the foodie giant sad, so he stammered out that he would love to spot him. However, he was worried about actually helping him. Zoey has been to the gym with Beelzebub a couple of times. And man, the workout routine that Beel had looked really, really intense. Lifting up hundreds, possibly even thousands, of weights without a breaking into a sweat is a feat that only demons, more specifically Beelzebub, can accomplish. Granted, he has an appetite that calls for this sort of training all the time, but still. This man can lift more than three military tanks if he wanted to.
However, there was an added bonus if he did agree and that was a sweaty, shirtless Beel.
Beelzebub smiled hearing that Zoey would be his spotter. "Great!," he exclaimed, "Afterwards, we can go to that café you like. I heard they have new dessert items."
"Really!?," beamed Zoey, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hehe, I feel like this is more for you than me, but I'll still take it!"
"So I'll see you tomorrow?," the sixth brother asked as he sported a gentle smile on his handsome face.
"Yes!," Zoey giggled as he smiled back.
And with that, Zoey turned right on around and went to his room, completely forgetting on why he was venturing to the twins' room in the first place. Getting to bed early to wake up early was his objective to not be grumpy in the morning.
Of course, when morning came, Zoey really didn't want to get out of bed, but that cafe date wasn't worth losing out on. So he forced himself out of bed and donned on his gym outfit that he usually wears to the gym. It wasn't so bad being Beel's spotter as all it was was encouraging the other to push past his limits and help guide him when he was tired. Plus it was fun getting to watch Beel sweat and seeing his back muscles as he worked out.
'Being carried by Beel would be a dream,' sighed Zoey mentally.
"Hey, Zoey?"
"H-huh," the younger stuttered as he was brought out of his stupor.
"Wanna get a couple of more rounds in before we go home and head to the cafe?"
The young man laughed. "You're still up for more exercise after that intense workout?"
Beel, with a straight face, said, "Yes." He patted his stomach and it growled, but it was more like a rumble. "I wanna work up a big appetite."
And with that, Zoey burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh, my gosh! Your face is so serious!," he giggled.
The giant food lover startled to chuckle with him, seeing as the other was enjoying himself. And it made Beel happy to see Zoey happy. He loves to see him smile and spend time with him.
Though he would never admit it, Beel didn't really need a spotter as his workout routine and his strength didn't warrant one. Plus it was almost dangerous for anyone, especially a human, to try to lift the weights that he does. But the gentle, sweet giant wanted to spend more time with Zoey as his visit to the Devildom was nearing the end. And he wanted to cherish more moments with the young man. 'Was that selfish?', he thought.
Probably, but seeing how Zoey enjoyed himself was the only thing that matter to him.
Walking over to him, Beel reached out his hand and patted Zoey's soft hair. Zoey's giggles died down and he looked up to see a sad, but happy smile on his crush's face.
"Beel-", he started but was interrupted when Beel went in to hug him.
"I'll miss you when you're gone, Zoey. Will you promise me you won't forget me and my brothers when you leave?"
"Aw, Beel," Zoey returned the hug with one of his own and embraced the gentle demon tightly. A small sad smile graced his feminine features as he said, "Of course, I wont forget. I care way too much for you guys, especially you. You are way too precious to me."
Beel's eyes widened at that last statement and a large grin threatened to split his face as he picked up the small human in his arms and swung him around. His joyous laughter echoed within the walls of the empty gym as did Zoey's surprise shriek and giggles that followed soon after.
'Yes, this is the moment I wanted,' thought Zoey as he saw the blush that dusted Beel's cheeks as he looked at him. 'This is the memory I want to have and cherish forever. I really love you, Beel.'
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gamerwoo · 5 years
[EXO Imprinted] Sehun: Alpha Male
Anonymous asked: I request sehun imprinted the way you wanna do it :)
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Characters: Sehun x female reader (featuring bts and ocs)
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fluff, angst, very slight crack, guns, injuries
Word count: 6,265
Summary: The only person Sehun will ever submit to is his alpha, and even then, he gives Junmyeon a hard time. So when his mate ends up being the alpha of another pack, he wants to prove that he can be independent by going up against the leader of the werewolf hunters that you and your pack are running away from.
a/n: things in bold are in English (and I know there are gonna be a lot of ocs mentioned but you don’t need to specifically remember them or anything. as long as u know they in reader’s pack, ur good). This part is kind of all over the place though, especially the second half. And it wasn’t proof read at all (like most things I write) so it’s an even bigger mess lmao.
Previous | Next | Imprinted Masterlist
You wouldn’t have done this if you weren’t desperate. As a female alpha, you didn’t want to ask help from others, because that’s exactly what the males would expect from a girl. Any other werewolves you’d happen to come across never treated you with respect despite the fact that a female alpha was all but completely unheard of. You were smaller -- even if in your human form you were around 5′9, your wolf form was definitely smaller than the rest of your pack’s -- not as strong, and well, you were a girl. So you felt like you had something to prove, and you wanted to do things either with the help of your pack, or with no help at all.
Your pack was nine strong, counting yourself. Olan, Minjoon, Airou, Ataru, Hanjin, Samuri, Jaejin, and Chansol respected you and protected you as their alpha. They never questioned you or your gender, even when you had first found them. Sure, they were surprised at first, but who wouldn’t be meeting a female alpha when everyone thought those were just tall tales passed down by other werewolves? Even Olan, who was older than you, respected you as if you were his elder.
However, with Olan being the oldest in the pack, he was also kind of the wisest, which was partly why he was your right-hand man. He was this big Thai dude -- hence, his name being Olan, which he explained meant ‘great or large’ in Thai -- that honestly had kind of found you when you came to Korean. He was already a werewolf, and you had yet to shift. Running into him seemed to set off some alpha instinct that was deep down inside you, and you shifted right in front of him.
But with him being the wisest meant that he was the one to tell you that he thought your current idea was the dumbest thing you could do.
“Do you really think a random pack of werewolves will want to help us?” he questioned in a harsh, low tone even though nobody else could understand him other than you. “We’re nobodies who don’t even live around here.”
“Would you rather take on a group of werewolf hunters then?” you snapped as you walked down the street to the address you were given by a helpful stranger. “Look, Olan, there’s power in numbers. Currently, we only have one more than these hunters, and that means we’re still easy prey. We need to outnumber them, and even if they say no, we have a better chance getting out alive talking to a pack of werewolves than we do going up against silver bullets.”
“I’d rather take my chances with a bullet than 9 werewolves...” he grumbled.
You stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, making your entire pack halt as they watched the argument between you and Olan. They weren’t sure what it was even about -- the Japanese brothers picked up only a few words, but not nearly enough to figure out what you were mad about -- but just your tone had them shrinking back and backing down.
“My mind’s already made up, and we’re already almost there, so you can either shut up or go back home and hope you don’t get killed,” you growled, your eyes starting to spot red through your brown contacts. “End. Of. Discussion.”
Olan gave a small nod, having no choice but to obey his alpha, “Right. Sorry, _____...”
You heard Chansol whisper, “what was that about,” but you kept walking instead of addressing it. You were almost at the address anyway, so there was no point in talking about Olan’s objections.
After a few more minutes of walking in silence other than the members of your pack talking quietly to each other, you arrived at the address you were given. You looked up at the large house, frowning slightly. You figured anybody home would’ve sensed other werewolves nearby and would’ve been prepared for this. Then again, it was kind of late at night so maybe they were asleep or too close to it to realize.
You stepped up to the door and knocked. The rest of your pack gathered somewhat farther behind you, though Olan was right behind you in case anything happened as soon as the door opened.
The person that answered the door was a man -- as you expected -- with a round face, full heart-shaped lips, and short dark hair. You knew he just sensed the alpha all over you from the quirk in his brow, but he didn’t question it.
“Can I help you?” he wondered.
“Actually," you began, “that’s exactly what we’re hoping for.”
Sehun hated being the ‘pup’ as his pack loved to call him. He didn’t like the teasing -- the babying was alright, but he wouldn’t actually tell them that -- and he didn’t like that he had to take orders not only from his alphas, but from the rest of the pack because he was the youngest. 
Currently, he was upstairs in his room trying to get homework done so he could be away from the pack. They’d been teasing him all night because of some comment Baekhyun’s mate has said toward him. It got the rest of them riled up to start with the ragging.
There was a group of hunters that apparently were going around. The pack had heard word they’d shot a werewolf a few towns over, so they weren’t necessarily in any danger. But still, Junmyeon was taking precautions, especially since they had mates in the house.
“Sehun, get home before dark.”
“Sehun, don’t leave the house alone.”
What was he, a child? He was still a college student which meant he was an adult. They couldn’t boss him around like that.
Except they could. They were werewolves and his instincts told him to listen.
At the moment, his instincts were telling him somebody new was in the house. He could hear it and smell it. But he did smell something faintly sweet, like the best scent he’d ever smelled. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he also wasn’t inclined to go investigate. He was sure he’d just be met with Junmyeon telling him to finish his homework or something. So he put in his headphones instead and went back to work.
Only a few minutes later, his door was opened by Jongin. The second youngest looked kind of excited but Sehun couldn’t gather why.
“Junmyeon wants all of us downstairs,” he reported.
Sehun groaned but took his headphones out and got up from his desk. Of course, the one time he figures he should stay upstairs, he gets the opposite.
Coming down the stairs, the sweet smell was growing stronger. Still, Sehun wasn’t sure what it was. It wasn’t anything he’d smelled before, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t what Minseok and Baekhyun had told them about from when they first met their--
Sehun rounded the corner, eyes landing on a tall girl standing with her back to him. Everything froze as he just stared, unable to peel his eyes away.
But then you turned around, sensing that same strange presence behind you. Your golden eyes zeroed in on this tall wolf in black jeans and a blue button-up with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was staring at you like he was seeing the world for the first time, and you were sure you were giving him the same look.
You had imprinted on each other, and the whole room was full of werewolves who knew exactly what was happening, smirks on their faces. 
Sehun wasn’t sure what to do next. Did he say hello? Introduce himself? Say something smooth like compliment your appearance?
Instead, what came out of his mouth was a question.
“S-so...wha-what do you want?”
‘So smooth, Sehun. So very smooth.’
You let out a laugh that seemed to break the tension in the room, shaking your head.
