#Typical Mom's
shaadiwish · 1 year
Whether our mothers get inspired by Bollywood moms or Bollywood mothers are characterised based on real life mothers.
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Wanted to make my rendition of woman Peppino (aka Peppina). I call her Peppana.
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first concept sketch of her :)
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
this is probably an unpopular opinion with the amount of "everyone is married with kids" type future aus people make for sonic characters but i cannot see sonic getting married or having a kid ever. if he did somehow end up with a kid hed be the worlds first transmasc absent father or however the joke goes
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wigglebox · 1 year
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luluy33art · 8 days
Thinking of Guardian! Chloe AU, I tried to figure out what the relationship between G!Chloe and makeup would be like. Canon Chloe would definitely be one of those girls who started wearing makeup at a very young age either because of her position/reputation or the influence of people around her.
But without that, I still think G!Chloe would be interested in makeup just because it looked so good on women (Ik what u are)
So she asks Grandpa Fu to buy her some, but Fu was like "Aren't you a little young for that?" and he doesn't buy any. The next day he surprises Chloe at 7am with her lips and face badly painted and a green marker in her hand.
He had to take his 5-year-old granddaughter with ink poisoning to the hospital.
At least it wasn't serious.
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tallgh0st · 1 year
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kishimotomasashi · 7 months
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This is so cute actually + I think this is the first time I've seen Fugaku in casual clothing
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
otto: i bet you're wondering why we called you here today. alicent: it's because we need to have a conversation about how some people in this room aren't getting along with other people in this room. aegon: why are you guys being so vague, aemond and i are the only ones here
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We need a RR team consisting of a stereotypical Karen who throws a tantrum and demands to talk to the manager of the show every time her team doesn’t come in the Top 3/Top 5 or when anything goes wrong and her beleaguered, almost constantly embarrassed daughter.
Bonus: The Karen was originally going to take her son (who is clearly her favorite child no matter how much she insists otherwise), but he dropped out at the last minute for whatever reason.
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holedyke · 1 month
having a hashtag bad one 👍
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booty-uprooter · 2 months
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i know theyre establishing a pattern but you can't just tell strangers other peoples' phobias it's rude
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blazingstar29 · 11 months
I found love
First cab off the rank for the icemav song series! I Found by Amber Run from @qedart. (Do y'all want these on ao3?)
cw: inexplicit period typical homophobia
I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be
Fear doesn’t set in for some years, despite how uncertain they were at first. No, Tom is never scared of his love for Maverick. But it’s only as his sister gets engaged and his cousin has a baby that he comes to a chilling realisation that he’s of the age where he needs to shed his bachelor personality and take a desk position, get married, and have kids. 
And he would love too, he’d love to do all those things. Except he can’t, not without killing his soul in the process.
Because he’d love to get married – to Maverick. He’d love to come home – to Maverick. He’d love to have kids – with Maverick. 
But he can’t marry Maverick. He can’t always come home to Maverick. He can’t have kids with Maverick. 
How unfortunate that the man so many people are convinced is cold and heartless has so much love, only for it to be forbidden. Denied. Disgraced. 
Love was meant to be for the daughter of an Admiral or a banker or someone. So long as she was a daughter. Love wasn’t meant to be found in his rival, his competitor, his wingman. His Maverick. 
Fear instils itself in him. It makes him hold his breath every time the topic of relationships comes up around his family, waiting for the questions. It’ll be harder to maintain the it’s hard to court from an aircraft carrier when he inevitably takes a desk position. Sooner or later his mother will want her son to have children, a daughter in law to talk wallpaper with. 
And i’ll use you as a makeshift gauge of how much to give and how much to take
Pete spent his entire life asking the universe questions and never waiting long enough for an answer. How long can he go before breaking into the turn? How much more can the air boss take? 
He’s spent his entire life pushing it, right on the edge of the envelope. Higher, faster. More often than not it’s worked out, somehow. But he fails, falls, just like everyone. Each time he seems to land into the grounder harder than before. Like the universe is sending him a message. 
But he never listened, never paid attention. Didn’t take any hints from the universe on when to slow down. Not until Tom Kazansky showed up, an ever present speedometer that reminds him to break, to eat and sleep.
Tom’s father dies when he’s thirty seven and it stops the questions for a while. A part of him feels guilt, or is regret, that his father never saw him  become a father. At the wake his mother takes by the hand into the garden and cups her hand on his cheek. 
She smiles up at him sadly, but hopeful. 
“Love that boy who sat in the back,” she whispers quietly. “You’re free now.” 
 Pete’s spent so long being told to give in, to relent to the pressure, the expectation. To slow down, follow orders, stay on the straight and narrow. He’s spent so long hearing it that sometimes he forgets to find the accelerator, to pour his all, to give his everything. 
Before the first dark star test flight Tom holds his hand through the fire repellent gloves on the long walk out to the flight line in the middle of the Mojave desert. 
He looks at Tom through his helmet. A view they’ll share in this exact spot more than once. 
“I’m about to ask an experimental aircraft to go Mach 5.”
Tom takes him by the shoulders and gets as close to Pete’s face shield as he dares. “I know so many people including myself have told you to slow down, to stop, to think, to change course. And something I’ve rarely told you is to hurry up.” Move your ass, get up here! I’m engaged with five. Repeat five. I’m in deep shit! “You are the only one who can push it up there the way you do.”
“But what if–”
“I want you to come home tonight. But Mav, I know you. I know you’ve been told to give in, give up all your life. It’s time for you to take. Push it, because you can.” 
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reenybopper · 4 months
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I spy with my little eye… cat litter in the back of my car.
Good hair day tho
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lunian · 1 year
you know, there’s much trans/phobia around me in my country and even in spaces with people i know, it triggers me pretty much and saddens my soul
but i never understood why i has always been especially heartbroken when it’s about the concept of people being genderqueer/genderfluid/nonbinary/agender/bigender/etc being mocked and called to be sick, i always felt like being hit with a big boulder and sink in the depths of dirty swamp
maybe it’s something too personal to me in some way but i still can’t figure out how
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skyward-floored · 5 months
I'd love to see the first time Time met Wars in in the IAU?
I’m actually working on writing that out eventually! It’s not done but I can give you a wip for now.
Also fair warning, it’s... gonna be angsty when it’s finished. Just heads up. It’s... already pretty angsty. Sorry in advance.
Link suddenly caught movement out of the corner of his eye, glancing over at the child his mother had been protecting. He’d nearly forgotten he was there with how quiet he was being.
The boy was small, probably only three or four years old, with blond hair similar in color to Link’s. His scared eyes met Link’s from where he was huddled at his mother’s shoulder in a scarf too big for him, and Link felt his stomach sink at their color, only a few shades off from his own.
“...The boy?” he asked his mother, already knowing the answer.
“Your.... brother, his name... name is Link,” she breathed, her hand still cupping his cheek. “So that h-he would... find you...” Her breath stuttered, and Link held his hands more firmly over her injury, despite knowing the gesture was in vain.
“Take care of him,” his mother whispered. “Please, Link.”
Link closed his eyes, then reopened them as he put a hand over his mother’s trembling one. “I will. You have my word.”
She gave him a smile, and faint as it was, Link abruptly felt a deep longing rise up in him, one that made his eyes sting. Suddenly he had the urge to beg his mother to stay with him, to fight harder, not succumb to the injuries so he could properly talk to her, know her, maybe even love her.
But he knew it was too late.
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allieinarden · 7 months
Someone’s gotta do a critical study of those TikTok-type point of view videos of, you know, getting bullied by a cool girl when you were in sixth grade, or having your mother-in-law be rude to you, or getting the brush-off after paying a visit your divorced dad wasn’t expecting (not a hypothetical, had this just inexplicably pop up on my YouTube Recommended), I think they started out as observational comedy skits with the occasional cathartic edge and resonated because so many people relate to them, but at what point are they an exercise in deliberately putting yourself in a bad mood (as opposed to accidentally putting yourself in a bad mood, which is the typical practice of social media)? And at what point beyond that are they just training videos teaching you how to hate more types of people and bundle loaded assumptions about them into your interactions, should you encounter them in real life? Because we’re well past that point, baby!
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