“They’re here for our help, lover boy,” Minseok told him with a teasing tone. “Sit down.”
Sehun frowned at being told what to do again, but he took a seat on the couch by Chanyeol, looking across the room where the pack you belonged to continued to stand before his pack. You and who he assumed was your alpha -- some tall guy who definitely looked like he could take on like, three werewolves at once in his human form -- stood in front of the rest of your pack.
“Should we have the girls down here for this?” Yixing wondered, recalling how Junmyeon had Minseok bring them upstairs when he sensed that strange wolves had shown up at their doorstep.
The alpha just shook his head, “The less they have to worry about, the better. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.”
Kyungsoo looked back at the new pack, “Now that everybody’s here, you should explain what happened again.”
To Sehun’s surprise, instead of the alpha speaking, you did.
“The werewolf hunters have been after us since we’re a smaller pack. They already cornered Ataru, and he was lucky only two of them were there. He barely escaped before he was seriously injured. We know they’ve been following us and keeping tabs, so we made sure the coast was clear before we came here.”
That explained why it was so late at night, Sehun figured.
“But we don’t have any way to defend ourselves,” you continued. “We have nine, and while they have eight, those numbers are still too close for comfort. We’re still pretty easy targets and they know that. They’re going to come after us until they finally get us and kill all of us. We need help to scare them away at least.”
“We don’t expect you to kill any of them for us or anything,” the man clarified.
“So you’re leading them to us?” Baekhyun asked.
“No,” you quickly told him, “we made sure they weren’t watching us when we left.”
“We did surveillance!” the two boys that looked virtually identical grinned at the same time.
Most of Junmyeon’s pack eyed them, giving them odd looks before looking back to you and Olan.
“If we do help,” Junmyeon began, making sure to put plenty of emphasis on the first word, “we’ll need time to come up with a plan.”
“Well, we have limited time,” Olan spoke up beside you. “We don’t know when they’ll come after us again. We just recently got a new member of our pack, and we know they’ll more than likely target him since he’s still young.”
You already knew Chansol was frowning somewhere behind you. He hated feeling like he was being babied or spoken of like he was a baby.
“Why don’t we just go confront them?” Sehun suggested, shrugging like the idea of going up against eight werewolf hunters was nothing. “Together, there’s way more of us than them.”
His pack exploded with comments of how crazy that idea was and how they would just get injured or worse. They needed a plan, and Sehun must’ve been dumb to think they could just go without a plan of attack. But Junmyeon hushed them before speaking up himself.
“We can’t just go in there and start a war we’re unprepared for,” the alpha explained. “Even if we only have a limited amount of time, we need to think of a plan. For now..._____, why don’t you and your pack stay here? It isn’t safe for all of you to go home this late at night, and we can start planning first thing in the morning.”
“Hyung, can we fit everybody...?” Jongdae wondered.
“If we put multiple people in a room, then yes,” Junmyeon answered in a tone that said his decision was final. “Plus, we have the living room.”
“I already know who Sehunnie’s rooming with,” Baekhyun giggled.
Your eyes met Sehun’s again, only to see his cheeks were a soft shade of pink. You smiled to yourself, deciding your mate was absolutely adorable.
“So...what’s your name?” Sehun asked when it was just the two of you in his bedroom.
While he seemed nervous, you weren’t that nervous about it. He could also tell you weren’t nervous as you walked around his room, slowly taking everything in and gathering as much information about your mate as you could. He just watched you from his desk chair.
“_____; _____ _____,” you told him, your golden eyes not leaving the few framed pictures he had on a shelf bolted to his wall. “What about you? Tell me about yourself?”
“Aren’t you gathering data on me right now? You look like your scanning my walls like a computer,” he chuckled.
You smirked, turning to face him, “That’s what I look like?”
“A little,” he shrugged. “Well, my name’s Oh Sehun, I’m 25, and I’m the youngest in my pack.”
“Aw,” you cooed, “you’re the puppy!”
He automatically began to sulk, “Don’t you start, too.”
You laughed at your mate, going to sit on his bed, “If it helps, about half my pack is younger than you.”
Sehun smirked, “Does that include you?”
Finally, he wouldn’t have to be bossed around by somebody. Not that he would use the opportunity to boss you around, but he definitely was happy you couldn’t do it to him.
But your words had the smirk falling right off his face.
“But I’m the alpha of my pack.”
Alpha? A female alpha? Those existed? Not that there was a problem with it, he was just...well, surprised. He didn’t realize that the aura of authority he was catching onto was coming from you and not the large werewolf beside you.
He let out a groan, letting his head fall back, realizing this meant you could, in fact, boss him around as much as you wanted. And the kicker was that he would have to listen. You were a higher rank than him. Much higher.
From a few of the rooms down the hall, you could hear loud laughter. Even downstairs, some members of his pack were snorting in amusement.
Baekhyun’s voice was loud and clear as he giggled, “Sehun’s still the baby!”
Meeting your mate wasn’t like starting a new relationship. You mostly skipped all the awkwardness and all the shyness of a new relationship. Both of you were werewolves, so you already felt that love and comfortableness around each other. So sleeping in Sehun’s bed with him was like sleeping beside somebody you’d been dating for a year already. It felt normal and comfortable and just nice.
But living with Sehun’s pack was another story. 
They were louder than your pack, and that was coming from an alpha who had to deal with identical twins. You weren’t sure if Baekhyun, Chanyeol, or the loud-mouthed girl that you could hear in the kitchen were the loudest, but the three of them made it impossible to sleep any longer. 
“Do they ever shut up?” you groaned, trying to push your face farther into the pillows.
You knew Sehun was awake too because he whined and rolled over, covering his face with the blanket.
“No,” he sighed.
But then the twins joined in, and it was like a chaotic Hell had opened just for you.
“Do they ever shut up?” your mate countered.
So the two of you finally got up and emerged from his room, both of you still in the clothes you slept in -- he was just in sweatpants while you only wore one of his t-shirts and figured anybody who stared at you could just get a kick in the teeth. You led the way downstairs with Sehun following begrudgingly behind you because he was still tired. The noise got louder as you approached the kitchen, and you saw the twins joking around loudly with a few of Sehun’s pack mates while they made breakfast. Olan was sitting at the table with Junmyeon and Kyungsoo, Samuri was befriending Yixing, and the others must’ve been off somewhere else. You doubted they were sleeping, but if they were, they were lucky.
“_____!” Airou grinned when he noticed you enter. “Do you want souffle pancakes?”
“You only make souffle pancakes when you want to show off,” you grumbled, rubbing sleep out of your eyes.
“Yeah, exactly!” Ataru giggled.
Minseok seemed to be helping them, and Kyungsoo was observing from the table. You could see that Chanyeol was trying to help, but his souffle pancake had completely fallen apart, along with his smile. Baekhyun just stuck to making fun of the taller wolf for messing up.
“So,” Baekhyun smirked as he looked at yours and Sehun’s appearances, “what did you two get up to last night.”
“Sleeping,” Sehun stated before taking a seat at the table with Olan, Junmyeon, and Kyungsoo.
“You would’ve heard if they did anything else,” Minseok scoffed.
“I’m so glad I’m not a werewolf,” the girl beside Baekhyun mumbled. She didn’t seem to be in the best mood, but you weren’t sure why. 
You took a seat across from Sehun and beside Olan. 
“I hope you slept okay,” Junmyeon smiled softly.
“Until the twins woke me up,” you sighed. “I’m sorry that they’re so loud. They’re...excitable.”
“I think they word you’re looking for is annoying, _____,” Olan corrected with a chuckle. 
“We might be louder,” Kyungsoo deadpanned, looking at you with a serious face as he focused more on the conversation than the cooking.
“We deal with chaos all the time,” Junmyeon reassured you. “Ataru and Airou are nothing, there’s no need to apologize.”
“Since _____’s awake, should we start planning then?” Olan asked.
“I still say we just go after them,” Sehun shrugged. “There’s a lot more of us than there are them.”
“No,” you and Junmyeon both said at the same time, making your mate frown.
“After thinking it over last night,” Junmyeon began, “I realized they might just lose track of you if you’re not where they expect you to be. The odds that they simply move on instead of tracking you are about 50/50, so maybe it’s best to relocate nearby. Not only would you be closer to another pack which would intimidate the hunters, but you’d be closer to Sehun.”
“There’s still the 50% chance that they track them down anyway,” Sehun pointed out.
“But then they’ll realize there’s another pack nearby,” Kyungsoo spoke up. “It would be dangerous and stupid for them to pursue the pack anyway.”
“We shouldn’t go after them, Sehun,” you stated, finality in your tone that not only made him shut up, but made him grumpy. “It’s better if we stay away and stay safe.”
But he knew that safety would only last for so long.
It wasn’t that he was going against you because you were a girl. Sehun didn’t care what gender you were. He went against you for two reasons: he wanted to keep you safe as his mate, and he didn’t like that you were younger than him and still had more power than him. It made him want to prove that he could hold his own and make decisions.
Of course, his own decisions he made were bad, and you soon felt that he was in danger. It was in your instincts to know when your mate was in trouble. You sat up straight, yellow eyes going wide before they turned red.
“What?” Hanjae asked seeing how you were suddenly on high alert.
“Sehun,” you replied, pushing yourself off the couch and running for the door.
“What about Sehun?” Jongdae inquired as both packs followed after you.
You ignored him, calling for your pack to follow you, but Yixing put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from leaving.
“He’s in our pack, so we should go find him with you,” he decided since Junmyeon and Minseok weren’t home.
“But I’m more comfortable going with my pack,” you insisted, shrugging out from under his hand.
“But he’s our brother,” Jongdae countered.
“There’s more of us,” Olan pointed out.
“We don’t have time to argue over this!” you groaned before you just bolted out the door, not caring if anybody went with you. You had to save Sehun before it was too late.
“We’ll both go, then,” Baekhyun shrugged with an almost teasing grin before he slid past Yixing and out the door after you.
And then the rest of them followed.
It took all of three days after both alphas warned Sehun to not go looking for the hunters for him to go looking for the hunters. He had to be sneaky when he tried to track down their headquarters, but he knew he couldn’t waltz in their on his own, so he had to wait to catch one of them alone. That was the tricky part.
Or so he thought.
He had gone out a day prior with his friend, Johnny, and explained his situation. He had finally imprinted, but it was on the alpha of another pack, and you were being tracked by werewolf hunters.
“Hunters?” Johnny asked. “How many of them?”
“Apparently seven boys and a girl.”
“Okay, this is going to sound really weird, but Taeyong’s mate is the girl.”
Sehun didn’t understand how Johnny’s alpha imprinted on a werewolf hunter, but he wasn’t going to question it. He had other things to worry about.
“Can he tell me where she is?”
And that was how he ended up brought down to his knees by the werewolf hunter in front of him. He didn’t plan on attacking her if she was Taeyong’s mate, but she clearly didn’t want to just talk or anything if the gun pointed to his head was any indication. But the way he saw it, at least it was him not you, and he wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment that he actually couldn’t do this on his own and try to protect you instead of the other way around.
In hindsight, it was kind of stupid. Sehun didn’t care if he was babied by his pack, but he didn’t want to be babied by his own mate, too. You were younger than him, and he wanted to be able to prove that he could be stronger than you, but he wasn’t. All he did was prove that you were right, and that he deserved to be babied. 
All he could do was stare up at the girl he learned was named Kimi as the binds on his wrists behind him burned into his skin. His teeth were clenched, but he refused to cry out from the searing pain the silver caused him. If he was going to go out, he was going to be as brave as he could be -- and he refused to give the hunter the satisfaction of knowing she was causing him pain and scaring the shit out of him.
“I have to say, you might be the dumbest werewolf I’ve run into,” she chuckled. “Coming to find me, saying you ‘just wanna talk’. God, it really doesn’t get easier or dumber than that.”
Sehun stayed silent, biting his tongue to keep from making noise because of the pain in his wrists. He just stared up at the hunter, the gun held to his head in his peripherals.
He saw more people appear out of the forest. One of them was tall and had a kind-looking face, but the aura he exuded was anything but. When he smiled, dimples showed prominently, only enhancing the innocence his appearance held.
“Nice job, Kimi,” he commented.
She shrugged, not looking away from Sehun, “It was nothing -- really.”
Sehun had no idea she had called for backup from her group. The seven men had all walked out and joined her, standing a few feet behind her.
Now he really hoped you didn’t show up in time to save him. You’d surely end up in the same position he was in. 
“Maybe if we wait, his pack will show up and we’ll have even more of them,” one of the men commented with a slight smirk.
“There’s no way he has a pack if he showed up on his own,” Kimi commented, his expression bored as she looked down at Sehun, studying him like he wanted to remember him even after he was dead.
One of the men looked off slightly to his right, “I wouldn’t speak so soon. More of them are close by.”
A blonde one sighed before pulling out a gun and cocking it, “Yeah, we can handle it.”
‘Please don’t come, please don’t come, please don’t come,’ was all Sehun could think as he eyed the gun in the short blonde’s hand.
But it wasn’t long until he caught your scent and knew you were nearby, and he closed his eyes. There wasn’t anything he could do to prevent what he knew would happen. He couldn’t even save himself, let alone anybody else.
In front of him, the seven men reached for their weapons and aimed them toward where the two packs were coming from. They saw a werewolf that was a little smaller than most wolves they’d seen.
“Is that a female?” one of them asked quietly.
Sehun cursed internally.
You weren’t the only one who had shifted. Baekhyun, Jongdae, the twins, Samuri, and Chansol had shifted as well. None of you knew if there would be a fight, and it might be better to have a few large wolves on your side. But seeing the reaction from some of the hunters, you knew that just seeing the amount of you there -- even if all of Junmyeon’s pack weren’t there yet -- was making them doubt themselves.
Your group approached them slowly. You knew that they could shoot at any time, but then were standing still as they watched your every move, knowing any of you could run at them or pounce on them at any moment, too. It was like a weird stand-off as you slowly approached Sehun from behind him.
“We can’t take them all...” one of them mumbled.
“Yes we can,” another replied as he pulled out a second gun.
Your red eyes narrowed as you stared down the girl that was holding a gun to your mate’s head. You let out a low growl involuntarily, and all guns were suddenly pointed at you.
While Olan didn’t have any power over you whatsoever, he held an arm out in front of you, trying to tell you not to do anything just yet.
Yixing stepped forward, acting as the stand-in alpha for Junmyeon’s pack, “It seems that you have one of ours. We clearly outnumber you, so if you just give him back, we’ll leave without any trouble.”
“What if we want trouble?” the girl smirked, looking away from Sehun.
“Then you’ll walk away with less people than you have now,” Olan spoke up, “considering any of you walk away.”
“Eight against thirteen doesn’t seem too balanced, does it?” Minjoon pointed out. “And considering we have six wolves, they may as well count as two or three people each. So eight against about twenty-seven -- give or take.”
You weren’t sure when you started having a stare-off with the girl holding her gun to your mate’s head. She seemed to be challenging you, her own eyes narrowed as she stood unwavering. You growled at her again, lowering your head and baring your teeth. But her response was to smirk.
“Don’t tell me your mate came to save you, wolf,” she scoffed as she nudged Sehun’s forehead with the end of the barrel of her gun. “Don’t tell me your bitch had to come rescue you.”
An involuntary growl bubble in Sehun’s chest, which was the only sound he had made since getting captured. She seemed to love that she finally got a reaction from him.
“So let’s say I happened to kill him,” she said, looking at you now as her gun clicked, signaling it was ready to fire, “what would you do? because I’d love to see what happens.”
You were ready to jump on her. You were so ready to rip out her throat and rip her into pieces. But you also knew in the back of your mind that as soon as you went at her, she would shoot Sehun in that instant.
She would shoot Sehun either way. You couldn’t win.
“Do you always have to make trouble for yourself, Kimberly?” a new female voice spoke up.
The girl looked very similar to the one standing in front of Sehun, so you had no doubt they were related. But this girl seemed more relaxed, and she had a slight smile on her face that was not nearly as menacing as the smirk the other girl wore.
The men seemed to look at this new girl with disdain. One of them stood up straighter and glared at her.
“What are you doing back, Kat?” he demanded.
“I go by Kacey now,” she replied coolly as she walked right up to where Sehun was knelt down. “I wanted to get rid of everything that was associated with you murderers.”
The man just rolled his eyes.
“We don’t want anything to do with a traitor, either,” Kimi sneered.
“Is that any way to speak to your older sister?” the girl apparently called Kacey asked as she booped her sister’s nose. Kimi scrunched up her face and took a step back which made Kacey chuckle. “You haven’t changed a bit. Explains why you’re trying to take on two packs of werewolves when there’s only eight of you.”
“Two?” one of the men repeated.
Kacey sighed, gesturing behind her to you and the group, “Anybody could tell that the girl is the alpha of most of them. You’re really falling apart without me, huh?
“Anyway,” she moved on from the subject as she crouched down and began to undo the binds on Sehun’s wrists. But you still could faintly sense werewolf hunter on her, so you watched her carefully, even when she stood with the silver binds in one hand and helped Sehun to his feet with the other, moving in front of him despite being shorter than him, “I suggest you all take their offer. If you intentionally anger his mate, I assume she’ll kill at least three of you within five minutes -- at most: all of you.”
“Don’t release my captives,” Kimi growled, stepping closer to her sister -- and closer to Sehun.
You took a step forward, causing pairs of eyes to flash over to you. Both Olan and Yixing stood in front of you just to at least attempt to keep you back and from making this a fight when it didn’t have to be.
“Then don’t pick fights you know you can’t win,” Kacey countered with a smile. “I’ll see you around, kid.”
She turned around, turning Sehun around and keeping a hand on his back as she led him away. But with her back turned, Kimi raised her gun again and aimed, prepared to fire. You let out a roar, tensing to jump in front of her line of sight, but somebody was much faster than you.
Kacey took out her own gun and turned around, shooting straight at Kimi’s gun and shooting it out of her hand like it was nothing. You weren’t sure how she could even aim that fast or that precisely. You’d never met any kind of hunter like her, but you weren’t even sure if she was a hunter because she was helping you.
“Don’t test me,” Kacey stated, her voice cold like ice. “Go home, Kimi.”
Then she carried on, leading Sehun back to your pack, and nodding with her head to leave the way you’d come. And she even escorted you back.
As Sehun got closer, he refused to look up and meet eyes with you. In fact, everybody was completely silent as you walked back the way you’d come, going through the forest until you’d reached the cars that were parked on the side of the road.
You and the other wolves hung back to shift in the woods so nobody would see while the rest of them continued to the cars. Olan and Yixing both expressed their gratitude to Kacey for helping them, and Yixing even went on to invite her back to meet Junmyeon because he knew their alpha would want to thank her properly, too.
Sehun walked over to one of the cars with Kyungsoo.
“Hyung’s going to be so mad at me...” he sighed.
Kyungsoo chuckled as he opened one of the doors on the other side, “I don’t think it’s Junmyeon that you have to worry about.”
Sehun didn’t even have to turn around to know you were looking at him. In fact, your eyes were burning a hole in his back. And that alone was far more terrifying than anything his alpha would do to him. 
While Sehun was in trouble, you were terrified. Actually, terrified didn’t even cover the panic and worry you felt that something awful would happen to him. But now that you knew he was safe, you were angry. You were angry that he went behind your back and did what you specifically told him not to do and that he recklessly got himself into a life or death situation. You wanted to hug him and kiss him, and whack him in the back of the head at the same time.
You were incredibly grateful to Kacey for saving Sehun and managing to avoid a fight, but you were more focused on lecturing Sehun as soon as you got into the house than thanking her. You could do that when you were less heated.
“Sehun!” you barked when he tried to go to the living room with everybody else instead of following you up to his room. He dropped his head and went to you, knowing he was really in for it. When he closed the door, you immediately went off on him. “What the fuck were you thinking?! Both Junmyeon and I told you not to go after them, but you did anyway! You went against me and you went against your own alpha! You almost died, Sehun! What the fuck were we supposed to do if you died, huh?!”
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, finally looking up and meeting your eyes. He was surprised to see that despite how angry you sounded, your red eyes were filled with tears, a few escaping down your cheeks. “Oh no, _____, please don’t start crying.”
“What else am I supposed to do? You almost died! I thought you were going to die!”
He frowned, going over to you and cupping your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his thumbs, “_____, I really am sorry. I did it for a stupid reason, and I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry. I learned my lesson. I’m not able to protect you, let alone myself.”
Your expression changed slightly from pure anger to confused, “Protect me?”
He sighed, looking away but still holding your face, mumbling, “It’s really stupid...”
You stayed silent, looking at him unexpectedly. Knowing you wanted an answer and he wouldn’t get out of answering, he sighed and pulled you to his chest so you at least couldn’t look at him when he answered. But you were fine with it because at least you knew he was safe when you had your arms wrapped around his waist.
“You’re younger than me, but you’re so much stronger than I am as an alpha. I wanted to prove that I could be stronger. I wanted to protect you so you would look up at me instead of looking down at me because I’m just the pup of my pack.”
You pushed away from him just enough to look up at him, “Sehun, I don’t look down at you. I don’t look down at anybody.”
He looked at you, still frowning, “I don’t want you to see me as a baby like my pack does.”
“I don’t,” you insisted, reaching up to gently stroke is face. Sehun leaned into your warm touch, a soft rumble vibrating in his chest. “Just because I’m an alpha doesn’t mean I’ll see you as weaker or incapable. You’re not any less of a werewolf.”
Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed as he suddenly stood straight up again, “You’re babying me right now!”
You chuckled, “You’re acting like a baby.”
“Am not,” he huffed.
“Alright, then I won’t baby you,” you promised as you let go of him and stepped away. “Take care of your own wounds, big boy.”
As you walked past him toward the door, he turned and whined, “Waaaait.”
“Yes?” you smirked as you turned back around.
“You’re not going to help me?” he pouted.
Unable to resist his cute expression, you playfully rolled your eyes, “Come to the bathroom, you big baby.”
He followed behind you down the hall to the bathroom, grumbling, “I’ll prove I’m tougher than you one day. You’re still younger and shorter than me.”
“You keep thinking that,” you nodded. “Junmyeon’s also shorter than you, but I’m sure he’ll lay you out as soon as he comes home.”
And as if on cue, the front door slammed shut before you heard Junmyeon growl, “Sehun!”
You looked back at your mate over your shoulder, giggling, “Good luck, tough guy.”
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savysavannah · 4 years
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Practice Challenge one: Part One
“Fuck!” I yelled and slammed my hands against the steering wheel. This wasn’t the first time I’d had a total mental breakdown in the dim lighting of the courthouse parking lot, and it sure wasn’t gonna be the last. This case was rigged from the get-go, Mr. Dean esquire was always there against me, swaying the jury with his charismatic personality and his masculine gender. Not to mention it was a jury which he decided to leave fully as white men, his fellow groupies against my defendant, a woman of color who defended herself against her abuser who came at her with a gun. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Opening them I saw Dean sashaying to his car. I considered putting my own in reverse and waiting until he just walked by, then bye bye Dean. Deciding that it wouldn’t be worth the cost of defending myself I waited until after he’d passed to pull out and start to drive to Illean Private University. I was an attorney coach for a Mock Trial team and of course, had to encourage these kiddos that law was the best career and it would really be fulfilling to help people. Driving past the Greek life houses I couldn’t help but smile thinking of happier times. Chugging shitty beer, dressed like a total slut and not giving one single fuck. 
After an hour or two of bullshitting some kids and reminding them to object when someone playing a witness says “well I heard the defendant say he was mad at the victim so he must have killed her.” I drove on my way home. 
“Incoming call from Uncle Dipshit'' said my car, continuing the never ending day that is my life. 
“Hey little Savy-Hannah, I’m in a bit of a bind and need some help.” 
“What was it? Cocaine? Meth? Or did you finally snap and get caught with heroin.” 
“Come on, Savannah, why would you just assume that, can’t I call my one and only niece because I wanna talk to her?” 
“At 11pm? Friday night? Bullshit.” 
“.......fine Sav-” 
“Fuck you, I’m not doing probono work for you anymore. Get your shit together or get the fuck out of our lives.” 
Taking a turn away from my apartment I started to head for Lux, my old usual club. I hadn’t gone in awhile but right now I needed to get absolutely shitfaced. 8 shots and 2 waters later I was grinding up against some strangers to Kesha’s “Die Young”, a classic. Suddenly I heard an all too familiar voice, “Savannah!” 
My brother. Specifically, my oldest brother, Dan. He danced his way over to me of course being in this scene and grabbed my wrist. “Wha-u wan dan?” I slurred and kept jumping to the song. 
“I was worried about you, Ricky called and said you were acting weird.”
“Weird!" I laughed throwing my head back "Because I wouldn’t clean up his shit for once!” I screamed over the music before he pulled me out of the club by the wrist. As soon as the cool air hit my cheeks I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky. 
“I wish I was a star." I mumbled seeing the shimmering lights above us before suddenly leaning forward and hurling all over the cement. Probably a usual occurrence for Lux but I still felt bad. Dan rolled down the windows of my car as he drove me home, I stuck my head out of it for the breeze to feel the air in my lungs. 
“How’d you find me?” I mumbled, still not fully back to myself. 
“We all have eachothers phone locations, remember? You insisted on it like a year ago after you interned on that kidnapping case.” He sighed as we drove up the familiar road home. 
“You’re really a mess you know that?” He asked. It's not like he was much better….well, he was but it's not like I'm our brother Danny. At least I made something of myself. Didn't get handed my career and a wife on a silver platter. Or like Daniel who was still so far back into the closet that we really aren't sure if he'll ever come out, even though our family would be more than accepting of him. 
I was tempted to defend myself but stopped, “I know, I just need a win."
The next morning Dan was sleeping on my couch and I was on the living room floor. “You couldn’t have carried me to bed?” I mumbled through a yawn. 
“You’re the dumbass who got white girl wasted and said you were too tired to walk to your room.” 
“What time is it?” I mumbled and went to find my phone despite the world swaying as I crawled to my purse.
He lifted his arm up to look at his watch, “Like 8:00am chill out.” He groaned. 
“HOLY FUCK 8?” I flinched at the loudness of my own voice. I was normally up at six, two hours slept in, what’s today it’s a wednesday. ‘What was I supposed to do today? No clients in court today, so that’s good. Okay so I suppose I have to? Paperwork?’
I sighed, “You’re fucking lucky I didn’t have court today.” Stumbling up I ran to my room to change out of yesterday's clothes, splash some water on my face and get on the move.  
"Lucky? I'm the one who got your ass home at all!" He yelled back from the living room as I slipped into a different skirt. Shirt could stay the same, just a plain white shell no one would notice. But skirt absolutely not. I grabbed a pair of earrings and a bag of makeup wipes and rushed past Dan. 
"Fine sorry love ya. Family dinner on saturday right?" I hurried as I slung a purse over my shoulder. 
"You got it." He replied. 
"Uh, stay awhile have breakfast if you want. I've got bagels and eggs. Just lock up when you leave." I remembered finally to be polite as he stretched getting up from the sofa.
The office was busy and loud as usual. I tried to smile and act like I wasn't hungover as holy hell while I walked to my desk. 
There was someone new taking a desk near me too. Lanky guy probably straight out of law school too. I sized him up for a moment before nearly catching his eye but going back to my work. 
It wasn't till lunch that I had to actually deal with another human when I ran into Mr. Asshole-dean. 
"Ms. Mars?" He said as he tapped my shoulder in line at the starbucks near the courthouse. 
I turned but knew his voice right away, "Mr. Dean?" I replied wondering why he was bothering me. He seemed to catch my cold tone. 
"What, rough night? Does suck the night you lose the case but don't worry. You'll get better at losing, can't win em all." 
I would like to get an extra extra hot- you know what make it just a cup of fucking lava to poor on this jackass. I smiled, "Thanks! I'm sure it didn't take you long to get used to it." I gave a passive aggressive smile and looked down to my watch. 
"Listen, Mars, I know we're opposing counsel but I don't mean any harm by it. I think we could be great friends if you'd give it a shot. I mean I'm sure we both hate our jo-"
"Hi I'd like a venti mocha!" I ordered cutting him off the scurried back to my car. 
I had a few hours before I actually had a meeting. It was just to speak with a judge over a custody case between a homophobic mother and two "really good friends" one of who was the father of the child in question. There was a chance it could turn into a serious case, the mom was wealthy and if she got too displeased she could probably turn it into a civil suit on the grounds of the father being gay. But it wasn't likely she'd take the time. She was only really fighting for custody to use their kid as a weapon in the divorce. 
I drove home with my coffee deciding I wanted to Pad Thai leftovers I had as comfort/hangover/please-god-dont-make-me-live-another-day food. 
Daniel was sitting on my couch when I walked in. "Can you not just walk into my house? Dan may have forgotten to lock it but that's no reason for you to just waltz in here!" I yelled as I dropped my purse and walked up to him. 
"Is that my mail?" I huffed and snatched my letters from him. It was just junk mail but he still had no right to be so intrusive. 
He looked up at me with a slight glare, "I know what you did and I'm gonna get you back for it." And as quickly as he came he scurried out. 
Ringing up Dan I tapped my foot on the ground, "You forgot to lock the door!" I yelled into the phone. 
"Oh shit my bad. You okay?" He asked. 
"Yes, but Daniel was just here. All pissed over something." I grumbled and walked to the fridge to get out my leftovers. 
"Any idea of what?" He asked. 
"No clue." I answered. 
“No, don’t call anyone. Listen, they record everything but our conversations for confidentiality, if you call someone it’s possible that they might somehow be involved and we don’t want prosecution to get that- understand?” I hated explaining the basics to my clients, but those dumbassses would sign their own sentences if they didn’t know any better.
I walked up to the courthouse, in one hand I had my phone, the other a black coffee from the starbucks across the street, my work back slung over my shoulder and threatened to slide lower onto my arm. As I turned the corner I was suddenly burning with hot coffee against my chest and a stranger staring down at me as I had run right into him, 
“FUCK!” I yelled as I stepped back. My heel slipped in a crack on the sidewalk, the top of it snapping it too causing me to fall back, my head hitting the hard concrete.   
When I opened my eyes again he was standing over me. It was the new guy who sat across from me. "Don't worry I called an ambulance." He assured. I was going to sit up but as I pieced the situation together I realized I was no longer wearing a shirt. Instead I had his blazer placed over my top. I assume because of the burning coffee which would have been sitting on my torso had he not. 
He rode in the ambulance to the hospital. We sat in awkward silence as I tried to figure out his angle. Was he afraid I'd sue. I was the one who bumped into him. Did he wanna ask me questions about our workplace. It'd been a month or so since he'd arrived though so that wouldn't make sense. 
He sat next to me at the hospital and was still there when the doctor told me it was a light concussion and a small burn. He sighed, finally not seeming like a stiff board for a moment. Maybe he was scared I'd sue. I turned to him in the hospital bed when we had a moment alone. 
"Why are you here?" I asked. 
He blushed and looked down mumbling a bit as he said "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wouldn't be able to work anyways till I knew." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
"Why? I'm the one that bumped into you?" I asked. 
He was about to respond when the brigade of brothers came in. He seemed startled at all the sudden male energy in the room. "Ah, these are my brothers Dan, Danny, and Daniel. Daniel is a family name." I added the common addition when introducing them to anyone. 
He stood up and shook Dan's hand firmly "Nicholas Lamia." He said. I realized then that I also didn't know his name. Danny started to get suspicious as he looked at him with antagonizing eyes. 
"How do you know our sister?" He asked. Nicholas flushed again and tried to find words for a moment. 
"We work together. He's the one who called the ambulance." Daniel set a balloon down next to me that he'd gotten at the gift shop. 
We hadn't really spoken since his home break in. I still don't know what that was about. But he's been suspicious since. Once they released me Nicholas went on his way and the Mars siblings stood on the sidewalk and considered where to go. 
"Should we get sushi? It's been a moment since we hung out without mom and dad." Dan suggested leading the conversation. 
"Hmm, works for me. Samantha's out of town for work." Danny chimed in. 
I sighed thinking about all the work I still had to do. But it had been a minute since we hung out for fun, and cucumber rolls wouldn't be too bad right about now. "Sure I'm in." I replied. 
"You?" Danny asked Daniel.
He mumbled for a moment with the same guilty look, "no, I don't th-" 
Suddenly Danny got him in a headlock, "come on even Savy agreed and she'd rather eat shit than waste time." He joked. I rolled my eyes and we all piled into Dan's car. 
The waitress led us up to a small booth towards the back. At first I was going to sit next to Daniel but the blaring TV would send me down a spiral. There was a government program on and as soon as that shit for an heir came on I'd be fuming about how we're leaving the lives of multiple disadvantaged people to a boy who did body shots off a Delta Nu on a thursday night. I wasn’t exactly sure if that story was true, but it wouldn’t surprise me based off of what I’d seen from more credible sources than Lucy in the room down that hall at the sorority house who was gushing about how she wished it could be her. Prince Eaton went to the University of Labrador with us and she was hopeful that he would do it but sadly, no. 
Dan saw my eyes lingering on the TV and switched sides of the booth with me. We were just about finished and considering desert when I began to notice the glances and smirks. I wiped with a napkin thinking maybe I had some rice on my face, but they continued nonetheless. It wasn’t like creepy guys smirking either, it was everyone. The air felt different and Daniel looked like he was going to be sick. “What?” I asked as he opened his mouth. 
It looked like he was about to say something but couldn’t find the words. Dan opened to speak too, “Savannah, we didn’t think you’d ge-” 
“Oh my gosh congratulations on being selected! Would you like a desert? Everything is on the house of course!” The waitress smiled. 
I looked up at her as if she were speaking German. “Congratulations on what?” I asked. 
“On being selected! They were just announced, are you so excited? Could I also get a photo by any chance! The next queen of Illea could be sitting at my booth!” She cheered.
The world slowed as my mind raced selected? Like The selection selected? I didn’t apply? I didn’t want to apply? How did I even get entered? What did Daniel want to tell me? Did Daniel do this? Was this his revenge for what? 
I snapped out of it as Dan called my name. “I’m sorry. I have to step out for a moment.” I said and grabbed my purse running out of the restaurant, feeling everyone watching me. I walked to the side of the building and pressed my back against the cold brick panting. I crumbled inwards as my brothers ran over to me. I took a deep breath in, 
“I don’t” 
another breath
Suddenly a man with a long lens camera appeared. How did that happen so fast? How did he know what she looked like? Stupid your Savannah Mars it’s not like you’re a nobody your grandpa runs the largest candy company in the world. 
“Can you back off?” I heard Dan ask him. 
He kept ignoring Dan entirely, that is till Dan pushed his camera out of focus. “What the fuck man? Chill.” The creep said and went to shove Dan. Level headed Dan of course responded by punching him in the face. 
We all piled into his car and drove to my house. I sat in the car ride silent and waited for someone to speak. No one did but Daniel still looked like he was going to throw up. We all sat on the sofa in continued silence. Only Dan spoke to offer everyone water. 
No one said yes to it but a cup appeared in front of each of us anyways, always the responsible older brother. 
I inhaled then finally said, “I’m not mad. I just want to know why?” and looked at Daniel. It was clear by now that he was the culprit. 
He sat there in silence, his lip whimpering like he wanted to cry. Like he wanted to cry? If anyone’s going to cry it should be me. Suddenly I lunged at him to get in a hit. Only Danny’s arm stopped mine from smashing into his face. 
“Why?” I yelled. 
“I thought you made a gay dating profile for me.” He whimpered. 
“What?” I asked, even more confused than before. 
Dan spoke up, “Danny made a gay dating profile for him to try and give him a little push. When he got mad he said it was you who did it.” 
“I just saw the letter sitting there and it seemed like the perfect way to get back at you for meddling in my love life. I was just gonna taunt you with submitting it, then Dan told me it was Danny but he said you wouldn’t get in and you’d just never know.” Daniel explained. 
“Well, statistically speaking you shouldn’t have.” He defended. My anger shifted to the brother holding me back. If Danny had teased Daniel about his sexuality none of this would have happened. But I couldn’t do anything with him still holding my wrist. 
I stood from the sofa and the brothers stood as well. “I’m going to go get changed.” The second they relaxed I turned and charged at Danny. “You fucking bitch!” I yelled and started to pull at his hair. He didn’t fight back but Daniel panicked and Dan rushed over. I was yanked off of him before I could make any real damage but he did look hurt enough. 
“How could you! Just minding your own fucking business could have avoided this whole thing! And Daniel!” I yelled and turned. “Don’t fucking get vengeance especially not without communicating!” 
The phone started to ring. It was probably about the selection. I huffed over ready to say, “Hi, yes this is Savannah Mars. No, I would not like to participate, please pull someone else.” But as I picked up the phone I realized something. Daniel would have had to forge my signature. In order to apply for me he had to sign a contract. If I say I want out I would have to prove I didn’t agree to begin with. That would mean proving the false signature. Which is by the way, illegal. 
I sighed, held the phone to my ear. “Yes this is she. I’m so excited to be selected and am more than happy to discuss a time for you to send your people over.”
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Four
Wherein we make it to the Citadel, and do a lot of running around.
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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So right away, we meet Udina and the Council, way to throw us right into it.  
It’s a brief introduction and gives us an idea what Humanity is up against and who is representing us.  Basically, we’re supposed to get the idea that it’s a lot of bureaucratic bullshit, I guess.
This is also the first time we see Asari and Salarians, and they’re in reddish-brown and white, which really isn’t the best look.
Bioware continues to push the story forward.  We get enough to know that Udina is kind of an ass, and the Council isn’t going to just trust what some guy says even if he is the representative for billions of people.
And finally, after this, we’re set free.
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The Citadel I think is one of the coolest locations in like almost any game I’ve ever played.  They do a great job of both making it feel huge, but also accessible.  Enough bridges to get across to places you need to get to, and after you walk somewhere once, Citadel Rapid Transit is great.  I still choose to take elevators about 80% of the time even when I can CRT somewhere, just because I like the squad conversations and news updates. There’s a shorter elevator rides mod that helps, too.
There’s so much to do and see, and having one of the main areas just be such an awesome combination of scifi futurism and lush greenery + water is both trippy and breathtaking.  I think, especially with the updated graphics mods/settings, the Presidium especially holds up fairly well.  I mean it definitely feels more populated and modern in ME3 but, I just consider this to be more of a residential / professional area of the Presidium and most of what we see in ME3 is a more retail section.
It’d be annoying to be a groundskeeper here, though.  Lots of green areas that you’d really need to climb to, or garden on a steep slant. :p
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I always found it interesting that the natural first place to head to is into the ambassador’s office next door, where we find some friendly aliens, and one not-so-friendly one.  But honestly, this is a great place to find out the different ways other species view humanity, and how there’s apparently tiers of respect given to various species.
I always kind of hoped the Elcor would feature more prominently into the world in future games, but at least we got Hamlet.  I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about how Elcor like... do things?  We never see it but you have to assume that their hands have opposable thumbs and they’re able to stand on two legs, right?  I want to see what an Elcor ship looks like and Dakuna specifically.  Give us more elcor, Bioware!
BTW, the Mass Effect: Annihilation (aka the book that was supposed to be based on the Quarian Ark DLC that never happened in Andromeda) is totally worth reading just for the elcor character in it.  It’s also probably the best of the Mass Effect books, in my opinion.
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Din Korlack’s got a point though, they not only have to share an office, but their view isn’t nearly as good as the human’s.  This is especially bullshit for the volus, who could stand on that railing and probably STILL wouldn’t have a view.
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I love how Mass Effect 2 takes her from a completely forgettable character to making me think  “Sorry you’re gonna die in a few weeks, your mom’s really gonna miss you.” every time I see her.
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I don’t remember which ME3 mod it is, maybe the Spectre Expansion Mod or maybe EGM, but thank you whichever modder it was who made Palin’s story and death more clear in ME3.  Sorry Udina got you killed.
Also, it was good to get a dissenting opinion on Spectres from him.
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Avina is such a good, optional way to get more loredump.  Yes, you can again ask them about Spectres if you want to hear about them again.  But I liked that each Avina terminal taught you a little more about whatever you were nearby, and the state of the galaxy in general and since they were programmed to be information dumps, it felt more natural to get information this way.
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Don’t these people have jobs?
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I love the Krogan statue, and the Avina terminal nearby telling you about it.  But now every time I see it, all I can picture is Grunt and his buddies climbing it.  So good.
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Managed to get a clean shot of the crew without the UI in the elevator, thanks Flycam!  You have about a half a second to get this shot though, because the camera is stationary while the elevator is not.
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Oh hell-lo Pailin, who is your charming-looking friend there?
This entire conversation needs to be longer. It’s a nice, quick introduction to Garrus, but, well, let’s spend a little more time with the main characters!!
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I mean how can you not just not immediately love that?  Hey remember how bad Garrus’ face texture used to be?  Thanks, modders.
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I just really love the Citadel tower.  Absolutely beautiful and atmospheric.
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SO the thing is, if you can pretend that Saren isn’t, you know, already half Reaperized, 100% the Council is right to not just go throwing one of their longer-term agents in jail because Shepard had a bad dream and a random dockworker said the guy who killed Saren looked like this.
Honestly though, this and OH A GOOD CHUNK OF MASS EFFECT 2 would be so much easier if Shepard wore a bodycam. :p
Also, I wonder who took the dockworker’s testimony?  Did Kaidan run back real quick while Shepard was sleeping?
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This was an embarrassment for humanity, and I agree with Udina that we needed more to go on before making demands of the council.  The council is right to not convict based off a bad dream Shepard had.  Go get some real proof!  Also, do a bunch of sidequests!
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And scan some Keepers for this shady guy!
Which is actually good quest design, because you really have to go to every nook and cranny in the Citadel to find them all, though it would have been nice if they showed up on the minimap.   Really gets you to explore and get to know the area like the back of your hand.
This time around, I forgot to grab the one outside Dr. Michele’s office and had to hunt for it before heading up to grab the last one at the docks.
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Thank you, though, Barla Von, for telling us all about the Shadow Broker and telling us about Wrex.  See u in ME3.
Bioware please give us diverse-suited volus in a remaster.  Maybe I’m reusing a pic of Din Korlack, you’ll never know! :p
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Thanks, texture modders, for really highlighting what the end of the hanar’s noses look like. 
The hanar are another species I wish we got more of throughout the series.  They are probably the most alien of all the aliens we interact with.   I mean, at least we got Blasto.  I’d really love to visit Kahje someday.  I know it’s in the comics, but you know, in-game.
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Annnd let’s go visit Sha'ira.
I have very mixed feelings about Sha'ira.  On one hand, she’s clearly very respected, is probably making bank, in control of her own destiny etc.  On the other hand, she’s probably the asari we have the second most interaction with in this game after Liara, and after just seeing Benezia’s boob-tastic clothing and then heading to Chora’s Den soon to see the dancing asari we’re getting a very slanted view of the species.  I think Bioware course corrects in later games but oof this is such a dude-fantasy alien species in ME1 it hurts.  Especially since Liara is almost a born-sexy-yesterday trope.
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Also... don’t touch me if I don’t wanna be touched. =\
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Noveria advertisements... that just say Noveria.  I guess this is effective marketing in 2148.
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Look how great those shadows from the tree are... actual definition in shadow... wow.
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Raise your hand if you’ve missed this conversation in a playthrough before and reloaded like an hour or more past to make sure you get it.
It’s one of those little moments that they didn’t have to put in.  Just a little conversation reflecting on humans and humanity, and our place in the world, and showcasing Ash’s wit and Kaidan’s adorkableness.  Also making sure you appreciate all the work that went into this particular view.  It’s a pause in the action and all the things you have going on, and it’s so great for characterization and making you feel a part of the world.  
Speaking of the view... I decided to flycam it.  Warning, I spoil some of the “magic” below.
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Pretty quickly, you see that the arms are actual objects, untextured on the non-visible side.
I decided to head for the closest line of “cars” on the bottom center-left to see what those ��cars” looked like.
Flycam feels pretty fast when you’re trying to frame a specific shot just right... but when you need to travel a great distance, it feels verrry slow.
It took me probably close to five minutes of traveling to make it all the way there.
What I discovered was... a few of the buildings are real, the rest are a very good painting.
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This is how far away the citadel is from the rest of the map. That grid would be that entire view from outside Dr. Michele’s office all the way to the edge of the shops on the other side, plus some extra.
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So both the building that those “cars” (the string of white lights) are coming from and going to are... on the painting.  Neither one are physical objects.
Made some gifs.
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You can see the lights moving at a mostly-downward angle, while it looks like they’re just heading south when standing on the Citadel.  Also you can see other lights moving farther up the map.
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And here you can see the lights “disappearing behind a building” but they’re really just hitting an invisible wall, the dark angle of that building is just a part of the wall painting.   
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Looking up from the wall...
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So that was a fun distraction.
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Emily Wong deserved:
An entire shirt.
A mention in ME3 after she gave her life on social media defending Earth against the reapers while keeping her cool reporting on the invasion the day before ME3′s release.
That day before launch though... was amazing.  Bioware did such a great job on social media with the reaper invasion happening on twitter.  I loved that lots of fans got into it, too, posting photoshops and their own reaper invasion stories.  I remember being at work that day but not actually working very much.  A few friends and I had a google hangout going on to report in on anything we saw happening on social media and keep up with it and to be very hyped together online.  
We reblogged a bunch of it on fuckyeahbioware starting about here and working backwards through numbers.  
One of the ME3 mods, and again, sorry, don’t remember which, does give Emily a nice tribute through an email.  She deserves it.
Okay that’s enough for this post!  Will try to finish up the Citadel next time!
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spooky-skz · 6 years
Merman!Hyunjin AU
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(Hello! So those recent pictures of Hyunjin with green contacts gave out some demon au feels but for me, it gave more of a merman feel y’know? SO HERE WE GO. P.S. THIS IS SUPER LONG AND I’M REALLY SORRY!) * let’s start with how you meet •Your family was visiting a nearby island in your country bc… you’ve got a lot of islands there. •everything was going fine at first •selfies here and there while the guide made terrible puns •weather was nice too (hA, for now) •BUT •the guide suggests on showing your fam the awesome harmless animals and fruits in the specific island you guys were on •your family is ecstatic! bc animals are cool. •you saw some rad lizards, lil snakes that had no venom, these thicc beetles, and more. •well you were sorta gazing at the critters for too long bc when you looked up, your family was gone. •like you were alone at this point. •you called out to them but received no reply. •after a few minutes of mindlessly searching for them, you had no clue where they went. •there was no cellphone reception and the only thing you had was your backpack filled with snacks, water, your underwater camera, and phone. •AS IF YOUR LUCK COULDN’T GET ANY WORSE, the sky started turning into a really dark color. •oof •sprinkles of rain started falling and you were getting a little more worried bc the ground was getting a bit slippery to walk on. •you tried remembering the route back to the boat but everything looked the sAME! •the rain becomes more aggressive and you search for some shelter bc at this point you needed a quiet place to think. •AND BEHOLD! a cave •it was hidden through some vines and rubble but you managed to squeeze yourself inside. the opening was pretty narrow and very dark with a dim light coming from the other side. •you keep walking till you reach the middle of the cave that had a vast underwater paradise within it
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•your mouth hung open bc wOw! it’s such a beautiful place but no one else would witness it bc it’s not included in the vacation brochure •you took out your camera to snap a photo of the beautiful area •as you checked the photo, a silver slither of... something catches your eye. the thing was behind some rocks and appeared to be peaking out from them in the picture. then the camera slips from your hands and slides down the rocks and directly into the water * it went “ploop” * you leaned over the water and just searched for your camera but you couldn’t see it??? * wat? * you literally felt like shoving your head in the water bc how could u do such a thing? your camera was a present and now you lost it. * your hand found its way to your necklace that you toyed with when you were nervous/upset. * “i’m so doNe. how in the heck could this get any worse?” you huffed to yourself. * “...well you could fall in the water and die?” a voice said nonchalantly from behind a rock. * deFENSE mode ActivATED! you peered cautiously at the area where you heard the voice * “...is someone there?” you asked * “nah. just a talking rock.” the voice sounded deep and like it belonged to a male but you weren’t sure. * “Show yourself.” you requested, half hoping it isn’t some sort of terrifying monster and the other half you hoped it would be someone who could help. * a handsome hyunjin appears, swimming towards you. * you were so mesmerized! this boy was so attractive like his face was scultped precisely by the gods themselves. his hair was as dark as the night but his eyes were a nice mint green color with black pupils. * you released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in * he chuckled. wow his voice is dEEP. “...ah, how do you humans say it? cat’s got your tongue?” * you were stumped. how in the world did he get into this cave through the pool? * your eyes looked into the water and found something resembling a fish tail that was connected to... HIM? * he followed your gaze and chuckled again at your surprised expression. * this guy even waved his tail at you from underwater. * and your eyes were still as wide as saucers. * “impressed?” He asked you all smug. * you whirled your backpack straight at his face to see if he was,,, real? * he clutched his nose because that fucking hurt :) * “okay... ow.” was all he said. * “m-mermaid!” you uttered out. * he rubbed his aching nose and said, “the correct term is merman but yeah, you get the gist.” * whAt wHat whaT?! * you were in shock because 1. you didn’t consider merpeople as real until now and 2. you were speaking to one * “you’re real... you’re actually real.” you said after taking a couple breaths. * he nodded and gave you some more moments to process it. * “you’re surprisingly calm for a human. aren’t you afraid i’m gonna eat you or something?” he asked. * “if you were gonna eat me, you would’ve done so already.” you pointed out. * “...and what are you doing here anyways?” you added. * “i should be asking you that since this is sorta my place.” he said. * you kinda ignored his previous statement because his tail caught your eye again.
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* lemme say this: his tail was really pretty. it was metallic silver but depending on the sunlight, it appeared black in some areas. * “...are you gonna like... tell me your name or something?” he asked you. * you tore your eyes away from his tail because you didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable. * you gave him your name and he gave you his. * SO LET ME SPEED IT UP A BIT * hyunjin and you discussed how you came to your predicament and to your current situation. * you both tried to come up with a solution on how you can get found but it all either ended up with him being discovered or you dying from trying to swim to the boat. * he saw the upset look on your face and it made him feel kinda bad?? like he totaLLY didn’t mind your presence in his cave (it’s literally his chill area when he wants to be away from the other mermen!straykids.) bc he found it kinda comforting to talk to someone new (he loves his other mer friends tho don’t get me wrong!!) but the upset look you had on was unsettling for him. * to get your mind off of things, he pointed at your backpack and asked what was inside. * you said that it was food and water. * “human food?” he asked all cute & curious * you came to the realization that this guy probably hasn’t eaten any human food in his life. * you whipped out some granola bars from your bag and handed him two. * he held one in each hand like an adorable little kid. he was skimming through the name, ingredients, nutrician facts, etc. * “have you ever tried human food before?” you asked him. * he shook his head for a no. you showed him how to open the snack and he took a small bite out of one of the bars * you’re literally sharing food with a mythical creature right now. * suddenly, your mind came to the realization that he could feel ill from eating human food. * his reply was simple, “if i get sick from this then...oh well.” * HE ENDS UP LIKING IT! * you two start talking about your favorite foods and his food selections were seaweed, kelp, clam, etc. * you tried to explain the concept of some of your favorite treats but he still couldn’t really grasp the info. (it was alright tho bc he was still really enchanting with a confused expression) *  you also ask him what life was like as a merman and he answered all your questions to the best of his ability. * unfortunately?? you heard the familiar voice of the guide shouting from a distance near the entrance of the cave. * you both stared at the source of the sound and the chill mood you both once had suddenly turned....sad. * you kind of didn’t wanna part with your new friend. * “uh, guess i got the help i needed after all!” you awkwardly said. * hyunjin nodded understandingly and watched you stand up to gather your belongings. * “it was nice meeting you, dude. even though it was only for a short time.” you said through a sad smile. * “same to you, (y/n)...” he said with the same expression. * you took a few strides away from the pool but turned around and saw him still swimming in the same location where you two were just chatting seconds ago.   * “do you know that pier with a restaurant on a big yellow boat?” you asked. * he nodded. “yeah, below that pier is a hangout spot for us. what about it?” * you sheepishly toyed with your necklace as you said, “well, my family and i own that restaurant and if you wanted to speak with me again, you can find me there.” * tHIS BOY WOULD BE GRINNING SO WIDE BC HE GETS TO SEA YOU AGAIN (ahaha sorry.) * he agrees that he’ll visit you there soon. (by that he means the next day lol) * he pulls out an object from behind a rock and hands it to you. * IT’S YOUR CAMERA!!! * ah you could practically jump in the water and give this kid a hug. * “I saw it sinking down earlier before I revealed myself and saw how torn up you were about losing it... so here.” * “thanks!” you said and then, asked if you could take a photo of him for your scrapbook. * of course he didn’t know what a scrapbook was but agreed nevertheless... you reminded yourself to bring your scrapbook to the restaurant next time so you can show it to hyunjin. * (i’m not saying his smile in the photo was the sweetest you’ve ever seen... but that’s exactly what i’m saying. you only took a photo of his face and upper torso tho, avoiding his tail in the shot in case someone got a hold of your camera.) * you waved goodbye to him as you made your way towards the entrance of the cave and left with the guide who took you back to your worried family at the boat. AHHHHH THIS WAS LONG. if you want some more mermen!straykids au’s feel free to request hehe.  I’M OPEN TO A PART 2 TO THIS BTW! I’M SORRY IF THIS WASN’T PLEASING... I HAVEN’T WRITTEN FOR A WHILE ASIDE FROM SCHOOL PAPERS XD
mermen!straykids au links: bang chan: https://tinyurl.com/mermanchan
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kxlebcross · 4 years
multiples of three, please.
oh man i cant believe ur making me do maths at 4:18 am... but here goes nothing! (it’s gonna be long so i put it under a read more)
3. Ever done any drugs? uhhhh... yeah, for a short period yrs ago i had a friend group and with them we smoked weed pretty much every weekend... they did some hard drugs too but i never dared trying those cuz im a lil bitch lmao aaaaand i don’t do that anymore, it’s an expensive hobby to have and i usually waste my drugs money on pc games and ordering food srgsdfg
6. Describe your dream home. probs somewhere in a big city, close to the center because i love being a big city kid.... a mid-sized flat with lots of plants and those neat cat playgrounds mounted on the wall because i plan on having at least 4 cats in the future asdsd and i’d love to have a bigger balcony which i could transform into a little jungle and hand a hammock there and just chill and listen to the city’s noises at night when i can’t sleep
9. Do you watch porn? you may not believe but i actually don’t sdgsdfg the horny teen phase is over for me, if i wanna interact with anything pornographic i just read fanfiction dfgsdfgsf
12. What’s one of your fantasies? i hope it’s not supposed to be an erotic one lmao but i really wanna go on a road trip through europe, just pack up my shit and drive around, also i wanna visit haunted places all around england and get into the gaming business as a game translator/tester eventually
15. Are you in a relationship? thank god not anymore... and honestly i don’t miss it anymore, all of my previous ones were disasters and ended in a really ugly manner so.. no, i’m all good with my cat
18. What tattoos do you want? i don’t have specific plans for motives - though i’d really like a kitsune mask somewhere and a moon and one song quote. i’d like to have my whole left sleeve done, maybe part of my back, a half sleeve on my right hand and something smaller on my ankle - and i’m actually open to anything the tattooists would pick out; i care more about who’s gonna create my tattoo than what’s it gonna be, as my actually existing 2 tattoos r also premade, randomly picked out ones (though they accidentally matched up in some way and look pretty neat imo)
21. Describe your best friend. that’s a hard one.... i don’t think i have one anymore. i used to have this girl in my life, M, who i was really close to, but we had a fallout in october and she never came around to fix this even though i was open to the idea... so i lost my best friend, which is kinda sad considering that she was the only person i could open up to in the last 3 yrs. but hey that happens! i moved on and have a close friend still so im all good.
24. What are three places you want to travel? i really wanna visit scotland! it has this specific atmosphere i really long to experience, and i wanna see the landmarks and grassy fields and loch ness and haunted places and just roam around there for a while. i also wanna see moscow - it’s been sort of an obsession of mine since reading glukhovsky’s metro series, and also it’s a beautiful city worth visiting. i’d also like to get on the trans-siberian express but that’s not a specific place dsfsgdf the last place would be the aokigahara forest in japan - also one of the places i feel drawn to for ages now. found out about it years ago and since it’s been sort of a plan of mine to visit one time. if i manage to graduate university my mum promised to send me on a trip to japan - so if it works out, ill be on my way there baby! (i just need to work on my language skills first sasdfgf)
27. What’s your pet peeve? loud breathing, loud chewing... generally people being loud and annoying. ppl not covering their mouths while coughing. ppl who walk super slowly and take up all of the walkway like FUCK OFF OF MY WAY GODDAMMIT. in games when the npc walks a lot slower than ur running, but walking a lot faster than ur walking so its impossible to keep up with them. ppl not using headphones in public spaces. old ppl demanding respect when they treat u like shit. ppl forcing their religion on u (im looking at u auntie). ppl slurping their drinks. couples almost f*cking each other in public places... just get a room smh
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message. oh i don’t need to tag them cuz i already got over that shyness and they totes know already that i wanted to talk to them for a while! (i admitted to it in the tackiest, cheesiest, most awkward anon ask i ever sent in to anyone sdfgsdf)
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? pretty much the same as now, all black and flannels and jeans, cuz i rly thing that major clothes shopping sprees r a waste of money sdfdf but i’d probably own a lot lot more shoes like custom made cat patterned vans and some more nikes and some creepers cuz i wanted to get some of those for like yrs now dfgdfg
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? uhhhh... kind of? not romantic ones tho, i just miss the long talks and the trust and understanding between us. i never got the closure i needed to move on and it still left some bad feelings towards her so its a weird mix of resentment and sympathy, and i try to not think abt it too much.
39. Are you a virgin? hahahahahahahahah, no, really. 
42. Describe the hottest person you know. the hottest person i personally know is one of the ppl i used to be on my universitys e-sport team on with dfasd i always had a weak spot for ppl taller than me and hes literally model material with nice cheekbones and the perfect jawline and the best sense of humor ever. though he’s a widowmaker main in overwatch and thats a big big minus for him :(
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? lmaooooo thats a funny one listen up... so i was fresh out of breakup and wanted to make some friends.... wait for it.... ON TINDER. i live in an university town so i was like kewl imma make some ppl my age (until then all of my friends were A LOT older than me) and have some friends and if romance happens then it happens, w/e. so i set up this bar night with this one guy, i believe his name was David? so David and i meet up for drinks, i grab a gintonic and we sit down to talk... what he never knew abt me is that i am on the adhd spectrum and i have to get my hands busy with smth so i can focus on what im saying otherwise my thoughs r all over the place. so im casually keeping my hands busy with just spinning my locked phone there and back, or just  messing around with the lime slice on my glass and at a random moment David goes like “u know.... i hate when ppl cant stop messing around with their phone” and im like ????? dude im literally just spinning it, not even messaging anyone or unlocking it or shit. and he goes on this rant that he always expects ppl to pay full attention to him when talking, looking at him (i never look ppl in the eyes cuz i tend to just go into panic mode from long eye contact and also i think its creepy to just stare at someone constantly) and just not doing anything else except paying attention to him so i go on explaining to him that i need to keep myself busy and im not doing it to annoy him - but he keeps on insisting so i excuse myself to a cigarette (he also hated smokers lmao) and call the widowmaker main friend from the previous question and am like “hey man i have the worst date of my life can u be at this place in 40 minutes and then we hit the night life” and hes like fine so i go back to David and tell him “sorry mate i just remembered i have my last bus home in 30 minutes and the next one is in 1,5 hrs and i really cant stay out that late so can we wrap this up and schedule an other meeting some other time” and hes like fine... got me to the bus stop, i sat on the bus.... got off at the next bus stop, met up with widowmaker main guy and went out for drinks and decided to never go on tinder dates again sdfgsdfg
48. Describe your ideal partner. thats a hard one, hey! but i dont think i have an ideal, guess ill work with anyone whos a decent human being who wont require me to be the housemaid and cook and clean and do everything for them. oh and they totally need to know how to use a washing machine... one of my exes was incapable of this (and here i was thinking that in 2018 ppl saw a washing machine already... looks like i was wrong and im still not over that incident 2 yrs ago). oh and they gotta be fine with the idea of never having kids cuz theres no way im putting myself through raising one of those, im a man of career and money, totally not responsible enough to raise another living human being sdsdgdf
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 6]
Meant to get this done a while ago, but I’ve got a new job and it’s been keeping me busy. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter; it’s probably the most action-packed one yet. 
Content warnings for this chapter include more (attempted) rape, a consensual sex scene (not described), and some violence. And a hell of a lot of nonsense that may hurt your brain if you think about it too hard.
Recap: Tiaa competed in, and won, a school talent contest. Edward was very impressed with her, but Tiaa was still angry about him rejecting her advances back in chapter 4, so she yelled at him and then went and had a cry.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN - dnt all just attack me for the things writen in this chapter about Tiaas parents, i havent explaned everything yet an it will make more sense later. 
Which probably means it will make no sense now, but we’ll see.
Chapter 6 - the curse
-Oh ewdard with your skin so white Your eyes like amber out of sight Pale angel in my eyes Hair like gold rosy sunrise-
That’s a hell of a poem, but maybe you should stick to prose.
I read the words of my poem out quietly. I had written a poem about Edward, i just couldnt help myself. I hated myself for doing it but i couldnt get him out of my mind and it was the only way i could deal with my feelings. 
Soddenly my mind went black and i felt into a trance. 
In my original version of the MST I made a comment here about Tiaa needing therapy and antipsychotics. I would have reproduced it as-is, but I don’t wanna seem like I’m making light of mental illness; that being said, as someone who goes to therapy and takes antipsychotics, this girl could use some professional medical attention. Like, pronto.
A tall pale man stood in front of me all ghosty and misty like he was only half there. 
"my daugher? My daughter?" he moaned 
"who are you?" i wispa quietly
"i am your FATHER! 
That’s a real shocker after he just called her his daughter.
Not positive why he’s screaming this part, but I’ll go with it.
Your in terror and peril my daugher! 
God I fucking love this author’s use of the English language.
Beware the vampire boy called edward!" 
"why?" I said
"you mussent let him sex you or the curse your mother tried to protect you from will fall on you...you'll become a VAMPIRE! 
Uh… what? Lemme dissect this.
Tiaa’s dad is a vampire. Presumably her mom was not, though I get the feeling mom may not have been human either. Human/vampire hybrids are an established thing in the Twilight universe, and Tiaa clearly isn’t one (just for starters, she’s apparently been aging at a normal rate, as opposed to the highly accelerated pace at which human/vampire hybrids mature), so let’s assume her mom has some other supernatural shit going on. There’s a curse involved, so let’s say she’s a witch or similar. 
Why the hell would there be a curse on Tiaa that makes her turn (presumably irreversibly) into a vampire if she has sex with a vampire? Who caused this? What’s going on? Is it specifically Edward who’s dangerous to her, or would any other vampire pose the same threat? What is defined as “sex” here? Vaginal intercourse?
What a weird plot twist. Moving the hell on.
And you will never be safe! Only as a human can you be safe from them..." 
Wait, safe from who? Why would being human make her safer? Would she be targeted specifically for being nonhuman if she were to become a vampire? Why?
then he faded and I was awake and uncle larry was standing at my door.
"take ur clothes off now you moldy slut!" said uncle larry and he smiles horribly with his yellow teeth
Geez, Uncle Larry, at least do something about the mold first.
"no i wont" i screamed but uncle larry came over and hit me. I was strong for my size but he was a huge fat man like 300 pounds in weight and stronger than me. 
Oh, okay, so we finally get a sense of how big and strong Uncle Larry is compared to Tiaa. Presumably Atlantiana “strong and graceful like the running anti-lopes” Rebekah Loren is faster than this guy, though. I feel like she might still be able to outmaneuver him.
He took my clothes off and chained me to the bed. 
Where did the chains come from? Did Uncle Larry bring them with him or do Dave and Marie keep bondage equipment in the house?
I new he was going to rape me again. 
That’s an impressive deduction.
But at that moment someone came running into the room and hit uncle larry across the head with a stick and knocks him out cold. Uncle larry laid there bleeding and i looked up at...EDWARD!
I was gonna make a totally different comment here but it actually just struck me (pun not intended) that this is the most in-character Edward has been yet. If you read Twilight, there’s actually a scene where he saves Bella from a group of guys attempting to corner and assault her. His mind-reading ability and stalker tendencies both come in handy here; it’s not a stretch to imagine he might be hanging about in the vicinity of Tiaa’s house, and he would be able to read Uncle Larry’s mind and know what Larry planned on doing to Tiaa. As ridiculous as him conveniently busting in at the nick of time might seem, it’s exactly the sort of thing he’d do.
"omg my sweet lady" he cried! "what has this frightful asshole been doing to thee?"
Never mind, apparently he didn’t actually read Uncle Larry’s mind, or he would have known what the frightful asshole (great phrase) had been doing to Tiaa. So we’re back to the scene making no sense. 
"he's been raping me and hitting me" i weeped sadly as edward unchained me and i put my clothes on. Edward turned away whale I dressed so he wasnt perving on me, and he looked down at the poem I had wroten.
"for truth!these are the most beautiful words I have ever seen, it makes me feel so very moved" he cried "i wish i wasnt promised to someone else then i could write poems for thee" 
Edward, man, you’re coming up on 100 years old. You’ve been going through the educational system over and over again for decades. Surely you’ve read some good poetry (by which I mean “surely you’ve read the one or two good poems to have been written in the history of poetry, one of which is definitely ‘The Emperor of Ice Cream’ by Wallace Stevens”) in your time on this earth.
"why are u promised to bella anyways" i ask
"Be cause i made a promise and i cant' break it, it would be rude and ungentalmanly. 
Promised because he made a promise. Got it.
Bella never used to be like she is now,when i fist met her she was sweet and shy and was never nasty about everybody but she has changed and so have her freinds. I dont know watt made her change, maybe it is mine fault, she just seems angry all the time now."
That’s what happens when a Mary Sue shows up in your story! Canon characters start acting really weird to allow the Sue to fill a specific role that would otherwise not exist!
"Yah that makes sense I guess" i said.
We left the house and went to walk in the woods. We talked about loads of things and it turned out we had a lot in comnon. We liked all the same music and movies and books and stuff, it was like magic.
I actually think one of the perks of dating a vampire would be being able to pick his brain about pop culture through the ages. Like, it’d be really cool to talk about hip youth culture with someone who has been masquerading as a hip young person for over fifty years; that’s gotta be a unique perspective. But what the hell are the odds of a teenager in the 2000s matching interests perfectly with someone who’s lived through the entire 20th century?
"you know maybe bella is unhappy be cause you guys are not in love like u used to be, and u should brake up with her so she can move on and your can both be happy" i say
…see, now that’s actually completely solid relationship advice.
"she all ways used to say that shed kill herself if I left her. I could not be responsable for her death! 
Uh, her depression (and/or manipulative tendencies?) isn’t his responsibility. On the other hand, though, this is in-character for Edward.
I just don't get what has happened to her she used to be nice and sweet like thou my lady. 
I feel like Edward isn’t very good at judging when a girl is “nice and sweet.”
And now i am falling in love with thou and it is all such a darn mess!" He hit a tree in frustration and it broke. 
This author’s frequent use of purple prose only makes it funnier when she describes something as minimally as this. “It broke.” Brilliant.
He was so strong, i guess cause he was a vampire.
Yeah, could be why.
"your falling in love with me?" i ask, my cheeks going all red and my heart starting to sore
Girl, you okay?
"omg, forget I said that!" he looked relay embarassed and it was so cute. He had a big erection too. 
Did this boy just get a hard-on from punching a tree?
I retched out and grabbed his hard throbbing male object. 
I am literally imploring you to use the word “penis” instead.
We couldn't controll ourselves any more and we both fell down on the floor and got naked and made love. It was amazing and lasted hours and I had never been so happy in my life i felt like i coud die with happines. 
These two have some impressive stamina considering it’s the first time for both of them. I mean, I guess Edward is a vampire, and Tiaa is... Tiaa, but still.
But after a while edward started to freak out and cry.
Yeah, he’s like that.
"I HAVE BEEN SUCH A FOOL!" he screamed "i should not have let that hapen! 
I’ll cut the guy some slack for being eternally seventeen years old, which probably doesn’t come with the best impulse control, but… they had sex for hours, and he only just now started to realize his mistake? 
I hope thee can forgive me, i must return to Bella!" and he ran away.
I could not believe it. It was like my world was caving in all about me. i was so socked and angry i could not even cry or scream. 
It’s not really shocking, honestly. The entire story has been about Edward’s inability to make up his goddamn mind over whether or not to leave Bella. I’d be angry too, because the constant waffling back and forth is pretty annoying, but… oh, hang on, that actually says she was socked, not shocked. Never mind.
But as i lay there i started to fell diferent, like RELAY diferent. I suddenly remembed watt my father had said to me about not making sex with edward or he woud turn me into a vampire! 
Yeah, it’s pretty easy to forget randomly blacking out and having a vision of your vampire dad. That’s the sort of thing that happens so often it’s hard to keep track.
My skin was getting all hard and pale and my eyes could suddenly see a lot clearer than before! I could hear lots of little noises even form relay far away. I even wanted to drink blood!
She’s turning into Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.
and i could smell a human comin closer, he was almost here
"There you are you horrid SLUG" it was uncle larry "where have u been? I'm goin to rape u now!”
Well, that’s some real authentic-sounding rapist dialogue.
Also, if you remember my comment from earlier about placing bets on which chapter Uncle Larry dies horribly in, and you bet on chapter 6, congrats! You don’t win anything. I’m out of confetti.
Something in me snaped. I jumped at him and broke his neck and drank his blood! 
I don’t normally condone vampirism, but in this case — you go, girl! Give ‘em what for!
i had always ben strong for my size but now i was SUPER strong!He looked so surprised and it was so GOOD! Soon i dropped him on the floor and he was...dead!
I woulda thought he’d have died once his neck was broken, but if she has enough technique to keep him alive to suffer even with a broken neck, more power to her.
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